NZCB Board changes 2022 It’s been a busy start to the year for the New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) Board, with one of the Member Director positions coming up for renewal. This position has been held by Ian Chamberlain of Chamberlain Carpentry & Joinery in Taupō for the past three years.
2022 NZCB Board Members, top row from left to right: Chairperson Nick Farrelly, Vice Chairperson Mike Hayward, Member Director Mike Craig. Bottom row from left to right: Member Director Garry Nott, Independent Director Katrina Bach and Independent Director Andrée Atkinson.
Ian chose to stand for re-election and a Call for Nominations went out to members in April, with one person being nominated. The nominee was Garry Nott of Tasman Homes (Nelson) Limited, in Nelson. In May, we went out to members to vote on who they would like to represent them on the NZCB Board for the one Member Director position – we received 210 votes. At this year’s NZCB Annual General Meeting, held via Zoom on 16 June, it was announced Garry Nott had been the successful candidate and elected onto the NZCB Board.
demonstrated an extraordinarily high level of commitment and passion during his time on the NZCB Board. I look forward to a continued relationship with Ian as he continues to advocate for NZCB through his involvement on external boards and groups, including the Building Officials Institute of New Zealand (BOINZ). Ian is passionate about youth development through his roles on the Boards of Lake Taupō Rotary and Taupō Pathways, so I’m sure there are many great things to come!
Welcome Garry I would like to welcome our new Member Director, Garry, to the NZCB Board.
Thank you, Ian Ian has been a member of the Association since 2005 and was elected onto the NZCB Board as a Member Director in 2019. During his time, Ian has held the role of Chairperson for the past year after previously holding the role of Vice Chairperson from 2020 to 2021. Prior to being on the NZCB Board, Ian held the position of NZCB Taupō President from 2010 to 2014 and Vice President from 2017 to 2019.
Garry has over 30 years’ experience in the industry, including 10 years teaching carpentry at the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT). Garry believes being a tutor and manager of trades has given him the opportunity to look at the industry from a different perspective.
I would like to acknowledge and thank Ian for his contributions to the NZCB Board. He has helped develop the Association’s processes and future over the last three years. Ian has
In 2007, Garry and his wife Paulette started their own construction company, Tasman Homes (Nelson) Limited, and currently employ 15 staff, seven of which are apprentices in various stages of training.