In this manual you will find information of interest during your time at the institution.
We want your experience at CESA to be unique, enjoying the campus and all its services.



are a team of more than 150 people who work Here
work to make your experience at CESA the best!
with whom you can be supported.


Rocha House
IG: juntospodemoscesa

See all the houses with our interactive map here

Monday to Friday 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Telephone: 339 53 00 Ext. 1310

Innovation Building

Lleva al CESA siempre contigo con la
Tienda CESA

Tiquetes de rutas CESA
Lunes a viernes de 8:30 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. y de 1:00 p.m. a 5:30 p.m.

Sábados de 8:30 a.m. a 10:30 a.m.
Fotocopias Papelería Editorial Books
Casa Lleras
Access the physical, technological and virtual resources of CESA with our

Monday to Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., continuous day.
Mail: serviciosbiblioteca@cesa.edu.co
Telephone: (601) 339 53 00 ext. 1189 / 1120

WhatsApp: +57 318 373 68 99
Library House – next to Incolda

A cozy and hygienic space to express, store and preserve breast milk

Nursing Family Friendly Room

Monday to Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Monday to Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
*Daily use.
* If you leave your belongings on Fridays, you must pay a $20,000 COP fine.
* Find the regulations and conditions at Mejía House. Telephone: 339 53 00 Ext. 1310 Mejía House – first floor.

DIGA is the Support Center for Reading, Speaking and Writing.
We strengthen your communication skills and turn them into a positive differentiating element.

Library House – second floor
Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Schedule your appointment in advance by email: diga@cesa.edu.co
Telephone: 339 53 00 ext. 1224
SUMA seeks to develop your mathematical and statistical thinking (numerical, variation and random), applied to Business Administration.
Innovation Building – fourth floor
Schedule your appointment in advance by email: suma@cesa.edu.co
Telephone: 339 53 00 Ext. 2244

Develop your financial skills with our Financial Laboratory. The center’s activities seek to bring you closer to financial issues in an entertaining way.
Telephone: 339 53 00 ext. 1249 - 1102 - 1188 - 2128
Schedule your appointment: acontrerase@cesa.edu.co laboratorio.financiero@cesa.edu.co
¡ At CESA we listen to you and act with the Comprehensive Support Program aimed at students: PAIDE!
How do I access my PAIDE? Access here

With the PAR Program learn from the hand of your peers!

It offers a space for academic and personal learning among peers, so that you have organized and scheduled support.
Monitors: student monitors who dedicate one hour a week of personalized attention to any classmate.
Ambassadors: students who support their peers in more ways than just academics.
¿ Do you want to be part of the program? Write an email to laura.bermudez@cesa.edu.co, Principal of Student Success.
Old Welfare House – second floor.

The digital student card is the key to CESA!
In this handbook you will find information of interest in your stay at the institution. We want your experience at CESA to be unique, enjoying the campus and all its services.
take care of it:
Remember that the second time you want to reissue the digital ID card has a cost of $42,800, either by deletion of the app, loss of the mobile device, etc.
*We will review the specific cases in case of an error in the application.

Aquí Here you will find how the route and parking services operate, the rates and other mobility provisions for this second half of the year.
Avoid fines, damage or theft! We invite you to use the different parking lots and circular routes so that you DO NOT leave the car parked on the street.
Routes Services
How to use routes
• Tickets for the routes can be purchased at the CESA Store in Lleras House. Monday to Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturdays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
• Each ticket thas a value of $4,000 COP, which must be given to the driver of the route when boarding the bus. Those who have previously purchased vouchers can use them.
• It is exclusive for: undergraduate students, faculty members, therefore, before boarding or at the end of the trip, the presentation of the digital card will be required.
• These tours will be available from January 23, 2023.
• The routes through Carrera 7 and Avenida 19 have two return trips in the afternoon.
• On fridays there are no routes from 5:00 p.m.
Inicio Calle 147 - Cra. 15
Cll. 147 - Cra. 9
Cll. 147 - Cra. 7
Bus Cra. Séptima
Av. 7 - Calle 140
Av. 7 - Calle 134
Cra. Séptima
Av. 7 - Calle 127
Av. 7 - Calle 116
Av. 7 - Calle 110
Cra. Séptima
Av. 7 - Calle 106
Av. 7 - Calle 100
1:45** p.m.: 19
Av. 7 - Calle 94 Av.
p.m.: 40
5:15** p.m.: 40

