Å - Ålgård

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A calm and vivid city along the river

All scales relative to print on ISO A3.

The Figgjo river running through Ålgård is anonymous and hidden, not using its full potential. This project has been aimed at changing Ålgård and the river into one, making use of the best properties of a dense, small city and of a natural backbone like the river.


[c:] Small river From norse á - river

Carl-Frederic Salicath


Design goals: • Form the city around the • properties of the water and the strengths of the river. • Develope places for the life along the river. • Secure areas against flooding • Develope the river as a natural connection through the city, and bind the city to the river. • Direct the city towards the river, whilst maintaining its natural properties. Design parameters: • Design for high density and mixed-use. • Practice universal design. • Design to meet the needs of people, not cars.

Carl-Frederic Salicath


Because the chosen plan area is blank, with few points to relate to, the chosen design consept is based on a geometrical approach. However, life does not follow geometrical patterns, and when considering peoples random movements the pattern needs to be adopted. Also, the river makes its twists and turn without paying attention to circles and axis’. That is why the geometry is broken, bent and turned, to create places for life along the river. Grass Concrete paving stone

Granite Granite (Dark)

Table of materials, scale 1:10

There are two points of focus, Stasjonen and Magneten.

There two axis’, between those two points and the one created by the present street.

In the intersection between those lines a basepoint is established, and axis’ radiate from that point

Following the radians, circles are created, and structure of the new city plan fills into that pattern.

Carl-Frederic Salicath

Key design elements: • The canal, bringing the river into the city and extending the riverfront while giving a manmade river that can be manipulated to create public urban spaces based on the connection to the water. • The mulitbridges, three bridges providing seamless and intuitive access across the riverbanks, minimising the rivers barriereffect. • Car-free streets, providing • pedestrians full access to their city. • Pocket-parks, providing a place to get away from the urban life.

Plan overview The plan is based on a geometrical apporach in conflict with the natural elements and the urban life. From this conflict, a design emerge that highlights the needs of people, while maintaining an overall structure.


Today, the river divides the town between east and west, yet binds it together from south to north. The design aims to utilize the connection by developing the paths along the river and the waterfront, and lessen the impact of the barrier by building bridges across the river. The most notable design feature is the canal, bringing the river into the city center, connecting east and west while extending the riverfront and creating calm, public places.

The north bank of the canal is lined with a promenade, brought down to the water by steps in granite. The steps are both stairs and a place to sit down and enjoy the sunshine. The rock will retain heat, even after dark, making this an attractive place.

Carl-Frederic Salicath

Carl-Frederic Salicath • Steps leading down to the water along the canal, providing access to the water and places to sit and enjoy the occasional sunshine. • On the banks, rows of trees and even patches of grass provide a green element, and invites people to stay, creating urban life. The canal bank will be an attractive place for restaurants and cafés as people use the area. • The south bank is linear, as opposed to the north bank with its curved lines, and is lined with a promenade and a canal front set down to the water, connected to the street by stairs every 50 meters. • Two bridges cross the 100 meters long canal, connected to the streets minimizing the boundry-effect on the city. • Depth of the canal limited to 1,5 meter, making it shallow enough to provide safe bathing for kids, yet deep enough to swim in. • Extended riverbank and elevated terrain combined with rough, granite walls secures the city against floods up to the 100-year level. • The steps on the north side of the canal is universally designed using contrast-coloured paving and access ramp integrated into the steps. • Hydrofoilic island leads water from the river into the canal, to prevent still waters. This artificial bay might even be good for fishing... Section F: Riverfront Scale 1:200

Detail showing the small park and steps at the end of the canal. This is the most sunny spot along the canal

Carl-Frederic Salicath • Multibridges suspended over the river from a central, artificial island. • The bridges are thought as suspensionbridges using a central collumn and a seamless bridge deck. • The three bridges provide Ålgård with a landmark inviting people to stop and enjoy the vivid city. • The southernmost islands serves three purposes, as its shape leads water into the canal and its area allows for a small park in the middle of the river, creating yet another attractive place.

Section C Scale 1:200



Carl-Frederic Salicath

The street is where life takes place, and streets cannot take the individual twists and turns of our lives. This design is based on the street as a canvas, rather than a painting, as it opens up to life rather than restrict it in a pattern. • A large, central square connecting the canal, the streets and the transit-node together, making a potential for large, outdoor events. • In the focal point of the city, a web converges under a statue of a spider, reminish of Ålgårds spinning industry. • The streets are connected to the water by steps and stairs and bridges crossing it. The chosen street pattern means every street ends at the central square or at the waterfront. • Trees line every street, giving shade on sunny days, shelter on wet ones, and a calming green element to the city.

Section A: Canal Scale 1:500


Carl-Frederic Salicath • Car-free streets, only open to deliveries in daytime and emergency vehicles. The streets are ased on the sharedspace model. • Floorscape dividing the room, making a place for different types of users and activities. • The width of Ole Nielsens vei is used as a sunny green area, providing a park in relation to the city center. • Universally designed, with negliable elevation-differences over the area and safe streets with no traffic.

Section B: Main street and canal Scale 1:200

Section E: Sidestreet Scale 1:200

Section D: Parkstreet: Ole Nielsens vei Scale 1:200


Carl-Frederic Salicath

Perspective sketch from the canal steps looking towards the main square.

Carl-Frederic Salicath

Perspective sketch from the east riverbank looking west down the canal.

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