VOL 11, ISSUE 2, fEbrUary 2023 The magazine for franchisees • WWW. franchsingmagazine U sa . com COVER STORY ann O un CE m E n TS fRO m T h E induSTRY Questions e ntrepreneurs s hould Ask Fr A nchisors in 2023 t urn Your pA ssion i nto A pro F itA ble A nd r ewA rding cA reer S pECial fE aT u RE he A lth, F itness & b e Aut Y fR an Chi SES s ilvercrest’s pl At Form integrates all local and national marketing F r A nchising news
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH Your Path to a Franchise Business BEGINS HERE. Find answers to the questions you have from Franchise Brands - Industry Professionals - Educational Programs • Meet hundreds of brands from every industry • Attend 75 + workshops and FREE EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS • Franchises available at every investment level starting at $10,000; find the one that fits you! • FREE ADVICE from legal and finance professionals • The largest Franchise Expos in the U.S. Scan the QR code to receive more information, or email Linda.Thompson@Comexposium.com www.FranchiseExpo.com
VOlumE 11, iSSuE 2, 2023
On the cover: silv Ercr E st adv Ertising
pRES id E n T: colin Bradbury. colin@cgbpublishing.com
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Welcome to our february issue of franchising magazine uSa
With the holiday season well and truly behind us, now is the time to get back down to business. franchises are expected to continue to grow in 2023 and certainly over the next few years.
a s always we have our Front cover story and this issue we spoke with William r odriguez, a co-Founder of silvercrest advertising who has expanded its operation to include printing and manufacturing by opening their own print shop in Palm springs, ca . You can read more about what r odriguez had to say on page 10.
When going into Franchising you need great advice, and we have a number of experts in this issue who offer just that. g eorge Knauf, My perfect Franchise, investor Franchises, Who are t hey Built For? charles Bonfiglio discusses how you can turn Your Passion into a Profitable and r ewarding c areer and Bill McPherson Postnet v ice President of d evelopment suggests Questions Entrepreneurs should a sk Franchisors in 2023.
Our Main Feature this issue is h ealth Fitness and Beauty and you can find some great stories on Franchisees and their journeys along with in depth articles from Franchisors and experts such as, Evan hackel who is the cEO of ingage consulting, discussing how authenticity is the Key to r ecruiting the r ight Owners for Your Fitness Franchise . chris conner of FMs Franchise offers some advice on tapping into the g lobal Billion d ollar Beauty & skincare Market.
Every issue of Franchising Magazine Usa has our veterans in Franchising and this issue we meet Jessie Klein n - hance Franchisee a Former navy s ailor who attributes his success in Franchising to his Military training, Playa Bowls who had strong development in 2022 and offer a discount to veterans, Jd og Brands Breaks g rowth r ecords, and is by veterans for veterans.
i hope you enjoy reading this issue and don’t forget to take a moment to scroll thorough to our a-Z d irectory at the back of the magazine. happy r eading.
Vikki Bradbury | Publisher Franchising Magazine USA
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 3
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shall not be copied in whole or part, resold, hired out, without the express
of the publisher. SUPPLIER FORUM proud member of the ifa: international Franchise a ssociation 1501 K street, n.W., suite 350 Washington, d c. 20005 Phone: (202) 628-8000 Fax: (202) 628-0812 www.franchise.org VOL 11, ISSUE 2 fEbrUary 2023 The magazine for franchisees • WWW.franchsingmagazineUsa com COVER STORY annOunCEmEnTS fROm ThE induSTRY seQuestionsntrepreneurs hould Ask FrAnchisors in 2023 turn Your pAssion into A proFitAble And rewArdingcAreer SpECial fEaTuREheAlth, Fitness & beAutY fRanChiSES silvercrest’s plAtForm integrates all local and national marketing FrAnchising news
information and contents in this publication are believed by the publisher to be true, correct and accurate but no independent investigation has been undertaken. accordingly the publisher does not represent or warrant that the information and contents are true, correct or accurate and recommends that each reader seek appropriate professional advice, guidance and direction before acting or relying on all information contained herein. Opinions expressed in the articles contained in this publication are not necessarily those of
the publisher. the
subject to
that it
FEB r U ar Y 2023
26 Complete Weddings and Events: complete Weddings + Events Enters 2023 with impressive Momentum
20 Leena Iyar: chief Brand Officer at Moxo
66 Lorenzo Bates: 360clean Franchise
64 Jamie Eylar: home improvement: a small Business san antonio homeowners can trust
70 Franchising News Announcements from the Industry
74 Playa Bowls: demonstrates strong development growth in 2022 Franchisee
76 Jesse Klein | N-Hance: Franchise Owner was Part of history on 9/11 Have
22 Bill McPherson: Questions Entrepreneurs should ask Franchisors in 2023
62 Charles Bonfiglio: turn Your Passion into a Profitable and rewarding career
78 JDog Brands: Breaks growth records, continues to Push Forward
80 RNR Tire Express: announces 3-UnitFranchise signing for chicago
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 5
contents Cover Story 10 Silvercrest Advertising: silvercrest platform integrates all local and national marketing In evey issue 6 Franchising News Announcements from the Industry 31 Special Feature Supplement Health, Fitness & Beauty 69 Veterans Supplement News and Information for Veterans in Franchising 82 A-Z Franchise & Services Directory 10 22 Focus 16 Pool Scouts: seeks to capitalize on the 533% increase in Backyard swimming Pools Brunch Profile 28 Fazoli’s: a Franchise legacy Built for generations Have Your Say 14 Kumon: as learning gaps Persist, Kumon offers possible solutions 18 Big Chicken: Big chicken 2.0 – Our new Prototype Franchisor in Depth 24 Everline Coating: From Franchisee to Franchisor Painting a Brighter Future for Pavement Maintenance communities around the Us Expert Advice
George Knauf:
investor Franchises, Who are they, Built For?
Franchisor in Depth
In Action
Your Say
In Franchising
26 74
Home Run Franchises Launches Ownership Incentive for t itus c enter for franchising g raduates
Home Run Franchises, a Nashville, Tennessee-based franchisor of four home service franchise brands, announced a new incentive program for graduates of the Titus Center for Franchising at Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, Florida.
t he incentive program awards a franchise to any graduate or MBa student who demonstrates a passion for franchise ownership and meets the start-up financial requirements (less than $20,000). r ecipients do not pay the initial franchise fee, making franchise ownership possible for most graduates by steeply reducing the startup investment.
h ome run Franchises was founded by t homas s cott, a career franchisor and franchise industry supplier. s cott has helped more than 12,000 people open franchises and has helped grow more than 380 franchise systems over 25 years. s cott founded seven franchise brands. his h ome run Franchises brands specifically target young, g eneration Z owners. t he brands are Up closets, d ryer vent superheroes, t he lighting s quad and Window Film s quad.
s cott is a member of the t itus center advisory Board and provides internships to t itus center students.
“We believe g eneration Z entrepreneurs make the perfect franchise owners. t hey bring a unique set of skills and drive to the table,” said s cott. “Unfortunately, many franchise companies dismiss these young entrepreneurs, mistakenly thinking they lack skills or financial means. Our incentive program allows young entrepreneurs to get started in a life-long career of franchise ownership starting at an early age.”
c apital tacos Set to More Than Triple Its Footprint In 2023
franchise, part of a multi-unit development deal for 3 restaurants in the tampa Bay area, opened successfully in trinity, Fl , with additional multi-unit franchise deals sold as close as Orlando and as far out as colorado.
in 2023, as the tex-Mex space continues to carve out a significant market share in the Qsr category, the c apital tacos team anticipates their brick & mortar store count rising to more than 20 by year-end, with multiple units expected in charlotte, atlanta, Orlando, and s outh Florida. t he brand also intends to expand its food trailer footprint considerably, across all active markets.
As we embark on the New Year, Capital Tacos, the emerging corner taco shop turned nationally-awarded Tex-Mex restaurant franchise, is gearing up for a period of unprecedented growth. 2022 was a year that exceeded the brand’s expressed expectations and left it ready to establish franchised and corporate brick-and-mortar flagships in states throughout the country in 2023.
t he momentum of the c apital tacos brand has become undeniable in these last 12 months. its first brick & mortar outside tampa, based in Winter Park, Fl , opened to much fanfare. its first
“ t he depth of support given to us by the c apital tacos team to help prepare us for opening the doors to our franchise was astounding,” said Bill h oopes, c apital tacos franchisee. “ it helped equip us and our team with the tools and insights we needed to come out of the gate swinging. t hat, along with the unique quality of the product and the strength of the brand, has led to business performance that has far surpassed even our most optimistic expectations so far.”
6 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
PA l M Be A ch Atl A ntic B US ine SS Progr AM Will c re Ate n e W g ener Ation o F Fr A nchi S e oW ner S
primo h oagies Celebrates 30th Anniversary Year with Big Expansion Plans
Are you ready to run a profitable business with a proven success record?
Originally opened in South Philadelphia in 1992, PrimoHoagies has become one of the fastest growing sandwich brands in America with more than 90 locations –and another 200 in the works!
t he sandwich market is expected to increase by $1.69 billion from 2020 to 2025, making this the right time to invest in the successful Primo h oagies brand.
Why Primo h oagies? it starts with quality. t he company’s success is attributed to its superior products (gourmet t humann’s meats and cheeses and award-winning seeded bread), loyal customers and a diverse menu featuring dozens of specialty h oagies, unique and original to Primo h oagies.
Primo h oagies’ aggressive growth plan helped the sandwich franchise thrive during the cOvid -19 pandemic with a 21% increase in sales. and since 2020, Primo h oagies has achieved double-digit sales growth each year as the gourmet
sandwich brand continues to expand into several new markets throughout the country.
Primo h oagies is with you every step providing the tools you need to succeed from the buying stage to the grand opening and beyond offering franchise owners the opportunity to start their own sandwich shop with systems, equipment, support, and a business model already in place.
Primo h oagies has built, molded, and designed time-tested processes that pave the way for success. Our team has experts in each department, from operations and marketing to real estate and finance, who all focus their attention on driving sales and maximizing profitability. For more information about a PrimoHoagies franchise opportunity, visit: https://franchising.primohoagies. com/.
h aakenson e lectric Joins aB m franchising g roup tegg franchise n etwork Expands in Alaska
ABM, a leading provider of facility solutions, announced that Haakenson Electric, a company of the Superior Group, Inc., has signed an agreement to join its TEGG franchise network.
Haakenson Electric is a leading electrical contractor operating out of Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska. TEGG is a franchise brand of ABM Franchising Group, an operating unit of ABM.
