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Halo Guarantee update
At the recent Annual General Meeting we announced a decision by the New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) Board to progress with the development and launch of a Halo 10 Year Residential Guarantee, through a subsidiary of NZCB, Halo Guarantees Limited. This decision was based on the NZCB Board receiving a formal report from an Independent Actuary on the risk profiling. This report has now been received and is in line with what the NZCB Board was seeking.
Grant Florence and the team at NZCB National Support Office have been working hard on the establishment of the Halo Guarantee and as this is being developed through a separate operation of NZCB, there are multiple projects being managed at once:
1. Legal (Geoff Hardy of Martelli McKegg Lawyers) We are nearly there with the guarantee document and application forms. This is a complex piece of work.
2. Governance
The NZCB Board is investigating various governance options for Halo Guarantees Limited.
3. Accounting
A specialist guarantee accounting adviser is working on our financial accounts and tax setups.
4. Web Development/IT
The revised online building contracts are ready and the new online Halo application forms are being built.
5. Administration processes
Phone/post and domain names are done. HR resources are still to be filled for Halo Guarantee
6. Marketing and advertising
New advertising brochures and adverts are in the final stages of completion.
This work is progressing well, but there is still a little more to do before I can give a date when we can start accepting Halo applications.
As mentioned in the past, Halo Guarantees Limited will be accepting applications for jobs that may have already started in anticipation of Halo being restarted and applications for these jobs can be received retrospectively once we have a start date.
I don’t expect this to be too much longer. Watch out for further updates on Halo, due out shortly. In the meantime, I thank you for your patience and support.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the team at the National Support Office.