John Singleton launched his newest hotel offering, the Railway Hotel in Gosford CBD on Thursday evening August 25th with a grand party featuring Aussie rock legend Jon Stevens and local support acts.
Terrigal’s Central Coast Marine Discovery Centre received an unusually big artistic donation on Thursday morning, the first day of Spring, in the form of prize-winning sculpture ‘Pacifica Australis’, a giant Triton seashell, with an emerging 2
See page 31
ISSUE 3572 SEPTEMBER 2022 - 4325 7369 -
Pacifica Australis - at the Central Coast Marine Discovery Centre
One of Australia’s premier magicians, Liam Power, will perform at a night of magic, music and dancing to support people living with multiple sclerosis..
The Tuggerah Lakes Entrance Management Study has concluded that flooding in Tuggerah Lakes cannot be eliminated, it will likely worsen with sea level rise, and the community should adapt and prepare to live with the impacts of flooding.
Study says lakes flooding cannot be eliminated
Puzzles page 18
In July 2020, the NSW Government’s professional specialist advisor, Manly Hydraulics Laboratory (MHL) was commissioned by Central Coast Council to undertake the study with the aim of developing an interim entrance management procedure based on sound evidence to reduce the risk of life and public health, public and private infrastructure around the low-lying Tuggerah lakes foreshore.
The study says the impacts of flooding will continue even under the implementation of the Interim Entrance Management Procedure and it was important the community in the Tuggerah Lakes floodplain understands the level of flood risk to adapt and prepare to live with the impacts ofTheflooding.232-page comprehensive study covered a review of previous studies, analysis of water levels and the entrance behaviour, management options, results of a stakeholder workshop and options for an Interim Entrance Management Procedure.Itprovides a rational decisionmaking framework for Central Coast Council to approach entrance management works until an Entrance Management Strategy is formalised through the Coastal Management Program process, and alongside other controls identified in the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan.
Time to come out of your shell
See page 21
See page 2
More than 150 people ran, walked and pushed prams along the shoreline of Brisbane Water to mark the 150th Parkrun event, held at Woy Woy on Saturday, August 20.
Avoca and North Avoca beaches were closed by Central Coast Council on Wednesday, August 31, after a young male surfer was bitten by a shark at North Avoca in the early morning.
See page 13
The study found that emergency berm scraping and opening a pilot channel immediately prior to flooding provided the greatest reduction in flood level, however, none of the five interim options nor a wide open, post-flood scoured entrance would eliminate the risk of flooding.
Continued page 6

A DPI spokesperson said on Wednesday afternoon its shark biologists had determined a White Shark was likely responsible for the attack.“The teenager suffered lacerations to his hand and was transported to hospital where he received stitches in one hand; he has since been released,” the spokesperson said.
Beaches closed after shark attack at North Avoca
WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US PAGE 2 FRIDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER 2022 SEND US A STORY CCN encourages “community journalism”, including story leads, citizen reports, media releases and letters to the Editor. All contributions should be emailed to: CCN reserves the right to use, or not use, any material sent to us for publication and to validate, amend, update, expand or reduce the information provided at our sole discretion and in accordance with our editorial guidelines. Material that is offensive, defamatory, or overtly political will not be published. Central Coast Newspapers Pty Ltd (CCN) is a locally owned and operated, independent news media business, providing local print and digital news to communities across the Central Coast. CCN publishes the Coast Community News weekly with over 40,000 copies available via more than 250 distribution points all across the Central Coast. Most stories can also be viewed purpose of the free press, that is, to provide real, public-interest journalism without fear or prejudice, to keep communities informed about local issues and events and to ensure powerful interest groups, public and private, are held to account. Our news content is originated through our own team of experienced, local journalists as well as external sources, including media releases and public notices. All our content is subject to strict editorial standards (available on the website).
The spokesperson said DPI SMART drumlines had been set at Avoca and North Avoca at 7.13am and 7.17am respectively that morning, as is normal practice, but no sharks had been caught.SurfLife Saving NSW deployed a UAV in the area at approximately 12.15pm to conduct surveillance flights, but no sharks were spotted.
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DPI shark biologists have determined the bite indentations are indicative of a White Shark
Terrigal’s Central Coast Marine Discovery Centre received an unusually big artistic donation on Thursday morning, the first day of Spring, in the form of prize-winning sculpture ‘Pacifica Australis’, a giant Triton seashell, with an emerging hermit crab. The sculpture won the first prize at Sydney’s Sculptures by the Sea in 2020 having been an artistic partnership pseudonym Christopher Diaz, an amalgam of Christopher Pekowski and Carlos Diaz. The Central Coast based sculptors said they chose the Giant Triton as it is helping to protect the Great Barrier Reef by eating the Crown of Thorns starfish.Theother species demonstrate the biodiversity and dependence of species upon one another.
Discovery Centre Chair and General Manager, John Asquith, said that the donation was valued in excess of $50,000 and that it had been installed by some local builders and volunteers at no “Thiscost.isa very generous donation by community minded artists,Christopher Diaz, local tradesmen and volunteers (and) it will benefit everyone on the Central Coast for many years to come.
Ross Barry,
David Abrahams come out of your shell 0490
Time to
Call -
“NSW DPI shark biologists have assessed photographs of the teenager’s injuries and surfboard and have determined the bite indentations are indicative of a White Shark.”
Publisher ABOUT USCCN Editor: Ross Barry, David Abrahams (Digital Editor) Journalists: Terry Collins, Sue Murray Graphic Designer: Brad Yee Distribution: Anthony Wagstaff Phone: (02) 4325 7369 Email to: ISSN 1839-9045 – Print Post Approved – PP100001843 – Printed by Spotpress Marrickville
“On behalf of the CC Marine Discovery Centre, I want to thank all of the people involved.” Asquith said everyone can enjoy the wonderful environment we have on the coast, but that “the plants and animals and habitats cannot protect themselves and everyone needs to be part of the solution.” The artists were long-term students of The Michoutouchkine – Aloi Pilioko Foundation in Port Vila, Vanuatu. In search of closer contact with the unspoiled beaches and the sound of the Ocean, they decided to leave Sydney city life and move to the Central Coast where they have strived to capture the essence of the world’s beauty in large outdoor sculptural forms and wall art, mosaic art and painting.Theirgoal is to motivate people to reconnect and love more and more the natural beauty of the world in which we live. It is expected to become an icon of the Central Coast attracting both locals and visitors. See our website and YouTube channel for an audio/video article.
The last tagged shark detected by the Avoca Beach tagged shark listening station was on Friday, August 26.The DPI has confirmed that mesh netting will be installed on September 1 at Central Coast beaches in accordance with its annual Management Plan for the Shark MeshingBeachgoersProgram.areadvised to follow the NSW SharkSmart Twitter feed or download the SharkSmart app for the latestFurtherinformation.information on the DPI shark mitigation program including FAQs can be found at www.sharksmart.
Avoca and North Avoca beaches were closed by Central Coast Council on Wednesday, August 31, after a young male surfer was bitten by a shark at North Avoca in the early morning. The 14-year-old surfer sustained a wound to his right lower forearm. Council asked all community members to avoid Avoca and North Avoca beaches as the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) and Council investigated the incident further.
341 705 Email - or see the website for rates If you’re reading this, so are other200,000people LIKE TO ADVERTISE? COMMUNITY CCN CCN
Terry Collins

Director Environment and Planning, Alice Howe, said Council had a lot of feedback to analyse and consider. “This is not the last conversation that Council will have with our passionate community on this topic,” she said.“Council will provide feedback on how submissions have been considered and what changes are proposed to the Draft Plan in response to that feedback.
“Following detailed review of submissions there may also be a need to engage further with our community on particular elements of the Draft Plan.
With the Central Coast having one of the highest populations of companion dogs in NSW, Howe said the community is very interested in the delivery of infrastructure and the provision of open space to support responsible pet ownership.“Thiswas further reinforced from the community feedback received on the Draft Plan,” she said.“Our aim is to provide improved opportunity for dedicated off-leash dog exercise areas and open space that all community members can safely enjoy, while protecting and enhancing our naturalCouncilenvironments.”Administrator, Rik Hart, said it is fantastic to see so many Central Coast community members share their thoughts on the Draft Plan.“We know dogs in open spaces is a passionate topic for the local community, and it is great to hear the many varied views from community members across the region,” he“Councilsaid. has a lot of work to do to strike the right balance which caters to the whole community and will continue to update our community with key outcomes.”
SOS draws a line in the sand over Wamberal erosion solution
“Options were considered in the context of what was legally permissible, financially viable and realistic for Wamberal Beach.“The adopted way forward to address coastal erosion at Wamberal was beach nourishment coupled with a terminal protection works (seawall) (action item TW15 in the certified GBCZMP).
“In December, 2021, studies to progress these protection works were finialised.
The spokesperson said Council received 256 submissions during the consultation period on the draft Engineering Design Requirements, which will inform the final Design Requirements.“Areport detailing submissions and recommendations for the adoption of the Engineering Design Requirements will be presented to Council in coming months,” the spokesperson said.“Once adopted, the Engineering Design Requirements will be used in conjunction with relevant planning legislation to facilitate the assessment of development applications for the terminal protection works.”
“These options included planned retreat, offshore reefs, mass sand nourishment and terminal protection works.
Terry Collins
More than 3,200 submissions have been received by Central Coast Council on its Draft Dogs in Open Space Action Plan, with community consultation now closed.
“Since the start, our voices have been silenced and our opinions ignored.
“This day is all about the Wamberal community getting a say in the future of their beach.”
PAGE 3FRIDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER 2022 WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US 3,200 submissions on draft dogs in open space policy
“In the meantime, the current on-leash, off-leash, and dogprohibited areas will continue to be in place.”
The preferred option for a seawall being considered by Central Coast Council
“These studies included three phases of community consultation.“Thisproject was 50:50 funded by NSW Government through the NSW Coastal and Estuaries Grants Program and resulted in the development of the draft Wamberal Beach Terminal Protection Structure Engineering Design Requirements, which were recently publicly exhibited.”
“We want to have a say about our beach and are not allowed.
For more details on the September 11 protest contact 0403558980 or com.nowallforwamberal@gmail.
Source: Media release, Aug 30 Central Coast Council Council is wading through 3,2000 submissions
A Central Coast Council spokesperson said eExtensive consultation was undertaken to inform the adopted management actions in the Gosford Beaches Coastal Zone Management Plan 2017 (GBCZMP).“Aspart of investigations to support the GBCZMP, all feasible management options to address current and future coastal risks at Wamberal Beach were explored,” the spokesperson said.
Wamberal Beach Save Our Sand (SOS) says it is sick of not having its voice heard over possible solutions to ongoing erosion and will hold a Line In The Sand protest at the beach at 11am on Sunday, September 11. Spokesperson, Hugh Naven, said the group had been agitating for many months for a well-researched and representative solution to ensure Wamberal Beach, and everything it has to offer, is not destroyed.“Sadly,(Wamberal Seawall Advisory Taskforce Chair) Phil Watson, Central Coast Council and Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, continue to endorse and promote models for implementing works that are designed to minimise and curtail the opportunity for meaningful opposition and comment,” Naven said. “Central Coast Council is now setting minimum guidelines for homeowners to follow when introducing their own individual seawalls through DA submissions.“Theintroduction of a seawall through DA submissions would likely lead to a disjointed, understudied and misrepresentative outcome that will have adverse impacts on the beach. “But more importantly, it means the community is unable to have a say about the solution.”Naven said there was a continued disregard for public sentiment.“Rather than working with the community to find alternative solutions they persist with pursuing the potentially beach destroying option of a seawall,” he said. “After two years of campaigning (by SOS), achieving over 2,300 signatures on a petition and acquiring 4,000 group members opposed to the seawall, Council continues to forge ahead and make things easier for homeowners.“Thisprotest is about drawing a ‘line in the sand’ and telling Council enough is enough.

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EPA officers, Central Coast Council and NSW Fisheries collected fish and water samples for laboratory analysis when hundreds of dead fish and other marine life was found along the shores of Wyee Bay early in August. Results of extensive water sampling reported last week in the Coast News showed there were no significant finding of pesticides, metal or toxicity, however, Total nitrogen and Total phosphorus levels were above guidelines which the EPA said might indicate disruption of sediment.Earlierthis week
Source: Media release, August 30 The Entrance MP, David MehanFunding needed for EV chargers like this one at Tuggerah Conveyancing
Lawyer FREECALL - 1800 891 691 4324 7699 131-133 Donnison Street
The Entrance MP, David Mehan, has written to Central Coast Council requesting it applies for funding to install electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at locations near the The Entrance.
“This may have caused cold lake water to enter the bay and resulted in a turnover of the water column.
“If this was rapid enough it would have caused a disturbance of the sediments, which explains the high ammonium concentrations observed on August 5, and potentially the release of sulfides.“Ourresults suggest the combination of the temperature and sulfide stress likely overwhelmed fish, acclimatised to higher temperatures.“Weknowthe important role Lake Macquarie and the bay plays in the community and the region’s wider environment and have deployed a ‘smart buoy’ at Wyee Point to allow ongoing monitoring in the coastal lake.”
The EPA spokesperson says it has worked closely with the Department of Planning and Environment – Science, Biosecurity, Food and Fisheries and Central Coast Council on the investigation that produced theseDetailedfindings.results of the water and fish testing is available on the EPA website.
Hundreds of dead fish and marine life found in Wyee Bay
The Transport for NSW website shows charging stations near to The Entrance at Kim’s Beachside Retreat, Ibis Styles Hotel and the Central Jetty“WhilstMotel. these existing stations are listed as public, they are located on private property within hotel carparks and are not universal charging stations,” Mehan said. “Additionally, they are only single units, which makes their use less desirable. “Given that Central Coast Council is named as one of the eligible local Government areas, I’ve written to Council encouraging them to applying for round one applications of this grant which close at on September 23.
“The benefit this will bring to The Entrance should the funding be secured is of great value,” Mehan said.
He said the NSW Government recently announced the investment of $20M to assist eligible regional NSW destinations by co-funding the purchase and installation of EV chargers.“Atarecent roundtable of businesses in The Entrance township it was unanimously resolved that this grant should be pursued for the benefit of promoting activity and attracting new visitors to The Entrance, which I agreed to support,” Mehan said.
The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) claims that the outcome of fish autopsy analysis has reinforced its previous findings that the mass fish kill in Lake Macquarie at Mannering Park was a natural event.
“The Entrance Township is in need of revitalisation and this grant has come at an opportune time and Council should make every effort to ensure that it proactively considers this funding.“Extensive works are already underway at The Entrance Visitor Centre and any infrastructure that encourages activity in The Entrance township should be pursued.
EPA confirms water temperature, weather caused mass fish kill
the EPA released test results of fish and marine life collected from locations at Kevin St, Vales Point, Wyee Bay Marine and the Vales Point Power Station hot water discharge point. The dead fish and an eagle ray were tested for the presence of pesticides, metals and inorganics through examination of their gastrointestinal tract, gills and liver.“Results of the water and fish samples, along with the analysis of weather conditions at the time, indicate the most likely cause of the deaths was from a combination of factors,” an EPA spokesperson said. “The bay at Mannering Park has elevated temperatures compared to the rest of Lake Macquarie due to the water discharges from Vales Point power station. “A range of fish, including tropical fish, are attracted to the bay due to these higher temperatures.“Thefishkill was preceded by cool nights in the first week of August and a shift to northerly winds, with the strongest winds on August 4.
Sue Murray
Our Specialist team, Geoff Brazel and Lyn Jenkins have been helping people all over the Central Coast buy and sell real estate since 1981.
WHEN: 6 September 2022 TIME: 6.45pm to 8.00pm WHERE: Gosford RSL Club HOW: Call 4324 7699 to reserve your spot now!
Call for funding of EV chargers near The Entrance