Cra. 7 - Calle 94
Cra. 7 - Calle 94
Cra. 7 - Calle 100
Cra. 7 - Calle 100
Cra. 7 - Calle 106
Cra. 7 - Calle 106
Cra. 7 - Calle 116
Cra. 7 - Calle 116
Cra. 7 - Calle 127
Cra. 7 - Calle 127
Cra. 7 - Calle 134
Cra. 7 - Calle 134
Calle 147 - Cra. 7
Calle 147 - Cra. 7
Calle 147 - Av. 19
Calle 147 - Av. 19
Calle 170 - Autop. Norte
Calle 170 - Autop. Norte
Bus Av. Boyacá
Bus Av. Boyacá
Cupo pasajeros
Cupo pasajeros
Passenger Quota
Mañana: 19
Mañana: 19
Paradero Hora* Av Boyacá Cll 170
a.m. Av Boyacá Cll 175
Esta ruta toma la Avenida Boyacá hasta la calle 80, de allí a la carrera 30; posteriormente subirá por la Calle 57 y tomará la carrera 13, para luego subir por la Calle 36 al CESA .
This route takes Avenida Boyacá to Calle 80, from there to Carrera 30; later it will go up Calle 57 and take Carrera 13, and then go up Calle 36 to CESA.
Esta ruta toma la Avenida Boyacá hasta la calle 80, de allí a la carrera 30; posteriormente subirá por la Calle 57 y tomará la carrera 13, para luego subir por la Calle 36 al CESA
Av. Boyacá retorno
** Esta ruta por la Boyaca va de lunes a Jueves Los viernes, es la ruta de la Av 19 la que baja hacia la boyaca por la calle 127

*Esta RUTA por la BOYACÁ va de LUNES A JUEVES. Los viernes, es la ruta de la Av. 19 la que baja hacia la Boyacá por la Calle 127.
Cupo pasajeros
Cupo pasajeros
Passenger Quote
Av- Boyacá – Cll 175
Tarde: 11
Tarde :1:50** 11
Evening: 1:50** 11
Bus Avenida 19
Inicio Calle 151 - Cra. 10
Cll. 151 Av - Cra. 19
Cll. 147 Av - Cra. 19

Av. Cra. 19 - Cll 134
Ac. Cra. 19 - Cll 127
Av. Cra. 19 - Cll 116
Av. Cra. 19 - Cll 109
Time* Time*
Cupo pasajeros
Passenger Quote
Av. Cra. 19 - Cll 100
Morning: 40
Mañana: 40
Calle 100 - Cra. 11
Cra. 11 - Cll 94
Calle 94 - Cra. 7
Avenida 19

Passenger Quotes
Evening: 1:50** p.m.: 25
*Itinerary established from Monday to Thursday. 5:20** p.m.: 40
5:15** p.m.: 40
Passenger Quotes
Morning: 19
*Keep in mind that the schedules may have variations due to mobility incidents.
** No return route operates on Fridays at 5:00 p.m.
*Use the APP -TEBSA GPS to observe the location of your route.

PCC Route Service CESA
In case you have any suggestion, congratulations, news, opinion, you can do it through the following code.

