Administrator adopts design requirements for seawall DAs despite community protest

With continuing reports of crater-sized potholes all over the Central Coast, one Saratoga resident has decided to take matters into his own hands.
Fed up with multiple potholes along Steyne Rd, Michael Strong has filled the largest of them with road base provided by Kincumber Sand & Soil.
“I understand Council has a large area to cover, but I have made repeated complaints,” he said.
“I get the standard response
saying Council regularly inspects roads for damage and Steyne Rd has been put on priority.
“But with these latest potholes continuing to pose a risk for two-three months now the situation was ludicrous.”
Strong bought half a tonne of road base from Kincumber Sand & Soil to begin the repair work, with the company generously donating a further half a tonne.
A Central Coast resident for the past 20 years, Strong
moved to Saratoga seven years ago and said potholes had been a constant problem over that time, growing increasingly worse.
“Even when Council does do repairs, all they do is dump hot mix into a hole and then sprinkle it with sand,” he said.
“Anyone can dump hot mix into a hole.
“It needs to be properly tamped down – because they don’t compact it into the hole it washes out as soon as it rains.”
A Facebook post by Strong on
October 7 had attracted more than 100 messages of thanks and support within 24 hours.
“I didn’t want a pat on the back, but I was blown away by the number of responses showing how many people have the same concerns,” he said.
“Cars driving along Steyne Rd from the waterfront are forced to swerve onto the wrong side of the road to avoid these large potholes, creating the very real danger of a collision with vehicles coming the other way.”
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The problem is exacerbated by the number of S bends along Steyne Rd, he said.
“I was sick of my car constantly hitting potholes, so I just went out and did something about it,” Strong said.
“The road base might not stay there that long with more rain on the way, but I had to do something.
“I know it’s not a permanent solution, but it might stop damage to some people’s cars.”
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Editor: Ross Barry,
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Australian flag banners are set to fly from poles along the main street of Umina Beach next Australia Day after Central Coast Council Administrator Rik Hart made some late amendments to the Draft Street Banners and Flying of Flag Policy before finally adopting it on October 11.
Following a last-minute impassioned plea from Peninsula Chamber of Commerce President, Matthew Wales, in the public forum before the meeting, Hart amended the draft policy to allow for flying the flag banners from poles in West St. Council said it had received conflicting advice from Ausgrid, which owns the poles, prior to and following the release of the draft policy.
CEO David Farmer outlined the change in advice received from Ausgrid at the meeting.
“On July 21 Council received advice from Ausgrid that Council’s (stance) that banner poles should not be used to display Australian flag replicas aligned with Ausgrid’s policies and standards,” Farmer said.
“This was repeated in correspondence received on August 22.
“So, the recommendations in the policy were consistent with the information provided (by Ausgrid).
“However, on October 7, subsequent to the publishing of the draft policy, Ausgrid changed its position, advising Council that the community, working with Council, should decide the matter.”
Hart said that while Council had followed appropriate due process in putting the documents together, the change in Ausgrid’s position called for an amendment to the draft.
flagpoles at Umina and at an increased number of Council assets.
“I am delighted that (the change in advice from Ausgrid) now gives us the opportunity to display flag banners on existing infrastructure and I look forward to seeing the flags displayed at Umina.”
The amendment allows for the Australian and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags to be displayed at Umina in equal proportion on Australia Day.
national flag in our town centre as proud Australians.”
“The Chamber had requested that the matter be deferred due to the inconsistencies in the report relating to references to Ausgrid’s policies that were clearly wrong.
“nowhere to go” other than amending the policy.
Pty Ltd (CCN) is a locally owned and operated, independent news media business, providing local print and digital news to communities across the Central Coast.
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“There has been significant media coverage (on the issue), much of which has been incorrect,” he said.
“Council is actually increasing infrastructure to fly the Australian flag – specifically it is looking at supplying new
Wales said the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce would “take the win” but was “deeply concerned that both Ausgrid and Central Coast Council could get things so wrong”.
“Last night, we won our democratic right to fly the
“However, following representations made by the Chamber of Commerce and Ausgrid, Council has backflipped and agreed to the installation of the Australian flag banners together with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags leading up to Australia Day in 2023.”
Wales said a statement by a representative at the public forum that Ausgrid did not have objections to the flying of the national flag from its infrastructure left Council with
“What should have been a simple policy decision based on the Chamber’s request has ended up as a huge embarrassment for Council at a time when it should be boosting its tarnished image in the community,” he said.
“The Chamber will now be seeking answers as to why the wrong information was provided to Council by Ausgrid and why Council did not check the facts before putting the policy before the Administrator.
“Sadly, after two years of battling Council, this could all have been avoided if they had sat down with the local business community and come to an agreement.”
Central Coast residents and commuters will be the winners when more than 570 extra weekly bus services are rolled out from this week.
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, Sam Farraway, said 540 of the new services will travel on two new express routes, the 14X from The Entrance to Tuggerah, and the 17X from The Entrance to Gosford, providing a 15-minute frequency in both directions on weekdays during peak hours.
“We’re delivering better services to make daily life easier for the people of the Central Coast, giving them the flexibility to get to shopping centres, doctors’ appointments
or to visit family and friends,” Farraway said.
“In a real win for shift workers, nurses and hospitality workers, there will be an extra 32 night trips during the week.”
Farraway said the State Government was committed to delivering better more frequent services to meet growing demand and allow commuters to leave their cars at home, easing congestion on the region’s roads.
Parliamentary Secretary for Central Coast and Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, said in all there will be 572 new weekly bus services in the region.
“The extra services, operated by The Entrance Red Bus Services, will be run by 14 new
fully accessible buses, improving the accessibility and reliability of local transport,” he said.
“These new services will make a difference particularly for commuters, but also for visitors to the Central Coast.”
The new services will include 32 extra night trips, including route 21, The Entrance to Tuggerah, route 23, The Entrance to Gosford and route 24, The Entrance to Tuggerah/ Wyong.
To plan your trip using the new services visit transportnsw. info.
Warning signs are to return around all mobile speed cameras on the Central Coast from January 1 next year.
The region’s Labor MPs have been agitating for the return of the signage since the NSW Government announced they would be removed in November 2020.
The Government announced at the time that warning signage would be phased out over the following 12 months.
Shadow Minister for the Central Coast, David Harris, said at the time speed camera warning signs are a crucial safety feature.
“Speed cameras were originally supposed to be for Black Spot areas to slow people down to safe speeds; we know that’s not the case with mobile cameras,” Harris said.
“The NRMA has urged the
Government to reconsider its decision and said signs are essential to educate drivers and prevent road deaths.
“It’s a well-known fact that having signage out there draws attention to something and that changes driver behaviour.”
Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch said the move was about “revenue raising and propping up the budget” and accused the Government of “blatantly disregarding” expert advice from the NRMA.
Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, said at the time that drivers should not be worried if they were already following the rules, but community backlash has obviously led to an about-face from the Government.
Minister for Metropolitan Roads, Natalie Ward, said the Government had listened to the
community on the important issue.
“Ensuring our local roads are as safe as possible for pedestrians and motorists is an absolute priority for this
government,” Ward said.
“Speed cameras play an important role in keeping commuters safe by reducing fatalities across our road network, including at high-risk
“We have listened to extensive community feedback and from January 1 next year, all mobile speed cameras will include portable warning signage on
the approach to, and after, enforcement sites.”
“These additional warning signs will help educate drivers in real time, giving them advanced warning to slow down at these high-risk points of our road network.”
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, Sam Farraway, said mobile speed cameras are about ensuring motorists are driving safely and to the speed limit.
“Displaying warning signage on mobile speed cameras sends a message to motorists to slow down, potentially saving (lives).
“In fact, around two thirds of speeding drivers or riders involved in fatal and serious injury crashes over the last five years were travelling less than 10km/h over the sign posted speed limit.
From Page 1
Strong picked up the road base in his own trailer and did the patch-up work himself.
Of the 100+ comments on his Facebook post, only one expressed concern that the temporary fix might throw gravel up and impact windshields.
But Strong said as long as people drove at a sensible speed over the repaired potholes there was little chance of gravel flying up.
Most comments applauded Strong’s initiative and echoed his concerns that someone would eventually get hurt with cars swerving to avoid the
A spokesperson said Council is responsible for over 2,000km of road network and is committed to maintaining and improving roads across the entire Central Coast Region.
“Council’s Infrastructure Assessment and Road Maintenance staff are routinely inspecting the road network and associated infrastructure with any defects identified scheduled for repairs in accordance with our current service levels and on a priority risk basis,” the spokesperson said.
Council acknowledged there had been an influx of potholes
as a result of intense rainfalls and storm events earlier this year, but said it has allocated additional resources to carry
out road pavement inspections and repairs to ensure the road network is fit for purpose.
“Pothole repairs in Steyne Rd have been undertaken during April, June and July this year with further pothole repairs scheduled for Friday, October 14, weather permitting” the spokesperson said.
“Council does not encourage residents to enter the roadway and carry out any type of repairs, including placing road base in potholes, due to safety concerns.
“The placement of road base could also result in additional safety concerns for road users, such as cyclists, as the loose
material is easily washed out.
“Residents and community members are encouraged to report any potholes to Council by visiting Council’s online customer service portal at https://www.centralcoast.nsw.
“Reporting potholes ensures that repairs are scheduled in Council’s Maintenance Management System and undertaken on a priority risk basis.”
Keep up to date on Council’s progress in repairing roads via and Council’s Facebook page.
Terry CollinsIn a move likely to increase calls to bring forward council elections, Central Coast Council Administrator, Rik Hart, ignored pleas from the Wamberal community this week and approved design guidelines for homeowners to build private seawalls.
The Wamberal Beach Terminal Protection Structure Engineering Design Requirements were adopted at the October 11 meeting, providing the minimum standards homeowners are required to follow when implementing private walls through the DA system.
Members of the Wamberal Beach Save Our Sand (SOS) group conducted a protest in front of the Council Chambers at Wyong prior to the meeting.
“In the past, we have outlined our concerns with the DA system as a mechanism for implementing erosion solutions,” SOS spokesperson, Hugh Naven, said.
“The introduction of a seawall through DA submissions would likely lead to a disjointed,
understudied and misrepresentative outcome that will have adverse impacts on the beach.
“But more importantly, it means the community is unable to have a say about the solution.”
The release of the document comes just weeks after a protest at Wamberal saw more than 1,000 people gather to oppose a seawall and the implementation of the wall through the DA system.
“The protest this Tuesday is about drawing attention to the DA system being an ineffective mechanism for erosion response and the need to investigate alternate solutions,” Naven said.
“It bypasses key consultation, studies and reports that are essential to ensuring the best possible outcome for the beach, community and homeowners.
“For two and a half years now the community’s voice has been silenced.
“Over 4,000 in the Wamberal community are opposed to this wall yet Council and the State
Government continue to forge ahead.
“Consultation on this matter has simply been tick the box and not about meaningful engagement – the community deserves a say, after all, it’s our beach.”
Naven said the issue would be a major topic going into next March’s state election.
“Those in power have the opportunity to listen to or ignore the community; we hope they make the right decision,” he said.
Naven told the meeting a State Government-appointed administrator should not make the decision and the matter should be delayed until a representative councillor body is elected.
It should also wait until the new Coastal Management Program is implemented, he said.
Naven said Council should ask the community what option they would like to see in that plan and not simply reimplement the Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP).
“The CZMP it is totally
misrepresentative of current values – it received three community submissions about Wamberal and had 16 attendees at the information session,” he said.
Naven said a cost benefit analysis conducted by Marsden Jacob listed sand nourishment as the lowest cost option and planned retreat was the only option that provided net benefit.
Also speaking at the public forum was Lisa Kolinac on behalf of waterfront residents.
Kolinac said while residents acknowledged the principle of majority funding, the benefits of seawalls would “extend beyond the beachfront house owners”.
She called for Council to investigate some sort of partfunding from “government or other sources”, with residents to pay for the majority of the work.
“There is precedence in NSW for joint funding,” she said.
She also said homeowners should not be responsible for the cost of any sand nourishment required.
But Council adopted the
Design Requirements and reaffirmed its resolution of June 28 that responsibility for the design, construction and maintenance of any seawall fronting private property rests with the landowners.
Administrator, Rik Hart, reminded the gallery that the decision to have a seawall was actually made by an elected body, Gosford Council, in 2015.
“What we are considering tonight are merely the design guidelines,” he said.
“As it stands now, any homeowner can lodge a DA to protect their property but there are no guidelines.
“By having guidelines, we protect the public amenity, how it looks and who pays for it.”
Coastal protection works fronting Council-owned land at the beach access ways and Wamberal Surf Lifesaving Club will be funded through Council’s Long Term Financial Plan.
Council will write to the State Government, as the owner of five beachfront allotments at The Ruins and 69 Ocean View Dr, seeking commitment for coastal protection works
fronting those lands.
Council noted that sand nourishment is not expected to be required in the short term but when the need arises, as established by periodic monitoring of sand volume, private property owners will be required to contribute to the costs.
Council will also write to the Minister for Local Government, Minister for Planning and Homes, Minister for the Environment and Minister for Regional NSW seeking amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 to allow for the costs of construction works on private land to be recouped through a coastal protection services charge or similar mechanism and development of a NSW-wide approach to mass sand nourishment.
It will also ask for additional support for coastal councils to address the increasing risk of coastal erosion.
Construction work on the final stage of Wyong Hospital’s $200M refurbishment will start mid-2023 to provide a cancer day unit, women’s clinics, an Aboriginal Health unit and carer support unit.
Completion is expected by mid to late 2024.
The announcement came during a visit by NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet last Friday to officially open the newly refurbished section of Wyong Hospital, Block H.
The $200M redevelopment delivers a new six-storey hospital building which houses state-of-the-art clinical spaces, a new and expanded emergency department and intensive care unit.
Minister for Regional Health, Bronnie Taylor, said Block H also included an expanded medical imaging department featuring Wyong Hospital’s first MRI service, which is set to be operational early next year.
“The expanded medical imaging department includes an additional CT scanner, x-ray machine and ultrasound room and these services make a real difference, providing services locally to ensure people no longer have to travel outside of
the region to access the treatment they need,” she said.
Other features of Block H include 60 additional inpatient beds, a new outpatient paediatric unit and an expanded medical assessment unit.
Redevelopment of the existing hospital building has also delivered an additional operating theatre and an expanded transit lounge and medical day unit.
Parliamentary Secretary for Central Coast, Adam Crouch,
said the 2022-23 NSW Budget allowed the scope of refurbishment works to be further expanded to include the cancer unit, women’s clinics, Aboriginal health unit and carer support unit.
The Premier said it was vital to expand Wyong Hospital in order to meet the needs of the Central Coast population which is expected to grow by more than 95,000 people by 2041.
“The hospital expansion will increase capacity to support
staff to care for patients more effectively and efficiently and to meet the needs of the local community well into the future,” he said.
Shadow Minister for Central Coast and Wyong MP, David Harris, said opening the new additions was good news, however, it came as the latest data from the Bureau of Health revealed issues in bed block, ambulance banking and emergency department wait times.
“This data confirms what health workers are telling us –the system is not coping and needs to be addressed,” he said.
