Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369
August 1, 2013
Issue 26
$120 million funding secured for Wyong Rd upgrade
Proposed upgrade of the Pacific Highway and Wyong Road Intersection
funding $120 million funding deal for the upgrade of Wyong Rd has been Highway intersection and properties near the new construction to be allocated in the we’re another step closer intersection.” secured.
The deal was made between Member for The Entrance Mr Chris Spence, Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber, NSW Treasurer Mr Mike Baird and Minister for Roads Mr Duncan Gay. “During the election campaign, we gave a commitment of $8 million to deliver interval lights at the roundabouts
at Pacific Highway, Enterprise Dr, Mingara Dr and Tumbi Umbi,” Mr Spence said. “Following the election, through discussions with the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), it became clear we would need much more than this stop-gap solution and instead needed to completely remove all
four roundabouts. “Darren Webber and I are immensely pleased with the great news from the NSW Treasurer that the figure of over $120 million needed to completely overhaul these intersections on Wyong Rd will be delivered. “This year, $4 million was allocated in the budget for the Pacific
to getting underway with the environmental planning approval in place and the submissions report published,” said Mr Spence. Mr Webber said: “Some of the most common issues raised in submissions included impacts to properties, landscaping and urban design, pedestrian and cycle facilities, noise and vibration and potential overshadowing of
“As a result, the RMS has now made modifications to their design.” A further $1.6 million allocated this year will see further progress planning for Enterprise Dr, Mingara Dr and Tumbi Umbi underway. “It is likely that construction on the intersections at Mingara Dr and Tumbi Umbi will be undertaken as combined works, with
2014-15 budget,” Mr Spence said. “Wyong Rd is a major link from the F3 to Wyong, Tuggerah and surrounding coastal suburbs which makes this upgrade a priority and a key part of the O’Farrell Government’s commitment to improving traffic flow in the area.” Media release, 22 Jul 2013 Jim Lloyd, Office of Darren Webber MP
The Central Coast
P2 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 P
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yong Regional Chronicle and Linen Lifestyle are giving one reader the chance to win a quilt cover to the value of $150.
Linen Lifestyle’s boutique range of linen can transform and enhance homes, and the beauty and versatility of the items are stunning. The collection of linen and accessories allows for mix and match so as to create your own, with the winner able to choose a quilt cover that matches his/her taste. To win a Linen Lifestyle quilt cover, write your name, address and phone number on the back of an envelope and send to Wyong Regional Chronicle Linen Lifestyle competition PO Box 1056, Gosford,
Ambulance, Police, Fire 000 Family Relationship Advice Line 1800 050 321 Family Drug Support 1300 368 186 G-line - Gambling Helpline 1800 633 635 Credit Helpline 1800 808 488 Child Support Agency 13 12 72 Australian Injury Helpline 1800 223 363 Veteran Affairs Network 1300 551 918 Mens Domestic Violence 1800 000 599 Sexual Assault Resource 1800 199 888 Gay and Lesbian Counselling 1800 184 527 Gay and Lesbian Support 1800 249 377 Youth Sexuality Network 4320 2856 Vietnam Veterans 1800 043 503 Victims Support Services 1800 633 063 Translation and Interpreting Service 13 14 50
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Organisations Aboriginal Legal Service 8842 8000 Community Options 4351 3388 Bungree Aboriginal Association 4397 7700 Mingaletta 4342 7515 Aboriginal Home Care 4352 1153 Drug & Alcohol rehab 4388 6360 Respite Care Options 4351 3388 Eleanor Duncan Aboriginal Health 4351 1040 Darkinjung Local Land Council 4351 2930
Accommodation Dept. of Housing Wyong 4352 4400 Wyong accomodation support program 4351 0365 Pacific Link Com Housing 4324 7617 Samaritans Youth Services 4351 1922 Youth Accom Hotline 1800 424 830 Temporary Accommodation 1800 152 152
Prize winners may be required to pick up their prize from our Gosford office. Entries may be passed on to prize providers for marketing purposes.
Family and Relationships Parents Helpline 132 055 Oasis Youth Centre 4353 9799 Horizons (For families) 4333 5111 Interrelate - Family Relationships 1300 736 966
Animal Rescue Wires 1300 094 737
Your independent community newspaper, published fortnightly on Thursday and focusing on issues specifically affecting post code areas 2258, 2259, 2261, 2262 and 2263 Alison, Bateau Bay, Berkeley Vale, Blue Bay, Blue Haven, Budgewoi, Budgewoi Peninsula, Buff Point, Bushells Ridge, Canton Beach, Cedar Brush Creek, Chain Valley Bay, Charmhaven, Chittaway Bay, Chittaway Point, Colongra, Crangan Bay, Dooralong, Doyalson, Doyalson North, Durren Durren, Fountaindale, Frazer Park, Freemans, Glenning Valley, Gorokan, Gwandalan, Halekulani, Halloran, Hamlyn Terrace, Jilliby, Kangy Angy, Kanwal, Kiar, Killarney Vale, Kingfisher Shores, Lake Haven, Lake Munmorah, Lemon Tree, Little Jilliby, Long Jetty, Magenta, Mannering Park, Mardi, Moonee, Norah Head, Noraville, Ourimbah, Palmdale, Palmgrove, Point Wolstoncroft, Ravensdale, Rocky Point, San Remo, Shelly Beach, Summerland Point, Tacoma, Tacoma South, The Entrance, The Entrance North, Toowoon Bay, Toukley, Tuggerah, Tuggerawong, Tumbi Umbi, Wadalba, Wallarah, Warnervale, Watanobbi, Woongarrah, Wybung, Wyee, Wyee Point, Wyong, Wyong Creek, Wyongah, Yarramalong
Health Wyong Hospital 4394 8000 Cancer Hotline 131 120 Mental Health info Service 1300 794 991 Beyond Blue (Depression) 1300 22 4636
Counselling Mensline - talk with a bloke 1300 789 978 Lifecare Family Services 1300 130 225 Centacare: 4324 6403 Relationship Australia: 1300 364 277 Interrelate: 1800 449 118
Community Women’s Health Centre 4351 1152
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G-Line Telephone Counsel 1800 633 635 Gamblers Anonymous 9726 6625 Alcoholics Anonymous 4323 3890 Narcotics Anonymous 4325 0524 Quitline 131 848
Police Assistance Line 131 444 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 Wyong Police Station 4356 6099 Energy Australia 13 13 88 Gas Emergency 131 909 Wyong Shire Council 4350 5555 Marine Rescue - Central Coast 4325 7929 SES - Storm and Flood Emergency 132 500
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Your independent local newspaper
Ph: 4325 7369
Grandmother Tree in land around Bambara Rd, Kariong (Inset) The lots at Bambara Rd surrounded by National Park
Woy Woy Oval redevelopment masterplan
and an area that can be used for events such as markets. Council has allocated $750,000 through the Capital Works Program and $1 million through the Infrastructure Reserve for the demolition and redevelopment of the grandstand. A further $130,000 was allocated through the Capital Works program for the demolition
and redevelopment of the Woy Woy Rugby Clubhouse. To assist the redevelopment, Council has agreed to lodge the relevant development applications and waive all associated council fees to a total of $10,978. Gosford Council Agenda ECO.11, 16 Jul 2013
Council applies sliding scale to festival funding
Gosford Council adopted the sliding scale funding model at its
last meeting after it heard that there was a “rising volume of events and increased amounts being requested for sponsorship”. “Council also needs to consider that large amounts of funding provided to one event will mean that other events may not be considered, due to limited funding being available,” general manager Mr Paul Anderson stated in a report to the council.
“Local events have a large and generally positive impact upon the local community. “The engagement of local suppliers, provision of temporary employment across a range of industries and an increase in tourism to the area all have a positive flow-on effect. ‘Many also provide cultural, sporting and social benefits to attendees and participants.
Letters to the editor and other contributions are welcomed and should be addressed to: Wyong Regional Chronicle, PO Box 1056, Gosford NSW 2250. Contributions should be in Word format sent via email to:, on disks or by handwritten letter if these facilities are not available to you. Contributions must include the date, your name, address and phone numbers. Name and Suburb will be published. Anonymous contributions will not be included. Submissions may be published in edited form.
Australia’s No.1 monthly traditional and contemporary folk, blues, roots, alternative, bluegrass and world music magazine
$4.90 Issue 85
Vol.12 No.6
Council proceeds with oval masterplan
Festivals and community events such as the Brisbane Water Oyster Festival and New Year’s Eve celebrations will be subject to a sliding funding scale from Gosford Council “to encourage a focus on financial sustainability”.
Publication date: August 15
22 July 2013
July 11, 2013
Issue 63
Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369
August 1, 2013
$120 million funding secured for Wyong Rd upgrade
Council will not support coal mine approval
“Applications that are assessed should take into consideration their positive and proven impact on the local community as sponsorship will be reflective of the Gosford City Council brand.” The revised funding model will form part of council’s sponsorship policy and be appropriately applied to each event. The report stated that this would provide clarity to both
the community groups seeking sponsorship and to council, as part of the assessment process. “It allows Council to create a sustainable source of funding to attract and support new community events within the region.” Gosford Council Agenda GEN.6, 16 Jul 2013
THIS ISSUE contains 69 articles - Read more news items for this issue at
osford Council has agreed to write to the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) in relation to continuing negotiations for the purchase of land at Bambara Rd, Kariong.
Following the recent inclusion of one of the seven land parcels to the Brisbane Water National Park, council will request that the OEH again approach land owners to reopen discussions in an effort to ensure all lots can be secured for inclusion into the national park. Cr Gabby Bowles, who starred the Notice of Motion at council’s meeting of Tuesday, July 16, said the issue had been ongoing for a very long time. “We’ve actually started to hit some home runs and we’ve got some runs on the board now,” said Cr Bowles. Cr Hillary Morris said she wanted to make it known that council was committed to the purchase of the lots.
“The purchase of the lots on Bambara Rd has been a very long drawn out process but I think that it is important to keep negotiations going,” said Cr Morris. From the early 1980s, the properties located at Bambara Rd have been recognised for their potential to be included as part of Brisbane Water National Park, which surrounds the blocks on all sides. The properties contain a number of threatened species, threatened species habitat and significant recognised areas of Aboriginal Heritage. Council has supported the aim of acquiring the blocks for inclusion in Brisbane Water National
Park since 1998. In 2007 and 2008 the COSS Matrix was used to identify public and private land for possible inclusion in the Western extension of COSS. On July 1, 2008, Council decided to include the seven parcels of land along Bambara Rd as part of Western COSS and, in accordance with Council’s resolution, the properties identified for voluntary acquisition were encoded with a 149-certificate message. Since that time council, in partnership with the OEH, have worked to negotiate the voluntary acquisition of the seven lots at Bambara Rd.
Last June, lot 2501 with an area of 18.5 hectares was successfully purchased and has in recent weeks been transferred to become part of Brisbane Water National Park. “While the negotiations for the remaining lots at Bambara Rad have to date been unsuccessful, and though council acknowledges the primary role of the OEH in the negotiating process, I feel it is important for Council to show its continued support for voluntary acquisition of the remaining six lots at Bambara Rd, Kariong,” said Cr Bowles. Kaitlin Watts, 16 Jul 2013 Gosford Council Agenda NM.6, 16 Jul 2013
The councils’ submission does not support approval for the proposal, based on the impacts to groundwater, surface water, flooding, subsidence and potential environmental and planning issues related to the project. The Development Application and EIS for the Wallarah 2 Coal Project was exhibited from Friday, April 26, until Friday, June 21. Member for Dobell Mr Craig Thomson has welcomed Gosford Council’s stand against the approval of the mine. “It is good to see that Gosford Council will not support approval of this coal mine, which threatens the Central Coast’s water supply and public health,” Mr Thomson said. “It is important that our councils stand up against a proposal which seriously threatens the Central Coast’s way of life,” Mr Thomson said. Mr Thomson has a private members bill in Federal Parliament aimed at prohibiting exports of coal from the water catchment area of the Central Coast, effectively stopping the
Wallarah Two or any other coal mine in the area. Formerly a Labor MP, Mr Thomson is now running as an Independent candidate for Dobell in this year’s federal election. Mr Thomson said he has been fighting the coal mine for several years. The mine was an issue at the 2007 and 2010 elections. “Now the mining company, Kores, is out in the community telling people its mine is virtually a rubber stamp away from proceeding. “I have called on both the prime minister and opposition leader to support my private member’s bill which will prevent coal export from our water catchment, effectively stopping the mine.” Mr Thomson said the people of the Central Coast will be able to express their opposition to the mine at the election. Gosford Council Agenda WAT.22, 16 Jul 2013 Media release, 17 Jul 2013 David Gardiner, Office of Craig Thomson MP
Issue 058
Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369
Official reception for Socceroos antas Socceroos head coach Holger Osieck held a training camp in Gosford and Tuggerah from Monday, July 1, to Friday, July 5, which included Central Coast Mariners’ Joshua Rose, Mitchell Duke and Trent Sainsbury.
The deal was made between Member for The Entrance Mr Chris Spence, Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber, NSW Treasurer Mr Mike Baird and Minister for Roads Mr Duncan Gay. “During the election campaign, we gave a commitment of $8 million to deliver interval lights at the roundabouts
at Pacific Highway, Enterprise Dr, Mingara Dr and Tumbi Umbi,” Mr Spence said. “Following the election, through discussions with the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), it became clear we would need much more than this stop-gap solution and instead needed to completely remove all
four roundabouts. “Darren Webber and I are immensely pleased with the great news from the NSW Treasurer that the figure of over $120 million needed to completely overhaul these intersections on Wyong Rd will be delivered. “This year, $4 million was allocated in the budget for the Pacific
to getting underway with the environmental planning approval in place and the submissions report published,” said Mr Spence. Mr Webber said: “Some of the most common issues raised in submissions included impacts to properties, landscaping and urban design, pedestrian and cycle facilities, noise and vibration and potential overshadowing of
“As a result, the RMS has now made modifications to their design.” A further $1.6 million allocated this year will see further progress planning for Enterprise Dr, Mingara Dr and Tumbi Umbi underway. “It is likely that construction on the intersections at Mingara Dr and Tumbi Umbi will be undertaken as combined works, with
2014-15 budget,” Mr Spence said. “Wyong Rd is a major link from the F3 to Wyong, Tuggerah and surrounding coastal suburbs which makes this upgrade a priority and a key part of the O’Farrell Government’s commitment to improving traffic flow in the area.”
“The next eighteen months represents a very exciting time for football in Australia,” said Mr Farrell. “With Australia qualifying for its third successive World Cup, an outstanding achievement in itself, and
Australia hosting the Asian Football Confederation Asian Cup in 2015, there is a lot for football fans to be excited about. “Focusing on the current challenge of the East Asian Cup, I’m sure the head
Media release, 22 Jul 2013 Jim Lloyd, Office of Darren Webber MP
The Central Coast
Athletics NSW Gosford Council media
eorgia Wassall of Wamberal has received a $1,000 sponsorship from the Developing and Recognising Talent (DART) program to attend the IAAF World Youth Athletic
coach, Holger Osieck has the team primed to impress as they did at the recent World Cup qualification matches. “I wish the team the best of luck when they head to South Korea for the East
Asian Cup later this month.” Ms O’Neill said she was delighted that the facilities on the Central Coast had been chosen for the training camp. “Having members of the Socceroos squad training
here is exciting for the local community, and I can see the positive influence on our local young sporting stars – inspired to work hard so that they may have similar opportunities in the future,” Ms O’Neill said.
Championships which will be held in the Ukraine from July 10 to 14. Georgia, 17, broke the NSW U18 and U20 800 metre records in February this year to qualify for the World Youth Championships. The qualifying win also
saw her become the second fastest U18 Australian runner ever, and number 10 in the U20s list. The record was previously set 44 years ago by Cheryl Peasley, who went on to win a Commonwealth Games medal and become an Olympian.
The annual awards program, initiated by PRIME7 and the Commonwealth Bank, provides an opportunity for communities to showcase their events and festivals and be recognized state-wide. Chrome Fest is a three day event held in October at The Entrance which pays tribute to American classic cars, hot rods, low-rider bicycles, rock and roll and rockabilly of the 1950s and 60s. Since its establishment in 2009, Chrome Fest has grown in popularity. Last year was its most popular year with over
600 cars on display and over 50,000 people in attendance. It is estimated that Chrome Fest injected over $8.5 million last year into the local community, with strong support from local community groups and organizations. This year, the Chrome Fest Committee hopes to increase attendance at the festival, as well as the number of cars to 800 and to spread the event over five days. With new attractions, including a drive-in cinema and more dance, makeup and hair competitions, the committee hope to bring the 60s back to the Coast once more. The winner of this year’s Events and Tourism Award will win TV advertising exposure courtesy of PRIME7. Winners will be announced at a Gala Presentation held at the Newcastle Leagues Club on Saturday, October 26.
Duke and Sainsbury selected for Socceroos’ training camp Football Federation Australia
wo Central Coast Mariners players were selected to participate in a Socceroos training camp in Sydney which began on Monday, July 8, and will continue until
Friday, July 12. The camp is part of the Socceroos’ preparations for the upcoming EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 which will be played in the Korea Republic from July 20 to 28. Mitchell Duke and Trent Sainsbury were two
of 20 players selected to participate in the training camp, which was the last chance for players to impress head coach Holger Osieck before the final Socceroos squad for the EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 is named on Friday, July 12.
