Annual Report 2012

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Growing and investing charitable endowments to benefit our area. Serving as a vehicle for donors’ varied interests. Awarding grants for important community needs. Providing philanthropic leadership to enhance our community.
Table of Contents President’s Letter 1 Presbyterian Medical Care Mission 2 Paramount Theatre 3 Day Nursery of Abilene 4 Ted and Nancy Paup Scholarship 5 Future Fund/Legacy Society/Grants from Unrestricted Funds 6 Unrestricted Funds/Scholarship Funds 7 Donor Advised Funds / Field of Interest Funds 8 Designated and Agency Endowments Funds 9 Regional Funds / Donor Listing 10 Donor Listing 11 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 12 Katie Alford President / CEO Nita Slaton Operations Manager / Scholarship Director Jana Moreno Finance Director Melissa Parker Office Administrator Nancy Roberts Marketing / Communications Director Courtney Vletas Grants Director Staff

Letter from Katie

Have you ever just sat around and daydreamed about how you could make a difference in your “world” or help others in their “world”? In Abilene, people’s worlds are being changed and impacted every day by generous donors and nonprofits serving our community.

This annual report will give you a sense of the many nonprofits in our community making a difference through the hard work they do day in and day out; none of which could be done without you. Whether it is through childcare, medical assistance or an evening at the theatre, your generosity, foresight and desire to make a difference through charitable giving are touching the lives of many and unlocking possibilities for them each day.

One of the most important things that the Community Foundation does is offer our nonprofits an opportunity to apply for grants for their everchanging needs through our discretionary grant process. The funds we use to grant through this process were established by donors who didn’t put any restrictions on their gifts when they were given to us. They realized at the time they made their gifts that the needs and the nonprofits in our community would change over time. They wanted to give us the flexibility to address those changes each year.

As you read this report, you’ll see mention of the many things we’ve been able to do with these unrestricted funds. We have experienced a significant increase in requests over the past couple of years and know this is an area we need to grow because of the importance of our communities’ unmet needs.

Please don’t get me wrong, all of our funds are very important and much needed. What you, our donors, are doing through the Community Foundation changes people’s lives every day. Thank you for your trust in us, your passion for our community, and for “unlocking a whole world of possibilities” for others and for yourself!

© Copyright 2012 Community Foundation of Abilene. All Rights Reserved. Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations
Marelyn Shedd, CFA Board Chair Senior Lender, First Financial Bank, N.A. Katie Alford, / Community Foundation of Abilene

PresbyterianMedical CareMission

Kenny’s partial plate of dentures were lost, and he was relying on a liquid diet for nourishment. Jennifer had just moved to town and was searching for a new job and eager to settle in, but her severe asthma needed immediate attention. These two, plus many others felt like they had found a miracle when they were introduced to the Presbyterian Medical Care Mission, the doctors and staff all eager to provide quality medical and dental treatment. From basic medical procedures, mammograms and various other screenings and testings to dental check-ups and procedures, they are able to provide top-notch medical treatment by doctors, nurses and staff to hardworking clients that would go underserved if they had to seek traditional medical treatment.

“The Community Foundation of Abilene and its donors have been long-time supporters of our ministry of healing,” said Scott Golding, Executive Director. “We are so grateful!” Grants from unrestricted funds have enabled the Medical Care Mission to further its commitment to healing those in need.

“Without the help I received at the Mission and elsewhere in this fine city, I wouldn’t be where I am right now.” — Jennifer

Standard Exam Room

The strong love of family has recently been the inspiration for an extraordinary gift to Abilene; one that will endure for generations. In July 2008, the Community Foundation of Abilene became the intermediary of a special angel embodied in Mrs. Peter (Edith) O’Donnell. She visited the Paramount with an incredible gift, making the theatre the fortunate beneficiary in an ongoing tribute to her sister, Julia Jones Matthews. The O’Donnell Foundation has provided a substantial donation designed to impact the historic theatre and leave a lasting legacy for her own hometown. This generous opportunity allowed for capital improvements on the eighty-year old venue and increased promotional power to support existing Paramount programming. Five general goals and their specific objectives were summarized in a proposal submitted to the CFA and the O’Donnell Foundation.

In a time when resources are difficult to secure and arts organizations search for new ways to keep programming relevant, the Paramount is poised for continuing success as it endeavors to attract the next generation of patrons. With increased promotion, upgraded equipment, a refreshed appearance, comfortable accommodations and efficient operating systems, the theatre offers a unique experience for both patrons and performers. Whether it’s a classic film screening, a live musical production, a concert performance or the Paramount’s 24fps short film festival, Abilene’s jewel box showplace will be in top condition, thanks to a very special angel. Read the complete story at


Cynthia, a single mother of two small children, was given the opportunity to complete her college degree. What should have been an exciting adventure presented a rather daunting obstacle. Her children would need childcare, and the funds were not available. She did not qualify for the assistance normally available to single parents because she had too many college hours, yet not enough to graduate. It seemed that her college dream would be just that – a dream, because reliable, safe childcare was expensive.

