C21 Market Pulse | May 2022 | New Zealand

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HOW TO STYLE YOUR HOME FOR SALE: TIPS TO MAXIMISE YOUR PRICE When you're selling your home, it's important to make sure that it looks its best. You want potential buyers to be able to imagine themselves living in the property, and styling it in a way that maximises its appeal is a great way to do this. LESS IS ALWAYS MORE


adding some decorative touches

One of the most important things

Including statement furniture

to these spaces, such as a pot of

to keep in mind when styling your

pieces is another great way to

flowers or a patio set. This will help

home for sale is that less is more.

maximise the appeal of your home.

to create a good first impression

You want potential buyers to be able

These pieces can be used to create

for potential buyers and make them

to see the property's potential, and

focal points in a room and can help

more likely to want to see the inside

cluttered rooms can make it difficult

to add personality and character.

of the property.

for them to do this. If you have a lot

When choosing furniture for your

of personal belongings, consider

home, it's important to keep in

putting them into storage while

mind the style of the property

your home is on the market. This

and the tastes of potential buyers.

will allow potential buyers to really

At Century 21 we recommend using

see the property as their own.

a stylist or staging company to

LET THERE BE LIGHT (AND AIR)! Another tip is to focus on creating a light and airy feel in your home. This can be achieved by painting walls

assist you in creating a look that will appeal to a wide range of people and showcase your property to its greatest potential.

Finally, it's important to make sure that your home is clean and tidy at all times. This includes both the inside and outside of the property. First impressions are important, so you want to make sure that buyers are impressed from the moment they arrive. A clean and well-presented home will help to maximise your chances of achieving a successful sale.

of natural light comes into the


property. Buyers are often attracted

One of the most important things

your way to styling your home for

to homes that feel bright and

to keep in mind when styling your

sale in a way that will help you to

spacious. A neutral palette of whites

home for sale is that potential

achieve the best possible price.

(either warm or cold – depending on

buyers will often judge a property

For more information on how to

the amount of natural light available)

based on its exterior. Make sure

style your home for sale, or if you're

works well for interiors. Painting

that your garden is tidy and well-

thinking of selling your property,

walls will often be discussed by your

maintained, and that your driveway

please contact us at Century 21.

agent and included in marketing

and porch are clean and clutter-

We'd be happy to assist you!

options for the property.

free. You may want to consider


in light colours, and ensuring plenty




Follow these tips and you'll be on

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