Get the most out of your advertising dollar.
July 11, 2013
Erika Hanratty, NSW-ACT Regional Achievement and Community Awards
entral Coast event, Chrome Fest, has been nominated in the Specialty Press Events and Tourism Award Category for the 2013 NSW-ACT Regional Achievement and Community Awards to be announced on Saturday, October 26.
Georgia Wassall off to World Athletic Championships
Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
Chrome Fest nominated for tourism award
The training camp was part of the Qantas Socceroos preparation for the upcoming EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 in Seoul. It was the first of three camps in Australia to be held in the lead up to the East Asian Cup. The Cup will take place in the Korean Republic from July 20 to 28. At a reception held by Gosford Council, Minister for Sport Senator Don Farrell and Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill congratulated the players on their World Cup qualification.
Proposed upgrade of the Pacific Highway and Wyong Road Intersection
Edition 11
Football Federation Australia Richard Mehrtens, Office of Deborah O’Neill MP
funding $120 million funding deal for the upgrade of Wyong Rd has been Highway intersection and properties near the new construction to be allocated in the we’re another step closer intersection.” secured.
on the Coast
Issue 26
The masterplan focuses on the integration of Woy Woy Oval with the CBD by using a staged development that will incorporate an 800 seat grandstand,
Sales: Peter Smith Kate Sinclair
Contributions welcomed
submission has been made on behalf of Gosford and Wyong councils in response to the exhibition of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Wallarah 2 Coal Project.
the ability to host regional sporting events. This involved the relocation of the car park from Oval Ave into the existing car park creating additional parking spaces and timed parking for CBD users. The Oval Ave car park will be transformed into a boulevard space allowing seating for the proposed cafe, a meeting space
Graphic Design: Justin Stanley Debra Forest
Action to acquire Bambara Rd lots to continue
club house, referees room, sportsground amenities and a commercial area for potential leases. Landscaping features will include moving the playing field across, spectator mounding, shade areas, and retractable fencing. The Masterplan aimed to integrate the facility with the CBD, creating a Woy Woy CBD hub with
Journalist: Lindsey Chu Laura Bradley
July 31, 2013
A new masterplan for the Woy Woy Oval Redevelopment has been developed and endorsed by Gosford Council.
Sales Manager: Val Bridge
Deadline: August 13
St Vincent De Paul Society HELPLINE 4323 6081
News Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
Sub Editor: Kaitlin Watts
Next Edition: Wyong Regional Chronicle 27
also, see the Not for Profit organisations directory inside
Edition 322
Publisher/Editor: Cec Bucello Ph: 4325 7369
Donnison St. Restaurant 4325 3540 Horizons Family Services 4334 3377 Meals on Wheels Wyong - 4333 6942 Department of Community Services Wyong - 4352 6500 The Salvation Army 4325 5733 Samaritans Emergency Relief 4393 2450
Crisis Services and Helplines
NSW, 2250, by the close of business Tuesday, August 13. The winners of last edition’s Wyong Regional Chronicle Finders Keypers competition were Joanne Walker of Davistown, L Kuzlow of Nords Wharf, C Hodson of Tuggerawong, June Kay of Killarney Vale, M Hulley of Halekulani, John McGrath of Chatswood and Heather Bucior of Kanwal.
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Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 - P3
Revised plans for Pacific Highway upgrade released
evised concept plans for the upgrade of the Pacific Highway construction, my focus through the Wyong Town Centre have been released and have is turned to finalising the concept and been welcomed by Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber.
“The NSW Government has allocated $2 million this financial year to continue planning for the upgrade of the Pacific Highway at
Wyong to two lanes in each direction to improve traffic flow and safety for motorists and pedestrians,” Mr Webber said. “Having delivered
on my election commitment to have the Pacific Highway plans independently assessed and the Warnervale town centre access intersection under
engineering plans in preparation for actual construction works to begin on the Pacific Highway through the Wyong CBD. “The revised concept design display builds on previous work and
consultation carried out for the proposal and includes a modified transport interchange layout, wider footpaths outside the shops on the western side of the highway and improved transport options like bus priority signalling at traffic lights. “ T e c h n i c a l investigations, concept design revisions and environmental assessments are continuing as part of the planning process.” The community is again invited to give feedback to the revised design. The plans are available for community feedback at the Wyong Motor Registry. Plans are also available to be viewed at Mr Webber’s electorate office. “Written feedback received by 6 September will be considered when finalising the strategic plan for the upgrade,”
Mr Webber said. “I will ensure that RMS continues to engage with the community, council and property owners as the final proposal develops. “Already, many of the concerns raised by local business owners have been addressed in the latest plans, including the retention of the large palm trees which remain an important feature of the Wyong Town Centre. “Whilst I understand the 35,000 commuters who use this important road link simply want an immediate fix to the continuing traffic delays, it is also important to ensure that the concerns raised from Wyong township businesses are also taken into consideration.” Media release, 29 Jul 2013, Jim Lloyd, Office of Darren Webber MP
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P4 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 P
Threats to Youth Connections reclassified wetlands outraged by being investigated councillor’s comments he Community Environment Network (CEN) has been investigating recent development threats to wetlands on the Wyong River feeding into the Tuggerah Lakes.
According to CEN, developers are claiming that large areas of land around the lakes are not able to be developed due to wetlands and flood prone areas. Most of these areas also contain threatened plant and animal communities and sit on top of acid sulphate soils. Acid sulphate soils turn into sulphuric acid when exposed to air and it is not uncommon to then see large fish kills in nearby streams after heavy rain. CEN chairman Mr John Asquith said that vegetation prevents the soil turning acidic and becoming deadly. “The lake may receive acid runoff again unless wetlands continue to be protected
from development,� Mr Asquith said. “For example, it was not uncommon in the 1990s to have large fish kills in the Wyong River following heavy rain. “Since that time large amounts of money have been spent to contain acid soils by rehabilitating affected wetlands and drains.� In past decades, acid runoff into the Wyong River and then Tuggerah Lakes would turn the water a rich chocolate brown with hundreds of fish dying due to acid and lack of oxygen. CEN has identified three wetlands which are currently being reclassified by Wyong Council in the draft Local Environment Plan. Two of the wetlands
feed Wyong River and one is at Bateau Bay on Tumbi Creek. Reclassification is only done by councils in this sort of case to enable the public land to be sold for development. “The waterways may again become acidic if development of the wetlands was allowed to occur,� Mr Asquith said. “We need to learn from past mistakes with wetlands and not repeat the problems due to greed or ignorance. “Renewed acid runoff would have a devastating effect on water quality and the fish in Tuggerah Lakes.� Media release, 21 Jul 2013, John Asquith, Community Environment Network
Authorised by Darren Webber MP, Shop 4, 142 PaciďŹ c Highway, Wyong NSW 2259. Produced using parliamentary entitlements.
Webber MP Member for Wyong We can assist you with queries about the following State Government issues:
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is printed on 100% recycled paper products, even the ink is made from vegetable matter. So when you’re done reading this paper please recycle it or give it to someone else to read.
yong Cr Lloyd Taylor’s comments about not-for-profit youth training organisation have become the subject of an internal review by Wyong Council.
The comments were made at council’s ordinary meeting of Wednesday, June 26, and arose during councillors’ questions on notice. In addressing the meeting, Cr Taylor said it had been revealed earlier this year that the entire board of au, including the finance officer, had resigned. He referred to the fact that the organisation has received millions of dollars of taxpayer funding and said it was incumbent on council on behalf of the public purse to seek a thorough investigation into the alleged events. He also said council should request a full set of independently audited books. Council’s Business Paper for the June 26 meeting has now been altered to remove the allegedly defamatory comments, with black marks placed through parts of Cr Taylor’s question to council. The same has been done for the Business Paper for the July 24 meeting, in the answers
to questions on notice section. Wyong Council will not make any public comments concerning the matter until after the internal inquiry has been completed. However, in council’s ordinary meeting of Wednesday, July 24, Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton said in his view, the question asked by Cr Taylor was proper. Cr Bob Graham also expressed support for Cr Taylor. “Personally, I think the poor bugger was set up,� Cr Graham said. Amid talk of possible litigation on the matter, Cr Taylor repeatedly denied that his comments were designed to inflame the youth organisation. “I never made any allegation,� Cr Taylor said. “I asked a question.� H o w e v e r , does not see the issue this way. Yo u t h c o n n e c t i o n s . CEO Ms Maggie MacFie said that although the most defamatory statements had been removed from council’s
business papers, the organisation wanted an apology. “It’s totally unacceptable,� Ms MacFie said. A c c o r d i n g to Ms MacFie, au directors have written to council’s general manager demanding an apology. “The directors haven’t had any correspondence from council,� she said. “Council isn’t going to do anything. “We have no confidence that council will investigate. “We have funding bodies ringing up and asking what is happening. “It’s really scary that this could happen to anyone.� Ms MacFie said given the lack of response from council, the youth training organisation is now taking the matter to the NSW Ombudsman and the Minister for Local Government. Lindsey Chu, 24 Jul 2013, Interviewee: Maggie MacFie Wyong Council Agenda 1.4, 24 Jul 2013 Email, 16 Jul 2013, Wyong Shire Council
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Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 - P5
A further $200,000 Tuggerah Lakes committed for Management Plan Ruttleys Rd upgrade wins Water Award
yong Council has won the Sydney Water Sustainable Water Award for its Tuggerah Lakes Estuary Management Plan project in Keep Australia Beautiful NSW’s 2013 Sustainable Cities Awards program.
Wyong Council’s roads manager Mr Peter Murray, mayor Cr Doug Eaton and Minister for Roads Mr Duncan Gay at the announcement
yong Council has contributed more than $200,000 to a $2 million upgrade of Ruttleys Rd at Mannering Park to improve driver safety.
Council has been working with State Member for Swansea Mr Garry Edwards, to secure the necessary funding to improve the road. The site has seen five fatalities over the past five years with 46 crashes recorded. Two separate collisions in September and November last year resulted in three young lives being lost. Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton joined Roads Minister Mr Duncan Gay, Mr Edwards, Local Area Police Commander David Swilks and council’s roads manager Mr Peter Murray for the funding announcement on Tuesday, July 23. “This road is one of the most important east-west roads in Wyong Shire and we have worked very hard to secure the money
for this upgrade,” Mr Murray said. “Some of the safety measures we aim to implement include widening the road shoulders to two metres, full width resurfacing, new pavement and markings, installation of barriers at various locations along the road, removal of trees and replacement of signs.” The $2 million state funding has been allocated from the Road Toll Response Package. Work will be carried out by council staff along various locations of the road between the Pacific Highway and the Wyong and Lake Macquarie Local Government Area boundary. “Around 8,500 vehicles travel on the road every day,” Mr Gay said.
“These include heavy vehicles transporting coal from surrounding mines. “A combination of trucks wearing away the road pavement and drivers not sticking to the designated speed limits has contributed to some of these accidents,” Mr Murray said. “I am very impressed with the plans drawn up by council and the funding announcement by the minister means we can now get on with the job of improving the safety of motorists using this road.” Work is expected to start later this year and be completed by 2015. Media release, 23 Jul 2013, Gerald Cowan, Office of Mr Garry Edwards MP Media release, 24 Jul 2013 Wyong Shire Council
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The Sustainable Cities program is a Keep Australia Beautiful NSW initiative that recognises outstanding environmental initiatives implemented by local government authorities, schools, business and community groups. It also raises public awareness of environmental issues affecting metropolitan NSW. Wyong Council’s minister of finance and services Mr Greg Pearce said the program was a fantastic way of recognising people who take on the role of caring for their local environment. “The Tuggerah Lakes
Estuary Management Plan developed by Wyong Shire Council in 2006 has produced a mutually beneficial relationship between the community and the estuary,” Mr Pearce said. “To date, the plan has been successful in the investigation and monitoring of water quality, engaging the community in education programs, improving systems to treat storm water run-off, constructing wetlands and the rehabilitation of natural wetland, streambank and saltmarsh communities.” Keep Australia Beautiful NSW CEO Mr David Imrie said he was
impressed by the quality and scope of the entries in all categories. “The calibre of all submissions this year has made for a very competitive awards program,” Mr Imrie said. “What these communities have been able to achieve, often with extremely limited resources, is truly inspirational.” The awards were presented at the Sustainable Cities Awards dinner at Mamre House, St Mary’s, on Friday, July 26. Media release, 26 Jul 2013, James Mahon, Keep Australia Beautiful NSW
Boundary fencing restrictions eased
yong Council has unanimously resolved to rescind controls over residential side and near boundary fencing.
The resolution was made at council’s ordinary meeting of Wednesday, July 24, and will allow front fences to be constructed to a maximum height of 1.8 metres under exempt development. Other standards that must be adhered to
under such a change would ensure the fence is located within or not over the front boundary, be designed to prevent traffic sight line requirements at intersections and ensure fences are not constructed of barbed wire. Cr Lloyd Taylor said the resolution was about
keeping it simple for Wyong Shire residents. “It is straightforward, it is logical and it is the way we should go,” Cr Taylor said. Cr Greg Best also said the resolution was “just common sense”. Wyong Council Agenda 9.1, 24 Jul 2013
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P6 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 P
Council encourages residents to vote yes
Volunteer organisations receive over $15,000 in grants ive volunteer organisations in the Wyong Shire have received a total of $15,757 in federal government grant funding.
F Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton
s part of Local Government Week, Wyong Council is urging residents to vote yes for a change to the Australian Constitution in the upcoming referendum.
Should a change occur in the referendum, which will be held in conjunction with this year’s federal election, direct federal funding for projects in the Wyong Shire area will be secured. Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton said that in his view, this would be one of the most important referendums ever undertaken as it has the potential to affect the whole local government sector in Australia. “I’m backing this referendum because it’s good for the community, as it will ensure funding will continue,” mayor Cr Eaton said. “Just in the past five years, we have received more than $100 million of federal funding for projects such as the $80 million Mardi-Mangrove Link, $20 million for our Tuggerah Lakes Works and more than $5 million for new surf clubs at Soldiers and Shelly Beach.” When the Australian Constitution was written over a century ago, there was no mention of
local government. However, two recent High Court decisions have threatened the way many local government projects are currently funded. The 2009 case of Pape v Commissioner of Taxation found that the Commonwealth does not have power to directly fund areas such as local government. Instead, it can only spend money where it has a specific power to do so under the Constitution. Last year, the High Court’s ruling in Williams v Commonwealth of Australia reaffirmed the Court’s earlier finding in Pape v Commissioner of Taxation that there are significant constitutional limits to the Commonwealth’s ability to spend money. These decisions have created legal uncertainty in relation to direct funding from the Commonwealth to local government. Without constitutional recognition, direct Commonwealth funding of local government, through programs such
as Roads to Recovery, will be legally invalid. Local government therefore needs certainty and security of funding in order to provide the range and level of services expected by the community. “If the referendum is lost, it will mean the end of direct federal funding to Council,” Cr Eaton said. “The opposition to the yes vote will say the money will go through the state, but all that will do is add another level of bureaucracy and uncertainty. “If we lose the ability to receive direct federal funding, we will not be able to provide facilities to our community without a huge increase in rates.” Wyong Council is supporting the national campaign being run by the Australian Local Government Association. Local Government Week runs from July 29 to August 4.
Federal member for Shortland Ms Jill Hall announced the grants on Friday, July 26, and congratulated all of the volunteers involved. “These grants have been made available through the federal government’s 2013 Volunteer Grants Program,” Ms Hall said. “The money will help these volunteer groups meet the ongoing costs of running their not-forprofit organisation. “Volunteers make a huge contribution to our society and do a fabulous job working with community members and groups. “I would like to thank all the volunteers in my electorate for the excellent work they do and I am
very pleased they have been given this funding support by the Rudd Labor government.” Budgewoi Public School’s P and C Environmental Committee received $1,489 for storage and land care equipment during their work with families and community members to help with the school’s vegetable garden and mentor students through environmental programs. Four Hope Ministries in Gwandalan was awarded $2,720 to help fund vehicle and petrol costs during their work to provide freshly cooked meals and food hampers to disadvantaged people in the Gwandalan region. The Lions Club
of Gorokan-Kanwal received $5,000 for a sunshade, barbeque and other equipment to be used during fundraising and other local charitable events. A further $3,598 was given to the Lions Club of Gwandalan for a sunshade and other expenses incurred during fundraising initiatives and community work. San Remo Men’s Shed was also awarded $2,950 for a saw to help local volunteers with their workshop skills so they can contribute to their community and through various local projects. Media release, 26 Jul 2013, Lisa McDermott, Office of Jill Hall MP
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Media release, 25 Jul 2013, Wyong Council Media Peninsula Community Access Edition 320
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Peninsula Community Access 24 June 2013
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Peninsula Community Access 8 July 2013
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22 July 2013
An artist’s impression of the proposed Woy Woy Oval grandstand and amenities
Member for Gosford Mr Chris Holstein, Minister for Health Ms Jillian Skinner, Central Coast Local Health District Board chair Mr Paul Tonkin, Woy Woy Hospital Auxiliary president Ms Phyllis Thomas, Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill and Woy Woy Hospital Alliance president Mr Ivan Kinny at the official ribbon cutting of the Woy Woy Rehabilitation Unit
Rehabilitation unit is officially opened Woy Woy Hospital’s new $11.6 million 30-bed Rehabilitation Unit was officially opened on Tuesday, June 11, by Minister for Health Ms Jillian Skinner.
