Issue 012 of COAST Community News

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Gosford Central Community News

July 18, 2011

Your independent local newspaper

Unionists storm the Bastille in Gosford

Local trade union and community members rallied in Gosford on Bastille Day, Thursday, July 14, to protest against the NSW Government’s public sector workplace laws which takes away the workplace rights of teachers, nurses, firefighters, prison officers and other public sector workers. For the full story and pictures, see Page 7

Speculation on new airport nformal discussions in regards to speculation that a second Sydney Airport may be located on the Central Coast were raised at the Central Coast Regional Organisation of Councils (CCROC) Meeting on Thursday, June 30.


This follows the Federal Government recently commissioning a joint study with the State Government into Sydney’s airport needs and related transport matters. The committee responsible for carrying out this joint study is chaired by both the Head of the Infrastructure and Transport Department Mr Mike Mrdak and Mr Sam Haddad from the NSW Planning Department and are preparing a report for both governments, to be completed in the second half of the year. These reports will contain

a series of economic models that outline Sydney’s transport needs. Gosford Council’s general manager Mr Peter Wilson said that both the State and Federal Governments will review the report before any possible locations are put forward. “This is an extensive process and a number of options are being investigated, including the Central Coast, all of which will be reviewed by both governments in an effort to find the most suitable site. “We need to wait for the recommendations of this report which will be

available later this year before we begin jumping to any conclusions. “While Council has no direct involvement in this investigation we are more than happy to provide information or assistance for the joint study if requested. “ F o l l o w i n g recommendations coming from the report, we are also open to being engaged by the Federal and State Governments to discuss this issue,” said Mr Wilson. Media Release, 1 Jul 2011 Gosford Council Media


Ph: 4325 7369

Issue 012

Council agrees to memorandum t the reconvened council meeting of Tuesday July 12, Gosford Council unanimously agreed to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Central Coast Regional Development Corporation (CCRDC).


The Memorandum of Understanding demonstrates the ongoing commitment between Council and the Central Coast Regional Development Corporation to provide a co-operative and integrated approach to the planning and development of the Gosford City Centre. The NSW Government’s Department of Lands and Central Coast Regional Development Corporation have partnered with Council to develop Our City, Our Destiny-Gosford City centre Masterplan, to revitalise the Gosford City Centre so that it can truly live up to its iconic status as the Capital of the Central Coast. The Memorandum of Understanding reflects both parties’ commitment to facilitate the process. It outlines the role of both parties in their contribution to revitalising the City Centre and enhancing the social fabric and economic health of the local region. According to Council, the intention of both parties is

to ensure that the Gosford City Centre is developed in a manner that is consistent with the goals and aspirations of the Gosford City Centre Masterplan and both parties will work cooperatively to promote an open and consultative approach to moving the City Centre forward. Both parties have agreed to ensure that the Gosford City Centre is developed in a manner that is consistent with the goals and aspirations of the Gosford City Centre Masterplan, complements the overall planning framework for the city, promotes and positions Gosford City Centre as a place to invest in, live in, do business, study and as a first choice place for employment, deliver a sustainable economic and management framework and make the centre attractive to the property development sector and as a place to invest. The parties each have specific responsibilities under respective NSW

legislation and through various other obligations. Central Coast Regional Development Corporation is responsible under the Growth Centres Act for promoting, coordinating, managing and securing the orderly economic development of Gosford and Wyong and Council has a range of responsibilities under the Local Government Act 1993 for development and sustainable management on behalf of the Gosford community and the State of NSW. The Gosford City Centre Plan identifies the potential of the waterfront for tourism, passive recreation and notes that “a challenge…will be to preserve essential harbour activities…while opening up the harbour to a wider range of uses for recreation, tourism, retail-café and community purposes.” Email, 12 Jul 2011 Gosford Council Media Council Agenda GEN.11, 12 Jul 2011

Development association backs airport proposal egional Development Australia Central Coast NSW has announced it is eager to see a Central Coast site, considered as part of a study into the need for a second Sydney airport.


“Regional Development Australia Central Coast is aware of this joint study being undertaken between the Federal Government and NSW Government, and welcome the opportunity to engage with Government representatives to advance the possibility of a Central Coast based international airport,” said Regional Development Australia Central Coast chair Mr John Dawson. Mr Dawson said the Regional Strategy for the Central Coast predicts job growth requirements of 45,000 over the next 25 years to service expected population growth,

and an airport creating approximately 6000 jobs would make a large dent in this target. “The positive impacts would be enormous in terms of the economy, jobs and tourism,” he said. “Regional Development Australia Central Coast expects that the assessment process will involve an in-depth analysis of the economic, social, cultural and environmental impacts before any final decision is taken. “For Sydney’s second airport to operate successfully on the Central Coast it would require a very fast train connection,

another significant infrastructure investment, which would not only be a boon for Central Coast commuters, but have the potential to energise centre developments such as Warnervale, Gosford City and waterfront, and Mt Penang. “Regional Development Australia Central Coast looks forward to the findings of the study being announced in the near future,” said Mr Dawson. Media Release, 8 Jul 2011 John Dawson, Regional Development Australia Central Coast


Page 2 - July 18, 2011 - Gosford Central Community News

Gosford Central directory of services, contacts and support groups

Ambulance, Police, Fire 000 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Organisations

Crisis Services and Helplines Continued

Aboriginal Legal Service 8842 8000 Community Options 4351 3388 Bungree Aboriginal Association 4351 3388 Mingaletta 4342 7515 Aboriginal Home Care 4352 1153 Drug & Alcohol rehab 4388 6360 Respite Care Options 4351 3388 Eleanor Duncan Aboriginal Health 4351 1040 Darkinjung Local Land Council 4351 2930

Child Support Agency 13 12 72 Australian Injury Helpline 1800 223 363 Veteran Affairs Network 1300 551 918 Mens Domestic Violence 1800 000 599 Sexual Assault Resource 1800 199 888 Gay and Lesbian Counselling 1800 184 527 Gay and Lesbian Support 1800 249 377 Youth Sexuality Network 4320 2856 Vietnam Veterans 1800 043 503 Victims Support Services 1800 633 063 Translation and Interpreting Service 13 14 50

Accommodation Dept. of Housing Gosford 4323 5211 Cassie4Youth 4322 3197 Coast Shelter 4324 7239 Pacific Link Com Housing 4324 7617 Rumbalara Youth Refuge 4325 7555 Samaritans Youth Services 4351 1922 Youth Angle • Woy Woy 4341 8830 Youth Accom Hotline 1800 424 830 Temporary Accommodation 1800 152 152

Animal Rescue Wildlife Arc 4325 0666 Wires 1300 094 737

Community Centres Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre 4363 1044 Narara Community Centre 4329 0912 Kariong Neighbourhood Centre 4340 1724 Wyoming Community Centre 4323 7483 Green Point Community Centre 4367 7591 Niagara Park Community Centre 4329 7144 Men’s Shed Cluster Inc 0413 244 484

Family and Relationships Parents Helpline 132 055 Centacare Gosford 4324 6403 Gosford Family Support Service 4340 1099 Horizons (For men with children) 4333 5111 Interrelate - Family Relationships 1300 736 966 Uniting Care Burnside Gosford 1800 067 967

Health Gosford Hospital 4320 2111 Cancer Hotline 131 120 Mental Health info Service 1300 794 991 Sexual Health @ Gosford Hospital 4320 2114 Beyond Blue (Depression) 1300 22 4636

Legal & Financial Help

Mensline - talk with a bloke 1300 789 978 Lifecare Family Services 1300 130 225 Centacare: 4324 6403 Relationship Australia: 1300 364 277 Interrelate: 1800 449 118

Financial Counselling Service 4334 2304 Central Coast Legal Centre 4353 4988 Legal Aid Commission of NSW 1300 888 529 Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Service 4353 5515 NSW Aboriginal Legal Service 8842 8000 Consumer Credit Legal Centre 1800 808 488 NSW Ombudsman 1800 451 524 Community Justice Centre 1800 990 777 Family Law Court 1300 352 000 Law Access NSW 1300 888 529



Ambulance, Police, Fire 000 Police Assistance Line 131 444 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 Woy Woy Police Station 4323 5599 Energy Australia 13 13 88 Gas Emergency 131 909 Gosford City Council 4325 8222 Marine Rescue - Central Coast 4325 7929 SES - Storm and Flood Emergency 132 500

Gosford district: Erina 4365 6725 Gosford 4304 7500 K ariong 4340 1725 Kincumber 4304 7641 Niagara Park 4304 7335 Wyoming 4304 7525