Residents and motorists should expect delays along Wisemans Ferry Rd for up to six weeks as Central Coast Council carries out rehabilitation works. Ongoing severe weather events in February, March and July of this year have impacted several sites along the road, causing dangerous conditions such as embankment failures, minor landslips and significant pavementTemporarydamage.roadsignage and partial road closures were put in place as an interim measure to ensure the safety of motorists andCouncilresidents.hasnow commenced remediation works to restore the road pavement and related road infrastructure to ensure motorists can safely travel through the area. There will be ongoing works being undertaken between Spencer and Wisemans Ferry, which will impact communities and residents. Council is carrying out these works as a priority with an anticipated timeframe of foursix weeks, subject to favourable weather and any other priorities that may arise in the area.
Residents should take extra care and drive to the conditions. Motorists should also expect large heavy plant on the road and allow additional time for delays.There will be Visual Messaging Boards (VMS) and traffic controllers on site but single lane road closures are expected.Council has received $1.6M from the NSW Disaster Assistance Arrangements to conduct the works on Wiseman Ferry Rd and several other locations across the Coast.
The Fair Work Ombudsman, Sandra Parker, said UON selfreported an initial underpayment in 2020 after staff enquiries from casuals at its Conservatorium of Music revealed $64,600 in underpayments.“Theuniversity then selfinitiated an audit of all employee entitlements under applicable Enterprise Agreements,” she said.“UON failed to pay correct overtime and penalty rates, underpaid meal allowances and failed to provide minimum engagement hours owed to casuals.“Underpaid UON employees performed work at all main campuses including Newcastle City, Callaghan, Ourimbah and Sydney and worked across various faculties, schools and business units.
Many find comfort in visiting a Memorial Site, especially at special times of the year like Father’s Day. It is a place to remain symbolically, emotionally and spiritually connected to our loved ones. Join us this Father’s Day for a complimentary morning tea in the tranquil surroundings of our beautiful gardens to reflect and remember.
Greenway Chapel and Memorial Gardens 460 Avoca Drive, Green Point – 8am till noon
The University of Newcastle (UON) is back-paying staff about $6.2M plus superannuation and interest after the Fair Work Ombudsman found it underpaid 7,595 employees.
For enquiries please call 4362 1203
Fair Work says UON admitted that between 2014 and 2020, it underpaid the employees a total $6,269,241 owed under its applicable Enterprise Agreements and the Fair Work Act 2009, with individual underpayments ranging from less than $1 up to $65,449.
Parker said the university sector was a new compliance and enforcement priority for the Fair Work Ombudsman, reflecting concern about systemic underpayment issues being found.
Sue Murray
Source: Media release, Aug 31 Central Coast Council
To view current road closures and details, search ‘road closure’ online at centralcoast.
ANNUALLY ON THE FIRST SUNDAY OF SEPTEMBER at Greenway and Palmdale Father’s Day
“The underpaid UON employees, including professionals, academics and teachers, were engaged mainly as casuals but some full-time and part-time staff were affected.“UON’s underpayments were the result of deficiencies in its payroll systems relating to interactions between overtime, allowances and penalty rates as well as incorrect application of the clauses in the applicable Enterprise Agreements,” Parker said.The university has signed an Enforceable Undertaking with the Fair Work Ombudsman which requires back-pay of all known underpayments, plus a total of more than $171,000 in superannuation and more than $1,375,000 interest by October 31,Parker2022.said the university had taken the initiative to self-report non-compliance, fully cooperated to provide assurance on its remediation methods and committed to full backpayments.“Under the Enforceable Undertaking, in addition to making full back-payments, this public university must implement stringent measures including systems improvements and training to ensure ongoing future compliance for the benefit of all their workers,” she said.
“We have previously announced investigations into 11 specific universities, commenced a Federal Court case against the University of Melbourne earlier this month, and we expect to be taking further enforcement action against other institutions,” she said.Charles Sturt University has also entered into an Enforceable Undertaking with the Fair Work Ombudsman to rectify $3.2M underpayments to 2,526 casual staff between 2015 and 2022, plus more than $628,000 in interest on wages and about $476,000 in relation to superannuation and related interest.“Under their respective Enforceable Undertakings, the Newcastle and Charles Sturt universities will provide the Fair Work Ombudsman with evidence of their system and training improvements to address the issues which led to the underpayments,” Parker said.
Severe weather events have left the road in a precarious state
Palmdale Lawn Cemetery and Memorial Park Palmdale Road, in the main carpark – 8am till noon
Remediation works begin on Wisemans Ferry Rd
University to back-pay $6.2M for staff underpayments

“The entrance channel will naturally constrict with sand, particularly during drier periods with low rainfall and scour to a wider entrance during wetter periods with increased rainfall.
In other important outcomes: Council will update the 2014 Tuggerah Lakes Flood Risk Management Study which will also explore flood mitigation measures; The Entrance Channel Opening Strategy will become part of the Local Flood Plan and be made public; and a flood education marker will be installed at Saltwater Creek Park to provide visual education on past flood levels and what new flood warning levels look like on the ground. Mehan said changes made following the 2020 flood have seen new flood warning levels adopted for Tuggerah Lakes which see agencies respond sooner.“Lowering of the moderate flood level, which is the level at which homes become impacted, from 1.8. to 1.3m means sandbag points and evacuation centres open in a more timely manner,” he said.
Terry Collins
“Council has received funding from the NSW Government to review and update the 2014 Tuggerah Lakes Flood Study which will inform an updated Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan,” she said.
“The interim procedure does not seek to maintain a permanently open entrance,” the study summary said.
“The updated study will be able to take into account intensified development within the catchment since the last study.“It will not only update anticipated flood frequencies and heights, but also identify flood velocities within the floodplain to better understand current flood risks.
Regular ongoing entrance berm works to continuously maintain flood-ready berm conditions were not considered to be feasible given the highly dynamic nature of the entrance including berm rebuilding and channel infilling processes.
“This procedure is supported by flood intelligence tools that provide real-time predictive lake level modelling and data to ensure a proactive and informed response from Council when flood events are predicted.
Council’s Director Environment and Planning, Dr Alice Howe, said the meeting was also an opportunity to clarify future actions Council was already, or would be, undertaking.“Councilhas received funding from the NSW Government to review and update the 2014 Tuggerah Lakes Flood Study which will inform an updated Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan,” she said. “This project is now underway and will allow for an updated understanding of flood risk and behaviour within the Tuggerah Lakes floodplain in order to better identify and mitigate flood“Communityrisk. input will be sought as part of upcoming consultation on the Coastal Management Program which is currently in development,” Dr Howe said.
Howe said Council has also completed the Tuggerah Lakes Entrance Management Study which included development of an Interim Entrance Management Procedure.
Sue Murray
Howe said there was also discussion of the NSW Government’s Voluntary House Raising Program but that “to date, no properties in the Central Coast have successfully accessed this program”.
“The SES also said that Community Action Teams are to be established where telecommunications are likely to go down in the event of flooding,” he said.
Flooding in Killarney Vale in 2020
Attended by local State MPs, the SES and police, and Central Coast Council staff, the meeting focussed on preparation and response to future flood events.
“The interim procedure allows natural entrance processes to operate with minimal disturbances in accordance with the Department of Primary Industry’s policy and guidelines for fish habitat conservation and management.
A specialised team of flood recovery grants assessors will be on the Central Coast next week to assist residents, primary producers and business owners with grant applications. Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, said people impacted by this year’s flood events can book a oneon-one appointment with a grants“Specialisedexpert. grant assessors from Resilience NSW, Revenue NSW and Service NSW will work step by step through the process of applying for grants and collecting the documentation required for an application to be approved, for as long as needed,” Crouch said.“This will help to get money out the door and into the pockets of people who were affected by the June-July flood event which severely impacted Gunderman, Wisemans Ferry, Tuggerah Lakes and the surrounding suburbs.”
“Flooding is a fact of life on the Central Coast and this meeting is an important part of ensuring we continually improve our preparation and response,” Mehan said.
The grants blitz team will be based at Mingara Recreation Club, 12 Mingara Dr, Tumbi, on Tuesday, September 6, from 10am-7pm and Wednesday, September 7, from 9am-5pm. Appointments can be booked by calling Service NSW on 13 77 88.
Director Environment and Planning, Alice Howe, said the meeting was also an opportunity to clarify future actions Council is already, or will be, undertaking.
“Community input will be sought as part of upcoming consultation on the Coastal Management Program, which is currently in development,” sheThesaid.Tuggerah Lakes Entrance Management Study was prepared by the NSW Government’s specialist advisor, Manly Hydraulics Laboratory, and in consultation with relevant government agencies and departments, and can be found in full on Council’s website.
Entrance maintenance dredging was not assessed as an interim management option.
A flood management meeting held on August 23 at Wyong delivered some key outcomes for future planning, according to Member for The Entrance, David Mehan.
The Entrance channel opening to Tuggerah Lakes
The MHL report said it was vital to review and update flood management procedures including review of sea level rise and coastal inundation impacts on Tuggerah lakes and investigation of entrance shoal dredging to support entrance management for recreational, environmental and social outcomes.Representatives from Council, the State Emergency Service, NSW Police, and local MPs met on August 23 for “productive dialogue” to improve their joint approach to flood preparedness.
Minister for Emergency Services and Resilience and Minister for Flood Recovery, Steph Cooke, said the grants blitz team’s previous deployments in the Northern Rivers region had proved to be effective.“Todate we’ve seen more than 1,060 flood recovery grant applications approved, with $12.6M in funding going to those who have been hit the hardest by this year’s flooding,” Cooke said. “We want to ensure individuals, families, farmers and business owners on the Central Coast can also access this specialist support so that their flood recovery journey can be as simple as possible.”
Mehan said the SES acknowledged that residents around Tuggerah Lake did not receive text message warnings and evacuation orders during the most recent flooding event and said steps are being taken at a national level regarding telecommunication in the future to ensure this doesn’t happen again.
Source: Media release, Aug 30 NSW Government Study says lakes flooding cannot be eliminated
“This Interim Procedure will be included in the SES’s Central Coast Local Flood Plan, which provides guidance on flood response.”Howesaid the Interim Procedure is intended to guide Council’s channel management until an Entrance Management Strategy can be completed through the Tuggerah Lakes Coastal Management Program.
Meeting paves the way for flood mitigation around Tuggerah lakes
Help at hand in applying for flood recovery grants
A spokesperson said Council welcomed the opportunity to join with other stakeholders in discussing flood mitigation and preparedness, with the meeting providing “a productive dialogue” between relevant authorities in an effort to improve their joint approach to floodCouncil’spreparedness.

Renewed call for community
Minister for Local Government, Wendy Tuckerman, announced the
Terry Collins
“However, it appears that NSW Labor has failed to follow through on this promise.”
But CCFoD Co-ordinator and former Gosford Mayor, Jane Smith, said CootamundraGundagai was not the only Council, or community, which recognises the 2016 Council mergers have delivered a poor outcome for their communities.
First bill passed to deliver aged care reforms. We’re committed to putting 3/69 Central Coast Highway West Gosford 2250 (02) 4322
“In 2021, Inner West Council conducted a poll where over 62 per cent of voters wanted to demerge … and is now preparing a business case,” she“Insaid.July, 2022, the largest Council in NSW, Canterbury Bankstown, voted to prepare a business case for a demerger and in August, 2022, Snowy Rivers Council also voted to prepare a business case for a demerger.“Gosford and Wyong Councils were forced to merge in 2016 by the NSW Liberal Government to become Central Coast Council.“Sixyears later, staff have been sacked, rates are rising, community assets have been sold, services have been cut and local democracy has been taken from our community.”
Smith said the 20 amalgamated councils around NSW faced losses of $1.03B in three years and ratepayers faced hikes in rates and cuts in services.“Eightout of 10 of the worst performing councils in NSW were merged councils; in May, 2021, IPART determined rate increases for seven merged councils ranging from 8 per cent to 53 per cent,” she said. “In November, 2020, Greg Warren, NSW Shadow Minister for Local Government, said the opposition, with support from the cross benches, would establish a parliamentary inquiry into the failing merger process and identify options the government must take to repair the damage done to councils and their communities.
Shadow Minister for Local Government, Greg Warren, with protesters at the recent Parliament House rally
Smith said Central Coast residents deserve to have a say on the future of Council.
Coast Council With the announcement on August 24 CouncilsformerreverseorcommunityrenewingDemocracyCentralCouncilCootamundra-Gundagaithatissettodemerge,CoastFriendsof(CCFoD)iscallsforapollonwhethernotresidentswanttothemergeroftheGosfordandWyongin2016.
CCFoD is calling for the NSW Government to pay the $100M it says is owed to the Central Coast community and the Council to cover the true cost of its forced amalgamation. It is also calling for the Government to conduct a poll to ask the community if they want to stay as one Central Coast Council or demerge whilst maintaining some shared services. It is calling on Administrator, Rik Hart, to resolve to prepare a business case for the demerger of Central Coast Council and for the Parliamentary Inquiry into the 2016 mergers, as promised by NSW Labor, to proceed before the state election in March 2023.CCFoD has established a community survey on the future of Council and a petition calling on the Premier to deliver $100M to the Council. These can also be found
Authorised by G. Reid, ALP, 3/69 Central Coast Highway, West Gosford NSW 2250. poll on demerging Central

NSW will receive a total of $29.5M under the program’s 2022-23 funding round, which will go towards 93 projects.
On Monday, August 28, the Government made an offer to the leadership of the rail unions in what it said was an effort to “finally bring peace back to the railThenetwork”.Government proposed to withdraw the requirement that alterations to the NIF be dependent upon finalisation of a new Enterprise Agreement and to authorise the commencement of work to make alterations to the NIF after appropriate testing and warranty confirmation.
The offer was conditional upon rail unions agreeing that, pending the finalisation of the new Enterprise Agreement, they will call off any further industrial action.
Fuel efficiency petition goes to parliament
Thornton’s visit comes in the background of the Electric Vehicle Summit held in Canberra last week which saw industry, government and community groups come together to discuss the issues and opportunities for encouraging EV uptake in Australia.Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid wrote to Thornton recently saying he had made representations to Chris Bowen encouraging him to consider theDebipetition.drove an EV down to Canberra and back though pointedly discovered there were no public charging stations in Parliament House. Saying “I had to stop at Goulbourn on the way back to charge, which gave me more than enough change to get me back to Copacabana” Her petition is still open for people to add their names to the campaign, it can be accessed at by searching Fuel Efficiency Standards.
David AbrahamsDebi Thornton (right) and Heidi Lee Douglas at Parliament House before handing over the petition.
“This offer is made by the NSW Government, not as an acceptance that the work that the rail unions has sought to be done on the NIF is necessary, but rather as an attempt to bring to an end the ongoing dispute which is impacting commuters,” the Government said.
Two of the Central Coast’s most dangerous roads are set for major upgrades, thanks to an allocation of $825,000 through the Federal Government’s Black Spot Program 202223. A 3.8km stretch of Fagans Rd at Lisarow, between Tuggerah St and The Ridgeway, will receive a $620,000 makeover which will include vehicle activated signs, upgrading the seal, installing barriers on the roadside, and adding reflective pavement markers, curve alignment markers, guideposts with reflectors and a mark barrierMemberline.for Dobell, Emma McBride, said Fagans Rd is notoriously dangerous.
For more information on the Australian Government’s Black Spot Program, or to nominate a black spot, visit
“We’ve seen many accidents along this stretch over the years, some of which have been fatal, and that’s why this upgrade is so important,” McBride said. “This funding will go a long way towards improving the safety of motorists and pedestrians across the Central Coast for many years to come.”
The remaining $205,000 will go towards upgrading Showground Rd at Narara between Manns Rd and Racecourse Rd. This will fund the installation of raised islands with additional Stop or Give Way signs, a barrier on the roadside, the marking of road edge lines, upgrading the intersection, and adding a mark barrier line. Member for Robertson, Gordon Reid, said it was important to make the road safer for motorists and pedestrians across the Coast.
The Black Spot Program aims to improve the safety of Australian roads where a number of serious crashes have occurred or are at-risk of occurring.
“The NSW Government must allow us the time to work through the letter and sit down and explain what they mean by it – if they don’t then this really was just a stunt to get a headline.”Claassens said when the union received an offer it felt it could accept it would take it to its members and delegates for a “Wedecision.have to put a stop to the revolving doors of Ministers and misinformation from various government departments and resolve the issues with the deed and the Enterprise Agreement as soon as possible for the benefit of the members and the travelling public,” he said.
Terry Collins
Upgrades for two of Coasts’s most dangerous roads
Central Coast commuters reported disruptions and delays to rail services on Wednesday, 30 August, as the NSW Government and rail unions remained at loggerheads over the ongoing dispute relating to safety issues on the New Intercity Fleet (NIF).
“Every roadside death or injury is a tragedy, and it can be prevented,” he said.
But Rail, Bus and Tram Union (RBTU) NSW Secretary, Alex Claassens, said unions had been provided with an “ambiguous” letter “at the 11th“Thehour”.letter contained contradictory and ambiguous content and did not disclose what the terms of a deed would be,” Claassens said. “It is also not entirely clear what the RTBU is being asked to do in “Despiteexchange.thelack of clarity or explanation on what the letter means, the Industrial Relations Minister immediately called for this week’s protected industrial action to be called off.” Claassens, said the latest offer did not add anything to the progression of the dispute. “You can’t just send us a letter late on Sunday, especially one as poorly drafted as this, and expect everyone to jump to attention,” he said.
Railway dispute continues
An 8,000-strong petition advocating for national fuel efficiency standards has been presented to parliament. The action was organised by local woman Debi Thornton as part of her national campaign to encourage importers to send vehicles to Australia that save drivers money and keep pollution to a minimum.
“I went to Parliament House to attend a meeting organised by Heidi Lee Douglas of Solar Citizens with the office of Chris Bowen, Minister for Energy and Climate Change to find out what they need from a community support perspective to bring in the strongest possible standards, and what are the blockers to this process,” Thornton said.
Terry Collins Commuters experienced delays at Gosford Station on August 23