Lukas, 6, diagnosed with actue lymphoblastic leukaemia, wished to be a pirate for a day.
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Ms Skinner was joined by Member for Gosford Mr Chris Holstein, Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill, Woy Woy Hospital Auxiliary president Ms Phyllis Thomas, Woy Woy Hospital Alliance president Mr Ivan Kinny and Central Coast Local Health District Board Chair Mr Paul Tonkin. The facility was joint-funded with the NSW Government investing $5 million into the project and the Australian Government, under the COAG New Subacute Beds Guarantee contributing $6.6 million. Ms Skinner said she was pleased to deliver on their preelection commitment to restore rehabilitation services to Woy Woy Hospital, which were relocated to Wyong Hospital in 2008. “It is with great excitement that I can be here today to celebrate the fulfilment of a pre-election commitment to provide enhanced rehabilitative care for patients on the Central Coast. “It’s no secret that this area has a growing and ageing population
Woy Woy Rehabilitation Unit gym
and to meet this demand we must continue to invest in these services to deliver quality care to the community,” Ms Skinner said. The new unit comprises 30 patient beds including two inpatient rooms, multiple courtyard therapy areas, a gymnasium and a dining room that includes a self-serve beverage bay. The facility also features new kitchen areas, staff facilities, linen
holding areas and waste collection facilities as well as additional parking. Mr Holstein said he was proud to deliver much-needed services for Woy Woy and Central Coast communities. “The NSW Government is delivering on the commitments it has made to the community and our new rehabilitation unit is a wonderful example of this,” Mr
Holstein said. “The Rehabilitation Unit is designed to provide support for patients including coordinated medical, psychological and rehabilitative care tailored to individual needs. “We want to see these patients recover so that they are able to return to the community and live with optimal independence while being supported by communitybased health services. “Provision has also been made for bariatric patients with a specially designed room with a ceiling mounted hoist that also provides access to the ensuite, helping to ensure the safety of both patients and staff,” Mr Holstein said. Ms O’Neill said bringing back the Woy Woy Rehabilitation Ward would make a real and practical difference to local residents needing care and support on the Peninsula. “Anyone can have an accident or a stroke or an illness that puts them in need of rehab services in a dedicated facility,” said Ms O’Neill. “Being near family and friends is part of that healing journey. “I’m very proud to be a part of the Federal Government that has delivered this great new building, and brought this service back to life
here in Woy Woy.” Ms O’Neill also thanked the strong community campaign that made bringing this facility back possible. “This is truly a win for the community. “I want to thank people like Ivan Kinney, Marj Cleere and their dedicated team who, alongside the Woy Woy Hospital Ancillary, kept up their petitioning to make this possible. “We are committed to ensuring that all Australians have access to the right health care, at the right time and in the right place – and better integrating it across public hospitals, primary care and aged care. “By investing in the availability of subacute care services, the Government is improving the capacity of our health system to meet the challenges of an ageing population.”
Council may expand oval redevelopment Gosford Council staff are investigating the possibility of expanding the proposed Woy Woy Oval Redevelopment Masterplan. The issue was deferred at Council’s ordinary meeting of Tuesday, July 2, for two weeks to give council staff time for their investigation. Cr Gabby Bowles said there was a canteen and amenities block on the eastern side of the ground that
is currently being used by Woy Woy Football Club and Woy Woy Cricket Club. Cr Bowles asked council officers to look into opportunities to incorporate an upgrade of this facility with the plans to replace the dilapidated referees’ facilities. Cr Bowles said this would see a “better multi-use facility that could accommodate more codes”. Through the Woy Woy Oval Redevelopment Masterplan, the staged development aims to provide
an 800-seat grandstand, change rooms, referees’ room, first aid room, media box and kiosks. If adopted, it would also have a barbecue area, club house, storage areas, sportsground amenities, scoreboard and a commercial area for potential leases. Landscaping features would include spectator mounding, shade areas and retractable fencing. A major focus of the Masterplan is the integration of the facility with the CBD and creating a Woy Woy CBD
hub with the ability to host regional sporting events. This would involve the relocation of the car park from Oval Ave into the existing car park which would create additional parking spaces and timed parking for CBD users. The Oval Ave car park would be transformed into a boulevard space allowing seating for the proposed cafe, a meeting space and an area that can be used for events such as markets. Council has allocated $750,000
through the Capital Works Program and $1 million through the Infrastructure Reserve for the demolition and redevelopment of the grandstand. A further $130,000 was allocated through the Capital Works program for the demolition and redevelopment of the Woy Woy Rugby Clubhouse. Gosford Council Agenda ECO.11, 2 Jul 2013
A new masterplan for the Woy Woy Oval Redevelopment has been developed and endorsed by Gosford Council. The masterplan focuses on the integration of Woy Woy Oval with the CBD by using a staged development that will incorporate an 800 seat grandstand,
club house, referees room, sportsground amenities and a commercial area for potential leases. Landscaping features will include moving the playing field across, spectator mounding, shade areas, and retractable fencing. The Masterplan aimed to integrate the facility with the CBD, creating a Woy Woy CBD hub with
the ability to host regional sporting events. This involved the relocation of the car park from Oval Ave into the existing car park creating additional parking spaces and timed parking for CBD users. The Oval Ave car park will be transformed into a boulevard space allowing seating for the proposed cafe, a meeting space
and an area that can be used for events such as markets. Council has allocated $750,000 through the Capital Works Program and $1 million through the Infrastructure Reserve for the demolition and redevelopment of the grandstand. A further $130,000 was allocated through the Capital Works program for the demolition
and redevelopment of the Woy Woy Rugby Clubhouse. To assist the redevelopment, Council has agreed to lodge the relevant development applications and waive all associated council fees to a total of $10,978. Gosford Council Agenda ECO.11, 16 Jul 2013
Council applies sliding scale to festival funding Festivals and community events such as the Brisbane Water Oyster Festival and New Year’s Eve celebrations will be subject to a sliding funding scale from Gosford Council “to encourage a focus on financial sustainability”.
Media release, 11 Jun 2013 Samantha Day, Office of Jillian Skinner Media release, 10 Jun 2013 Richard Mehrtens, Office of Deborah O’Neill MP Woy Woy Oval grandstand as it stands todsy
Photo: Naomi Bridges Photography
THIS ISSUE contains 58 articles - Read more news items for this issue at
Woy Woy Oval redevelopment masterplan
Council proceeds with oval masterplan
THIS ISSUE contains 58 articles - Read more news items for this issue at
Gosford Council adopted the sliding scale funding model at its
last meeting after it heard that there was a “rising volume of events and increased amounts being requested for sponsorship”. “Council also needs to consider that large amounts of funding provided to one event will mean that other events may not be considered, due to limited funding being available,” general manager Mr Paul Anderson stated in a report to the council.
“Local events have a large and generally positive impact upon the local community. “The engagement of local suppliers, provision of temporary employment across a range of industries and an increase in tourism to the area all have a positive flow-on effect. ‘Many also provide cultural, sporting and social benefits to attendees and participants.
“Applications that are assessed should take into consideration their positive and proven impact on the local community as sponsorship will be reflective of the Gosford City Council brand.” The revised funding model will form part of council’s sponsorship policy and be appropriately applied to each event. The report stated that this would provide clarity to both
the community groups seeking sponsorship and to council, as part of the assessment process. “It allows Council to create a sustainable source of funding to attract and support new community events within the region.” Gosford Council Agenda GEN.6, 16 Jul 2013
THIS ISSUE contains 69 articles - Read more news items for this issue at
Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 - P7
NEWS Vales Point l Colongra | Munmorah
Central Coast and Lake Macquarie – August 2013
Air and Water Monitoring
Message from the General Manager Delta Electricity is committed to best practice across all aspects of our operations, including the responsible management of waste products such as ash. We are now recycling over 20 per cent of our ash with the remaining managed in our ash dams, which are rigorously monitored and when full are revegetated with native species. I encourage you to read the story (right) on our environmental management of ash. On 25 July the NSW Government announced it had accepted an offer from Energy Australia for Delta Electricity’s Western power stations – Mount Piper and Wallerawang. The sale is expected to be completed on 2 September. The preparations for the sale of the Central Coast power stations will commence shortly with the sale likely to be finalised in 2014. In the meantime we continue to be focussed on providing safe and reliable electricity for NSW.
Glenn Sharrock General Manager, Central Coast
Post-Graduate Site Tour
Each year, electricity generation at Vales Point Power Station converts around 3 million tonnes of coal into 600kt of ash. About 20 per cent of this ash is collected and processed for sale and re-use in road construction and other uses. The remainder is wet sluiced to the adjacent Vales Point Ash Dam, which consists of seven separate ponds. Delta’s Ash Dam Management Plan guides the continuous monitoring of the ash dam to ensure the safe permanent storage of the ash. The plan adopts best practice with respect to dust suppression and water management. Water is captured and returned to the power station for recycling and reuse. As each pond reaches capacity, it is capped and revegetated with native species. To date, 25 per cent of the ash dam has been rehabilitated in this way. In addition, Delta has multiple water monitoring sites, three ambient air quality monitoring stations and 17 dust deposition stations. Independent analysts undertake air quality monitoring across our sites and the results are updated monthly at and reported to the NSW Environment Protection Authority.
Delta recently hosted a site tour of Vales Point Power Station for nine post-graduate geology and geophysics students from around the country.
Delta’s Alec Liddell, Chemical Specialist at Vales Point Power Station, recently met with Year 11 and 12 chemistry students at Lake Munmorah High School to give them an insight into the working life of a power station chemist. Alec was responding to a request from the school, which is required as part of the HSC curriculum to have a professional chemist address students about the role of chemistry in industry. He gave the students a brief overview of the chemical plant at Vales Point Power Station, as well as his daily responsibilities. “I also explained the chemical principle of osmosis and how Delta applies this principle in our water reclamation plant to help reduce our environmental footprint,” said Alec. “The students were genuinely interested and full of questions.”
Mannering Park Tidy Towns
Delta Electricity has assisted the Mannering Park Tidy Towns Group to greatly improve the amenity of the truck stop located on Vales Road, the main entry point to the suburb.
Mannering Park Tidy Towns chairman, Rob Regnis, said the project also involved the creation of a one-way loop that regulates and greatly improves the safety of truck movements.
Rehabilitated pond at Vales Point Ash Dam
On hand to answer the students’ questions were Delta’s Technology Development Manager Anthony Callen, Planning and Quality Assurance Officer Ben Thomas, Operations Engineer Oliver Coleman and Human Resources Specialist Amanda Bendevski.
Delta contributed $4,500 to the project, enabling the group to transform the truck stop into an attractive and inviting space through tree plantings and the construction of a garden.
The visiting post-graduate students from the University of Western Australia, Monash University and Melbourne University have been participating in a course on Australian Coal Basins at Newcastle University. The Delta tour showed the students how a coal-fired power station works and how our carbon capture plant is helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Lake Munmorah High School
Lake Macquarie Business Awards
Delta Electricity was delighted to support the 2013 Lake Macquarie Business Excellence Awards. Delta was a major sponsor of the Young Business Person of the Year category which was won by Josh Jeffress from Design Anthology. Josh’s prize is a $1,500 professional development scholarship from Delta. Delta sponsored the same award last year and the 2012 winner, Beth Webb from Webb’s Gallery, used her professional development scholarship to take out annual membership with the Royal Society of Art NSW.
“It was pleasing to have the cooperation and support of Delta to help our volunteer group beautify the entrance to our town,” said Rob.
Keeping Our Sites Safe
Delta Electricity strives to be a good corporate citizen and we take our responsibilities to safeguard our operations, our neighbours and our local communities very seriously. Josh Jeffress
Beth Webb
“The generous scholarship offered by Delta has allowed me to better connect with the arts community statewide, network with similar businesses and strengthen my management and marketing skills,” said Beth.
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Sometimes, however, community members can play a vital role in helping us to ensure the safety and security of our sites and operations. This, in turn, can help us prevent potential threats to the broader community. Should you witness any suspicious behaviour or unlawful entry at any of our sites, please call Delta security immediately on 4352 6111 (24 hrs). This will enable us to take appropriate action to protect our sites and ensure the safety and wellbeing of our neighbours and local communities.
P8 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013
Council decision was petty am writing in regards to the recent petty and small minded decision made by Wyong councillors to rename the main function room at Wyong Shire Council Civic Centre.
The room was originally named in honour of Tony Sheridan, a man who served on Wyong Council for 27 years in various roles as councillor, president and mayor. I find it absolutely mind boggling that the Wyong Shire councillors would deem it appropriate to exercise their power in such a grossly inappropriate way. The room was named in honour of the decades of contribution to public life and to the Wyong community. Amongst Tony’s achievements are the revitalisation of The Entrance, upgrade of Wyong Rd and establishment of Westfield Tuggerah and Bay Village. Even putting aside the merit of these contributions, surely the personal attitudes of a handful of councillors should not be enough to overturn a decision to commemorate another’s contribution. Where does this stop? Will they begin renaming major roads such as Wilfred Barrett Dr? Or perhaps sports grounds like Harry Moore Oval? It’s absolutely deplorable that councillors who are paid to represent and look after community interests are instead spending
their time passing and deliberating motions such as this one. Most of us are acutely aware that councils never seem to have enough funding to carry out all the various road repairs, amenities improvements and other projects we would like to see. This is just a cheap political stunt by councillors who clearly do not respect the hard work of those before them, nor do they show an inkling of consideration for the community who elected them. Even more disturbing is that a report in a local paper indicates that the Liberal councillor Luke Nayna was responsible for this grubby move. He also works for the State Member for Wyong, the Honourable Darren Webber MP. I wonder if he was busy planning this little manoeuvre in his role as councillor or as electorate officer faithfully serving the people of Wyong. I encourage anyone who finds this behaviour reprehensible to voice your concerns to the council and Darren Webber MP. Letter, 19 Jul 2013, Bill Thompson, Killarney Vale
Better Thomson not a “true internet connection in independent” the Gulf of C Carpentaria
urrent Member for Dobell Craig Thomson, a defrocked ALP candidate posing now as an independent, stated in the Wyong Regional Chronicle on July 4 that “what the Central Coast needs is a true independent who would put the interests of the Central Coast first”.
lmost a year since moving to Ourimbah, At best, he is a my broadband internet still isn’t Clayton’s Independent working. and (if he is) calling for
The exchange at qobahe4004m has needed “refurbishment” which still hasn’t been done. BigPond cannot tell me where it is geographically, which doesn’t surprise me. Meanwhile, big centres like Aurukun in the Gulf of Carpentaria have perfect connection. They also have better ABC classical
music reception than the Central Coast. The federal government deserves to win the Aurukun vote. Letter, 17 Jul 2013, Norman Hanscombe, Ourimbah
financial assistance from local residents to finance his legal defence against charges emanating from his previous life (it) does seem rather to be putting his own interests first. Hardly a ringing endorsement for his continued tenure in the halls of power.
Letters to the editor should be sent to: Wyong Regional Chronicle PO Box 1056 Gosford 2250 or See Page 2 for contribution conditions
Email, 13 Jul 2013, Ron Elphick, Buff Point
An open letter to Barry O’Farrell
ear Barry,
I have always been a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal supporter, but due to your misleading statement to the people of the Central Coast, that you would stop the Wallarah Two coal mine, I would like to make you a promise. No ifs, no buts, an absolute guarantee that I, my wife and every member of my family, and every friend I can influence, will never vote for you or your party
while you are premier, or while you have any participation in the government of NSW. Your unholy alliance with the Shooters and Fishers party is an absolute disgrace. You have legitimised and given political power
to a group of people who will do their best to emulate the NRA in America, with the resulting proliferation of the gun culture, here in Australia. Your statements further dishonour the already tarnished reputation of your profession, a profession that increasingly shows itself to be a rats nest of
cheats, double cheaters and crooks, who greatly disappoint all decent Australians. Barry, you are a disaster for our country in general and NSW in particular. Resign, now. Email, 3 Jul 2013, Neil Lockerbie-Smyth, Jilliby
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Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 - P9
Gateway Determination sought to rezone Chittaway Bay land t its ordinary meeting of Wednesday, July 24, Wyong Council unanimously resolved to forward a planning proposal to the Department of Planning for the rezoning of 19-23 Geoffrey Rd, Chittaway Bay.
Councillors also resolved to request a Gateway Determination, which could result in around 220 blocks of land to be constructed at this location. This would involve the land being rezoned from non-urban constraint to residential development and conservation. It is estimated that
the new blocks would cater for around 650 new residents. The development would also create local construction jobs. Part of the resolution also involves the proponent entering into a funding agreement with Wyong Council to recover the costs involved in further progressing the
proposal. At present, the site is predominately vacant except for a rural shed structure occupying a portion of the land. The site is primarily used for non-intensive livestock grazing. Wyong Council Agenda 3.1, 24 Jul 2013
Museum receives $3,500 grant from Wallarah 2 allarah 2 Coal Project has presented the Wyong District Museum and Historic Society with a $3,500 grant.