Her desire and determination led her to Day Nursery of Abilene, Vine Street Center where she and her young children were immediately welcomed. She received assurance that her children would be cared for, loved, nurtured in a safe, healthy and educational environment and not just parked in front of a television each day. This was the beginning of a fast friendship and a thriving opportunity for this young family. “If it hadn’t been for Day Nursery and the many generous people that help them keep their doors open, I would have never been able to finish my college degree and advance to a Master’s Degree plan,” says Cynthia. “It is my goal to be able to help others, just as I was helped.”

Cynthia Pearson, President/CEO, states that one of the main goals of the Day Nursery of Abilene is to provide childcare in a nurturing environment for each child that enters its doors. Grants from unrestricted funds at the Community Foundation of Abilene have provided cribs when new regulations suddenly came about, funding for a new gym, kitchen equipment that assists with the provision of 20,000 + meals (including baby food and formula) and most recently assisting with a school-readiness program for preschool age children. Your generosity and commitment have helped Day Nursery provide affordable, quality childcare for a diverse community. Thank you for supporting Abilene now and forever through unrestricted gifts!


Nancy andTedPaup

Big Country Athletic Hall of Fame Scholarship

Grace, Alex, Mackenzie and Orrin all have several things in common. Not only were each outstanding students and varsity athletes, but each also received the Nancy and Ted Paup Big Country Athletic Hall of Fame Scholarship. Athletics and education have always been a big part of the Paup’s life; after all both of their daughters participated in high school sports and Nancy is a retired teacher. So, it was only natural that both of these things would be requirements for their scholarship.

“Participation in athletics has proven to have a significant positive impact upon classroom performance. Athletics teaches students the importance of teamwork, self-discipline, pursuit of excellence, and mutual respect. We feel very strongly about helping student athletes continue their education.”

Established by Nancy and Ted Paup in 2011, this scholarship is awarded to a student from Abilene High School or Cooper High School and Albany High School since these schools had a significant impact on their lives. “We loved living in Abilene and have great memories of our time there. Abilene was the perfect place to raise our daughters, such a welcoming community and easy to become involved in the community,” said Nancy. “Looking back, it was community involvement that actually first introduced us to the Foundation.” At that time the Nonprofit Resource Center (housed at CFA) was a project of the Junior League of Abilene and Nancy was Chair of that committee for her Junior League placement that year. Through her volunteer work she became acquainted with the Community Foundation of Abilene. Choosing to establish their scholarship at the Community Foundation of Abilene was an easy choice for the Paups. Ted noted, “We knew every aspect would be taken care of prudently, from the criteria to selection process, and that our scholarship would become a permanent part of Abilene.”

Submitting a Grant Request

The Community Foundation accepts letters of intent and proposals twice a year for its Discretionary grants. Grant applicants must serve the people of the Abilene community, must be a 501(c)(3) organization and work in the areas of health, human services, fine arts, children or youth, and education or civic development. For a complete list of the Foundation’s grant guidelines and dates, please visit the Community Foundation website at You may also request a grant application form or discuss possible grant proposals by calling 325-676-3883


Future Fund


Future Fund is a fun, innovative group of people that believe in philanthropy and making a difference in the lives of children and youth in our community. For a full membership list or to learn how you can join, see


Sarah and Dickson Ferguson, Co-Chairs

Christy and Lon Biebighauser

Allison and Kevin Bredemeyer

Tracy and Matthew Choate

Alicyn and Ted Evans

Sarah and Alex Eyssen

Alexis and Derick Hughes

Tiffany and Scott Lamb

Maria and Mike Murray

Lisa Chavez Owens and Lanny Owens

Sarah and Chris Proctor

Traci and Tim Yandell

Liz and Robert Wagstaff

Jane and Greg Yost


Abilene Cultural Affairs Council/Abilene Arts Alliance

Abilene Education Foundation

Abilene Performing Arts Company

Abilene Philharmonic Association

Abilene Regional P-16 Council

Abilene Summer Music Festival

Abilene Youth Sports Authority

Alliance for Women and Children

Boys and Girls Club of Abilene

Children’s Performing Arts Series

Chorus Abilene

Day Nursery of Abilene

The Grace Museum

Junior Achievement of Abilene

National Center for Children’s

Illustrated Literature

St. John’s Episcopal School

St. Mark’s Baby Room

Young Audiences

The Legacy Society recognizes people who are planning for gifts today that will provide significant community benefits in the future.

Jim Alexander

Carolyn and Harwell Barber

Ann and Grady Barr

Nancy and Price Brock

Kelly and Paul Cannon

Jo and Joe Ed Canon

Carl Childers

Joy and Glen Churchill

Kenneth L. Conrad

Jackie and Bart Cox

Jana and Joe Crawford

Amber Cree

Kay and Ray Denkhoff

Mike Dudley

Lale and B.J. Estes

Linda and Glenn Files

Ann and Doug Ford

Loretta Fulton

Nina Gifford

Mary and Larry Gill

Grants UnrestrictedfromFunds

Abilene Baptist Social Ministry

Abilene Child Centered Educational Support Services

Abilene Community Theatre

Abilene Cultural Affairs Council

Abilene Independent School District

Adult Protective Services Partners

Alliance for Women and Children

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Boys and Girls Club of Abilene Cancer Services Network

