Orientation 2014

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office of

residential life

860.768.7792 reslife@hartford.edu www.hartford.edu/reslife https://www.facebook.com/UofHORL https://twitter.com/orlatuofh https://www.youtube.com/user/UHAORL

welcome to the Immunization Policy Connecticut state legislature requires that every student who resides in on-campus housing must show proof of receiving the meningococcal vaccination. Immunization records and health forms can be faxed to 860.768.5140, or mailed to Student Health Services, University of Hartford, 200 Bloomfield Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06117. For more information, visit our health services website at http://bit.ly/UhartHealth. Parking Policy New students are welcome to purchase a parking permit through the self-service center in early August. The cost for a parking permit for a full academic year is $470. Parking permits are required by the first day of class each semester. Please be aware that the University of Hartford offers shuttle services both on and off campus for the convenience of students, the entire UHart community, and guests. For more information, visit our Campus Shuttle website at http://bit.ly/UhartShuttle and Parking Services website at http://bit.ly/UhartParking. (Updated dates and schedules for the 2014–15 academic year will be released in August.) Hawk Card Every student will get a student ID, also called Hawk Card. Your Hawk Card can make purchases by using Hawk Cash, Dining Dollars, or Meal Plan. Your Hawk Card is also used for access to residence halls and selected labs. Hawk Cash Hawk Cash can be used at the bookstore, vending machines, and with selected merchants off campus. For more information, please visit our 2

Halls Hawk Card website at http://www.hawkcard.com/. Dining Dollars and Meal Plans are used on campus at dining facilities. Dining on Campus With 11 different places to eat on campus, there are a variety of food options for you. We are pleased to announce that our residential dining facility is being renovated. This will enhance the student dining experience with great flexibility, better value, more variety, and a more inviting space. For more information, please visit our Dining website at http://bit.ly/UhartDining. Mail Services Your mailbox number will be provided to you in your final housing assignment email in August. Your combination for your mailbox can be obtained upon arrival by visiting Mail Services desk located in the bottom floor of the Gengras Student Union (GSU). Mail, packages, newspaper, and magazine subscriptions are delivered directly to the Mail Services office. Mail should be addressed as: Name Box Number 200 Bloomfield Ave West Hartford, CT 06117

Your Room and Responsibilities When and How Room and Roommate Assignments Are Made A standard occupancy room, designed for either two or three individuals, is guaranteed to those students who deposited on or prior to May 1. Housing deposits will continue to be received after the due date; however, housing will be assigned on a space-available basis. Students will be housed by Orientation Session (with roommate requests taking precedence). Hawk Hall Residential Learning Communities are confirmed prior to the first orientation session. Applications received after the priority deadline of May 5 will be considered once there is an open spot within a community. New students can request roommates; however, consideration will only be given to requests that are mutually accepted. Only mutual requests and acceptances made through the housing application will be considered. In addition, all requests must be made and accepted by June 20. A roommate request is not required and our assignments team will assign a roommate based on the answers to the profile questions.

Finally, initial assignments are made and determined in early July. An email containing building name, floor number, and a list of floormates will be sent during the first week of July. At that point, a second round of roommate requests will be available. In that email, there will be directions on how a student can request a roommate from the list of floormates provided. The final room and roommate assignment notification will be emailed during the first full week of August. This email will provide each roommate’s name and contact information. No further room changes can be made from this point until after the second week of classes. AlcoholEdu All new students must complete AlcoholEdu/Haven for College, which is an online, confidential, science-based course on alcohol and campus safety. Part one of this course will take 2–3 hours and must be completed before moving into your fall housing assignment. Information on how to access and sign up for this course was distributed in your orientation packet, and information about part two will be sent via email by the Connections Health Education and Wellness Center. Where Students Live On Campus » 68.0% reside on campus » 3,512 students live in 34 buildings » 6.0% live in a residential learning community » 35.6% live in traditional style residence halls with air-conditioned furnished rooms and floor bathrooms (first-year housing)

» 29.1% live in suites—like apartments, but no kitchens (upperclass housing) » 35.3% live in fully equipped apartments with kitchens (upperclass housing)

Tuesday, September 2 Student Organization Fair sponsored by Student Government Association (SGA) Alumni Plaza (outside of Hawk Hall) 4–8 p.m.

Glance of First Week We know that students who attend and engage themselves in the Welcome Week events are more confident when they start classes because they meet new friends, explore academic and co-curricular opportunities, navigate campus, and learn to acclimate into campus life. It is also a time to kick back and have fun before the hard work begins. Saturday, August 30 Coordinated Opening Lawn Activities sponsored by Campus Activities Team (CAT), Greek Life, and Undergraduate Commuter Association (UCA) GSU Lawn, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.