This was a win for the museum after it was the target of an arson attack just over 18 months ago. The funds donated to Wyong District Museum and Historic Society will go towards expanding its community gardens, as well as purchasing two new water tanks which will ensure the property’s gardens are self-sufficient. Wallarah 2 coal mine project manager Mr Kenny Barry said the Wallarah 2 Community Foundation was proud to support programs and initiatives that fostered positive outcomes for the Wyong Shire in the areas of sustainability, community wellbeing and education. “This funding couldn’t have come at a better time for the Wyong District Museum,” Mr Barry said. “Sadly, this passionate group of volunteers suffered a terrible blow when the property’s heritage building Alison Homestead was burnt down by an arsonist in
December of 2011. “We hope that these funds will play an important role in growing new hope for the Wyong District Museum and Historic Society, offering a helping hand in returning this property to its former glory. For Roman Paull and Greg Denning, who have both been volunteering at the museum for close to seven years, the grant from Wallarah 2 offered a much needed boost to the volunteers. “This piece of land is the birthplace of Wyong,” Mr Paull said. “We need to embrace our history. “Wyong is growing so quickly, which is wonderful for our community, but we’re here to ensure we also embrace and preserve the heritage of our area too.” Mr Denning said the community gardens at the museum are tended to by a host of volunteers, including a number of young people from Job Centre Australia.
“This money will go a long way in helping us continue to provide not only a place for locals in the community to come and learn about the history of the Wyong district, but also a welcoming place for those from Job Centre Australia and other organisations to come along and help make a real difference,” Mr Denning said. This grant follows the introduction of the Wallarah 2 Community Foundation in early 2013, which was launched to provide vital funding to worthwhile projects and initiatives which benefit the local community. With grant applications now closed, nine grants in total will be presented to organisations which assist or benefit the environment, community well-being or education outcomes within the Wyong local government area.
Regional development funding defended egional Development Australia Central Coast (RDACC) chairman Mr David Abrahams has responded to comments about previous Regional Development Australia Funding (RDAF) rounds.
collectively. “The RDACC are not resting to present projects applicable for new investment funds.” RDACC is currently presenting three significant projects in the last round of RDAF. This includes the Wyong Regional Arts Hub and the Darkunjung and Co Youth Development Centre at San Remo. “Being a federal government program, these rounds of funding involve a nationally competitive process,” Mr Abrahams said. “After nomination by the RDACC, the process of selection is thorough and is taken by an independent selection committee in Canberra.” The RDAF funds are only some of the investment funds that the RDACC have assisted in gaining for the region
At Wyong Council’s ordinary meeting of Wednesday, July 10, Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton was directed by council to invite Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott to attend meetings with the mayor to explain why Wyong Council has received zero funding after four rounds. However, on Tuesday, July 30, Mr Abrahams said that Central Coast citizens have benefited from projects funded through previous rounds of RDAF. “For the record, through previous RDAF rounds, we have received $890,000 in round one and $2.5 million in round two,” Mr Abrahams said. “Additionally, both Wyong and Gosford Councils are receiving earmarked infrastructure funding of $1.4 million
from federal, state and local government, in conjunction with private and NGO partnerships. Additional investments have been in tourism, arts, innovation, employment training, workplace flexibility, education, business excellence, regional migration and major telecommunications investments. “All of these high quality projects, those currently underway and those for consideration, show a great deal of enterprise and offer long term business and employment opportunities for residents of this innovative region,” Mr Abrahams said. Media release, 30 Jul 2013, Brooke Simmons, Regional Development Australia Central Coast
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Riverside Office Tower to open soon F Other tenants include FLSmidth and Commonwealth Bank Business Banking. The GP Super Clinic will include 14 doctors, 30 medical specialists, 33 treatment rooms, pathology, radiology and X-ray services and more. The Clinic will have an emphasis on preventative health care and operate seven days per week until 10pm. To-date the Gibbens Group for Riverside Park have completed projects in conjunction with major national brands including Dan Murphy’s, KFC, Storage King, Westpac, Australian Red Cross and
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Action to acquire Bambara Rd lots to continue
inal preparations are being made as Riverside Park gets ready to unveil its latest development on Friday, August 9.
The four-storey tower will become home to the new Reliance GP Super Clinic. “The Riverside Office Tower currently paves the way for a greener future with optimum energy efficiency and guaranteed savings in light and power,” said Riverside Park proprietor Mr Matthew Gibbens. “It is the only building on the Central Coast to have a 4.5 star NABER rating,” he said. The Office Tower covers a total of 6,300m² in size and boasts a grand foyer complete with sandstone feature walls, two lifts, Jimmy G’s cafe and pharmacy.
MoneyWise. “All work completed by the Gibbens Group remains on target in terms of budget and timeframes”, Mathew Gibbens said. While the majority of the office tower is now leased, there are still some spaces available for sale or lease starting from 76m² in size. The next stage of the development is already underway with the construction of the 15,000m2 Masters Home Improvement and Medical Suites building due for completion by December.
osford Council has missed out on round four Regional Development Australia Funding (RDAF) which had been sought for the proposed Kibbleplex project in the Market Town building in Gosford.
The Learning and Enterprise Centre proposal involved the establishment of a City Library and business hub, teleworking facilities and a university presence. The application for $7 million in funding, to be matched by council’s $8.1 million contribution, was unsuccessful. “It seems that once again the Central Coast misses out on significant infrastructure that would have provided better jobs
and better education for our children,” said Cr Jeff Strickson. A meeting will now be requested with the newly elected deputy prime minister Mr Anthony Albanese to discuss why the application was not accepted even though it met all the essential criteria and had support from the wider community. Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill said that, like all locals, she was disappointed that the
Your independent epe enden nt local loca al newspaper new wspap per
June 18, 2013
funding for the project was not successful. “I understand that the applications are awarded on merit by an independent panel,” said Ms O’Neill. “I am committed to the fight to fund Kibbleplex, a comprehensive answer to Gosford’s employment and educational needs. “I see it as a joint project with Gosford Council, and other community partners. I am proud of the investment that we have already brought to Gosford
Ph: Ph h: 4325 432 25 7369 736 69
with the early rollout of the National Broadband Network. “New businesses are already relocating to the Coast to take advantage of the superfast and reliable broadband services available in the CBD. “We have also recently secured $2.3m for the Gosford TAFE to run the E-Links educational program, only made possible with the NBNEnabled Education and Skills Services Program. “Gosford City Council was awarded an additional $668,000 under round four of the RDAF for local community infrastructure.
Springfi ngfield field Quarry sions postponed discussions G
osford Council has agreed to postpone discussions on the future of the Springfield Quarry until a detailed report addressing community concerns can be provided. A report will come back to Council outlining options for alternative sites for a resource recovery facility, options for the gradual rehabilitation of the site and the ownership of the land and adjacent parcels. Council will explore a number of alternatives for the use of this site, now and into the future, balancing the financial impact of resource recovery activities and ensuring the environmental concerns of residents are addressed. The quarry was initially purchased by Council in 1997 and operated as a sandstone quarry supplying materials for some of Council’s road works. More recently, Council lodged a planning proposal for a Resource Recovery Facility on the site which caused wide spread community disquiet.
Cr Ward echoed Cr Morris’s views and said he didn’t understand why the quarry had to be located in a residential area. “It was very isolated in 1971, it is now very built up,” said Cr Ward. Cr Gabby Bowles said she understood the issue was an emotional one for a lot of people. “It’s fair enough that they’d like to move on with their lives and get back some of their tranquillity,’ said Cr Bowles. “But there is work that will need to take place on this site to remediate it. “That land as it is now is not in a position as it stands to be turned back over to our community. “It’s quite overgrown,” said Cr Bowles. The report on rehabilitation, alternative sites and ownership of adjacent land will come back to Council no later than September. As a result of the deferment, the site will be inactive, with the exception of the removal of the current won materials and storage of material, until a final decision is made. The decision to postpone
the discussion was not unanimous, with Crs Bob Ward, Hillary Morris and Vicki Scott opposing the amendment moved by Cr Chris Burke. Cr Morris, who starred the Notice of Motion, said
Springfield Quarry had been around since 1971 and Springfield “is obviously a very different place now”. “The purchase of Springfield Quarry was negotiated specifically for inclusion in the Coastal
Open Space Scheme (COSS) and the purchase price reflected this. “I would like to see the return of the quarry to COSS and the community and put an end to this,” said Cr Morris.
Kaitlin Watts, 11 Jun 2013 Email, 11 Jun 2013 Gosford Council Media Gosford Council Agenda NM.2, 11 Jun 2013
Nine Gosford residents receive top award
Terrigal resident Mr Clifford Smith received an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for service to medicine, particularly in Papua New Guinea, while fellow Terrigal
resident Mr Anthony Collins was awarded an OAM for significant service to dentistry and to the community. Ms Evelyn France of Kulnura was awarded an
OAM for service to art and Ms Peggy Docksey was awarded an OAM for service to veterans and their families. Mr Bob Fraser of Holgate was presented with an OAM
for service to the community of the Central Coast and Narara resident Mr John Moriarty was awarded an OAM for service to cricket and the community of the Central Coast. Gosford resident Mr Raymond Southern was awarded an OAM for service to the community of Gosford
Issue 63
Council will not support coal mine approval
Media release, 12 Jul 2013 Matthew Gibbens, Riverside Park
submission has been made on behalf of Gosford and Wyong councils in response to the exhibition of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Wallarah 2 Coal Project.
Kibbleplex funding rejected
ine residents of the Gosford area were recognised on the 2013 Queen’s Birthday Honours List released on Monday, June 10.
Media release, 30 Jul 2013, Nerissa Magee, Wallarah 2 Community Foundation
and Mr David Williamson, of Erina Heights, was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for service to the communities of Terrigal and Erina. Marine Rescue Central Coast unit commander Ms Patricia Fayers, of Wyoming, was one of 11 people to be awarded an Emergency
Services Medal (ESM). Email, 3 Jun 2013 Susan Fischer, Honours Secretariat
See pages 4 to 6 for full details
“We are investing in regional Australia. “I welcome Chris Holstein’s public declaration of support for the project, and hope that funds from the State Government follow. “While this round of RDAF is over, I will continue to fight very hard for the $7.5m being sought for this project. “I know how much it means to our community and the important message it will send to prospective investors that Gosford is open for business and open to opportunity,” said Ms O’Neill. Liberal candidate
for Robertson Ms Lucy Wicks said she was also disappointed that the funding didn’t come through. “The Kibbleplex project would create badly needed new jobs and business and educational facilities in the centre of Gosford, but now the whole project is in jeopardy.” Gosford Council Agenda UM.4, 2 Jul 2013 Media release, 3 Jul 2013 Richard Mehrtens, Office of Deborah O’Neill Media release, 15 Jul 2013 Mary Doherty, Office of Lucy Wicks
Your iindependent ndepe ende local newspaper
Ph: 4325 7369
Issue 61
Unidentifi fied creature c still a mystery
Grandmother Tree in land around ou und Bambara Rd Rd, Kariong (Inset) The lots at Bambara Rd surrounded by National Park s N
osford Council has agreed to write to the Offi Office O fice of Environment En n unidentifi thattowashed ng negotiati n and Heritage (OEH) ed in creature relation continuing negotiations for the up on Wamberal beach on Tuesday, . purchase ofJune land Bambara Kariong. 25, at is currently being Rd, studied by
Quarantine in an attempt to identify it.
Following the recent “The purchase of the lots The giant rat-like creature known, but I’m just really inclusion of one ofwas theexamined seven by on Bambara local not sure. Rd has been a environmental activist Mr long “There many land parcels to theJake Brisbane very drawnareout process Cassar and has been different views out there, Water National Park, council that it is important but whatever happens, I described as similarbut to aI think tailed possum. have had a heap of fun and will request that brush the OEH to keep negotiations going,” Mr Cassar said he wasn’t this thing has captured the sure owners it was a brushsaid tailed Cr attention and imagination of again approach land Morris. possum, as it was “a little thousands,” said Jake. to reopen discussions in an FromAnthe answer early from 1980s, bit different”. has a very elongated Quarantine waslocated expected at effort to ensure all “Itlots can the properties skull, very, very long ears, to be received on Monday, be secured for inclusion Bambara Rd have been very sharpinto teeth, much like July 1, however, it was not a rodent and very human- available at the time Coast the national park. like recognised for their potential hands and a long tail. Community News went to ‘It is who a very powerful, Cr Gabby Bowles, to be press. included as part of creature. starred the Noticelarge of“I would Motion Brisbane Water National Kaitlin Watts, 1 Jul 2013 love to think it’s something unusual or not which surrounds the at council’s meeting of Park, Tuesday, July 16, said the blocks on all sides. issue had been ongoing for The properties contain a very long time. a number of threatened “We’ve actually started species, threatened species to hit home runs habitat andIslandsignifi newsome exotic weed has beenand discovered on Saratoga Naturecant Reserve Brisbane near Davistown. we’ve got in some runsWater on the recognised areas of board now,” said Cr Bowles. Aboriginal Heritage. The invasive weed known its escape into natural Coast. Cr Hillary Morris said isshe hasengage supported as Sicilian Sea Lavender bushland devastating Council to “We will bush (Limonium hyblaeum) has environment and it has now aim regeneration contractors to the wanted to make it known the of acquiring been known to displace become an invasive weed undertake work to remove that council was committed blocks for Mr inclusion in native species in both South causing problems on the the weed,” Henderson Australia and Victoria, but island,” Mr Henderson said. said. to the purchase of the lots. BrisbaneThis Water National this is the first time it has Coastal saltmarsh is will involve hand
New weed endangers threatened species
been found invading natural environments on the Central Coast. National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) acting regional manager, Mr Alan Henderson said that the weed was invading the important saltmarsh vegetation communities on the island. “The weed is displacing native plant species and it can lead to the loss of biodiversity and impact on these fragile and important communities. “Sea lavender is used in cultivated gardens, but
listed under the Threatened Species Conservation Act as an endangered ecological community and provides important habitat for marine and terrestrial animals such as crabs, molluscs, insects and spiders. Fish species also use the area during tidal flooding and many migratory wading birds use the areas for roosting and feeding. “Our priority is to rid the island of this weed to help the saltmarsh areas recover and ensure this important habitat is maintained for native species of the Central
removal of the weed species and include measures to prevent the weed spreading or recolonising. The dumping of garden refuse into natural areas is one way that weeds can disperse, particularly close to waterways. The community is reminded to ensure they use appropriate methods for the disposal of garden refuse including green bins supplied by council. Media release, 21 Jun 2013 Susan Davis, National Parks and Wildlife Service
Park since 199 1998. In 2007 a and 2008 the COSS Matrix was used to identify public and private land for poss possible inclusion in the Western extension of COSS. On July 1, 2008, Council decided to include the seven parce s parcels of land along Bambar Bambara Rd as part of Western COSS C and, in accordance with w Council’s resolution, the th properties identifi fied fo for voluntary acquisition w were encoded with w 1 a 149-certifi cate message. Since that time council, in partnership with the OEH, have worked to negotiate tthe voluntary acquisition of tthe seven lots at Bambara Rd.
Last June, lot 2501 with an area of 18.5 hectares was successfully purchased and has in recent weeks been transferred to become part of Brisbane Water National Park. “While the negotiations for the remaining lots at Bambara Rad have to date been unsuccessful, and though council acknowledges the primary role of the OEH in the negotiating process, I feel it is important for Council to show its continued support for voluntary acquisition of the remaining six lots at Bambara Rd, Kariong,” said Cr Bowles. Kaitlin Watts, 16 Jul 2013 Gosford Council Agenda NM.6, 16 Jul 2013
The councils’ submission does not support approval for the proposal, based on the impacts to groundwater, surface water, flooding, subsidence and potential environmental and planning issues related to the project. The Development Application and EIS for the Wallarah 2 Coal Project was exhibited from Friday, April 26, until Friday, June 21. Member for Dobell Mr Craig Thomson has welcomed Gosford Council’s stand against the approval of the mine. “It is good to see that Gosford Council will not support approval of this coal mine, which threatens the Central Coast’s water supply and public health,” Mr Thomson said. “It is important that our councils stand up against a proposal which seriously threatens the Central Coast’s way of life,” Mr Thomson said. Mr Thomson has a private members bill in Federal Parliament aimed at prohibiting exports of coal from the water catchment area of the Central Coast, effectively stopping the
Wallarah Two or any other coal mine in the area. Formerly a Labor MP, Mr Thomson is now running as an Independent candidate for Dobell in this year’s federal election. Mr Thomson said he has been fighting the coal mine for several years. The mine was an issue at the 2007 and 2010 elections. “Now the mining company, Kores, is out in the community telling people its mine is virtually a rubber stamp away from proceeding. “I have called on both the prime minister and opposition leader to support my private member’s bill which will prevent coal export from our water catchment, effectively stopping the mine.” Mr Thomson said the people of the Central Coast will be able to express their opposition to the mine at the election. Gosford Council Agenda WAT.22, 16 Jul 2013 Media release, 17 Jul 2013 David Gardiner, Office of Craig Thomson MP
P10 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 P
New shopping centre ARPRA meeting to discuss Residential opens in Lake Munmorah Communities Bill he Affiliated Residential Park Residents Association of NSW (ARPRA) Northlakes will continue to discuss the implications of the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Bill currently before Parliament at its August 5 meeting.
Sydney University’s Dr Alan Morris will address the meeting and speak about the Fixed Income Housing Survey he is undertaking. Dr Morris’ research focuses on the difficulties faced by ageing Australians who need to keep a roof over their head. The group, which is an affiliate of the state body of ARPRA, has been
working to disseminate information about the proposed legislation to as many people living in a park or village situation as possible. ARPRA Northlakes is also working towards educating those in positions of power as to its needs and difficulties in the current economic climate. The not-for-profit organisation expects
Member for Swansea Mr Gary Edwards to speak with it later in the month or early September about the progress of the Bill through Parliament. ARPRA Northlakes encourages those living in a village or a park to come along to the group’s meetings. Email, 19 Jul 2013, Lorraine Munt, ARPRA Northlakes
Thomson to have fraud charges heard before a magistrate ember for Dobell Mr Craig Thomson has successfully applied to have 173 fraud charges against him heard before a magistrate instead of a jury.
