Presented to you by:
The University of Hartford Office of Residential Life
To help you decide which living opportunity most interests you
To prepare you to take the necessary steps to find a place to live for next year
To present all housing options so that you are set with a backup plan, in case your first choice for living is unavailable
The Numbers‌. * Based on 2011-12 housing assignments
E/F Complex Singles Doubles Village 4 Man Apartments 5 Man Apartments 6 Man Apartments Park River 4 Singles 2 Singles 1 Double 2 Doubles Regents Park 4 Singles 2 Single 1 Double 2 Doubles
Male 72 79
Female 98 87
Male 62
Female 59
Male 7 5 18
Female 11 4 14
Male 15 10 32
Female 25 11 32
More Numbers HOUSING OPTIONS HOUSING RATES Complexes Single Double Regents Park
$4,304.00 $3,664.00
Single Double Village Apartments
$4,868.00 $4,267.00
Single Double Park River
$4,959.00 $4,361.00
Single Double
$5,049.00 $4,455.00
Premium Plus
19 meals per week $200 DD per semester
12 meals per week $250 DD per semester
7 meals per week $450 DD per semester
Available Upon Request for addiontal cost
* rates listed are per semester
Dates to remember…
Room Reservation Deposit Deadline: March 28th Special Housing Request Deadline: March 23rd Anchoring (formerly known as “Squatting”) Deadline: March 28th Mixed Gender Housing Application Deadline: March 28th Special Interest Housing Application Deadline: March 28th Group Registration/Roommate Selection Deadline: April 4th Room Selection: Monday-Wednesday, April 9th-11th Students must be registered as full-time students by May 4th or they may be pulled from their assignment!
Room Reservation Deposit
Housing Application
Group Registration/Roommate Selection
Mixed Gender Housing
Special Interest Housing
Room Selection
Waitlist vs. Priority Waitlist
Room Reservation Deposit
$250 due by March 28th Reserves your right to participate in any aspect of Housing Selection Non-refundable if an assignment is granted or selected via any aspect of Housing Selection. Will be credited back to your account in the fall.
Housing Application
Online form that must be completed prior to participating in any aspect of Housing Selection
Anchoring General Anchoring Information (for both Anchoring options): •
Deadline is 3:00pm on March 28th • Forms must be submitted to ORL • Students will be notified by April 4th if their request has been approved or denied
Any upper class area can be anchored: i.e. E/F Complexes, Regents Park, Park River, the Village. Medical doubles in the Village cannot be anchored.
There are now TWO ways to anchor! (formerly known as squatting)
50% and fill: •
50% of current residents must be returning to the apartment/suite/bedroom • Ex. In a Village Apartment, if there are 5 current residents in a 5 or 6 man, 3 of them must be returning
All students listed as “Next Year’s Residents” must have paid the room reservation deposit and be in good standing with Office of Residential Life and Student Conduct.
In-Area: •
If you wish to stay in-area, but do not have a specific apartment preference, you can now form a group of others that are currently residing in the same area and request an apartment. (i.e. Village stays within the Village, Regents within Regents, etc). The student’s current assignment will determine eligibility for where he/she can anchor. • Students anchoring in the Village may list an order of preferences for Quads, but may only choose from Quads that the students are currently assigned to. For example, if two students live in Quad 2 and two students live in Quad 4, that group of four students may only list Quad 2 or Quad 4 in their preferences.
Groups of 1, 2 or 4 may apply. The Office of Residential Life will work to combine individuals, groups, and/or pairs to create a complete apartment.
Mixed Gender Housing
Students who wish to live a co-ed apartment
Deadline to apply is 3:00pm on March 28th – Forms must be submitted to the ORL – Students will be notified by April 4th if approved/denied
Mixed Gender is only offered in Village Quad 3
In order to be eligible, all students applying must: – Pay the Room Reservation Deposit – Be eligible for Housing Selection – Attend a “Living Together” seminar – Sign a Mixed Gender Housing agreement
Students living in Mixed Gender agree to participate in surveys and focus groups conducted by ORL
Special Interest Housing
Students who wish to live in theme related housing; either as a continuation of Hawk Hall or by establishing a new theme approved by ORL Deadline to apply is 3:00pm on March 28th. – Forms must be submitted to the ORL – Students will be notified by April 1st if approved/denied
Special Interest Housing is offered in Regents Park
In order to be eligible, all students applying must: – Pay the Room Reservation Deposit – Be eligible for Housing Selection
Room Selection
Students who have not selected a room through any other option (i.e. anchoring, Mixed Gender, etc) may participate in Room Selection
Your room selection time slot is determined by your class credits earned (including spring 2012) and your Room Selection eligibility.