PAGE 9FRIDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER 2022 + 02 4365 1906 terrigal@parliament nsw gov au adamcrouchmp com au adamcrouchmp More information can be found at Authorised by Adam Crouch MP, Shop 3 Fountain Plaza, 148 158 The Entrance Road, Erina NSW 2250, funded using parliamentary entitlements For more information, visit or scan this QR Code. For any questions, please contact my office Applications Open Now! Close 23 September 2022 Community groups and Central Coast Council are now able to apply for funding that can be used to enhance community and sporting infrastructure, upgrade accessibility options or improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation and involvement. This grassroots program can be used to develop bike paths, sports fields, playgrounds, and community centres, investing in our region $160 Million to Strengthen Our Central Coast Region! Some Previous Projects... Tacoma Clubhouse Development Norah Head Shared Pathway Tuggerawong Shared Pathway

Disqualified driver charged after police pursuit Man in critical condition
The Gorokan man was charged with drive motor vehicle during disqualification period, drive recklessly/ furiously or speed/manner dangerous, enter enclosed lands not prescribed premises without lawful excuse, resist officer in execution of duty and the two arrest warrants. He was refused bail to appear before Newcastle Local Court today (Saturday 27 August 2022), where he was formally refused bail to reappear at Gosford Local Court on Monday (29 August 2022).
Four girls have been charged following a number of alleged attempted robberies across the Central Coast yesterday. About 6.50am (Saturday 27 August 2022), police were called to a fast-food restaurant on Goobarah Avenue at Lake Haven after reports of an alleged attempted carjacking. Police have been told a female employee of the restaurant was approached by two unknown females who allegedly demanded the keys to her car and then assaulted her, before fleeing in a silver-coloured Subaru Impreza hatchback. A short time later, police were called to a supermarket on the Pacific Highway at San Remo after similar reports. During this incident, a woman was also allegedly threatened and assaulted by two unknown females who attempted to steal her car, before fleeing in a silver Subaru. About 7.20am, police were then called to service station on Wallarah Road at Kanwal after reports a female employee was allegedly threatened and punched in the face multiple times by an unknown female. A silver-coloured vehicle matching the description of that used in the earlier incidents was seen fleeing the service station shortly after. About 8.30am, police were then called to a carpark on Bush Street at Norah Head after reports of a robbery, where a group alleged confronted a man and demanded money from him, before fleeing emptyhanded.Noone was seriously injured during the incidents, and no property or valuables were taken.The Subaru – which was stolen from a home in Sydney’s south-west earlier this week –was located abandoned at Gosford Train Station. About 9am yesterday, officers attached to the Police Transport Command arrested four females at Central Railway Station.Thegirls – aged 14, 17, and two aged 15 – were taken to Sydney City Police Station where they were charged with various offences including drive conveyance, be carried in conveyance taken without consent of owner, assault with intent take/drive motor vehicle, and aggravated take motor vehicle in company. One of the 15-year-old girls was granted conditional bail and will appear at a children’s court on Tuesday 13 September 2022.The other three girls were refused bail and will appear at a children’s court Sunday 28 AugustInquiries2022.continue.
A man who is disqualified from driving until the end of the decade has been charged over a pursuit on the Central Coast yesterday. About 10.30am (Friday 2 September 2022), officers from Tuggerah Lakes Highway Patrol attempted to stop a vehicle along Sparks Road, Warnervale.Whenthe vehicle failed to stop as directed a pursuit was initiated.Thevehicle stopped in Coral Gum Road, Hamlyn Terrace, where the driver – and sole occupant – ran into bushland. With the assistance of PolAir, the Dog Squad and other police a perimeter was established. A 23-year-old man was arrested a short time later in a garden shed at the rear of a home on Dundonald Avenue. It will be alleged that the man attempted to resist arrest before being taken to Wyong PoliceInquiriesStation.revealed the man was the holder of learner’s licence that was disqualified until 2029 and was also wanted on two outstanding arrest warrants.
Source: NSW Police Media
Source: NSW Police Media Police will address the media after a man was critically injured following an assault in Hamlyn Terrace overnight. About 10.15pm (Saturday 27 August 2022), a Toyota Corolla was travelling on Skyhawk Avenue when it struck a caravan parked on the nature strip.
The occupants of a nearby home - three men and a woman – went to the assistance of the driver, a 17-year-old man. They were approached by a group of males and were assaulted during a violent confrontationA64-year-old man attempted to intervene when he was struck, knocking him unconscious and causing him to fall backwards and hit his head on the ground. The unknown males fled the scene and emergency services wereOfficersnotified.from Tuggerah Lakes Police District attended along with NSW Ambulance paramedics.Theinjured man was treated at the scene before being airlifted to hospital where he remains in a critical condition. A 21-year-old man was treated for a suspected broken nose and taken to Wyong Hospital.The17-year-old driver was arrested and subjected to a roadside breath test which returned a positive result. He was taken to Wyong Police Station, where he underwent a breath analysis, which returned an alleged reading of 0.025. The teen was issued traffic infringement notices for special range prescribed concentration of alcohol, use a light vehicle not complying with tyre standards, and negligent driving (no death or grievous bodily harm). As inquiries continue into the incident, any witnesses or anyone with information is urged to contact police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Four girls charged after numerous attempted robberies, assaults

Concern over railway station accessibility continues
Letter, 2 September The Office of The IndigenousAboriginal Party of Australia Appeal to DLALC on housing development on Woy Woy Road, Kariong See for address and Opinionsconditions.contributionexpressed are those of the writer and not necessarily of the
“There would also be no option for those people if either of these two lifts are out of order,” Tesch said. Hundreds of residents have signed Tesch’s petition calling for ramp options to be delivered on both sides of the station.
Email, August 27 John George, Terrigal Does realiseAlbanesehe’singovernment?
Email, August 18 Imogen da Silva
The land is currently zoned Environmentally Sensitive (C2), is an Area of Regional Koala Significance (ARKS) and contains documented cultural sites. It is a part of the ridge running from Woy Woy Bay in the south to Somersby in the north that is sacred to the GuriNgai people. This area is part of a tract of land called a Song Line and is full of sacred sites, rock engravings and vitally important natural habitat. If developed, the result will be disastrous both culturally and environmentally.LikeDLALC,we understand the need for housing on the Central Coast, but there must be land better suited to this type of development - sites that don’t have such an important connection for the local mob? We would welcome the opportunity to work with DLALC to find a solution as it is extremely important to our Party that we promote harmony, unity and communication and believe our values align with those of DLALC when it comes to caring for culture, the land and community.
Even after the current plans are finished a person with a pram, mobility scooter or wheelchair will need to use two lifts to get from one side of the station to the other, she said.
Terry Collins Minister for Regional Transport and Road, Jenny Aitchison, and Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch, with concerned residents at Point Clare station
I have done analysis on the Central Coast dog attacks, and we are consistently the highest acrossCouncilNSW.atone stage used the excuse that we had the highest number of dogs in the community.Thiswas false as I pointed out in a meeting with Dick Persson in early 2020, due to the number of dogs who had died of old age and owners
On dog attacks
Aitchison said the situation was “totally unacceptable”.
who had moved. The figures have gone from 145,000 still used in the OLG dog attack statistics down to 65,000, maybe 80,000. Since then, attacks haven’t gone down so Council cannot continue to use those arguments.Asyoureported the majority of attacks occur on public footpaths - Council agree that only 15% of attacks occur in off leash areas, 45% are on roads and paths and we need more Rangers to effectively do their jobs.Itis this apparent inability to interpret the Companion Animals Act in such a manner that victims of dog attacks’ rights are properly addressed that is so devastating to those people.Withregards to little children being rushed at and snarled at this is because 10% of the dog owning population are irresponsible, do not understand dogs, do not care about anyone else. Education and big fines are the key here, but we need more Rangers to enforce it. Not one responsible dog owner would allow their dog to rush snarling at a child. I would be horrified if my dog did, and that would be the end of off leash time.
While the Transport for NSW website says upgrades are set to be completed by October, no firm date has been given and residents are struggling with accessParliamentarydifficulties.Secretary for the Central Coast, Adam Crouch, said due to unforeseen changes to the staging of the project, new accessible lifts will not be open until later this year.While apologising to the community for any inconvenience, he said the upgrade had to be done and will eventually see two new lifts connecting each platform to the commuter car parks, three new accessible parking spaces and an accessible toilet. “A new ramp will be provided from the new accessible parking space in the Kurrawa Ave Commuter Car Park to connect to the new lift,” he said.But Tesch said original plans were to have ramps on both sides of the station.
Email, August 28 Cindy Dobbin
The early start in the morning from Coogee by tram to Central Railway Station to catch the steam train to take us to Gosford Station. As the Spit Bridge did not exist then there was a brief stop at Woy Woy station where the little man ran up and down the platform selling his bottled oysters, and then it was onto Gosford Station around lunch time.We sat at the bus stop eating our sandwiches for lunch before embarking on the long rough trip by bus along the dirt Scenic Road, which took almost three hours passing through many orchards and only seeing very few houses on theTheway.wonderful sound of the bell birds and whip birds, which you hear very little of these days.By the time we reached Killcare late in the afternoon and unpacking in my Grand parents little fibro holiday house and if then still light walk down to Putty Beach, as the fishermen were coming in with their catch and one could buy fresh fish from them. One had to get back home before dark, as there was no electricity, so the use of the oil lamp and the cooking on the wood stove. I wonder if anyone else remembers these days?
Memories as a child coming to Killcare from Sydney in the 50’s FORUM
Community concern over accessibility at Point Clare railway station continues, with residents joining Shadow Minister for Regional Transport and Road, Jenny Aitchison, and Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch, for a rally on site on August 24. With a step-free walkway having been removed as upgrade work continues, the only access from the underground tunnel to the station is via a flight of stairs.
Just a few months ago we elected a new Prime Minister who promised he would bring courtesy, decency and pragmatism to Government. Instead, he has been doing the very opposite. He’s still on a campaign to destroy the legacy and reputation of his predecessor, Scott Morrison. His obsession with ‘getting’ Morrison and his Government for what is obviously just for political gain is beyond the pale.Yes, Morrison may have done a few things he shouldn’t have, but he has been cleared by the Solicitor General of any unlawful conduct. The procedure and protocols he breached hurt no-one and he did not gain personally. (Rules can be set) to prevention a recurrence in the future, but we don’t need to drag this out through top level, expensive inquires. There is nothing to gain, except perhaps political points. Albanese needs to get on with doing the things we elected him to do – to start addressing inflation and the cost of living. He seems to think he’s still in opposition not in Government.
It has come to our attention that the public is unaware of the relationship between Local Aboriginal Land Councils and the Traditional Custodians of a local area. This issue is particularly topical for many areas in NSW, including the Central Coast. The Central Coast’s Local Aboriginal Land Council is the Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council (DLALC). DLALC have played a vital role on the Central Coast promoting reconciliation and assisting the local Indigenous community in many ways. DLALC’s high profile on the Central Coast is invaluable for raising issues and awareness of Indigenous matters. However, it is not widely known that ‘Darkinjung’ is the name of the land council and not the name of the Country we liveContraryon. to popular belief, supported by the many welcoming signs erected all over the coast, there is no such thing as ‘Darkinjung Country’. A Local Aboriginal Land Council must represent all Aboriginal peoples of the area and therefore cannot be named after any tribe. The local traditional owners and custodians of the Central Coast are the GuriNgai, Darkinoong and AwabakalCurrentlypeople.DLALC is the second largest owners of land on the Central Coast, after the Central CoastUnderstandably,Council. DLALC would like to raise funds for their members and the local Aboriginal community, and as such have proposed a cut and fill development on some of their land at Kariong on Woy Woy Road, to build 60 houses. DLALC’s proposal includes affordable Indigenous housing, and we applaud DLALC for taking this great stance and in so doing highlighting the need for this type of housing. However, IAPA are firm on protecting sacred Aboriginal Sites, of which the Woy Woy Road property is one. We stand with the Local Traditional Custodians who do not want this land developed.
Page 2
The land proposed for development on Woy Woy Road, is not far from the Brisbane Water National Park, the sacred Grandmother Tree, and the ‘infamous’ hieroglyphics and is up and across the road from the famous rock engravings of the Bambara man.
I read with interest your editorial piece on fatal dog attacks.
The excitement when told I was going for a holiday with my grandmother from Sydney to her holiday house in Killcare by public transport.
As someone whose dog was attacked, but not fatally, I dealt firsthand with the problems of the current system where nothing was done.
“Every commuter deserves access on our NSW state rail network – but for thousands of people with disabilities, elderly passengers and travelling parents and carers, under this Government that isn’t the case,” she said. As the upgrade proceeds, passengers with a disability, limited mobility, luggage or prams can call 1800 775 465 at any time to arrange access from one side of the station to theThisother.service will be in place until the new accessible lifts are open and will provide either taxi vouchers or a traffic controller to meet the person at the stairs to assist them to negotiate access. Onsite project workers and traffic controllers have also been briefed to assist those customers who need help with moving from one side of the rail corridor to the other during the day.

WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US PAGE 12 FRIDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER 2022 Community Environment Network ADVERTISEMENT WILDPLANT NURSERY SALE Special presentation by Carla from Wombat Welfare Central Coast THIS SATURDAY 39amSEPTEMBER,2022to12pm Plant prices start from $3.30 and all species are endemic to the Central Coast. Off Loop Road South, Ourimbah Campus of University of Newcastle (follow the signs)

a Mounties Group member? Join now online via FATHER’S DAY WHAT’S ON FOR BREAKERSLONNIELEE THE LAST MAN STANDING Thursday 1 September Doors 10.30 | Show 11am Tickets: $10 M | $20 NM FATHER’S DAY RAFFLE Sunday 4 September $3000 worth of prizes Tickets on Sale 5pm | Drawn 7pm Food Specials at Skillion Brasserie Plus Live Entertainment WednesdayHALEKULANIFATHER’SDAYRAFFLE31August Tickets on Sale 5pm Drawn 6.30pm LONNIE LEE THE LAST MAN STANDING Sunday 4 September Doors 10.30 | Show 11am Tickets: $10 M | $20 NM Food Specials at Ohana Restaurant CLUBLONNIEWYONGLEE THE LAST MAN STANDING Wednesday 31 August Doors 10.30 | Show 11am Tickets: $10 M | $20 NM FATHER’S DAY RAFFLE Sunday 4 September Great Prizes Dad will love Tickets on Sale 12pm | Drawn 3pm Food Specials at Spinners Restaurant Plus Live Entertainment A night of dancing with Party Latte Magic, music and dancing to support MS
Proceeds from the evening will be shared equally between Central Coast MS Branch and MS Plus, a leading source of information, advice and support services for people living with MS and other neurological conditions.TheMSCentral Coast branch alone helps about 150 people with social and financial support by providing access to funding for specialised equipment, medical and mobility aids so they can live a more comfortable life.
“MS flies under the radar a bit, it doesn’t get a lot of attention, so I think the Central Coast could lead the way to help and provide support for people because there’s a lot of us here on the Coast,” she said. Daniels was diagnosed with neurological disease in 1998, and it was after moving to the Central Coast that she started to lose her ability to walk. She started the support group in Narara in 2019 to help others cope and learn about local services.“Being new to the Central Coast, and new to disability, I began to feel a growing need to connect with others who had MS, and that is why I reached out initially,” Daniels said. “I started the group after contacting MS Connect and completing their peer support training.“Atthe very first meeting, we had 18 people, people I had never met – and all either had MS or a loved one with MS. “I have since met many more people living with MS here on the Central Coast and connections and friendships have formed as a result of the support group, and that is a very heartening thing.”
Multiple Sclerosis is a progressive neurological disease of the central nervous system that interferes with nerve impulses from the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves, manifesting in a wide range of symptoms and, although there is no cure yet, treatment can help people live comfortably with the There’sdisease.more than 25,000 Australians living with MS –most are diagnosed aged between 20 and 40 and roughly three times more women than men.“We have an amazing group of members and volunteers that do fantastic work all throughout the year, raising awareness and fundraising to help those living with MS in our local community,” Daniels said. “If no one talks about it – if there is no ‘noise’ around MS – it’s not likely there’ll be much push for that cure.
Gosford/Narara MS Peer Support Group has 30 members and the Holgate group has about a dozen, with a growing number of people reaching out forColleensupport.Daniels, who leads the Gosford/Narara group, and a band of other volunteers organised the fundraising event which has been wholeheartedly supported by many local businesses.
“For our children, for their children, we simply seek to do whatever we can to get rid of MS,” Daniels said. Bookings for the Night of Magic, Music and Dancing can be made by emailing Colleen Daniels at gosfordpsg@gmail. com or phoning 0410 405 104. Sue Murray Not
PAGE 132 SEPTEMBER 2022 WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US One of Australia’s premier magicians, Liam Power, will perform at a night of magic, music and dancing to support people living with multiple sclerosis. The fun will get underway at 7pm on Saturday, September 10 with canapes in the Tasman Room at Mingara Recreation Club, followed by entertainment including dance band Party Latte and lucky door prizes.