“I’d hoped the Premier would deliver some solutions while cutting ribbons at Wyong (last Friday) – such as matching Labor’s pledge to have safe staffing levels.
“More than 60 percent of Gosford emergency department patients and a majority of Wyong emergency department
patients wait over four hours for treatment.
“The hospital is faced with a staffing and funding crisis every day which means some of the new additions at Wyong couldn’t actually be used.
“There is a proposal to significantly cut full-timeequivalent positions in both medical imaging and pharmacy and nurses are constantly overwhelmed and face physical assault and short staffing on shifts,” he said.
Harris said NSW Labor had committed to scrap the current outdated rostering system and replace it with an enforceable, minimum shift by shift staffing model, with improvements to dedicated specialty areas, such as emergency departments, from mid-2023.
“Labor has also committed to removing wage caps and allow staff to return to a fair bargaining system again,” Harris said.
“Premier Perrottet needs to commit to these changes too or having shiny new buildings won’t improve patient safety nor address the staffing issues,” Harris said.
Sue MurrayThe Northern Lakes Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan to better manage flood risk has been given the green light by Central Coast Council with four main actions at Lake Munmorah, Canton Beach, Gorokan and Buff Point.
This plan focusses on overland flooding caused by excess runoff from stormwater drainage flowing into a waterway, as opposed to mainstream flooding when heavy rainfall bursts the banks of waterways.
Risk management for mainstream flooding is covered in another complementary action plan, the Tuggerah Lakes Flood Risk Management Study and Plan.
Council formed a working group in 2017 for the Northern Lakes Plan and Manly Hydraulics Laboratory was commissioned to complete it.
The Plan covers the 33.5sq
km of catchments surrounding Lake Munmorah, Budgewoi Lake and the northern portion of Tuggerah Lake.
The aim is to build community resilience to flooding, identify flood mitigation works, emergency management plans, flood warning processes, land use planning and suitable design of infrastructure and buildings.
Total cost to implement the Plan is about $4.1M, with four main flood modification
measures out of the 10 shortlisted.
The four main actions are to upgrade the pathway and culvert under Lett St in Gorokan, a channel excavation at Woodland Parkway Reserve in Budgewoi, Greenacre Rd culvert upgrade in Lake Munmorah and the Crossingham St culvert upgrade in Canton Beach.
A culvert upgrade at Lake Munmorah within two years and costing $829,000 would
reduce water ponding north of Greenacre Ave and through Elizabeth Bay Dr, Mercator Cl and Mainsail Ct.
At Canton Beach, the $1.35M plan to be delivered within two years, is to improve drainage at three locations to allow water to drain to the lake.
The Plan rates work at Gorokan in the Gascoigne Rd and Mary St area as a high priority with work needed within a year at an estimated cost of $1.8M, which could
include use of the park as a detention basin.
Excavation of the entrance channel at Woodland Parkway Reserve at Buff Point is also a high priority with action recommended within a year and costing $624,000.
Other locations raised in the Plan that needed attention were Wirriga Ave at Charmhaven, embankment construction along Budgewoi Dr at Noraville, upgrade of the
detention basin at Gorokan Park and Cooranga Rd at Wyongah.
More actions in the Plan include improving the flood warning system, for example, the Toukley rain gauge could issue email/text message alerts when rain triggers are reached and a new gauge at Lake Munmorah.
Flood education is also a high priority which includes developing an accessible flood emergency plan template; installing signage at flood prone carparks and installing flood depth indicators at low points on roads.
Actions recommended in the Plan will be incorporated into Council’s Operational and Capital Works Programs with infrastructure works given priority, as the Budget allows and grant funding will be sought from the State Government.
Sue MurrayForeshore barriers at both Davistown and Empire Bay, a review of evacuation centres and sea wall construction guidelines are among the recommendations in the Davistown and Empire Bay Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan (FRMSP), adopted with some minor amendments by Central Coast Council at its October 11 meeting.
Council commissioned Rhelm Pty Ltd to prepare the documents, which outline the nature and extent of existing flooding issues and recommend actions to better manage the existing, future, and continuing flood risk in the Davistown and Empire Bay catchments.
A report to the meeting said the Davistown catchment
consists primarily of the suburb of Davistown, situated to the south of Saratoga and surrounded by foreshore areas and surrounding waterbodies to the east, south and west –
The Broadwater, Cockle Bay, Cockle Channel and Lintern Channel.
The Empire Bay catchment consists of the suburb of Empire Bay and the south‐western section of Bensville.
Cockle Channel and Cockle Bay are the water bodies situated on the northern side of the catchment.
The study area includes much low-lying land in Davistown and Empire Bay which is both flood prone and subject to tidal inundation.
The report found that Brisbane Water overflow as a result of ocean storms often led to flooding of the low-lying areas,
with flood levels typically rising and falling over several hours and reaching depths of 0.5m.
Other major contributors to flooding issues were intense rainfall, with the most
significant flooding occurring as a result of a two-hour duration storm event, and tidal inundation during high tides.
“The existing flood risks associated with tidal inundation
are not significant in Davistown and Empire Bay in comparison to the other mechanisms of flooding,” the report said.
“However, it is expected that in the future, as a result of sea level rise, a large proportion of the study area will be subjected to relatively frequent inundation from high tides.”
“This will compromise the liveability of some portions of the suburbs through flooding of roads, services, and private properties.
“It should be noted that the effects of climate change will potentially aggravate the impacts of all three types of flooding in Davistown and Empire Bay.
“As a result of sea level rise, it is expected that the magnitude and frequency of Brisbane Water flooding and tidal inundation will increase
“Additionally, the higher ocean level will compromise drainage conditions and exacerbate the consequences of local catchment flooding.”
The FRMSP outlines a number of recommended measures including flood mitigation works, emergency management plans, flood warning processes, land use planning, and suitable design of infrastructure and buildings.
Now that Council has adopted the plan, it can seek further grant funding assistance for costs associated with the implementation of the recommended actions.
The documents can be viewed on Council’s website.
Copacabana Rural Fire Brigade celebrated 60 years of serving the community on October 8 at a special ceremony where 12 members were honoured for their outstanding efforts in the 2019-20 Black Summer fire season.
Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, attended the day, along with RFS Hunter Area Commander Kam Baker, Central Coast RFS zone manager, Viki Campbell, Central Coast Council Administrator, Rik Hart volunteers from the brigade as well as Avoca brigade and residents.
“It’s wonderful to help celebrate such a special event,” Crouch said.
“Copacabana has changed so much over the past 60 years and so too has this Brigade.
“It’s also an honour to be presenting 12 of our volunteer
firefighters with National Emergency Medals.
“These members should be proud of themselves and their dedication to protecting people and property in what was NSW’s most difficult fire season.
“Right throughout Black Summer the Copacabana Brigade went above and beyond fighting blazes on the Central Coast as well as in strike team deployments to support other communities battling blazes.”
The National Emergency Medal is awarded to persons who rendered sustained or significant service during nationally significant emergencies in Australia, including the 2019-2020 bush fires.
Baker said Copacabana Rural Fire Brigade has developed significantly since its inception in October 1962, when its firefighting equipment consisted of little more than metal water knapsacks, leather fire beaters, and a
couple of fire extinguishers.
“In its first year the Brigade fought two serious fires and saved seven houses, all with no station, no pump, no fire truck, and no modern communications,” he said.
“Our volunteers should be immensely proud of their efforts and dedication to the protection of the local community and indeed the entire state.”
Those receiving medals on the day were Captain Shane Hughes, Senior Deputy Captain Clint Pressley, Deputy Captains Josh Ford, Greg Trusler and Matt Francis and firefighters Jim Bruton, Rob Milne, Jack Ardzejewski, Hannah Langbridge, Ken Langbridge and Paul Madigan.
The 12th recipient, Matthew McLeod, was not present on the day.
Concerned residents and animal welfare and protection advocates will rally outside Wyong Council chambers on Friday, October 14, to demand urgent action over a commercial dog breeding facility at Palm Grove.
The dog boarding, training and breeding business was approved by the Central Coast Local Planning Panel (LPP) in
December, 2020, with a 15-month trial period set.
The Panel said at the time that operations should cease following the trial period until further development consent was given.
With that 15 months now well and truly expired, Animal Liberation has organised the peaceful assembly to be held at 1.30pm.
Organisers say the“protracted
and questionable nature of the planning assessment” and a “lack of compliance enforcement” has raised the ire of residents.
“Due to the lack of genuine and meaningful response by Central Coast Council, members of the public have no other option than to come together and demand immediate action,” Animal Liberation’s Regional Campaigns Manager, Lisa Ryan, said.
“While Council’sAdministrator Rik Hart has been publishing alerts about his ‘community discussions’, he has consistently failed to listen or respond appropriately to residents and opponents of this Palm Grove development.”
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Ryan said the LPP ignored a recommendation for refusal from Council, along with community objections.
“Throughout this protracted planning assessment, there has been next to no regard for the welfare of the dogs, the loss of peaceful amenity for the surrounding neighbours, and the potential risks and impacts to the immediate environment,” she said.
Ryan said the situation was exacerbated by the lack of councillor representation, with residents unable to get clear answers on the future of the facility.
Greens NSW MP, Animal Welfare spokesperson and Central Coast resident, Abigail Boyd, who is a member of the NSW Legislative Council’s committee tasked with
inquiring into puppy farms, has met with members of the Palm Grove community and will speak at the event.
“The Parliamentary Inquiry into Puppy Farming has shown clearly that the people of NSW do not want to see dogs and puppies intensively farmed for profit, and no one wants these cruel facilities in their community,” she said.
“Puppy farms have no place on the Coast, or anywhere for that matter.
“Dogs are wonderful, loyal companions,not commodities.”
Shadow Minister for the Central Coast and Member for Wyong, David Harris, is unable to attend the protest but has voiced his support.
“I have raised the issue in the
NSW Parliament after meeting with residents,” he said.
“I have also forwarded concerns to Council regarding noncompliance with statutory requirements.”
Ryan said a List of Demands outlining the public’s expectations will be presented to Council Administrator Rik Hart at the conclusion of the public gathering.
A Council spokesperson said there are currently no outstanding compliance matters relating to the facility.
“The ongoing use of the site for dog breeding is currently under assessment by Council’s Development Assessment Unit and will be referred to the Local Planning Panel for determination,” the spokesperson said.
“Council is allowing the facility to continue to operate while this development application is under assessment.
“Council’s Administrator does not have a role in either the assessment or determination of development applications.
“The RSPCA is the regulatory authority for matter concerning animal welfare.
“Council understands that the RSPCA has investigated complaints regarding animal welfare at the property and determined that no action is required.”
Central Coast teachers were seeing red on Wednesday, October 12, with the NSW Teachers Federation (NSWTF) saying a recent offer from the State Government of an extra 30 minutes per week of release time was “insulting”.
Teachers around NSW dressed in red on Wednesday to protest continuing poor work and pay conditions, as the Industrial Commission prepared to hear the State Government’s proposal for a new three-year salaries award locking in a pay rise of 2.53 per cent a year for three years.
Premier Dominic Perrottet announced earlier in the week that teachers would receive 30 minutes of additional curriculum release time from face-to-face teaching.
“For high school teachers, this additional time will mean that they will now have the equivalent of almost one full day every week for lesson planning,” Perrottet said.
“We want students to succeed in their schooling and to do that we need to support teachers so they can plan lessons that will deliver the right outcomes for students.”
Secondary school teachers, who currently receive five hours and 35 minutes of release time each week, and primary school teachers, who receive two hours, will receive the equivalent of an extra 30 minutes per week in 2023, increasing to an extra 60
minutes per week in 2024 and 2025.
Education Minister, Sarah Mitchell, said schools will also be given more time to plan for the following school years, with an extra school development day scheduled for the end of Term 4 in 2022 and 2023.
But NSWTF Senior Vice President, Amber Flohm, said the offer was an “absolute insult” to teachers, students and their parents.
“The Premier is suggesting half an hour (extra) will address the underlying issues which are causing our teacher shortage,” Flohm said.
She said the move did little to solve the ongoing issues of unsustainable workloads and uncompetitive salaries.
“Schools would need to pay for that half an hour from within their budgets which only takes away from their resources,” she said.
“We don’t have enough resources in schools.
“To say this will suffice is insulting and in no way addresses unsustainable workloads which see teachers working 60 hours per week.
“The very cause of the chronic shortage is the unattractiveness of the profession.”
“We will continue to do what we need to do to secure good public schooling for our students.”
NSWTF President, Angelo Gavrielatos, said the Government’s proposed threeyear award would deliver “real wage cut” to teachers, worsening shortages and making the profession less attractive in a highly competitive labour market.
He said a new Department of Education ministerial briefing, obtained under FOI, revealed that 62 per cent of public schools (1,367) had at least one permanent teaching position vacant at the end of July, 17.5 per cent (390) had two or more and 2.3 per cent
(50) had five or more.
“That means there were more than 2,000 permanent teaching positions vacant in public schools,” Gavrielatos said.
“The decision by the Perrottet Government to cap pay increases at 2.53 per cent a year for three years when inflation is 6.1 per cent and rising defies (its) own research that shows the uncompetitive salaries of teachers is a major reason why the number of people studying to become a teacher has plummeted.
“Right now we have a crisis in our classrooms.
“Kids are missing out in public and private schools because of the shortages and teachers are burning out.
“The number of early career teachers leaving public schools is at a 13 year high.”
Gavrielatos said the Government’s Teacher Supply Strategy has been an abject failure so far.
Terry CollinsMore than $26,000 was raised at a special luncheon celebrating Coast Shelter’s 30th anniversary on October 6.
More than 200 supporters attended the event at The Entertainment Grounds, which aimed to raise funds to continue to expand the organisation’s services and programs to help the homelessness and family and domestic violence crisis across the region.
CEO Michael Starr told the gathering support was needed now more than ever.
“Sadly, we are seeing rising rates of homelessness amongst
people over 55 and more women and children sleeping in our crisis domestic violence refuges every night of the year,” he said.
In response supporters dug deep with more than $26,000 raised via auctions and raffles on the day.
Coast Shelter also gave out awards to deserving Coasties who are positively contributing to the region.
Dianne O’Brien (Aunty Di) was recognised for her outstanding contribution and bravery in sharing her story as an international best-selling author and for her contribution
to the First Nations community across the Central Coast.
Paddy Gerrard, Rob Palmer and Southern Cross Austereo were recognised for their outstanding contribution to the Central Coast community, especially their work for local charities.
Starr said he hoped the fundraiser would be the first of many.
“People want to get out and about, help their community and have a little fun whilst doing it,” he said.
Police are appealing for public assistance to find two men on outstanding warrants for various offences related to drugs, assault and robbery.
Ryan Felton is known to spend time on the Central Coast and is wanted for offences including reckless wounding, possession/use of a prohibited weapon without a permit, affray, assault
occasioning actual bodily harm, and destroying or damaging property.
The 31-year-old is of Caucasian appearance, between 180cm to 185cm tall, solid build and brown hair.
Tuggerah Lakes Proactive Crime Team is seeking information to locate Jason Fitzsummons who is wanted on
arrest warrants issued by Gosford Local Court on the August 5 and September 30 over drug detection and robbery related offences.