Wednesday, September 3 First Night sponsored by CAT Alumni Plaza (outside of Hawk Hall), 4–8 p.m.

Saturday, August 30 Convocation followed by “The Big H” and barbecue sponsored by Student Success Center (SSC) Lincoln Theater, 5:30 p.m. Saturday, August 30 Residence Hall Floor Meetings sponsored by Residential Life Ask RA for location and details, 8–10 p.m. Saturday, August 30 RHA Glow Party sponsored by Residence Hall Association (RHA) GSU Café 9:30 p.m.–12:30 a.m. Sunday, August 31 Freshman Day of Choices sponsored by SSC Times and locations TBA Sunday, August 31 Freshman Fun Day sponsored by Residential Life, RHA, and CAT Alumni Plaza (outside of Hawk Hall), 7–11 p.m.

Thursday, September 4 Greek Life First Night sponsored by Greek Life and CAT Alumni Plaza (outside of Hawk Hall), 7–11 p.m. Friday, September 5 Welcome Back Party sponsored by CAT Gengras Student Union (GSU), 10 p.m.–1 a.m. Saturday, September 6 Zumba Fitness by Hawk Hall RA, Aika Aluc Alumni Plaza (outside of Hawk Hall), 3–5 p.m. Tuesday, September 9 CAT’s Open House and Ice Cream Social sponsored by CAT Suisman Lounge, GSU, 12–2 p.m. Make Your Room Your Home We want you to be able to personalize your space as much as possible, within certain guidelines and limitations—most having to do with safety. We have found that it is best to bring basic essentials at first, and then accentuate your room after you have moved in and become comfortable. Here is a short list of suggested items. Please be aware that there are a number of items that are not permitted. Please become familiar with this list located on the Office of Residential Life website or by following this link, http://bit.ly/UhartList. Possession of unauthorized items can result in item confiscation and student conduct referral.


Personal items to bring » Soap, toiletries, shower basket » Bathrobe, towels/washcloths » Hair care products, hair dryer » Laundry basket, detergent (laundry facilities are located in each building at no charge) » Alarm clock » Headphones Some potential items for discussion with your roommate » Iron and ironing board » Swiffer/vacuum, cleaning supplies » Television » Stereo » DVD player » Small refrigerator, no larger than 3.6 cubic feet » Small microwave (no restrictions) Property insurance The University will not be able to reimburse you for any theft, loss, or damages to your belongings because of fire, flood, water leak, etc. Please check your family’s homeowner’s

or apartment dweller’s policy; it will probably cover your belongings while they are on campus. If you are interested in obtaining renter’s insurance, please consult our preferred vendor list at http://bit.ly/1j9xckh.


Services Information Technology Services (ITS) Each resident has a separate data line, but must bring his or her own ethernet cord. Our network is designed to work with both Windows and Macintosh computers. In addition, all residence halls have wireless connectivity available to our wifi network called Hawknet. Anti-Virus and windows/software updates are required in order to be on our network. The Computer Support Center (CSC), located in the lower floor of the Beatrice Fox Auerbach Administration building, is a free source for computer help provided by ITS and is available to all currently registered students. Its intent is to be used as a resource to help those who wish to connect and use the University’s network and email system. Here, you can report a problem with the network, get help connecting to the wireless system, get help removing viruses from your computer, and have computer-related questions answered. The following computer labs on campus are supported by ITS: Mortensen Library (Windows and Mac), Allen Library (Windows and Mac), Auerbach Hall 113 (Windows only), and East Hall (Windows only). For more information, visit our campus network website at http://bit.ly/UhartNetwork. Cable Television Cable television service is provided at no additional cost in all residential buildings. Outlets are distributed differently in various buildings for upperclass students. In all first-year student residences, there is one outlet per bedroom. For more information, visit our Cable TV website at http://bit.ly/UhartCable. Facilities Services Facilities consists of 12 departments that manage custodial, grounds, routine maintenance, furniture, construction, renovations, trash control, and emergency response services. Call 860.768.7925 or email