“Most of our audiences are under 30 so often we have young people come to see the shows and become involved,” Maxwell said. “We have been asked since we started when we will be doing a show at Peninsula Theatre and have worked hard to find a project and model we could take to other parts of the Coast.“Wewant to make our shows as accessible as we can and this trial program will see everything from auditioning to rehearsing and performing in the southern section of the Coast.”Auditions and rehearsals for the show will be held at Erina, which will be performed for a one-week season at Tuggerah’s Red Tree Theatre in November before moving to Peninsula Theatre in AuditionsDecember.willbeheld next week with rehearsals to begin almostMaxwellimmediately.saidgoing forward the company plans to direct versions of its youth productions for both the north and south of the“Weregion.know the benefits and impacts of the arts on young people’s mental health and engagement,” he said. “Having Council come to the party is a vital part of what we do.“It will help us make theatre accessible to young people all over the region and allow us to reduce ticket prices for younger audiences.”Thegrant was one 18 approved at the Council meeting on August 23, with as total of $58,788.46 allocated. Other successful applicants were: Central Coast Cross Country ($4,083.48); Wyong Creek Literary Institute ($1,205.30); Achilles Hunter Central Coast ($2,750); Crestani Scholarships Limited ($2,954); Gosford Musical Society ($4,978); Gosford City Community and Information Service ($4,159.95); Avoca Beach Surf Life Saving Club ($5,000); Kincumber-Avoca Cricket ($4,680); Chain Valley Bay Progress Association ($3,050); Wamberal Surf Life Saving Club (1,576); Davistown Progress Association ( $1,184.73); Central Coast Family Support Services ($1,800); Umina United Soccer Club ($4,178); Coast Family History Society ($1,729); Mooney-Cheero Progress Association ($5,000); Rotary Club of East Gosford ( $2,160.00); and Northlakes Public School P&C Association ($3,300). Terry Collins Young people perform in Jopuka’s previous production of Very Happy Children With Bright and Wonderful Futures
New safe space for diverse youth launches in Gosford
Supported by the Australian Government Department of Social Services, the Young, Authentic and Social Program (YAAS!) aims to empower participants, develop personal resilience and leadership skills and build community ties, friendships and connections. This will be achieved through activations, hang outs, events, performance, creative workshops and celebrations as well as ongoing fortnightly drop-ins for 12–17-year-olds.
Youth arts company Jopuka Productions, based at its Tuggerah space, The Launch Pad, is set to expand its theatrical program to the south of the region, with help from a $5,000 Central Coast Council Community Support Grant.
Jopuka Founder and Artistic Director, Joshua Maxwell, said the funds would go towards venue hire for a short season of the play Little Girls Alone in the Woods at Woy Woy’s Peninsula Theatre, as the company moves to make theatre more available to young people in the south of the region. The play, by Morgan Rose, is an adaptation of The Bacchae and puts a contemporary feminist lens on the Greek legend of Dionysus, the god of wine, fertility, festivity, theatre and ritual madness.
Photo: Amy Seaborn
Ted No ff s Foun dat i on get addicted c hil d r e n c l ea n Please donate to buy beds for Ted. Call 1800 151 045 or visit Bookings: (02) 4335 1485 Friday 9th September, 2022 THE ART HOUSE, WYONG
Naughty Noodle Fun Haus is set to launch a transformative arts and culture program for young people living on the Central Coast aged 12-24 with a focus on diverse identities and abilities.
Youth Engagement – Senior Youth worker and Producer, Carlee Heise, will lead the program and said 66 per cent of LGBTQIA+ youth in Australia still experience bullying based on their identity. They are 12 times more likely to experience depression due to this Multipleharassment.LGBTIQ Youth suicides across the Central Coast last year alone were directly attributed to bullying and solidified the need for a focused and a collaborative federal, state and local approach which focuses on marginalised youth not as a tack on program but as the spotlight for building resilience, connection and networks, HeiseWorkingsaid. with Police, Headspace, GNL and PCYC –YAAS! will reinforce the transformative impact of empowering regional young people to explore and express their unique creative identity. Everyone is welcome including friends, family, and allies. Heise is returning home to the Central Coast for the role. She is a performance-maker and youth worker, passionate about amplifying young people’s voices. She has nurtured young artists through her work at Shopfront Arts in South Sydney, and has supported youth experiencing homelessness in crisis and transitional housing at Project Youth in the Sutherland Shire.
“I am delighted to be leading the YAAS! Program,” she said. “I spent my youth living in regional NSW, and I know how significant a safe and welcoming space like YAAS! would have been for me. “YAAS! is here to uplift and empower young people, proudly shining a light and giving voice to marginalised youth.YAAS! will soft launch with a drop-in on R U OK? Day, September 8. Rainbow young people and allies aged 12-17 are invited to join Heise for artmaking, music and snacks. It will be held from 4-6pm at 200 Mann St, Gosford (in front of Gosford station). The event is free but young people must register to attend at au/yaas.
Source: Media release, Aug 29 Naughty Noodle Fun Haus Carlee Heise will lead the YASS! program
Jopuka Productions expands to south of region

The Williams Brothers
Pirates of Penzance comes to Wyong
The Williams Brothers will take rock fans back to where it all began in Twist & Shout – A Salute to Rock ‘n’ Roll. The magical sound of hit after massive hit will come alive through the vocal trio.
The swashbuckling Gilbert and Sullivan favourite, Pirates of Penzance, is set for a performance at The Art House, Wyong, on September 24. Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Sydney will bring to life the tale of Frederic, a strapping, handsome, not overlyintelligent pirate who is about to turn Having21. been inadvertently apprenticed to a pirate at the tender age of eight because his governess, Ruth, was hard of hearing, Frederic has come of age and is ready to discover life.Along comes a bevy of beautiful maidens out for a picnic and a paddle, whose foster-father is a Major-General who missed his vocation as a rapper but is now making up for lost time. If you love confusion, contradiction, con trickery, constabulary, and consummate melodies, The Pirates of Penzance is the show for you. Favourite songs from the show include Poor Wand’ring One, I am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General and A Policeman’s lot is not a happy one.
The Williams Brothers are the sons of one of Australia’s leading Rock ’n’ Roll pioneers, Warren Williams, and say they were born to carry on the tradition of one of the greatest eras in music history. They capture the hits with harmony that only brothers can produce.Tickets are available on The Art House website.
Source: Media release, August 28 Lionel Midford Publicity
With a cast of 35 singers, the performance at Wyong will be accompanied by the G&S Opera Sydney Palm Court Orchestra.Theproduction has been directed and choreographed by Elizabeth Lowrencev, with musical direction by Rod Mounjed and stunning new costume designs by Sandra Tutt.The show will be performed at the Art House at 2pm on September 24. For booking details see the Art House website. Terry CollinsJane Van Balen as Ruth Twist and Shout plays at Art House
Following a successful performance at Laycock St Community Theatre in August, an international tribute celebrating the hits of the rock and roll stars of the ‘50s and ‘60s will play at The Art House, Wyong, on September 9. With nods to Elvis, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Roy Orbison, The Everly Brothers, Little Richard, Del Shannon, Jerry Lee Lewis and Australia’s Johnny O’Keefe, the show also features number one hits of the Bee Gees, The Beatles, The Monkees and The Hollies, along withTheothers.multi-award winning and internationally renowned band

Master Bedroom And Walk In Robe Reveal (PG)
[s] 12:40 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 1:30 Home Shopping 4:00 Religious Programs 4:30 Home Shopping 6:00 Religious Programs [s] 8:00 Farm
l) 3:00
Shipwreck Treasure
11:50 First Responders
Advised 1:30 Everyday
6:00 rage (PG) [s] 7:00 Weekend Breakfast [s] 9:00 rage (PG) [s] 10:30 rage Guest Programmer (PG) [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 12:30 Vera: Protected (M v) [s] 2:00 Midsomer Murders: Send In The Clowns (PG) [s] 3:30 Great Southern Landscapes (PG) [s] 4:00 Spicks And Specks (PG) [s] 4:50 Landline [s] 5:20 David ConquestAttenborough’sOfTheSkies: Triumph (PG) [s] 6:10 Extraordinary Escapes: Prue Leith (PG) [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 Death In Paradise (PG) [s] 8:30 Marriage (M l) [s] 9:30 Summer Love: Jules & Tom And Jonah & Steph (M) [s] 10:05 Midsomer Murders: The Point Of Balance (PG) [s] 11:35 rage (MA15+) [s] 6:00 Home Shopping 7:00
5:00 Worldwatch 9:00 Love Your Home And Garden (PG) 9:55 Our Coast (PG) 11:00 Paul O’Grady For The Love Of Dogs (PG) 12:00 Worldwatch 1:00 Motor Sports: Speedweek 3:00 Motor Sports: AusMoto Show 3:30 Football: Countdown To Qatar 4:00 The Rising: The Cal Bruton 4:30 Cycling: La Vuelta 2022 Highlights 5:35 Hitler’s Olympics (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 What Killed The Roman Empire? (PG) (In French/ English) 9:00 America After 9/11 (M v) 11:10 Cycling: La Vuelta: Stage 15 *Live* From Spain 1:20 Going Places With Ernie Dingo (PG) 2:00 Pandemic 2020: Brave New World (M) (In English/ French/ Mandarin) September2Friday Also see: ABC PLUS (Channel 22) ABC ME (Channel 23) ABC NEWS (Channel 24) Also 7TWOsee:(Channel 62) 7MATE (Channel 63) 7FLIX (Channel 66) Also see: GEM (Channel 82) GO! (Channel 83/88) LIFE (Channel 84) Also see: 10 PEACH (Channel 11) 10 BOLD (Channel 12) Also see: SBS VICELAND (Channel 31) SBS MOVIES (Channel 32) SBS FOOD (Channel 33) SBS NITV (Channel 34) September3SaturdaySunday4September Classifications: (G) General, (PG) Parental Guidance, (M) Mature Audiences, (MA15+) Mature Audience Over 15 Years, [s] Subtitles Consumer Advice: (d) drug references, (s) sexual references or sex scenes (h) horror, (l) language, (mp) medical procedures, (n) nudity, (v) violence Builders Licence # 204179C • LICENSED TRADESMAN AND QUALITY WORK • LOCATED ON THE CENTRAL COAST • OVER 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE AND FULLY INSURED • ENTIRE JOB MANAGED BY ONE PROJECT MANAGER • ANY RECONFIGURATIONS ARE EASILY MANAGED - Phone Scotty on 0401 601 082 for a free quotation SCAN FOR MORE INFO
[s] 2:00 Pooches
6:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 6:30 Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 7:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 7:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 8:00 10 News First [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] Dr Phil (M) [s] The Living Room [s] Entertainment Tonight [s] 2:30 Food Trail - South Africa [s] 3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] Farm To Fork [s] Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 10 News First [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Living Room (PG) [s] 8:40 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M l,s) [s] 9:40 Program To Be Advised 10:40 Just For Laughs Australia (M s) [s] 11:40 The Project (PG) [s] Worldwatch 9:05 Inside The Modelling Agency (PG) 10:00 Food Markets (In Hungarian/ English) 11:00 Ancient Invisible Cities: Athens (PG) 12:00 Worldwatch 2:10 Unknown Amazon (M NITV News: Nula 3:30 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) Jeopardy! (PG) Cycling: The Cook Up With (PG) SBS World Treasures Of Ancient Rome: Colosseum (PG) Ross KempHunter: Wars (M) 9:25 Most Scenic Journeys: (PG) Weekend Sunrise [s] The Morning ShowWeekend (PG) [s] 12:00 Seven’s Horse Racing [s] 5:00 Seven News At 5 [s] Border Security - Australia’s Front Line: (PG) [s] A man is caught smuggling wildlife in his underpants. A British backpacker refuses to answer questions about his illegal past. 6:00 Seven News [s] 7:00 AFL: First Elimination Final: Fremantle v Western Bulldogs *Live* From Optus Stadium [s] 11:00 Movie: “Argo” (M l,v) (’12) –Acting under the cover of a Hollywood producer scouting a location for a science fiction film, a CIA agent launches a dangerous operation to rescue six Americans in Tehran during the U.S. hostage crisis in Iran in 1979. Stars: Ben Affleck 1:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Getaway (PG) [s] 6:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:00 Weekend Today [s] 10:00 Today Extra Saturday [s] 12:00 Destination WA [s] 12:30 Rivals (PG) [s] 1:00 NRL Women’s: Broncos v Titans From Moreton Daily Stadium [s] 3:00 Touch Football: NSW State Cup: Teams TBA *Live* From TBA [s] NINE News: First At Five [s] 5:30 Getaway (PG) [s] 6:00 NINE News Saturday [s] 7:00 NRL: Cowboys v Panthers From Queensland Country Bank Stadium [s] 9:30 NRL: Post Match [s] 9:50 Movie: “Dirty Harry” (M l,v) (’71) 12:00 Freshly Picked With Simon Toohey [s] 12:30 Luxury Escapes (PG) [s] 1:00 The Living Room (PG) [s] 2:00 Football: Matildas v Canada *Live* From Suncorp Stadium 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Luxury Escapes (PG) [s] 6:30 Bondi Rescue (PG) [s] 7:00 The Dog House UK (PG) [s] Rohan meets Patterdale terrier puppy Friday. But is Friday a bit too enthusiastic for the nine year old? 8:00 Ambulance UK (PG) [s] 10:00 The Cheap Seats (M l) [s] 11:00 NCIS: Sound Off (M) [s] 1:00 Home Shopping 5:00 Worldwatch 9:00 Love Your Home And Garden (PG) 9:55 Our Coast 11:00 Paul O’Grady For The Love Of Dogs (PG) 12:00 Worldwatch 2:00 Gymnastics: 2022 Rhythmic World Cup Highlights 4:00 Trail Towns: The Goldfields Region Of Victoria 4:30 Cycling: La Vuelta 2022 Place - Sydney Football Stadium [s] West Tigers Raiders [s] Block: [s] Minutes [s] [s] Mike MacKool (MA15+) [s] (M) To Fork [s] The Living Room (PG) [s] Studio 10: Sunday (PG) [s] Program To Be Gourmet With Justine Schofield At Play [s] Luxury Escapes [s] My Market Kitchen [s] Food Trail - South Africa (PG) [s] 4:00 Farm To Fork [s] 4:30 Taste Of Australia With Hayden Quinn [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:30 The Sunday Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Amazing Race Australia (PG) [s] 9:00 NCIS: Hawaii: Broken (M v) [s] 10:00 FBI: Broken Promises (M v) [s] 11:00 The Sunday Project (PG) [s] 12:00 Home Shopping 4:30 CBS Mornings [s]
10:00 The First 48: Chopper (M v) [s] 11:00 Killer Couples: Leslie And
7:00 The
4:30 Letters And Numbers 5:00
Highlights 5:30 Hell On Earth: WWII (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:35 Worlds Most Scenic Railway Journeys: Sweden (PG) 8:30 Secrets Of The Tower Of London (PG) 9:25 Devon & Cornwall With Michael Portillo: Start Point To Blackstone Point 10:20 The Artist’s View: Whitney Houston 10:50 Cycling: La Vuelta: Stage 14 *Live* From Spain 6:00 rage (PG) [s] 7:00 Weekend Breakfast [s] 9:00 Insiders [s] 10:00 Offsiders [s] 10:30 The World This Week [s] 11:00 Compass [s] 11:30 Songs Of Praise [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 12:30 Landline [s] 1:30 Gardening Australia [s] 2:30 Old People’s Home For Teenagers (PG) [s] 3:30 Rick Stein’s Road To Mexico: Yucatan [s] 4:30 Win The Week (PG) [s] 5:00 Art Works [s] 5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s] 6:30 Compass (PG) [s] 7:00 ABC News Sunday [s] 7:40 Spicks And Specks (PG) [s] 8:30 Savage River (M) [s] 9:30 Movie: “The Girl On The Train” (M n,s,v) (’16) Stars: Emily Blunt, Justin Theroux 11:20 The Capture (M l,v) [s] 12:15 Vanity Fair (PG) [s] 6:00 Home Shopping 7:00 Weekend Sunrise [s] 10:00 The Morning ShowWeekend (PG) [s] 12:00 House Of Wellness (PG) [s] 1:00 AFL Women’s: Round 2: Collingwood v Sydney *Live* From Victoria Park [s] 3:00 Program To Be Advised 4:00 Better Homes And Gardens 5:00 Seven News At 5 [s] 5:30 Sydney Weekender [s] 6:00 Seven News [s] 7:00 Farmer Wants A Wife (PG) [s] We meet five new farmers, including an incredible female farmer, on their search for true love. 8:30 Program To Be Advised 9:30 Homicide With Ron Iddles: Erwin Kastenberger (M) [s] 10:30 Undercurrent - Real Murder Investigation: Witnesses (M v) [s] 11:35 Killer Tapes: The Murder Of Rhys Jones (M) [s] 6:00 Fishing Australia [s] 6:30 Rivals (PG) [s] 7:00 Weekend Today [s] 10:00 Sports Sunday (PG) [s] 11:00 Sunday Footy Show (PG) [s] 1:00 Bondi Lifeguard World Adventures (PG) [s] 1:30 Our
3:00 NRL:
Stars: Katherine Heigl, JamesMarsden, Malin Åkerman, Judy Greer, Edward Burns, Peyton List, Brian Kerwin 10:45 Program To Be Advised 12:30 Home Shopping
Stars: Clint Eastwood, Harry Guardino, Reni Santoni 12:00 A+E After Dark (M) [s] 1:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 2:00 Home Shopping 5:30 Skippy - The Bush Kangaroo 6:00 Reel Action [s] 6:30 Religious Programs [s] 7:00 Escape Fishing With ET [s] 7:30 Wildlife Rescue Australia [s] 8:30 What’s Up Down Under [s] 9:00 Australia By Design: Innovations [s] 9:30 Studio 10: Saturday [s]
9:30 NINE News Late
8:30 60
La Vuelta 2022 Highlights 6:00
PAGE 16 2 SEPTEMBER 2022WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US ABC (C20/21) PRIME (C61/60) NINE (C81/80) TEN (C10) SBS (C30) 6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00 Q+A (PG) [s] 11:05 Extraordinary Escapes [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 1:00 The School That Tried To End Racism (PG) [s] 2:00 Grantchester (PG) [s] 3:00 Escape From The City (PG) [s] 4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s] 4:55 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s] 5:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 Gardening Australia [s] 8:30 Baptiste (M l,v) [s] 9:30 Doc Martin (PG) [s] 10:20 ABC Late News [s] 10:35 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL (M) [s] 11:05 Summer Love: Jules & Tom And Jonah & Steph (M) [s] 11:40 rage (MA15+) [s] 6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “Jesse Stone: Thin Ice” (M v) (’09) Stars: Tom Selleck, Kathy Baker, Kohl Sudduth, William Devane, Leslie Hope 2:00 House Of Wellness (PG) [s] 3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s] 6:00 Seven News [s] 7:00 Better Homes And Gardens 8:30 Movie: “27 Dresses” (PG) (’08) – After serving as a bridesmaid 27 times, a young woman wrestles with the idea of standing by her sister’s side as her sibling marries the man she’s secretly in love with.
Adam Liaw
*Live* From Leichhardt Oval [s] 6:00 NINE News Sunday
6:00 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s] 11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “Sweet Autumn” (G) (’20) Stars: Nikki Deloach, Andrew W. Walker, Daina Leitold, Eugene Baffoe 1:45 9Honey - Queen Elizabeth: The Queen, Diana, Camilla And Kate (PG) [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s] 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 NRL: Roosters v Rabbitohs *Live* From Allianz Stadium [s] 9:55 NRL: Golden Point [s] 10:35 Our Place - Sydney Football Stadium *Live* 12:05 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 1:00 Postcards (PG) 1:30 Home Shopping 4:00 Religious Programs 5:30 Skippy - The Bush Kangaroo
News 7:35 Lost