Fitzsummons, aged 36, is Caucasian in appearance, 185cm tall, large build with fair complexion, and light brown hair.
He is known to frequent the Lake Macquarie, Brisbane Water and Tuggerah Lakes
areas on the Central Coast.
Police warn not to approach either Felton or Fitzsummons if sighted and anyone with information about either of their whereabouts should immediately contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or https://nsw.crimestoppers.
Ryan Felton Jason FitzsummonsDrug and Firearms Squad detectives have charged four people following an investigation into the supply of prohibited drugs across the state’s Central Coast and Hunter.
In April 2022, detectives from the State Crime Command’s Drug and Firearms Squad, in partnership with the NSW Crime Commission (NSWCC), established Strike Force Great to investigate the supply of methylamphetamine throughout the state’s Central Coast and Hunter regions.
As part of ongoing inquiries, strike force detectives arrested a 38-year-old man and a
24-year-old woman following vehicle stops at Belmont and Killarney Vale shortly after 9am today (Wednesday 12 October 2022).
They were taken to Belmont and Wyong Police Stations respectively.
A short time later,investigators executed search warrants in Belmont North, Nords Wharf and Wadalba, locating and seizing more than 2kg of methylamphetamine – with an estimated potential street value of $2 million – $220,000 cash, a gel-blaster firearm,
electronic devices, and other items relevant to the investigation.
They were assisted by officers attached to Raptor Squad, Hunter Region Enforcement Squad (RES) and Northern Region Operation Support Group (OSG) throughout the operation.
A 43-year-old man was arrested during the search of a home at Belmont North and taken to Belmont Police Station.
Following further inquiries, a 42-year-old man was arrested at a workplace in Wyong about 10.30am and taken to Wyong Police Station.
The 38-year-old Belmont
North man has been charged with supply large commercial quantity prohibited drug, knowingly direct activities of criminal group, participate criminal group contribute criminal activity, and five counts of supply prohibited drugs on an ongoing basis.
The 43-year-old Belmont North man has been charged with take part supply commercial quantity prohibited drug, participate criminal group contribute criminal activity, knowingly deal with proceeds of crime intent to conceal, and two counts each of possess prohibited drug and supply indictable quantity
They were both refused bail to appear at Newcastle Local Court on Thursday 13 October.
The 42-year-old Wadalba man has been charged with two counts of supply large commercial quantity prohibited drug, three counts of supply prohibited drugs on an ongoing basis, and one count each of take part supply large commercial quantity prohibited drug, supply indictable quantify prohibited drug, participate criminal group contribute criminal activity, recklessly deal with proceeds of crime, and possess prohibited drug.
He was refused bail to appear
at Wyong Local Court on Thursday 13 October.
The Killarney Vale woman has been charged with take part supply large commercial quantity prohibited drug, and participate criminal group contribute criminal activity.
She was granted conditional bail to appear at Wyong Local Court on Thursday 13 October.
Anyone with information about the supply of prohibited drugs is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or https://nsw.crimestoppers.
There is no justification for another rate hike given all the extra money Council Administrator Rik Hart has already plundered from ratepayers (“Is another increase in rates coming?”
CCN Issue 362).
The July 2021 special rate variation already raises an extra $250M over 10 years despite Mr Hart saying he only needed $110M from rates to repay loans from the financial crisis
(with asset sales repaying the rest of the loans).
Then there’s a 35% increase in water rates on top of that.
No wonder Mr Hart is constantly issuing press releases boasting about “financial turnarounds.”
Sadly, he has failed to convert this extra money into improved services.
A few weeks ago, IPART
published its quarterly survey of water utilities.
Customer satisfaction with Central Coast Council declined yet again this quarter from an already low base – it is by far the worst performing utility in the survey.
In fact, Central Coast Council’s performance has declined across every category in the survey every quarter since the Administrator appointed David Farmer CEO in April 2021.
It’s not just water and
I am appalled that the Gosford Council can stop the Australian Flags being flown in Umina.
This a free country and the Aussie flag can be flown by proud Australians from any building throughout Australia.
I proudly fly my flag from my home on a proper flagpole and served this country for over 30 years.
Thousands of Australians have fought and died while serving this country at war under the Australian flag.
Why should this council have the right to say you cannot fly this flag in the main street in Umina.
The McGowan bridge at Gosford flies Mariners flags, will the Council be next to telling them to pull them down?
Several years ago, before the councils amalgamated, there were at least a dozen or so flag poles erected at Adcock Park along the highway and various flags were flown for different
reasons and occasions including the Australian flags on Australia day.
They looked wonderful as it is the entrance to the Central Coast and Gosford.
There has not been a flag flown there for quite some time and I notice some of the flag poles have been cut off.
Gosford council has bigger problems to overcome and not be worried about flying our Australian flag.
Email, 10 October 2022 Henry Chisholm, Point Clare
sewerage services that are getting worse.
This July, a Council report admitted that development applications (DAs) outstanding more than a year had doubled in the previous six months.
Median determination times for DAs shot up to 71 days – by far the worst quarterly result in the six years covered by the report.
Ratepayers can also see with their own eyes the state of the roads and other poorly
maintained areas, the inefficient and often bungled way pothole repairs are managed, and the culture of missed deadlines and poor customer relations.
So, why haven’t Council services improved despite all the massive rate hikes?
Messrs Hart and Farmer (have failed) to address the underlying causes of Council’s past and continuing poor performancepoor management, bad culture, insufficient prioritisation, and productivity still lower than
before the merger in 2016/17. Rather than planning another rate increase, Mr Hart should address these underlying performance issues and return some of his past plunder to ratepayers.
Otherwise, his legacy will be one of far higher rates and worse services than before he arrived.
Email, 10 October 2022 Kevin Brooks, Bensville
Wow, how about all this exciting news about the prospective redevelopment of the Gosford waterfront.
I can’t wait.
I know it’s exciting because there are lots of people in suits making speeches and saying how exciting it is.
Although, I do kind of like the waterfront just how it is – with lots of grass, rocks and water.
I like seeing the sailing boats … and even the half-sunk, rotting boats that the council won’t take responsibility for are
growing on me.
So, remind me again why we need to put a whole lot of
concrete and steel over it to make it beautiful.
Perhaps it will go nicely with our equally attractive ATO and Finance buildings?
I don’t think it’s to solve the housing affordability crisis … something tells me those waterfront apartments won’t be all that affordable.
At least those guys will be able to see the sailing boats in the future.
The Central Coast Lakes Festival will be back in full swing this November, with the region’s magnificent waterways set to take centre stage.
The 10-day festival will see more than 30 events and activities take place at 13 different locations across the region.
Light Up the Lake will kick-off the festival on Saturday, November 5, with fun activities, roving performers, foods stalls, live music and a fireworks display at Memorial Park, The Entrance.
The Colour Our Coast 5km fun run/walk and festival will take place on Sunday, November 13, with registrations now open.
Taking place at Picnic Point Reserve, The Entrance, the event is open to anyone who likes to have fun and get active. Roundabout Circus and YAAS (Young Authentic and Social) will provide entertainment on the day, and there will be a variety of food and drink stalls available.
SURFSOUNDS beachside festival will launch for the first time at the Peninsula Recreation Precinct, Umina Beach, on Sunday, November 13, and will celebrate local musicians and artists in a free one-day event.
As well as the entertainment, a variety of food trucks, a wine bar and a brewery stall will be operating.
Sunset Social: Latin on the Lake will offer a community dining experience under the setting sun along the Long Jetty foreshore on Saturday, November 12.
Entertainment will be provided by world renowned Latin performers, with a chance to try some of your own Latin dance moves.
The inaugural Sustainable Future Festival will launch this year at Mingara Recreation Club, celebrating all things sustainability.
Taking place on Saturday and Sunday, November 12 and 13, the festival will include special guests Kyal and Kara (Saturday) and Dr Karl (Sunday).
Other events to look out for include Breakfast with the Birds, the Bouddi Coastal Run, SUP Yoga at three locations, Creative Nature Children’s Corner, bike rides and kayaking and Naughty Noodle’s annual ‘Clambake’ event ‘Swamp Thang’.
Council Unit Manager Community and Culture, Glenn Cannard, said Council is excited to deliver the event in person this year, after having to take it online in 2021 due to the pandemic.
“The Lakes Festival is one of the region’s biggest and most exciting events, previously attracting 65,000 attendees prior to the pandemic,” Cannard said.
“We look forward to seeing locals and visitors come together once again to enjoy everything from festivals, fitness and outdoor events, entertainment and markets to kid friendly events across the
10-day program.”
Central Coast Council Administrator, Rik Hart, said the festival is important in educating locals and visitors about our waterways.
“Our beautiful lakes and waterways form a large part of the Central Coast’s identity and are the reason why many of us choose to live, work and play in the region,” he said.
“The Lakes Festival is the
perfect opportunity to celebrate this and the variety of lifestyle, health and wellbeing and economic benefits our waterways provide our community.
The Lakes Festival takes place from November 4-13 and spans locations across The Entrance, Picnic Point, Long Jetty, Toukley, Tuggerah, Budgewoi, Terrigal, Avoca, Ettalong and Umina.
Pearl Beach Progress Association will present a program of Celtic inspired music by Tri at 2.30pm on Sunday, October 16, at the memorial hall.
“Following a long hiatus, we are delighted to invite the community and friends to once again come along to an afternoon of fabulous music performed by some of Australia’s finest musicians,” spokeswoman Lynne Lillico said.
“The hall has fabulous acoustics and a strong tradition of presenting an eclectic range of music and song for all to enjoy.
“Tri will produce a sound that draws on diverse musical heritage and improvisation, seeking to strengthen the identity of a New England Celtic/World music region, as unique as the rich instrumental folk traditions already established in Australia.
“Interweaving traditional tunes from Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Cape Breton and Andalusia will be new and original compositions and contemporary arrangements.”
Tri incorporates the fiddling of Kez Watson; the flute/whistle/ uilleann pipe lines of David Carr; guitar solos by Stephen Tafra and the organic and intuitive drumming/percussion of Steve Harris.
The trio reflects an ever-
evolving sense of place and heritage while respecting tradition.
Bookings for the event are essential at https://www. with all proceeds to go towards hall upkeep.
For more details call 0413 146 104.
Source: Media release, Oct 10 Pearl Beach Progress Association
To see the full event program including what events are ticketed or require registration, visit thelakesfestival.
The festival is sponsored by Mounties Group and funded by the NSW Government.
The Community Environment Network (CEN) will host Breakfast with the Birds as part of the Lakes Festival at Central Coast Wetlands on November 5.
CEN’s Waterwatch coordinator, Rachael Kneeves, said the fun event would enable residents to connect with remarkable habitats and gain a greater appreciation of the important role the wetlands play in maintaining the health of Tuggerah Lakes.
“You can enjoy a guided bird walk with Central Coast Group Birding NSW, followed by a delicious breakfast and
Welcome to Country,” Kneeves said.
“Take part in hands-on activities including dipnetting for water bugs, water quality testing and tree
planting activities.”
The event is organised by CEN’s Waterwatch and Wetlands programs and supported by the Tuggerah Reserve Trust, CEN, Girri Girra
Aboriginal Experiences and Central Coast Group Birding NSW.
It is supported by Central Coast Council with funding from both Council and the
Central Coast Council is putting out the call to all creatives in the region, with registration now open for Creative Art Central 2022/23.
The program has been designed to inspire local creatives to deliver new and contemporary creative work which demonstrates a strong connection to community and opportunities for participation.
The annual initiative offers up to $20,000 to four established professional creatives and up to $10,000 to two emerging creatives based
Federal Government.
CEN’s Wetlands Project Officer, Meg Rice, said the wetlands are an important part of keeping the Tuggerah Lakes system healthy.
“Wetlands are beautiful natural areas which are covered with water for some period of time,” Rice said.
“They are vitally important habitats for the health of our environment and support a wide variety of native plant and animal species.”
Rice said a tree planting would be an important part of the day as trees give the wetland stability and provide additional habitat for birds and
other species.
“We think the Lakes Festival is also an ideal time to encourage families, groups and individuals to visit the Central Coast wetland, enjoy its beauty and get to know the species who call it home,” Rice said.
Breakfast with the Birds is usually held annually to coincide with World Wetlands Day in February.
Bookings are essential at visit
For more information call 4349 4757.
on the Central Coast.
One previous recipient is Beneath the Surface, a contemporary body of work which connects to the Central Coast and its unique identity.
This was a collaborative creative production combing the skills of NAISDA dance college, Uncle Gavi Duncan, professional photo-based fine artist Sharon Aldrick and cinematographer and contemporary artist Ryan Lee.
The work concentrates on identity and connection to place.
The group produced a series
Probus Club Halekulani is celebrating its 40th year of friendly fellowship for people who want to have fun in retirement and share social and cultural activities with people of similar interests.
Members of the club held an anniversary luncheon recently when President Anne Rose was presented with the 40 year Certificate by Peter McCloskey who is secretary of North Lakes/Toukley Rotary Club.
Life Members and the two longest standing members, Baden Nord and Jerry Moss, both well into their 90s, cut the birthday cake before a game of
trivia about the club history and membership, followed by entertainment by South Lakes Harmony Chorus.
The inaugural meeting of Probus Club Halekulani was on September 4, 1982 and was formed by the Rotary Club of
Initially the Club was known as Probus Club – Doyalson and was a Mens’ Club and after a
few years, the Club changed its name to the current one, then in 2014 it became a Combined Club and in 2016 it Incorporated.
Much-loved story book characters Busy Izzy and Friends will put on a free show at Westfield, Tuggerah, at 10m on Sunday, October 16.
Busy Izzy, Newly Truly, Talkative Tess, Bossy Bobby, Sensible Steven, Secret Agent
Skye and Worried Warren invite you to bring your dancing feet and singing to the Busy Izzy and Friends show, featuring award-winning songs written by the show’s creators Roxanne Kiely and Stephen Kiely.
The show will be followed by a meet and greet with the characters.
The performance is part of a regional tour delivered by community organisation Prosper (Project Australia).
“Everyone will laugh, dance and sing along with this actionpacked show”, Prosper Fouder and Executive Director, Karen Craigie, said.
“We are so excited to be able to bring this special family experience to the local community as part of our work to support children and families.”
Busy Izzy and Friends is a multi-media series inspired by emotional and educational developmental drivers.
Its stories promote kindness, resilience, friendship, fun and healthy food for children aged 3-8.
The series is centred around the adventurous world of Busy Izzy, a 12-year-old girl, and her diverse group of friends, her rescue puppy, Newly Truly, and her life in Green Grass Grove
of site-specific work exploring the Coast’s rich and vibrant landscape through the production of digital imagery representing shared and juxtaposed views of connection to the environment, family, culture, and story.
The work followed and documented selected NAISDA dancers and their story, their journey of becoming dancers and how that is connected to past and present kinship.
For details on Creative Art Central 2022/23 go to Council’s website.
Terry CollinsProbus Club Halekulani meets regularly at the Halekulani Bowling Club on the first Thursday of the month starting at 9.30am (except January).