“ haakenson is exceptionally dedicated to delivering reliability and innovation to communities across alaska,” said Bruce Phibbs, s enior v ice President of aBM Franchising g roup. “and as part of the
superior g roup, a linc s ervice franchise providing hvac and mechanical services, they can together create whole-facility maintenance solutions that build more benefits for their clients.”
Founded in 1982, haakenson Electric became a company of t he superior g roup, an employee-owned company, in 2004. a s an electrical contractor providing service across the state of alaska, haakenson provides design-build, maintenance, emergency services and upgrades to commercial, government, military, medical, and industrial facilities.
“Our parent company, t he superior g roup, inc, has been a linc s ervice franchise for 30 years and it is a vital part of our business. We have long embraced the system for the simple reason that it just works,” said dave Mc allen, President of haakenson Electric. “We are thrilled to expand the franchising opportunity into our electrical division through t Egg .” aBM Franchising g roup offers a portfolio of franchise networks that deliver electrical and mechanical services and preventive maintenance solutions to commercial and industrial buildings. aBM Franchising g roup consists of two franchise brands: t Egg and linc s ervice. haakenson Electrical will operate under the t Egg franchise brand.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 7
c rimson coward n ashville h ot c hicken Signs Area Representative Agreement in Virginia
Crimson Coward Nashville Hot Chicken has signed an Area Representative Agreement with Restaurant Management Group-Mid Atlantic (RMGMA) for its sixth location, a first on the east coast. John Filipiak and Nabil Asad are the principles of RMG-MA.
t he l a . hot chicken franchise opened in January in Woodbridge, v irginia. Filipiak brings 25 years of experience with developing and supporting more than 1,200 subway franchises in the area with the team at subway d evelopment of Washington while a sad has spent more
than 25 years operating multiple franchise concepts around the country. leveraging the popularity of hot chicken with a quality product, crimson coward launched in 2019 in los angeles with t he crimson rub spice combination, a secret blend of more than 16 primary spices, and five heat levels for guests. t hey have an aggressive goal to expand with more than 200 additional restaurants by 2027 with r Mg -M a planning to manage more than 25 of the new stores.
“ t he Woodbridge location will bring the core menu with the signature crimson rub spice combination, and some select additions unique to the east coast, served up via online or by walk in orders,” said Filipiak, managing partner. t he va franchise will be managed by a sad with a second location in the area set to open in spring 2023.
“crimson coward is heating up the hot chicken industry and we are excited to bring our brand to the east coast and beyond,” said founder, ali hijazi. Visit www.CrimsonCoward.com
c aring s enior s ervice hires home care and franchising expert as new chief operating officer
Caring Senior Service, announced today that it has tapped Jeff Bevis as its new chief operating officer, tasked with expanding the company’s franchising opportunities, accelerating its revenue growth and showcasing its proprietary technology.
“ i ’m excited to return fulltime to the home care industry because i still see it as an evolving industry with so many unsolved challenges,” Bevis said. “ t he industry needs clear, data-driven leaders and i ’m convinced my experiences will help c aring s enior s ervice solve many of the challenges clients, caregivers, team members and business owners face today.”
Bevis has more than 30 years of
operational experience and more than 20 years’ experience building successful brands in the home care industry.
Bevis said he has known c aring s enior s ervice cEO and founder Jeff s alter and others on the c aring s enior s ervice’s leadership team for many years and connected with them in 2021 as a consultant before taking on the cOO role this year.
“Jeff has a wealth of leadership and operational experience in the non-medical home care industry that is valuable to c aring s enior s ervice,” s alter said.
“ his familiarity in growing home care companies like ours is unparalleled. t he skillset Jeff brings to our table is certain to
result in our expedited success.”
Bevis will head the operations team from c aring s enior s ervice’s national headquarters in s an antonio, texas.
8 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
16 h andles Partners with Aladdin the Musical to Bring New Flavor to Stores
Aladdin the Musical and 16 Handles are keeping the magic alive this year by celebrating a new collaborative flavor launched in January. Introducing Aladdin’s Three Berry Magical Wishes, a limited-edition artisan frozen yogurt with a mesmerizing purple swirl! Get ready for an adventure with this delicious blend of strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries.
aladdin the Musical’s collaboration with 16 handles will give audiences the chance to step outside the n ew amsterdam t heatre and continue the celebration by visiting a local 16 handles shop to indulge in aladdin’s t hree Berry Magical Wishes flavor with family and friends.
“We are thrilled to kick off our partnership with aladdin the Musical and are looking forward to welcoming all aladdin fans into our stores,” said cEO n eil h ershman. “aladdin’s t hree Berry Magical Wishes is the perfect flavor to celebrate the magic of aladdin and satisfy any sweet tooth after the show.”
t he well-known dessert brand is excited to partner with yet another Broadway show. in past years, 16 handles has also collaborated with the tony-award winning musical, d ear Evan hansen to launch the Blue r aspberry s orbet in honor of the show’s last summer on Broadway.
Partnering with aladdin the Musical this year is sure to be another hit with n ew York’s Broadway fans.
To learn more about 16 Handles and franchise opportunities, please visit 16handles.com.
g otcha covered opens fourth location in Illinois
Gotcha Covered, a leader in custom window treatment consultation in the U.S. and Canada, announced its fourth location in Illinois with the opening of Gotcha Covered of Lake County. The new home-based center is owned and operated by Adam Cacioppo. With an emphasis on end-to-end consultations, this business will provide the best in soft and hard window treatments to homeowners in l ake county.
“at g otcha covered, our window treatment consultative services are second-to-none. t hat is a badge we proudly wear on our sleeve,” said Paul linenberg, president of g otcha covered. “a s we continue to thrive and grow, adding a fourth location in illinois was a great decision. adam has the right attitude and mindset to represent the g otcha covered brand, and l ake county is gaining a great asset for their community.”
c acioppo brings 20-plus years of craft work experience working in the commercial building sector. h e has managed the designs and installation of high-end commercial windows and architectural metal works for some of the most scrutinizing contractors, architects, designers and investors. h e has also worked on the window facades of some of the most exclusive buildings in the chicago skyline.
While researching business opportunities in home services, he came across g otcha covered. after months of diligence, research and conversations with g otcha covered and its franchise owners, he determined the company was in alignment with his skills and goals.
“ t he operations, support and business model were unmatched,” said c acioppo.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 9
n e W York c it Y ’ S Beloved So F t Serve Br A nd to oFFer n e W Fl Avor i n SP ired BY Bro A d WAY Sho W
s ilvercrest’s pl At Form integr Ates A ll loc A l A nd n Ation A l m A rketing
offering a portal that provides access to planning and purchasing all marketing channels at both the local and national level.
Silvercrest Advertising has expanded its operation to, include printing and manufacturing by opening their own print shop in Palm Springs, CA. In addition to printing, they have bought specialty products and apparel decoration in house. Making their marketing eco-system complete.
Silvercrest expanded into manufacturing it’s own products after nearly a decade of
Franchising USA spoke to William Rodriguez, Co-Founder of Silvercrest, as well as a Certified Franchise Executive with the International Franchise Association. He explained how Silvercrest brought print media manufacturing inhouse to adapt to supply chain disruptions.
“When COVID hit, supply chains became impossible to rely on. That coupled with industry wide paper shortages we predicted we wouldn’t be able to meet the demand of our clients. Because of that, we opened up our own print shop and thought, let’s bring apparel and specialty product decoration in too while we are at it.” said Rodriguez.
Silvercrest has long been the home of LMap. Short for Local Marketing Automation Platform, LMap is a sophisticated yet simple martech platform
that allows franchisors to overview their entire marketing landscape and also pinpoint local needs. For franchisees, it provides the knowledge on where media is available for them to use with already negotiated rates and access to creative that is brand-compliant. Now Silvercrest offers both strategy and media in a one-stop shop that includes, “Any media, any printed products and any specialty products and apparel,” said Rodriguez.
Bringing franchise marketing together
Rodriguez told Franchising USA why franchises, who may have several stores all over the country, can find that as they grow, their marketing gets complicated and hard to keep working in concert.
“Most Franchise vendor partners focus on one product line or service. This means that nothing is vertically integrated and as such nothing works together. You have one vendor for direct mail, one vendor for
10 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
cover story: Silvercrest Advertising
“ We help all kinds of businesses from large corporations to the traditional mom and pop and everything inbetween with local, regional and national marketing.”
digital, one vendor for social, one vendor for e-mail.” Rodriguez observed, “The more a brand spreads across all of these vendors, the more they lose the ability to be cost-effective.”
Rodriguez noted that with fragmentation, “Media works against itself. You aren’t able to create automatic triggers in one media based off the behaviour or the consumer’s interaction with the other.” Since LMap allows franchises to aggregate large amounts of nationwide data, it also offers the simplicity they need to zone in on regional and local strategies Down to the household level.
Now that Silvercrest is providing planning, buying and manufacturing, it has truly become a self-contained marketing ecosystem. “We control every aspect of the process from start to finish, allowing us to save time, money and mistakes” said Rodriguez.
adapting for longevity
The addition of media and physical products is just one more of a series of evolutions that Silvercrest has undergone since Rodriguez founded it with Ryan Gesler in March 2011.
“We started off as an advertising agency,” said Rodriguez. “Then we realized the industry needed technology.” The company stays flexible and keeps up-to-date with the needs of the market and its clients, so that, “When we couldn’t find what we thought would be needed for our clients, we built our own.”
Willingness to adapt and grow has kept Silvercrest strong over the last twelve years. In addition to its corporate office in Palm Springs, the company now has employees and coverage in six different states. “We help all kinds of businesses from large corporations to the traditional mom and pop and everything inbetween with local, regional and national marketing.”
a future with franchises
Looking forward, Silvercrest’s aim is to help more franchises stay on top of their local and nationwide marketing. “Our services have really been tailored to assist franchisors and their franchisees,” said Rodriguez.
Silvercrest specializes in the unique needs franchises have, compared to other types of business. “Franchising is a special beast when it comes to marketing,” said Rodriguez. “It’s a decentralized decision making tree in most cases, and you need to aggregate the behavior and roll it up to a national level for the franchisor to effectively see and manage what is going on locally across the system.” So Silvercrest aims to meet that need for unity from the store level up to the brand. Rodriguez described it, “We focus on a local level nationwide.”
Helping franchises understand and communicate with every location is why it’s so important for Silvercrest’s suite of services to be complete. “For the franchisor we help provide marketing assets and access to marketing and media channels on
a consistent local level. That helps maintain brand integrity and brand consistency,” said Rodriguez.