PAGE 172 SEPTEMBER 2022 WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US ABC (C20/21) PRIME (C61/60) NINE (C81/80) TEN (C10) SBS (C30) 6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00 Landline [s] 11:00 Antiques Roadshow [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 1:00 Rosehaven (PG) [s] 1:30 Poh’s Kitchen Lends A Hand (PG) [s] 2:00 Parliament Question Time [s] 3:00 Escape From The City [s] 4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s] 5:00 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s] 5:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 7.30 (PG) [s] 8:00 Australian Story (PG) [s] 8:30 Four Corners (PG) [s] 9:20 Media Watch (PG) [s] 9:35 China Tonight [s] 10:05 ABC Late News [s] 10:20 The Business [s] 10:40 Q+A [s] 11:45 Parliament Question Time [s] 12:45 Baptiste (M l,v) [s] 6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “A Teacher’s Crime” (M) (’08) Stars: Ashley Jones, Erik Knudsen, Chris Mulkey 2:00 What The Killer Did Next: Saima Khan (M) [s] 3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s] 6:00 Seven News [s] 7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s] 7:30 Farmer Wants A Wife (PG) [s] Remaining farmers date their love matches, before choosing five to get to know better on their farms. 9:00 9-1-1: Lonestar: Spring Cleaning (M v) [s] 10:00 9-1-1: Lonestar: A Bright & Cloudless Morning (M v) [s] 11:00 The Latest Seven News [s] 11:30 Heartbreak Island Australia (M l) [s] 12:30 Home Shopping 6:00 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s] 11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s] 12:00 The Block: Master Bedroom And Walk In Robe Reveal (PG) [s] 1:30 Getaway (PG) [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s] 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 The Block: Guest Bedroom And Bathroom Week (PG) [s] 8:40 Emergency (M) [s] 9:40 100% Footy (M) [s] 10:40 NINE News Late [s] 11:10 Fortunate Son: All Along The Watchtower (M d,v) [s] 12:00 Emergence: Mile Markers 14 (M v) [s] 12:50 Hello SA (PG) [s] 1:20 Explore [s] 1:30 Home Shopping 4:00 Religious Programs 6:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 6:30 Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 7:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 7:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 8:00 10 News First [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (M) [s] 1:00 Program To Be Advised 2:30 Entertainment Tonight [s] 3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 3:30 Farm To Fork [s] 4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Amazing Race Australia (PG) [s] 8:30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) [s] 9:30 Just For Laughs Australia (M) [s] 10:00 Nath Valvo: Show Pony (MA15+) [s] 5:00 Worldwatch 9:05 Inside The Modelling Agency (PG) 10:00 Food Markets (PG) (In English/ French) 11:00 Ancient Invisible Cities: Istanbul (PG) 12:10 Worldwatch 2:10 Secrets Unearthed: Pyramids (PG) 3:00 Going Places With Ernie Dingo (PG) 3:35 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 4:05 Jeopardy! (PG) 4:30 Letters And Numbers 5:00 Cycling: La Vuelta 2022 Highlights 6:00 Mastermind (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 Lighthouses - Building The Impossible: The Wolf Rock (M) 8:30 DNA Family Secrets (PG) 9:40 24 Hours In Emergency: Blink Of An Eye (M) 6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00 Foreign Correspondent [s] 10:30 China Tonight [s] 11:00 Our Brain (PG) [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 1:00 Marriage (M l) [s] 2:00 Parliament Question Time [s] 3:00 Escape From The City (PG) [s] 4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s] 5:00 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s] 5:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 7.30 [s] 8:00 Great Southern Landscapes (PG) [s] 8:30 Old People’s Home For Teenagers (PG) [s] 9:30 Science Of Drugs With Richard Roxburgh: New Epidemics (M d) [s] 10:30 ABC Late News [s] 10:45 The Business [s] 6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “Black Hearted Killer” (AKA ‘Fatal Flatline’) (M v) (’20) – A grieving couple agree to meet their late daughter’s heart recipient only to find out she is not who she claims to be and will stop at nothing to get her revenge. Stars: Adam Rockoff 2:00 What The Killer Did Next: Geoff Seggie (M v) [s] 3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s] 6:00 Seven News [s] 7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s] 7:30 Farmer Wants A Wife (PG) [s] 9:00 Extreme Weddings Australia (PG) [s] 10:00 10 Years Younger In 10 Days (PG) [s] 11:00 The Latest Seven News [s] 11:30 Chicago Fire: Two Hundred (M) [s] 6:00 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s] 11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s] 12:00 The Block: Guest Bedroom And Bathroom Week (PG) [s] 1:00 Emergency (M) [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s] 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 The Block: Guest Bedroom And Bathroom Week (PG) [s] 8:45 The Hundred With Andy Lee (M) [s] 9:45 True Story With Hamish & Andy: Jeremy/ Paul (PG) [s] 10:45 NINE News Late [s] 11:15 Law & Order: Organized Crime: Dead Presidents (MA15+) [s] 12:00 See No Evil: A Candy Run (MA15+) [s] 12:45 The Tipping Point (PG) [s] 1:30 Home Shopping 6:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 6:30 Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 7:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 7:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 8:00 10 News First [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (M) [s] 1:00 Program To Be Advised 2:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 2:30 My Market Kitchen [s] 3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 3:30 Farm To Fork [s] 4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Amazing Race Australia (PG) [s] 8:30 The Cheap Seats (PG) [s] 9:30 NCIS: Nearly Departed (M) [s] 10:30 NCIS: Los Angeles: Signs Of Change (M v) [s] 11:30 The Project (PG) [s] 5:00 Worldwatch 9:00 Inside The Modelling Agency (PG) 9:55 Food Markets (PG) (In English/ Italian) 10:55 Victorian House Of Arts And Crafts (PG) 12:00 Worldwatch 2:10 Secrets Unearthed: The Great Wall Of China (PG) 3:00 Going Places With Ernie Dingo (PG) 3:40 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 4:10 London’s Great Bridges (PG) 5:05 Jeopardy! (PG) 5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys: Cullen To Cawdor/ Invergordon To Tain (PG) 8:30 Insight: Multiple Marriages (M) 9:30 Dateline: Mexico’s Deadly Coca-Cola Addiction (M) 10:00 SBS World News Late 6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00 Four Corners [s] 11:00 David ConquestAttenborough’sOfTheSkies [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 12:30 National Press Club Address 1:40 Media Watch (PG) [s] 2:00 Parliament Question Time [s] 3:05 Escape From The City (PG) [s] 4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s] 5:00 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s] 5:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 7.30 [s] 8:00 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 9:35 Win The Week (PG) [s] 10:05 Adam Hills: The Last Leg (M) [s] 10:45 ABC Late News [s] 11:00 The Business [s] 11:15 Spicks And Specks(PG) [s] 12:05 Parliament Question Time [s] 6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “Chris Watts: Confessions Of A Killer” (M v) (’20) Stars: Sean Kleier, Ashley Williams, Brooke Smith, April Telek, Chloe Van Landschoot, Dan Willmott, Ellie McPhee 2:00 World’s Deadliest: Holidays (M) [s] 3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s] 6:00 Seven News [s] 7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s] 7:30 Armed And Dangerous: Heists (M v) [s] 9:00 The Chernobyl Disaster: Meltdown (M) [s] 10:00 Air Crash Investigations: Deadly Delivery (PG) [s] 11:00 The Latest Seven News [s] 11:30 Chicago Fire: Dead Zone (M) [s] 12:30 Home Shopping 6:00 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s] 11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s] 12:00 The Block: Guest Bedroom And Bathroom Week (PG) [s] 1:00 The Hundred With Andy Lee (M) [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s] 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 The Block: Guest Bedroom And Bathroom Week (PG) [s] 8:45 After The Verdict (M) [s] 9:45 Family Law: Until Death Do Us Part (M s) [s] 10:45 NINE News Late [s] 11:15 Chicago Med: Pain Is For The Living (PG) [s] 12:05 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 12:55 Destination WA [s] 1:15 Talking Honey: Representation Matters [s] 1:30 Home Shopping 6:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 6:30 Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 7:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 7:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 8:00 10 News First [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (M) [s] 1:00 Program To Be Advised 2:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 2:30 My Market Kitchen [s] 3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 3:30 Farm To Fork [s] 4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Dog House Australia (PG) [s] 8:30 Ghosts: Thorapy/ Trevor’s Pants (PG) [s] 9:30 Bull: Cloak And Beaker/ The Bad Client (M) [s] 11:30 The Project (PG) [s] 5:00 Worldwatch 9:00 Inside The Modelling Agency (PG) 9:55 Food Markets (PG) (In English/ German) 10:55 Victorian House Of Arts And Crafts (PG) 12:00 Worldwatch 2:00 Dateline (M) 2:30 Insight (M) 3:30 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 4:00 Jeopardy! (PG) 4:30 Letters And Numbers 5:00 Cycling: La Vuelta 2022 Highlights 6:00 Mastermind (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:35 Tony Robinson’s History Of Britain: Middle Ages (M) 8:30 Secret Scotland: Aberdeenshire And Angus (PG) 9:20 The Stranger (MA15+) 10:20 SBS World News Late 10:50 Cycling: La Vuelta: Stage 17 *Live* From Spain 6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00 Australian Story (PG) [s] 10:30 That Pacific Sports Show (PG) [s] 11:00 Rick Stein’s Road To Mexico (PG) [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 1:00 Win The Week (PG) [s] 1:30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL (M) [s] 2:00 Parliament Question Time [s] 3:00 Escape From The City (PG) [s] 4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s] 4:55 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s] 5:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 6:55 Sammy J (PG) [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 7.30 [s] 8:00 Foreign Correspondent [s] 8:30 Q+A [s] 9:35 First On The Ground (PG) [s] 10:05 ABC Late News [s] 6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret” (M s,v) (’13) – Based on the disturbing murder trial that gripped the nation, this Lifetime Original Movie tells the story of a seductive, aspiring photographer found guilty of killing her former lover. Stars: Tania Raymonde 2:00 Kochie’s Business Builders 2:30 Border Patrol (PG) [s] 3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s] 6:00 Seven News [s] 7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s] 8:30 Ambulance - Code Red (M) [s] 9:30 The Latest Seven News [s] 10:00 The Front Bar (M) [s] 11:00 Autopsy USA: Carrie Fisher (MA15+) [s] 12:00 Instant Hotel (PG) [s] 1:30 Home Shopping 6:00 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s] 11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s] 12:00 The Block: Guest Bedroom And Bathroom Week (PG) [s] 1:00 After The Verdict (M) [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s] 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 RBT: Slow Learner/ Essendon Tragic (PG) [s] 8:30 Paramedics (PG) [s] 9:30 New Amsterdam: All Night Long (M) [s] 10:30 NINE News Late [s] 11:00 The Equalizer: Exposed (MA15+) [s] 11:50 The Gulf: Who And Where Is Lucy? 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WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US PAGE 18 FRIDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER 2022 MISSING LINK Fill in each letter of the alphabet once only. Missing Link Solution: © Lovatts Puzzles M V I I S A S F B O O A F A R A S E A D A N A L D E N E E E M B A R O E S O D L E E D U I R A O O S M O S S M F V J Q U O I T V I S A S F B O O M A F A R R L A B S X D E A D P A N A L I D E N E W E E M B A R G O E S O D A L E Y E D U I S R A O Z O N E S M O C K O S S H MISSING LINK Fill in each letter of the alphabet once only. Missing Link Solution: © Lovatts Puzzles S U O E P E T A R A E A S U Y S E S U A S E N T S I M O R N B B A T S E E M I T E R E A L A S N E U I P S T R G S F V Q U O T E P E T A L R A E A S J U R Y X S U E S U A S S E N T S I M O B R H E N B B A P T I S E E O M I T E C R E W A L D A M S N E A K U N Z I P Y S T R ACROSS1.Notebooks4.Flower-shaped award 8. Mountain goat 11. Pushes for 13. Salivate 15. Belonging to them 17. Likely touchdown time 18.(1,1,1)Tropical jelly-making 20.fruitEven so 21. First Greek letter 24. Linger (on) 27. Asian sauce 28. Apart (from) 30. Instruct 31. Storey 33. Taunts 34. Ten years 35. This place 36. Garden seat timber 39. Excavating 42. Book of maps 44. Tricks 45. Distance around belly 46. Bladders 48. Baggy 49. Explosion 50. Perused 52. 54.(response)Half-heartedScourgewith whip 55. Tibetan priests 56. Vocation 57. Top 60. Fleur-de-lis 62. Distribution centre 65. Cruel person 67. Cunning 69. Move shoulders 70. Eyelid inflammations 72. Crib 73. Wooden box 75. Indian city, New ... 77. Guys 79. Disentangle 81. Enraged 82. Common-law spouse, de 85.84....RegisterCoffee,... latte 86. Divide (of road) 87. Flavour concentrate 88. Period (of office) (1,1,1,1)DOWN1.Compassion2.Musicalpairs3.Ceylon,...Lanka4.Invitationfootnote5.Cusses6.Swapped7.Blade’scuttingside8.Ioweyou(1,1,1) 9. 14.12.10.UnconcernedBonephoto(1-3)RankGazedlecherously at 16. Haul 19. Europe’s longest river 22. Acquires (skill) 23. Cultivating (ground) 25. Floral tribute 26. Alpaca relatives 29. Check off one by one 32. Pets’ physician 35. Summit of mound 37. Written composition 38. Water boilers 40. Just right 41. Mocking remarks 42. Room within roof 43. Paintbrush hair 44. Seoul, South ... 47. Clearness 51. Sillier 52. Mildest 53. Injure 54. Fixation 58. Goad (3,2) 59. Fishpond carp 61. Fabric insert 63. Stomach sore 64. Topics 65. Abrupt 66. Inflexible 68. Absolute (nonsense) 71. Function host 72. Wristband 74. Wheel spindle 76. Scalp parasites 78. Standard 80. Biro fluid 83. Rear MISSING LINK Fill in each letter of the alphabet once only. PUZZLES LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS Central Coast 8444 • FREE delivery 5 days a week • Wellness checks with every delivery • Community Restaurants & Assisted Shopping Progams Meals on Wheels Central Coast delivering nutritious and delicious meals to our community, providing peace of mind to our clients, their friends, and families. • No contracts or minimum orders • Caring and personalised service • Low fat, low GI, low salt, gluten free, vegetarian, dairy free, and texture modified meals available Contact us today for a free copy of our NEW menu on 4357 8444