Cupo pasajeros
Mañana: 19
Cra. 5 - Calle 72
Cra. 5 - Calle 60 6:41 a.m.
*Tenga en cuenta que los horarios pueden tener variaciones por incidentes de movilidad. **Ninguna ruta de retorno opera a esta hora los días viernes Use la APP -TEBSA GPS para observar la ubicación de su ruta.
D Te 1 Descargar la aplicación Ontrack
Ingresar con el usuario:
2 cesa@gmail.com
Download the Ontrack GPS app

3 ¡Y Listo!
Enter with the username: cesa@gmail.com
1 Ingresar con el usuario y clave: cesa123
Descargar la aplicación Tebsa GPS. Y listo!
Lleras House Parking
Contraseña: Cesa123
Password: Cesa123 And done!
Parqueadero Casa Lleras
Lunes a viernes 6:00 a.m. a 9:30 p.m. / sábados de 6:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m.
(Only for permanent teachers and students)
Domingos y festivos cerrado.
Docentes de Cátedra: Los 20 primeros cupos serán rotativos y sin costo.
Monday to Friday 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. / Saturday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sundays and holidays closed.
Después de este número se debe cancelar la tarifa correspondiente
Adjunct faculty: The first 20 places will be rotating and free of charge. After this number, the corresponding fee must be paid.
Tarifa Plena: vehículos $ 19.500 /12 horas
Tarifa por minuto vehículo: $ 66 /minuto
Full Rate: vehicles $22,000 /12 hours
Rate per vehicle minute: $80 /minute
RCN sound tower parking lot (Cra. 13A # 34 - 70)
Monday to Friday 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. / Saturday from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Sundays and holidays closed.
(Cra. 13A ).
To enter the parking lot, it is essential to show the CESA digital card.
Use of circular routes which will arrive and leave in front of Old Welfare House.
Full rate: vehicles $9,000 and motorcycles $5,000
Availability of parking as of the date.
Para ingresar al parqueadero es indispensable mostrar el carné digital CESA.
Uso de rutas circulares las cuales llegarán y saldrán frente a Bienestar Antiguo
Tarifa plena: vehículos $ 8.000 y motos $ 5.000
Tarifa por minuto: vehículo $ 48 y motos $ 37
Satellite Parking (Avenida Carrera 3 No 51-30 eentrance to the parking lot by the transversal)
Parqueadero de la torre sonora de RCN Parqueadero Satélite
(Avenida Carrera 3 No 51-30 entrada al parqueadero por la transversal)
Monday to Friday 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. / Saturday from 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Lunes a viernes 6:00 a.m. a 9:30 p.m. / sábados de 6:00 a.m. a 3:00 p.m. Domingos y festivos cerrado.
Sundays and holidays closed.
Full rate: vehicles $8.000 and motorcycles $5.000
Tarifa plena: vehículos $ 8.000 y motos $ 5.000
Tarifa por minuto: vehículo $ 48 y motos $ 37
Rate per vehicle minute: vehicles $52 and motorcycles $40
Uso de rutas circulares las cuales llegarán y saldrán frente a Bienestar Antiguo.
Use of circular routes which will arrive and leave in front of Old Welfare House.

Este parqueadero estará habilitado a partir del 24 de enero 2022.
Availability of parking from January 23, 2023.
** These rates can be adjusted
Route Transmilenio Station Calle 34 with Av Caracas
People in our community who need to take the Transmilenio can use the route that goes to the parking lot of the RCN tower and get off at the Caracas station with Calle 34
Starting point- Old Welfare House located at Diagonal 34ª No. 5ª-62
Hours: Routes are available from 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. until 9:30 p.m., routes every 10 minutes approximately, this time may vary according to mobility issues that arise daily on the route
It is important to inform the driver that your stop is at the Transmilenio station, otherwise he will take you to the parking lot of the RCN tower.
Motorcycles and Bicycles
As of the second semester, the motorcycle parking lots are located in Torre RCN and Lot Av. Circunvalar. Remember that to get to CESA you can use the Av. Circunvalar route. RCN rate $5,500 and Av. Circunvalar $5,000.
Bicycle parking works at Vargas House and Arango House. In Lleras House the parking lot for skateboards is enabled. For security, do not forget to bring a padlock and guaya.
To enter the RCN tower parking lot, it is essential to show the CESA virtual card to obtain the benefit of a special rate.
Valet Parking
It is located in Incolda (Diagonal 34A # 5A-27). It has a cost of $25,000 for 12 continuous hours. Hours: monday to Friday 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. / Saturday from 6:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Remember that once your car has been dropped off, you must pick it up before the next 10 minutes have elapsed. If after this time you do not show up, the Valet employees return you to the parking lot to avoid traffic fines, which in any case will be the responsibility of the owner.
Download the Parking app for IOS and Android. Through this you can check the parking capacity.