On Friday, July 19, Mr Thomson addressed the media after his appearance in Melbourne Magistrates Court and said he was very happy to have won the application. “The reason for the application was to have
this matter heard as quickly as possible,” Mr Thomson said. “Despite some media reports, I am not making any admission. “But there is a threshold issue of who had authority to use the
Dav i d & M a b e l Phone 4392 8992 Mobile 0412 579 916 Fax 4392 8065 PO Box 21 Wyong
credit card, which must be heard first. “This is an efficient use of court time and because of my limited personal resources, also an appropriate approach. “If the Crown cannot prove its case on this issue, all other charges become null and void.” Mr Thomson was arrested by NSW police at his electoral office in Tuggerah on Thursday, January 31. The arrest warrant was issued on behalf of Victorian police as part of their ongoing investigation into the Health Services Union as part of Strike Force Carnarvon. Mr Thomson has maintained his innocence throughout the initial investigations and subsequent proceedings. Media statement, 19 Jul 2013, David Gardiner, Office of Craig Thomson MP
Newcastle Permanent’s Lake Munmorah Branch Manager Faye McLeay, Newcastle Permanent CEO Terry Millett and town crier Graham Keating cut the cake to launch the new branch
he new Woolworths Lake Munmorah Shopping Centre opened its doors to the public on Thursday, July 25.
Several thousand residents attended the opening day of the shopping destination, which comprises a Woolworths supermarket, a number of retail outlets, pharmacy, medical centre and a Newcastle Permanent Building Society branch. Member for Swansea Mr Garry Edwards said the development was possibly the most important piece of infrastructure to be built in Lake Munmorah in recent times. “[It] has provided opportunities for many local residents to gain employment,” Mr Edwards said. “Woolworths employs more apprentice butchers than any other company in Australia and the company also offers young employees career opportunities during their transition from tertiary studies to full-time employment.
“The close proximity of the development will also benefit residents of residential parks around the region who were previously forced to travel to Lake Haven to do their shopping. “The shopping complex also has a medical centre, which is a convenient location to access medical services for local residents, especially those with mobility difficulties.” Newcastle Permanent CEO Mr Terry Millett said the new branch aimed to make it even easier for local residents to access the financial services they need in this fast growing area. “Prior to this branch opening, Lake Munmorah members’ closest Newcastle Permanent branch was in Lake Haven or Swansea so we’re excited that the new branch will bring our services even closer to them and new members
we haven’t met yet,” Mr Millett said. “The Lake Munmorah branch team is led by the highly experienced branch manager Faye McLeay, who is looking forward to the opportunity of working with local families in their community and becoming a part of this thriving Central Coast suburb.” According to the latest census figures (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011), the Lake Munmorah community is dominated by young families. The same figures also indicate that the population of the area has grown 8% since 2006. Media release, 22 Jul 2013 Ashleigh Killingly, Newcastle Permanent Building Society Media release, 25 Jul 2013 Gerald Cowan, Office of Garry Edwards MP
Tender accepted for water meter upgrade t its ordinary meeting of Wednesday, June 26, Wyong Council accepted tenders from Elster Metering Pty Ltd and Global Valve Technology Ltd to roll out a major upgrade to water metres in the Shire.
The tenders total $460,000 and, in the next two financial years, council intends to upgrade approximately 20,000 water meters under a
contracted replacement program. The upgrade will provide more accurate recording of water usage, ensuring customers are
accurately billed for the water they use. Wyong Council Agenda, 4.1 26 Jun 2013
Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 - P11
Wallarah 2 to fund four apprentices
n a move to support the communities of Wyong Shire, the Wallarah 2 Coal Project has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Central Coast Group Training (CCGT).
Under the memorandum, Wallarah 2 will provide funding and support for four apprentices seeking placement in the electrical, automotive and engineering trades. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011 Census, Wyong Shire is one of the most disadvantaged and socio-economically distressed communities in NSW. The unemployment
rates for 15 to 19-yearolds and 20 to 24 year olds sit at more than 20% and 12% respectively. Wallarah 2 Coal Project’s Mr Peter Smith said that in entering into an agreement with CCGT, Wallarah 2 was able to give back to the community and address unemployment issues currently facing the Wyong LGA. “Limited access to employment on the Central Coast and the
additional costs of travelling to Sydney or Newcastle for work are all pressures faced by young people on the Coast,” Mr Smith said. “By partnering with CCGT and local host businesses, we can increase opportunities and aid young people develop robust skill sets that will strengthen their long-term prospects.” The first year of the program will see Wallarah 2 and CCGT
place four apprentices at Express Lube, DNA Electrical, Brian Hilton Toyota in Wyong and TE Connectivity. Two apprentices will be school-based apprentices from Wyong Trade High School and the other two will be fulltime apprentices from the local community. It is hoped the initiative will continue to grow year after year to further support Wyong locals. CCGT manager Ms Alison Cook said the funding provided by Wallarah 2 is vital.
“Wyong has been identified as a high need area by the federal government through the Keep Australia Working Strategy,” Ms Cook said. “Wyong has higher levels of disadvantaged people than our neighbouring government areas of Gosford and Lake Macquarie, so the prospect of building a relationship with Wallarah 2, which will contribute to creating positive outcomes for locals, was an opportunity we jumped at.” Wallarah 2 and CCGT
have been monitoring the current apprentices and are pleased with the success of the initiative in its first year. “We are committed to supporting the Wyong LGA and hope to grow this program to eight apprentices next year and then 12 the following year, offering locals access to new occupational opportunities,” Mr Smith said. Media release, 18 Jul 2013, Nerissa Magee, Wallarah 2 Coal Project
Halekulani and Budgewoi CBDs now safer places alekulani Bowling Club played host to the official launch of the Budgewoi-Halekulani CCTV project on Thursday, July 25.
The project includes the installation of 10 CCTV cameras at various locations throughout the Budgewoi-Halekulani CBD. Member for Swansea Mr Garry Edwards congratulated the Northern Lakes Regional Business Chamber for its doggedness in bringing this piece of community infrastructure to fruition. “I would like to commend the Northern Lakes Regional Business Chamber, in particular coordinator Maree Hands-Booth,” Mr
Edwards said. “Maree has worked tirelessly in seeing this project through to completion. “The Northern Lakes Regional Business Chamber is a dedicated and progressive chamber and has demonstrated it is a leader in this region.” The NSW Government contributed $18,000 towards the CCTV project under the Community Building Partnership program. “These CCTV cameras will assist police in combating anti-social
behaviour and also for general surveillance of the Budgewoi-Halekulani CBD,” Mr Edwards said. “I am proud to support the chamber in their endeavours to improve safety in Budgewoi-Halekulani and again congratulate the organisation for the successful completion of the CCTV project,” said Mr Edwards. Media release, 25 Jul 2013, Gerald Cowan, Office of Garry Edwards MP
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P12 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 P1
Fair trading seminars in the Shire this week usiness owners and consumers in Toukley and Budgewoi will have the opportunity to learn more about their rights and responsibilities during Fair Trading events held on Thursday, August 1, and Friday, August 2.
NSW Commissioner for Fair Trading Mr Rod Stowe said free information sessions for real estate agents, landlords, incorporated associations, home builders and motor dealers and repairers would bring Fair Trading services and support to local consumers and
businesses. “More than 20,000 people attend Fair Trading seminars under the My Place program every year,” Mr Stowe said. “The programs provide a wealth of information for anyone running a business and they also give locals an
insight into their rights and responsibilities as consumers.” Protecting the senior community from rogue traders will be high on Fair Trading’s agenda. A program providing assistance for young people preparing to buy their first car will also feature prominently,
with Fair Trading officials visiting Gorokan High School and North Lakes High School to present Kooris and Cars information sessions. “The purchase of a first car can be a defining moment on the journey into adulthood,” Mr Stowe said. “But as first time car buyers, young people can often be seen as prime targets for rip-off merchants.
“The Kooris and Cars program gives great advice on how to avoid unpleasant surprises when buying a car and how Fair Trading can help if things do go wrong.” Member for Wyong Mr Darren Webber will attend the Gorokan High School event on Thursday, August 1, at 10am. He will also attend a scam seminar at Lake Haven Masonic
Village at 2pm and a renting and leasing goods information session at the San Remo Neighbourhood Centre at noon on the same day. Anyone may attend a public Fair Trading seminar in their area, although registration is advised to be assured of a place. Media release, 24 Jul 2013, Kelly Burke, NSW Fair Trading
Developer contributions reduced yong Council has resolved to endorse the exhibition of the draft Wadalba, Woongarrah and Hamlyn Terrace Contributions Plan for public comment.
The draft plan reduces developer contributions in the area from $43,900 to $30,200 under the existing plan, to $33,100 to $23,600. This represents a
reduction of between $18,000 and $10,000. This greenfield development area is now 73% complete and will accommodate a population of 18,000
when completed. The report to Council by senior contributions officer Mr David Kitson stated that the draft plan represented a more accurate reflection
of costs for land and works compared to the current plan and would result in substantial reductions in the cost for development. This, in turn, should help to stimulate the local economy and create construction jobs. “We need the
development to happen,” Cr Luke Nayna said. The draft plan was prepared after a comprehensive review of expenditure, contributions credits, works schedules and future costs. The Roads Contribution for the
Warnervale Town Centre is not part of the draft plan, having already been incorporated into the adopted Warnervale Town Centre Contributions Plan. Wyong Council Agenda 6.5, 24 Jul 2013
Tourism operators encouraged to apply for funding ocal tourism operators have been encouraged to apply for grants grants are ideal for kick- The Entrance to apply for competitive program but I also know that Central under round two of the Tourism Industry Regional Development starting a new tourism a grant,” he said. “This year, a new Coast tourism operators project or enhancing Fund.
The Fund is designed to help the quality and range
of visitor experiences in regional Australia.
The latest round has a total of $9.6 million in funds and offers grants between $50,000 and $250,000 on a dollar for dollar matched basis. Member for Dobell Mr Craig Thomson said these
existing businesses. Mr Thomson said this was especially the case for projects which feature labour and skills development. “I encourage tourism operators in areas such as
funding stream is included which is designed to improve the capacity of areas such as the Central Coast to increase our labour supply and boost service quality. “I know this is a very
are capable of putting forward high quality projects that would be eligible for these grants.” Media release, 23 Jul 2013, David Gardiner, Office of Craig Thomson MP
Photo: Michael Amendolia
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Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 - P13
Lake Munmorah catholic schools to benefit from Better Schools Plan “The plan also helps to ake Munmorah catholic schools are set to benefit from extra benefit from an increase principals. “There will also empower local principals funding and resources under the federal government’s Better in funding and extra be extra funding for to make more decisions resources. Schools Plan.
Member for Shortland Ms Jill Hall said the Australian Government had reached a historic agreement with the National Catholic
Education Commission on the Better Schools Plan. “Catholic schools will therefore now join our local public and
high schools, as well as independent schools, which have already signed up to the plan. “All the schools in my electorate will therefore
“This means about $4,000 extra for every student to help them reach their full potential. “It also means extra training and support for our teachers and
students who need more support, such as those from low socio-economic backgrounds, indigenous students, students with limited English skills and students with a disability.
about their own schools and budget plans,” said Ms Hall.
Media release, 24 Jul 2013, Lisa McDermott, Office of Jill Hall MP
Locals voted on to P and C State Executive embers of Central Coast P and C associations have been voted in to a range of positions on the State Executive of the Federation of P and C Associations.
At the state association’s annual conference held in Bankstown on the weekend of July 27 and 28, Ms Sharryn Brownlee was elected senior vice president and Ms Kath Styant was re-elected country vice president. Mr Colin Henderson, Ms Leanne Taylor and Ms Nicole Mottlee were elected to the executive of the Federation of P and Cs Associations of NSW. Mr Bruce Davis was also elected as a new member of the
State Council of the Federation of P and C Associations of NSW. The Central Coast representatives raised a number of motions at the conference. These included advocacy for further provision of mental health services to students in schools, NBN access for all schools and tax deductibility recognitions for P and Cs. These motions were supported by the other members of the annual conference. Conference delegates
participated in a broad range of discussion and debate, all of which related to a continued commitment to ensuring quality education is delivered for all public school children across NSW. Ms Brownlee, who is also the president of the Central Coast Council of P and C Associations, said the work completed over the weekend would contribute to the growing strength of P and C associations in
schools across the state. “On the Central Coast, we will continue to work with and hold to account the state and federal governments on policy and funding and also the Department of Education and Communities as they implement the Local Schools Local Decisions and Every Student Every School initiatives,” Ms Brownlee said.
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Media release, 30 Jul 2013, Colin Henderson, Central Coast Council of P&C Associations
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P14 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013
Students benefit from cultural affirmation programs
chools within the Wyong Shire have been benefitting from Cultural Affirmation programs run by’s Koori Connect unit.
The programs are run by au’s indigenous cultural adviser Mr Gavi Duncan to help Aboriginal youth reconnect with their culture and identity. At Wyong High School, Mr Duncan has been working with both Aboriginal and nonAboriginal students to protect and preserve an Aboriginal rock site located in the school’s grounds. The site is believed to be over 2,000 years old. Mr Duncan said the site would become a learning area within the school that teachers and students can use to connect with Aboriginal youth.
“We’re going to plant bush foods and medicines and all types of plants,” he said. “It will become a teaching resource, a learning space.” The program began last year and will continue until the site is finished. The Cultural Affirmation programs provide cultural activities such as art, performance, visits to significant sites and cultural camps. It also provides oneon-one case management, involves parents in their child’s education and teaches the students about Aboriginal history and culture. Mr Duncan said that
there was a huge need to bridge disconnection of youth from their heritage as this disconnection commonly has an adverse effect on their education overall. “Identity is the most important issue to date with Aboriginal youth and students wanting to know more of their culture and heritage,” he said. Koori Connect is also running Cultural Affirmation programs at Wyong Public School, Wadalba Community School and Gorokan High School. Media release, 5 Jul 2013, Gabrielle Tawyer,
Cultural Affirmation program provides cultural activities such as art
Schools celebrate Education Week
Kangaroo meat was on and provided the high and invites parents and orthlakes High School is continuing its festivities to celebrate Education Week, which began on Monday, July 29, and will run offer at the Bush Tucker school’s Year 9 Personal community members to Garden and guests were Development/Health/ sample student work and through until Friday, August 2.
On Thursday, August 1, the high school will have students’ art works on display at Lake Haven Shopping Centre. Students will also perform at the shopping centre from 10am on the day. On Tuesday, July 30,
the school held its “Public Education – Creating the Future” expo. The event kicked off with a smoking ceremony in the school’s Bush Tucker Garden. Guests were also invited to the school hall to meet and greet each
faculty and see their displays. Guests were able to see scientific experiments, student textile works, sample hospitality students’ cooking and visit the school’s agriculture farm on display.
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able to join in some Aboriginal games. Students at Wyong Grove Public School also took part in Education Week celebrations and held their athletics carnival on Tuesday, July 30. The carnival was held at Wyong High School
Physical Education students with an opportunity to put their studies into practice. The Year 9 students tried their hands at coaching and event management on the day. Wyong Grove Public School will hold an open day on Friday, August 2,
watch students undertake a range of science activities. Email, 23 Jul 2013, Angela Bambey, Northlakes High School Media release, 24 Jul 2013, Sven Wright, Department of Education and Communities
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Youth Off The Streets is a registered charity helping the nation’s most disadvantaged youth to turn their lives around.
Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 - P15
Men’s Shed to hold Wyong PS celebrates 125th anniversary training course
yong Public School students will celebrate the school’s 125th anniversary on Friday, August 2, and Saturday, August 3. en’s Sheds Central Coast Inc will run a training course for staff and volunteers from service, community and support organisations on the Central Coast at The Entrance Leagues There will also be The P and C’s fair will The main day of Club on Tuesday, August 6. celebration will be on begin at 4pm with stalls, classroom viewings from
The course will take place from 9am to 1pm and will comprise a formal seminar, interactive discussion, work shop orientation, morning tea and lunch. The training will equip staff and volunteers with information on client assessment, safety, administrative requirements and
social support. It will also address expectations of support organisations and program managers, as well as the operation and activities of Men’s Sheds. Policies and processes for support workers, volunteers and mentors responsible for males who wish to access a local Men’s Shed will
be discussed. Practical experience for support workers and case managers may further be gained by attending an operational workshop. Email, 25 Jul 2013, Kim Hopkins, Men’s Sheds Central Coast Inc
Plan-It-Youth Mentoring Program to continue uggerah Lakes Secondary College Tumbi Umbi campus will continue its involvement in the Plan-It-Youth Mentoring Program.
Plan-It-Youth is a school-based mentoring program for young people who are unsure of their future direction. It links community members with young people who may need extra support in the transition from school to work or from school to further education and training. TLSC Tumbi Umbi campus has been participating in Plan-ItYouth for a number of years and, during this time, the campus has welcomed many mentors who have dedicated their time to helping students.