While Silvercrest offers vital insights to franchisors, it’s a massive time saver for franchisees. Rodriguez said, “We give franchisees a portal where they can access everything from business cards to direct mail, Facebook ads to e-mail marketing. Getting everything from one place without having to go to multiple platforms helps them become more efficient and brand compliant quickly.” Most importantly, “It lets them to get back to running their business.”
Now that Silvercrest has added manufacturing to its offerings, it has everything franchises need, “To bring effective media and marketing solutions to brands when they need it where they need it on a local level,” as Rodriguez described it.
It’s just one more way for franchisors to, “Help their franchisees get access to the media and marketing assets they need but provide flexibility in customization on a local level.”
To learn more about how Silvercrest can help you reach out!
William Rodriguez
email: wrodriguez@sca-mail.com
Phone: 818-475-7622
Web: www.silvercrestadvertising.com
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 11
i nvestor Fr A nchises w ho Are t he Y b uilt For?
Franchising has gone through a series of evolutionary stages, the latest is finally upon us. The investor passive franchise ownership model has been picked up and adopted from the market segment that it was developed in and is rolling out across franchising.
This is not like buying and selling stock. The Passive franchise owner signs the franchise agreement, owns their entire franchise business, puts up the funding and then contracts with a management group arranged by the franchisor who will stand up then run the business for the investor for a Management Fee.
If you have been around for a while you may recognize the model. Just like semiabsentee franchises were largely proven in the hair care business, passive franchises were largely proven in the hotel business. For years I have referred to it as “The Ritz Carlton model”, but in truth it was used by many hotel brands to grow their footprint.
George Knauf is a highly sought after, trusted advisor to many of the top franchise ownership groups in the world. With over 25 years of experience in both start-up and mature business franchise operations he is uniquely qualified to advise individuals that have dreamed of Building their own empires. Whether you have an existing portfolio or searching for your first franchise, he can help you to pursue your dreams. www.MyPerfectFranchise.com
The hotel model is that the owner of land or an existing hotel property could go to Ritz-Carlton and contract for them to get the real estate ready to operate then run it under a management contract.
This passive model is the next logical step in an evolutionary process for the franchise industry. When I started in franchising 30 years ago most franchise owners were single unit owners, with a small number being multi-unit owners. Over time, shifts in workplace loyalty and how buyers leveraged franchise brands meant that more owners are multi-unit owners and many of those are semi-absentee. More owners growing multi-unit and multi-
brand empires means they need proven and efficient ways to manage those. The approach has been that a multi-unit-brand owner would build their own corporate staff for their holdings to handle all the tasks of running the units or territories. But that can sometimes be slow and complicated as owners diversify.
We have been watching a few franchisors testing passive models outside of the hotel space. It looks like the model is settling in as the next big shift in franchising. To a small extent this new model serves owners already in the franchise space. More likely this model will be leveraged by wealthy individuals, people using specialized
12 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa e XPert ADvIce: George Knauf | Senior Franchise Business Advisor | FranChoice
immigration visas, family offices and investment funds.
This will not likely be a fit for buyers looking for single or small multiunit purchases. The portfolio that the management company will run has to be big enough that they can devote time, energy and staff to running your operations. Will also not fit investment funds with a mandate to purchase existing units until there are pools of these passive operations that enter the resale market.
In the case of one group I am watching, the new owner commits to purchase an entire market and that market will be assigned a number of projected units by the franchisor. Once the owner approves of the concept they contract with the franchisor and the management company. The costs to open each unit or territory will go to the new owner as they are needed.
The new owner can pick a large market like Denver, Dallas or Los Angeles. Alternatively they can pick a smaller market that still has enough potential units
for the management company to devote resources. Multiple market acquisitions are also a possibility.
In a semi-absentee model you are hiring a manager and a team then overseeing them. This is one step further removed in that the management company fills that role then briefs you on some schedule on the performance of your franchise.
So, is it really passive? Well, I would say it is close, maybe spot on. You are still investing the money to stand up the entire business and you may spend an hour or two a month interacting with the management company if everything is dialed in. but if you have other investments or a job then this is potentially a great model to help you balance the demands on your time as you scale up a franchise portfolio.
I have not seen any franchise brands rolling out this model on any notable scale where they don’t have substantial franchise experience. The brands I am watching have solid franchise executive teams as do the management companies. That experience
“ The people running your business will be focused on your success all day, every day. You get to focus on growing your portfolio, your family, travel and more.”
behind the model may make it one to consider.
If you are an existing franchise portfolio owner, wealthy investor or a family office, this passive investor franchise model is a solution that can speed your growth and improve quality of life. The people running your business will be focused on your success all day, every day. You get to focus on growing your portfolio, your family, travel and more. I see this being a regularly used growth model going forward across the franchise industry alongside the existing owner operator, executive and semi-absentee models.
What is your success story? Let’s go find it!
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 13
a s l earning g aps p ersist, k umon o ffers p ossible s olutions
Kumon Centers throughout the U.S. and Canada experienced record enrollment numbers in 2022, and that increased demand for in-person instruction in Kumon Centers is expected to continue into the future. An unintended consequence of the pandemic’s shutdowns was the creation of a widening education learning gap. That gap is the driver of the current surge in education franchises across the U.S. and Canada as parents continue to enroll their children in Kumon Centers.
“The need for more centers is expected to continue as parents keep seeking out Kumon Instructors to help them overcome these gaps,” Kumon North America’s Senior Vice President of Field Operations Mike Shim said. “We will continue to expand to help meet the needs of students all over the country who seek quality educational enrichment.”
Standardized test scores released last fall continued to show the breadth of student learning gaps caused by pandemic shutdowns across the country.
As COVID-19 spread around the U.S. in early 2020, communities went into lockdown mode to contain its spread. That meant classroom instruction took a virtual turn, one that educational institutions hadn’t prepared for at the time.
The lack of preparation meant diminished resources for students, which included a shortage of computers, Internet access, parental support and in-person instruction. Parents struggled to help their students and financially support themselves. And while it was known there would be educational repercussions, the extent of which wouldn’t be known until now.
“The pandemic created so many learning gaps in students’ learning process because, as we know, online is not in-person, especially for our early learners who are just learning to read or count, because they are not yet independent and the parents are not always able to be there and sit with them,” said Pinali Patel, the Instructor at the Kumon Center of Tampa-Carrollwood in Florida. “That created a huge gap, and
14 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa HAve yo U r s Ay: Kumon
Record student enrollment, fueled by a widening national learning gap, continues to drive Kumon North America’s growth as more centers open and more instructors are recruited to keep up with demand.
it is going to take a lot of work and time to recover.”
The release of the nation’s report card, which measures achievement scores of fourth and eighth grade students, in late 2022 further roiled the education community as the deep extent of the pandemic’s toll on students was more fully recognized.
The scores showed steep declines throughout the U.S. at both grade levels, and most states showed setbacks regardless of demographic. In math, the scores showed the most significant decline since the reporting began more than 30 years ago.
About 26% of eighth graders scored as proficient, which was down from 34% in 2019. At the fourth-grade level, scores were slightly higher with 36% scoring at the proficient level, which was down from 41% in 2019. In reading, proficiency was also anemic as students in fourth and eighth grade scored 33% and 31%, respectively.
“The math and reading declines shown in National Assessment of Educational Progress’ report is unfortunately old news for Kumon Instructors in the U.S. and Canada,” Shim said. “We continue to experience a surge in student enrollment that has been driven by parents recognizing the learning gap created in the past two years. This is just a further illustration of that need.”
Kumon is the top education franchise in North America, with over 2,000 Kumon Centers in the U.S. and Canada. The education enrichment industry is valued at $23.4 billion in the U.S.
Learning gaps in education are nothing new. The gaps are a discrepancy between what the student should have learned by a certain benchmark in their education versus what they actually learned.
Kumon’s after-school math and reading program is designed to help a child accelerate their learning. The Kumon Method, which has been in practice for more than 60 years, focuses on building math and reading skills through daily practice and it’s something Patel views as vital to helping students overcome those learning losses.
“Kumon is the one program that is there to fill those gaps, because Kumon works differently,” she said.
Closing the learning gap relies upon the consistent daily study of the skills the child has missed. The consistency and practice of the work each day, through scored worksheets based on mastery of skills,
is a more effective way of addressing the learning gaps compared to tutor instruction, which leaves additional gaps in the time worked on assignments and remediation.
“While the return to normal classroom instruction has helped close those gaps, it isn’t enough,” Shim said. “Our instructors continue to assist students throughout the U.S. and Canada achieve the gains they need to continue their education. But we need more Instructors to meet this need in communities around the country.”
John Collins is Kumon North America’s Vice President of Center Network Development.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 15
“ Kumon’s after-school math and reading program is designed to help a child accelerate their learning.”
T h E 533% i ncre A se in bAck YA rd s wimming p ools
Throughout the height of the pandemic, many families turned to swimming as a form of stayat-home entertainment. This trend led to a massive growth of 20% in pool ownership and construction throughout the country just between 2019 and 2020.
Recent data estimates an increase of over 500% in backyard pools in recent years. For companies like Pool Scouts, the 110-plus-territory pool maintenance and cleaning franchise, this trend has drastically impacted the pool services industry.
Pool Scouts delivers a quality, consistent pool cleaning, maintenance and minor
repair service through the use of highly trained technicians who are experts in testing, monitoring, treating and servicing pools. Part of the appeal of the brand is that the pool service pros don’t even require face-to-face interaction with customers to get the job done - a significant benefit during the pandemic. Pool Scouts also has the backing of a strong parent company, Buzz Franchise Brands, that helps set up franchisees for success from the start.
“We were also really fortunate during COVID — while so many other companies were shutting down, we saw robust growth as an essential service. People have invested more in pools and pool construction in the past couple of years than they ever have,” said Michael Wagner, president of Pool Scouts.
While the entire industry saw growth, Pool Scouts specifically saw impressive system-wide expansion. The brand saw 45% customer growth in 2022 compared to the year before, due to the higher quantity of households that had invested in pool ownership during the pandemic that now needed maintenance services. Additionally, Pool Scouts had an impressive year in franchise development, signing 17 new franchisees that represented 25 territories. It entered several new states in 2022, including Michigan, Idaho and Illinois, which are set to open in 2023. With that, Pool Scouts now operates in 18 states across the country.