Employment, Education & Training Centrelink Offices 13 2850 - appointments 13 1021 Central Coast Community College 4348 4300 Training and Further Education TAFE Gosford 4348 2222 Ourimbah 4348 4030 Basic & Pre-vocational Studies 4350 2209 Work Skills Program Special Need 4350 2245 University of the Third Age (U3A) 4332 4830

Crisis Services and Helplines Lifeline - 24 hr. 13 11 14 Suicide Helpline 1800 191 919 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 Parents Helpline 13 20 55 Indigenous Call Centre 136 380 Family Relationship Advice Line 1800 050 321 Family Drug Support 1300 368 186 G-line - Gambling Helpline 1800 633 635 Credit Helpline 1800 808 488

Problems, Habits & Addiction G-Line Telephone Counsel 1800 633 635 Gamblers Anonymous 9564 1574 Alcoholics Anonymous 4323 3890 Narcotics Anonymous 4325 0524 Quitline 131 848

Volunteering Volunteering Central Coast 4329 7122 Volunteer Rescue Association 4329 7122 State Emergency Service 4365 4055 Rural Fire Service 4340 2911 Marine Rescue 4325 7929

Welfare Services Donnison St. Restaurant 4325 3540 Gosford Family Support 4340 1585 Horizons Family Services 4334 3377 Meals on Wheels Gosford 4367 4333 Department of Community Services Gosford - 4336 2400 The Salvation Army 4325 5733 Samaritans Emergency Relief 4393 2450 St Vincent De Paul Society HELPLINE 4323 6081

Chance to Win! osford News and Tel Net Mobile Phones and Accessories are giving one reader the chance to win a phone voucher to the value of $80.


Tel Net, located in the Imperial Centre, Gosford, specialises in mobile phones, accessories, post-paid, mobile prepaid, ADSL broadband and calling cards. To win this $80 gift voucher write your name, address and phone number on the back of an envelope and send to Gosford News Tel Net competition PO Box 1056, Gosford, NSW, 2250, by the close of business Thursday, July 28. The winners of last edition’s Gosford News Evolve competition are Ms Jenny Drew and Mrs Margaret Barnes, both of Woy Woy. Kaitlin Watts

Gosford Central Community News Your independent local newspaper, published fortnightly and focusing on issues specifically affecting post code areas 2250 - Bucketty, Calga, Central Mangrove, East Gosford, Erina, Erina Fair, Glenworth Valley, Gosford, Greengrove, Holgate, Kariong, Kulnura, Lisarow, Lower Mangrove, Mangrove Creek, Mangrove Mountain, Matcham, Mooney Mooney Creek, Mount White, Narara, Niagara Park, North Gosford, Peats Ridge, Point Clare, Point Frederick, Somersby, Springfield, Tascott, Ten Mile Hollow, Upper Mangrove, Wendoree Park, West Gosford, Wyoming and 2251 - Avoca Beach, Bensville, Bouddi, Copacabana, Davistown, Green Point, Kincumber, MacMasters Beach, Picketts Valley, Saratoga, Yattalunga

Published by

Ducks Crossing Publications Publisher/Editor: Cec Bucello Sub Editor: Lachlan Snell Journalist: Kaitlin Watts, Elyse Gunner Graphic design: Justin Stanley Sales: Val Bridge Next Edition: Gosford News 013 Deadline: July 28 Publication date: August 1

Phone 4325 7369

Contributions welcomed Letters to the editor and other contributions are welcomed and should be addressed to: Gosford News PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250. Contributions should be in Word format sent via email to:, on disks or by handwritten letter if these facilities are not available to you. Contributions must Include the date, your name, address and phone numbers. Name and Suburb will be published. Anonymous contributions will not be included. Submissions may be published in edited form.


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Gosford Central Community News - July 18, 2011 - Page 3

Council to launch Community Strategic Plan

Gosford rejects Council merger study osford Council has decided not to go ahead with a feasibility study into a possible merger-amalgamation with Wyong Shire Council, following the Coast Regional Organisation of Councils (CCROC) Meeting on Thursday, June 30.


At an Extraordinary Meeting held after the CCROC Meeting, Council decided that existing collaborative arrangements with Wyong in a number of key areas meant that a study into the feasibility of a merger-amalgamation was not required. Mayor of Gosford Cr Laurie Maher said the Councils will continue to look at ways of working together for the benefit of the community and make best use of resources throughout the region. “Both Gosford and Wyong have worked together in the areas of development, regulatory services, social planning, cultural activities, road safety and environmental education. “Currently there are around 20 joint projects in place that are funded and supported by both Councils with the overall goal of better servicing residents of the Central Coast and I look forward to seeing this continue. “With the establishment

of the Central Coast Water Corporation beginning to take flight we will continue to work together and look to join forces on other key initiatives. “We want to build on the strong relationship we have with Wyong Shire Council and look to move forward as a region,” said Cr Maher. In working together collaboratively, both Gosford and Wyong agreed to go ahead with preparing a framework to set up a Regional Waste Strategy. The strategy will mean that both Councils’ will closely cooperate in managing and delivering waste services and initiatives to the Central Coast. “Through this strategy we will now be able to ensure the delivery of uniform waste services and programs to the Central Coast while also meeting joint waste management objectives,” said Cr Maher. Media Release, 1 Jul 2011 Gosford Council Media

osford Council will be launching the Gosford 2025 Community Strategic Plan on Wednesday, July 20, from 6pm to 9pm at the Laycock St Theatre.


Following 18 months of extensive community engagement, research and development, the plan brings together the aspirations and priorities of the Gosford community. The event will be hosted by well known journalist and social commentator Ms Geraldine Doogue who will also facilitate a panel discussion. Gosford Council’s Integrated Planning manager Mr Eddie Love said the Plan provides a clear direction for meeting the current needs of residents without compromising future generations. “The Community Strategic Plan gives us a shared vision for the future. “This is a great opportunity for all parts of the community including individuals, community

Man charged after pursuit risbane Water Local Area Command is continuing inquiries to identify two of three males who were involved in a pursuit at Davistown on Saturday, July 9.


At around 1:30am on Saturday, a Holden Commodore was stolen from Sign Rd, Saratoga, where it was then spotted at Davistown around 1:35am. Police commenced a short pursuit whereby three

males then fled from the vehicle at Saratoga. The driver resisted arrest and was sprayed with pepper spray. The 19-year-old male from Woy Woy was charged with special range PCA and

driving offenses including being charged under Skye’s Law, a law targeting people who lead police on high speed chases. Kaitlin Watts, 11 Jul 2011 Interviewee: Inspector Nigel Webber

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groups, business and government agencies to work together to create the community we aspire for. “We have carried out widespread community consultation which has given us the opportunity to tailor this document to the needs of our growing region. He added that Ms Doogue returning to host the event would provide great entertainment and food for thought for audience members. “It’s great to have Geraldine back on board for the launch of the Community Strategic Plan following her invaluable contribution to the Gosford Talks forums held late last year,” said Mr Love. Media Release, 7 Jul 2011 Gosford Council Media

Geraldine Doogue

See what’s happening

IN GOSFORD CITY A Special Invitation to a Special Meeting! Dear all current, past and new GBID members, GBID invites you to our Members Breakfast with a difference..... Attend this breakfast, hear from some great speakers and also receive 12 months GBID membership ! When: Thursday 28th July Where: Hotel Gosford, 1926 Brasserie Cnr Mann Street & Erina Street Time: 7:30 to 8.30am. Cost: $15 - includes our special offer. Our guest speakers will be: Rob Kitchen - Senior Development Officer - Central Coast Regional Development Corporation will speak on the latest news on the Gosford waterfront progress and CBD happenings. Ainslie Whitburn of the Community & Cultural Development Unit, Gosford City Council will provide an update on the City Safety Audit and the key actions being undertaken on this important initiative. As this is a Special meeting, we will also put forward our revised draft Constitution to members to vote on. Copies of the Draft Constitution are available from our office. If you have any questions on the constitution, please contact our office prior to the meeting. As a special incentive to attend this first meeting for the 2011/12 financial year, we will include 12 months membership to all who attend. If you can’t attend the breakfast but would like to become a member for only $10, please feel free to complete the attached form and phone us on 4322 7726. We will collect your form and payment to save you time ! By being a member, you will get to hear about latest news, happenings, updates on GBID activities, special invitations to functions and the chance to be heard on your ideas for improving Gosford City Centre. R.S.V.P: By Monday 25th July for catering purposes Email: or phone (02) 4322 7726.

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Page 4 - July 18, 2011 - Gosford Central Community News

Playwright thanks supporters ust wanted to thank you for supporting my first play, Freedem Fighters.