at facsvcs@hartford.edu if you have questions or to request needed work in your area. For more information, visit our Facilities Tips and Tricks website at http://bit.ly/UhartFacilities. Policies Regarding Alcohol and Drugs The University of Hartford abides by Connecticut state law and local ordinances pertaining to the consumption, possession, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages. The legal drinking age in the State of Connecticut for beer, wine, and liquor is 21. For students under the age of 21, it is a violation of The Source (Code of Student Conduct) to » Consume, sell, distribute, possess, or purchase alcoholic beverages For all students, regardless of age, it is a violation of The Source to: » Possess equipment that is determined to be used for binge-drinking games » Possess empty alcoholic beverage containers within an underage residence » Possess, use, storage, sale, or distribution of any dangerous, illicit, or illegal drugs, or legal drugs not prescribed for a student’s personal use by a licensed physician. For more information, visit The Source website at http://bit.ly/1sD1GNh. FERPA The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) limits access to the information contained in student records by third parties. A Consent to Release Student Information (FERPA form) form must be on file giving permission to release student information to third parties. If there is no form on file or the form excludes the person requesting information, the University cannot release information regarding the student. Students can update account access information online through the Student Self-Service Center. For more information, visit

the FERPA website at http://bit.ly/UhartFerpa. Visitation Policy There are no specific restrictions regarding visitations. Residents may have guests of either gender visit in their rooms 24 hours a day so long as their roommate(s) agrees. With that said, all residents are responsible for their non-student guest(s) and, therefore, for their guests’ behavior; guests should remain with their host and not roam about campus on their own. If a guest is displaying inappropriate behavior, the student host will be held responsible. All guests must comply with the University rules and regulations. Overnight guests (both student and nonstudent) are permitted only with permission of your room/suite/ apartment mates. Guests are normally limited to a maximum stay of two consecutive nights per month. If agreements with roommates cannot be reached, the rights of the roommates supersede those of the guest. The occupants of that suite/apartment may determine visitation hours for each suite/apartment. Housing Agreement Release Policy Your housing agreement is binding for the entire academic year (August–May). Releases from the housing agreement are granted only under exceptional circumstances, for example: » medical reason with documentation » part-time status » mid-year graduation » withdrawal from the University » transfer to another institution If you wish to petition for release from your housing agreement, you must email your request. Please note that an approved agreement release does not always result in a refund of your housing deposit. Please be aware that the Office of Residential life follows the University refund policy and schedule.

Safety and Security Resources at the University When using a campus phone line dial the last four digits only. Public Safety Emergency 24 hours 860.768.7777 Public Safety Routine Calls 860.768.7985 Anonymous Tip Line 860.768.7827 Health Services 860.768.6601 Connections (Health Education and Wellness Center) 860.768.5433 CAPs (Counseling and Psychological Services) 860.768.4482 SART (Sexual Assault Response Team) SART@hartford.edu Facilities 860.768.7925

Safety & Security Security on Campus Many offices and departments within the University are continuously collaborating to ensure all reasonable steps are taken to contribute toward maintaining a safer and more secure environment. Nevertheless, even with every practical and good faith effort, it is impossible to foresee individual actions or assure that no unwanted acts will occur. For more information, please visit the Resident Hall and Apartment Security website at http://bit.ly/UhartSafe. The Department of Public Safety is in full operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Full time staff consists of the director, assistant chief, lieutenants, special investigation supervisors, and crime prevention officers, investigators, sergeants, corporals, officers, dispatchers, and other support staff. For more information, visit Public Safety website at http://bit.ly/UhartPS.

Security Services and Features » Most buildings require a student ID to access entry. The main entrance doors remain locked 24 hours a day with the expectation of the Village apartments. » The shuttle bus and escort services are provided by Public Safety. These services are available Sunday through Wednesday, 7 p.m.–2 a.m., and Thursday through Saturday, 7 p.m.–3 a.m. » There are 25 blue lights located on our 350 acres of University campus. » We have surveillance cameras in parking lots, building hallways, and in elevators. » Several crime prevention programs are conducted throughout the academic year. Jeanne Clery Act—Crime Statistics The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)) is the landmark federal law, originally known as the Campus Security Act, that requires colleges 5

and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. The law is tied to an institution’s participation in federal student financial aid programs and it applies to most institutions of higher education both public and private. The Act is enforced by the United States Department of Education. A 1998 amendment formally named the law in memory of Jeanne Clery, a 19-year-old Lehigh University freshman who was raped and murdered in her campus residence hall in 1986. The backlash against unreported crimes on numerous campuses across the country led to the creation of this act. For the current Clery statistics report, go to http://bit.ly/UhartClery. Fire Safety All buildings on campus are equipped with fire alarm systems including pull stations, smoke detectors, fire doors, and/or fire warning alarms. These systems report directly to the Public Safety dispatch center located in the Facilities Building above parking lot E.