Author: Riley Sager
Casey Fetcher has been sent to the family house on Lake Green in Vermont, to think about her actions and get sober. Lolly Fletcher, her mother, is a musical icon and she will not have her daughter disgracing herself all over New York City. Casey was fired from the Broadway play she was starring in, Shred of Doubt, because she showed up for work drunk and couldn’t carry out the performance.Yes,beingsent to Lake Green, on her own, should give Casey time for Except,self-reflection.LakeGreenis where Len, her husband died. Except, her neighbour Eli will get her supplies from the bottle shop.Except the lake is cursed. There isn’t much to occupy Casey’s time. There is her morning bourbon. There is her afternoon bourbon. There is her evening bourbon. There aren’t many houses on Lake Green. Five in total. It is the off season so not many of the occupants are around.Ofcourse, Elis is there and so is Boone, a handy man living in the Mitchell house while they areHeaway.isareal looker, but he is in AA. Casey isn’t ready to get soberThenyet.there is the house across the lake. It has been recently bought by the Royce’s, Tom a tech mogul and Katherine a former supermodel.Iffactitwas Katherine that Casey saved from drowning a few days Katherineago.went swimming in theThelake.water was too cold, she must have gotten a cramp. Katherine can’t remember. The same lake the Len, Casey’s husband drowned in. In-between sips of bourbon, Casey sits out on the porch looking out onto the window of the house across the lake. With a pair of binoculars, “I take in the first floor, where details of the living room are visible through the massive windows”.Caseysees Katherine in the house across the lake. Katherine looks distressed. The next day Katherine isn’t answering her phone. Tom says Katherine went back to the city. Casey thinks Tom is lying. Did anyone read the “Diary of Bridget Jones”, when Bridget writes about her “alcohol units”? Kind of the same here. Casey is an alcoholic and consumes lots of bourbon and that is pretty much all that happens for 50%of the book. She gets drunk and sits on the porch and looks at the house across the lake. All the while thinking about her life and what got her to this place.About her famous mother and her trouble with drugs when she was younger. About the death of her husband Len. And when you think to yourself, when is something going to happen in this book, it doesAndhappen.youtellyourself to watch out what you wish for, because now something has happened, and it is ridiculous you have to keep reading. It is like watching a wreck, you know you should stop but you keep watching. You keep reading. You yell at the book. Why am I wasting my time? Because you have a review to write and you are 60% there and you can do it. Think of all the people out there that you have to warn not to read this book.
PAGE 19FRIDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER 2022 WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US WHERE? We acknowledge the Darkinyung people as the traditional custodians of the lands on which we work and support our community 147 Maidens Brush Road, Wyoming Ph: 02 4323 7438 family funfam amily fun familyfunfamilyfun OPEN DA Y OUT&ABOUT The AcrossHousethe Lake
BOOK REVIEWCCN SOLICITORS & ATTORNEYS ABN. 80 010 976 639 We believe everyone should have a Will. That is why our office charges the following: WILLS$80.00+GSTORSELLING?OFFCONVEYANCINGFORTHEMONTHOFMAYIFYOUMENTIONTHISAD!appointmentsonrequestPhone43922611OurofficespecialisesinConveyancing,EstatesandFamilyLaw
Friends and neighbours also celebrated with her at her home and her tennis friends took Win to lunch at Fisherman’s Wharf.
Letters of Congratulations were received from The Queen, The Governor General, The Premier, Member for Gosford, Liesel Tesch, Legacy and many others. Terry Collins Winifred Burford prepares to cut her birthday cake
Peninsula resident Winifred Burford (nee Walters), fondly known as Win, celebrated her 100th birthday on August 15. Married at Mascot on March 3, 1945, Win moved to Woy Woy in 1948 with husband Richard, who was a well-known builder, was very involved in Apex Rotary and enjoyed scuba diving. He passed away in 2014 after 69 years of marriage. A keen swimmer and tennis player, Win gave up tennis on her 80th birthday and these days prefers to occupy her time reading andBeforegardening.hanging up her racquet, Win played tennis every Thursday, first at Ettalong and then at the Woy Woy courts, for more than 60 years and still meets with her former fellow players once a month forWinlunch.enjoyed a special lunch at the Boathouse on her birthday with daughter Susanne, son-in-law Ross Stanley and other family members.
Publisher: Hodder Stoughton&
Kim Reardon The Reluctant Book Critic Ouch Kim! (Tell us what you really think?)
Happy Birthday100thWin

WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US PAGE 20 FRIDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER 2022 OUT&ABOUT CARING FOR OUR COMMUNITY 204/1 Bryant Drive PO Box 3763 Tuggerah NSW 2259 02 4353 0127 | Authorised by Emma McBride MP, Australian Labor Party, 204/1 Bryant Drive, Tuggerah NSW 2259 NDIS and forFederalImmigrationAdvocacyandPassportsGovernmentFundingcommunityprojectsMedicare or Aged Care Education and TelecommunicationsTrainingand the NBN Defence and Veterans AContactairs Emma McBride Ph: 02 4353 0127 | Email: Are you celebrating a milestone birthday or anniversary and would like a congratulatory message? DO YOU NEED HELP WITH...

David Abrahams Russell Cox, owner of Heatherbare’s bakeries in front of his Ourimbah facility.
Full steam ahead for Railway Hotel
The first iteration of the space was ‘The Bon’. With the Railway Hotel, Singo has gone back to his roots, with a high-quality, popular bar and steakhouse not dissimilar to the successful Elenora Hotel in East Gosford. In trademark Singo style he said: “[High]Vis is welcome, and we don’t kick them out at 9pm like the other mob do … and happy hour goes all afternoon.”Withnew hotel offerings, the Gosford CBD is becoming a destination for good food with numerous bars and restaurants such Baker Street Cafe, The Gosford Hotel and Lyons Den reporting fully booked Friday and Saturday nights. David Abrahams
Pies was established in 2001, the centenary year of the Australian Federation at Heatherbrae, nearTheHexham.newbakery, located along the Pacific Highway near the M1 Ourimbah turn off, is the third bakery for the brand, with the second at Sutton Forest. Cox is passionate about bringing traditional tastes and quality foods back to Australian palate, taking the humble Aussie meat pie and sausage roll into the modern era and competing head on with the fast-food giants.
Linda ByHomeSinceLawyerEmery1983Hospital&VisitsAppointment
Image CCN
Heatherbrae’s pies try to open quietly at Ourimbah Iconic pie bakery Heatherbrae’s tried hard to open its Ourimbah store without the usual fanfare for very good reason, but it was not to be. Pie Baron Russell Cox said they were trying to get their new young staff up to speed and everything humming before launch.
See a video interview with Russell Cox on our website and YouTube Channel.
“But as soon as we opened, we were run of our feet,” Cox said.“Iknow it’s something the Central Coast have been looking forward to for a long time … people have been following us … and they’ve found us,” “We’ve been working on this new store for well over 10 years now and the weather has delayed us, but now we’re off andHeatherbrae’srunning.
“Unlike large multinational companies however, we cook and bake our products on the premises using fresh ingredients,” Cox said. Mr Cox has built the new bakery using traditional local architectural design and plans to introduce historic and artistic displays to create a place that is both interesting and nourishing for tourists and locals alike.
‘In theme 1920s actors with business woman Cathy Baker John Singleton outside his new Railway Hotel
PAGE 212 SEPTEMBER 2022 WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US • Purchase & Sale of Property • Refinancing Mortgages • Purchase & Sale of Business • Retirement Villages APPEARANCES • AVO Matters • Drink Driving 4323 4766 138 Robina Town Centre Drive Robina Qld 4226 PO Box 3275 Robina Town Centre Qld 4230 Tel: 1300 36 0867 email: PROOF DQCW SOLICITORS & LAWYERS
John Singleton launched his newest hotel offering, the Railway Hotel in Gosford CBD on Thursday evening August 25th with a grand party featuring Aussie rock legend Jon Stevens and local support acts. The event was attended by over 200 locals - business people, tradies, community and sports folk and even a few ex-politicians.Manydressed up in 1920s Chicago railway costumes with some splendidly dressed local actors among the crowd, dressed by the Gosford Music Society.TheRailway Hotel is on the ground floor of Mr Singleton’s luxury apartments on Mann Street in the CBD.
Business & Property

Alterations and additions to the garden centre were approved on February 2, 2022. Prior to the Saddles Garden Centre and Saddles Restaurant being established, Princeton Nurseries had operated on-site since the 1990s. The site across the road, at 231 Pacific Hwy, was formerly a petrol station. By 1965, the petrol station had been converted into the Hawkesbury Inn. On July 2, 2021, Council granted permission to demolish, and the site is now vacant.
Saddles Restaurant at Mount White
Thirty-five years ago, BIG W became a founding tenant of Erina Fair when the major shopping centre first opened its doors. Staff recently celebrated 35 years of operation from the store’s original location, with special guest Member for Robertson, Gordon Reid, popping in to offer his congratulations.Whenitfirstopened, the store was constructed in the style of original BIG W stores with yellow paint, carpeted floors, cream fixtures and even a restaurant at the back. Updates over the years have seen BIG W Erina undergo a complete refurbishment in the kitchen department, new white fixtures in apparel, and an online hub implemented in the dock area to offer Home Delivery and Direct to Boot services.Staffmembers said the biggest change they had faced was during pandemic lockdowns, which saw the store close for a three-month period and completely altered the way they worked.
“When COVID hit there was a huge surge in online shopping which saw our online orders go from a smooth trickle to exploding amounts,” store manager David Denzel said. “There was also a period where we were open for essential shopping only and we had to cordon off areas of the store so only certain products could be bought.
“This completely altered how we worked with customers, our technology and one another.
Source: Media release, Aug 31 Big W Erina This is how the store looked when it first opened
It will also seek APUs for a restaurant, small bar, day spa and hotel or motel accommodation across the road at 231 Pacific Hwy. A garden centre, restaurant and carpark were approved for the Saddles site in 2016, with construction of Saddles Restaurant to operate as an ancillary use to the garden centre approved in 2018.
The proposal will allow Saddles Restaurant, the main tourist attraction of the site at 20 Ashbrookes Rd, to operate as an Additional Permitted Use (APU) under the zoning rather than its current ancillary use to Saddles Garden Centre.
A Council report said no impacts are expected to be generated by the expansion on adjoining rural living/ primary production use along the northern boundary or adjoining horse stables
Central Coast Council is to prepare a planning proposal which will allow a restaurant at Mount White to expand by adding tourist attractions and accommodation across the road.
The proposal received the nod from the Local Planning Panel (LPP) on August 8. The development will involve the removal of an estimated 0.26HA of native vegetation which is below the threshold for requiring a Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR), the report to the LPPThesaid.panel suggested nor more than a two-storey structure would be appropriate. It also suggested a Visual Impact Analysis should be prepared prior to exhibition to inform the Development Control Plan (DCP), including recommending design principles to achieve an attractive development, addressing views from the Old Pacific Hwy and any public viewpoint and street frontage.
“The team adapted so well to these changes to accommodate our customers, it was really a greatDenzelachievement.”saidcustomers had remained loyal during the pandemic, with more than 67,000 people walking through the doors during the lockdown in July 2021.
Terry Collins
Big W Erina celebrates 35 years


“It builds on the investment we’ve made through the NSW Budget to improve housing supply and ensure locals and key workers moving to the regions have a place to call home.”Minister for Planning and Minister for Homes, Anthony Roberts, said regional councils will benefit from a share of $12M to help them plan for housing that is affordable, diverse, and resilient to natural hazards.“Thecouncils can apply for up to $250,000 each through the Regional Housing Strategic Planning Fund, to help them undertake the up-front planning work needed to speed up housing delivery,” Roberts said.“The grants will help councils deliver strategic plans, housing policies and technical studies that pave the way for new homes needed to support growing communities.
“We are progressing updates to our online Building Sustainability Index (BASIX) tool and introducing sustainability requirements for new commercial buildings,” Roberts said.
Terry Collins
Energy savings could be in store for builders of new homes
release, Aug 25 NSW
Roberts said the new index within BASIX would measure the greenhouse gas emissions produced in manufacturing residential building materials.
The new SEPP includes updating BASIX standards for new residential buildings, including: an increase of the thermal performance standard from an average of 5.5-6 stars to 7 stars Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) rating; and an increase of between 7 and 11% in greenhouse gas reduction.While welcoming the initiative, the Nature Conservation Council says more needs to be done to make existing homes more energy efficient.“TheNSW Government’s new Building Sustainability SEPP is a step in the right direction for standards for new homes, but much more needs to be done in relation to existing homes,” Council CEO, Jacqui Mumford, said.“Increasing the NatHERS standard to seven stars is a very welcome improvement – this will significantly reduce the energy people have to use to keep warm in the winter and cool in the“However,summer. the new planning policy does not address the much bigger problem of older, energy hungry homes. “Some older homes are energy sinks because they take so much power to make them liveable.“Thegovernment needs to develop policies to retrofit older homes so everyone in NSW can live in a home that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to keep comfortable.”Formoreinformation,
More affordable housing could be on the way
Very well established with regular clientele. Owners getting married and looking to travel. Business currently trades 5-days per week but opportunity to extend hours. Easy and simple to run. little
“The policy will enable the NSW Government to collect critical data about building performance and greenhouse gas emissions – this will inform future benchmarks and ensure NSW keeps pace with the national trajectory for lowenergyMinisterbuildings.”forPlanning and Minister for Homes, Anthony Roberts said the new SEPP sets standards for energy, water and thermal performance in new homes, and establishes provisions to create more sustainable nonresidential buildings.
Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW, Paul Toole, said the acceptance of all 15 recommendations, as well as investing $2.8B in housing as part of the NSW Budgetshows a commitment to addressing housing challenges.
The comprehensive suite of measures includes more homes for key workers, accelerating development assessments, and identifying options to use Government land for more social and affordable housing.
People building new homes on the Central Coast could be looking at cheaper energy bills in the future, with the announcement of a new policy to help NSW reach net zero emission targets and deliver more energy-efficient homes.
A great
Future energy savings for new home builders
business, yet still so much potential exists to grow the businessContactfurther.Warren Levy: 0414 474 777 Gourmet Food Store – Woy Woy New lease available Turnover: $18,000 p/w Rent: $600 p/w Net Profit: $2,300 p/w Priced to sell: $195,000 + SAV
“We need to ensure the places we live, work and stay in are more comfortable – all while we save people money on their power bills and contribute to our net zero target.”
Treasurer and Minister for Energy, Matt Kean, said this new Sustainable Buildings State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) sets new standards and is expected to reduce household energy bills, and ensure homes are naturally cooler in summer and warmer in“Thesewinter. new standards will drive more energy-efficient homes with better design, better insulation and more sunlight,” Kean said. He said owners of new Central Coast homes could see energy savings of as much as $970 a year.“NSW is also raising the bar with this first-of-its-kind policy in energy efficiency and sustainability for new offices and hotels,” Kean said. “These updated standards will keep operating costs down for owners and tenants, and give them the assurance they got what they paid for.
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“It also introduces new energy and water standards for large commercial buildings, and requires these developments to demonstrate they are net-zero ready,” he said.“We want to drive down emissions, saving around 260,000 tonnes a year of CO2 and helping reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
“We are getting on with the job of easing housing pressures in the regions, both now and for the future,” Toole said. “We’ve listened to the recommendations of the Regional Housing Taskforce and put together a comprehensive, multi-pronged plan to unlock land and drive the supply of new and affordable homes.
“Our initial $30M Regional Housing Fund is already helping 21 regional councils in highgrowth areas deliver 25 new projects to provide services, open space and connections to fast-track a pipeline of new homes.”TheGovernment’s response also includes delivering around 270 more homes for key frontline workers in the regions, expanding the Urban Development Program to more high-growth regional areas and improving infrastructure coordination and delivery. It also includes, among other things, improving data by auditing residential land, identifying infrastructure gaps and environmental constraints, establishing a clearer housing supply pipeline and identifying opportunities to use suitable Crown land for social and affordable housing development.Councilshave until September 30 to submit their applications for the Regional Housing Strategic Planning Fund. A spokesperson for Central Coast Council said the Council welcomes the opportunity, and is eligible, to apply for funding under the fund to assist with strategic planning work, for housing growth in the region. For more information on the fund and to view the Government’s response to the Regional Housing Taskforce, visit Media Government
Housing supply and affordability on the Central Coast, and throughout the state, could be set to improve with the NSW Government announcing it will accept all 15 recommendations put forward by the Regional Housing Taskforce.

