1 minute read
from Tacit Knowledge
In any given company, a wealth of knowledge and ideas exist beyond the CEO‘s expertise. Referred to as ‚tacit knowledge‘, much of it remains unshared and lost forever. This type of knowledge goes beyond what is required to complete tasks; it encompasses the untapped intellectual resources of employees.
In some companies, conformity dampens the pursuit of novel ideas. However, in Silicon Valley, there is a thirst for the innovative ideas of their workforce. Companies like Google and Facebook explicitly encourage their employees‘ creativity to fuel their work. Dianna Yau, a product manager at Facebook, offers a testimony to this culture: „When I started my first project at Facebook, [...]“
During a conversation with a tech manager, I mentioned my project and was met with immediate enthusiasm and a willingness to assist. This experience is not uncommon on Facebook, where individuals are eager to offer their aid, connections, and resources. This culture of collaboration is fairly distinctive and differs from my past experiences in other companies, where employees tended to work in isolation.
In many situations, a problem can elicit a diverse range of solutions from five or ten individuals. However, in larger corporations, a uniform approach is often enforced,