Disability and Aged Care Specialists
Now is the time to start a business in home care Interested in providing care to those who need it most? The 2021 federal budget has opened doors for home care, with a record 80,000 new home care packages for Australians, and an extra $13.2 billion committed to the NDIS over 4 years.
HomeCaring provides person-centred home care to seniors and people with disability. As a proud Australian-owned AFR Fast Starter Company, we’ve had tripled our growth in hours of service provided from March 2020 to February 2021.
-RLQ LQ RXU JURZWK VWRU\ DQG EHQHĆW IURP A 50/50 partnership model with 50% share of SURĆW A generous salary package NDIS
Approval to provide heavily funded government services (NDIS, Home Care Packages) %HQHĆW IURP RXU KLJKO\ UHJDUGHG EUDQG QDPHV Home Caring and Dementia Caring Comprehensive training, ongoing support and management tools
HomeCaring is currently offering VXLWDEO\ TXDOLĆHG FDQGLGDWHV ZKR DUH health professionals, particularly Registered Nurses or CNCs, an opportunity to invest as low as $25,000 to partner with HomeCaring.
Contact us on: 1300 640 887 info@homecaringfranchise.com.au www.homecaringfranchise.com.au
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