“While the map shows the capital works projects, hundreds more smaller jobs and routine maintenance tasks continue to be delivered every day by Council staff,” he said. “We aim to continually improve this great online tool and will be adding the smaller capital works projects to it over the coming months.
Director Infrastructure Services, Boris Bolgoff, said the map also facilitates a view of projects being undertaken by the NSW Government in the Central Coast Local Government Area.
“I encourage residents to take a look at the online map and the large array of projects currently scheduled within Council’s capital works program.”TheOperational Plan and Budget adopted by Council for 2022-23 includes the following highlights: Gosford Regional Library construction commences; Major water and sewer upgrades for Gosford CBD; Davistown and St Huberts Island Vacuum Sewer Refurbishment; Magenta and Tuggerawong continued shared pathway construction; The Entrance Visitor Information Centre upgrade; Playspace upgrades at Wyongah, Blue Haven, Berkeley Vale, Koolewong, Tuggerah, and Killarney Vale; Gross pollutant trap works at Toukley, Copacabana, East Gosford, and Halekulani; and Peninsula Recreation and Active Lifestyle Precinct upgrade project. To view the interactive map go to the ‘Capital Works Program Map page at
development assessment report said the DA did not demonstrate the appropriateness of a neighbourhood shop and lacked analysis of demand in that location and social impact. The applicant has requested Council approval of a variation in the 12m building height development standard to allow for 12.29m at the lift overrun in one corner of the building because of the slope of the site.
The Statement of Environment Effects (SEE) says there are many positive socio-economic benefits of the proposed boarding house with muchneeded short-term accommodation close to Wyong railway station and the town centre.
NCS Ventures Pty Ltd wants approval to replace an old house at 24 Jennings Rd with a three-storey boarding house consisting of 28 self-contained double rooms, manager’s residence, a communal room, a shop on the ground floor and basement parking for 16 vehicles.Theboarding house will be privately managed with a manager available from 8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday, and the shop will be open on weekdays from 8am to 6pm and on Saturday from 8am to 1pm.Council gave 24 reasons when it refused the original development application (DA) with the main ones being building height, overbearing bulk and scale, incompatible with local character, various impacts on neighbouring properties, pedestrian and vehicular safety conflicts especially with the school next door, ineffective surveillance from the manager’s room because of its location in the building.Council’s report said the nil/ minimal setbacks meant overshadowing of neighbouring properties, lack of privacy from the overlooking open, elevated walkways and insufficient space for screening vegetation particularly on the boundary with Wyong High School. Also, Council said there was insufficient detail in the management plan about the boarding house operation including tenant wellbeing or engagement plans to build a sense of community, social cohesion and mitigation of perceived impacts of antisocialCouncil’sbehaviour.
An updated development application (616/2021) and revised SEE submission responding to matters raised by Council is open for public comment until September 23 on Council’s website.
Proposal to increase size of North Gosford boarding house
Residents have until September 9 to provide a submission on proposed modifications of a previously approved boarding house development at North Gosford, which will see room numbers increased from 18 to 24. The boarding house, at 222 Henry Parry Dr, was originally approved in 2019, allowing for 18 rooms, 10 car parking spaces, five motorcycle parking spaces and six bicycle parking spaces.Under the proposed modification, there would now be 24 rooms, allowing for an increased number of occupants.
interactive map outlines key infrastructure projects
An additional storey would be added to the rear building, with new stairs and a walkway to the northern boundary. Bicycle spaces would be relocated and entry door and stairs to Building 1 reconfigured and relocated, along with internal areas. There would be a relocated entry to Building 2 along with reconfigured internal areas to improve amenity. Minor modification to external finishes and materials are also proposed.Documents lodged with the application say the block has a frontage width of 18.29m to Henry Parry Dr and average length of 48m. There is a three-story home on the site at present.
“This map includes the details, dates, progress and costs of each project, updated monthly,” he said. “This initiative makes it easy for anyone to find works within their street or suburb and is another important way Council is being transparent and open about linking the delivery program with clear information for the Council’scommunity.”
“The amendments will not affect the purpose of the original application as … approved,” the documents say.
Source: Central Coast Council DA DA57305/2019trackerThe site of the approved boarding house
Sue Murray
Central Coast residents can now stay up to date on more than 350 key infrastructure projects thanks to a new interactive map.
Source: Media release, Aug 30 Central Coast Council Work proceeds on the Gosford sewer upgrade
Plans revised for Wyong boarding house and shop
Plans for a boarding house and neighbourhood shop in Wyong have resurfaced with revisions to address numerous reasons Central Coast Council rejected the project in November 2021.
An artist’s impression of the Wyong boarding house
“The proposed modifications will materially and essentially result in the same development to which development consent was originally granted for the following reasons: the site will accommodate a boarding house, as originally approved under DA57305/2019; the additional boarding rooms proposed will not alter the core function of the approved land use; and the building form and layout will not significantly differ from the original approval.
Central Coast Council Administrator, Rik Hart, said Council is investing $176M in the community, roads and other urban infrastructure, water and sewer, waste, environmental and sport and recreation projects.

The indexation rate is different from the repayment rate – the former dictates how much outstanding balance will increase each year to reflect its “real” value, while the latter determines the value of your compulsory repayments based on your income.
Check for asbestos: it’s a small price to pay
Michelle BALTAZAR Editor-in-Chief
Visit and click Subscribe during September ENTER CODE: 32209MON TWO FREE BOOKS CCN_Bottomthird_2209.indd 1 25/8/22 2:50 pm
“The caveat to that is that choosing to put money in the stockmarket or a property rather than paying down HECS comes with a degree of risk that someone would need to be comfortable with it.”
Opportunity cost Glen Hare, a financial adviser and co-founder of Fox & Hare Wealth, says paying off HECSHELP debt needs to be weighed up against any other opportuni ties“Asavailable.ageneral rule – and obviously this depends on someone’s personal circum stances – it’s not usually a number one priority. informing residential property buyers, sellers, renters and landlords of their responsibil ities and rights when buying or renting a home that may contain asbestos.
As more houses built before the 1990s are passed onto a new generation of owners, one of the things that should be legislated is the inclusion of an asbestos report in a pre-pur chase building inspection. At present, this is not a requirement and can be over looked in the sale process. The agency’s website – – has online tools that can help both the buyer and the seller of a property to determine which areas might have asbestos. It also lists disposal facilities and explains what to do if you think you’ve been exposed.
Many young Australians with tertiary education debt will have come across the fol lowing advice at some point: don’t worry about paying off your HECS-HELP loan early. After all, most who enter the full-time workforce will reduce their debt over time through compulsory repayments. The other part of the argu ment is that any spare money could be better directed either at paying off high-interest debt (such as a credit card or car loan) or at an investment with a high rate of return. That’s because the various types of study and training loans facilitated by the gov ernment, including HECS-HELP, don’t accrue interest. “There isn’t any interest charged on the loan,” says Mark Chapman, director of tax com munications at H&R Block. “However, the amount of With the renovation boom that has raged during the pandemic, it’s easy to forget about some of the dangers of DIY fixes around the house, particularly the risk of asbestos exposure. Asbestos products were used in most houses between the 1940s and the late 1980s. Little did we know then that it can cause cancer, and many lives have been cut short be cause those who were exposed to it – from the labourers and debt is adjusted on the first of June each year in accordance with an annually determined inflation factor, so, basically, the indexation rate is linked to the inflation Inflationrate.”strikes again A consequence of rising infla tion is that student loan debt has been increased.
Do the sums on paying off student debt early
• $10,000 balance would increase by $390; • $25,000 balance would increase by $975; • $40,000 balance would increase by $1560. the subcontractors and to the homeowners themselves –didn’t know the price they were paying for building a dream home or fixing up an old one. News stories come up once in a while to remind us that asbestos exposure can be fatal, but today some people still skip getting professionals in to remove asbestos from their homes when they renovate. The cost of getting it removed by a licensed business can be anywhere between $25 and $50
ries, they may be legally obligat ed to do this,” she says. “Similarly, we want landlords to identify, disclose and manage the presence of asbestos in their properties to minimise the health risks for renters.”
“The repayment rate ranges from 1% to 10% depending on your income,” says Chapman. “If you earn any more than $48,361 then you will have to make a compulsory repayment and the amount goes up a square metre – a small price to pay given the risks. Local councils also impose harsh penalties for dumping as bestos-laden materials illegally.
To put that into perspective, here’s how a 3.9% indexation rate would impact the following student loan balances:
“By knowing where asbestos can be in a residential property, we can all keep safe,” it says. Justine Ross, the agency’s chief executive, says sellers must disclose the presence of asbestos in their properties to minimise the risks for buyers. “In some states and territo “Yes, HECS is going up by indexation, but it needs to be considered with regards to the opportunity cost of paying it off“Givenfaster. those with HECS-HELP debt are typically younger and looking for long-term investment strategies, there’s a conversation to be had about whether it’s better paying off HECS, which is going up with inflation, or investing in an asset class that has historically outperformed inflation. He says many younger when you subscribe to Money magazine this September
• Money magazine
people are also looking to buy property, so there’s a balancing act between paying off HECS or buying their first home.
The rule of thumb is this: if a home was built before 1990, chances are high that it contains asbestos both inside found in one in three homes, according to the federal government’s Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency. It is running a campaign depending on your income, so the more you earn, the higher the repayment rate.”
The indexation rate applied to HECS-HELP debt jumped to 3.9% on June 1, which is not only a considerable rise from the existing rate of 0.6%, it’s the highest rate in over a decade.
To check your balance, you can contact the ATO on 13 28 61 and provide it with your TFN or visit the myGov website.
Landlords may be eligible for tax deductions for asbestos testing and removal. The cost varies, but taking five samples for testing could set you back around $950, which is tax-deductible.

TAFE NSW Director, Health, Wellbeing and Community Services, Jane Smith, said TAFE NSW’s expert teachers and unparalleled industry connections meant it would play a critical role in helping bridge the local healthcare skills“ just confirms what we already knew: that opportunities for healthcare jobs on the Central Coast are growing rapidly,” Smith said. “Whether it’s nursing, aged care, mental health, disability or one of the myriad other healthcare pathways, TAFE NSW graduates are able to get their foot in the door with industry-led training and employer connections.
“This licence enables Council to collect and relocate tadpoles from the wetland when lagoon openings coincide with frog breeding,” he said. “Lagoon openings have the potential to negatively impact any tadpoles present in the wetland at the time of opening.
At that time, two trained Council staff collected between 4,000 and 5,000 tadpoles and metamorphs (tadpoles with legs which are morphing into frogs) and relocated these to nearby ponds, which were installed to provide additional habitat for the species.
“With $300,000 in grant funding from the Australian Government, Council is already developing a detailed understanding of the population dynamics and habitat use of the species at North Avoca as well as developing plans for additional ponds in close proximity to the wetland,” he said.“As part of this project, Council, in partnership with the University of Newcastle, will be facilitating community survey nights later in the year to help us count frogs within and surrounding Bareena Wetland.”
Council hops to it to protect endangered frog species Central Coast Council is giving the endangered Green and Golden Bell Frog a helping hand by collecting and relocating tadpoles from the Bareena wetland to ponds at North Avoca, which were constructed by Council to provide additional habitat for the threatened species.
TAFE helping fill health worker gap on Coast
“While it was not possible to specifically identify the tadpoles that were recently collected, many of the metamorphs were confidently identified as Green and Golden Bell Frogs,” he said. Sulkowski said the community can get involved in future work to rehabilitate and restore habitat at Avoca Lagoon to support and protect the Green and Golden Bell Frog.
Source: Media release, Aug 24 TAFE NSW Debra Elliott
Council’s Environmental Management Unit Manager, Luke Sulkowski, said Council is able to undertake the sensitive work by operating under a special threatened species licence under the Biodiversity Conservation Act, 2016.
“I knew what it was like to be a daughter who had to move her mum into an aged care facility, and I wanted to learn skills to support clients and their families in that same situation,” Elliott, who works at BlueWave Living at Woy Woy, said.“TAFE NSW gave me the training I needed to put what I’d learned into practice when I started working, and the teachers were always there to answer our questions and support us, from the classroom to work placement and beyond.
To explore the range of healthcare courses available at TAFE NSW, visit au or phone 131 601 for more information.
Tadpoles relocated from Bareena wetland to ponds at North Avoca
In 2019, there was a mass tadpole mortality event in the wetland which coincided with the breaching of the lagoon. Sulkowski said Council has only enacted the special licence three times since it was issued in 2020, most recently in February 2022, as the first of the year’s catastrophic floods was evolving.
Debra Elliott is one of many TAFE NSW Gosford graduates to make a flying start to a career after gaining practical skills and work experience studying a Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing).
“By doing this, Council, is also helping mitigate the reduction of the tadpole population when there is extreme wet weather that requires the lagoon to be opened to the ocean.”
For more information visit: Love our Waterways.
TAFE NSW Gosford is ideally positioned to build a pipeline of local health workers to cater to a looming jobs boom in the Central Coast healthcare industry, according to newly released data. A TAFE NSW report tracking growing and emerging healthcare jobs has forecast a 5.2 per cent increase on the Central Coast over the next three years.
The report also predicts aged or disabled carer, enrolled nurse, dental assistant and personal care assistant will be the fastest growing healthcare jobs over the same period.
Source: Media release, Aug 30 Central Coast Council

PAGE 28 FRIDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER 2022 HEALTH & EDUCATION CARING FOR THE COAST MEMBER FOR ROBERTSON Authorisation by Dr Gordon Reid MP, Australian Labor Party, Level 3, 69 Central Coast Highway, West Gosford NSW 2250 MY OFFICE CAN ASSIST WITH: • Services Australia and Medicare • Education and Training • Telecommunications and the NBN • Defence and Veterans Affairs Contact Dr Gordon Reid: Level 3, 69 Central Coast Highway, West Gosford NSW 2250 on 02 4322 2400 or email reid4robertsonFacebookGordonwithConnecton • National Disability Insurance Scheme and Advocacy • Environment and Energy • Immigration and Passports • Federal Government Funding for Community Projects MP

Costa to visit the Coast TV gardening expert Costa Georgiadis will be at the Pearl Beach Arboretum for a special event on October 1 as he promotes his new book, Costa’s World: Gardening for the Soil, the Soul and the Suburbs.
Narara local Zoe Gianduzzo is on a mission to change the lives of children on the Central Coast.
“It is this practical, social and play-based approach to therapy that makes it so effective with young children.”
In conversation with Cheralyn Darcey, Georgiadis, will explain his gardening philosophies, the connections between soil, soul and the suburbs, and his heartfelt advice for getting the most joy out of your garden.
Costa’s World: Gardening for the Soil, the Soul and the Suburbs has been shortlisted for the Indie Book Awards 2022 (Illustrated Non-Fiction) and the ABIA Awards 2022 (Illustrated Book of the Year).
Photo: Grant Ambrose
Zoe Gianduzzo refuses to let her condition slow her down Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment –Invitation to Register Interest – HN498-A
Georgiadis is a landscape architect, environmental educator and television presenter who has an allconsuming passion for plants and people. As co-creator and host of Costa’s Garden Odyssey for SBS, he caught the attention of a nation and, since 2013, he has continued his journey as the much-loved host of one of the ABC’s most iconic and Logie award-winning programs, Gardening Australia. He is also involved with regenerative agriculture and holistic practices that deal with the issues arising from a rapidly urbanisingGeorgiadisworld.actively delivers his message through workshops, lectures, keynotes and expos and works with preschools, primary and high schools, TAFE colleges and universities, industry groups and community organisations. He is also a national ambassador for Junior Landcare.Cheralyn Darcey presents the award-winning weekly gardening radio show, At Home with the Gardening Gang, on Coast FM963, writes the weekly gardening page for Coast Community News and is the Community Gardening Educator of SWAMP, (Sustainable Wetlands Agricultural Makers Project) at Tuggerah.
Now, on behalf of a Proponent (name provided on registration), is requesting the names of Aboriginal people who hold cultural knowledge relevant to determining the significance of Aboriginal cultural heritage within the Project Area in Somersby. The Project Area is 10 kilometres west of Gosford and is approximately 120 ha in size, where mixed development is proposed (further project details provided on registration). A previous, incomplete Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment identified several previously recorded sites and three associated areas of sensitivity within the Project Area. An area of subsurface archaeological potential was also identified and a test excavation under the Code of Practice for the Investigation of Aboriginal Objects in NSW was undertaken. The proposed project may be the subject of an application for an Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP). The purpose of community consultation with Aboriginal people is to assist the proposed applicant in the preparation of the report, and an application for an AHIP (if required), and to assist the Department of Premier and Cabinet Secretary (or a delegate under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974) in his or her consideration and determination of the application.
Helping children overcome trauma
Cheralyn DarceyCosta Georgiadis and Cheralyn Darcey
PAGE 29FRIDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER 2022 WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US HEALTH & LIFESTYLE Therapeutic and RelaxingandCompetentMassageCaringQualifiedMasseusesRearof314-316TheEntranceRoadCnrPacificStreetLONGJETTY9amto7pm7days NEW 0481MASSAGEPACIFIC711574
In accordance with the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Consultation Requirements 2010, please send your registration to Jenna Weston (1/48 Kalaroo Road, Redhead NSW 2290, hello@ by 16 September 2022 . Please be advised that your details will be forwarded to Heritage NSW and the Local Aboriginal Land Council, unless you inform us that you do not want your details released.
As this area of health management evolves, the team at MoveAbout is excited about new and innovative approaches becoming available for the purpose of enhancing a child’s well-being. MoveAbout Therapy Services provide individual and group therapy services for children across their three clinics in Sydney, Newcastle and the Central Coast with a team of more than 20 specialist occupational therapists. MoveAbout also provides education, coaching, training and support for parents, caregivers and teachers to ensure holistic support for the communities who support the kids.For more information about paediatric occupational therapy, visit au.
Source: Media release, Aug 25 MoveAbout Therapy Service
“While our therapy sessions look like play, we are really supporting their brains and nervous system to function as optimally as possible.”
She has also written and illustrated 20 internationally published gardening and ethnobotanical titles sharing her love of the botanical world. A resident of Lake Munmorah, she is a working member of many environmental initiatives in keeping with her vision to garden and live with a strong commitment to sustainability.
A Bachelor of Occupational Therapy, the paediatric specialist has a passionate interest in the neurological impact of trauma on the brain, following her own personal experience of having a neurological disorder and the ongoing journey of recovery. Gianduzzo suffers from Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness, also known as PPPD, a condition that causes chronic dizziness or vertigo. She partners with a vestibular physio and an occupational therapist as part of her own rehab program and feels this experience helps create a stronger understanding of the journey of her own therapy kids.She is using this experience as motivation; currently developing her expertise in the field of paediatric trauma through additional study on neurobiology with worldrenowned, Canada based OTs, Kim Barthel and Tracy Stackhouse.Anavidrock-climber and ballet dancer, Gianduzzo refuses to be controlled by her condition and is passionate about the mental, physical and psychological benefits of leading an active lifestyle – an ethos shared with the children and families she works with at MoveAbout Therapy Services at Berkeley Vale. Gianduzzo says when people think of trauma, they might imagine a physical accident, but in children trauma could be experienced through a number of social and environmental factors.“Complex trauma is experienced in a range of situations and can be related to a number of early life adversities like ante-natal exposure to alcohol, poverty, neglect, and pervasive developmental issues,” she said. “Trauma impacts the brain, and in kids is often reflected in their“Webehaviour.seethis in our clinic when kids are struggling with interacting with their peers, their ability to learn and engage at school, and their sleep could be impacted too. Gianduzzo says the goal is to help their nervous system find a more calm and organised state.“Ido this through many different approaches, but mostly focusing on relationship and sensory based support.