“The past couple of years have been incredibly robust from a pool construction standpoint across the country,” said Wagner. “Lots of new pools have been
16 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa pOO l S CO u TS S EE k S TO Capi Taliz E O
Foc Us: Pool Scouts
COVID-19 caused a major trend for backyard pools and construction, the national pool service franchise used that growth to gain momentum for the brand throughout 2022.
built, and they need us to take care of them. So, we expect customer acquisition to continue to be robust, and we’re very much looking forward to that. The brand really hit a tipping point over the past couple of years, especially with the number of customers we’re servicing around the country, and we expect great things in 2023.”
Pool owners across the country consistently turned to Pool Scouts for service in 2022, with 71% of Pool Scouts clientele being recurring customers across the franchise system. The brands’ value per customer increased 15% year-overyear, despite the fact that 58% of invoiced customers were brand new to the company. With this climbing demand for pool service year over year, the brand’s system-wide net promoter score reached a high of 80, with eleven franchise locations scoring above 90 for their respective units across nine separate states.
Because of charitable initiatives such as the brand’s partnership with Hope Floats, an organization whose mission is to protect every life from drowning through education and water safety awareness, Pool Scouts was able to stand apart from the other brands within the industry during that time while helping save lives across the country. Throughout Water Safety Month, Pool Scouts donated $1.00 from each service to the Hope Floats Foundation in order to provide scholarships to children for swim lessons. The brand’s efforts raised $16,018 for the foundation, funding 800 swim lessons for children who would not be able to afford them in local communities nationwide and help prevent drowning as a cause of death in children.
“Safety is our top priority, and this partnership with Hope Floats allows us to act on that and provide potentially life-saving value to children and families across the county,” said Brian Garrison, COO of Buzz Franchise Brands, parent company of Pool Scouts.
Pool Scouts was able to achieve and maintain its successful pattern with the leadership of new executive team members like Lynlea Rudell, who joined the brand in the middle of the pandemic as the Director
of Marketing. Rudell joined Pool Scouts with 15 years of experience in marketing under her belt and was a natural fit for the brand due to her background as a swim coach.
Rudell’s interest in franchising began when she and a friend were interested in becoming British Swim School franchisees. She realized it wasn’t the right time for her to become an owner but loved the Pool Scouts story and concept. When the Director of Marketing Position opened up she “jumped” right in. Since joining the leadership team at Pool Scouts, Rudell’s focus has been on growing the brand and finding the right franchisees to expand with, as pool service demands continue across the country.
“As you are building trust with your franchisees you need to be a good coach and listener to provide the guidance required to help the franchisees as they build up their business,” said Rudell.
In 2022, Pool Scouts continued to add more members to its leadership team including Kanchan Woods as the brand’s marketing specialist, and Dave Nolan and Adrian Francisco as technical support coaches to perform field training and support around the pool side of the business. Pool Scouts also hired Russell Gesher to the leadership team as the new Director of Operations.
Looking into 2023, Pool Scouts is expecting to bring in over 18 new
franchisees in several new states.
“Our expectations are to grow even more robustly on the customer side, across the country,” said Wagner. “We have so many new franchisees that we really expect to see substantial growth in their second year, or even a second six months depending on when they launched their business. We acquire a ton of customers in the early parts of the year, with the April-June timeframe being some of our biggest months. We are looking forward to another great year at Pool Scouts.”
aBout pool scouts:
Virginia Beach, VA-based Pool Scouts is a premier pool service franchise focused on delivering a quality, consistent brand experience while providing pool cleaning, maintenance and minor repair services at residential properties. Technicians are trained in testing, monitoring, treating and servicing pools and can provide ongoing service as well as help at the beginning and end of the summer season. With over 110 territories across 18 states, Pool Scouts offers a great opportunity as a low-cost franchise in the pool services industry with available territories across the United States. Pool Scouts was named in Entrepreneur Magazine’s Franchise 500, ranking no. 490 out of over 1,300 applicants, recognized for its exceptional performance in areas such as unit growth, financial strength and stability, and brand power. For more information or franchising opportunities, visit http:// poolscoutsfranchise.com.
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b ig c hicken
2.0 – o ur n ew protot Y pe
At Big Chicken, we believe in continuous improvement and the relentless pursuit of bringing Big Fun and Big Quality to our guests. While Big Chicken is still a fairly young concept, we have the backing of Shaquille O’Neal and a pair of powerful ownership group partners, Authentic Brands and JRS Hospitality, that allow us to operate with bigger capabilities than a start-up would be expected to have.
We have a strong innovation pipeline and are constantly looking for ways to better our offering for guests and franchisees. To that point, we recently opened our second Las Vegas restaurant (and sixth brick-andmortar overall), unveiling our first ever drive-thru and introducing a new coffee and breakfast menu for guests to enjoy.
Simply put, people are on the go and can’t always sit down in your restaurant to enjoy their meal, so exploring delivery, pick-up, catering and drive-thru options is a must for restaurant concepts. The challenge that comes with it, though, is ensuring guests receive the same food quality and experience they would inside your four walls. At Big Chicken, quality has always been our number one priority and we’ve worked closely with our accomplished, world-class chefs Matt Silverman and Matt Piekarski to develop a product and to-go packaging that travels well and is representative of the quality our guests expect. Since we’ve had success with delivery, pick-up and catering, a drive-thru option was the next logical step.
A drive-thru not only offers a convenient option for guests, but it also helps our teams handle meal-time rushes. We also knew that it would be an integral part of this store’s format because of the added
breakfast menu. We spent a lot of time understanding drive-thru technology, queueing dynamics, and how to keep the drive-thru experience fun. All of this ensures that our guests are comfortable given our food is always made fresh for them.
18 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
H ys: Big Chicken
Because Big Chicken was founded and built by Shaquille O’Neal, we are getting into channels that a younger brand might have to wait to enter. We are in several arenas, Carnival Cruise Ships, and starting in Q1 this year, we will enter airports. Given airports transcend all dayparts, we believed it was critical to create and pilot a breakfast program that encompassed all of our company’s values.
Breakfast offerings at our new location include; G.O.A.T (toasted brioche with our signature house made scrambled eggs, american cheese, herb mayo and don’t forget to add our signature Naked Truth crispy fried chicken for the greatest of all time breakfast sandwich), Nashville Hot Burrito (nashville hot spiced crispy chicken, our signature house made scrambled eggs, pepper jack cheese, tots and avocado) and The Tiger (our signature house made scrambled eggs on a buttered biscuit topped with cheddar cheese and
house made bacon jam), along with other sandwiches and sides.
In addition to the food items that will be offered for the morning, we wanted to have a coffee program that would get people to change up their morning routines. We brew La Colombe Coffee, given its high quality, to give guests the caffeine kick they need in the morning. We offer hot and iced coffees and espresso drinks, including black & white mochas and the vanilla mocha deluxe, made from La Colombe’s small batch roasted beans. La Colombe, like Big Chicken, is dedicated to providing customers with the best products made from the best ingredients. Between the food that the Matts worked day and
night to perfect, and the incredible coffee provided by La Colombe, our breakfast menu will absolutely delight our guests.
a homefield advantage
Another reason why this opening is meaningful to us is its location. The new store is located at 9595 W Tropicana Avenue in the southwest section of Las Vegas, about 20 minutes from our flagship restaurant at 4480 Paradise Road, which opened in 2018, and only a few miles from JRS Hospitality’s corporate headquarters. We have a strong fanbase in Las Vegas, so it made sense to test these new elements with people who are already familiar with and love our brand.
Big Chicken has come so far in the past four-plus years, and we’re continuing to grow every day. With over 200 locations in our development pipeline, we’ll be opening even more restaurants in new markets in 2023, so be on the lookout for a Big Chicken in your community!
CEO of Shaquille O’Neal owned Big Chicken, Josh Halpern is a proven growth strategist who has accelerated brands within the restaur ant and retail sectors for Anheuser-Busch InBev, Clorox, P&G and other Fortune 500 companies. Halpern is at the helm of the Big Chicken franchising initiative, working closely with O’Neal and Big Chicken’s ownership group representatives to expand the brand’s presence.
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Q+A with leen
A iYAr c hief b rand
o fficer at m oxo
Leena Iyar is the Chief Brand Officer at Moxo. She is responsible for all aspects of Moxo’s marketing efforts, including strategy, brand awareness, growth marketing, public relations and customer communications. She is a graduate of King’s College London and resides in Silicon Valley, California.
20 Franchising M aga Z in E
Iyar |
| Moxo
What challenges is the franchise industry facing amidst high employee turnover, labor shortages, and union drives?
The labor shortages and union drives taking place in the franchise industry clearly indicate a low level of satisfaction among the workforce. In the face of these disruptions, franchisors are facing many other challenges on a daily basis. Franchise business owners are oftentimes dealing with hundreds of locations and must work around the clock to ensure that each location is operating smoothly. With nearly 8.5 million franchise employees in the US, this opens the door to inefficient processes and miscommunication - both issues that have contributed to the high employee turnover recently.
Excellent customer service is critical in franchise businesses. Unfortunately, labor shortages and high employee turnover rates present a large challenge for business owners here. Inefficiencies in business processes by internal stakeholders can potentially translate to a negative client experience. Having to constantly onboard new employees, while simultaneously losing top talent, can have a significant impact on the customer experience, especially in this day and age, where consumers expect efficient and timely service from all the businesses they interact with.
How has the rapid adoption of multiple digital solutions created inefficiencies in the franchise industry?
As digital business has become increasingly commonplace in recent years, many franchisors rushed to accelerate their digital transformation efforts by adopting multiple digital solutions. Today, it is clear that these efforts to accommodate the digitalfirst preference in businesses have resulted in an excess of digital tools. Not only has this left teams operating from disparate channels that lack cohesion, but it also leaves business processes fragmented, which can strain communication and cause bottlenecks at key points in business workflows.
Because the internal effectiveness of franchise employees relies heavily on the technologies being deployed, it’s critical that franchisors must work on fine-tuning their digital transformation strategy to better meet the needs of their workforce and alleviate common pain points throughout day-to-day operations. Adopting one singular digital platform not only assists franchisors and franchisees in better managing employees, but it also helps in managing customer interactions.
In what ways can digital transformation solve issues facing franchisors?
A business management portal can help franchise owners deliver a consistent, on-brand, digital experience to all of their physical locations. In the past, franchisors had to communicate separately
with the franchisees at every single one of their locations, which has proved to be an extremely tedious and inefficient process. With one management platform, franchisors can ensure that all branches of their franchise are receiving the same experience.
