In a mundialized generation of artists with bigger expectations, emerges the impatient need to build, to put in common, and to present more universal performing approaches. Shows that depart from experimentation and exchange of information coming from multiple disciplines and traditions After the iniciative of the association
at the end of 2007 arises in
Les Cabaret Capricho!.
Mexico . A series of monthly celebrations where creators from different origins and specialties, get together to exchange and reflect on topics of common interest, that will later transform into performance acts to be presented in a Varieté-Concert format, where audience gets involved and can judge to the artist throwing lettuces, flowers and any opinion that the show provokes them. This event generated a permanent artistic movement that has achieved to attract a great amount of public eager for new searches of aesthetic languages. Also, this movement has promote the development and renovation of Circus Arts and Physical Theater by openning training spaces like the program la maroma.
Cabaret Capricho
set up the After the first year of work, the artists of Circus-Theater Company working in constant artistic research towards finding a simple and integral language that achieves to amaze as much as to touch the audience. The Company has the Artistic Direction of Cesar Omar Barrios with the strong support of a team of artists passioned for provoking and creating tempting images. They feature an authentic research of irreverent and poetic views of humanity through clown. Now a days, the company has gained international recognition as well as in Mexico. They have been invited to participate in Festivals and events to more than 10 countries with some of their first Works: Tubidubi (the Metaphysics of tubes), The Folk Chou, TropicAlicia, Bonito and PiZZiCaTo.
Cabaret Capricho
create and produce other independent Furthermore, iniciatives that combine theater, dance, clown, music and circus arts with the experience of traveling and cultural exchanges. This proyects are: la maroma itinerante, the “Capricho Caravan” that already toured in Brasil, Central America, Montreal, Italy, France, Hungary, Serbia, Eslovenia, Germany and other countries since 2009; and finally the FiCHo - Festival Internacional de Circo y Chou de México a biennal of new circus works since 2011.
ENGLISH (Short statement) Cabaret Capricho We create circus theatre pieces to move, to astonish and enjoy the human experience through comedy and poetic imagery. Since 2007 we write and perform our shows uninterruptedly in Mexico and abroad. Until now we took part of events and international festivals in 14 diferent countries, sharing our first decade of creations: Tubidubi, El Folk Chou, Chef d’orchestra, PiZZiCaTo, Tropicalicia, bonito, Bruta and TheNine. We have got awards for the work in acting, lightning, music and play. In many of our creations we work with live music bands such as Ampersan, Xiranda, Zaicocirko, Guanatos Brass Band, Eros ensamble and Pneumus. We search for a constant learning and collaborations with artists and teachers that we admire. Always under the premise of responding to our passion for circus and discovering the stories that cross our look of the path.