Spring Closing Guide

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UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD Office of Residential Life ~ May 2014


Hot Topics 

End of the year timeline

Check-out information

Students graduating

Closing check list

Fall room change information

End of the year damage charges and billing

Plan ahead


Lock outs during the evening from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. will end on Friday, May 2, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.

Summer Housing Application, Fall 2014 Room Change Form, and Fall Housing Request opens at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 5.

24 hour Quiet Hours begin Monday, May 5, 2014 at 10:00 p.m. and remain in effect until the halls close on Sunday, May 18, 2014 at 5:00 p.m.

Midnight Breakfast will be held at The Commons on Monday, May 5, 2014, 10:00 p.m. to midnight.

Check out shifts begin on Wednesday May 7 at 10:00 a.m.

The late stay request deadline is on Wednesday, May 7, 2014.

Final exams begin Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. and end on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at 10:00 p.m. 

Final Exam Schedule: http://bit.ly/FExams

Residents must vacate their housing assignment no later than 24 hours after their last final exam or by Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. whichever comes first.

For Graduating Seniors the Residence Halls Close at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 18.

NOTE: This timeline does not apply to residents residing on the Asylum Avenue Campus. AAC residents are permitted to remain in their Townhouse unit for the duration of the break as long as they are returning to their assigned space for the fall 2014 semester unless graduating.

Check Out Information


10 am to 10 p.m.

May 14th:

10 am to 1 p.m. (all halls close at 1 p.m. to students not graduating)

CHECK-OUT LOCATIONS: A Complex (Andrews, Barlow, Crandall, & Olmstead):

Barlow 102

B Complex (Reeve, Beecher, Stevens, & Warner):

Beecher 102

C Complex (Poe, Willard, Malcolm X, & Dubois):

Malcom X Lobby

D Complex (King, Smith, Occum, & Roth):

Smith 101

E Complex (Bushnell, Garvey, Hillyer, & Whitney):

Webster Lobby

F Complex (Gallaudet, Barnard, Webster, & Stowe):

Webster Lobby

Hawk Hall:

Hawk Hall 103 (RA Office)

Regents Park:

Fireside Lounge (1st Floor of Regents Park)

Park River:

3rd Floor Park River RA Office

Village Apartments:

VA 7105

Avoid Improper Check Out Fee ($50.00)

If these checkout hours do not work with your schedule, plan ahead to arrange an appointment. You must give at least 24 hours notice for appointments beyond these posted hours.

Duty Cell Phone Numbers A Complex


B Complex


C Complex


D Complex


E Complex


F Complex


Hawk Hall


Park River


Regents Park


Village Apts.


Asylum Avenue


You can do it too! Clean, check-out, and then enjoy the water.

Students Graduating If you are graduating, you must check out of your room assignment by going to your check-out area or calling your area duty phone. Staff will be available to assist you daily during the advertised check-out times. You are welcome to check out any time beginning Wednesday, May 7 at 10:00 a.m. and ending Sunday, May 18 at 5:00 p.m.

Students graduating or authorized by residential life to stay late will receive an email on May 14 notifying them of the check-out hours between May 15 – May 18.

To check out go to the designated check out location for your area or call your area duty phone. A check out is considered a check out when you turn in your keys and get your check out receipt.

Closing Check List □ Clean Your room/suite/apartment thoroughly. 

Place your bagged garbage directly into the open dumpsters

Vacuum/sweep the entire room/ suite/ apartment

Clean your bathroom (i.e. shower, toilet and vanity)

Clean kitchen or kitchenette (do not unplug university refrigerator)

Remove perishable foods

Bring items to donation location or sell them at the Inaugural Village Tag Sale, Tuesday, May 6 from 12-5 p.m. on the Village Lawn

□ Be sure to take 

Everything with you except your room keys.

□ Lock all windows and pull down blind/shades. □ Make sure your have locked your room door and front door. Windows and doors which won’t lock/secure need to be promptly called into Facilities 860.768.7925 or email facsvcs@hartford.edu.


Anyone who desires a room change for the fall semester needs to fill out the online Room Change Request Form. This form is located on the Residential Life website and will be available on Monday May 5, 2014.

All requests must be submitted via the online request form – any request made via email will not be considered.

Fall 2014 Room Change Requests Must Be Submitted By Friday, July 18, 2014.

I bet you are thinking about the cleaning you have to do.

No, I'm thinking about a room change for the fall

Damage Charges and Billing In years past students had the option to do an escorted or express check-out. If a student did an express check-out they waived their right to appeal any damage charges. This year we have streamlined the check-out process and made it easier for students by eliminating escorted check-out. At your check-out location the RA staff will provide an opportunity for all students to review their room condition form if the student submitted one upon their arrival. The room condition form is a record of the condition of your room/ apartment/suite when you moved into your housing assignment. Any damages and cleaning costs are determined by the Facilities Department and Residential Life. Do not wait to see if you get a bill, discuss with your roommates now if there are known issues in your room and ensure the appropriate individual will take responsibility. Keep in mind that it is against The Source and Housing Agreement for any individual other than Facilities Department staff to make any repairs to damages in your assigned space. Any attempt at repairs will still result in charges for the initial damage as well as undoing attempted repairs. Students are reminded to monitor their University of Hartford email account throughout the summer. Any damage invoices will be communicated through email to your university email account no later than June 16, 2014. Appeals are only accepted through our End of the Year Damage Appeal form which will be posted on our residential life website on or after May 30, 2014. The deadline to submit an appeal is on Monday, June 30, 2014. Ensure you have a damage assessment on your account prior to submitting an appeal. For further details about our damage billing process and the damage billing appeal system visit: http://bit.ly/Sb20pX

Typical End of the Year Fees Check your University of Hartford email for a billing invoice and check your student account in self-service. Lost Village or Regents keys


All other lost keys


Improper check out


Residents will be responsible for costs associated with removal of trash deemed hazardous or unsanitary.



Quiet Hours are intended to provide an atmosphere conducive for all community members to study and sleep during the final exam period. Students who violate quiet hours are subject too immediate removal from the residential area. They begin Monday, May 5 at 10:00. p.m.

Late Stay requests are granted to students with extreme circumstances which allow them to stay a bit longer after their last final exam. However, all students must leave by Sunday, May 18, 2014 at 5:00 p.m.

Summer Ter m classes give students an opportunity to accelerate their degree attainment. For more information regarding:

Early Ar rival requests by students not taking a summer term class who are arriving for fall semester will become available on July 10, 2014. Please note all doors will be secured and card access will not be available, unless a student had been approved for early arrival. The last day requests will be accepted is Friday, August 8, 2014.

Tuition - http://bit.ly/1lzybK6 Housing - http://bit.ly/ZCw10S Summer housing requests are ongoing throughout the summer. Move in date is the day before the start of each summer session term.


Meal plans for the fall 2014 semester begin on Sunday, August 31, 2014. Should you need to change your selection, you can do so in your housing application until Wednesday, August 27. After this date you will have to contact the ID office to make a change.



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University of Hartford 200 Bloomfield Avenue Office of Residential Life West Hartford, CT 06117 Phone: 860.768.7792 Fax: 860.768.7902 E-mail: reslife@hartford.edu

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