Some of you came twice in a row! Others from as far away as Bowral and Orange. Huge effort. Was wonderful to share the moment with my mates. As the play was such a success, all augurs well for a national tour, the director tells me. I must say, I’m still walking on a cloud. The response was better

Letters to the editor should be sent to: Gosford News PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250 or See Page 2 for contribution conditions

than any of us could have imagined. And writing the music, making comedy videos, and of course sitting in on rehearsals in the dark and watching it blossom was one of the most thrilling experiences of my creative life. Email, 4 Jul 2011 Dorian Mode, Erina

Commitee thanks paper


hank you for printing the Youth In Performing Arts scholarships story and big picture in the last edition of Gosford News.

It is much appreciated by the volunteer committee, performers and scholarship providers.

Graham Black, Youth In Performing Arts

Our sacred land Inspired by Jake Cassar. This sun burnt country, great southern land or Oz, no matter what you call it she needs our help because our flora and fauna are all too quickly disappearing leaving lovers of the bush to fight for a fair hearing. Your true blue Aussie is tough that’s a fact and some will fight till death just to keep this land intact. In the still of the night as we are sleeping our precious endangered fauna are in the bush weeping. The wedge tail eagle in Tassie’s southern shore is nearing extinction and will fly with grace no more. The glossy black cockatoo down South Australia’s way shall no longer fill the skies above as they dart and sway. The Grey nurse shark and the Clarence River cod will no longer swim our waters if we don’t give a sod. The good old Tassie devil and Christmas Island’s Emerald dove will no longer grace our planet if we don’t protect and love. The Aussie bush is changing, the flora is crying out to be left alone, not flattened for development’s all about. The nettle tree is disappearing, native wintercress near extinct, The loss of habitat is immense for fauna don’t you think? Spider orchid’s many varieties getting less and less each day, wattle species by the load just wasting away. The Emu mountain she-oak in Queensland’s dusty plain, like all her animals and plants just crying out for rain. So come on my fellow Aussie’s stand up proud and strong, protect this land of beauty where we all belong. Start acting now regenerate, like there’s no tomorrow, protect and survive and there will be no more sorrow. The original inhabitants would be turning in their graves to see the rape and pillage of the white man’s way’s. Have we a chance to make amends, only time will tell. We must keep our precious Sacred land from a living hell. Email, 13 Jun 2011 Gale Cockburn, Blackwall

Email, 7 Jul 29011

Where do you get it? Following is a list of all good outlets in the city of Gosford where you can get a copy of Gosford Central News Avoca Avoca Cinema Avoca Hotel Avoca Shops Avoca Surf Club Avoca Primary School

Bensville Bensville Shops

Copacabana Copacabana Public school Copacabana Shops

Green Point Broadlands Green Point Village

Gosford Anaconda Caltex Service Centre Central Coast Leagues Club Ducks Crossing Publications Gosford Bowls Club Gosford Court House Gosford High School Gosford Hospital Gosford Hotel Gosford Library Gosford Police Headquarters Gosford Showground Gosford Tafe Imperial Centre Officeworks RSL Retirement Village and Community Centre

Spotlight Tourism Information Centre West Gosford RSL

Woodport Pre School Woodport Retirement village

East Gosford


East Gosford Cafes East Gosford Hotel East Gosford Olympic Pool East Gosford Primary School East Gosford Shopping Centre Gosford Regional Gallery Gosford Sailing Club St Edward College High School St Josephs Girls College High School

Chemist Kariong Cafe Kariong High School Kariong Liquor Store Kariong Neighbourhood Centre Kariong Primary School Kariong Supermarkets Kariong Tavern Langford Drive Service Station Mt Penang Tourist information Centre Shell Service Station

Erina Bob Jane Central Coast Adventist School Central Coast Grammar School Dulux Erina Fair Library Erina High School Erina Leagues Club Erina Mall Jacks Bar and Grill McDonalds Red Rooster Shell Service Station Singos Meats Tarragal Glen Village The Bungalows Woodport Inn

Kincumber Brentwood Village Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Kincumber High School Kincumber Hotel Kincumber Library Kincumber Nautical Village Kincumber Primary School Kincumber Shopping Centre Mitre 10 Multi Purpose Community Centre Shell Service Station South Kincumber Shops Take away Food Outlets Kincumber

Lisarow Lisarow High School Lisarow Plaza Shopping Centre

Narara Bunnings Narara Community Centre Narara Public School Narara Service StationParsons Rd Narara Valley shops Narara Valley High School Narara Take Away Narara Home Central Service Station-Manns Rd/ Merinee Rd

Niagara Park Multi Sports Centre Niagara Park Community Centre Niagara Park Library Niagara Park Primary School Niagara Park Shopping Centre North Gosford North Gosford Private Hospital North Gosford Shops

Point Clare Aubrey Downer Chemist Meat Discounter Liquor Shop Point Clare Community Hall

Point Clare Public School Point Clare Real Estate Point Clare Shopping Centre Point Clare Thai Takeaway

Metro Service Station Mobil Service Station Newsagent Red Rooster West Gosford Motel

Saratoga/Yattalunga/ Davistown


Alloura Waters Village Brisbania Primary School Davistown Bottle Shop Davistown RSL Saratoga Shopping Centre/ Cafe/Newsagent Saratoga Community Hall Saratoga Shell Service Station Yattalunga Shopping Centre Springfield Chertsey Primary School Springfield Shopping Centre

West Gosford Bazzas Pet Shack Bunning Warehouse Caltex Service Station Chemist Coles Formulae 1 Motel Golf Club Gosford Motor Inn Gosford Palms Motor Inn Henry Kendall High School Hungry Jacks KFC McDonalds

Adelene Village BP Service Station Brisbane Water Legacy Nursing Community Centre Fitness Centre Wyoming Grange Hotel Henry Kendall Village Image Motorcycles J&B Noodle Bar Laycock St Theatre McDonalds Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School Recreational Car Accessories Ten Pin Bowling Westpac Bank-City gate Willows Hotel Woolworths Service Station Wyoming Caravan Park Wyoming Medical Centre Wyoming Public School Wyoming Shopping Village Wyoming Shops corner of Maidens Brush Rd and Warrawilla Wyoming Youth Centre Valley View Public School

Gosford Central Community News - July 18, 2011 - Page 5


New project to hire youth consultants

Group welcomes carbon tax ocal environmental group Climate Action Central Coast has welcomed the Gillard Government’s carbon tax package, which was unveiled on Sunday, July 10.


“The package is a good balance between taking necessary action on climate change and minimising any undue hardship to the community” said group spokesperson Ms Mira Wroblewski. “It is an improvement on the Government’s earlier policy of the CPRS and goes beyond the single mechanism of the carbon price with some important and additional measures that will help start Australia’s transition to a zero emissions society,” said Ms Wroblewski. “The carbon price of $23 per tonne is lower than the climate movement would have liked. “In itself it is not high enough to discourage the use of fossil fuels like coal and gas, and encourage the use of renewable energies. “However, the package

also contains some very positive support for renewable energies, which balances this out. “These include a new independent Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) to administer $3.7billion of existing renewables programs, a Clean Energy Finance Corporation with $10billion over 5 years, with 50 per cent of that quarantined for renewables only and the Australian Energy Regulator to develop a plan for how the grid can deliver 100 per cent renewable energy. “We are particularly happy that there is a commitment to close the most polluting coal fired power stations and stop new ones from opening. “Our one reservation with the package is the very low emissions reduction target of 5 per cent by 2020.

“To make real inroads into climate change, a much higher target of 20-40 per cent by 2020 is needed. “Setting an 80 per cent target by 2050 leaves the onus on future governments to take the decisive action needed,” said Ms Wroblewski. “However, the overall package is a very positive balance which includes good financial support for sectors of the community like low income earners and pensioners, so that no-one will be disadvantaged by the action that needs to be taken. “We welcome the package as a good sensible first step in tackling this very important issue,” she said. Media Release, 11 Jul 2011 Mira Wroblewski, Climate Action Central Coast

Fair Trading Minister travels to Gosford air Trading Minister Mr Anthony Roberts visited Gosford on Wednesday, July 13, in a three day trip around the Central Coast and Hunter region, attending statewide meetings with the Fair Trading workforce and key stakeholders and service providers.


Mr Roberts met member for Gosford Mr Chris Holstein as the Gosford Fair Trading Centre, in the Gateway Centre before moving on to Terrigal. Mr Roberts also met with member for The Entrance Mr Chris Spence at the Central Coast Loan Office in

Long Jetty. The Minister announced industry grant funding during the trip and presented a number of cheques to valued service providers. “I am delighted to be back on the road, meeting Fair Trading and CTTT staff who are providing frontline

services and support to NSW consumers,” Minister Roberts said. Media Release, 13 Jul 2011 Teresa Mullen, Office of Minister Anthony Roberts


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new project from Regional Youth Support Services Inc is being launched and will employ five young people, aged between 16 and 25, from all areas of the Central Coast.