This bunch of active retirees enjoy a variety of interesting guest speakers as well as regular outings and various other social functions including restaurant lunches and dinners, picnics, theatre outings and from time to time, members run special-interest workshops. New members are always welcome and those interested should contact Membership Officer Gary Dean on 0408 021 990.
where she has a store called Nix & Nax.
The Busy Izzy and Friends live show promotes inclusivity and self-confidence, with loads of audience interaction.
Award-winning singer Marcia Hines will be the special guest at the Bouddi Foundation for the Arts’ (BFA) annual Award Presentation Ceremony on November 6.
To be held in the Wagstaffe Hall from 2-5pm, the ceremony will feature 21 talented and passionate Central Coast
creative people will share in a total of $57,600 in grants, to be presented by the BFA’s Founder and Chair, John Bell.
This will bring the number of grants made by the Foundation since its inception to 187, worth well over $370,000.
“Every year, I am astonished at the depth of talent among young people from the Central Coast and 2022 is no
exception,” Bell said.
“Indeed, the level of artistry displayed seems to be improving despite the debilitating effects of the pandemic on the arts and artists across Australia and the world.”
Each year The Bouddi Foundation for the Arts raises money through generous sponsors and supporters, to
award grants to Central Coast people 15-30 who have a passion and desire to create or further develop a career in the arts.
These grants are used by awardees to help fund their many needs across a wide range of disciplines.
This enables them to afford advanced tuition and mentoring, better instruments,
recording facilities, specialist equipment and materials.
The 21 grants for this year cover a wide range of artistic pursuits, including traditional and classical dance, contemporary and classical music, singing, song writing, sculpture, filmmaking, painting, puppetry and musical theatre, with recipients from 14 suburbs across the Central
A limited number of tickets are available through Eventbrite or on the Bouddi Foundation website au.
6:00 News Breakfast
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
10:00 Q+A (PG) [s]
11:05 Extraordinary Escapes [s]
12:00 ABC News At Noon [s]
1:00 Savage River (M l,s) [s]
1:55 Death In Paradise (PG) [s]
3:00 Gardening Australia [s]
4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s]
5:00 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s]
5:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
6:00 The Drum [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 Gardening Australia [s]
Costa meets up with a turf technician; Jane visits a production nursery; Sophie learns topiary technique.
8:30 Frankly (PG) [s]
9:10 Doc Martin (PG) [s]
9:55 Annika (M v) [s]
10:45 ABC Late News [s]
11:00 Summer Love: Hannah And Alex (MA15+) [s]
11:30 rage (MA15+) [s]
6:00 rage (PG) [s]
7:00 Weekend Breakfast [s]
9:00 rage (PG) [s]
10:30 rage Guest Programmer (PG) [s]
12:00 ABC News At Noon [s]
12:30 Vera: Shadows In The Sky (PG) [s]
2:00 Midsomer Murders: Let Us Prey (PG) [s]
3:30 Take 5 With Zan Rowe: Tony Armstrong (PG) [s]
3:55 Spicks And Specks (PG) [s]
4:45 Landline [s]
5:15 Armadillo - Narrated By David Attenborough (PG) [s]
6:10 Extraordinary Escapes (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 Death In Paradise: Beyond The Shining Sea (Part 2) (PG) [s]
8:30 The Capture (M l,v) [s]
9:30 Summer Love: Hannah And Alex (MA15+) [s]
10:00 Savage River (M l,s,v) [s]
6:00 rage (PG)
10:30 The World
1:30 Gardening Australia [s]
2:30 Miriam Margolyes - Australia Unmasked (PG) [s]
3:30 Rick Stein’s Secret France [s]
4:30 Question Everything (PG) [s]
5:00 Art Works [s]
5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s]
6:30 Frankly (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News Sunday [s]
7:40 Spicks And Specks (PG) [s]
8:30 Significant Others (M d,l) [s]
9:25 Silent Witness: Reputations (Part 2) (M n,v) [s]
10:25 The Newsreader: Meltdown (M l) [s]
11:15 Shetland (M l,v) [s]
12:15 The Heights (PG) [s]
6:00 Sunrise [s]
9:00 The Morning Show [s]
11:30 Seven Morning News [s]
12:00 Movie: “Jesse Stone: Lost In Paradise” (M s,v) (’15) Stars: Tom Selleck
2:00 House Of Wellness (PG) [s]
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]
4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Better Homes And Gardens [s] – Joh heads to Gippsland to meet Luana and the people in involved with All Abilities Netball. Karen makes a showstopping alternative to chips and dip. Dr Harry tries to cure a howling dog.
8:30 Movie: “Ladies In Black” (PG) (’18) Stars: Julia Ormond
10:45 Kitchen Nightmares Australia: Mumma Jo’s Diner (M l) [s]
12:00 Kiss Bang Love (PG) [s]
1:30 Home Shopping
6:00 Home Shopping
10:00 The Morning Show [s]
12:00 Seven’s Horse Racing: Randwick/ Caulfield *Live* [s]
5:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) [s]
7:30 Movie: “2012” (PG) (’09) – An academic researcher leads a group of people in a fight to counteract the apocalyptic events that were predicted by the ancient Mayan calendar. Stars: Amanda Peet
10:40 Movie: “The Wolverine” (M l,v) (’13) – Logan, the century old mutant known to the world as Wolverine, is lured to a Japan he hasn’t seen since World War II, and into a shadowy realm of Yakuza and Samurai. Stars: Hugh Jackman, Tao Okamoto, Patrick Stewart
1:00 Home Shopping
6:00 Home Shopping 7:00 Weekend Sunrise [s]
10:00 The Morning Show - Weekend (PG) [s]
12:00 House Of Wellness (PG) [s]
1:00 Border Security - Australia’s Front (PG) [s]
1:30 Cricket: Women’s Big Bash League: Sydney Sixers v Melbourne Stars *Live* From Great Barrier Reef Arena [s]
5:00 Seven News At 5 [s]
5:30 Sydney Weekender [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Australia’s Got Talent (PG) [s] – Tonight, Tanzania-based brothers and acrobats, will deliver a world-first performance on the coveted AGT stage.
8:45 Murder In The Goldfields (M) [s]
10:45 Born To Kill?: Patrick Mackay ‘The Devil’s Disciple’ (MA15+) [s]
11:45 Police: Hour Of Duty (M l,v) [s]
1:00 Home Shopping
6:00 Today [s]
Today Extra [s]
NINE’s Morning News [s]
12:00 Movie: “The Dating List” (PG) (’19) Stars: Natalie Dreyfuss, Andrew Dunbar, Carmel Amit, Nathan Witte, Matt Hamilton
1:45 Garden Gurus Moments [s]
2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]
3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s]
4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s]
5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s]
6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:30 Taronga: Who’s Who In The Zoo: Gorilla (PG) [s]
8:30 Movie: “Apollo 13” (PG) (’95)
Stars: Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, Kevin Bacon, Gary Sinise
11:20 Movie: “The Beguiled” (M) (’17)
Stars: Nicole Kidman, Colin Farrell, Kirsten Dunst
1:05 Cross Court [s]
1:30 Home Shopping
4:00 Religious Programs
5:30 Skippy - The Bush Kangaroo
6:00 Getaway (PG) [s]
6:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:00 Weekend Today [s]
10:00 Today Extra Saturday [s]
12:00 Surfing Australia TV [s]
12:30 Rivals (PG) [s]
1:00 Drive TV [s]
1:30 Cross Court [s]
2:00 My Way (PG) [s]
2:30 Animal Embassy (PG)[s]
3:00 Heart Of The Nation: The World’s Largest CPR Class [s]
4:30 The Garden Gurus (PG) [s]
5:00 NINE News: First At Five [s]
5:30 Getaway (PG) [s]
6:00 NINE News Saturday [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:30 Movie: “Spider-Man: Homecoming” (M v) (’17) Stars: Tom Holland, Michael Keaton
10:10 Movie: “Assassin’s Creed” (M l,v) (’16) Stars: Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard
12:05 Movie: “A Friend’s Obsession” (M v) (’18) Stars: Kayla Ewell
1:40 Cross Court [s]
6:00 Fishing Australia [s]
6:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:00 Weekend Today [s]
10:00 Sports Sunday (PG) [s]
11:00 Bondi Lifeguard World Adventures (PG) [s]
11:30 Fishing Australia [s]
12:00 Taronga: Who’s Who In The Zoo (PG) [s]
1:00 The Block: Guest Bedroom And Re-Do Room (PG) [s]
3:00 Drive Electric [s]
4:00 Bondi Vet (PG) [s]
5:00 NINE News: First At Five [s]
5:30 RBT: Chicken Catcher (PG) [s]
6:00 NINE News Sunday [s]
7:00 The Block: Guest Bedroom And Re-Do Room Reveal (PG) [s]
8:30 60 Minutes (PG) [s]
9:30 NINE News Late [s]
The First 48: Bad Romance/ Out Of Control (M v) [s]
11:00 Killer Couples: Ny Nourn And Ronald Barker (MA15+) [s]
11:50 First Responders (M) [s]
6:00 The Talk [s]
7:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s]
7:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s]
8:00 10 News First [s]
8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s]
12:00 Dr Phil (M) [s]
2:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 2:30 Food Trail - South Africa (PG) [s]
3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s]
3:30 Farm To Fork [s]
4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s]
4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s]
5:00 10 News First [s]
6:30 The Project (PG) [s]
7:30 The Living Room (PG) [s]
8:30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M l,s) [s]
9:30 Just For Laughs Australia (M s) [s]
10:00 Just For Laughs Uncut (M) [s]
10:30 Road To The Melbourne Cup Carnival [s]
6:00 Reel Action [s]
6:30 Religious Programs [s]
7:00 Pat Callinan’s 4X4 Adventures [s]
8:00 Road To The Melbourne Cup Carnival [s]
8:30 What’s Up Down Under [s]
9:00 Australia By Design: Innovations [s]
9:30 Studio 10: Saturday [s]
12:00 Motor Sports: Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix: Round 18: Qualifying *Live* From Phillip Island [s]
4:00 Farm To Fork (PG) [s]
4:30 Food Trail - South Africa (PG) [s]
5:00 10 News First [s]
6:00 Bondi Rescue (PG) [s]
7:00 The Dog House (PG) [s]
8:00 My Life Is Murder (M) [s]
9:00 Ambulance UK (PG) [s]
11:00 The Cheap Seats (PG) [s]
12:00 Home Shopping
4:30 Authentic (PG) [s]
5:00 Religious Programs [s]
6:00 Religious Programs [s]
8:00 Good Chef Bad Chef (PG) [s]
8:30 My Market Kitchen (PG) [s]
9:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s]
9:30 The Living Room (PG) [s]
10:30 Motor Sports: Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix: Round 18 *Live* From Phillip Island [s]
3:30 Food Trail - South Africa (PG) [s]
4:00 Farm To Fork [s]
4:30 Taste Of Australia With Hayden Quinn [s]
5:00 10 News First [s]
The Sunday Project (PG) [s]
7:30 The Traitors (PG) [s]
9:20 NCIS: Hawaii: Ohana (M v) [s] Captain Milius continues to work with Tennant and her team in the aftermath of the prisoner exchange.
10:20 FBI: Crazy Love (M v) [s]
11:20 The Sunday Project (PG) [s]
12:00 Home Shopping
5:00 Worldwatch
9:00 Peer To Peer: Marc Benioff/ Brian Moynihan (PG)
10:00 Breaking The Biz (M)
10:40 Looby (M l,n)
12:00 Worldwatch
2:00 The Truth About Fat (PG)
3:00 NITV News: Nula
3:35 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG)
4:05 Who Do You Think You Are?: Charlie Teo (PG)
5:05 Jeopardy! (PG)
5:30 Letters And Numbers
6:00 Mastermind (PG)
6:30 SBS World News
7:35 Good With Wood (PG)
8:30 Secrets Of The Lost Liners: Andrea Doria (PG)
9:25 World’s Greatest Hotels: Hotels Browns, London (PG)
10:15 SBS World News Late
10:45 Das Boot (MA15+) (In German/ English)
11:45 Red Election (M l,v) (In English/ Danish/ Russian)
5:00 Worldwatch
9:00 Ageless Gardens
10:00 Earth’s Sacred Wonders (PG)
11:00 Paul O’Grady For The Love Of Dogs (PG)
12:00 Worldwatch
2:00 Motorsport: Superbike World Championship
3:00 Gymnastics: Artistic World Challenge Cup
4:30 Destination Flavour China Bitesize
4:40 KGB: The Sword And The Shield (PG) (In English/ Russian/ Ukrainian)
5:40 Secret Nazi Bases: Fuelling Evil (PG)
6:30 SBS World News
7:35 Greatest Train Journeys From Above: Australia’s Outback Railway (PG)
8:30 Secrets Of The Royal Palaces (PG)
9:30 Mysteries Of The Sphinx (PG)
10:20 Celebrity Letters And Numbers (PG)
5:00 Worldwatch
9:00 Ageless Gardens (PG)
10:00 The World From Above (PG)
11:00 Paul O’Grady For The Love Of Dogs (PG)
12:00 Worldwatch
1:00 Motor Sports: Speedweek
3:00 Football: Countdown To Qatar 3:30 Sportswoman: Nadia Nadim 4:00 Cycling: NRS 2022 - Battle On The Border Highlights
5:10 Going Places With Ernie Dingo (PG)
5:40 Secret Nazi Bases: Secrets Of Hitler’s Castle (PG) 6:30 SBS World News
7:30 Curse Of The Ancients: Roman Empire (PG)
8:30 Ancient Egypt’s Darkest Hour (PG)
10:10 Dolly - The Sheep That Changed The World (PG) 11:20 Murder Case (MA15+)
2:45 The Man Putin Couldn’t Kill (M l,v) (In English/ German)
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
10:00 Landline [s]
11:00 Antiques Roadshow [s]
12:00 ABC News At Noon [s]
1:00 Rosehaven (PG) [s]
1:25 Vera (M v) [s]
3:00 Gardening Australia [s]
4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s]
4:55 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s]
5:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
6:00 The Drum [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 7.30 (PG) [s]
8:00 Australian Story (PG) [s]
8:30 Four Corners (PG) [s]
9:20 Media Watch (PG) [s]
9:35 Planet America [s]
10:05 Parkinson In Australia: 1980: Mike Walsh, Malcolm Johnston, June Bronhill (PG) [s]
11:10 ABC Late News [s]
11:25 The Business [s]
11:45 Q+A [s]
12:45 Annika (M v) [s]
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
10:00 Foreign Correspondent [s]
10:30 Planet America [s]
11:00 Restoration Australia (PG) [s]
12:00 ABC News At Noon [s]
1:00 Program To Be Advised
2:00 Sanditon (PG) [s]
3:00 Gardening Australia [s]
4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s]
4:55 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s]
5:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
6:00 The Drum [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 7.30 [s]
8:00 Take 5 With Zan Rowe: Tori Amos (PG) [s]
8:30 Tom Gleeson’s Secrets Of The Australian Museum (PG) [s]
9:30 Louis Theroux: Life On The Edge: The Dark Side Of Pleasure (M d,l) [s]
10:20 People’s Republic Of Mallacoota (M l) [s]
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
10:00 Four Corners (PG) [s]
11:00 Armadillo - Narrated By David Attenborough [s]
12:00 ABC News At Noon [s]
12:30 National Press Club Address
1:40 Media Watch (PG) [s]
2:00 Sanditon (PG) [s]
3:00 Gardening Australia [s]
4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s]
4:55 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s]
5:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
6:00 The Drum [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
7:30 7.30 [s]
8:00 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
8:30 Question Everything (PG) [s]
9:00 Summer Love: Frankie And Trevor (MA15+) [s]
9:40 Would I Lie To You? (PG) [s]
10:10 The Witchfinder (MA15+) [s]
10:40 ABC Late News [s]
10:55 The Business [s]
11:10 Spicks And Specks (PG) [s]
6:00 Sunrise [s]
9:00 The Morning Show [s]
11:30 Seven Morning News [s]
12:00 Movie: “Stranger At The Door” (M v) (’04) Stars: Linda Purl, Andrew Kraulis, Perry King, Meredith Henderson
2:00 The Real Manhunter: The Murder Of Bridie Skehan (M) [s]
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]
4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
7:30 Australia’s Got Talent (PG) [s]
9:00 9-1-1: The Devil You Know (M) [s] While in Florida caring for her ailing father, Athena and Bobby investigate the disappearance of her childhood friend from forty five years ago.