Mentors use their own personal skills and life experiences to support and guide students on a one-on-one basis. They undertake a short course at TAFE which assists them in their role and includes topics such as effective listening, role of mentors, confidentiality and child protection. TLSC Tumbi Umbi campus principal Ms Shayne Player said the school respected the effort that the volunteer mentors put into the program. “Many have been part of our campus for years,”
Ms Player said. “The fact that they keep returning speaks volumes for the program and the relationships formed between mentors and our students.” Plan-It-Youth coordinator Mr Josh Donnelly said the program had helped a number of Tumbi Umbi students stick with their studies. “It has given them the confidence to make better choices in their everyday life,” Mr Donnelly said. Media release, 16 Jul 2013, Shayne Player, Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College Tumbi Umbi campus
the Friday, with a special assembly to be held at 10am. This will be followed by a morning tea and an invitation to community members to explore the classrooms where examples of students’ work and activities will be on display.
food, entertainment, a silent auction and a not-so-silent fireworks display supported by the Bendigo Bank. The following day will see former Wyong Public School teachers and students gather at the school for a barbeque lunch.
1pm until 3pm. That night, a reunion function will be held at the Wyong Golf Club from 7pm. Media release, 26 Jul 2013, Sven Wright, Department of Education and Communities
Partnership with University provides internships is partnering with the University of Newcastle to provide internships in alternative education for undergraduates studying secondary teaching at the Ourimbah campus.
The first student to undertake an internship at au is mature age student Ms Ange Parfatt, who is studying a Bachelor of Arts-Secondary Teaching with a major in Special Education at the Ourimbah campus. Ms Parfatt’s work experience during the internship is conducted alongside a qualified teacher and is counted as an essential criterion of her degree. Ms Parfatt, who has three sons, said that students do a year and a half of a teaching degree before they set foot in a classroom. “It can be very daunting,” Ms Parfatt said. She also said that working with an alternative education provider is a great learning environment
for teachers. “I started to love the kids by learning their stories and thinking ‘I can help you with that’.” Partnership broker Ms Rosina Johnson said Ms Parfatt and other teaching students from the Ourimbah campus approached her earlier this year about gaining internships in an alternative education environment. “We started liaising with the university about how we could go about doing that, and what they needed in terms of meeting the requirements to ensure students received credit from the university,” Ms Johnson said. “Moving forward, we hope that more university students will see this as a great opportunity to gain practical experience in this specialised field
of education.” Ms Johnson said there are a growing number of young people studying through alternative education on the Central Coast and having a connection between universities and alternative education providers was essential to meeting the needs of this sector. Ms Parfatt said she believed the vast experience she has gained at au as well as her interest in special education would make her as employable as possible. “I didn’t want to feel like when I walked into an actual classroom that I didn’t deserve to be there,” she said. Media release, 25 Jul 2013, Gabrielle Tawyer,
Djembe Drumming C Charmhaven & Woy Woy Adult Drumming Courses Daytime Drumming @ Gnostic Forest After School Drumming for Kids Corporate Team Building * *Birthday Drumming Parties – All Ages Vacation Care Drumming Play Shops Weddings, Events and Functions Quality Drums & Accessories for sale
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Out & About
P P16 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013
Drama group to perform Calendar Girls
Some of the cast starring in Calendar Girls
n its second production for the year, Wyong Drama Group will perform Calendar Girls at the Wyong Performing Arts Centre from Thursday, August 8, until Saturday, August 17.
The play, based on the 2003 movie which starred Julie Walters and Helen Mirren, is written by one of the co-authors of the film Tim Firth. A true story, the play tells of the efforts by a
women’s institute in a Yorkshire village to raise money for Leukaemia research after the death of one of their member’s husband. They decide to produce a “nude but tasteful”
calendar to sell locally to achieve this aim. Director Howard Oxley said the amusing scripting is “warm, loving and honest, but with occasional tissue moments”.
Of special interest will be a gala night on Saturday, August 10, which will begin at 7pm. The event will include cocktails and a performance by the Central Coast Brass Band. A 2014 “nude but tasteful” calendar will also be on sale throughout
the play’s season and features members of the Wyong Drama Group cast. All proceeds from the sale of the calendar will go to the Leukaemia Foundation. The performance is set to be an uplifting experience as audiences travel with these women
as they overcome their insecurities and misgivings to provide two hours of heartwarming and enjoyable entertainment. Media release, 24 Jul 2013, Ros Ellis, Wyong Drama Group
Free breakfast for young people in Bateau Bay Sponsored by
Organise a fundraiser
What will you do today to help beat cancer?
he 2261 Breakfast Club (Breakky Club) is a brand new Regional Youth Support Services Inc project which began in Bateau Bay on Wednesday, July 17.
The project, which is funded by the State Government’s youth opportunities funding, is a new partnership with Samaritans at The Cottage in Deborah Anne Dr, Bateau Bay. Developed by people aged between 12 and 18 years, the Breakky Club is aimed at improving young people’s access to community facilities, services and events, health and nutrition and improved school attendance. It also promotes young people mentoring their peers, imparting practical skills such as
decision making, problem solving and high level communication. “This Breakfast Club will allow young people to attend school after having a healthy breakfast, which studies have shown is vital for young people and their education,” said Regional Support Services Inc Youth Opportunities team leader Mr Jamie McKenzie. As a 10 week trial which commenced on July 17, the Breakky Club has already started developing links within the community, with cereal donated from Kellogg’s and Not Just
Cakes bakery donating breads and treats. Breakky Club leader Ms Bianca Lawther said that being in the heart of a condensed housing area in Bateau Bay West, the aim was to provide young people with a nutritional start to the day. “We also want to lift the community spirit, encouraging volunteers to help out,” Ms Lawther said. Mr McKenzie said projects such as this had the potential to change young people’s lives for the better. He also said the program linked in with training
and further education, as well as employment opportunities. “[It is] a social outlet, a way to voice concerns and to have fun,” Mr McKenzie said. Breakky Club runs from 6:45am until 8am every Wednesday morning of term three at The Cottage for young people aged between 12 and 18. Breakfast is free, with toasts, spreads, cereals and fruit available. Young people can also make a sandwich to take with them before they leave. Media release, 18 Jul 2013, Jamie McKenzie, Regional Youth Support Services Inc
Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 - P17
Out & About
Men’s Shed receives assistance from timebanking project he Timebanking program continues its success in the Wyong Shire, with Bateau Bay Men’s Shed recently receiving assistance from the community based project.
Timebanking project officer Ms Angela Chaperon and Timebanking volunteer Mr Peter Campbell helped members of the Bateau Bay group use their computerbased accounts on the Timebanking system. “Computers aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, perhaps you don’t even use one or own one,” Ms Chaperon said. “Timebanking members are just the same as everyone else, that’s where our mobile brokering service is vital to members achieving the most from the
Timebanking concept. “Being there for Timebanking members is our first priority and members can request a visit or call us on the Timebanking Hotline.” The Timebanking project, which started in the Central Coast in August last year, enables volunteers to use their banked hours to receive an hour from over 900 offers from other Timebanking members. Services such as dog walking, car washing, shopping, ironing, gardening and guitar lessons are being traded by members who can
connect with other volunteers in their area. Men’s Shed Cluster president Mr John Sharples said the opportunity to work with Timebanking workers was appreciated. “They were a great help in assisting members of the Bateau Bay Men’s Shed with questions relating to accessing the Timebanking data base, logging their volunteer hours and uploading their trades and job requests,” Mr Sharples said. Email, 30 Jul 2013, Angela Chaperon, Timebanking Project
Timebanking volunteer Peter Campbell with Men’s Shed members Peter Crabbe, John Sharples and Fred Murray
Fashion Week Central Coast to kick off next month On Thursday, movie and style tips ickets are now on sale for the What the Frock! gala event here on the Coast.” September 5, Westfield from international brand Mingara Leisure which will be held at Mingara Recreation Club on Saturday, Tuggerah will hold its NYDJs, which will be Group CEO Mr Paul September 7.
The event is part of the inaugural Fashion Week Central Coast, which will run from September 2 to 7. The What the Frock! event is the cornerstone of the week and will shine the spotlight on over 60 of the Central Coast’s emerging fashion designers, models,
artists, hair and beauty professionals, and event managers. The event will feature entertainment by a 22 piece local band Big Band Therapy, a three course meal, a fashion art auction and fashion parade. Fashion Week Central Coast committee member
Ms Mel Law said the evening would have something for everyone. “The Fashion Week Central Coast Committee has worked really hard to deliver what will be the night of nights,” Ms Law said. “It’s a great way to support up and coming design and fashion talent
At last – a FREE newspaper that’s all about entertainment on the Coast! EE
on the Coast Edition 9
June 13, 2013
Anthony Roberts, Minister for Fair Trading
Edition 10
on the Coast
Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
June 27, 2013
Big donations for Give Me Five for Kids
Tracey Doyle, The Fresh Ideas Group
rina’s ACS general manager Mr Warren Hughes raised $2,000 in eight minutes on Thursday, June 20, for 2GO’s Give Me Five for Kids campaign.
Mr Hughes joined 2GO’s Give Me Five for Kids bed pan challenge and donned a bright green monster onesie in support of sick kids on the Coast. Mr Hughes elicited a $1,000 donation from ACS, $300 from The Beach
Early Learning Centre, $100 from Central Coast Cleaning Supply Shop, $100 from Living Green Designer Homes and $50 each from Totally Workwear Tuggerah, Goodyear Autocare Gosford, City Plan Services, Outback Plumbing Australia, Greenroom Espresso Cafe, The Sanctuary Cafe (Ken Duncan Gallery), Precision Fire Protection Services, Figtree and Moran Accountants, Power2Grid and KR Jones and Healey. Mr Hughes then ventured
to Westmead Children’s Hospital on Friday, June 21, to accept a thank you gift from Head of the Rehabilitation Unit Ms Mary Claire Doherty for a donation of $9,000 made by Warren and his wife Donna on behalf of ACS. “If ever you think you are doing it tough, come to the kid’s hospital for a day and see the challenge many of these little ones face on a daily basis,” said Mr Hughes. “It brings you back to earth very quickly.”
Joy Allan, Ettalong Beach Club
Minister for Fair Trading Mr Anthony Roberts (centre) with local politicians and Central Coast Aboriginal Artists Art Competition prize winners
Minister for Fair Trading Mr Anthony Roberts presented the awards and praised the extraordinary level of talent on display in
the competition. “What began in 1999 as an awareness-raising exercise among NSW Fair Trading staff and customers has grown into a major Aboriginal art and cultural event today,” said Mr Roberts. Member for Gosford Mr Chris Holstein said the high standard of competition would benefit
the entire Central Coast community by promoting a better understanding of Aboriginal culture and heritage. “This exhibition provides an opportunity for Aboriginal artists to gain recognition of their talents and an exposure that can only enhance their opportunity to pursue their dreams,” he said.
“These artists are the people who will carry the traditions and culture of the local Aboriginal community into the future.” A major cultural event of Reconciliation Week, the Central Coast Aboriginal Artists Art Exhibition and Competition is now in its 14th year and features artists ranging from school children to professionals.
In addition to the art competition, the event offers a range of cultural activities including an indigenous arts and craft market with music, dancing, a barbeque and market stalls. Mr Roberts said the success of the event was reflected in the number of organisations that now use it to open communication
links to the Aboriginal community. “We now have a prize pool of $15,000, thanks to the enormous support the competition enjoys from the community. “I congratulate all the winners on their extraordinary achievements and look forward to following their future careers.”
A Give Me Five for Kids PJ Day was held on Monday, June 3, at Ettalong Beach Club which saw over $600 raised from donations. Give Me Five for Kids is a fundraising initiative supported by over 40 radio and TV stations across regional Australia. For almost 20 years, the month of June has been dedicated to raising much needed funds for local community hospitals. All donations received stay local and go directly to the children’s ward in each market to help provide the best possible care for local sick children and their families when they need it most. At Ettalong Beach
Club, not only were staff encouraged to wear their pyjamas to work, but also club members and guests. The club’s staff were given a challenge to raise over $200 which would see the club’s newly appointed CEO Mr Bill Jackson wear his pyjamas for the day, and the staff succeeded in the challenge. Despite having a number of appointments scheduled for the day, Mr Jackson attended the meetings in his pink polka dot pyjama pants and slippers. To further encourage members and guests to wear their pyjamas, Ettalong Beach Club provided free entertainment with an arts and crafts table set up for
the kids. The kids also participated in a disco and face painting as well as a movie showing on the large projector screen. For a gold coin donation, a coffee station was available for the mums and dads while the kids were being entertained. “The fundraising of these funds back into the children’s ward at the local hospitals is one of the most humbling and rewarding days for the club,” said Mr Jackson. “I’m proud to announce at the recent Board of Directors meeting held June 13, the Board resolved to donate a further $5,000 to 2GO’s Give Me Five for Kids 2013.”
Edition 11
Warren Hughes in his green monster onesie
Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
July 11, 2013
Chrome Fest nominated for tourism award
Erika Hanratty, NSW-ACT Regional Achievement and Community Awards
entral Coast event, Chrome Fest, has been nominated in the Specialty Press Events and Tourism Award Category for the 2013 NSW-ACT Regional Achievement and Community Awards to be announced on Saturday, October 26. The annual awards program, initiated by PRIME7 and the Commonwealth Bank, provides an opportunity for communities to showcase their events and festivals and be recognized state-wide. Chrome Fest is a three day event held in October at The Entrance which pays tribute to American classic cars, hot rods, low-rider bicycles, rock and roll and rockabilly of the 1950s and 60s. Since its establishment in 2009, Chrome Fest has grown in popularity. Last year was its most popular year with over
Give Me Five for Kids pyjama day a success
on the Coast
Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
Aboriginal Competition: a work of art
ore than 20 awards across 10 categories were presented to artists at the Gosford Regional Gallery on Sunday, May 26, as part of the Central Coast Aboriginal Artists Art Competition.
600 cars on display and over 50,000 people in attendance. It is estimated that Chrome Fest injected over $8.5 million last year into the local community, with strong support from local community groups and organizations. This year, the Chrome Fest Committee hopes to increase attendance at the festival, as well as the number of cars to 800 and to spread the event over five days. With new attractions, including a drive-in cinema and more dance, makeup and hair competitions, the committee hope to bring the 60s back to the Coast once more. The winner of this year’s Events and Tourism Award will win TV advertising exposure courtesy of PRIME7. Winners will be announced at a Gala Presentation held at the Newcastle Leagues Club on Saturday, October 26.
Barnett said: “This event will definitely put the focus on a collection of talented people across the fashion industry.” “Mingara Leisure Group is happy to support these up and coming designers at the What the Frock! gala dinner event.” An array of other activities will be held during Fashion Week Central Coast, which has been auspiced by Regional Development Australia Central Coast (RDACC). “Fashion Week Central Coast is about building aspiration in our community and to encourage and showcase the talented young people we have here on the Central Coast,” RDACC CEO Mr Andrew Roach said. The week’s festivities kick off with Fashionable Flicks at Avoca Beach Picture Theatre on Monday, September 2. This event will include timeless classic
giving away pairs of their jeans on the night. On Tuesday, September 3, there will be the Fashionably Late VIP launch event at a secret location. Wear What You Want Wednesday will be held on Wednesday, September 4, and will spread the message of a healthy body image.
VIP Fashion Launch with bubbly, chocolate, gift bags, giveaways and fashion tips from its resident stylist. Fashions on the Field will also be held at the Wyong Race Club on Friday, September 6. Media release, 29 Jul 2013, Brooke Simmons, Fashion Week Central Coast
TOUKLEY SUNDAY MARKETS EVERY SUNDAY OVER 70 STALLS Coles Carpark - Yarralla Street Toukley - 7am - 1pm Enquiries: Don 0416 280 589 Proudly sponsored by
Out & About
P18 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 P
Demonstration by Scottish Country Dance Class at Glengara
Hermi Eckert, Eileen McCleery, Eileen Patterson, James McMillan, Fran Bucello, Janice Toussard, Sandra Hanson and Kathryn Bourke
osford Scottish Country Dance Class put on a demonstration of three dances at the Glengara Retirement Village, Tumbi Umbi, on Saturday, July 6.
The occasion was the A52 District changeover of the Central Coast Inner Wheel Club, which is an international organisation involved in raising funds for charity, especially for cord blood research. The dancers were invited by incoming chairman Mrs Grace Taylor, who is also a member of the Gosford class. Under the leadership of new teacher Mrs Fran Bucello, members of the team were Sandra Hanson, Janice Toussard, Kathryn Bourke, Hermi Eckert, Eileen McCleery, Eileen Patterson and James McMillan. Mrs Bucello introduced
each dance with a short history starting with “The Barmkin”, which is a Scottish word for a medieval enclosure. “The Rakes of Glasgow” was an old dance written in the early 1800s and the last dance, “The Reel of the 51st Division”, was devised by Lieutenant J E M “Jimmy” Atkinson. Lieutenant Atkinson was captured, together with the vast majority of the British 51st (Highland) Division while defending the retreat from Dunkirk in 1940. He spent the rest of the war as a prisoner of war in Germany.
His letter home with instructions for the dance was intercepted by the German security service, which spent the rest of the war trying to break the code. “The Inner Wheel ladies enjoyed the dancing and had their feet tapping under the tables,” Mrs Taylor said. Dancing classes are held each Wednesday evening at the Church of Christ Hall in Wyoming from 7pm. Attendance at the first class is free and the cost thereafter is $5. Email, 28 Jul 2013, James McMillan, Gosford Scottish Country Dance Class
Ukulele festival returns to The Entrance ack for its second year, the Central Coast Ukulele Festival will return to The Entrance for a two day event on Saturday, August 24, and Sunday, August 25.