Central Coast Youth Consultants is being developed as a project used to consult with other young people about issues that are important to them. “This project is the perfect way to have the young people’s voices heard, how they want to be heard about issues that they feel are important not what

they are told is important,” said Regional Youth Support Service project coordinator Jamie McKenzie. As a two year project the consultants will undergo annual training and gain an understanding of the community services sector. “After collecting data, consultants will help collate, give their recommendations

and write up small reports to go to the relevant bodies that the particular consultation is relevant to,” said Regional Youth Support Services Inc service manager Kim McLoughry. Media Release, 7 Jul 2011 Kim McLoughry, Regional Youth Support Services Inc

Council endorses affordable housing policy


osford Council has unanimously endorsed the public exhibition of the Gosford Affordable Housing Strategy Implementation Policy – Rezoning, at its ordinary meeting on Tuesday, July 5.

The policy, which will be placed on public exhibition in the coming weeks, aims to provide affordable housing to low income groups, the socially disadvantaged and those who qualify for community mmunity housing. The st strategy iidentifi dentifi tifies

areas where affordable housing can be provided within Gosford and how it can be developed and implemented. Once on exhibition the policy will be available for viewing on Council Council’s s website or a att any of

Council’s Libraries and Customer Service Centres at Gosford, Woy Woy, Erina and Kincumber. Gosford Council Media, 5 July 2011 Gos Gosford o d Cou Council c Media

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Page 6 - July 18, 2011 - Gosford Central Community News

Local pool builder wins gold

Somersby gets extra funding xtra funding is being provided to fix dangerous black spots around the F3 at Somersby, to a total value of more than $1.1 million.


Corralie Clarke owner of Freedom Pools

local pool builder has been recognised for their excellence in pool renovation in the over $25,000 category in the regional and state 2011 Swimming Pool and Spa Association of NSW [SPASA] awards held recently at Curzon Hall in Sydney.


West Gosford pool builder, Freedom Pools, won top honours for their Lakefront Retirement Village pool renovation in Canton Beach. Owner Ms Corralie Clarke said of the win: “The original design of this pool was one that was totally non compliant with Occupational Health and Safety regulations.” “A combination of a roll over edge, bush rock, water

depth and spa, that could not be accessed easily deterred many, if not all of the village residents to use the pool. “A reversal of all these anomalies by way of creating a defined streamlined edge to the pool, an easy and accessible seated area replacing the old spa, redefined depths, warm and inviting colour combinations of waterline tiles, pavers, and pebble interior brought

a whole new acceptance of the village pool,” she added. Freedom also came away with a bronze award for building a residential pool in the $50,000 range for a client located in Terrigal. The win places Freedom Pools into the National awards due to be held later this year in August.

report is being prepared for the coroner after the death of a woman in a two car motor vehicle accident at Somersby on Wednesday, June 30.


travelling the opposite direction. The driver of the four wheel drive was a 44-yearold Mount Colah woman, who died at the scene. The truck driver was taken to Gosford Hospital for further medical checks.

Anyone who might have witnessed the crash is urged to contact Police via crime stoppers on 1800 333 000. Kaitlin Watts, 30 Jun 2011 Interviewee: Inspector Nigel Webber

Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill said the expanded funding was timely, given the serious accident on the Kariong F3 off ramp on Monday, July 11. ”Since being elected in 2007, the Gillard Labor Government has allocated more than $1.6 million to fix 11 black spots across the Robertson electorate,” said Ms O’Neill. “This investment is helping to make our local roads safer for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians,” said Ms O’Neill. “Road accidents damage and destroy people’s lives. “They also cause major delays to commuters and other road users. “Central Coast motorists like myself who depend on the F3, know how important this type of investment in safety really is. “The good thing about

our Black Spot program too is that anyone can suggest an intersection or section of road they believe should be considered for a safety upgrade,” said Ms O’Neill. Federal Infrastructure and Transport Minister Mr Anthony Albanese said an independent evaluation of the Black Spots program found it prevented at least 32 fatalities and more than 1500 serious injuries in its first three years, underscoring its effectiveness at reducing fatal car accidents. “That’s why nationally we’ve doubled the program’s funding to half a billion dollars – more than honouring all our election commitments,” said Ms O’Neill. Media Release, 2 Jul 2011 Matt Pulford, Office of Deborah O’Neill MP

O’Farrell attacks worker’s rights, says Donnelly

Val Bridge, 12 Jul 2011 Interviewee: Corralie Clarke

Car crash proves fatal Around 3:50pm a white Suzuki four wheel drive was travelling north along Wisemans Ferry Rd, Somersby The vehicle was nearing the intersection of Howes Rd when it was involved in a collision with a truck

The approved projects include $210,000 to install a median safety barrier in the northbound direction; near Reeves St overpass, $150,000 to install a median safety barrier in the southbound direction of the bridge over Peats Ridge Rd, $150,000 to install a kerbside safety barrier in the same vicinity; 425,000 to install a median safety barrier northbound south of the Highway 30 underpass, $123,000 to install a median guardrail southbound and associated resurfacing north of Peats Ridge Rd underpass and $106,000 to install a safety barrier in the northbound direction in the 500 metre Freeway section at Somersby. All projects were recommended by a panel of independent road safety experts and will be delivered during the course of this financial year.

SW Labor MLC for Gosford Mr Greg Donnelly said Premier Barry O’Farrell has spent his first 100 days in Government attacking worker’s rights, proposing retrospective legislation and avoiding independent scrutiny.


“Barry O’Farrell has spent his first 100 days as Premier doing exactly what he said he wouldn’t,” said Mr Donnelly. “Instead of delivering on his election promises, the Premier’s first 100 days have been spent giving himself unprecedented powers to cut the wages and conditions of more than 320,000 nurses, teachers,

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fire fighters, police officers and other public sector workers. Mr Donnelly also mentioned that Barry O’Farrell promised to lower the cost of living, but electricity prices have already risen under O’Farrell’s Premiership. “Under the O’Farrell Government, families won’t begin receiving the promised family energy rebate until July next year – when any local mum or dad would tell you they need help paying the bills right now,” he said. Greg Donnelly said the Premier had also failed to deliver on his promise to lead an open and honest Government. “Despite promising transparency and accountability, the Premier has used every trick in the book to avoid independent scrutiny and push his

unprecedented workplace laws through the Parliament. “First the Premier stopped funding for the independent Parliamentary Budget Office after it revealed he had lied about a budget black hole to try and weasel out of delivering on his election promises. “Then he gagged debate to push his industrial relations laws through the Parliament and used incorrect figures to try to justify his retrospective changes to the solar bonus scheme. “The O’Farrell Government’s first 100 days have been a great disappointment – it is quickly becoming apparent the Government is failing to deliver on its promises,” said Mr Donnelly. Media Release, 4 Jul 2011 Greg Donnelly MLC

Gosford Central Community News - July 18, 2011 - Page 7


Unionists storm the Bastille in Gosford ocal trade union and community members rallied in Gosford on Bastille Day, Thursday, July 14, to protest against the NSW Government’s public sector workplace laws which takes away the workplace rights of teachers, nurses, firefighters, prison officers and other public sector workers.


The rally assembled at burns Park, Gosford, at 11:45am and then marched down Mann St and up Donnison St to the NSW Government offices. In local communities across NSW, thousands of people are standing up against Barry O’Farrell’s laws that that take away their workplace rights. “Cutting the wages and conditions of NSW public sector workers will drive people away from our public service,” said Unions NSW secretary Mr Mark Lennon. “This will mean fewer services for our communities. “At no time in the lead up to this year’s election, did local MP’s Chris Hartcher, Darren Webber, Chris Spence or Chris Holstein tell the Central Coast community that they intended to take away the workplace rights of our State’s 400,000 public sector employees,” Mr Lennon said.

“With the stroke of a pen, Barry O’Farrell and these local MPs can cut wages and conditions of every public sector worker in NSW. “Central Coast public servants want to send a strong message to local MPs Chris Hartcher, Darren Webber, Chris Spence or Chris Holstein that this simply isn’t acceptable,” said Mr Lennon. Mr Lennon said a local delegation will be delivering a letter to these local MPs requesting that they act to repeal these laws or resign and seek a mandate from the local people in a byelection. The rally in Gosford was part of a broader trade union campaign to stop the biggest attack on the rights of public sector workers in more than a century. “This grassroots campaign has a simple message – public sector workers deserve the same rights as any other worker

in the country,” said Mr Lennon. “We wouldn’t allow any other employer to unilaterally cut annual holidays or increase the working week, yet the NSW Government will have that power over teachers, nurses, firefighters and hundreds of thousands of public sector workers. “We are out in workplaces and communities explaining why these laws turn public servants who provide essential community services into second class workplace citizens. “This is not the first government to attack the rights of working people and we will not stop campaigning until the workplace rights of NSW public sector employees have been restored,” Mr Lennon said. Media Release, 14 Jul 2011 Alison Rahill, ACTU Photos Val Bridge

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Page 8 - July 18, 2011 - Gosford Central Community News

Reptile Park supporting Coast homeless

Mental illness forum community forum on mental illness was held at the Gosford Uniting Church on the night of Monday, June 20.