Center for Contemporary Arts

Children’s Performing Arts Series

Christian Service Center

Paul Graham

Jean Hays

Pat and Delbert Hess

Nelle Hooks

Marilyn J. Jacobs

Myra and Paul Johnson

Phillip P. Johnson

Nancy and Ross Jones

Marvin Jones

Beverly and Henry Kitzman

Rozlyn and Jerry Love

Gloria and Raymond McDaniel

Kathy and Phil Morehead

Linda Murphy

Wanda Ragsdale

Becky and Jack Rentz

Jane Rhodes

Piney Scott

Nita and Steve Slaton

Norma Springer

Peggy and Bob Trotter

Roberta Watters

Kathy and James Webster

Linda White

Joni and Bill Wood

Alice and Bill Wright

Citizens United Against Disproportionality

City of Abilene Recreation Division

Communities in Schools

Connecting Caring Communities

Day Nursery of Abilene

Harmony Family Services, Inc.

Hendrick Medical Center Foundation

Junior Achievement of Abilene

National Center for Children’s Illustrated Literature

New Horizons (Audrey Grace House)

Noah Project


Presbyterian Medical Care Mission

Regional Crime Victim Crisis Center

Special Olympics Texas

Texas Ramp Project

The Salvation Army

United Methodist Service Center and Food Pantries

United States Marine Corps

Young Audiences


Unrestricted Funds


The Foundation responds to the needs in our community now and in the future through these flexible dollars.

Abilene Alpha (1986)

Administrative Endowment II (2006)

Administrative Endowment (1992)

Jim and Jerri Alexander (1994)

Ruth Guitar Alexander Memorial (1987)

Benjamin T. Allen Memorial (2008)

Mildren Morris Austin Memorial (1987)

Richard and Betty Bacon (2007

Harwell and Carolyn Barber (1987)

Grady and Ann Barr (1995)

Bob and Peggy Beckham Family (1991)

Mrs. L. H. Beckham (1989)

Arthur, Dana and Cindy Beitscher Memorial (1996)

Glenn and Lylia Bennett Fund for Nolan County (2006)

Tucker and Gina Bridwell (1997)

Cade and Katie Browning (2011)

Ruth and Lee Caldwell (2007)

Joe Ed and Jo Canon (1989)

Jimmie and Mary Lynn Cantrell (1994)

Jane Childers (1993)

Community Foundation Memorial (1987)

Harold and Pat Crawford (1989)

J Neil Daniel (2007)

Ray and Kay Denkhoff Charitable Endowment (2006)

Joy and Gary DeShazo (2008)

Dr. Ralph and LaVerne Donnell (1991)

J. Henry Doscher Charitable Fund (1990)

Dr. B.J. and Lale Estes (1995)

Louis S. and Bobbie A. Gee (2006)

Larry and Mary Gill (1986)

Robert and Marilyn Hitt (2001)

Eddie and Nelda Hodges (1987)

Ralph and Nelle Hooks (1997)

Scholarship Funds

Paul and Myra Johnson (2008)

A.V. Jones Family Fund for Albany (1994)

Bennie R. and Diane Jones (1989)

Cearley and Jane Kinard (1994)

Derwood and Billie Langston (1998)

J. D. and Elsie Magee Family (1995)

Eileen Taylor Massey Memorial (2006)

Raymond and Gloria McDaniel (1987)

S.M. and Portia Moore (1989)

Robert and Maggy Morford (1988)

Moss Charities (1991)

Linda A. Murphy Endowment (2008)

Syd and Evelyn Niblo (1995)

Dian Graves Owen (1991)

Dr. Jack and Joy Ramsey (1989)

Wayne V. and Marie Ramsey (2010)

Sam and Susan Reeves (1994)

Mel Richards Memorial (1998)

Senter Family (1996)

With gifts from Bill and Lila Senter

Scott and Michelle Senter

Steve and Debbie Senter

Charles and Sydney Senter McKinney

Carl S. Shoults Jr. (2000)

Susan Stroud (2001)

Bob and Elaine Surovik (1998)

Jim and Doris Taylor (1989)

Gail and Howard Tobin (2008)

TOMSCO Investments (2008)

Pat Meleen Vaughn (2006)

Coy and Elizabeth Gene Warren (2007)

Whitten Family (1995)

Howard and Hope Wilkins (2000)

John A. Wright Memorial (2004)

Allen and Mary Wright (1989)

Dr. T. D. Young (1990)

Funds can be designated for high-school or post-graduate education at the donor’s request.