In addition, a management hub enables franchisors to bring structure to their business processes through the incorporation of workflows to manage the end to end processes spanning their franchise. A digital hub allows franchisors to properly leverage a range of interaction capabilities such as messaging, online meetings, document sharing, virtual data rooms, as well as integrate any key third-party solutions that are needed. Ultimately, by having access to all this information in a one-stop hub, franchisors can eliminate the inefficiencies in communication, and help streamline the processes in the management of their franchise.
How can technology help franchisees build a more satisfied workforce?
While the customer experience is top priority in the franchise industry, excellent customer service cannot be delivered without an excellent employee experience. Franchises focusing solely on the customer will fail to retain the most talented employees. Franchisees must view their employees as a customer as they pursue digital transformation efforts, and when executed properly, they will always translate outward into a positive customer experience.
Whether it be obstacles to connecting with upper management, difficulty getting straightforward answers promptly, or jumping through several hoops to complete a simple task, the employee experience hasn’t lived up to the intuitive and seamless interactions we enjoy as customers. When dealing with assigning shifts and communicating business meetings in the franchise industry, employees want streamlined communications and accessible information. This is critical to keeping improving employee satisfaction and retention.
Franchisees can begin to build a more satisfied workforce by unburdening employees. First, franchisees must do away with outdated legacy systems that create bottlenecks and force employees to operate from disjointed channels. Instead, they should opt for technology that provides a centralized experience that reduces the number of touchpoints to complete tasks and access information. This will instantly speed up the flow of communication throughout the franchise and will ultimately allow teams to operate more efficiently.
As the tools and technologies used by franchises help to shape the employee experience, the satisfaction of the workforce will grow. An enhanced focus on employee experience will be paramount to remaining competitive, retaining top talent, and providing an optimal customer experience.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 21
Questions e ntrepreneurs s hould a sk f ranchisors in 2023
staff and retention
For more information on PostNet, please visit: https://www.postnet.com/.
According to Statista, in 2022, it was estimated that there would be almost 792,000 franchise establishments in the United States with an economic output of roughly $827 billion.
The number of employees totaled almost 8.5 million people. That same report stated that the largest segment of franchising is the quick service restaurants with business services coming in second.
With more franchising options becoming available and more potential franchisees entering the industry, it is important to make sure you pick the right franchise for you. When looking back at 2022, there were various issues that potential franchisees were focused on when determining which franchise was right for them. Those include the stability of the franchisor, existing franchisee performance in 2022 and funding.
Cultural fit also played an important role in 2022. With uncertainty in the market, inflation, interest rates, political unrest, and a multitude of other issues, the cultural fit between the potential franchisee and the franchisor was critical. Candidates wanted to feel comfortable with the culture of the leadership team, communication, collaboration and the support they received. In addition, entrepreneurs
also wanted to see how successfully the franchisor navigated the pandemic. Looking ahead to this year, it’s vital for potential franchise owners to take note of trends within the industry. With COVID and social issues being a continued focal point, there remains a multitude of questions entrepreneurs should ask before acquiring a franchise – from cultural fit to financials.
the covid effect
While the world inches further and further away from the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the business environment is still seeing the lingering effects. When it comes to choosing a franchise in 2023, entrepreneurs need to pay attention to how franchisees performed in 2022 as opposed to 2021. Are the franchise owners on par or exceeding pre-COVID sales or are they still trying to recover? The answer is a clear indication of the support the franchisor is providing its franchisees. If franchisees are still struggling, that could be a red flag for entrepreneurs looking to buy the franchise.
A franchisor’s support staff should also be considered in 2023. Whether or not the franchise has increased or decreased support staff over the past two to three years is critical. For example, if a franchisor had reduced its corporate staff during the pandemic and has not replenished it, it is probably a red flag. On the other hand, if the franchise has increased support staff, it can be indicative of growth despite the pandemic.
One of the ongoing challenges for small businesses in the United States today is getting and retaining quality employees. For entrepreneurs, this is a great opportunity to ask franchisors how they are helping franchisees with staffing. If franchisees within the franchise system are fully staffed, it can showcase the franchisor’s dedication to its franchise owners. Franchisors can contribute to this by building a positive franchise culture, providing ample franchise support and creating competitive benefits for employees.
technology advantages
In 2023, technology remains an emphasis for any business. With customers looking for quick access to services, a company’s technology stack can provide a great advantage to potential franchisees. When asking about a franchise’s support system, entrepreneurs need to make it a point to ask about its technology. You want to align with a franchisor that allows you as a franchisee to efficiently and effectively operate your franchise. If you can do that through the franchisor’s technology platform, then there are numerous benefits, including operating a more profitable franchise.
Be direct
While we have discussed several questions you should consider before acquiring a franchise in 2023, it’s just as important to be able to have transparency. When evaluating a potential franchise, you should be honest and direct. At PostNet, we treat this partnership like a longterm relationship or marriage. If you’re not honest and direct and don’t have the support and understanding from both parties, then the marriage is going to fail. Do your homework, feel comfortable with the answers to your questions and you’ll set the basis for a long-term business relationship.
e XPert ADvIce: Bill McPherson | PostNet Vice President | Franchise Development
Bill McPherson is the vice president of franchise development for PostNet, a global leader in high-quality printing and shipping solutions, and AlphaGraphics, a leading franchisor of printing and marketing solutions. With over 29 years of franchise leadership, he has led franchise development and real estate for B2B, B2C, retail, and in-home senior care concepts.
In 2022, franchising continued to be a popular option for entrepreneurs looking to establish their own businesses.
fRO m fR an Chi SEE TO fR an Chi SOR pA inting A b righter Future For pAvement mA inten A nce
John Evans, Founder & CEO of EverLine Coatings and Services grew up around franchising, being the son of multi-unit owners.
While going to university for business and political science he became a student painting franchisee, where he quickly became a top revenue generator. He discovered the growth potential for the parking lot line striping & pavement maintenance service category while attending a franchise show, talking with a company that was licensing a new durable product for commercial needs.
After discovering that outside of independent contractors who often lacked sophistication and business acumen, there was no true leader within the $29 billion pavement maintenance industry. Knowing what it’s like to write a royalty check, he created an industry disrupter that provides both property owners and franchisees full-service value. Today, EverLine Coatings is America’s fastest growing parking lot line striping and pavement maintenance services franchise with 44 territories in Canada and
66 open and operating in the U.S. with 146 territories currently in development (sold, but not open). The rapid growth validates how EverLine’s services are fulfilling a unique void in the marketplace and alleviating pain points for property managers across North America.
the demand for pavement maintenance
The demand for in line striping & pavement maintenance is substantial as pavement is everywhere. Parking lots have daily wear and tear that can deteriorate quickly, especially in climates that see a variety of different weather conditions. For many pavement maintenance is an afterthought, but in order to be a successful property manager or business owner – parking lots need to be safe and appealing. EverLine Coatings was created to help public and private property owners & managers rethink their pavement maintenance needs by educating them on the value of protecting asphalt assets with regular services to maintain. Pavement needs to be maintained regularly because of daily foot and vehicle traffic.
Being proactive vs reactive
With more financial stresses weighing on businesses, the protection of a business’s investments has become that much more important. When pavement is neglected, it will deteriorate – causing astronomical repair costs and significant liability risks. This proactive versus reactive approach allows owners and property managers to treat pavement as a true asset. EverLine Coatings also offers a Preventative Pavement Maintenance Program to maximize the ROI, while increasing the life of the asphalt up to 100% - doubling the lifetime value. When asphalt and concrete areas are properly cared for, asphalt can last up to 25 to 30 years, and concrete surfaces can last up to 40 years. It can be a costly endeavor to have an entire lot completely repaved, let alone the time the lot would have to be shut down for the maintenance. Taking care of the lot through coating, repairing damage and restriping is something that can help save the major headache that repaving can be for a business.
24 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
Fr AN c HI sor IN D et H: EverLine Coatings and Services
“ Today, EverLine Coatings is America’s fastest growing parking lot line striping and pavement maintenance services franchise.”
rise in new solutions to pavement maintenance
The use of technology and innovation allows EverLine Coatings to offer exclusive product and color-matching capabilities for customers and franchisees. TBL Durables provides traffic marking paint that lasts 2-4x longer than standard traffic paint. This is an ideal solution for those looking to improve durability of their pavement markings at an attainable price point. TBL durables is 10x more environmentally friendly than other leading products (and LEED compliant). They also offer sealcoating which provides a lasting, protective barrier between the asphalt and everything that can wear it down, ensuring it stays smooth and functional for a longer time. The waterproofing sealant sprays onto asphalt gives the pavement a wear-resistant surface that looks beautiful and prevents moisture and oxidation from creating cracks and potholes.
one-stop shop to minimize the hassle
There are often multiple jobs that can be done at once and with unresponsive contractors or multiple point of contacts, this can create even more never-ending headaches. With EverLine Coatings customers get a reliable point of contact and qualified crew committed to deliver on full satisfaction. The franchise is a full-service pavement maintenance company that offers customers complete line striping, asphalt repair, sealcoating, and crack-filling.
In addition, they can offer various parking lot services such as custom stenciling (branding), power washing and parking lot accessory installation such as speed bumps, parking blocks, signs and more. Through the companies EverFloor Durable Systems brand division, they also provide interior floor coating applications for safety lines, slip resistant and protective epoxy floor coatings in industrial centers. Franchisees pride themselves on being the single vendor solution that helps customers save time and money.
view the parking lot as the welcome mat
A well-maintained parking lot can affect foot traffic and shopper’s decisions to visit the property as opposed to others, as well as increase the patrons time spent at the location. Clean, appealing lines offer safe, easy navigation. For a lot of customers, the quality of a parking lot when they pull into your business is a preview of what their experience will be like.
painting a Brighter future for Business owners and property owners
EverLine Coatings and Services provides a much-needed solution for property owners and managers who are looking for a professional, credible, communicative and quality-focused line striping and pavement maintenance service provider. EverLine Coatings has developed industry-leading parking lot striping and pavement maintenance programs that help thousands of managers simplify their job while getting better from their properties. Before we came along, the industry was fractured and leaderless with no company that had a national service-brand behind it that can complete the full range of services for national accounts – and we are now leading the way. Through the business development focus, proprietary products and a franchise support system, it is safe to say that the industry has not seen a company like us and we are proud to be known as industry disruptors.
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complete w eddings + e vents e nters 2023 with i mpressive m omentum
All-in-One Planning Franchise Highlights 2022 Achievements Ahead of New Year
Complete Weddings + Events, the leading one-stop-shop wedding and event planning franchise, is celebrating its numerous achievements in both sales and philanthropy over the past year while looking ahead to a year full of promise in 2023.