Participants took part in questions and answers addressed by highly qualified speakers. Speakers included Professor Cyndi Shannon Weickert, leading mental health research scientist, Dr Cidi Olujie Senior Clinical Psychologist at Central Coast Mental Health, Gosford Hospital and Marianne Fraser, a local community member who spoke about personal mental health experience. The speakers responded to many questions from the floor of concerned family and friends of those affected

Slither and Slumber ambassador Gina Jeffreys getting cosy with a python

number of businesses in the Gosford area will take part in the Slither and Slumber Executive Sleepover at the Australian Reptile Park on Friday, August 5.


The Slither and Slumber sleepover will raise money for Coast Shelter to support the homeless on the Central Coast and the Iris Foundation to prevent youth suicide by raising a minimum of $1000 to camp out with the crocs. “Mainly high level executives and CEO’s, the brave participants, will get a little taste of what homeless people experience every night,� said Slither and Slumber coordinator Ms Vicki de Carle. “It will be cold, it will be a little bit uncomfortable and it will be a once in a lifetime chance to network in the unique surroundings of

the Australian Reptile Park while helping those less fortunate,� she said. “The Slither and Slumber Team is thrilled to welcome Central Coast Superstar Gina Jeffreys as our official Slither and Slumber Ambassador. “So don’t be surprised if you see Gina wrapped in a python or chatting with Elvis the crocodile sometime soon,� said Ms de Carle. Coast Shelter provides accommodation to approximately 110 homeless men, women and children each night and also coordinates the provision of over 170 meals each day at the Donnison St Community

Centre. The Iris Foundation supports youth in the prevention of suicide and is primarily focused on young people and their families on the Central Coast. “We invite all business to donate or raise $1000 and dare your boss to sleep with the reptiles,� said Ms de Carle. Register online at www. or call Vicki on 0437 999 797. Media Release, 11 Jul 2011 Vicki de Carle, Slither and Slumber









Media Release, 28 Jun 2011 Audrey McDonald, Community Forum Committee

Vision Australia expands facilities n increasing number of people requiring services has prompted Vision Australia to expand its facilities in Gosford, moving to a new centre to address the growing need in the region.


“We are finding that more people are knocking on our door to receive services to help them overcome many of today’s challenges,� said Vision Australia CEO Mr Gerard Menses. “The support we offer is based on each individual’s needs. “It may include help getting a job, catching a bus or reading mail – everyday things that many people who are sighted take for granted,� said Mr Menses. Tuggerah resident Mr

Rolf Geerling is legally blind due to Stargardt’s, a hereditary condition that causes the deterioration of central vision. In his mid-forties, Mr Geerling first made contact with Vision Australia around 18 months ago. “Vision Australia’s Gosford team are fair dinkum mates, they really look after you,� said Mr Geerling. “They have taught me how to get around safely using a white cane, how to

touch type and use a talking software program called JAWS. “They have even assisted me to enrol in certificate IV in community service at ET Australia,� he said. “Without them I’d have still been sitting on the couch doing nothing. “Now I am looking forward to getting back to work,� he said. Media Release, 14 Jun 2011 Megan Denyer Bishop, Vision Australia





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widespread concern in the community to help the mentally ill. “We learnt that groundbreaking research into the biological causes of schizophrenia is being undertaken in Australia,� he said. The Community Forum Committee which will hold its next forum on September 21 to mark World Peace Day.


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by mental health issues. “They felt more compassion and understanding was needed to be shown and called for an end to the stigma associated with mental health,� said Audrey McDonald of the Community Forum Committee. Uniting Church minister Rev. Greg Woolnough said “The objective of the forum was to provide information so that our community would be better equipped to support those living with mental illness. “Last night’s forum demonstrated the



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Gosford Central Community News - July 18, 2011 - Page 9

Lifeline funding to support vital work


Vision Australia receives games table

ember for The Entrance Mr Chris Spence and Member for Gosford Mr Chris Holstein have both said that the NSW Government’s announcement of $2 million in recurrent funding will help support the vital work Lifeline does throughout the state and Central Coast community.


“The funding that the NSW Liberals and Nationals committed to during the State election campaign, will start flowing to Lifeline from 1 July 2011,” Mr Spence said. “Some of this money will help support Lifeline Central Coast. “The dedicated staff and volunteers at Lifeline Central Coast provide invaluable support to Central Coast residents. “Lifeline desperately needs additional funding for the provision of its services to the growing Central Coast population. “Lifeline’s services include suicide prevention, crisis support and mental health support. “For too long, the Central Coast has missed out on State Government funding. “I’m determined to help provide Lifeline Central

Coast with the financial support it requires to assist the vulnerable and disadvantaged in our community,” Mr Spence said. Lifeline Central Coast CEO Ms Christine Kettleton has welcomed the funding that will ensure Lifeline continues to support those struggling with finding a reason to keep going each day. “Lifeline Telephone Counsellors work tirelessly to ensure that there is someone there to talk with, whether it is someone at the critical point of experiencing thoughts of taking their own lives or supporting a family member or friend who has experienced the loss of someone dear to them through suicide,” Ms Kettleton said. “More than 2200 Australians commit suicide

every year with males accounting for 75 per cent of that toll. “Although these statistics are worrying, if the real statistics were known it would be even more concerning,” she said. Mr Holstein said the announcement of the $2 million funding would be a much-needed boost to support Lifeline’s operations across NSW and on the Central Coast. “Lifeline provides a tremendous service to those in need in our community and I am more than pleased that the NSW Coalition Government was able to assist financially so that their important work can continue”, Mr. Holstein said. Media Release, 21 Jun 2011 Aaron Henry, Office of Chris Spence MP

Local resident celebrates 95 years orth Gosford Probus Club charter president Mr Les Arndell celebrated his 95th on Monday, June 27, at the North Gosford Probus Club meeting.


“This could be a unique occurrence in the history of the Probus movement in Australia,” said North Gosford Probus Club member Mr Clyde Rankin.

Mr Arndell started his career as an apprentice motor mechanic with his father in Casino before moving to the Central Coast to operate the Midway

Motors workshop, now occupied by Booths Motor Group. Email, 4 Jul 2011 Clyde Rankin, North Gosford Probus Club

ision Australia in Gosford has moved in its new Swish table, converted by Bateau Bay Men’s Shed in November last year.


Vision Australia clients tried the table out for the first time as a way to rewind after a two hour adaptive technology training session on Friday, June 24. “Armed with blindfolds and Alex keeping score and his trusty guide dog Cherry assisting in locating the ball, the challenge was on,” said Vision Australia public relations officer Ms Megan Denyer Bishop. “Staff member, David Woodbridge assisted in

establishing the rules of engagement and even got in a shot or two of his own,” she said. “The noise of the bell ball and laughter travelled down the corridor drawing staff away from their desks. “It was game on from there. “There’s nothing like a bit of healthy rivalry to end a busy week,” said Ms Denyer Bishop. The table was donated by a member of the public and

taken to Bateau Bay Men’s Shed where the enthusiastic members assisted in its conversion to a swish table. “The Men’s shed then hand crafted 10 swish paddles with thanks to the wonderful support of Wyong Council’s local Sports and Recreational Grant,” she said. Email, 28 Jun 2011 Megan Denyer Bishop, Vision Australia

Arts and crafts group new art and craft group for clients of Vision Australia and their family or friends will begin on Monday, July 25, at Fairhaven Services, Point Clare, from 10am to 12pm.


The program, Serendipity, is an initiative of Vision Australia in conjunction with Fairhaven Services and

offers the chance to develop new recreational activities. Serendipity will initially begin as an extension of

Fairhaven Services’ group, the Knitwits.


Media Release, 7 Jul 2011 Nathalie Gatt, Gosford Vision Australia

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Out & About

Page 10 - July 18, 2011 - Gosford Central Community News

Flag raising ceremony for NAIDOC week

Commuters receive cheaper fares osford commuters will receive cheaper train fares with the price of monthly, quarterly and yearly tickets slashed on July 1.


