CEP NZ School Catalogue 2021

Page 12

Curriculum overview Years 8–9

War of the

The Jesus


Spirit World

Foundation series

Finding Your Way


Examines and

3 titles that examine

A complete

The Sermon on the

puts into its proper

the radical life

Bible overview

Mount has some of

place all the ‘weird’

that Jesus led,

from Genesis to

Jesus’ most famous

supernatural stuff

how all scripture

Revelation, putting

and toughest

with a biblical

foreshadowed and

every major event

teachings. This is


was fulfilled in him,

and personality

what it looks like to

of the reality of

and the nature of

in context.

follow him.

the universe.

the Christian life.

Mistaken Identity?

The Psalms

Your Sneaking

Think Faith

An examination

Seven psalms show


8 fully digitised

of the claims of

the timeless joy that

Humourous, yet

units of 8 lessons

Jesus, his profound

music and poetry

weighty examination


teachings, why

offer as a form of

of how the idea of

for all of Years 8

he went where

worship. These

God generally, and

and 9. Topics cover

he did, who he

ancient songs have

the Christian faith

various books and

chose to speak to

much to teach

specifically, holds

personalities of the

and, critically, the

us in our modern

up even in our

Bible and the nature

significance of it all.


modern culture.

of the Christian life.


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