Franchisees across the nation set a new standard in providing coordination, photography, videography, photobooth, lighting, and DJ services for once-ina-lifetime events like weddings, bar mitzvahs, school events and corporate gatherings. Complete Weddings + Events grew its system-wide sales by doubledigits, with a 10 percent increase between 2021 and 2022, along with the addition of five new territories.
“I’ve been so impressed by the dedication and energy our franchisees brought to their clients and our brand as a whole in 2022,” said Complete Weddings + Events CEO Eric Maas. “Our mission is to create awesome experiences for once-in-alifetime events, and that doesn’t happen without the commitment of our owners and
their staffs to earn the trust of customers in their territories. I can’t wait to see what they accomplish in 2023.”
2023 is set to be a period of continued growth for the Omaha-based brand, which looks to add roughly a dozen more territories over the next year. With the foundation of those five new territories and the work existing franchisees have put in to capitalize on the thriving wedding industry, there is already momentum building for a strong start towards those goals.
“We’ve seen so much interest recently from entrepreneurs who see the success of our existing franchisees and want to experience the same,” said Franchise Development Director Clare Moore. “That’s all a testament to the excitement surrounding our industry and also the brand’s mission itself. There are so many talented, passionate people in wedding planning and entertainment. It’s exciting they see us as a way to continue building their own future.”
The recent success extended beyond the sales and also was put to use internationally. Complete Weddings + Events continued its annual efforts in Global Partners in Hope (GPiH), helping to build sustainable wells and medical
facilities in West Africa. CW+E sent multiple franchise owners to Africa in early 2022 before embarking on its most ambitious fundraising effort to date— raising $68,000 towards the partnership and planning to send three more owners to Africa in 2023.
“While our business is focused on enhancing these once-in-a-lifetime events, it’s truly special to see the longlasting impact our work can have through charitable efforts,” said Maas. “Our entire system has bought in to this partnership, and there’s nothing as motivating as seeing that impact first-hand. I’m inspired by our staff and owners who continue to lead this effort as our brand grows and affects more people every day, here and abroad.”
For more information about Complete Weddings + Events franchise opportunities, please visit https://completewedo.com/franchising/
26 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
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Fazoli’s, A Franchise Legacy Built for Generations
Rodney Keys’ personal family history in franchising and restaurant experience led him to Fazoli’s after uncovering the potential of the unique opportunity.
On the heels of his one-year anniversary with Fazoli’s, Rodney Keys who is known in franchising circles as the son of the Godfather of minority franchising, is giving insight into his family’s storied past and how that’s shaped his franchise experience today.
“I was born into franchising. My father was the first African American to own a major franchise for Burger King and KFC,” Keys said. “I have worked my entire life in one form or another for the company my dad built and during that time he’s taught me many valuable lessons about the world of franchising.”
After many years of success, in 1991 the Keys family decided to sell some of
their famous quick-service restaurant franchises at the height of their popularity.
“When I was thinking about what we were going to do for our next chapter in restaurant franchising, I was looking for an exciting franchise opportunity and Fazoli’s stood head and shoulders above other concepts I was considering, Keys said.
Founded in 1988 in Lexington, Ky., Fazoli’s owns and operates nearly 220 restaurants in 28 states, making it the largest premium QSR Italian chain in America. Fazoli’s prides itself on serving premium, fast Italian food menu offerings such as freshly prepared pasta entrees, subs, salads, pizza and desserts – along
with its unlimited signature garlic breadsticks. “After spending years with other successful concepts at my father’s side, I recognize potential when I see it,” Keys said. “More than any other concept I’ve been a part of, Fazoli’s has a cultlike following and fans can’t seem to get enough and that aspect really drew me to the brand.”
In addition to their worldclass menu offerings, Fazoli’s also prides themselves on their unmatched support. From signing to site
28 Franchising M
Z in
E Usa
selection to opening today and through the lifecycle of ownership, the awardwinning concept provides 1-to-1 support to ensure franchisees feel they are in business for themselves, but not by themselves.
“One of the things I love most about being a Fazoli’s franchisee is the people I get to work with at the home office,” Keys said. “They truly are hands-on and want to help you grow your business and listen and respond to what we need as franchisees.”
Fazoli’s offers dynamic build outs, digital-forward infrastructure and multiple revenue streams that provide a strong hedge against inflation. Named a Recession-Proof Franchise by Franchise Business Review, Fazoli’s is a stable opportunity that’s stood the test of time and is backed by multi-generation owners. With less operational complexity than typical QSR franchises, strong drivethru sales and a defensible and differentiated concept, Fazoli’s provides a great
development alternative to other quick serve restaurant options.
“I’m proud to continue my family’s franchising legacy and grow as an entrepreneur with Fazoli’s,” Keys said. “We have additional locations in the pipeline and look forward to serving even more fast, fresh Italian fare to families around the community for years to come.”
To learn more about franchising with Fazoli’s, visit ownafazolis.com.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 29
david.boatright@fazolis.com Fazoli’s and logo are federally registered trademarks of Fazoli’s System Management, LLC Copyright © Fazoli’s 2470 Palumbo Drive, Lexington, KY 40509-1117 THE FORMAT PASTABILITIES ARE ENDLESS Designated Online, Delivery and Mobile Orders Pick-Up Area Double Drive-Thru Lanes for Rush Hours Curbside and Loyalty Member Parking Spots
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@OurFranchise is an industry-wide campaign created to spread the word about the value of franchising and share the stories of men and women just like you, who are leading the way as franchisors, franchisees, and franchise employees. The franchise business model has been proven time and time again to work, but it’s threatened when the public and politicians don’t understand how it operates to benefit local, independent franchise establishment owners and their communities. Putting a spotlight on real leaders succeeding with the franchise model is how we’ll ensure franchising is stronger than ever before.
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Visit AtOurFranchise.org
Contact Erica Farage, Senior Director of Political Affairs and Grassroots Advocacy and Multi-Unit Franchisee Engagement
International Franchise Association
(202) 662-0760
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Make sure you stay up to date with the campaign’s latest efforts through email updates and social media. Visit our website to read and share the latest stories of franchisors and franchisees making an impact in their communities. Become a franchise advocate to help ensure Americans, now and in the future, have the opportunity to start franchise businesses. Take the lead today!
30 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
@OurFranchise @OurFranchise
The public and policymakers need to understand
fEbrUary 2023
Q&A with stAce Y howell of woodhouse spas
laTEST n EWS in he A lth, F itness & b e Aut Y
tA pping into the globA l billion doll A r be Aut Y & skinc A re m A rket
www.franchisingmagazineusa.com Don’t miss an issue Get the App 10 Franchising Maga in Usa digital, one vendor for social, one vendor for e-mail.” Rodriguez observed, “The more brand spreads across all of these vendors, the more they lose the ability to be cost-effective.” Rodriguez noted that with fragmentation, “Media works against itself. You aren’t able to create automatic triggers in one media based off the behaviour or the consumer’s interaction with the other.” Since LMap allows franchises to aggregate large amounts of nationwide data, it also offers the simplicity they need to zone in on regional and local strategies Down to the household level. Now that Silvercrest is providing planning, buying and manufacturing, it has truly become a self-contained marketing ecosystem. “We control every aspect of the process from start to finish, allowing us to save time, money and mistakes” said Rodriguez. Adapting for longevity The addition of media and physical products is just one more of series of evolutions that Silvercrest has undergone since Rodriguez founded it with Ryan Gesler in March 2011. “We started off as an advertising agency,” said Rodriguez. “Then we realized the industry needed technology.” The company stays flexible and keeps up-to-date with the needs of the market and its clients, so that, “When we couldn’t find what we thought would be needed for our clients, we built our own.” Willingness to adapt and grow has kept Silvercrest strong over the last twelve years. Silvercrest Advertising has expanded its operation to, include printing and manufacturing by opening their own print shop in Palm Springs, CA. In addition to printing, they have bought specialty products and apparel decoration in house. Making their marketing eco-system complete. Silvercrest expanded into manufacturing it’s own products after nearly a decade of “ We help all kinds of businesses from large corporations to the traditional mom and pop and everything inbetween with local, regional and national marketing.” cover story: Silvercrest Advertising SilvercreSt’S platform integrateS all local and national marketing offering portal that provides access to planning and purchasing all marketing channels at both the local and national level. Franchising USA spoke to William Rodriguez, Co-Founder of Silvercrest, as well as a Certified Franchise Executive with the International Franchise Association. He explained how Silvercrest brought print media manufacturing inhouse to adapt to supply chain disruptions. “When COVID hit, supply chains became impossible to rely on. That coupled with industry wide paper shortages we predicted we wouldn’t be able to meet the demand of our clients. Because of that, we opened up our own print shop and thought, let’s bring apparel and specialty product decoration in too while we are at it.” said Rodriguez. Silvercrest has long been the home of LMap. Short for Local Marketing Automation Platform, LMap is sophisticated yet simple martech platform that allows franchisors to overview their entire marketing landscape and also pinpoint local needs. For franchisees, it provides the knowledge on where media is available for them to use with already negotiated rates and access to creative that is brand-compliant. Now Silvercrest offers both strategy and media in one-stop shop that includes, “Any media, any printed products and any specialty products and apparel,” said Rodriguez. Bringing franchise marketing together Rodriguez told Franchising USA why franchises, who may have several stores all over the country, can find that as they grow, their marketing gets complicated and hard to keep working in concert. “Most Franchise vendor partners focus on one product line or service. This means that nothing is vertically integrated and as such nothing works together. You have one vendor for direct mail, one vendor for VOL 11, ISSUE 2 fEbrUary 2023 The magazine for franchisees WWW.franchsingmagazine U sa com COVER STORY annOunCEmEnTS fROm ThE induSTRY Questions entrepreneurs should Ask FrAnchisors in 2023 turn Your pAssion into A proFitAble And rewArding cAreer SpECial fEaTuRE heAlth, Fitness & beAut Y fRanChiSES silvercrest’s pl AtForm integrates all local and national marketing Fr Anchising news
h E alth, F itn E ss & BE a U t Y
46 Evan Hackel: authenticity is the Key to recruiting the right Owners for your Fitness Franchise
54 Lauren Wanamaker: new Year, new Business Owner
42 RockBox Fitness: caps 2022 success
50 Camp Unbeatables: a Multi-sports, life skills training and Educational camp Program
44 The Little Gym: cartwheels into 2023 with several Multi-Unit Franchise agreements
48 Volofit: sees Opportunity in the Future of Fitness
56 Ninja Nation : leading World - class Obstacle course Provider announces new and innovative Franchise Opportunity
58 Dale Huff Athletic Republic: the scientific approach to Youth athlete safety
52 GymGuyz: changing lives Everyday
60 Clean Juice: announces new Franchise Partner
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 33
contents 38 42 Cover Story 38 Woodhouse Spa: Q& a With stacey howell What’s New 34 Franchising News Announcements from the Industry Feature Article 40 Chris Conner: tapping into the global Billion dollar Beauty & skincare Market
in Depth
in Action
prime iv h ydration & w ellness Reports 113% System-Wide Growth to Close Out 2022
After only 2 years spent in the franchising space, Prime IV Hydration and Wellness, the nation’s foremost vitamin infusion therapy brand, has achieved what most would consider to be herculean feats of expansion, systemwide development, and profitability. Enough so to establish Prime IV among the ranks of the wellness industry’s upper echelon. As we embark on the New Year, here’s a look at all that happened in 2022.