In 2010 researchers *Sawada and Oyabu set out to measure the stress levels in people working in offices with and without plants. To do this, they tracked the levels of cortisol in the blood and the amylase in the saliva of participants as these are both indicators of stress levels in people.Theyfound that those working in offices with plants recorded significantly lower stress levels.Other studies have found that hospital patients recover faster after surgery and feel less pain when sharing their recovery rooms with plants.
Plants for Therapy
If you are after a new lawn, now is the best time to plant and for those with established lawns, it’s time to give them a feed. This week you can plant the following: culinary herbs, beetroot, cabbage, capsicum, carrot, celery, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, marrow, late onions, parsnip, peas, silverbeet, tomato, ageratum, alyssum, aster, candytuft, carnation, cosmos, delphinium, larkspur, petunias, portulaca, lobelia, lovein-a-mist, lupin, nasturtium, nemesia. Do you want tasty tomatoes this summer? Well, now’s the time to get cracking. Tomatoes are heavy feeders, so prepare your garden with lots of well rotted cow manure and compost.
The lessons of gardening are relatable exercises in human healing and growth too. Learning self-reliance, care and dedication are all easier to understand when you become the gardener to a group of plants.
Anxiety Reliever Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum) is used to create a treatment for anxiety in Ayurveda medicine but just having it around will assist calm nerves and reduce stress vias its fragrance. Holy Basil is also a ‘super’ oxygenator emitting oxygen over 20 hours a day. Grow indoors in a sunny spot. Go and get a potted plant and live with it. So many therapists of all types will suggest that their clients get a pet or plant as part of their healing, and I agree. You don’t have to set out to grow an expansive homeStartgarden.small,stay small if you like as there is no additional benefit to be gained by having more plants or bigger gardens. I would argue that unless you are enjoying such growth and undertaking, you could be setting yourself up for more stress! I’ve interviewed many Bonsai growers in my time, and they are all the calmest people I know. Time and again they tell me that it is in the small details, the daily care and focus that brings them serenity. As a hobby, gardening is number one in this country and many others and time and again, you will hear people express that they do it for the relaxation it gives them. This is because of our botanical affinity with plants but also because of the sense of accomplishment we can feel when growing a garden and the feeling of connection with something outside of ourselves.
* (2010/07/01 Healing Effects of Foliage Plants Using Physiological and Psychological Characteristics. VL - 22, DO - 10.1109/ICCIE.2010.5668442)
I do not believe that any one plant it better at making you feel better than another, but I’ve added a few in this article with some more focused properties. Grow what you like, what you are attracted to and what makes you smile.
Professional Gardening Therapy Gardening Self-Therapy
Cheralyn Darcey is a gardening author, community garden coordinator and along with Pete Little, hosts ‘At Home with The Gardening Gang’ 8 - 10am live every Saturday on CoastFM963. Archived articles can be found on Cheralyn’s Blog: Send gardening questions, events, and news to:
Getting people outside if they are experiencing a panic attack or stressful experience will enable them to get some fresh air and much need oxygen, but if there are plants around, it’s been shown to calm them much more quickly.
To find self-care opportunities, start growing a few potted herbs, flowers, or indoor houseplant.
Go outside and you will feel better Find yourself in nature or a garden and you will experience measurable therapeutic value. Once attention is directed away from our challenges, especially to something alive and growing, our minds become fascinated, engaged, and greatly released of stress. So many of our mental and physical problems begin from stress and if not, they surely have been fed from it. Why do plants relieve our stress? It grew out of a need for plants to have environmental buddies.Inancient times humans needed to be attracted to plants so they could survive. Plants provided us with food, shelter and even medicines. They needed us to know them, to value, protect and eventually farm them as this would then ensure their own survival.Much like certain flowers make the act of pollination as attractive to a bee’s needs as possible, similar relationships can be seen between humans andThisplants.isespecially true of the way plants change our mental state.There is a botanical affinity that each of us carries within us, that makes us fell, ‘better’, ‘happy’ and ‘calm’ when we are surrounded by plants. What was once a way of attraction to ensure mutual survival has become a therapy that anyone, anywhere can easily tap in to, even if they are not aware of it.
While any plant you spend time with is going to make you feel better here are a few that are known for their special qualities. Better Sleep Lavender (Lavendula spp.) will help you get to sleep and have a restful sleep. Whether you choose to grow it outside a bedroom widow, have in inside in a sunny spot or use the essential oils from it as a room or pillow spray, lavender will lower your blood pressure and calm a racing heart.
Breathe Easy Spider Plants ( Chlorophytum comosum) may be reminiscent of 1970’s bathrooms but they are one of nature’s number one air purifiers. They can suck up those nasties like formaldehyde lurking around your place quick smart and they are one of the easiest plants to grow loving filtered light spot inside or out. First Aid Aloe (Aloe vera) needs to be in every garden as the gel that is contained within the thick fleshy leaves is an antiinflammatory and antibacterial powerhouse. Use direct for sunburn and bites by simply rubbing on the thick gel. You can grow Aloe outdoors or indoors if you have bright indirect light.
Happiness Boost Stephanotis (Stephanotis floribunda) is said to uplift the spirits with its heady perfume and is perhaps why it is a favourite with brides. Don’t stop at just this beautiful plant, there are many fragrant blooms that you might like to try. This flowering vine can be grown indoors or out and will need a trellis and indirect light.
If you have no space for gardens and want something bigger or you would like gardening company, Community Gardens are for you. There is an explosion of growth of these vital community assets, and they are a great place to learn, create and to connect with others.
Along with various styles, many have additional programs and events. To find your local check out: communitygarden. and the Central Coast Community Garden Network on
Gardening or Horticulture Therapy is type of counselling therapy using the garden and the act of gardening as a tool. People who offer this type of therapy are generally registered phycological therapists to begin with. In this modality, while gardens are sometimes grown with plants that have healing properties and can be included in this type of therapy, it is the act of engaging in the process of plant growing that the therapists focused on. Along with encouraging participants to connect with society, the therapy will use the repetitive and deliberate nature of activities such as digging and watering to calm the mind and emotions through mindfulness.

Duncan is just one of 392 volunteers and became a CoEvent Director at Woy Woy Parkrun in 2021. “As Race Director, seeing all the volunteers in their orange vests on the day is a great feeling of how inclusive and encouraging everyone is, to do something for each other.” The free run is also made possible due to sponsors such as Medibank, which sponsored the establishment of the Woy Woy event, The Athlete’s Foot and Polar, and supporters such as Eukanuba, Contra, IPRO Hydrate and Blue Frog. Events regularly have participants from the junior age group of 10 years old to the over eighties age group. “We want to encourage people to run, jog or walk together, irrespective of their ability,” Duncan said. For those who have performances in mind for the Woy Woy Parkrun, the female record is held by Therese Auton running 18:05 in 2022; the male record holder is Aidan Hobbs in a time of 14:45 in 2022; and the age graded record which accounts for age and gender, allowing athletes to compare results, is held by Thomas Diamond clocking 15:06, with a grade of 89.4 per cent, on Christmas day 2021. People can join in Parkrun events across the globe, which all count towards their individual Parkrun participation record.AtWoy Woy Parkrun there are people who have made over 250 Parkrun appearances.
The first half went point for point for the full 40 minutes, with Avoca Beach going in at 18-17 and it was anybody’s match at that stage. In the second half, the Sharks were able to hold on to the lead and eventually secure second spot on the ladder.
Best players for Avoca Beach were centre Alex Halls, hooker Cooper Elliott, lock Emile Thomas and No.8 Fionn Henderson-Foley.Hornsbywerebest served by five-eight Hunter Bird, winger James O’Connor and No.8 Cooper Davenport.
And they’re off – more than 150 participants took part in the Parkrun
PAGE 31FRIDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER 2022 WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US Semi-finals match-ups settled TheRUGBYfinal round in Central Coast Rugby Union (CCRU) has ended with all four matches ending as most people had predicted, leaving the Final Five rankings unchanged.
150 people ran, walked and pushed prams along the shoreline of Brisbane Water to mark the 150th Parkrun event, held at Woy Woy on Saturday, August 20. Four years earlier on July 7, 2018, 287 people took part in the inaugural Woy Woy Parkrun event, joining the worldwide Parkrun community movement, which originated in London. Co-Event Director at Woy Woy, Scott Wedesweiler, said the Woy Woy Parkrun was born out of locals running at the growing Mount Penang event.
Source: Match Report, 28 August Larry Thomson, CCRU President The Trojans secured the minor premiership and the Challenge Shield SPORT
Woy Woy Parkrun celebrates 150th event
Avoca Beach will now play third place Kariong in the qualifying semi-final after Kariongput away Warnervale 52 points to 17. Kariong dominated the first 40 minutes piling on 35 points before the break and a further 17 points in the second half. Best players for Kariong were fullback Jake Hubbard, who scored 2 tries, flanker Ryan Conaghan and five-eight Josh McGlynn.Warnervale’s best players were props Veipueki Siale and Nick Jansen, and flanker Ricky Halangahu.Inthefinal match of the round, Gosford were no match for Ourimbah at Gosford Showground, losing 5-35 to the visitors.Itwasa convincing win by the Razorbacks, with strong performances from flanker Lochlan Stuhne-Scott, prop Steven Finley and saw them retain the Thomson-Brown Shield.Italso holds them in good stead going into the elimination match against The Lakes.
Original event directors Naomi Rogers and Jesse Skelton were supported by volunteers Brad Rogers and Amy Lakes to set up the event. They wanted to create the event to bring a second Parkrun to the southern end of the Central Coast, to create a Parkrun community on the peninsula.Currentvolunteer Event and Race Director, Karen Duncan, said the Parkrun is not a race against other runners, but a 5km timed run. “It can be whatever you want it to be, whether that’s for fun or as part of a training plan,” she said. “It offers an opportunity for everyone, regardless of age, gender or ability, to come together on a regular basis to enjoy this beautiful park and get physically active into the bargain.”Eachweek the Woy Woy Parkrun attracts well over 100 participants.Thefreeevent is held every Saturday at 8am in all weather.
Source: Media release, Aug 26 Woy Woy Parkrun
“Taking part is easy – just register before your first ever Parkrun,” Duncan said. “The great thing is that you only ever need to do this once.” For the event to take place, Parkrun relies on a group of volunteers.TheEvent and Race Director does much of the background organising prior to the day, with as many as eleven volunteers ensuring the event operates safely and smoothly.
At The Haven oval, Terrigal proved too strong for The Lakes, winning the match 38 points to 24. Terrigal got away to a great start surging to a 12 point leads with two early tries. The Lakes hit back however and levelled the scores at 12all and, with another try apiece before halftime, The Lakes went in with a slender 19-17 lead.But that’s where it ended as Terrigal dominated the second stanza scoring a further 21 points to 5. Best players for Terrigal were centre Brent Merritt, flanker Aaron Carrigg and five-eight Adam Danckert while The Lakes were best served by centre Ashton Hutchinson-Walters and lock Reihana Hemopo. The win to Terrigal cements their Minor Premiership and will see them retain the Challenge Shield. They will now have next week off, while The Lakes will meet the Ourimbah Razorbacks in the elimination Minor Semifinal at Woy Woy Oval. The Avoca Beach Sharks won a tight struggle against Hornsby at Heazlett Park, running out winners by 35 points to 27. The match was an arm wrestle throughout with neither team able to take a complete break on the scoreboard at any time in the match.
Duncan said her own Parkrun journey started at the Fingal Bay Parkrun in 2016 before she moved to the Central Coast. All are invited to join the Parkrun community every Saturday at 8am at Lions Park WoyDuringWoy.the time it has been operating, the Woy Woy event has seen 4,359 participants complete 20,192 Parkruns covering a total distance of 100,960 km along the shores of Brisbane Water.

Erina Ice Arena officially opens
Source: Media release, Aug 30 Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast, Adam Crouch
On ice action at the 2022 Sydney Synchronized Festival on August 26-28
Photo: Chris Taylor Ryley Hoile at the Australia Titles
“An ex local girl from Shelly Beach, Lilly Pollard, who’s a professional bodyboarder and won the Pipeline event this year, will be competing in the women’s division.
Sue Murray
“These upgrades will ensure even more people can take part in ice sports by providing inclusive facilities that support all residents to feel comfortable, safe and welcome when visiting the arena.
“In addition, the installation of the glass grandstand balustrade and netting means the venue can host more tournaments and competitions of national and international standard.“Kicking off events with a bang, Erina Ice Area hosted the 2022 Sydney Synchronized Festival on August 26-28.”
The revamped Erina Ice Arena has officially opened following a $624,000 upgrade, with $592,000 funded by the NSW Government through its Regional Sport Facility Fund. The project included improved accessibility to the entrance foyer; two upgraded universally designed disability bathrooms; two re-designed all gender change rooms; operationally efficient LED lighting; ice hockey netting; glass grandstand balustrade and an overhauled refrigeration plant.
Minister for Sport, Alister Henskens, said the NSW Government is committed to improving the quality and quantity of sports venues across“Well-developedNSW. sporting facilities are an integral part of our community that help connect people and promote healthy lifestyles,” Henskens said.“I’m delighted to support this project, providing the community and local sporting groups with access to quality, fit-for-purpose facilities that will meet current and future needs.”
Bodyboarder Ryley Hoile in action SPORT
Bodyboarder wins top-three spot in Australian titles
Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast, Adam Crouch, said the upgrades will improve accessibility standards and cater for growth in female participation.“ErinaIceArena is a premier venue for ice sports and recreation on the Central Coast,” Crouch said.
“We’re hoping to hold it at Soldiers Beach again, but it depends on the waves on the day, or it could be at Lakes Beach or North Entrance as alternatives,” Castle said.
“It’s a pretty big event with some of the best surfers in Australia - the last time it was held in 2019 we had people from Japan and Brazil that year, but this year because of Covid I don’t think we’ll be getting any internationals.
RyleyBODYBOARDINGHoile has been bodyboarding for only just over two years, but his natural talent was on display to take out third place in the U16 division of the Australian Bodyboarding Titles. The Titles were part of the Australian Surf Championships held at Port Macquarie beaches with about 500 surfers from around the country competing in a variety of events over 17 days throughout August. Hoile, a Year 10 student at St Brigid’s Catholic College at Lake Munmorah, was representing his club North Central Coast Bodyboarders. “I’m pretty stoked to say the least, and even to be competing in Port Macquarie for the Australian Titles,” he said. “I’ve only been doing this sport for two-and-a-half years, and I wouldn’t have ever thought I’d be representing NSW for the sport I live for and love. “It’s a massive thank you to my sponsors Inspired Bodyboarding, Australia Dunes and Little Wonder Digital for supporting me and helping me get“Alsothere.a big thanks to my biggest supporters, Mum and Dad, because without them I wouldn’t be able to surf and practice as much as I do,” Hoile said.Another member of North Central Coast Bodyboarders, Scott Kitchen, who now lives in Port Stephens but still represents the club, was placed third in the Drop Knee Division of the President,Titles.
Dave Castle, said the club was just weeks away from welcoming some of Australia’s best to the Central Coast for the Barron Viner Memorial Classic on September 17 and 18. “It’s an annual event in honour of two of our members who have passed away, Matt Barron and Luke Viner, and it’s going to be the biggest bodyboard competition in Australia this year with about 110 surfers coming, some of them former champions,” he said.
The Barron Viner Classic is the second leg of a series called the Memorial Triple Crown with other events held in Forster and culminating in October at Port Macquarie.