Abilene A&M Club Scholarship

Abilene Alumnae Panhellenic Assoc. - Missy Bridwell Memorial Scholarship

Abilene Association of Insurance Financial Advisors Scholarship

Abilene Founder Lions Club - A.E. Wells Scholarship

Abilene Founder Lions Club - Randell and Evangeline Watkins Scholarship

Abilene Geological Society Scholarship

Abilene Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Scholarship Fund

Bob Alvis Memorial Scholarship

Anonymous Scholarship Fund

Alistair Baldwin Scholarship

Perry Bentley Memorial Scholarship

Big Country Athletic Hall of Fame Scholarship

Nancy and Ted Paup Big Country Athletic Hall of Fame Scholarship

Ruth and Bill Burton Memorial Scholarship

Herman Ray (Buz) Buzbee, Jr. Memorial Music Scholarship

CFA Teacher Certification Program

CFA Scholarship for Graduate Education

Marguerite and Ike Chism Scholarship

Roy Churchill Memorial Scholarship

Clack Educational Scholarship Fund

Horace M. Condley Scholarship

Gilbert Cook Memorial Scholarship

Davis Kinard – Kate Nutter Memorial Scholarship

Marie Denham Memorial Scholarship Fund

Wilburn H. “Blue” Denham Memorial Scholarship

J. Henry Doscher, Jr. Scholarship Fund

Gold Star Memorial Scholarship

Greater Abilene Ministers Alliance Scholarship

Kemper Scott Hamilton Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Edgar Martin Harp Memorial Scholarship

Fund for Medicine

The Dollie Lane Harp Memorial Scholarship

Fund for Classical Music

Jay Hatcher Memorial Scholarship Fund

Jean and Curly Hays Scholarship Fund

Bob R. Hefner Scholarship Fund

Hispanic Leadership Council Fund

Hispanic Senior Recognition Fund

Rodney Holder Memorial Scholarship

Lady Clyde Hooper Memorial Scholarship

R.C. and Elizabeth Hoppe Memorial

James P. Hopper Memorial Scholarship

Virginia Kiker Hughes Memorial Scholarship

Independent Insurance Agents of Abilene

Ross Jones Memorial Scholarship

Margaret Wheeler Kennedy Scholarship

Julius M. Kubena Scholarship

Tom Kutch Memorial Scholarship

Brock Latham Memorial Scholarship

Cathy Springer Leavell Memorial Scholarship

LULAC Council 605 Scholarship

J. Middleton Memorial Scholarship

Jack Mildren Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Mary and George Minter Memorial Scholarship

Todd Moore Memorial Scholarship

Zach Moore Memorial Scholarship

Chuck & Doris Moser Scholarship

Hazel Nunn Scholarship Endowment for HSU

Hazel Nunn Scholarship Endowment for TSTC-Sweetwater


Tillie Odom Memorial Scholarship

Janet Parkey Memorial Scholarship

Petroleum Club of Houston Scholarship

Jesse M. and Bernice M. Pyeatt Scholarship

Betty Jo Baker Ramsey Music Scholarship

Rentech Boiler Systems, Inc. Scholarship

Jane A. Rhodes Scholarship

Zach Robinson Memorial Scholarship

Ginny Ryan Memorial Scholarship

Leo and Piney Scott Scholarship

Barbara and Norma Smart Memorial Scholarship

Catherine Aileen Smith-Jones Memorial Scholarship

Jim and Kim Snyder- Texas A&M Scholarship

Jean Stockton Scholarship Fund for Texas Tech

TJHC Medical Society Alliance Scholarship

Johnathan Tschaar Memorial Scholarship

Texas Society of CPAs (Abilene Chapter)

WesTex Drilling Co.-Robert Cockrell Memorial Scholarship

West Texas Hereford Association-Curly Hays Scholarship

Nicholas Whitaker Memorial Scholarship

Ruth Hatcher and Joe Williamson Music Scholarship

Stanley and Claudie Wilson Scholarship

Winters Area Foundation Scholarship

Mabel Winton Educational Scholarship

The three funds below were established in 1987 for local students by a generous donor. The financial aid office at each campus identifies students to receive tuition grants.

• Abilene Christian Scholarship Endowment Fund

• Hardin Simmons Scholarship Endowment Fund

• McMurry Scholarship Endowment Fund

Sara Abel Memorial Scholarship

Donor Advised Funds


Simple, powerful and highly personal funds allowing you to remain actively involved in recommending grants to your favorite charities.


Abilene Fire Dept. Project / Flexible Account

Roy Helen Mingus Ackers

David and Kay Alexander

Jim and Jerri Alexander

Mike and Suzanne Alexander


Harwell and Carolyn Barber

Ann and Grady Barr

Bob and Peggy

Beckham Family

John and Carolyn Beckham

Rob and Julie Beckham

Glenn and Lylia Bennett

Charles and Leigh Black

Price and Nancy Brock

Jimmie and Mary Lynn Cantrell

Childers Family

Condley and Company, LLP

Dave and Laura Copeland

Bart and Jackie Ramsey Cox

Bill Cunningham Memorial

established by Maggy Morford

Mrs. J Neil (Weeze) Daniel

Ben M. and Bonnie Davis

Davis-Kinard, P.C.