For more information, visit http://bit.ly/UhartAlert. Emergency notification can be received by checking: 1. E2campus text alert system (UHTXT) 2. hartford.edu website (message will be at top of page) 3. University of Hartford email 4. Channel 2 on the University’s cable TV system

Text alert UHTXT is a mass notification system that enables University students, faculty, and staff to receive alerts and updates as text messages on cell phones. Participation by the University community is voluntary.

Fire Safety Reminders If you hear your building’s fire alarm: » Immediately exit the building » Always assume an emergency, never assume a false alarm » Use stairs, not elevators » Do not open door if knob is

warm to the touch; stay in room and call 7777 » Crawl on the floor (where the air is fresher) if you encounter smoke If you smell smoke or see smoke or fire: » Pull the nearest building alarm » Close your room door » Safely exit the building » Call 7777 » Never attempt to fight or put out a fire » Tell staff or fire authorities the exact location of fire or smoke Health and Safety Inspections Approximately once per month, the Office of Residential Life staff will examine the rooms/suites/apartments. These inspections will not be announced. During inspections, each room/suite/apartment will be examined for cleanliness, unauthorized/prohibited items, damage, health and safety concerns, and fire hazards. Health and safety violations include, but are not limited to: » Fire hazards » Excessive trash and poor cleanliness » Ceiling hangings » Offensive material in the common areas Failure to maintain the University of Hartford standard of living could


Residence Halls at a Glance Important Dates June 20 July 1–8 July 18 Aug. 4–8 Aug. 27–29 Aug. 29 Aug. 29–30 Aug. 30 Aug. 30 Aug. 30 Aug. 30–Sept. 1 Aug. 31 Aug. 31 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 3 Oct. 17–19 Nov. 25–Dec. 1 Dec. 15–20 Dec. 21 Dec. 21–Jan. 2 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 20 Apr. 8

Roommate request deadline Initial assignment notification (building name, floor number, and floor mates) Final roommate request deadline based on floor mates provided Final room/roommate assignments and move-in day instructions are emailed to students’ Hartford account. Early Adventure 2014 (This requires advance registration and there is a supplemental fee.) Hawk Hall, Orientation Session V, and transfers move-in Orientation Session V events continue New students move in (see arrival website for details in July) University convocation (all freshman attendance required) Orientations Sessions I–IV move-in (see arrival website for details in July) LiftOff events Day of Choices Retuning students move in (only by request and authorized approval) Labor Day­—University offices closed; residence halls and dining facilities remain open. Returning students move in Classes begin Hawktober Weekend (Homecoming and Parents Weekend celebration) Thanksgiving recess Final exam week Residence halls close at 8 a.m. University shut down (All on-campus residential buildings will be closed to occupy) New students move in Halls open for returning students Classes begin Room reservation due (this allows students to participate in the housing selection process for the fall 2015 year)

result in student conduct charges. In addition, residents will be assessed for damages found during inspections. Unauthorized items may be removed form the room by residential life staff, public safety, or a University of Hartford designee. Items that are confiscated will be stored, destroyed, or discarded, as appropriate.

Living and Learning Community and Independent Living At the University of Hartford, we prepare young people for a productive life as a member of multiple communities. Our academic programs prepare students for successful professional careers and competitive graduate programs. Similarly, our

residential program prepares emerging adults for a life of independent living in a community context.

step of adulthood—living independently and managing all of the responsibilities that come with that.

At each step of a student’s residential experience, she or he will experience more independence. Our plan is that by the time a student graduates he or she will be prepared for the next

In addition, one of the best aspects of being a residential student is the opportunity to live, learn, and grow in a community of peers. Successful community life involves talking with your roommates and neighbors about acceptable standards of behavior and living. It is our hope that you will share the values of the residential community and use them as tools to define the standards that are important to you: » Civility: respect, accountability, responsibility » Community Connectedness: Hawk Spirit, pride for residential living areas, involvement 7

» Education: commitment to learn and share knowledge, academic success » Leadership: role modeling, empowerment, advocacy, integrity » Diversity: respect, celebration, and appreciation for differences » Personal Development: face new challenges, character development, community service Resources for positive community relationships Ask your RA about » Roommate agreements » Floor/community standards » The mediation process » The Source