10:00 S.W.A.T.: Crusade (M v) [s]
11:00 The Latest Seven News [s]
11:30 Heartbreak Island Australia (M l) [s]
12:00 Home Shopping
6:00 Sunrise [s]
9:00 The Morning Show [s]
11:30 Seven Morning News [s]
12:00 Movie: “Trust” (M s,v) (’09)
Stars: Jamie Luner, Nels Lennarson, Brendan Beiser
2:00 The Real Manhunter: The Dream City Cinema Fire (M) [s]
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]
4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
7:30 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly (PG) [s]
8:30 The Good Doctor (M v) [s]
9:30 10 Years Younger In 10 Days: Lisa And Adeline (M) [s] 10:30 The Latest Seven News [s]
11:00 Chicago Fire: An Officer With Grit (M) [s]
12:00 Movie: “Reaper” (M v) (’00)
Stars: Catherine Mary Stewart, Chris Sarandon, Isabelle Cyr, Gillian Ferrabee 2:00 Home Shopping
6:00 Sunrise [s]
9:00 The Morning Show [s]
11:30 Seven Morning News [s]
12:00 Flower Shop Mystery: Mum’s The Word (M v) [s]
2:00 The Real Manhunter The Murder Of Christopher Donovan (M v) [s]
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s] 6:00 Seven News [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
7:30 Kitchen Nightmares Australia: Guru Life (M) [s]
Good time Jonny and his longsuffering fiancé Katie are drowning in debt and their restaurant is going downhill fast.
8:40 Extreme Weddings Australia (PG) [s]
9:40 The Amazing Race (PG) [s] 10:40 The Latest Seven News [s] 11:10 Chicago Fire: The Missing Piece (M) [s]
12:30 Program To Be Advised
6:00 Today [s]
9:00 Today Extra [s]
NINE’s Morning News [s]
12:00 The Block: Guest Bedroom
And Re-Do Room Reveal (PG) [s]
1:30 Getaway (PG) [s]
2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]
3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s]
4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s]
5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s]
6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:30 The Block: Working From Home Space Week (PG) [s]
8:40 Under Investigation: The Highway (M) [s]
9:45 Suburban Gangsters: The Team (M) [s]
10:45 NINE News Late [s]
11:15 Fortunate Son: Ruby Tuesday (M v) [s]
12:05 Emergence: 15 Years (M v) [s]
1:00 Hello SA (PG) [s]
1:30 Home Shopping
4:00 Religious Programs
6:00 Today [s]
9:00 Today Extra [s]
11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s]
12:00 The Block: Working From Home Space Week (PG) [s]
1:00 Bondi Vet (PG) [s]
2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]
3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s]
4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s]
5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s]
6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:30 The Block: Working From Home Space Week (PG) [s]
8:50 Travel Guides: Mauritius (PG) [s]
9:50 Botched: Mia Mound And A DUI Disaster (M) [s]
10:50 NINE News Late [s]
11:20 Skin A&E (M mp) [s]
12:10 See No Evil: The Landlady (MA15+) [s]
1:05 Rivals (PG) [s]
1:35 Home Shopping
4:00 Religious Programs
4:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
6:00 Today [s]
9:00 Today Extra [s]
11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s]
12:00 The Block: Working From Home Space Week (PG) [s] 1:20 My Way [s]
1:50 Explore [s]
2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]
3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s]
4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s]
5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s]
6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
7:30 The Block: Working From Home Space Week (PG) [s]
8:45 Britney And Kevin - Family Feud (PG) [s]
9:45 The Rise And Fall Of Janet Jackson (M l,n) [s]
11:10 NINE News Late [s]
11:40 Family Law: Legacy (M s) [s]
12:30 Chicago Med: In The Name Of Love (MA15+) [s]
1:30 Home Shopping
4:00 Religious Programs
4:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
6:00 Today [s]
Today Extra [s]
NINE’s Morning News [s]
The Block: Working From Home Space Week (PG) [s]
1:00 Travel Guides: Mauritius (PG) [s]
Pointless (PG) [s]
6:00 The Talk [s]
7:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s]
7:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s]
8:00 10 News First [s]
8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s]
12:00 Dr Phil (M) [s]
1:00 Program To Be Advised
2:50 Entertainment Tonight [s]
3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s]
3:30 Farm To Fork [s]
4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s]
4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s]
5:00 10 News First [s]
6:30 The Project (PG) [s]
7:30 The Traitors (M) [s]
8:40 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) [s]
9:40 Ghosts: Spies (M) [s]
10:10 Geraldine Hickey: What A Surprise (M l,s) [s]
11:20 The Project (PG) [s]
12:10 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s]
6:00 The Talk [s]
7:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s]
7:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s]
8:00 10 News First [s]
8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s]
12:00 Dr Phil (M) [s]
1:00 Program To Be Advised
2:10 Entertainment Tonight [s]
2:30 My Market Kitchen [s]
3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s]
3:30 Farm To Fork [s]
4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s]
4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s]
5:00 10 News First [s]
6:30 The Project (PG) [s]
7:30 The Traitors (M) [s]
8:45 The Cheap Seats (PG) [s]
9:45 NCIS: A Family Matter (M v) [s]
10:35 NCIS: All Hands (M v) [s]
11:30 The Project (PG) [s]
12:30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s]
1:30 Home Shopping
6:00 The Talk [s]
7:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s]
7:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s]
8:00 10 News First [s]
8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s]
12:00 Dr Phil (M) [s]
1:00 Program To Be Advised
2:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 2:30 My Market Kitchen [s] 3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s]
3:30 Farm To Fork [s]
4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s]
4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s]
5:00 10 News First [s]
6:30 The Project (PG) [s]
7:30 The Dog House Australia (PG) [s]
8:30 The Real Love Boat Australia (PG) [s]
10:00 My Life Is Murder (M) [s]
11:00 Program To Be Advised
12:00 The Project (PG) [s]
1:00 The Late Show (PG) [s]
5:00 Worldwatch
9:10 Peer To Peer: Charles Schwab/ Yasir Al-Rumayyan (PG)
10:10 Great Lighthouses Of Ireland (PG)
11:10 Along Ireland’s Shores (PG)
12:10 Worldwatch
2:00 Lost Temple Of The Inca (M) (In English/ Spanish)
3:00 Going Places With Ernie Dingo (PG)
3:30 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG)
4:00 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG)
5:05 Jeopardy! (PG)
5:30 Letters And Numbers
6:00 Mastermind (PG)
6:30 SBS World News
7:30 Celebrity Letters And Numbers (M)
8:30 Iceland With Alexander Armstrong (PG)
9:25 24 Hours In Emergency: Survivors (M)
10:20 SBS World News Late
5:00 Worldwatch
5:30 Football: Ballon d’Or Ceremony *Live*
7:00 Worldwatch
9:00 Peer To Peer (PG)
10:00 Great Lighthouses Of Ireland (PG)
11:10 Along Ireland’s Shores (PG)
12:00 Worldwatch
2:00 Rise Of Empires: Incas (M) (In English/ Spanish/ German)
3:00 Going Places With Ernie Dingo (PG)
3:35 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG)
4:05 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG)
5:05 Jeopardy! (PG)
5:30 Letters And Numbers
6:00 Mastermind (PG)
6:30 SBS World News
7:30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys: Helensburgh To Connel/ Oban To Staffa (PG)
8:30 Insight (M)
9:30 Dateline (M)
5:00 Worldwatch
9:00 Peer To Peer (PG)
10:00 Great Lighthouses Of Ireland (PG)
11:00 Along Ireland’s Shores (PG)
12:00 Worldwatch
2:00 Dateline (M)
2:30 Insight (M)
3:35 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG)
4:05 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG)
5:05 Jeopardy! (PG)
5:30 Letters And Numbers
6:00 Mastermind (PG)
6:30 SBS World News
7:30 Lost For Words (M)
8:30 Secret Scotland: Argyll And Bute (MA15+)
9:25 Nine Perfect Strangers: Brave New World (MA15+)
10:15 SBS World News Late 10:45 No Man’s Land (MA15+) (In French/ Arabic/ English)
11:35 Bad Banks: Dying Banks (M l) (In German/ English)
Kath & Kim: My Boyfriend/ Another Announcement/ The Shower/ The Hideous Truth (PG) [s]
The Latest Seven News [s]
Program To Be Advised
Home Shopping
Shane Kilby is the newest member of the Bay Gallery Art Studios Cooperative at Ettalong and will be the featured artist during November with his exhibition Outside-Within.
The Woy Woy resident‘s work ranges from landscape to streetscapes and feature bold brushstrokes and wonderful colour palettes worked in oils.
“I am a descendant of convicts and artists on my fathers’ side and shearers and farmers on my mother’s side,” he said.
“My art exploration is driven by a mix of Australian folklore, bush walks, shearing, farming, and long hot summer holidays swimming at the river with my mates.
Kilby said his eye responds differently to different environments.
“I am drawn to the Australian landscape for its hard, hot surfaces contrasted with the
cool shade created by trees and foliage.
“I love to capture the magic and nostalgia of a hot summer day or the cool of a windswept headland.
“Tapping into my own nostalgia when painting, I love the feeling of déjà vu that some places and scenes give me and hope to capture that feeling (on) my canvas so that the
viewer may feel it also.”
Kilby said the experience and excitement of trying to capture various moods and feelings is made all the more tantalising when painting en plein air in
Central Coast Council is hoping to expand the annual Flavours by the Sea event at Terrigal thanks to grant funding being made available by the State Government to councils across the Six Cities..
A spokesperson said Council welcomed the Government’s announcement that it will be investing in major council-run festivals and events.
“Delivering major events is an important part of Council’s work to support businesses, the creative sector and tourism, and (we) will be applying to expand our existing Flavours by the Sea event at Terrigal aligned with Harmony Day, plus investigating the feasibility of an additional event in the
Gosford CBD,” the spokesperson said.
Grant funding of up to $500,000 a year for two years is available for councils across the Six Cities to host major cultural events in partnership with the Government.
Premier Dominic Perrottet said the partnership will help celebrate the mega-region’s rich diversity, drive tourism and boost local economies.
“We are talking about working with councils to host events that will attract tens of thousands of people from far and wide that want to experience our state’s diverse cultures,” Perrottet said.
“By partnering with councils, we will be able to support them cater for bigger crowds, which
will benefit their local economies and especially small businesses.”
The funding was announced as part of the 2022-23 Budget, which saw $28M invested into the state’s multicultural future.
Minister for Multiculturalism, Mark Coure, said cultural events help celebrate NSW’s greatest asset—its people.
“Councils in our major cities all have a major event that is synonymous with their local community,” he said.
“Every year, people wait in anticipation for those events to enjoy the vibrancy, the colour and the culture they are known for.
“That is the beauty of our multiculturalism—you don’t need to travel overseas to
experience other cultures; you can do it right here in NSW.”
All councils across the Six Cities are eligible to apply to support existing major cultural events or to establish a new one.
Minister for Local Government, Wendy Tuckerman, said councils understand local needs, and are best placed to drive social and cultural events.
“Local Councils are the level of government closest to the community, so the NSW Government working directly with councils in our Six Cities will ensure these celebrations benefit their communities directly,” she said.
Terry Collins Author: Justin Gregg Publisher: Hodder & StoughtonDr Justin Gregg loves animals.
He will even perform a “slug check” around his car each morning to make sure he doesn’t run over any on his way out of his driveway and feed dying drones some honey, just so they can have a little pleasure.
He isn’t a vegetarian and will eat chicken, as long as they aren’t his own.
Animals I know about, to an extent.
the elements.
“There are few things I love more than hiking into the bush with my easel and camera and seeing what magic I can capture on my blank canvas,” he said.
“Something about being in the environment that I am painting helps me to transfer those intangible emotions to the canvas.”
There will be an opening reception for the exhibition of Kilby’s work at Bay Gallery, Ettalong Beach, from 1.30pm3pm on Sunday, November 6.
Source: Media release, Oct 8 Bay Gallery
about is Nietzsche.
But that isn’t a problem because in the Introduction, Gregg will give us a brief overview of Nietzsche and explain his “peculiar relationship with animals.”
On the one hand Nietzsche exclaims they lack intelligence, which is to be pitied, while on the other hand this lack of intelligence is to be envied, as they seem happier than humans.
Good luck answering that one.
Back to Nietzsche.
He was a German philosopher that lived from 1844 – 1900 and famously declared “God is dead”, but he also suffered terribly and had many mental breakdowns with the last one causing him to be catatonic and never recovering his mental faculties.
“There is one lesson we can learn from the tortured life of Fredrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, it’s that thinking too hard about things isn’t necessarily doing anyone any favours.”
And if you want a brain explosion the author explains that “If Nietzsche had been born a narwhal, the world might never have had to endure the horrors of the Second World War or the Holocaust – events that, through no fault of his own, Nietzsche helped create.”
Boom…. that is my brain exploding.
Humans think they are so smart?
Through the use of examples and animal experiments (all humane of course) Gregg will illustrate how animals possess problem solving skills, are able to deceive, have a conscious … lots of the traits humans claim are exclusively there own.
Animals are “typically less violent and destructive”.
Humans on the other hand,
“have an amazing ability to justify our actions even if there is evidence that there will be negative consequences in the future.”
What has all this communication, math, knowing “dead facts” gotten us?
As a scientist, Gregg will go into great detail to prove his point (sometimes too much detail in which I zoned out) but there are also interesting and sobering topics, such as the fact that there is a “9.5 percent
chance of human extinction within a hundred years”
Say what?
“We have generated more death and destruction for life on this planet than any other animal, past or present.”
But before you despair too much there are some lighthearted examples, such as how Orlando the cat was better at picking out stocks then a group of fund managers or that a group of elephants liked to get drunk on 7 percent alcohol solution (ok maybe not all the experiments were humane).