Over the course of the last 12 months, the Prime iv brand has opened 26 new franchise locations, raising their total number of operating spas to 49. t his doesn’t include the 101 additional locations currently in development throughout the country, many of which stem from the 95 signed agreements that have been secured in this past year. all culminating in a record 113% yearover-year rate of growth for the emerging wellness concept.
“ in many ways, Prime iv is still very much in the infancy of its franchise opportunity,” said amy n eary, founder and cEO of Prime iv. “But having the depth of franchising expertise that we do, coupled with the growing foothold that iv therapy is building within the larger wellness sector as a safe and effective treatment option, the brand has managed to advance at an incredible speed that very few concepts can compete with.”
athletic r epu B lic Franchisee, Rod Jones, Finishes 21st Overall in the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race
Athletic Republic, the premier destination for individualized, sport-specific training backed by data and science, recently had an Australian franchisee owner compete in the adventure of a lifetime! Rod Jones participated in this year’s Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race (RSHYR), which is widely considered one of the world’s most difficult yacht races. Over the past 77 years, no regular annual yachting event has attracted media coverage like the start at Sydney Harbour.
Jones sailed on his yacht, the ‘alegria r epublic,’ which is 43 ft (13.1 m) long. starting in sydney and ending the race in h obart, the race has a distance of 630 miles (1,170 km). t he alegria r epublic sailed for a little over three days with a time of 03:02:55:35 and finished 2nd in its division and 21st overall. Jones was incredibly proud of his team’s efforts and determination throughout the experience.
When not competing in the rshY r , Jones is the Managing and Facility d irector for his own athletic r epublic franchise, the nation’s leading sports performance franchisor, with over 80 training centers and two million athletes trained in the program. it is the top tier place for data-backed training for athletes of all ages and abilities who seek to improve their speed, power, agility and stamina. athletic r epublic conducts functionality testing on its athletes to determine a performance baseline and identify areas for improvement that fine-tune an athlete’s strengths and improve weaknesses. t he athletic training has helped Jones stay fit and healthy, so he can compete on one of the biggest stages for yacht racing.
34 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
H e A lt H , FI t N ess & B e AU ty F e A t U re l e A ding iv t re At M ent S PA Br A nd S AYS their r ecordBre A king Ye A r i S J US t the Beginning
Xponential fitness Partners with t erritory foods to Optimize Health Results for Members
a s part of the partnership, territory Foods has curated customized menus of nutritious, delicious, fresh prepared meals to complement each of the Xponential brands’ fitness programs and help members maximize the benefits of every workout, whether that is barre, rowing, boxing or assisted stretching. Members can sign up to receive meals from this healthy meal delivery service through a promo tile link in their brand’s app or on the brand website when logged into their member account.
“Xponential Fitness studios provide worldclass fitness and wellness experiences across a variety of modalities, but a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle also requires a nutritious diet,” said s arah luna, President of Xponential Fitness. “ t hat’s where territory Foods can enhance the member experience, ensuring that our members’ exercise and movement goals are supported by healthy eating.
Xponential Fitness, the largest global franchisor of boutique fitness brands, has teamed up with its first official prepared meals partner Territory Foods. Further demonstrating Xponential’s commitment to holistic wellness inside
and outside of its studios; the strategic partnership spans four brands, including Pure Barre, r ow h ouse, rumble Boxing, and stretchl ab, to enhance studio members’ healthy eating habits and change lives across the country.
t his exciting partnership allows us to further expand the value and benefit our members receive from their studio membership, while supporting their overall health & well-being.”
Please visit the Company’s website at xponential.com
pure Barre Welcomes 2023 with New Class Format, Pure Barre Align™
Pure Barre, an Xponential Fitness brand offering the most effective full-body barre workout, announced today the launch of its newest class format focused on balance, flexibility and strength, called Pure Barre Align™. The new class format, which expands on the company’s current offerings – Pure Barre: Foundations™, Classic™, Reform, and Empower™ – rolled out on January 3.
Pure Barre align™ combines the classic strength-building barre technique with an emphasis on flexibility and balance training to deliver a low-impact, full-body workout and restorative experience for members at every fitness level. in 50 minutes, members will enjoy elements of the signature Pure Barre class experience with the addition of
complementary stretching that increases joint mobility and improves alignment, all while delivering mind-body connection.
“We are thrilled to offer this one-of-akind workout experience that focuses on the restorative needs of our clients. t his balances out our programming perfectly, providing a class format for everyone,” said r egan stokes, President of Pure Barre.
in celebration of the n ew Year, Pure Barre is also introducing the “First ten challenge,” which encourages new members to create healthy habits by taking 10 classes
in 30 days at their home studio. t his new challenge will be offered to all new members throughout the year and tracked within the Pure Barre app.
Offering an effective full-body workout focused on low-impact, moderate to high-intensity movements that improve strength and flexibility for everybody, Pure Barre has quickly become one of the largest franchised fitness brands in the world with over 600 studios.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 35
territory Foods Becomes the o fficial Prepared and ready to eat Meal d elivery Service Partner of Pure Barre, row h ouse, rumble Boxing, and Stretchlab
parks to our owned portfolio, signed dozens of new franchise agreements and renewals, and added hundreds of new attractions across our owned and franchised parks. For our owned parks, we hosted 70% more parties than our prior peak year in 2019, and exit the year with well over 300,000 active members. Our franchised parks put up similarly strong increases. Moving into 2023, we’re excited to adopt the sky Zone name, reflecting our heritage as the original and most exciting active entertainment company in the industry.”
CircusTrix, the world’s largest developer, operator and franchisor of indoor active entertainment parks, recently announced it has changed its name to Sky Zone, Inc. (Sky Zone).
sky Zone is now the umbrella organization
for three distinct indoor active entertainment brands: sky Zone, d efy and r ockin’ Jump.
“2022 was a phenomenal year for sky Zone and our family of brands,” said Elizabeth Blair, cEO of sky Zone. “We added nine
sky Zone will continue to pursue aggressive expansion plans in 2023. t he company is actively seeking engaged community and business leaders to add to its growing roster of new franchisees.
To learn more about Sky Zone and its family of brands, or become a franchisee, please visit: www.skyzone.com
t he covery Looks to Build Upon a Successful 2022
The Covery, a boutique Wellness Spa brand offering a diverse collection of non-invasive therapies that work to strengthen both the mind and the body – is gearing up for a busy year after rounding out 2022 with more new locations and brand partnerships.
t he brand opened 4 new spas throughout 2022 in addition to signing 9 deals for new locations across 8 states. t he brand has no plans to slow down their growth as they start development on 45 locations with the anticipation of opening at least 15 more locations in the new year.
“ i am tremendously proud of the work that we have done and the growth that we have accomplished in 2022,” said Edward navan, co-Founder and cvO of t he covery. “We have welcomed incredible new franchisees into our brand that are committed to our mission of expanding what recovery and wellness can be on a personalized level and helped more communities live a more well-balanced life.
Part of t he covery’s growth in 2022 were new partnerships cultivated. t he covery is set to open a spa location inside t he h oustonian in February of 2023 to bring restorative wellness to the h ouston community. t he brand has also partnered with MU v
Brands to offer t he covery exclusive rights to the n orthwest r egion of the United states for licensing and franchising for MU v Well by t he covery (associated with health clubs) and standalone t he covery clinics. t his agreement includes Washington state, i daho, Oregon, and Montana.
“2022 has been an incredible year for t he covery,” said navan. “Our passionate leadership team is helping to guide our brand as well as our franchisees to greatness.
36 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
H e A lt H , FI t N ess & B e AU ty F e A t U re
t he lA rge S t i ndoor Active e ntertA in M ent oP er Ator A nd Fr A nchi S or Ado P t S ‘Sk Y Zone’ AS it S n e W cor P or Ate i dentit Y
perspire sauna s tudio Outlines Future Developments After a Record-Breaking 2022
Perspire s auna studio has welcomed 10 new studios into their system this past year, increasing their total number of operating franchise locations to 29. t hey’re excited to announce that an additional 30 studios are currently in development entering into the n ew Year, as well. Many being a result of the 53 signed agreements they secured this past year. a number of those are slated to open in the early months of 2023, bringing the Perspire brand and its unique experience to more communities than ever right out of the gate.
Perspire Sauna Studio, one of the fastest-growing sauna franchise brands specializing in full-spectrum infrared and red-light therapy (RLT), is bringing the heat for 2023. The record expansion of
the emerging wellness concept during these last months has highlighted the increased attention that consumers are paying to new-age experiences that promote personal wellbeing.
my Backyard s ports Looks to Continue Rapid Growth in 2023
One of the most significant reasons for Perspire s auna studio’s record percentage of growth for the year could be attributed to the brand’s rapid rate expansion and debut in some of america’s top markets. t he brand nearly doubled the number of newly-opened locations in 2022, making their official entrance into such states as arizona and colorado. r esidents of Michigan, n evada, and Kansas can expect to get their first taste of Perspire in the early months of 2023, too.
To learn more about the brand’s franchising opportunities, visit https:// franchise.perspiresaunastudio.com/.
additionally, the franchise is continuing to grow its product line to include installations of sports on turf. With My Backyard sports having another successful year, the brand looks to the future and to continue its growth in new markets.
My Backyard Sports is a full-service sports specialty sales, design, and installation company exclusively offering its customers a wide variety of sports products and services.
t he company is now looking forward to 2023 by continuing its national growth. l ast year, the brand opened
four new territories and added two new franchisees to the My Backyard sports family. in addition, My Backyard sports was recognized by inc., Entrepreneur, Frans erve, and Franchise t imes as one of the fastest emerging companies or franchises in the United states. My Backyard sports offers various services, including installing over 3,000 sportsrelated products and accessories, single or multi-courts for over 30 sports, high-quality basketball hoops, and comprehensive and customized sports painting, patching, and repair on courts.
