Curriculum overview Years 1–7
Year 7 Preschool
Year 1
Big Questions
Hello God
Beginning with God
An alternative for the last year of primary,
An introduction
A one-year, stand-alone
Term 1 and 2 focus on God and Jesus,
to the Christian
program of 40 lessons
who they are, what they have done
faith, exploring
covering the unfolding
and what this means for people today.
God’s character,
plans of God throughout
Terms 3 and 4 study what it means
world and promises
the whole Bible with a
to be a Christian and how Christians
through Jesus.
special focus on Jesus.
should deal with today’s problems.
Years 2–3
Years 4–5
Years 6–7
Connect Cycle B
Connect Cycle B
Connect Cycle B
40 lessons per year
Covers the same passages
Covers the same passages
presented in two
as Stage 1 but at a Stage 2
as Stage 1 but at a Stage 3
semesters, B1 and B2.
learning level.
learning level.
Term 1 studies Jesus’ life from Luke’s Gospel,
Term 3 looks at the promises given to Moses
continually asking, ‘Who is Jesus?’ as his
and Joshua and shows how they are fulfilled
teaching and healing point to the revelation
in Jesus and are for all people at all time.
that he is the fulfilment of all God’s promises.
Term 4 looks at the Christian gospel through
Term 2 looks at the promises made to
Romans showing that we cannot earn God’s
Abraham and shows how these promises were
favour, rather it is a gift given freely through
ultimately given to all people through Jesus.
faith in Jesus, God’s risen Son.