Gregg concludes the book by asking, “Is the maximization of pleasure the ultimate goal of life?”
He thinks it is.
“It’s the happy and healthy animals that pop out the best babies, and that’s all that evolution cares about.”
Manufacturer of commercial and industrial door drives, Chamberlain Group of West Gosford, has been crowned Central Coast 2022 Business of the Year, after first taking out the Excellence in Sustainability category at the 2022 Central Coast Business Awards.
Winners were announced at an awards ceremony held on October 7 at Crowne Plaza, Terrigal.
The independent judges praised Chamberlain’s “impressive regional vision that has innovation and sustainability at the core and passion underpinning the drive to achieve”.
“Chamberlain’s win highlights everything we love about our local business community –innovation, ingenuity, and resilience,” Business NSW Senior Director Regions and Visitor Economy, Paula Martin, said.
“The ability for Chamberlain to compete successfully in an industry and strive for net zero production is to be celebrated.
“The Central Coast Business Awards are all about celebrating and showcasing the diverse array of talent across the region’s business community and this year’s winners should feel incredibly proud to be named as the leading businesses and leaders for 2022.”
Martin said the business community had experienced an incredibly tough number of years due to COVID-19, drought,
An L shaped block of land with frontages to Macleay Ave and Nambucca Dr, Woy Woy, is set to be rezoned
Residential to make way for a Pacific Link affordable housing development.
The project will supply around 21 one and two-bedroom units.
Council voted at its October 11 meeting to proceed with a planning proposal to rezone the western part of a huge lot from
bushfires and floods.
“These awards are a wonderful opportunity to shine a spotlight on our amazing group of finalists from right across the region,” she said.
Winners of the 2022 Central Coast Business Awards will now represent the region at the State Business Awards to be held on November 18 in Sydney.
“Based on the calibre of this year’s finalists, I expect that our regional winners will again do very well at the State Business Awards,” Martin said.
Other winners at the awards were: Excellence in Large Business, Nurses Now; Excellence in Small Business, LEP Digital; Excellence in Micro Business, AAGilesberg; Outstanding Start Up, The Grants Whisperer; Excellence in Innovation, Industree Group Pty Ltd; Excellence in Export, Kings of Neon; Employer of Choice, Australian Reptile Park; Outstanding Community Organisation, Pacific Link Housing; Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion, Australian Reptile Park; Outstanding Employee, Melinda McCrone; Outstanding Young Business Leader, Samuel Lentini; Outstanding Business Leader, Laura Prael.
Formerly the NSW Business Chamber, Business NSW is the peak policy and advocacy body which has been representing businesses in NSW since 1826.
Source: Media release, Oct 8 Business NSW Central Coast
RE1 Public Recreation to R1 General Residential to allow for the project.
Pacific Link Housing, which owns the entire site, has agreed to dedicate the eastern portion, which will remain zoned RE1, to Council for drainage purposes and to close two adjoining unused pathways and incorporate them into the developable land.
The land will be regenerated in accordance with an approved Vegetation Management Plan
prior to dedication to Council.
A report to Council said the rezoning proposal had strategic merit, with the land sitting within an established residential area and adjoining other R1 zoned land which has been developed for medium density housing.
“The proposal will enable the potential provision of affordable rental housing to meet the needs of people on very low to moderate incomes,” the report said.
“The eastern part of the site is vegetated and accommodates a
watercourse which forms a continuation of the local drainage system.
“There will be a public benefit in this land coming into public ownership.”
Eleven submissions were received on the proposal, with nine objecting.
The main concerns raised were that: land zoned RE1 Public Recreation should not be rezoned; there is a scarcity of open space in the area; the rezoning will result in the
removal of vegetation and habitat along with the destruction of very limited remaining area of the Endangered Ecological Community (EEC) – Umina Coastal Sandplain Woodland; and the site is too far from the services and train station at Woy Woy.
But the report recommended approval because the project is for infill residential development within an established residential area comprising both low and medium density housing and
because it will provide affordable rental housing and is to be developed and managed by a recognised community housing provider with wrap around support services and programs for tenants.
The report said the project aligned with the objectives in Council’s Affordable and Alternative Housing Strategy.
Linda Emery LawyerConstruction of a new affordable housing retirement village at Brisbane Water Legacy’s Point Frederick site is expected to start early next year, following approval of the Development Application (DA) by the NSW Department of Planning.
CEO Peter Lawley said the Legacy Village has been in existence since 1964.
“It provides affordable rental units for war widows and veterans along with retirement village units that are also available to retirees with a focus on veterans and war widows,” Lawley said.
“But redevelopment became necessary due to the age and style of the current units.”
The plans include a sevenstorey apartment complex providing 54 residential units, above ground parking, a large garden and park area, Legacy offices and a community centre.
The current site will be subdivided, and the southern side sold once the project is complete to assist in funding the development.
Legacy beneficiaries living on site at the moment will all be accommodated in units during construction and relocate to the new building upon completion.
The DA included endorsement
from the city of Gosford Design Advisory Panel, which said the development demonstrates design excellence.
On Thursday, October 6, Premier Dominic Perrottet visited the site to meet residents and staff.
He appreciated the opportunity to understand the importance of the development in continuing to provide affordable quality and dignified accommodation for legacy widows and veterans, Lawley said.
Construction of the new development will be funded entirely by legacy.
About 150 properties in Berkeley Vale will become part of the Glenning Valley suburb following a boundary realignment between the two areas.
Central Coast Council has decided to shift the boundary as well as re-numbering 28 properties in Torrellia Way.
The boundary realignment has come about because of new housing subdivisions since 2009 across the 50ha development area, with some streets straddling the two suburbs, causing confusion for residents and being problematic for emergency services and service providers.
For instance, the Glades Estate was marketed as being
in Glenning Valley although some properties are in Berkeley Vale and Council had received multiple submissions from the developer and property owners requesting a boundary realignment to incorporate all properties within the Glenning Valley suburb.
In particular, three streets within The Glades Estate –Sandalwood Cl, White Fig Dr and Torrellia Way – are contained in both the Glenning Valley and Berkeley Vale suburbs.
Most of the Torrellia Way residents are opposed to street re-numbering but Council says it is required to allocate street numbers (rather than the current lot numbers) in
The shaded area will now become Glenning Valley and the blue line shows the new suburb boundary
accordance with the Australian/ New Zealand Standard 4819:2011 – Rural and Urban Addressing; NSW Address
Policy and NSW Retrospective Address Policy.
Council’s plan to ensure clear, consistent and compliant
numbering and suburb boundaries will now go to the Geographical Names Board for final approval.
To assist with a smooth transition from the existing residential addresses to the new addresses in Torrellia Way, Council will ensure a 12-month mail direction with Australia Post, notify public agencies such as, but not limited to, NSW Customer Services, Valuer Generals, Telstra, Ausgrid, Jemena, Australia Electoral Commission as well as local emergency service.
Each property owner will receive a letter outlining their new address for proof of location to update their private records.
Council will not go ahead with a previous plan to realign the Fountaindale suburb boundary, following objections and concerns from residents.
A review by Council officers deemed that the objections raised had necessary merit to remove Fountaindale from the suburb boundary realignment proposal.
“The distinction between Fountaindale as a boutique suburb comprising small acreages and the urban housing area proposed for realignment is a significant contributing factor for leaving the existing suburb and community intact,” a Council report said.
Sue MurrayA final decision over a fivestorey building for 12 flats at The Entrance has been paused to give the developer a chance to address several grounds which warrant refusal of the project.
Central Coast Council recommended that the Local Planning Panel reject the development on the vacant lot at 16 Bayview Avenue but instead it deferred the matter while the developer reviews its plans and provides more information.
The proposed development comprises 12 units – four onebedroom and eight twobedroom – over four levels with rooftop open communal space and one level of basement parking for 16 vehicles.
Council considers the building unsatisfactory mainly because of its non-compliance in relation to height and boundary setbacks; impacts on neighbours including visual
privacy, building separation and over-shadowing; noncompliance with the Apartment Design Guide in relation to room sizes, private and communal open space for potential residents; and lack of soft landscaping on the site.
A Council report says that the proposal is an unsuitable design and there isn’t adequate information in the development application to undertake a full and proper assessment,
including insufficient information to address adverse amenity and other impacts such as noise, over-shadowing (especially 12 Bayview Ave), privacy, waste management and carpark design.
When the Panel considered the proposal, its preliminary view was that the development was compatible with the bulk, height and scale of the existing and future character of the immediate streetscape and the
height was in keeping with the established building height of adjoining four and eight storey buildings.
Although the front setback to the street doesn’t comply, the Panel said it was consistent with established building lines of adjoining developments and north, south and west boundary setbacks appeared to be adequate given the proximity of buildings to the boundary on adjoining lots.
The Panel has requested further information, including shadow diagrams, relating to over-shadowing impacts from developments to the north to fully assess amenity issues at 16 Bayview Avenue and adjoining sites to the south.
The long-term liveability of the building needs to be addressed including EV charging ports and associated infrastructure in the garage area, the Panel said.
Sue MurrayThe Central Coast has made the international Green Destinations Top 100 Stories list for the second year in a row, further establishing the region as a global eco-tourism destination.
The Coast is one of only two Australian destinations to achieve finalist status on the 2022 list, which was unveiled by Green Destinations in Athens on September 27, and the only Australian destination to achieve finalist status in both 2021 and 2022.
Green Destinations collects Good Practice Stories from all around the world to inspire travellers and tourism professionals.
As a newly certified ECO Destination, Central Coast Council’s winning story, submitted by its marketing and tourism team, focuses on the two-year ECO journey supported by Ecotourism Australia as both a rewarding business tool and sustainability tool.
Top 100 judges praised the region’s winning Good Practice Story under the Business and Marketing category, titled People Power: Rebuilding a
Region with ECO at Heart.
“This Good Practice Story is an excellent source of information for any destination out there considering (pursuing) sustainability certification,” the evaluators said.
“Results are shown in terms
of marketing and visitor numbers, but the most important results are in the unity of the destination, from different council teams to local businesses and communities and learning to work together towards the same goals,
creating resilient destinations.”
The Top 100 List is a respected annual sustainable tourism competition hosted by Green Destinations.
Now in its eighth year, the Top 100 Destination Sustainability Stories competition collects
outstanding, innovative Good Practice Stories from locations across the world to inspire tomorrow’s travellers and today’s tourism professionals.
The opportunity to enter the Top 100 was made possible through a partnership between
Central Coast Council and Ecotourism Australia, as part of the ECO Destination Certification program, fully funded by WWF-Australia.
“Our ECO journey has unearthed a wonderful range of hidden sustainability stories and green-hearted businesses across the region, including the sustainable world of oyster farming, launching recyclable cup systems across 30 cafés, installing accessible beach matting in summer, rewilding farmland for native bird species, record-breaking breeding seasons for endangered Little Terns, litter lab sessions for local nature based businesses, and reporting marine sightings during tours for The Happy Whale Project,” the Council website sys.
For more information, visit the Central Coast’s destination website: https://www. central-coast-greendestinations-top-100list-2022.
Source: Media release, Oct 4 Central Coast Council
for a chat.The Central Coast has made the international Green Destinations Top 100 Stories list for the second successive year
More work is needed on a planning proposal to rezone the Red Bus depot site at Bateau Bay for a housing subdivision before it goes to the NSW Minister for Planning for a Gateway Determination.
Central Coast Council sought advice from the Local Planning Panel prior to presentation of the proposal expected at Council’s October 11 meeting, but now delayed.
The proposal is to rezone the bus depot site at 682a Coleridge Rd, Bateau Bay from SP2 Infrastructure to R1 General Residential and amend the Central Coast Local Environmental Plan to apply a minimum lot size of 450sqm for a future 35 house blocks,
but still allowing the bus company to continue operating until the 5.261ha site is developed for housing.
The Local Planning Panel says there are several matters to address before the planning proposal goes forward.
It says Council should identify development capacity of the site under the proposed R1 zoning and applicable development standards including lot size, floor space ratio and building height.
Also, Council should complete a traffic impact assessment, contamination report, flooding assessment constraints, biodiversity conservation assessment and a flora and fauna study.
Other recommendations from the Panel are to prepare and
develop a site-specific development control plan to identify any constraints in the above-mentioned studies and the measures to address them, as well as sourcing suitable funding for infrastructure and services.
All these matters should be addressed prior to the final plan being made, the Panel advised.
A Council report says that the proposal aligns with the direction of the regionally significant Karagi growth area (in the Central Coast Regional
Plan 2041) for urban activation, future rapid transport bus routes, harnessing of green infrastructure for residential use and the expansion of housing stock alongside neighbourhood centres.
A public reserve access track to Council’s water reservoir along the eastern boundary will be retained as well as the dam and four hollow-bearing trees, while the Swift Parrot habitat areas along the north-eastern and eastern boundaries will be restricted and conserved as a buffer to Wyrrabalong National Park.
The proposal by The Entrance Red Bus Services Pty Ltd is a plan to future-proof its business.
The bus company has been operating between Gosford,
Wyong, The Entrance since 1923 and holds a contract with Transport for NSW until June 2024.
For the first time, Red Bus will be forced to compete in an open tender process for contract renewal which they believe raises the likelihood of a large foreign-owned multinational company taking over, as has happened across Sydney and Newcastle.
Red Bus has occupied the Bateau Bay site since 1981 and will continue local bus services, however, should their contract with Transport for NSW not be renewed, rezoning of the site enables alternative development options.
Sue MurrayAnother new childcare centre for 60 pre-schoolers is being planned for Warnervale.
The residence at 42 Warnervale Rd, midway between the railway line and the Virginia Rd intersection, will be demolished to make way for a new single-storey building.
If approved by Central Coast Council, the childcare centre will operate on weekdays between 8am and 4pm to cater for children aged three to five and supervised by eight staff at any one time.
There will be two indoor play/ education spaces, an outdoor play/education area, office
space and basement car parking for 15 vehicles and a lift for disabled access.
The 1,416sqm site shares a common boundary with three adjoining properties and the development application includes an acoustic report outlining recommendations to minimise any noise impacts.
It is an R1 General Residential area where a childcare centre is permitted under the Central Coast Local Environment Plan.
The development application (2366) can be viewed on Central Coast Council’s website and open for public comment until Monday, October 24.
Normally the news that res idential property prices are falling - meaning the market is starting to favour buyers ahead of sellers - would be met with a sigh of relief by those trying to buy their first home.
But rising interest rates, im posed by the Reserve Bank to curb inflation, have thrown first home buyers a curve ball.
Some will no longer be eligi ble for a mortgage, and even if they do qualify many fear they won’t be able to meet ever-ris ing repayments.
This is not the case for investors.
Under our current tax system, investors can claim a tax deduction for the interest they pay on mortgages on their investment properties.
Indeed, negative gearing allows property investors who make a loss to reduce the tax they pay on other income.
Rising interest rates will boost the cost of negative gearing tax concessions, so
Australian taxpayers will pay billions of dollars so landlords can reduce their taxable income in coming years.
“We will see a substantial rise in the cost of negative gearing,” says Shane Oliver, chief econo mist at AMP.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if we got to $5 billion to $6 billion per annum in net rental incomes.”