Andrew David Durham

David and Sindy Durham

Wendy Hanks Durham

Bob and Laurie Eagle

B.J. and Lale Estes

Emily T. Files Charitable

Doris Miller and Don Fitzgibbons

Dot and Jesse C. Fletcher and Melissa Fletcher

Gerald and Christie Galbraith

Louis and Bobbie Gee

Master Sgt. Randy Gillespie


Paul Graham

Lee and Callie Hampton

Carol and Bill Haynes

Leonard R. Hoffman

Shay Shelton Hoffman

Ralph and Nelle Hooks

John and Tina Hunter

In As Much

Donor Advised Funds


Janice and Bob Allen, III Endowment

Anonymous Endowment

Steve Arthur Family Foundation

Manly and Louise Ballard Foundation

Harwell and Carolyn Barber Endowment

Dr. Terry Bawcom Family Endowment

Bob and Peggy Beckham Endowment

John and Carolyn Beckham Endowment

Tucker and Gina Bridwell Endowment

Ruth and Bill Burton Family Endowment

Clifton and Shirley Caldwell Endowment

Ruth and Lee Caldwell Family Endowment

Paul and Kelly Cannon Endowment

J2K Charitable Endowment

Jay and Nancy Capra Endowment

Coleman Family Endowment

Sally and Bill Core Endowment

Gil and Holly DeShazo

Charitable Endowment

Emily T. Files Endowment

J.B. and Pat Fooshee Endowment

Lee and Callie Hampton Endowment

Barbara B. Hardy Endowment

Jean K. Hays Charitable Endowment

Delbert and Patricia Hess Endowment

Eleanor and Robert Hoppe Endowment

Field of Interest Funds

Paul and Myra Johnson

Bennie R. and Diane Jones

Morgan Jones, Jr. Family

Ross and Nancy Jones

Kickapoo Springs Foundation

Cearley and Ruby Kinard

Life to Life

Robert and Louise Lockhart

Sandip and Mishi Mathur

The McDonald Family

Bobby and Doris Melson

Bob and Maggy Morford

Linda A. Murphy

Tabitha Newcomb

Syd and Evelyn Niblo

Carol Christine Nichols

Dorothy and John Pope

Jack and Becky Rentz

Rhodes Family

Rich Family

Senter Family Foundation

John and Susan Shelton

Ruby Shelton

Shelton Family Foundation

T&T Family Foundation

Trio Sharegiver Community

James S. Westfall Memorial

Stanley and Claudie Wilson

Allen and Mary Wright

Bill and Alice Wright

Jeff and Susan Jones Family Endowment

Cearley Kinard and Ruby Caldwell Kinard Endowment

Blake Alan Korman Memorial Endowment

Gerald & Bettye Lawler Endowment

William R. Lutz Memorial Endowment

Tim and Debbie Manley Endowment

Raymond and Gloria McDaniel Family Foundation Endowment

Kathy and Phil Morehead Endowment

Terrell Tone Owen Memorial Endowment

Latimer and Bush Ramsey Endowment

Renny Reynolds Endowment

Rick and Pam Rhodes Family Endowment

Charles and Erin Schroeder Family

Charities Endowment

Nellie Parramore Sellers Endowment

Scott and Michelle Senter

Charitable Endowment

H.L. Shaw Memorial Endowment

David Taubert Memorial Endowment

Ruby and Raymond Thomason, Sr. Foundation Endowment

Trio Sharegiver Community Endowment

The Wright Family Foundation Endowment

Funds that support your personal areas of interest or address an important area in community life.

Abilene Fund for Helping Others

Abilene Fund for the Arts

Abe and Sariet Allen Critical Health Care Fund

APC Endowment for Mental Health

Arch D. and Patti D. Batjer Fund for Children and Youth

Arch D. and Patti D. Batjer Health Care Fund

Beckham Family Fund for Youth and Elderly in Need

E.G. and Janelle Cockerell Fund for Animals

The Diane Denkhoff Fund for Children’s Health

Lale and B.J. Estes Human Service Fund

Elsie Lou and Edward Martin Fund for Elderly Care

Raymond and Gloria McDaniel Fund for Youth

Gabriella Pace Fund for Early Childhood Education

Juanita Tittle Pollard Cultural Fund

Serendipity Fund

Pat Meleen Vaughn Fund for Celebration of Life


Pat Meleen Vaughn Fund for Humane Treatment of Animals

Volunteer Fire Department Endowment

Paul and Vera West Fund for Children

Charles and Sue Simmons White Endowment for the Needy


Designated Endowment Funds

These funds support the work of specific nonprofit organizations designated by donors.

12th Armored Division Memorial Museum Endowment Fund

Abilene Education Foundation Endowment Fund

Abilene Philharmonic Association Endowment Fund

Anonymous Fund

Carolyn and Harwell Barber Fund for the United Way

Beckham Family Fund for Ben Richey Boys Ranch

Beitscher Family Fund for the Abilene Philharmonic

Catherine M. (Kitty) and Joseph Chaffin Benson Memorial Fund for the Abilene Opera Association

Don Bierwagen Endowment Fund for the Barbershop Harmony Society

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Abilene Endowment Fund established by Norma Springer

Boys and Girls Club Designated Fund, established anonymously in honor of Dian Graves Owen

Ruth and Bill Burton Endowed Fund for First Church of Christ, Scientist, Abilene

Buffalo Gap Historic Village Fund

Guy Caldwell Western Heritage Fund for Hardin-Simmons University

Center for Contemporary Arts Endowment Fund

Harold and Pat Crawford Fund for Alliance for Women and Children

Day Nursery of Abilene Endowment Fund

J. Henry Doscher Jr. Fund for the Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest

J. Henry Doscher Jr. Fund for the Grace Museum

Judy Dudley Memorial Fund for Education

Douglas and Ann Ford Fund for Disability Resources, Inc.