The decision by the NSW Government to reduce fares will put up to $240 a year back into the pockets of commuters. Member for Gosford Mr Chris Holstein said the price of monthly, quarterly and yearly rail tickets will be cut by nine per cent. “The fare cuts make rail travel more affordable for Gosford commuters and ease a bit of the pressure on family budgets,” Mr Holstein said. “For example, commuters who currently buy a monthly rail ticket to travel from Gosford to the Sydney CBD will now save $20 a month, which equates to $240 a year.


o help celebrate National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (NAIDOC) Week, Gosford Council hosted a flag raising ceremony in Kibble Park, Gosford, on Thursday, July 7.

NAIDOC Week ran from Sunday, July 3, to Sunday, July 10, with this year’s theme of Change: The next step is ours. The ceremony began at 9am and included performances from local National Aboriginal and Islander Skills Development Association (NAISDA) dancers and local Aboriginal musicians. Gosford Council’s

Director of Community Services and Organisational Development Mr. Terry Thirlwell said the ceremony was an opportunity to celebrate the development of Australia’s Indigenous community. “The day [provided] a chance for us to celebrate Indigenous culture through music and dance while also appreciating the great partnership we have with the

local Aboriginal community. “Through this event and the many others being held during the week, we can reflect on the positive contribution the Indigenous community makes in a number of different areas across our society,” said Mr Thirlwell. Media Release, 4 Jul 2011 Gosford Council Media

“Or those who buy a quarterly or yearly ticket from Gosford to the city will now make savings of $56 and $224 respectively. “The Government wants to encourage commuters who buy their tickets each day or weekly, to consider buying a monthly, quarterly or yearly ticket to make the most of these savings. “It is also a great way to avoid the Monday morning rush to buy tickets,” he said. Mr Holstein also encouraged customers to save time and avoid queues by purchasing and managing their long-life tickets online. He said commuters using MyMulti tickets, which

Media Release, 1 Jul 2011 Wendy Masula, office of Chris Holstein MP

Gosford film makers win comp udding film makers from Gosford High School have come out on top with their entry in a competition to highlight exactly what it is that makes a particular school or group of schools a source of pride to its students.


State Finalists in the inaugural Great Schools Show-Off (GSSO) competition, Gosford High receive a $500 digital Tough still camera from Panasonic for their efforts. The State winners will be announced during Education Week from August 1 to 5. “Gosford’s entry is very artistic, with music and narrative by the students,” said Department of Education media liaison officer Mr Sven Wright. “It covers a full range of school activities – academic, social and extra-curricular,” he said. The different topics

are explored in interviews involving students, including Swiss exchange students, and the principal, responding broadly to the question: “What makes Gosford High great for you?” Over 180 schools submitted video entries to the competition judges. Students already regularly produce videos, podcasts, web pages and a variety of other technologybased materials as part of their coursework. As part of the Great Schools Show-Off competition, students working under the guidance of their teachers were

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cover travel across trains, buses, government ferries and from June 27 light rail, will also save under the new pricing deal. They will receive the saving promised during the election campaign, which is $9 on a monthly ticket, $25 on a quarterly ticket and $100 on a yearly ticket. “Family budgets are stretched due to rising prices, particularly from electricity, and that’s why the NSW Liberals and Nationals Government is helping commuters by cutting their fares,” Mr Holstein said.


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encouraged to develop digital promotional material for their school. Submissions had to include a communicationspromotions plan detailing how the video would be used to promote the school. The video is vying for a state prize of a highdefinition camcorder and plasma television package worth over $2500 for each individual winner and for each school in a winning group. Media Release, 7 July 2011 Sven Wright, Department of Education

Gosford Central Community News - July 18, 2011 - Page 11

Association holds hat dance he Central Coast Bush Dance and Music Association held its You Can Leave Your Hat On Bush Dance on Saturday, July 9, at the East Gosford Progress Hall.


“We had Akubras, pretty hats, funny hats, big hats and tiny little ones, homemade hats and downright ridiculous hats,” said Central Coast Bush Dance and Music Association president Ms Robyn Graylin. “Music was provided by New Currawong – some of the Old Currawong (Sam and Bob) plus a couple of new faces (Eric and Graham). “Our Caller was Central Coast Bush Dance and Music Association member John Short and many of the dances included on the programme were written by him,” said Ms Graylin. “We took the opportunity to practice the Tango Schottische, too, one of John’s dances programmed for our Flannel Flower

Spring Ball on October 29. “We practice several of the ball dances at each of our regular bushdances – just to keep the dancers ‘on their toes’, so to speak,” she said. The Central Coast Bush Dance and Music Association will hold a full day of practice for the Flannel Flower Spring Ball to be held on Sunday, October 23, along with the band and callers, “but it helps to drill some of the less well-known dances each month”. The next Central Coast Bush Dance and Music Association will be held on Saturday, August 13, with Snake Gully Bush Band. Email, 13 Jul 2011 Robyn Graylin, CCBDMA

Out & About

Much crying over award


ongratulations go to Gosford City’s Town Crier Mr Stephen Clarke who competed in the 21st National Town Crier Championships in Maryborough, QLD.

Mr Clarke came second in the Best Cry and Best Scroll categories and third in the Champion of Champions category. Town Criers all over Australia limbered up their larynxes in preparation for the 21st National Championships of the Ancient and Honourable Guild of Australian Town Criers held in Maryborough on the first weekend of this month. Event organiser Ms Carmel Murdoch said: “The criers performed a Home Cry about their home town in the morning and in the afternoon, competitions continue with a Mary Poppins themed cry held in conjunction with Maryborough’s annual Mary Poppins festival.” The criers were treated to a Mayoral reception at Gatakers Artspace during the evening of Friday, July 1, following their annual meeting, then on Saturday the competitions began in earnest.

Gosford Town Crier Steven Clarke


Val Bridge, 13 Jul 2011

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Out & About

Page 12 - July 18, 2011 - Gosford Central Community News

British composer to be featured in Kincumber

Local tours South Korea

choral music spectacular by British composer Alexander L’Estrange will premiere on the Central Coast on Sunday, August 7, from 2pm at the Mary MacKillop Hall in Kincumber.


The premiere of Zimbe! has been brought to the Central Coast by the Central Coast Philharmonia, which is performing under the direction of Phil Rees OAM. As well as the Philharmonia choir, it features a children’s choir, a separate chorus and a number of jazz and percussion instrumentalists. Zimbe! had its world premiere in 2008, and has since been performed across the UK, Europe and Africa. “It brings together three choirs and a jazz quintet in a brilliant and stirring production that has

become the must-see event wherever it has played,” said Central Coast Philharmonia choir president Mr Trevor Moore. “African singing and music is deservedly popular – the harmonies and the rhythms inspire singers of all sorts around the world. “To hear African music is to share in the songs of liberation that sustained black communities through fifty years of apartheid and became the sound track to the new Rainbow nation of South Africa,” he said. “The work has been in preparation for months and the musicians involved have

found it a joy. “The music is truly beautiful. “It captures and pays tribute to the African spirit through glimpses into the human experience – children’s playground songs from Ghana, a Xhosa lullaby for mothers of the victims of apartheid, a raucous drinking song from Zimbabwe, sensuous wedding songs and some beautiful funeral and worship music together with well known freedom songs,” said Mr Moore. Email, 13 Jul 2011 Trevor Moore, Central Coast Philharmonia Choir

Local band receives award Sam Heath with Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill

n Sunday, July 3, 16 year old Sam Heath of North Gosford left for a week-long tour of South Korea.


The South Korean Government paid expenses and half fares for a number of descendants of Australian Korean Veterans to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the start of the Korean War in 1951 Mr Heath is the grandson of Mervyn Heath who conducts the Woy Woy

Dawn Service and who served in Korea on HMAS Tobruk. The Central Coast has a significant concentration of Korean War veterans. According to a mortality study undertaken by the Department of Veteran Affairs and AIHW back in 2003, the postcodes from


2250 to 2263, incorporating, among other locations, Gosford, Avoca, Woy Woy and Umina, contain 267 veterans, or 8.5 per cent of the NSW total. Media release, 4 Jul 2011 Matt Pulford, Office of Deborah O’Neill MP

local band, the Seltic Sirens, was awarded a MO award and the Johnny O’Keefe Encouragement Award for best new talent on Tuesday, May 24, just six months after their first Club show.