Even better news for inves tors - although distressing for tenants -is that rentals are rising fast as demand for accommoda tion outstrips supply.
Risk of missing the boat But before you jump into the market to either start or add to your real estate investment portfolio, you should ask your self if prices will fall further.
If you wait too long you may miss the boat, as some analysts predict that the fall will be short and sharp.
Australian house prices are falling at their fastest pace since the GFC, and market conditions are “likely to worsen”
as interest rates continue to rise, according to the property analytics firm CoreLogic.
The rate of decline is compa rable with the onset of the GFC in 2008 and the sharp down swing of the early 1980s, ac cording to CoreLogic’s research director, Tim Lawless.
He expects it to be similar to the GFC in that it will be “quite short and sharp”.
Australia’s median property price fell by around 8.5% over
11 months during the GFC, according to CoreLogic.
Now many analysts predict residential prices, on average, will fall between 10% and 20% (from peak to trough), with the two most expensive cities, Sydney and Melbourne, likely to suffer the biggest declines.
This would still only partially reverse the 28.6% surge experi enced through the pandemic’s growth phase.
the downturn is likely to be shortlived, predicting house prices will fall by 18% over the rest of 2022 and 2023, but will turn around in 2024 and rise by 5% in that year.
But it’s tough for renters
They are particularly disad vantaged in the current market, with the national average rent increasing by nearly 10% over the past year.
1% or lower across many parts of Australia,” says Lawless.
“The number of rental listings available nationally has dropped by a third compared to the fiveyear average, with no signs of a lift in rental supply.
“It’s likely demand will continue to increase as overseas arrival numbers climb.”
Rising rentals are generally an incentive for investors to add to their portfolios.
Aussies have been chipping away at their credit card debt at an impressive pace, as the latest figures from the Reserve Bank show that the nation’s total card balance accruing interest was down to $17.6 billion in June – the lowest in nearly 20 years.
Since peaking in 2011 at $36.9 billion, card debt has more than halved, though the pandemic appears to have been a particularly fruitful time for tackling outstanding balances, as card holders managed to wipe off around $10 billion in debt over the two years.
“The impact of low interest rates and restricted ability to travel and make big purchases has put more money in people’s pockets,” says David Berry, chief executive of debt solutions charity Way Forward.
While positive news, the overall decline in debt may not
ANZ economists agree tell the whole story, with Berry noting that cost of living rises could be pushing more people towards credit to cover their shortfalls.
“Rental markets are extremely tight, with vacancy rates around
lifestyle or just to make do is increasing,” he says.
“What the data is not telling us is that the number of people who have relied upon debt to either maintain a certain
“And it’s not showing that whilst card debts may be re ducing, a large portion of that is being replaced with other forms of personal debt like buy now, pay later and personal loans.”
Politicians on the Central Coast [CC] have a choice: support a two-shard extension of a distant University with its encrusted vested interests, or support a real university … a multi-disciplinary CENTRAL COAST UNIVERSITY with responsibility for Central Coast data, analysis, and policy options concerning our economy, environment, youth, & under-aspiring school students. The Central Coast:
• Economy needs a multi-disciplinary, innovative, intellectual centre … a CENTRAL COAST UNIVERSITY.
• Environment, species extinction, lakes and lagoons need a CENTRAL COAST UNIVERSITY.
• Youth need/deserve a comprehensive Youth Policy that includes a CENTRAL COAST UNIVERSITY.
• School-children need the motivation, aspiration, and higher expectations that come with a desire to proudly attend a CENTRAL COAST UNIVERSITY.
• Capital, Gosford especially its CBD will illuminate and pulse with economic activity with a CBD-located CENTRAL COAST UNIVERSITY.
Just like Newcastle University is good for Newcastle, and Wollongong University is good for Wollongong, so too will Central Coast University be good for our Central Coast. With the NSW Government’s decision to form a mega-city from Wollongong to Newcastle, the absence of a real University on the Central Coast is even more stark. The Central Coast is more than doctors, lawyers, and business entrepreneurs … it comprises children and their worker parents across the economy: child and aged care, emergency and support services, education and nursing, cleaning and serving, driving & delivering, researching, manufacturing … an entire community not just a necessary-but-already-privileged section of society looking after itself with the help of a distant university’s expansionary business plan.
Future university study, and its accompanying lifestyle, is intensely motivating for many school-students, and gives teachers an important additional motivational tool.
Right now, the children of the Central Coast see no CENTRAL COAST UNIVERSITY [CCU] presence … no CCU sporting teams, no CCU theatrics, no CCU events, no CCU students walking the streets with youthful joy and belonging. Unmotivated schooling outcomes are depressed. Shards of a distant university don’t help with this, whereas a real university, a CCU, would.
Central Coast school children, like all kids, look ahead … and they see a loathsome, time-wasted daily trip to Sydney or UoN. Less motivated students learn & achieve less. Shards won’t help. A CCU will.
Tertiary-age youth on the Central Coast … the entire cohort of students who qualify for university entrance, just like the youth in Wollongong, Newcastle, and other regional centres, DESERVE an excellent, local, cross-disciplines, education … intertwined with a university-associated life-style of participation in high-interest extra-curricula activities: clubs; theatre, art, politics, sport, IT, entrepreneurial exploration … all with their trackies and T-shirts emblazoned proudly with “CENTRAL COAST UNIVERSITY”. Shards of a distant uni don’t help with this. A CCU would. This is, or should be, a crucial element in a Coast-wide Youth Policy designed to replace boredom and purposelessness, with high-interest education, social and extra-curricula engagement.
The Central Coast is replete with environmental complexities: rivers, creeks, lagoons, lakes, bays, escarpments, indigenous art and sacred places, national parks, open spaces, beaches … and all this is being assaulted in various ways that require LOCAL research and local action. Shards … medical, legal, entrepreneurial shards won’t help. A CCU will.
The Victorian Government is now fencing off the entire 60,000 hectares of Wilson’s Promontory and eradicating feral cats and foxes behind the feral-proof fence. Sydney Basin is surrounded by abutting National Parks. They’re infested with cats and foxes which kill millions of our native animals. They could be feral-free, fenced, managed scientifically, even attached to an Extinctions Research Centre in our new CENTRAL COAST UNIVERSITY.
For the hard-nosed capitalist, this is probably the most important reason for a multi-disciplinary, innovative, and Central Coast-focussed CENTRAL COAST UNIVERSITY. Our Central Coast must transition away from Carbon to industries which are benign, or regenerative of Central Coast’s delicate environment. This will need Central Coast-focussed data-sets from across the disciplines, collaborative analysis, collective research, integrated thinking and policy options. To be specific, we need to build local industry … and investigate into:
• Seaweed & shellfish farming … a co-op? [see Greenwave Ocean Farming – the Basics ]
• Hydrogen R and D and component manufacture
• Lithium battery research and production
• Bio-fuel production
• Battery development and component manufacture
• Off-shore generators … wind/tide/wave [scientist and entrepreneur ready to talk]
• On-shore generators and batteries – solar/wind
• On-shore sea-food farming
• Regenerative agriculture ... including collaborating with indigenous land management [see 2020 Millard Report to Victorian Parliament]
• A fenced, feral-free, mega-sanctuary, of abutting National Parks from M1 through Blue Mountains to Nattai attached Sanctuary Research Centre located at CENTRAL COAST UNIVERSITY
• Component R & D, and manufacture … electric cars, motorcycles, scooters, trucks, air & watercraft
• Renewables infrastructure … component manufacture and distribution
• Light aircraft - 1200m Warnervale runway + assoc enterprises: sport; emergency; training; tourism
• Indigenous grass-seeds & yam farming & produce [see Millard Report 2020 … & Pascoe, Dark Emu]
• A plethora of art-craft-heritage start-up industries driven by : - a Central Coast Cultural Centre … and ... - a very quick NBN capacity
• Low-cost food halls linked to local food-producers [co-op[s]
• Creation of European-style piazzas … public spaces, Sydney sandstone façade structure
• Re-wiring the Central Coast
• An expanded “caring” industry comprising highly trained providers of: aged care; child care; veterans; those with a disability; victims of violence; health & hospitals
• … and many others that will come from a multi-disciplinary intellectual centre with a specific brief to attend to these matters of economy, environment, social and equality issues
Melissa Hann of Saratoga was enjoying a face-paced life criss-crossing the globe as a flight attendant when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 at the age of 28.
“It certainly wasn’t what I expected at that age,” Hann said.
“I was jumping into the shower when I felt an immense pain in my breast and discovered a big lump.
“I had self-examined two weeks earlier and found nothing.
“I knew instantly in my heart it was cancer.”
Due to fly out for Los Angeles the following day, Hann made an appointment to see her doctor on her return a week later.
“I was told that due to my age it was probably a cyst, but tests revealed a very aggressive tumour on the chest wall,” she said.
“I had to have a partial mastectomy and a week after that more tissue was removed.
“I then had chemotherapy and radiation treatment for six months.”
Hann is now cancer free but continues to have mammograms and ultrasounds every year.
She also encourages other women to regularly check their breasts.
On October 12 Hann hosted a pink ribbon breakfast to raise funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) and is urging Coasties to get behind the Foundation’s latest campaign to raise muchneeded funds for breast cancer research.
“Not everyone can host a breakfast to raise funds – but this new #BREASTfast campaign is something everyone can do,” she said.
With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month,
NBCF and event partner David Jones are encouraging Australians to share an image of their breakfast and donate the cost of that breakfast to NBCF.
Ambassador for the campaign is MasterChef favourite and
two-time breast cancer survivor, Minoli De Silva.
“As a breast cancer survivor, I cannot stress enough the importance and value of funding breast cancer research,” De Silva said.
“Personally, fuelling my mind
and body with good food is so important, not just when I was undergoing breast cancer treatment, but as a general philosophy for health and wellbeing.
“That’s why I feel so passionate about #BREASTfast and helping raise the community’s awareness of the NBCF as the peak not-for-profit body funding breast cancer research in Australia.”
Since 1994, NBCF has provided around $200M of funding to nearly 600 research projects, and in that time, death rates from breast cancer in Australia have reduced by 43 per cent.
NBCF Chief Executive Officer, Cleola Anderiesz, said the campaign aims to raise awareness of the impact of breast cancer in Australia and the importance of funding pioneering breast cancer research to achieve the Foundation’s vision of zero deaths from breast cancer.
Central Coast workers are being encouraged to get on their bikes and join in Australia’s biggest celebration of commuter riding on Wednesday, October 19.
National Ride2Work Day is organised by Australian charity Bicycle Network and aims to support and encourage people to get active and enjoy a healthier commute by cycling to their place of work.
Yoni Hope-Hodgetts, who works as an organ donation specialist nurse for Central Coast Local Health District
Iris Jean Ann nee Johnson 18.6.1934 - 6.10.2022
Late of Budgewoi
Beloved wife of Victor (dec).
Much loved mum of Sharon, Michael, Victoria, Colleen, Terri and Paul. Loving nan of her 11 grandchildren. Great nan of 6. Loved sister of her 14 siblings.
Aged 88 Years
Family and friends are warmly invited to attend the funeral service for Iris on Friday 14th October, 2022 at Palmdale Lawn Cemetery and Memorial Park, Palmdale Rd, Palmdale in the Rose Chapel commencing at 11am.
(CCLHD), has been regularly cycling to Gosford Hospital from her home in Erina Heights for the past couple of years.
She says her love for cycling dates back to the birth of her daughter.
“I wanted to stay fit after my daughter was born,” she said.
“I took part in a training boot camp which involved a lot of running, but I suffered from bad joint pain afterwards.
Hope-Hodgetts said her physiotherapist encouraged me to take up swimming or cycling.
“I tried swimming but it just wasn’t for me.
“I like to be outside and look around, so cycling was perfect, and I’ve loved it ever since.
“My ride into work is stunning
– it takes me through Point Frederick and Adcock Park, and along Gosford waterfront.
“We’re so lucky on the Coast to be surrounded by beautiful scenery and lots of interesting and safe routes to get around.”
After catching the cycling bug, Hope-Hodgetts’s passion for two-wheeled transport extended to competitive racing, and she took part in her first race in 2007.
She went on to win state and world championships, winning the UCI (International Cycling Union) World Masters Championship in Sydney in 2009.
In 2020 she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and cycling played a big part in her recovery before she underwent successful surgery later that
Although she admits her competitive cycling days may be over, her love for cycling shows no sign of stopping.
Last year, she and her husband sold their second car and bought e-bikes to cycle in to work together.
“Staying active and healthy through things like cycling was really important during my cancer treatment because exercise can help your body cope with the chemotherapy,” Hope-Hodgetts said.
“Now I get on the bike to stay healthy rather than compete and riding to work has become a really convenient way to do that.
“The great thing about cycling is that anyone can do it.”
“If you’re not sure about cycling to work yet, I’d say go out and have a practice run on a day off.
“Work out a nice, picturesque route to take.
To coincide with National Ride2Work Day, Central Coast Local Health District will hold its monthly Central Coast Go Active 2 Work Day gathering in William Street Mall, Gosford, between 7:30am and 8:30am.
CCLHD Health Promotion Officer, Nigel Tebb, said cycling is convenient for getting the exercise we need for good physical and mental health.
“Cycling is an ideal way to get that exercise in before you start work for the day, and a great opportunity to contribute to the recommended 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical
“In 2022, more than 20,000 Australians will be diagnosed with breast cancer and over 3,200 people will die from this disease,” Anderiesz said.
“Each death is one death too many, and research is critical to better understand, prevent, detect and treat breast cancer and ultimately end deaths from breast cancer.”
Whether it’s the price of a morning coffee, avocado and eggs, a splurge on pancakes or a big, cooked family breakfast, the coast of each breakfast can help aid vital research.
Find out how to get involved at
To celebrate 28 years of partnership with NBCF, David Jones will donate $1 from the sale of selected full-priced bras in store and online during October as well as hosting a BREASTfast event at the David Jones Elizabeth St flagship store.
activity adults need each week,” he said.
“If you’re thinking about giving cycling a go, Ride2Work Day is the perfect excuse.
For more information on National Ride2Work Day, visit ride2work-day.
To join the Go Active 2 Work (GA2W) community, receive a welcome pack and monthly GA2W updates to help you go active, visit healthpromotion.
Freda May Passed Away Peacefully 8th October 2022
Late of Wyoming
Formerly of Dubbo
Much loved wife of Russell (dec).
Loving mother of Geoffrey, Stephen and Mark.
Beloved grandmother of Emily and Mya.
Aged 84 Years
Family and friends are warmly invited to attend the service for Freda to be held on Friday 21st October 2022, in the Hillside Chapel, Palmdale Lawn Cemetery and Memorial Park commencing at 11:30am.
To give yourself a head start, plant seedlings rather than seeds and make sure you are planting into rich, healthy soil and once established keep well feed and add a seaweed-based booster as per their instructions to encourage healthy, strong, and fast growth.
Look at labels and seek out the term ‘early harvesting’ although right now, most seedlings of tomatoes, capsicums, eggplants, cucumbers, climbing green beans, beetroot, Chinese cabbage, and snow peas can be planted and should be ready by the time Saint Nick gets here.