Time slots will be distributed on April 6th. After paying the $250 Room Reservation Deposit, every student must complete an online Housing Application.
– Select meal plan – Indicate potential roommates
Individuals and groups of 2, 4, 5, or 6 will be permitted to go through Room Selection.
Groups MUST BE registered BY April 4th in order to get a group time slot.
Only one person has to go in to place all others in the group; however, ALL members of the group must log in to confirm their assignment.
Your new Room Selection time slot will be determined by the average number of credits for the group members. A time slot will be distributed based off the new credit average for the group.
Your group time slot will replace your individual time slot
Time slots will be distributed on April 6th.
Waitlist There are 2 types of ORL waitlists:
1- Priority Waitlist- students who have deposited after the deadline, but before the end of Room Selection (by April 11th). There will be an online form for these students to complete so that they can be placed on this Priority Waitlist. Students MUST pay the deposit and complete the google-doc BY April 11th in order to be placed on the Priority Waitlist. These students will be housed before any other Request for Housing. These students will be guaranteed housing. We intend to house these students prior to May 20th. 2- Housing Waitlist- Students who did not participate in any aspect of Housing Selection or decide at any time that they would like to request housing/live on campus. You can apply by logging on to self-service and completing a Housing Application. This list /application will open April 12th.
Which Housing Option is Best for ME? Anchoring:
Mixed Gender/Special Interest:
50% and Fill: • Unique living opportunity • Stay in your current • Can set up room/apartment programs/apartments based on your specific interest • You’re filling the apartment with your friends • You are housed before Room Selection • Can bring in residents from other areas • You are housed before Room Selection In-Area: • Do not have an apartment preference • You can form group from friends currently living in your area • You are housed before Room Selection
Room Selection: Live with friends from different areas • Select a new apartment or new area • You’re making the decision based on what is available •
Groups: Questions to Consider:
What if a group is unable to find a room together? – The person who is selecting the spaces for your group should communicate this with the group. It is up to you to have a plan B. Decide before hand how the group should split, just in case. – If you do have to split your group, you would still enter Room Selection during the group time slot. – At this point, it would be ideal for each student to sign in and go through room selection to select a space for themselves.
What if a group isn’t pre-registered? – You can still go through with your friends! – The group would have to wait for the last time slot. Students can go in anytime during or after their allotted time, but they cannot go in before. Therefore, students would have to wait for the last time slot among the group to enter room selection in order to select a space with their friends.
What if someone wants to opt out of my group? What if I don’t like where my “group leader” placed me? Once you have self-submitted your housing selection or have been placed into a space your “group leader” you cannot change your housing assignment. If you do not like where you have been assigned (either by self-selection or by being placed there), you can request a room change. Room Change requests will begin being accepted on April 12th.
Some final things to think about
Do I have to complete a Housing Application if I am not going through Room Selection? Everyone who intends to participate in any aspect of Housing Selection (i.e. anchoring, Mixed Gender, Room Selection, etc) must complete a Housing Application.
What if I pay my deposit late? If you pay your deposit after time slots are determined, you will not be able to participate in online Room Selection. You will be provided a link to a Google-doc that will allow you to submit information to be place on the Priority Waitlist. It is important that you complete this step! Otherwise you will not be guaranteed housing.
Will I be able to see a floor plan of where I am selecting? Floor plans will be available on the Office of Residential Life website during room selection.
What if the area I want is not available? No matter what – PICK A ROOM! You want to ensure that you have a space leaving room selection. If you do not select a room prior to exiting Room Selection, you will have to request housing afterwards. This means you would not be guaranteed a space for the fall. When you are no longer a resident/no longer in housing, your mailbox could be lost and your Financial Aid could be affected.