The band also won an ACE award not long before. The Seltic Sirens is a vocal instrumental group featuring a blend of traditional and contemporary musical memories given new life, as well as originals

performed with some Celtic instruments. Three of the members, Jan Couchman and sisters Ingrid and Tahlia Racz, were originally part of The Fellowship of the Strings. They are joined by KarenAnne Waters to form Seltic

Sirens. The performances feature Celtic harp, fiddle, mandolin, penny whistle, bodhran, double bass and exquisite harmonies. Email, 26 May 2011 Bernhard Racz, Kincumber

Central Coast Philharmonia Philip Rees Musical Director

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Gosford Central Community News - July 18, 2011 - Page 13

Out & About

Not for Profit Organisations Directory AACC COMPUTER CLUB Inc. (33) Help with all Computing problems Program demos + Q&A sessions Night Meetings - 7pm to 10pm • 2nd & 4th Wed – Windows • 3rd Wed - Linux Narara Valley High School Fountains Road, Narara Supper provided Day ‘meet & greet’ Social Meetings 12.15 – 3.15pm • 3rd Tuesday of month East Gosford Progress Hall 10 Henry Parry Drive (cnr Wells St) Afternoon tea provided 4362 1918 4324 2740

The Australian Conservation Foundation Central Coast Branch (28) holds their meetings on the third Tuesday of each month (except January) at 7pm

Location: 50+ Leisure and Learning Centre, cnr Albany St North and Henry Wheeler Place, Gosford.

PO Box 547, Woy Woy NSW 2256

4323 1843

Brisbane Water Historical Society (46) • Coach tours • School educational tours • Coach tours for members • Annual Street Stalls • Participation in History Heritage Week Celebration

Margaret Pearce 4325 2270

Brisbane Waters Breakfast Toastmasters Club (16) Helping people to acquire skills in communication through the practice of the art of talking to an

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audience in a friendly non threatening setting. Meets monthly last saturday of the month except December at The Willows Motor Inn 512 Pacific Highway, Wyoming 4324 3653 - 0459 240 183

Central Coast Art Society (18) Bringing together artists and interested people for lectures, demonstrations and discussion. Weekly paint-outs each Tuesday at varying Central Coast locations 4349 5860 Workshops - 4363 1820 - 9.30am to 12.30pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month and Social Meetings 1.30pm on the 4th Wednesday of each month at Gosford City Arts Centre, for a demo by Guest artist 4325 1420 PO Box 4168, East Gosford 2250

Central Coast Concert Band (28) Meets every Tuesday 7:15pm till 9:30pm new members always welcome. Community playouts with four concerts a year at Laycock St Theatre. 0407 894 560 or 0411 272 640

Central Coast Handweavers, Spinners and Textile Arts Guild Inc (28 Spinning and weaving, patchwork and quilting felting and other fibre and fabric crafts Workshops and Community quiting bees Day and Night Groups 4325 4743

Gosford Business Improvement District Inc (33) GBID’s aim is to make Gosford a safer, cleaner,

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Gosford RSL Ladies Indoor Bowls (28) Wanted Women to join our social indoor bowls Fridays 10am to 2pm at RSL Club 4344 5812 or 0412 773 441

Gosford RSL Sub-Branch Women’s Auxiliary (28)

Invitation to women over 18 years to Join our organisation We raise money for the

welfare of veterans and their families in our district RSL Club West Gosford 4th Mon of the month 2pm 4323 7336

Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre (24) • Personal development • Community Garden • Counselling • Meditation • Support Groups • Friendship Groups • Music and Movement for under 5 • Rooms for hire

4363 1044

If you would like your Community Organisation listed here, see publications.html for the forms or contact Gosford News on 4325 7369

The Gosford Diary

For events in post code areas 2250 and 2251 Tuesday July 19 Brisbane Water Historical Society meeting, West Gosford Davistown RSL Charity Markets, 9:30am-2pm Reconciliation Exhibition finishes, Gosford Regional Gallery Brisbane Water Historical Society Working Bee Wednesday July 20 50+ Singles Social group monthly Members meeting Tribute to Shirley Bassen, Laycock St Theatre, 11am Ashleigh Grace, Lizottes Kincumber Thursday July 21 St Phillips Christian College Musicians Making a Difference night Brisbane Water Historical Society Social Outing, Tahlee House Sea Legs, Lizottes Kincumber Friday July 22 Tim Freedman, Lizottes Kincumber Art on Legs, Gosford Regional Gallery


commercially vibrant, attractive regional city. We achieve this through regular festivals and events, monthly markets, beautification and business retention projects. Gosford City Markets held second Saturday of each month, seasonal events throughout the year 200 Mann Street Gosford 4322 7726

Saturday July 23 The Footprint Festival, Eco Arts Precinct, Kariong Riding for the Disabled Rock n Roll night, Phillip House, Kariong, 7pm Big Blue Ball, Arts Barn, Kariong

Eco Arts Precinct, 7pm-11pm Polishing the Stars, Tides of Resilience, John Hearder, Train Frame- Mullet Creek exhibitions, Gosford Regional Gallery Mental as Anything, Lizottes Kincumber

Boathouse Waterfront Restaurant, 12pm-2pm Central Coast Art Society social meeting, Gosford Arts centre, 1:30pm Live and Local, Lizottes Kincumber

Sunday, July 24 Avoca Beachside Markets, 9am -2pm, Heazlett Park Foreshore, Avoca Con Spirito Ensemble, Central Coast Conservatorium, 2:30pm New Orleans Jazz Quartet +3, Central Coast Leagues Club Manly V Newcastle Rugby league Game, Bluetongue stadium National Pain Week Lazy Sunday Lunch with Troy Caaaar-Daley

Thursday July 28 Menopause the Musical –at the Cubby House, Lizottes Kincumber World Hepatitis Day ShineGirl-Strength, St Philips Christian College

Monday July 25 Laycock St Theatre’s memory wall goes on display, Laycock St Theatre Tuesday July 26 Small Steps anxiety workshop, St Phillips Christian College Gosford, 2-3pm St Phillips Christian College Year 3 sale day Central Coast Art Society Paint Out, Koolewong Wednesday July 27 Lunch with Bill Shorten MP, the

Friday July 29 50+ singles social group, dinner dance, Erina Rugby League club, 6pm Spamalot, Gosford Musical Society, 8pm Taming of the Shrew, Laycock St Theatre ChoirBoys, Lizottes Kincumber Saturday July 30 Men of League Foundation Race Day, Gosford Race Club Bachelor Girl, Lizottes Kincumber Sunday July 31 Central Coast Jazz League, Central Coast Leagues Club, 2-5pm, Free 50+ Singles Social Group dancing and refreshments, CCLC, 2-5pm

If you’ve got something happening in Gosford area (2250 and 2251) over the next few weeks, let us know about it and we’ll list it here for you, for free. Contact details are on page 2.


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Page 14 - July 18, 2011 - Gosford Central Community News

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Learning Centre holds golfing fundraiser fundraising day was held at Shelly Beach Golf Club on Friday, July 8, organised by North Gosford Learning Centre to raise additional funds towards bonus recourses or its students.


The Centre is a specialist school catering for students aged 10 to 16 years with significant behavioural difficulties experiencing difficulties in their home schools. “We’re a new facility and a little green at this kind of thing,” said principal Daniel Hayes. “But early on, we went a fair way to booking the day out and now all the places

are taken so we know we can rely on the players to be well above par in the funds they raise as well as on their scoresheets,” he said.

Advertise in this space for only $25 Ring Ducks Crossing Publications now on 4325 7369


Gosford Scottish Country Dancers

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Public Notices


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Central Coast Bush Dance & Music Association Experience Folk Music at its best at East Gosford Progress Hall @ 7.30pm Henry Parry Drive

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Media Release, 4 Jul 2011 Sven Wright, DET Website, 11 Jul 2011 NSW Public Schools

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Gosford Central Community News - July 18, 2011 - Page 15

NSW Super League loss to the Coast

Avoca holds club finals

fter two previous washed out attempts to play this Round 12 football match, it was finally completed on a crisp, dry night at Pluim Park, where there was not a sign of rain or the usual winter



