A Message of Tribute from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
One of the things I loved and admired about Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke was that he was a visionary. He was a forward-looking and forward-thinking man. On more than one occasion, I remember Reinhard, while
Thirty years later (in 2017) the ministry reached a
preaching a sermon, stopping mid-sentence, turning
75-million milestone. That’s when the Lord began
toward me sitting on the front row, pointing his finger at
to clearly speak to me about a “DECADE of DOUBLE
me and saying in a commanding tone, “Daniel, you are
Harvest.” In other words, if would grab ahold of this
not to become the custodian of my legacy. Preach the
word by faith, we could see the number of people saved
Gospel!” That was his admonition to me. What he was
double from 75 million in the first thirty years to 150
saying—and what he did say many times—was that this
million in the next ten!
was not about his name or his legacy. It wasn’t about building some kind of a monument to him. Although we love Reinhard Bonnke and we never want to forget the extraordinary way his life impacted our generation, we honor him most by pressing forward with the same spirit that characterized his life, which was embracing
Now, if you think 150 million souls sounds incredible, I don’t blame you. Admittedly, these are massive numbers. But believe it or not, these numbers were not even the most exciting part of what the Lord showed me. I believe that, in this next decade, God will use CfaN
the heavenly vision for the sake of souls.
to spark the greatest movement of world evangelism
I think it is very appropriate here, by way of tribute to
Bonnke will arise and preach this Gospel throughout the
Reinhard, to talk about the future of the ministry he
world before Jesus returns! Hallelujah!
founded and invested his life into. Reinhard has passed
in history! Thousands of men and women like Reinhard
on, but this is not the end – we are just getting started!
You might ask, “How is this possible? Do you plan to
In 1987 (for the purpose of our local Church follow-
than ever?” The answer to that is actually, “Yes.” We will
up system) Christ for all Nations began tracking the
conduct more crusades this year than ever before. Also,
individual new converts being saved in our crusades.
I do believe we are going to see the largest crusades we
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conduct larger crusades than ever? Or more crusades