Grace Museum Endowment Fund

Grace Museum Building Maintenance Endowment Fund

Grace Museum Director’s Endowment Fund

Robert and Anita Herren Memorial Fund for Haskell

Robert and Marilyn Hitt Charitable Fund

Kenneth and Marilyn Jacobs Fund for Education

Morgan and Jessie Jones Designated Fund for Day Nursery of Abilene and the Grace Museum

Jerry and Rozlyn Love Designated Fund

The Dr. Donald McDonald Fund for Children’s Health

Maggy Morford Fund for St. John’s Episcopal School


Jim and Bobbi Naler Endowment for Abilene State School

Narrow Gate Foundation Endowment established by John E. Pearson and Sons

National Center for Children’s Illustrated Literature Endowment Fund

Marion and Harry Neeb Fund for Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Hazel F. Nunn Endowment for Nolan County Library

O’Donnell Fund for Excellence

Dian Graves Owen Fund for St. John’s Episcopal School

Historic Paramount Theatre Endowment Fund

Paramount Theatre Fund for Excellence

Lois Caldwell Peck Fund for Cancer Services Network

Rescue the Animals Endowment Fund

Rescue the Animals Spay and Neuter Fund

Wade Scoggins Memorial Fund for Young Life

Shackelford County Community Resource Center Endowment Fund

Major Charles P. Shearn III Memorial Fund for the benefit of Shearn Elementary, Houston, Tx

Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing

Ruby W. Shelton Endowment Fund for the Alliance for Women and Children

Hudson and Martha Smart Designated Endowment

St. John’s Episcopal School Designated Endowment

St. John’s Episcopal School Headmaster Endowment Fund

St. John’s Episcopal School Excellence Fund

Swenson House Endowment Fund, established by David and Sue Stubbeman

Taliaferro Endowment Fund for St. John’s Episcopal School

Pat Meleen Vaughn Designated Fund

Robert, Elsie and Roberta Watters Endowment Fund

Elwood B. and Shug Webb Designated Fund

Dr. James D. and Kathleen J. Webster Designated Fund

Grace Westfall Memorial Endowment

Jim Wilburn Memorial Fund for No Need for Need

James J. Williams “JJ” Scholarship Fund for Boy Scouts –Texas Trail Council

George and Marie Yaeger Philharmonic Fund


Funds created by other nonprofit organizations as means of protecting their charitable dollars for future needs and annual operations.

Abilene Arts Alliance

Abilene Education Foundation

AHS/CHS Alumni Scholarship

AEF Endowed Scholarship

Abilene Hope Haven Endowment

Abilene Library Consortium

Abilene Philharmonic Association

Thile Walker Scholarship Fund

William Davis Scholarship Fund

Abilene Philharmonic Foundation Endowment

Abilene Regional Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse (ARCADA)

Alliance for Women and Children, Elizabeth Baugh Fund

AWC Educational Endowment

Ben Richey Boys Ranch Foundation

Travis Cranfill Memorial Education Fund

Center for Contemporary Arts

Coleman Independent School District Foundation

Day Nursery – Bea Ganson Endowment

Day Nursery of Abilene Endowment Funds for Maintenance-Sherry Lane

Day Nursery of Abilene Endowment Funds for Maintenance

Disability Resources, Inc.

Friends of the Abilene Public Library

Grace Museum Endowment

Grace Museum Facility Endowment

Hendrick Hospice Care

Kenley School Endowment

Kenley School Scholarship Endowment

National Center for Children’s Illustrated Literature

Paramount Theatre Memorial Fund

Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing Scholarship

Presbyterian Medical Care MissionTravis and Mary Katherine Smith Fund

St. John’s Episcopal School

St. John’s Learning for a Lifetime Fund

Texas Trail Council, Boy Scouts of America

United Way of Abilene

YMCA Endowment Fund


Regional Funds & Supporting Organizations

Our local regional endowment funds bring the services and resources of the Community Foundation closer to smaller communities and outlying areas. These community groups have their own advisory boards that set direction and make grants, while benefitting from our fund development, grantmaking expertise, legal knowledge, infrastructure and administrative support.

COLEMAN COUNTY FOUNDATION — Established in 1999, the Coleman County Foundation is providing a means for Coleman County residents to make a difference in their community. Over the past 12 years, the Foundation has awarded more than $494,000 in grants to agencies in Coleman County.

FRIENDS OF THE COLEMAN COUNTY FOUNDATION is a group of individuals who believe in the future of the Coleman area. Members contribute $100 (or more) annually to build their fund and provide grants to agencies in Coleman County. For more information, contact Tim Manley at (325) 636-4590

NOLAN COUNTY FOUNDATION — The Nolan County Foundation Fund was launched in 2000 by county civic leaders wanting to make a positive impact in Sweetwater and Nolan County. Currently in fundraising mode, this group is working to build its fund for the good of Nolan County. For more information about the Nolan County Foundation, contact Jerry Riggs at (325) 235-7307.

WINTERS AREA FOUNDATION — The Winters Area Foundation Fund was established in 2006 to assist in funding education needs, health services, libraries, museums, parks and other projects that go beyond the normal responsibility of government funding. The Future of Winters Club is a group of individuals and businesses who believe in the future of their community. Members contribute $100 annually to build their fund for the Winters area. For more information about the Winters Area Foundation, contact Randall Connor at (325) 754-4542.