The final result was pleasing for University but disastrous for Central Coast who are clinging on bravely trying to obtain that important fifth place position. Both teams were aware of the importance of this fixture and gave 100% effort in their endeavour to gain the vital points. The game was fast, hard, but played in an excellent spirit on a surprisingly dry and even surface. Sydney Uni. started the better and in the third minute gained a corner kick from the left had side The ball came over into a crowded Coast penalty area and surprisingly ended up in the net for the opening goal. It was impossible to tell who scored from the grandstand and to make matters worse, the University players rushed to the corner flag to celebrate. Even the few University supporters who were there were none the wiser. After the game, referee Jason Blackwood stated that he had awarded the goal to No.4, Justin NIlls. Coast were stunned by this early shock and immediately attacked the Uni. goal and were awarded a free kick near the corner of

the penalty area. Jamie Lobb took the kick and the ball found Michael Simmonds, whose shot was cleared off the line when an equalizing goal seemed inevitable. The game flowed back and forth but attacks by both sides were numbed by good defence, especially the back four for University, who were winning all the heading duels. Half time arrived and the score remained the same. The second period started with two quick yellow cards being issued, one to each team, through clumsy tackles rather than foul play. Both teams resumed their attempts to either get the equaliser by the Coast, or an important second goal by University. The last twenty minutes brought many close misses by each tem with Liam McConachy, Kengo Takushima and Matt Demetriou for Uni., and Kevin Crum, Grant Maudrell and Mitchell Harper for Central Coast, all going close to scoring, but each missing golden opportunities. With two minutes to go, it appeared Coast would at last equalise when Maudrell picked up a clearance down

the right hand flank and made a run into the penalty area. He passed back to an unmarked Nathan Byrn who, with only the goalkeeper to beat, shot over the bar from about seven metres out. Each team made a very late substitution but it made no difference to the final score and University went home with the vital three points. I cannot end this report without naming Jamie Lobb as player of the match. As captain of Central Coast, he led by example. Most of the Coast attacks were started by his running down the left hand flank and his defensive work was exceptional. I must also congratulate the few spectators that saw this match It had been a bitterly cold day and to just attend showed their true football spirit. Those who did attend enjoyed a good entertaining match. 2011 NSW Super League – Round 12, played Wednesday July 13 at Pluim Park, Lisarow Central Coast FC 0 Lost to Sydney University 1 Ray Sandell

Gold at Special Olympics iagra Park Special Olympian Mr Steve Robson has won a medal gold in golf at the Special Olympics Summer Games over the weekend of July 2 and 3.


The 24 year-old shot a Special Olympics record final round 75 at Athens’ Glyfada Golf Course to seal his victory. Mr Robson had a big family support team with him, including his Dad David who was his caddy. “When we find our

talents, focus on our abilities and persevere good things follow,” said member for Gosford Ms Deborah O’Neill. “All Coasties can learn from Steve’s success today what a real hero is. “Congratulations to him, his family and the hard-

working Central Coast Special Olympics team. “Steve’s story is an inspiration for all of us. “I look forward to congratulating him in person on his return,” she said. Media Release, 4 Jul 2011 Matt Pulford, Office of Deborah O’Neill MP

Limited Edition Giclee prints of 25 only.

Valerie Wright

Margaret Guthrie and Deirdre Windshuttel


he Avoca Beach Women’s Bowling Club held its Club Major Singles competition final on Tuesday, June 21.

Two of the Club’s most experienced players, Margaret Guthrie and Deirdre Windshuttel, battled it out with Ms Guthrie leading the way at 21 points

to nine. Ms Windshuttel fought back to bring the score to 24 points to 17, only to go down at the end 31 to 19. Ms Guthrie will now go

on to play in the Champion of Champions. Email, 11 Jul 2011 Carol Wilkinson, Avoca beach Women’s Bowling Club

Annual meeting sees new board members


he Central Coast Division of NSW Over-60s Cricket Association held its Annual General Meeting at Fagan Park, Point Clare, on Thursday, July 7.

Local cricket icon Trevor Andrews was re-elected as president, Ken Campbell as secretary and Bob Tranter as Treasurer. Howard Reay was selected as recorder and Gordon Ives, Ron Durrant and Barry Olsen were named selectors. “The division is fortunate to have won sponsorship from Bendigo Bank, East

Gosford and the Central Coast Cricket Association,” said Central Coast Division of NSW Over-60s Cricket Association publicity officer Mr Graham Abbott. Cricketers past and present who have reached 60 years of age are welcome to join members in practice on the first and third Thursday each month from 1pm at Fagan Park.

Fixtures for the coming season are being put in place with games slotted in against Narrabri, Gunnedah, A.C.T., Southern Highlands, Tamworth, Newcastle and the National Championships at Armidale in November. Email, 8 Jul 2011 Graham Abbott, Central Coast Division of NSW Over-60s Cricket Association

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Page 16 - July 18, 2011 - Gosford Central Community News

Free fitness program for kids

free program promoting kids to be healthier, fitter and happier will run again in term three of this year on Wednesdays and Fridays in Gosford from 4 to 6pm.


The Go4Fun program runs over 10 weeks for seven to thirteen year olds to improve health, fitness, self esteem and confidence

in children above their ideal weight. Eleven children competed in the program in Gosford last term with all

children benefiting with an increase in confidence and self esteem. “The children now want to try sports and enroll in

activities that they did not have the confidence to try last time,” said Go4Fun program manager Ms Rebecca Elliot. “Families reported spending more time together, do activities and less TV and computer time. “We have had families report that the program has changed the eating habits of the whole family not just the child who participated in the program. “Also a decrease in waist circumference and weight measurements have been recorded but are not the focus of the program,” said Ms Elliot. Email, 13 Jul 2011 Rebecca Elliott, Go4Fun

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DINING Open all week, restaurants and cafes surround the courtyard and main streets offering the best in Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Indian and contemporary cuisine. The Beef and Barramundi restaurant offers beautiful quality steaks and wild barramundi with the intimate bar serving a great range of exotic cocktails.

Avoca cements competition lead voca Beach Rugby Union first grade team confirmed their position at the top of the Central Coast Rugby Union competition as a result of their 35 points to 10 win over Ourimbah at Ourimbah Rugby Park on Saturday, June 9, in round 13.


Avoca led by 10 points to five at the halftime break with a surge to victory in the second half, scoring four tries to two throughout the match. “The best player for Avoca Beach was lock Peter Steele who played strongly all game,” said Central Coast Rugby Union president Mr Larry Thomson. “He was good in the line outs as well as in general play. “He was very well supported by winger Matt Maloney who was able to post 20 personal points for his team. “Flanker Brad Sheridan was also very good and was everywhere in both attack and defence. “Ourimbah were best served by number eight Jordan Deaves, lock Tyler Jones and fullback Anthony Erickson,” said Mr Thomson. The win confirms Avoca Beach at the top of the competition ladder after they jumped to the lead in round 12 as a result of their 32 points to 29 win over Gosford at Heazlett Park on Saturday, July 2. Gosford got away to a great start in this game but Avoca Beach was able to peg them back to record a hard fought win. “They held a 26 points to 10 lead at the halftime break and deserved that lead,” said Mr Thomson. “During that period Gosford had several good players, but the best were prop Brad Porter and loose forward Chris Comerford. “They were strong both in attack and defence and were making their impact on


9am - 4pm EVERY Saturday, Sunday & public holiday Monday. Meander along cobbled walkways and discover a shopper’s delight with over 100 permanent and casual stallholders displaying their wares, plants and much more. Live entertainment and a lively atmosphere make the markets a great place to relax and unwind.

WEDDINGS AND CONFERENCES 6 Function Rooms and conference areas are available within the resort .Paradiso Room - seats 120 and is rich in fabric, colour and design. The stately Paradiso Room is a superb venue. La Piazza seats 200, a stunning Italian courtyard with roman statues, fountains and Italian renaissance artwork. Both are all weather venues popular for weddings and large functions where you will impress.

Email, 9 Jul 2011 Larry Thomson, Central Coast Rugby Union Email, 3 Jul 2011 Larry Thomson, Central Coast Rugby Union

Game has too many sinbins

Cinema Paradiso is the Peninsula’s only state of the art cinema, with up to 15,000 people attending. on average per month We have new 3D screens and crying rooms for mums with bubs. More information


the game,” he said. Porter, in his 150th game for the club, was laying a strong foundation for his team. Gosford scored both their tries in the first half but the second half saw a strong Avoca Beach resurgence. They won the second half by 22 points to three and totally dominated the scorecard. With about 15 minutes to go in the game Avoca Beach had clawed their way back to trial by only 26-25, and the last quarter of an hour was a real tussle. Gosford kicked a penalty goal to go to a lead of 29 to 25 before Avoca scored their fourth try right on the fulltime whistle to snatch the win. Avoca prop Luke Sheridan was able to crash over right on fulltime to score his second try and to gain the win for the home team. “Sheridan was the best player for Avoca Beach on the day,” said Thomson. “Avoca Beach were good in the second half. “Their other good players were second rower Adam Winter and halfback Dave Horton. “Both players were strong all match but certainly made their mark in the second half. “It was an excellent fight back by Avoca Beach and once again proved they are on track for another big end to the season,” he said.

he Erina Eagles Reserve Grade Rugby league team played the Berkeley Vale Panthers in Round 16 at Erina Oval on Sunday, July 10.


“Reserve grade’s first half performance was not the start we would have liked, with the condition of the ground contributing somewhat to the mistakes made,” said a representative of the Erina Eagles. “In the second half, we started with a whole new attitude.

“We had more goforward, better attack, more talking and far better teamwork.” “A lowlight of the game was the number of sinbins for either side.” Newsletter, 10 Jul 2011 Central Coast Division of Rugby League

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