The first day will see workshops and ukulele clubs strumming on the
Sails Stage and on the Sunday, the Memorial Park Stage and the Sails
Stage will be in full Ukefest mode. The Entrance Town
Centre Management promotions and events coordinator Ms Donna Judge said the festival brings people from all ages and walks of life together to make and
enjoy music. The program will feature ukulele clubs from across the state as well as professional ukulele acts. There will also be stalls, rides, Polynesian
dancing and free ukulele workshops. Entertainment on both days is free. Media release, 26 Jul 2013, Donna Judge, The Entrance Town Centre Management
Where do you get it? Following is a list of all good outlets where you can get your free copy of Wyong Regional Chronicle Bateau Bay Amity (BUPA) Bay Village Information Desk Blue Lagoon Caravan Park Bowling Club Library Community Centre Eldersee Village Golden Hind Bowls Club Kiah Lodge Karagi Court McDonalds Men’s Shed Nareen Gardens Nareen Lodge Red Rooster Reynolds Court Hostel Sun Valley Tourist Park Ten Pin Bowling Alley The Entrance Campus The Entrance Leagues Club Berkeley Vale Berkeley Vale Campus Village Civic Video Caltex Service Station Medical Centre Primary School Private Hospital Shelley’s Takeaway Swim Centre Blue Bay Caravan Park Takeaway
Blue Haven Community Centre Primary School
Shell Service Station Wallarah Bay Rec Club
Budgewoi Body Beat George’s Barber Shop Halekulani Bowling Club Primary School Soccer Club Tourist Park Walu Caravan Park
Gwandalan Bowling Club Corner Shop The Vegie Pot
Buff Point IGA Canton Beach Heritage Village Holiday Park Lakefront Village Sports Club Vietnam Vets Hostel Chittaway Bay Bottleshop Pharmacy Public School Doyalson The Grove RSL Club Forresters Beach 360 Fitness Club Caltex Service Station Retirement Village Gorokan Primary School Medical Centre
Hamlyn Terrace Palm Springs Village Primary School Uniting Retirement Centre Warnervale Kanwal Amcal Pharmacy BYO & Bottle Shop Fill & Carry Fruit Medical Centre Village Pharmacy Oasis Caravan Park Wyong Youth & District Community Centre Hall Wyong Leagues Club Killarney Vale Primary School Killarney Court Hostel Long Jetty Health Care Centre Our Lady of the Rosary School Principal Aged Care & Assisted Living Apartments Lake Haven Aged Care Hostel
Eagle Boys Masonic Village Activity Centre High School KFC Lake Haven Library McDonalds Pizza Hut Red Rooster Lake Munmorah High School Primary School Lakeside Leisure Village Senior Citizen’s Hall St Brendan’s Catholic Primary School Lisarow High School McDonalds The Orchards Retirement Home Long Jetty Caltex Service Station Chips@The Jetty Lakeview Tourist Park Hotel Westside Service Station Senior Citizens Centre Mannering Park Newsagency Mardi Community Centre Magenta Shore Golf Course & Resort
Norah Head Mitchell Street shops Rockpool Retreat Tourist Park Bowling Club Ourimbah Big Flower Chemsave Community College Admin Building “The Lodge” CRT Gabs Gourmet Takeaway Gardenworld Newsagents Ourimbah Campus Public School Student Essentials Tall Timbers Hotel Tennis Courts Thai Takeaway United Service Station University Campus The Hub University Campus Library University Campus Student Essentials San Remo Northlakes Pharmacy Newsagent Northlakes High School Northlakes Primary School Northlakes Tavern Neighbourhood Centre
Shelley Beach Golf Club Tacoma Hopetown Special School Kooindah Waters The Entrance 7-11 Service Station Browse About Community & Neighbourhood Centre Centrelink Diggers Lakes Hotel Library Newsagent Oaks Waterfront Resort Public School The Greens Bowling Club Tourist Information Centre Waldorf Apartments The Entrance North Dunleith Caravan Park Toowoon Bay Tourist Park Toukley / Noraville All Over Beauty and Nails Amcal Pharmacy Art Gallery Aquatic Centre Beachcomber Resort K-Cee’s Cafe Green Bean Cafe
Hopes Pharmacy Primary School Nachel’s Takeaway Noraville General Store & Takeaway Noraville Pharmacy Retirement Village RSL Senior Citizens Community Hall Toukley Family Practice Tuggerah Anytime Fitness Cafe Pennoz Caltex Service Station Caravan Park Club Tuggerah High School Hungry Jacks Loot Homewares McDonalds Medical Centre Metro Service Station PRP Pacific Diagnostic Imaging Romi’s Cafe RSPCA Coffee Shop St Peter’s Catholic Supacheap Auto The Edge Tuggerawong Cadonia Road Metro Caravan Park Service Station Tumbi Umbi BP Service Station Chemist Outlet Pharmacy
Clare Mace Metro Service Station Clare Mace Takeaway Glengara Retirement Village KBT Neighbourhood Hub KFC McDonalds Mingara Recreation Club St John Fischer Catholic School Tumbi Campus of Tuggerah Lakes College Wadalba Bottlemart Casualty Wyong Hospital Dam Hotel Palm Springs Village Wyong Hospital (main entrance) Watanobbi BP Service Station Community Centre Pet & Produce Wyong Golf Club Woongarrah Hockey Fields Warnervale Gardens Wyee Nursery Mini Market Wyongah Newsagents
If you would like your outlet added to this list please let us know - see contact details Page 2
General Store Wyong Alberts Cafe Aus Curry Bites Blooms Chemist Bowling Club Carmichaels’ Corner Store Elanor Duncan Aboriginal Health Centre Harrisons Health and Beauty Pharmacy High School Hooked on Flowers IGA (Cutler Centre) Legends Bakery Meander Village Metro Service Station Mobile Home Village Pizza in the Pan Pride Mowers Public School RSL Club St Cecilia’s Catholic School Tennis Club Wyong Grove Primary School Race Course Wyong District Museum Wyong North Cellars Wyong Village Centre
Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 - P19
Paws and Claws for a Cause registrations now open
egistrations are now open for the annual Paws and Claws for a Cause event which will be held on Sunday, August 18.
The community dog walk will start at 10am from Rotary Park, Long Jetty or, for a shorter walk, the event will also start at 10am at the lake end of Archibold Rd, Long Jetty. The walk will follow the lake foreshore and will finish at Memorial Park, The Entrance. This is the fifth year the event has run and will raise much needed funds for the RSPCA Central Coast and for the Wyong Shire Animal Care Facility. Both organisations work tirelessly to educate
pet owners on responsible pet ownership. On the day, Memorial Park will play host to pet stalls, food stands, amusement rides and displays from John Gatt K-9 Services. Children can get up close and personal with snakes, lizards and an echidna from Australia Walkabout Wildlife Park. DFX Dance Company will also showcase their dance skills and some young talent from the PCYC Bateau Bay will perform on the Memorial Park stage. There will be a
Best Dressed Dog Competition and Cutest Puppy Competition. Each dog registered to take part in the walk will receive a certificate of completion and a bandana. Disposable poop bags will also be supplied at the starting points and free micro-chipping vouchers will be available. Show bags can be purchased on the day. Media release, 17 Jul 2013, Donna Judge, The Entrance Town Centre Management
The Wyong Diary For events in post code areas 2258, 58, 2259, 2 2261, 26 261 61, 1, 2 22 2262 26 and 2263 262 26 Friday August 2 Fair Trading Renting and Leasing Goods Information Session, San Remo Neighbourhood Centre, 12pm Fair Trading Scam Seminar, Lake Haven Masonic Village, 2pm Wyong Public School 125th Anniversary Fair, Wyong Public School, 4pm Saturday August 3 Wyong Public School 125th Anniversary Reunion Function, Wyong Golf Club, 7pm
Sunday August 4 Homeless No More walkathon, Chittaway Bay, 9am Tuesday August 6 Bateau Bay VIEW Club 12th Birthday Luncheon, Bay Sports Club, 10:30am Men’s Shed Central Coast training course, The Entrance Leagues Club, 9am-1pm Thursday August 8 Calendar Girls, Wyong Performing Arts Centre Saturday August 10 2013 Equestrian Ball, Mingara Recreation
Club, 7pm Sunday August 18 Paws and Claws for a Cause dog walk, Rotary Park Long Jetty, 10am, $12 per dog Monday August 19 Card making class, Watanobbi Community Centre, 10am-12pm, $10 per person Saturday August 24 Ukulele Festival, Memorial Park, free Sunday August 25 Ukulele Festival, Memorial Park, free
A participant at the 2011 event
Not for Profit Organisations Alcoholics Anonymous If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s our business. Meet every Sat - Progress Hall Ronald Ave, Wyoming 8pm 4323 3890 Bateau Bay Scrabble Club For all levels and ages. Come and relax and play SCRABBLE at Bateau Bay Sports Club Bias Avenue, Bateau Bay. Every Wednesday 10am-2pm Contact Sandra 4388 6134 Central Coast Cactus and Succulent Club Meets on the 3rd Sat each month from 1pm to 3.30pm Charmhaven Community Centre Plants for Sale, Raffles, afternoon tea 0401 544 052 4399 2420 Central Coast Campus Friends Inc Promoting post school learning to improve life for individuals and the Central Coast community Advocacy, Dinners, Discussions, Speakers, Awards, Newsletters and special projects 4342 0023 PO Box 6227 West Gosford 2250
Central Coast Prostate Cancer Support Group (Gosford) Meet last Friday Month Terrigal Uniting Church 380 Terrigal Drive, Terrigal 9.30am to 12 noon 4367 9600
Central Coast Prostate Cancer Support Group (Wyong) Meet last Monday Month Wyong Golf Club Pacific Highway Wyong 10.30am to 12 noon 4356 9300
See the Peninsula News for events in post code areas 2256 & 2257 and the COAST Community News for events in post code areas 2250, 2260 and 2251 If you’ve got something happening in the Wyong Region over the next few weeks, let us know about it and we’ll list it here for you, for free. Contact details are on page 2.
Out & About
Community Care Services - Central Coast Memory lane - Doing things together Café For people with memory loss & their carers to enjoy a relaxing coffee morning with others experiencing similar circumstances Wallarah Bay Recreational Club 4th Tuesday 4324 4244 Diggers@ The Entrance Toastmasters Conventient daytime meetings 2nd and 4th Monday 10.30-12.30pm Creating opportunities to overcome nerves when speaking on your feet. Gain confidence and meet new friends. 4365 2751 Friendship Force Central Coast A travel club with a difference! Travel in small groups and stay with friends in 370 clubs around the world. See a country from the inside and change the way you see the world. We in turn host small groups from other Friendship Force clubs in our home. Rae 4399 3625 Deidre 4388 9435
Gurdjieff Society I AM LOST Deep conversations and systematic exercises for understanding my self and my place in life Ancient and modern knowledge 6pm every 2nd Thu 0425 296 783
Long Jetty Senior Citizens Club Beginner classes being held in computers, line dancing, tai chi and zumba gold. Contact the Club 4332 5522 M-F, 9am to 3pm for full list of activities Soundwaves Men’s acapella 4 part
harmony chorus - for all ages, all welcome. 7.00pm Monday Central Coast Leagues Club 0405 030 945
Tuggerah Combined Probus Club Inc New to the Coast? If you would like to meet new friends and enjoy social events, a welcome awaits you at Tuggerah Combined Probus Club each 2nd Thursday of the month, where you will have the opportunity to hear various guest speakers and also join us in a social outing on the 3rd Thursday. We meet at Woodbury Park Community Hall, Mardi. 4388 1841 Tumbi Vale Garden Club A cheerful group of interesting gardeners’ get together at a well organised meeting once a month to display their plant growing efforts, listen to a variety of guest speakers and socialise over afternoon tea. Monthly meetings 1st Tues at 1pm, Old Berkeley Vale School, Shannon Parade, Berkeley Vale Contact Adriana Smith, publicity officer 4332 7680 Wyong Drama Group Inc A friendly group, presenting 3 major productions a year. We welcome anyone interested in being involved in any area of production Acting; Back-stage; Front of House; Lighting/Sound etc Monthly meetings 1st Tues 7.30pm - Green Room Wyong Memorial Hall 1300 665 600
Wyong Neighbourhood Centre Supporting disadvantaged vulnerable and isolated members of our community offering a range of community services, events, projects, workshops, arts programs and an open community garden. Contact Jane 4353 1750, 0408 640 155
If you would like your Community Organisa on listed here, see ons.html for the forms or contact Wyong Regional Chronicle on 4325 7369
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Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 - P21
Tuition T uiitioon u n-M Music usi u sic
Drainage to be improved at Ted Doyle Oval
(l-r): Trevor Sibiour – Contractor (Turspec Pty Limited), Tony Gleeson – 1st grade coach, Trent Sibiour – Contractor (Turspec Pty Limited), Tracy Southern – Wyong Shire Council Sport & Recreation Development Officer, Chris Spence – Member for The Entrance, Lynne Webster – Wyong Shire Council Deputy Mayor, Terry Quinn –Country Rugby League NSW CEO, Graham Boland – Country Rugby League Infrastructure and Game Development Officer, Robert Lowrie –Country Rugby League NSW Operations Manager, Shane Hayne –Berkeley Vale Touch Operations Manager, Ken Kelly –Berkeley Vale RL&SC President
hrough financial support from Wyong Council and the NSW Berkeley Vale Rugby Government, Berkeley Vale Rugby League Club will now be able League and Sports to improve the drainage of their home field. Club identity, and the
The lack of sub-soil drainage at Ted Doyle Oval has meant that the ground is unable to recover after significant rain events and is often closed for training and competition. To improve the oval’s drainage, council has contributed $39,700, which is half of the required costs, through the Community Matching Fund grant. An extra $21,558 has been received from the NSW Community Building Partnership program to assist the club in meeting their funding requirements. Wyong Council’s sport and recreation development manager Ms Tracy Southern said this was another project that highlighted council’s commitment to working with the community to improve sporting and community facilities. “This is a much needed and practical improvement,” Ms Southern said. “The new sub-soil drainage will help disperse the water from the surface of the oval during wet weather and allow the grounds to dry out faster after periods of rain. “These improvements in drainage mean the oval should be ready a lot quicker during and following rain than what
it allows now, and will also reduce the impact of play on the surface.” Member for The Entrance Mr Chris Spence said he was delighted to support the project through the Community Building Partnership program. “This is a great project for the region,” Mr Spence said. The club caters for a number of sporting activities through the year including rugby league, touch football, gala and
skill development days and school sporting activities. Work on the sports ground has begun. Country Rugby League NSW infrastructure and game development officer Mr Graham Boland said he was pleased the new drainage works would be completed and ready for the start of the season next April. “From my perspective, this is a tremendous help and benefit to the
community who utilise the oval, in regard to having a facility that is available in all weather conditions, which previously hasn’t been the case,” Mr Boland said. The next round of Community Matching Fund grants open on Monday, August 19, and will close at 5pm on Friday, September 20. Media release, 25 Jul 2013, Wyong Council Media Media release, 26 Jul 2013, Laurie Alexander,
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June 13, 2013
Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369
Ryan’s transfer to Club Brugge complete
Rogic takes part in Socceroo win
Central Coast Mariners Media
he Jan Br eydelstadion is the new home of goalkeeper Mathew Ryan after the 21-year-old custodian completed his transfer from the Central Coast Mariners to Belgian Pro League heavyweights Club Brugge on Thursday, May 30.
After flying to Europe earlier in the week to undergo a medical, Ryan put an end to speculation surrounding his playing future by penning a three-season contract with the Blue and Blacks. Ryan becomes the third summer signing for Club Brugge, with the Club’s Sporting Director Arnar Grétarsson labelling the twotime NAB Young Football of the Year as a goalkeeper with “huge potential”. “He [Ryan] has been playing three years for the Australian top team Central Coast Mariners,” Grétarsson said. “Despite his young age he has gathered a lot of experience and he has been elected twice as best goalkeeper of Australia. “This year he has celebrated the title with his team in the A-League. ‘Another asset of Ryan is his attitude and mindset.” Despite Ryan being due to come off contract two days after his signing, the Mariners still managed to negotiate a sizeable transfer
Issue 056
June 27, 2013
Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369
Australian Rugby
ormer Ourimbah Juniors’ player Adam AshleyCooper was part of the Qantas Wallabies Rugby Union team defeated by HSBC British and Irish Lions in the DHL Australia 2013 Lions Tour test series match at Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane on Saturday, June 22.
ormer Central Coast Mariner Tom Rogic was part of the Qantas Socceroo squad that defeated Jordan 4-0 on Tuesday, June 11 in Melbourne.
Photo: John Dewberry
fee for the 2013 Hyundai A-League Championship winner. The Club has confirmed the transfer also included a sell-on clause. Central Coast Mariners Group general manager Mr Peter Turnbull thanked Ryan for his exemplary service to the Mariners. “Today is a proud day for our Football Club,” Turnbull said. “Club Brugge are one of the most respected Clubs in Europe. “They have a long, proud history and a strong record, like us, of taking players to the next level in their
careers. “We commend Mathew for his effort, professionalism and performances while at the Mariners and wish him great success in the Belgian Pro League and with the Qantas Socceroos in the future.” Ryan joins a distinguished list of former Australian internationals to have played with the 13-time Belgian Champions. Current Sydney FC Head Coach, Frank Farina, and Qantas Young Socceroos mentor, Paul Okon, both spent fruitful spells in West Flanders.