AVJ FOUNDATION — The AVJ Foundation was established by the A.V. Jones Family of Albany and Abilene in 1996. The charitable priorities of the AVJ Foundation focus on regional needs, with a particular interest in Albany and its educational and cultural activities.

Funds designated for these areas are included in fund listings depending on fund types

Thank you to the followingDonors

We gratefully acknowledge your gift and the impact it makes in our community! August 2012-August 2013

Abilene A&M Club, Inc.

Abilene Chamber of Commerce

Abilene Education Foundation

Abilene Federal Credit Union

Abilene Fire Department

Abilene Geological Society

Abilene Panhellenic Association

Abilene Police Officers Assn.

Abilene Regional Medical Center

Abilene Reporter-News

Abilene Teacher’s Federal Credit Union

Abilene Woman’s Club Educational

Endowment Fund

AC Nutrition

Roy Helen Ackers

AEP Texas

Jessica and William Ahrens

The Air Force Petroleum Agency

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Alderman

Jim Alexander

Pat and Ed Alford

Katie and Jason Alford

Kay and Andrew Allen

Janice and Bob Allen

Doris Allen

Diane and Jerry Allen

Judy and Tom Allen

Cathy and Zac Allen

W. R. (Bill) Allison

Rachel and Jon Anderson

Barbara and Lynn Anderson


Angie and Travis Arledge

Sabrina Arnic

Emily and Bud Arnot

Ash Street Baptist Church

Atmos Energy Corp

Jill and Darron Atwood

Jill and Robert Atwood

Sherry and Steve Autry

Betty and Richard Bacon

Jeanie and Charles Bahlman

Brenda and Lanny Bahlman

Celesta and Nelan Bahlman

Jill and Phillip Hoebelheinrich

Baptist Foundation of Texas

The Barber Foundation

Carolyn and Harwell Barber

Tanya and Mike Barker

Ann and Grady Barr

Jo Ellen and James Barr

Margaret Basquette

Harriet Bass

Yvonne and Ron Batts

Connie and Terry Bawcom

W.G. Beadle

Sandra and Rick Beal

Sarah and Steve Beal

Jane and Rusty Beard

Myrtie and John Scott Beaver

Carolyn and John Beckham

Peggy and Bob Beckham

Cheryl and Mike Bedford

Megan and Billy Frank Belew

Peggy and John Belew

Jane and Dennis Bell

Kayleen and Lewis Bergman

Paula and Russell Berry

David Bessire

Better Business Bureau-Abilene

Big Country Athletic Hall of Fame

Big Country Dodge Boys

Sara and Mark Blakely

Rhonda and Leroy Bolt

Kym and Robert Braack

Sharla and Bill Bredemeyer

Allison and Kevin Bredemeyer

Sharon and Malcolm Bredemeyer

Rodrick Bredemeyer

Sanda and Larry Breitkreutz

Ginny and Darrell Breland

Wanda Brewer

Ann and Ralph Bridwell

Gina and Tucker Bridwell

Brenda and Mark Briley

Lou and Robert Briley

Tommy Brisco

Nancy and Price Brock

Mary and James Brooks

Jacquelyn Brown

Melanie and Kent Brown

Ricki Brown

Katie and Cade Browning

Donna and Tommy Broyles

Sue amd Jim Brusenhan

Cheryl and Gary Bryan

Glenda and David Buhrmann

Sherry and Randy Burchell

Sue and Ken Burgess Sr.

Kay and Bud Busher

Jonna and Kevin Busher

Lorilei and Ron Butler

Frances and Richard Buzard

Joanne and Lester Byrd

Betty Byrns

Lynda and Bart Calcote

Ruth and Lee Caldwell

Canada & Associates Safety Training, LLC

Kelly and Paul Cannon

Jo and Joe Ed Canon

Mary Lynn and Jimmie Cantrell

Mary Ann and Michael Caponegro

Nancy and Jay Capra

Joyce Carbery

Lisa and Kevin Carlton

Theda and Doug Carpenter

Francine Carraro

Sandi and Ron Carroll

Nell and Jerry Carter

Bettye and C.E. Casselberry

Cindy and William G. Cathey

CBS Insurance

Martha and Don Chambers

Lynda and Jimmy Chambers

Linda and Sam Chase

Shanna and Greg Chavarria

Sharon and Rob Cheaney

Kathy and Charles Chesshir


Carl Childers

Virginia and Dewayne Chitwood

Tracy and Matthew Choate

Ruth Ann and Thomas W. Choate

Mary and Phil Christopher

Joy and Glen Churchill

Delores and Patrick Clark

Sarabeth and Frank Clevenger

Molly Cline

Marilyn and Nick Coates

Gerald Cockrell

Carolyn K. Colburn

Karen and Phil Colburn

Cathie and David Coleman

Becky and Mark Colman

Communities of Abilene Federal Credit Union

Compass Bank

Condley & Company, LLP

Virginia Boyd Connally

Susan and Randall Conner

Denise and Mike Connolly

Harriet Connor

Lynette and Charles Coody

Deborah and Kyle Coody

Ruth Cooper

Laura and Dave Copeland

June and Wade Cowart

Cowboy Chemical Inc.