If you require a taxi service you can contact the PBX 411 11 11 and request the service.
Cost: Per taximeter
· Desayunos ·
· Menú del día ·

Enjoy a variety of gastronomic offer!
Monday to Friday 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Saturday de 7:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m.
Know the whole menu here
Old Welfare House
· Sánduches ·
· Ensaladas ·
Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Food Plaza
Lleras House
· Comida saludable ·
· Smoothies ·
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.

Food Plaza
Lleras House
· Pokes ·
· Sushi ·
Monday to Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Friday 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Arango House
· Pasteles · · Snacks ·

Monday to Wednesday 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Thursday and Friday 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday 6:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Food Plaza
Lleras House
¡La seguridad es un tema de todos!
El Centro de Monitoreo es 24x7. Cualquier novedad que presentes comunícate a: 310 264 38 37 o la extensión 1110.

Si presentas alguna novedad durante tu jornada de estudio o laboral comunícate con el Supervisor de G4S: 313 488 17 59.
¡En la oficina de objetos perdidos puedes validar si están tus pertenencias!

Horario: lunes a sábado de 8:00 a.m. a 9:00 a.m. y de 4:00 p.m. a 5:00 p.m.
Sótano de Biblioteca

Ahorra con propósito con COINK

Cafetería Diagonal 34-II
Cambia envases por descuentos en ECOBOT

¡Es muy importante que conozcas el Reglamento General de Estudiantes! Accede aquí

Asesoría Psicológica
Casa Rocha - Segundo piso Psicóloga Diana González
Ext. 2190 - Cel: 315 753 40 76
Servicios Bienestar
*Cupos limitados con previa inscripción.
Mayor información: asistentebienestar@cesa.edu.co
Casa Rocha - Frente a la cancha
Ext. 1164 - Cel: 317 853 78 74
Edificio Innovación - Ext. 1310
Ivan Vargas / Juan Manuel Cerón
Casa Bienestar - Blanca Gutiérrez
Cita Previa - Cel: 320 406 12 34
Ext. 2280
Tienda CESA
Casa Lleras - ext. 2190
Mesa de ayuda
Cel: 317 646 99 02
Cel: 310 264 38 37 / Tel: 339 53 00
Ext. 1110
Oficina de Registro
Tel: 339 53 00 ext. 1226 / 1104
Oficina de Financiamiento
Tel: 339 53 00 ext. 1226 / 1104
O ingresa aquí Pregrado Tel: 339 53 00 ext. 2236 / 2116 /2164
Posgrado Cel: 318 465 77 12
Línea Ética 01 800 518 9191 o ingresa a la web aquí
*La línea ética es por si consideras que hay alguna situación o conducta que vaya en contra de nuestros valores.
DIGA Tel: 339 53 00 Ext. 1224
Mayor información: diga@cesa.edu.co
SUMA Tel: 339 53 00 Ext. 2244
Mayor información: suma@cesa.edu.co
Laboratorio Financiero Tel: 339 53 00 Ext. 1249 - 1102 - 1188 - 2128
Agenda tu cita: acontrerase@cesa.edu.co
Programa PAIDE y PAR
Mayor información: laura.bermudez@cesa.edu.co.