Tom Rogic was given an opportunity when coach Holger Osiek sent him on as a substitute for Brett Holman in the final 10 minutes of the match. Rogic had an immediate impact when he headed the ball to team captain, Lucas Neil who in turn scored the fourth goal for Australia and Lucas Neil’s first for his country, Rogic also showed his ball dribbling skills when he was able to skirt around opposition players to create chances around the box. After the match, Rogic said: “The match probably had the perfect outcome”. “That’s my first game at home so, to get on the park in front of the Australian crowd is very pleasing and I’m happy to get any game time. “I think we dominated the game from start to finish and I think the result showed that. “We got through the game 4-0; a clean sheet with no yellow cards picked up, so I
Issue 057
Adam Ashley-Cooper stars in Wallaby performance
Photo: Paul Barkley-LookPro
The Wallabies were defeated 23-21 in front of a new ground record crowd of 52,499. The Wallabies would have won the match had they not missed four kicks at goal, two of which were in
the last ten minutes. The match was lit up by two of the best solo tries in recent memory, to George North for the Lions and Israel Folau for the Wallabies (twice), who scored individual tries as the Lions held on for the nail-biting victory, after the Wallabies were severely disrupted by four injuries to key backline players. Ashley-Cooper was replaced with four minutes to go by reserve scrumhalf Nick Phipps. The teams now move on to Melbourne at Etihad Stadium on Saturday, June 29, for what is sure to be a thrilling second test of the three.
Rogic features in win over Iraq F
Photo: John Dewberry
think on all accounts, it was a very good result for us. “But in saying that, it was only half the job for us and we have a very big game next week,” said Rogic. The Socceroos are now on ten points standing second in their group, but need to do well against Iraq in Sydney on Tuesday night to ensure direct qualification for the World Cup in Brazil in
2014. “It’s a massive game, but at the same time, it’s just another game of football. “I think we have a good combination of experience and youth to see us through these matches. “So I think everyone is preparing quite well and it’s only the start of what is a very big week,” he said.
ormer Central Coast Mariners’ player Tom Rogic was called on as a substitute in the 60th minute of the Socceroos’ match against Iraq on Tuesday, June 18. The match was the final qualification match for Australia’s group with the top two earning direct qualification to the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. Rogic troubled the Iraqi defence before Josh Kennedy scored the winning goal in the 1-0 victory. Needing a win to assure a spot at a third straight World Cup, the Socceroos looked like blowing their chance
Football Federation Australia
as the stubborn visitors held firm for more than 82 minutes. But in his first Socceroos appearance in 19 months, Kennedy came off the bench to nod home Mark Bresciano’s cross seven minutes from time to send the crowd of 80,532 into delirium. Australia boss Holger Osieck received a few boos from the home fans when he opted to substitute favourite son Tim Cahill for Kennedy just a few minutes earlier. But the decision proved a masterstroke as Kennedy did what he does best, giving Iraq ‘keeper Noor Sabri no chance with a wellplaced header from just six
yards out. The nail-biting victory meant the Socceroos finished second in their group behind Japan and avoided going into the lottery of the play-offs later this year. Knowing a win over the inexperienced Iraqi’s would ensure Australia’s berth for a third straight World Cup, there was a sense of excited anticipation amongst the fans before kick-off. Searching for ways to unlock the stubborn Iraqi defence, Holger Osieck introduced young star Tom Rogic on the hour and the Celtic midfielder immediately lifted the tempo. The Socceroos thought
they had the crucial breakthrough 25 minutes from time when a poor headed clearance landed perfectly for Kruse to volley home from just outside the box. But celebrations soon turned to despair as Iranian referee Faghani Alireza had already blown for a foul by Ognenovski in the lead-up. The close call only added to the tension, which soon turned to shock among the home fans as Cahill made way for Kennedy. And the beanpole striker took just six minutes to make an impact, sending his header past Sabri to get celebrations underway.
July 11, 2013
Issue 058
Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369
Official reception for Socceroos Football Federation Australia Richard Mehrtens, Office of Deborah O’Neill MP
antas Socceroos head coach Holger Osieck held a training camp in Gosford and Tuggerah from Monday, July 1, to Friday, July 5, which included Central Coast Mariners’ Joshua Rose, Mitchell Duke and Trent Sainsbury.
The training camp was part of the Qantas Socceroos preparation for the upcoming EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 in Seoul. It was the first of three camps in Australia to be held in the lead up to the East Asian Cup. The Cup will take place in the Korean Republic from July 20 to 28. At a reception held by Gosford Council, Minister for Sport Senator Don Farrell and Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill congratulated the players on their World Cup qualification.
Credit Card Number: ___________________/___________________/ ______________________________________/ “The next eighteen months represents a very exciting time for football in Australia,” said Mr Farrell. “With Australia qualifying for its third successive World Cup, an outstanding achievement in itself, and
Australia hosting the Asian Football Confederation Asian Cup in 2015, there is a lot for football fans to be excited about. “Focusing on the current challenge of the East Asian Cup, I’m sure the head
Georgia Wassall off to World Athletic Championships Athletics NSW Gosford Council media
Photo: Paul Barkley-LookPro
eorgia Wassall of Wamberal has received a $1,000 sponsorship from the Developing and Recognising Talent (DART) program to attend the IAAF World Youth Athletic
Championships which will be held in the Ukraine from July 10 to 14.
Georgia, 17, broke the NSW U18 and U20 800 metre records in February this year to qualify for the World Youth Championships. The qualifying win also
saw her become the second fastest U18 Australian runner ever, and number 10 in the U20s list. The record was previously set 44 years ago by Cheryl Peasley, who went on to win a Commonwealth Games medal and become an Olympian.
coach, Holger Osieck has the team primed to impress as they did at the recent World Cup qualification matches. “I wish the team the best of luck when they head to South Korea for the East
Asian Cup later this month.” Ms O’Neill said she was delighted that the facilities on the Central Coast had been chosen for the training camp. “Having members of the Socceroos squad training
here is exciting for the local community, and I can see the positive influence on our local young sporting stars – inspired to work hard so that they may have similar opportunities in the future,” Ms O’Neill said.
Duke and Sainsbury selected for Socceroos’ training camp Football Federation Australia
wo Central Coast Mariners players were selected to participate in a Socceroos training camp in Sydney which began on Monday, July 8, and will continue until
Friday, July 12.
The camp is part of the Socceroos’ preparations for the upcoming EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 which will be played in the Korea Republic from July 20 to 28. Mitchell Duke and Trent Sainsbury were two
of 20 players selected to participate in the training camp, which was the last chance for players to impress head coach Holger Osieck before the final Socceroos squad for the EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 is named on Friday, July 12.
Exp: ______/______ Please complete credit card details or send a cheque or money order payable to
Ducks Crossing Publications, PO Box 1056, Gosford NSW 2250
P22 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 P
Toukley Tennis Centre upgrade complete
Applications open for academy surfing program he Central Coast Academy of Sport (CCAS) is now accepting applications for this year’s surfing program.
Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton, Wyong Council sport and recreation development manager Ms Tracy Southern and Toukley head tennis coach Mr Allan McDonald
yong Council has recently completed a $60,000 upgrade to the tennis centre at Toukley in order to improve access to low cost recreation facilities for the community.
The upgrades at the centre, which has been operating for 38 years, include re-surfacing two synthetic grass courts and re-fencing the surrounds of the facility. Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton said council remained focused on developing opportunities for the community to
participate in sport and recreation by improving local facilities, programs and services. “These works will help keep the facility’s maintenance costs at a minimum, ensuring fees to play tennis remain affordable for our community,” Cr Eaton said.
LAT 33° 51’ S - LONG 151° 14’ E - TIME ZONE - 1000 Times and Heights(m) of high and low waters Time - Height(m) Time - Height(m)
Time - Height(m)
THU - 1 0357 1.14 0942 0.62 1626 1.50 2316 0.62 SUN - 4 0048 0.48 0639 1.24 1214 0.54 1846 1.65 WED - 7 0231 0.34 0830 1.37 1412 0.44 2035 1.73 SAT - 10 0409 0.32 1019 1.46 1613 0.45 2225 1.61 TUE - 13 0605 0.42 1235 1.50 1849 0.55
FRI 0500 1037 1719
-2 1.15 0.61 1.54
MON - 5 0125 0.42 0718 1.29 1255 0.50 1924 1.69 THU - 8 0303 0.32 0904 1.40 1450 0.43 2110 1.71 SUN - 11 0445 0.34 1100 1.48 1659 0.48 2306 1.52 WED - 14 0046 1.33 0655 0.46 1331 1.51 2000 0.56
SAT - 3 0007 0.55 0554 1.19 1129 0.58 1805 1.60 TUE - 6 0200 0.37 0754 1.33 1333 0.46 2000 1.72 FRI - 9 0336 0.31 0941 1.43 1530 0.43 2146 1.67 MON - 12 0523 0.37 1145 1.49 1750 0.52 2352 1.43 THU - 15 0153 1.25 0754 0.50 1436 1.55 2118 0.52
APPROX. TIME LAG AFTER FORT DENISON Ettalong 40 min, Rip Bridge 2hrs - Wisemans Ferry 2 hrs 30 min, Koolewong 2 hrs 10 min In view of the variations caused by local conditions and meteorological effects, these times are approximate and must be considered as a guide only. They are not to be relied on for critical depth calculations for safe navigation. Actual times of High and Low Water may occur before or after the times indicated
“We are committed to continue working with groups like Toukley Tennis Club to provide excellent sports facilities for locals.” Tennis coach Mr Allan McDonald, a long standing representative of the club, said he was delighted with the outcome. “Council has done a great job executing this project and the end results are just fantastic,” Mr McDonald said. “Already we have more people using the courts and have had an increase in enquiries about coaching. “It’s a real credit to council and highlights what a great job they’ve done when we hear people talking about how good the courts look.” Toukley Tennis Club is now planning to apply for additional funding to improve the two asphalt court surfaces at the facility. Media release, 22 Jul 2013, Wyong Shire Council
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The redeveloped program, endorsed by Surfing NSW, will provide future surfing champions with ground breaking technology and training skills that will set them apart. The Academy’s surfing program, led by a team of Central Coast elite surfing professionals, will bring skills, knowledge and experience from competing with the world’s best surfers. The CCAS will also bring in its new media sponsor www. to assist with video analysis, film and production of
powerful digital media. The future in digital media and marketing has a strong influence in gaining support and brand development for surfers. Athletes in the program will benefit from quadcopter video analysis. This is a state of the art development that has not been provided at a regional academy level before. In addition to the digital media platform, surfers will receive numerous benefits including guest coaching sessions, plyometric training for aerial manoeuvres,
surfing specific education sessions and a CCAS merchandise kit. “The Central Coast has an impressive talent depth in surfing,” CCAS managing director Mr Ian Robilliard said. “This program and the content to be provided will be unmatched. “Having watched this program develop, I look forward in anticipation of a program that is not only ground breaking but fosters our future stars.” Media release, 18 Jul 2013, Central Coast Academy of Sport
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4333 8555
Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 - P23
Tennis courts leased to Wyong District Tennis Association
t its ordinary meeting of Wednesday, July 24, Wyong Council resolved to lease land on Levitt St, Wyong, to the Wyong District Tennis Association.
The lease will be for a duration of 12 months, at a commencing rate of $100 per annum. The site includes 10 tennis courts and a small utility building. At this nominal rate, the Association remains responsible for all maintenance of the premises including the court surfaces, floodlighting, fencing and buildings. It is envisaged that income from the hiring of the courts would be used to maintain the courts. The lease will further
be accompanied by a facility-specific business plan that would lay out maintenance and operational requirements such as booking fee rates, insurance requirements and tennis operations. It would also outline surface replacement and program development to ensure that the community are able to continue to access the site to play tennis. Council has identified the Levitt St site, which encompasses the tennis courts, as an “iconic site”. At this stage, council
has no immediate plans for the redevelopment of the site. However, as that position could change in a short period of time, council does not intend to enter into any long term lease arrangement. As such, the lease remains subject to council’s right to terminate with one month’s written notice to the Association. Wyong Council Agenda 4.1, 24 Jul 2013 Aerial view of Levitt St tennis court which has been marked by Wyong Council as an “iconic site”
AVOID DELAYS: PRE-PURCHASE TICKETS THROUGH TICKETEK available at the Stadium Ticketek outlet or call 132 849 or visit
P24 - Wyong Regional Chronicle - August 1, 2013 P
Black and Anido win World Championship paddleboard event yong Council lifeguard Terrene Black has taken out first place in the 17th annual Molokai to Oahu Paddleboard World Championships held in Hawaii on Sunday, July 28.
Ms Black has been a lifeguard for the past nine years and runs council’s lifeguard service based operations. The event is considered the most prestigious on the world paddleboard racing circuit and requires competitors to paddle a distance of 51.2 km between the two Hawaiian islands. The Toowoon Bay based lifeguard completed the gruelling course in five hours, 40 minutes and 40 seconds to win the open women’s division in difficult conditions. “I knew about an hour into the race that we weren’t going to be breaking any records,” said Ms Black, a former NSW surfing champion.
“I thought ‘I’m just racing these girls and I need to make the most out of every bump’…but it was really tough.” Wyong Council’s Will Anido also won the O40 division of the competition in Hawaii. Mr Anido has been a Wyong Council lifeguard since 1990 and is also based at Toowoon Bay. He finished third in last year’s event. “The successes of Terrene and Will in this prestigious event is a testament to the overall fitness and skills of council’s lifeguards,” council’s natural areas operations manager Mr Luke Sulkowski said. “It recognises the abilities of our lifeguards as elite watermen and
women. “This is one of the reasons why the Wyong Shire Council lifeguard service has demonstrated the best safety record in Australia with no lives lost within two kilometres of line of sight of a flagged area. “The results of Terrene and Will build on other achievements earlier in the year where Soldiers Beach lifeguard Stuart Sohier was recognised as the National Professional Ocean Lifeguard of the Year and his Soldiers Beach co-lifeguard Scott Higgins was crowned National Professional Lifeguard Mission Champion.” Lifeguard Terrene Black
Media release, 30 Jul 2013, Wyong Shire Council
Wyong Roos lose 30-12 to Wests Tigers he Wyong Roos met the Wests Tigers at Morrie Breen Oval in Kanwal on Sunday, July 21, in Round 19 of the VB NSW Rugby League Cup.
Prior to the match, eight points separated the seventh placed Tigers from the 12th placed Roos on the competition ladder. The Roos were quietly confident of a victory after running close when these teams last clashed at Campbelltown. This confidence did not transfer to on field performance, with Wests in front 18-0 after 10 minutes. Back rower Ben Murdock-Masila ran a strong inside line to storm over for the first try. Half Jack Madden ran unchallenged to the line for the second, after Murdock-Masila again split the defence near halfway before linking with fullback Sean Meaney in support. Shaun Spence crossed for the third try, knocking aside three attempted
tackles in a strong burst close to the line. Meaney converted all three tries, and from the home team’s perspective, the game was virtually gone. Half Johno Ford earned a repeat set from a well-judged kick into the goal area, but as Wyong explored potential weaknesses on both edges of the Tigers defence, lack of numbers supporting the ball carrier meant these threats were easily contained. Wyong went close to scoring when backrower Marvin Filipo speared towards the line on the end of a block for block play, only to lose the ball as he wrestled to make a grounding. The Tigers further emphasised their superiority when Moses Pangi forced his way over from acting half. Meaney again had no trouble converting, leaving the score Wests 24 – Wyong 0. Meaney extended the lead with a penalty goal moments before the break. The half time score
Ben Murdoch-Masila proves a handful for Jono Ford and Matt Nelson Photo: Andrew Stark
board read Tigers 26 – Roos 0. Coach Paul Stringer conceded victory was beyond the Roos, but demanded a better effort in the second stanza. However, MurdockMasila stripped Roos’ fullback Grant Nelson in goal as he attempted to return the ball into the
field of play. Pangi jumped on the loose ball and the Tigers were ahead 30 – 0. Meaney missed the conversion. Nelson tried to make amends when he threaded his way through the Tigers’ right side defence, but lost the ball over the line.
Soon after, the Roos opened their account. Five eighth Brad Bennett squared up the Wests’ defenders and punched past them into the backfield. Bennett passed the ball inside to Vaha Pulu who in turn passed to replacement Lionel O’Mally who crossed
near the posts. Matt Nelson converted, taking the score to Tigers 30 – Roos 6. Wyong doubled up when Vaha broke through several tackles, stepping in behind the ruck in a solo effort. Nelson again converted and the score was Tigers 30 – Roos 12. Wyong finished the scoring when Bennett again squared up the defence with some hard straight running, allowing Vaha to charge through the hole left by the retreating defenders. Nelson kicked his third conversion, with the final score being Wests Tigers 30 – Wyong Roos 18. Murdock-Masila was unstoppable at times and must be close to securing a permanent position in the Wests NRL squad. Ford and prop Eloni Vunakece were Wyong’s best. O’Mally impressed in the short time he was on the paddock. Media release, 24 Jul 2013, Matt Lavin, Wyong Rugby League Club Group