Residential Life Frontline Staff Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) are » Undergraduate students who work in the Office of Residential Life » The first point of contact via phone or in person » Trained in referrals to University resources Resident Assistants (RAs) are » Undergraduate students who live within the residential buildings » Liaisons and the first point of contact for student concerns in our residential communities » Plan and implement diverse programs designed to promote a sense of community and cooperation » Trained in referrals to University resources, mediating conflicts, addressing policies, and so much more

Resident Directors (RDs) are » Full-time staff who have earned a Master’s degree and live in each of our six residential communities on campus » Supervisors of RAs » Responsible for the managing a community of approximately 200, 500, 800, or 950 students » Trained in crisis management, student conduct, student development, and much more

All residential buildings are coeducational, with male and female residing on separate floors or wings with the exception of the limited mixed gender suites and apartments. ng Num ber sha Res ring ide bat n Air tial hro om Car condi floors pet tion Tile ed ro ing d ro om om Win dow dim ens ion Roo s md ime nsio ns

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Notes and Special Features

Building and Features

A Complex 262 − o, DBL, Ms 8-10 4 • • 71” x 63” 12’ x 16’ (Andrews, Barlow, Crandall, Olmsted) B Complex 261 − o, DBL, Ms 8-10 4 • • 71” x 63” 12’ x 16’ (Reeve, Beecher, Stevens, Warner) C Complex 253 − o, DBL, Ms 8-10 4 • • 71” x 63” 12’ x 16’ (Poe, Willard, Malcolm X, Dubois) D Complex 261 − o, DBL, Ms 8-10 4 • • 71” x 63” 12’ x 16’ (King, Smith, Occum, Roth) Hawk Hall



26 4 3 • •

* Apartments B Bathroom DBL/D Double 3 Elevators

K Kitchen Ms Medical space SGL/S Single o Suites - Traditional

Measurements based on standard double Measurements based on standard double Measurements based on standard double Measurements based on standard double; Roth 208 and 411 carpeted Residential Learning Communities

E Complex 225 − o, SGL, 8-10 4 • 71” x 63”D 12’ x 16’D (Bushnell, Garvey, Hillyer, Whitney) DBL, Ms 56” x 63” S 12’ x 16’8” S Flooring varies; carpet or tile F Complex 225 (Gallaudet, Barnard, Webster, Stowe)

o, SGL, 8-10 4 • 71” x 63”D 12’ x 16’D DBL, Ms 56” x 63” S 12’ x 16’8” S Flooring varies; carpet or tile

Regents 572

*, SGL, 2-4 3 3 • B 38” x 64” 9’ x 11’ D Mixed gender housing; special DBL, Ms 10’10” x 9’8” S interest housing; apts without kitchens

Park River 264

* SGL, 4 4 3 • • K/B 38” x 64”D 10’ x 17’6” D DBL, Ms 30” x 52” S 8’1” x 10’ S

Village Quad 1 124

* SGL, 2-6 1-3 • K/B 30” x 52” 10’8” x 17’6” D 24 hours quiet hours; no lamps/ DBL, Ms 8’1” x 10’ S lighting, no living room furniture

Village Quad 2 121

* SGL, 2-6 1-3 • K/B 30” x 52” 10’8” x 17’6” D 24 hours quiet hours; no lamps/ s DBL, M 8’1” x 10’ S lighting, no living room furniture

Village Quad 3 130

* SGL, 2-6 1-3 • K/B 30” x 52” 10’8” x 17’6” D Mixed gender housing; no lamps/ DBL, Ms 8’1” x 10’ S lighting, no living room furniture

Village Quad 4 130

* SGL, 2-6 1-3 • K/B 30” x 52” 10’8” x 17’6” D No lamps/lighting, no living room DBL, Ms 8’1” x 10’ S furniture

Village Quad 5 162

* SGL, 2-6 1-3 • K/B 30” x 52” 10’8” x 17’6” D No lamps/lighting, no living room DBL, Ms 8’1” x 10’ S furniture

Village Quad 6 130

* SGL, 2-6 1-3 • K/B 30” x 52” 10’8” x 17’6” D No lamps/lighting, no living room s DBL, M 8’1” x 10’ S furniture

Village Quad 7 156

* SGL, 2-6 1-3 • K/B 30” x 52” 10’8” x 17’6” D No lamps/lighting, no living room DBL, Ms 8’1” x 10’ S furniture

Asylum Avenue (AAC)

* SGL,



2-3 • • K/B

Graduate housing

Please note that the measurements for rooms and windows vary greatly in Regents Park, Park River, and the Village Apartments due to the many different apartment/suite types and floor plans. Measurements listed above are the most common sizes. Mattresses in all residential areas are twin size and extra-long (80”). 9

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