Roxy and Bill Cox

Kellye and Charles Crawford

Jana and Joe Crawford

Amber Cree

Linda and Scott Crocker

Linda and Dennis Cross

Cypress Street Station

Weeze Daniel

$24,000 $33,289
$17,500 $22,000

Consolidated Statement of FinancialPosition

June 30, 2012 (with comparative totals for 2011)


Cash and

Contributions receivable

Investments at fair value

Cash value of life insurance




Accounts Payable

Grants Payable

held as agency endowments TOTAL


AUDIT The Foundation annually engages the services of an independent accounting firm to perform an audit of the Foundation’s Financial Statements. As part of its audit, the firm also reviews the internal controls and various policies and procedures to ensure the Foundation staff is adhering to the most current accounting practices. The Foundation’s auditor, Condley and

unqualified opinion on the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended


INVESTMENT PROCESS The Foundation is focused on a long-term strategy for investing the community’s philanthropic dollars. We understand that endowments are created to serve not only the current generation but many generations to come. The Community Foundation continues to stay the course and remains fully invested and diversified.

Certified Public Accountants, has
June 30, 2012. Audits
the IRS Form 990s are
upon request. $ 3,488,844 150,194 81,237,942 230,270 14,383 8,754 $ 85,130,387 $ 960,680 137,694 78,817,158 176,435 18,480 12,925 $ 80,123,372 June 30, 2011
Company, LLP,
June 30,
cash equivalents
assets, at cost, net of accumulated depreciation
$69,908 for 2012 and 2011, respectively
ASSETS $ 3,449 589,411 12,076,188 $ 12,669,048 $ 1,017 186,131 11,541,158 $ 11,728,306
Other assets TOTAL
LIABILITIES $ 10,855,639 61,605,700 $ 72,461,339 $ 8,957,762 59,437,304 $ 68,395,066 NET ASSETS
Temporarily restricted NET ASSETS $ 85,130,387 $ 80,123,372 TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCES 12

Board of Trustees


Ken P. Musgrave (kneeling) Real Estate Developer/Investor

Kirk Massey (kneeling) Owner, Challenge Management Services

Laura Dyer Community Volunteer

Petty Hunter Community Volunteer

Jack Rich

Senior Vice President, Chief Investment Officer, Abilene Christian University

Scott Senter President, Senter Realtors

Becky Rentz Community Volunteer


Marelyn Shedd, Board Chair President, Senior Lender First Financial Bank

Danna Oliver Community Volunteer

Jill Bailey Hoebelheinrich Accountant/Bookkeeper

Katie Alford, President/CEO Community Foundation of Abilene

Dr. Jesse C. Fletcher President Emeritus Hardin-Simmons University

Joe Crawford Owner, Abilene Aero

Not pictured:

Allan Frizzell Vice-President, Geologist Enrich Oil Corporation

Scott Hibbs President, Enprotec/Hibbs & Todd, Inc.

Mishi Mathur Office Manager, Dr. Sandip Mathur

Our heartfelt thanks to our past trustees who had the vision to establish and grow the Community Foundation of Abilene over two decades.

Jim Alexander*

Clyde Allen

Tom Allen

Lynn Anderson

Carolyn Barber

Harwell Barber*

Grady Barr*

Jane Varner Beard

John Beckham*

Peggy Beckham*

Rob Beckham

Tucker Bridwell*

Nancy Brock

Lee Caldwell*

Paul Cannon*

Joseph Edwin Canon*

Thomas W. Choate*

Dave Copeland*

Jackie Ramsey Cox*

Harold Crawford

Gil DeShazo

Robert Eagle

B. J. Estes, M.D.

Charles Ezzell

Don Fitzgibbons

Jesse Fletcher, Ph.D.

Bill Franklin

Bobbie Gee

Larry Gill

Gayle Gray

Myrle Greathouse

Elbert E. Hall *

Patti Jones Holloway

Mark Hudson

Joe Johnson

Bennie R. Jones

Leigh King

Tim Lancaster

Raymond McDaniel

Kathy Merrill

Bynum Miers

G. Philip Morehead

Maggy Morford

Iris Nash

George Nichols

James Parker

Frank Puckett, Jr.

Jack D. Ramsey, M.D.

Wayne V. Ramsey, M.D.

Betty Ray

Billye Proctor Shaw

Sam Reeves

Sam Reyes

Vianei Robinson

Carlos Rodriguez

Rev. Leo Scott

Lila Senter

John Shelton, Jr.

Dian Graves Owen Stai

John C. Stevens, Ph.D.

Bob Surovik*

Jimmy Tittle

A. Sam Waldrop*

Kathy Webster

Howard Wilkins

Stanley P. Wilson

Bobbie Lee Wolfe*

William P. Wright, Jr.

H. C. Zachry

* Past Board Chairman

Italics indicates deceased

Photograph taken at the new location of the Noah Project.
P.O. Box 1001 • 500 Chestnut, Suite 1634 • Abilene, Texas 79604 • • • Ph 325-676-3883

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