Try golden yellow pear drop and tumbling red tiny toms for produce that will rival the tinsel.
Fill out a veggie plot to impress visitors with sweet corn, onions, and melons because although they may not be ready for the big day, they will provide a lush looking veggie garden throughout summer and a later season harvest for the holidays.
Going traditional dinner this year? Then delicious homegrown potatoes should be on your list and although most varieties can’t be harvested for 60 to 90 days, if you select an early harvesting variety, you should be able to pull up baby potatoes by the end of December.
Plant seed potatoes into contained areas of the garden or very large deep pots in full sun.
Planting at this time of the year increases the risk of disease due to increasing humidity so cut eyes singularly with only a small amount of surrounding flesh and allow to dry for a day before planting.
Don’t forget the sweet potatoes.
These beauties can easily take over a garden space so are better grown in contained areas or very large pots.
Plant sweet potato seedlings in full sun at this time of the year to ensure a mini-Christmas harvest.
This group of Central Coast plant lovers have their sights and hearts set on creating the next Central Coast Community Garden.
Coming together after a Facebook call out by one of their members, Maryanne, back in March, the group of interested locals met in person and shared their ideas and visions of what they thought the people in their local community would want and need. They were quickly put in touch with the Green Point Community Services team who have worked hard in guiding and supporting the Terrigal Community Garden group in navigating the processes involved.
While still in negotiations with Council over various suggested sites in which our next Central Coast Community Garden might take root, they have already begun planning their garden. It will be a permaculture garden, a green space in Terrigal for people of all ages to come together, to grow and to share not only the produce but also the peace of nature, their knowledge and their time together.
Already the foundational members are appreciative of the wonderful community support, including that of other already established local community gardens and the ‘Central Coast Community Garden Network’.
To join the group or find out more: and hop on to their Facebook group: ‘Terrigal Community Garden’ to watch them grow.
If you want to meet the team and help out, they are having a ‘Spring Trivia Night’ to help raise awareness and funds to kick them off this Saturday night (15 October):
This week you can also plant the following: culinary herbs, artichoke suckers, beans, beetroot, blueberry, cabbage, capsicum, carrot, celery,
cucumber, eggplant, endive, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce,
onions, parsnip, potatoes (tubers), pumpkin,
silverbeet, squashes, strawberry, sweet
ageratum, alyssum,
They need a free draining soil that is rich with compost and well-rotted manure.
Feed with nitrogen-based fertiliser to start but then only use a general feeder thereafter every 6 to 8 weeks.
Lettuce, endive, beans that grow in bush form and zucchini will all be worth getting into the ground right now for Christmas.
Coast gardeners will find ‘Cos’ lettuce, ‘Salad King’ endive and good old ‘Blackjack’ zucchini thrive here.
BBQs, salads, baked dinners and in fact all your holiday cooking will be given a zesty boost with fresh herbs straight out of the garden and try growing all of these in pots as well as they make delightful and easy gifts.
Just make sure that the pots are placed in sunny spots and although you could grow them now from seed, use seedlings to ensure that you
will be obtaining these treats in time.
You might even like to create wreaths for your front door or kitchen if you are already growing them.
Simply tie bunches of herbs to a cane circle and use as needed.
Herbs that can be planted now include basil, chives, coriander, dill, oregano, and mint.
Plant mint in big pots rather than directly in garden beds as it can become very intrusive and pop them in those drab shady places for a green lift.
If you want the best stuffing, you will ever make, there is no passing the opportunity to plant parsley, sage and thyme now.
Sage needs full sun and a dry environment.
It won’t like the coming humidity so if you have not grown sage before or experienced past failures, try planting in a large well-draining pot and move as needed out of the rain or find a dry spot in the garden and water sparingly.
Medicinal Herb Chat - Saturday 15 October from 11am
East Gosford Community Garden, 10-12 Wells Street East Gosford. Local Herbalist Carol Lee has a wealth of knowledge about Herbal Medicine and will be giving us some of this very interesting and valuable information. All in the Community are welcome to this event.
Terrigal Community Garden Spring Trivia Night - Saturday 15th October: 6 – 10pm Come support the newest community garden on The Coast while having loads of fun! Details & tickets:
The Great Aussie Bird Count - Monday 17 – Sunday 23 October
Calling all Citizen Scientists - The Aussie Bird Count is a 20 min activity for all-ages that involves observing and counting the birds that live near you.
Coachwood Nursery Open Days - Friday 21 & Saturday 22 October: 9am – 3pm
900 Wisemans Ferry Road, Somersby. Free Entry. Pet friendly. Succulent Workshop starts at 3pm, book online to ensure your place:
Dried Flower Workshop - Sunday 23 October from 3pm
900 Wisemans Ferry Road, Somersby. Create a stunning wreath and learn proper florist techniques with Ruth who will guide you in selection, crafting and care of your dried floral creation. Make your own beautiful gifts and products to take home. Everything included. To book:
This year, why not give everyone at your place the treat of freshly harvested goodness from your garden.
The iHive Arts and Wellness Expo will be an opportunity for the community to connect with professionals and providers of health therapies and creative arts with the theme Time to Strive and Thrive.
Members of the iHive group is a diverse range of practitioners, providers and professionals who offer a service, group, workshop, class, and/or individual support for interest,
wellness, therapy, skill building or social interaction, all with a creative wellness approach.
iHive members include art therapists, yoga instructors, creative and active children providers, music teachers, raki healers, hypnotherapists, naturopaths, equine therapists, just to name a few, and there’s a range of creative workshops including drumming, drama, empowerment, woodwork, mountain biking, bushcraft,
bushwalking, painting, mosaics, crochet and much more in community participation groups.
The services also benefit NDIS participants, disadvantaged youth and those living with mental health disorders.
Arts Therapist, Simone LeeWarden says it’s all about finding your best possible self and living your best possible life.
Volunteers from Thrive church at The Entrance are providing invaluable support for local social housing tenants through the Home in Place community hub – The Meeting Place – at Tumbi Umbi.
Residents can access a range of outreach services and participate in activities that build individual skills and strengthen the capacity of community members.
The Meeting Place supports Home in Place tenants and the wider community and is open between 10am and 2pm every
weekday except Mondays.
Thrive Crew manager, Bruce Pountney said the church members had been helping for more than three years with ground maintenance at The Meeting Place as well as providing meals to people in need and helping older tenants with home tasks such as lawn mowing, gardening and changing light globes.
Thrive’s community engagement officer, Kerri Sugitha, said there was an increasing need for this kind of support.
“Older people and those that are vulnerable often sit with things not being done for
months and sometimes years, that’s the gap that we wanted to fill,” she said.
Carmel Thompson and Edith Thomsen have been volunteering every Thursday at
the community hub’s Shack Shop since March 2022.
The shop provides affordable grocery and other items to local residents and people can also access free bakery items and
vegetables through Foodbank and free staple foods and frozen goods through SecondBite.
“It’s absolutely satisfying being able to help out here,” Thompson said.
“The Home in Place staff do a great job here, and always find time to assist anyone in need.”
Thrive heard about The Meeting Place via interagency meetings and although its support was hampered by COVID-19 restrictions it is now again in full swing.
The Meeting Place coordinator, Jenene Carling, said the Thrive volunteers were very
She said the iHive aim was to connect people for health and wellbeing, bring communities together to solve social isolation and mental health issues through self-development training.
The iHive Arts and Wellness Expo will be on Sunday, October 30 at the Mingara function centre in Tumbi Umbi.
More information is available online at
Sue Murraygenerous with their time and made a real difference to the lives of local tenants.
“The Thrive Crew are invaluable to us, they definitely take a load off of our shoulders here at the hub,” she said.
“They have a great rapport with our community.”
The Thrive Crew is a mix of men and women from the church, willing to volunteer their time, and always welcome new volunteers to join their group and give a helping hand to others.
Upgrades at seven sporting facilities across the region are now complete with nine more on the way thanks to a $11.55M investment from the NSW Government, announced in June last year.
Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast, Adam Crouch, said the upgrades were a big win for the region’s sporting community.
“We are set to see the quality of our sporting facilities reach a whole new level, with 16 of our local sporting fields receiving upgrades with this funding,” Mr Crouch said.
“Works are now complete at Central Coast Regional Sports and Recreation Complex (at Tuggerah), Hylton Moore Oval (at East Gosford), Terrigal BMX Track, Alan Davidson Oval in Wyoming, Kariong Oval, Patrick
Croke Oval in Kincumber and Darren Kennedy Oval in Noraville.”
Grounds with works yet to be completed are Blue Haven Oval, Buff Point Oval, Paul Oval (Holgate), Paddy Clifton Oval (Narara), Pandala Oval (Narara),
Sohier Park (Ourimbah), Northlakes Oval (San Remo), Don Small Oval (Tacoma) and Maidens Brush Oval (Wyoming).
“I can’t wait to see the remaining nine fields once they finish their upgrades and player are able to utilise these
fantastic new facilities,” Crouch said.
Central Coast Council Administrator, Rik Hart, said the sports infrastructure improvements will benefit the region now and for years to come.
“The significant investment from the NSW Government has enabled Council, in partnership with Public Works Advisory (PWA), to deliver the works for the benefit of our local sports communities,” Hart said.
“The drainage and irrigation
infrastructure will help support local clubs and players by improving the playability of the fields, with sports lighting enabling night-time competition and training.
“Sport plays a big part in the lives of the Central Coast community with quality infrastructure supporting active and healthy lifestyles and proving a place for social connections.
“Therefore, Council remains committed each year to delivering and maintaining sports facilities across the region.”
The project is funded under the NSW Government’s $3 billion Infrastructure and Job Acceleration Fund.
Plans for accessibility upgrades at Niagara Park Stadium are underway, with Central Coast Council calling for community input.
The planned upgrades will include formalising the carpark, a new driveway and pathway to access the facility and a refresh to the building’s façade to encourage patronage.
Council Administrator, Rik Hart, said the community is invited to view the proposals and concepts online and share their input.
“Niagara Park Stadium is a key community asset that
caters for a range of users in our community and across the state, including sporting events for people with a disability,” Hart said.
“Improving the accessibility and safety to access the popular facility will benefit everyone – visitors, competitors and party-goers alike.”
The improvements have been made possible thanks to an $850,000 grant from Round Four of the Stronger Country Community Fund.
Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast, Adam Crouch, said the State Government was pleased to be
able to support the upgrades with funding.
“Niagara Park Stadium is a key asset in our region, providing a multi-sport venue for all to enjoy,” he said.
“Now is the time for our community to have their say on the accessibility improvements and provide Central Coast Council with their feedback on this fantastic facility.”
Community input is welcome until November 8 at niagarapark.
Source: Media release, Oct 11 Central Coast Council
Thousands of children in their red and yellow caps and hot pink rashies are back on the beaches as the iconic Nippers season gets underway for the summer season.
The iconic Nippers beach and safety program for children aged from five to mid-teens runs on most Sundays until the end of February at 15 beaches across the Central Coast from The Lakes to Umina.
It gives children the skills to keep themselves and others safe at the beach, such a being able to identify rips and rescuing someone in trouble.
It’s also a recruitment and training ground for future surf lifesavers who patrol our beaches every weekend.
Two nippers looking forward to the start of the season are brother and sister, 14-year-old Molly and 11-year-old Josh
Radic who do Nippers at Shelly Beach Surf Club.
“We’ve made great friends at Nippers and learned so much,” Molly said.
Josh says he’s learned to know if there is a rip or a break and how to get himself out of danger.
Central Coast Surf Life Saving CEO, Jon Harkness, said Nippers learned lifesaving and CPR as well as surf safety, awareness and rescue skills in fun surf sport activities such as catching waves, board paddling, beach sprints and flags.
“It’s a fun and healthy activity for parents and kids to do together and a great way to make new friends,” he said.
Harkness said it took funding and resources to provide surf lifesaving services and programs such as Nippers and the 20-year partnership
between Central Coast Surf Life Saving and Newcastle Permanent was vital to its programs such as Nippers.
“As well as program funding support, Newcastle Permanent
supplies surf lifesaving clubs with mandatory hot pink Nippers rashies to make the program more affordable for families,” he said.
Branch manager, Robyn
Black, said Newcastle Permanent was more than happy to support the Nippers which was a vital community program offering personal development skills for young
people, helps make beaches safer and benefits everyone in the community.
“The young people I meet from Nippers programs are impressive and confident because it gives them teamwork and leadership skills,” she said.
Every year, Newcastle Permanent invests almost $1.5M into local communities through its partnerships, employee donations, volunteering and fundraising programs, including support for every surf lifesaving club from the Central Coast to the Queensland border.
To find your nearest Nippers program visit au.
All clubs accept Active Kids Program vouchers for payment of registration fees.
The first scheduled game of the A-league season, the F3 Derby between the Central Coast Mariners and the Newcastle Jets was inundated by rain on Saturday evening and
eventually cancelled.
Over 8,000 fans had gathered to watch the first match of the season at Central Coast Stadium, most crammed into the upper eastern undercover stands.
The F3 Derby has become
one of the feature fixtures of the A-League season and always results in a passionate game as both sides vie for local supremacy.
This F3 Derby will be rescheduled, and ticket holders will be credited for the upcoming game, yet to be
While match and stadium officials were assessing the grounds, a tribute was given to retiring Mariners veteran Matt Simon.
Simon who has been a pivotal player for the club for 15 years, playing as an imposing striker
and enforcer. Simon arrived at the club as a product of East Gosford Rams juniors in the local competition.
Because of his humble beginnings many regularly wrote him off, though Simon continued to score many goals and improve as a player during
The Central Coast branch of the Disabled Surfers Association (DSACC) returns to Umina Beach on Saturday, November 12, with free volunteer training.
Following the cancellation of the past two seasons due to COVID-19 and adverse weather conditions, the organisation is looking to rebuild its volunteer base.
“Volunteering consists of helping participants to and from the beach and assisting them in and out of the water including tandem board riding,” a spokesperson said.
“We always need help with set up and clean up too.
“Volunteers do not need to
know how to surf, they just need to be willing to get wet and have some fun.
“If you surf, it’s a bonus.”
The DSACC is a volunteer-run organisation which enables people of all ages and abilities to take part in one of Australia’s most popular pastimes, beach surfing.
Volunteers serve to provide a unique, safe, and happy surfing experience to a wide range of people with various disabilities who would otherwise be unable to access the beach.
To ensure safety, DSA has a very high volunteer to surfer ratio, with a minimum of 6 to 1 up to 30 to 1 for higher needs surfers.
The group only surfs in broken waves, in waist depth water.
The spokesperson said rash
his long football career. Simon’s accolades include three premierships, one championship, an FFA Cup and the title of all-time leading scorer for the Mariners.
shirts will be provided on the day, but volunteers are encouraged to bring their own wetsuits.
“Without volunteers we cannot run our events, so we need your help,” they said.
“New volunteers or returning volunteers wanting to refresh their skills can register via the Humanitix ticketing system.”
Sign in on November 12 will be upstairs at Umina Surf Life Saving Club from 8.45am for a 9 am start.
There will be a theory session followed by in the water training.
For more information on DSA, please visit http://
Oct 9 Disabled