“We are excited to further My Backyard sport’s expansion across the country in the new year and to give back to our local communities,” said s cott stricof, v ice President of Franchise d evelopment.
“We anticipate the continuation of strong interest and demand in 2023. additionally, we expect to see the continued explosive interest and growth of new popular sports activities such as pickleball to help fulfill the demand and installation of new sports surfaces across the country.”
For additional information on franchising opportunities, please visit mybackyardsportsfranchise.com.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 37
r ecre Ation A l S P ort S Fr A nchi S e i S r ecogni Z ed AS o ne o F the FAS te S t g ro W ing co MPA nie S in the United StAte S A nd i S Poi S ed F or FU t U re e x PA n S ion in the n e W Ye A r
i nd US trY- l e A ding i n Fr A red S AU n A Fr A nchi S e look S B A ck on
r o F Mile S tone S A nd Mo M ent UM
with s tAce Y h owell o F woodhouse s pA s
when did you buy your franchise?
My husband Hollis and opened our Woodhouse Spa location in May 2022 in Buckhead, GA.
how did you find about the franchise and why did you choose that franchise?
I was first introduced to the brand through visiting as a customer in New Jersey and I
was impressed with the look and feel of the spa as soon as I walked through the door. Because I believe in self-care first, I was inspired to recreate the experience I felt the first time I walked into a Woodhouse Spa. At Woodhouse, we offer guests a variety of luxury treatments that are fully customized to meet their unique needs in a calming environment. We offer a variety of luxury treatments such as massage therapies, facials and other exquisite services, such
as waxing and nails. Our Woodhouse Spa location was carefully crafted to provide each guest with a tranquil, transformational environment that is memorable and healthful.
what was your working background?
Prior to starting my journey at Woodhouse, I had a lengthy corporate career in sales and held a position for four years as CEO and Executive Director of the nonprofit, Every Woman Works, whose mission is to put women back on their feet after trauma. I also served as a councilwoman in Township of South Orange Village in New Jersey for four years.
what was the turning point that made you realize you wanted to change your career path?
Following some life transitions that led me to move to Atlanta where I met my husband, Hollis, I was introduced to a lifestyle that included travel, massages, working out and overall wellness. As a spa owner, I’ve made it my mission to be an ambassador for health and wellness – and I want every customer to feel like they have a safe place to unwind.
what was the process like
once you signed the franchise agreement? as far as training, site selection, fit out, etc.
The corporate team at Woodhouse Spas made the entire pre-opening and post-
38 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa cover story: Stacey
Howell | Woodhouse
H e A lt H , FI t N ess & B e AU ty F e A t U re
opening stage run seamlessly and made it easy to streamline all the openings and management operations. The team helped guide us every step of the way on how to successfully open a new spa. I looked at spaces all around metro Atlanta, including near Truist Park, the home of the 2021 World Series champions, the Atlanta Braves. However, something told me to to keep looking in the Buckhead area, a diverse community in metro Atlanta.
what type of training/ support was (still is) provided to you?
Woodhouse Spa continues to provide us franchise owners with unrivaled mentorship, proprietary educational programs and events such as the annual reunion, where franchisees and corporate employees from across the country come together to participate in breakout sessions with CEO Christina Russell; learn about crisis management techniques; talk about industry trends, educate on best practices for recruiting and retention; among many other seminars.
has your work/life balance improved since buying the franchise?
Starting a business in the first few years can be chaotic. However, I often pause and look for ways to take care of myself. The beauty of the franchise industry that I’ve chosen to be a part of is that I can take a break and get a massage from one of our therapists to provide myself with the selfcare that I need. Being in this industry also allows me to be intentional about my own self-care.
if someone was interested in joining your franchise system, what would you say to them?
My biggest advice to a potential franchisee would be to consider the environment, location, competition, and growing market of the area. It’s also important to be aware of the long-term and short-term redevelopment plans for the site. Woodhouse Spa is a rapidly growing franchise that is cutting-edge in the luxury spa industry, which is booming. Potential franchisees should be prepared for the ups and downs of starting a business but there’s no better time than now. People are hungry for touch and self-care post-COVID and we are in a good space to provide this through luxury spa services with a well-known name behind it.
any last thoughts on a particular aspect of your franchise system that stands out to you
As an African American female business owner, I always strive to promote inclusivity in my community. Woodhouse Spa Buckhead is one of the few spas in the area owned by a Black woman, so my mission is to work closely with my network to continue to be an ambassador for health and wellness — I continue to do this by giving my employees two paid volunteer days each year. We are giving people the opportunity to experience luxury for the first time.
additional woodhouse spas information:
• The brand reported a 19% sales increase year over year and is currently experiencing its highest growth rate since its 2001 inception.
• With over 900 thousand people visiting the Woodhouse Spa each year, there’s no mistaking the fact that guests coming through the doors are dealing with more than ever, especially as they find normalcy and a need for self-care post-pandemic. Following The Woodhouse Spa’s acquisition by Radiance Holdings in July of 2020, the brand has been aggressively targeting key markets throughout the U.S. for franchise development.
• Woodhouse Spa is revered for providing professionals with unrivaled mentorship, proprietary educational programs, and events like the 2022 fall summit. Looking into 2023, Woodhouse Spa will open location doors in Raleigh, NC; Savannah, GA; and Odessa, TX, among others. Woodhouse Spa is part of Radiance Holdings, a global company representing a collection of premier brands in the beauty, wellness and self-care sectors.
• The rapid expansion has solidified Woodhouse as a premier spa franchise and the unequivocal leader in mood care, pioneering a new category of wellness services in the approachable luxury space.
• For more than 20 years, the awardwinning Woodhouse Spa has offered guests a variety of luxury treatments that are fully customized to meet their guests’ unique needs in a calming environment that is rich with warm earth tones and textures, sounds of nature, soothing aromatherapy for skin treatments, massage therapies, facials and other exquisite services, such as waxing and nails. Every treatment, detail, space, and feature has been carefully crafted by the Woodhouse masters of mood care.
• Woodhouse Spa is part of Radiance Holdings, a global company representing a collection of premier brands in the beauty, wellness and self-care sectors and was recently acquired by TSG Consumer Partners.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 39
tA pping into the g lobA l b illion d oll A r b e Aut Y & s kinc A re mA rket
This year rang in with the echoes of resolutions for 2023 — organizing our homes, reading a stack of unread books, furthering our careers — the list is different for everyone. However, some people woke up January 1st with the intention of renewed goals that include skincare regimens, beauty routines, and self-care. The market is teeming with trending business concepts to meet these needs and wants.
The franchise marketplace has always been home to some of the hottest beauty and wellness trends. Latest stats say that the beauty industry is set for an 8% growth this year and is expected to be worth over
$570 billion globally in 2023. If your new year’s goal is business ownership, then this may be the industry you want to invest in. Check out the following list of just a few of the newest franchises around, each one touching on some of the best, most lucrative segments.
luscious lashes and unbeatable Beauty
If you haven’t seen the new lash look sweeping the nation, then you soon will. Lush and full, lash extensions and lash lifts are a wildly popular beauty trend that naturally beckoned to be franchised. On top of this high-demand revenue stream, Avari Beauty harnessed even more revenue inducing services and created a powerful, can’t-be-stopped brand that is full of potential. The company took the opportunity to franchise in 2022. The brand gives its franchise partners strong
chris conner has worked in the franchise development industry for almost 20 years and helped over 600 brands franchise their brand and develop franchise distribution channels. He founded Franchise Marketing Systems in 2009, which now includes a team of 27 franchise consultants based in and Canada and supports brands around the world to grow and scale through franchise expansion. visit www.fmsfranchise.com for more information
buying power, some seriously diversifying services — such as microchanneling, LED light treatment and tiny tattoos — and full spectrum support.
Beauty from the inside out
What do primary healthcare, IV therapy, and a medical spa have in common? They are all billion dollar market segments that are expected to grow. So when Health + Glow chose to develop a franchise model that touched on each one of these industries simultaneously, they were choosing sure-footed success. Franchise partners gain access to all operations, IV combinations, marketing, key vendors, and other important business elements. Health + Glow works with major insurance providers to get first time customers in the door with their primary physician services and then share their med spa and IV therapy solutions.
new year, new you
Grandview Research cited that the body sculpting industry has a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
40 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa Fe AtUre ActIcle: Chris Conner | Founder | Franchise Marketing Systems
H e A lt H , FI t N ess & B e AU ty F e A t U re
of 14.3% from 2022 to 2030. That being said, it takes a strong, proven model, stable branding, established systems, and great customer feedback to win in any market with this type of business and Bodenvy Cool Sculpting delivers. Aside from a traditional storefront, Bodenvy Cool Sculpting can be operated from a retail location and based on the corporate operations incredible success and roll out in the Orlando and Tulsa markets, the response has been nothing short of game changing for the beauty services franchise market. The flexibility combined with a variety of services — all of which are nonsurgical — makes Bodenvy Cool Sculpting a great step into this industry.
set sail with this salon
This California-based salon franchise took the old adage “blondes have more fun” to heart and created a dedicated niche salon that specializes in creating the perfect blonde look for its clientele; the company also offers haircuts and extensions. The company has two company-owned units in Portland and San Diego. Differentiated
by its specialties, franchise partners will find themselves as an instant stand-out and can feel confident about growth in the appropriate markets. Blonde Voyage has several perks to ownership including an exclusive territory, site selection assistance, design collateral, training, field consultant access, and more.
the suite spot
You’ve probably noticed that the salon booth renting model got an upgrade to a tenant-occupied suite model. Rather than strictly adhering to cut and color services within a shared common space, this model
offers private rental suites for all beauty and wellness related services, depending on the brand’s specific parameters. Beauty Bungalows is one such model that was first launched in 2022 that rents suites to professionals such as hair stylists, barbers, estheticians, laser hair removal specialists, make-up artists, and more. The brand offers a mutually beneficial agreement to the franchisees and their tenants as both work to ensure a welcoming environment for all guests. Franchise partners gain recurring revenue through rental agreements, experience initial and refresher training, and have full spectrum support for the life of the franchise.
My franchise consulting firm, Franchise Marketing Systems, can help guide you in the right business for you. We work with several business owners around the world to develop their successful businesses into successful franchises.
Whether you are seeking to own a franchise or you’d like to franchise your business, our team can help. Contact us at www.fmsfranchise.com
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 41
“ The franchise marketplace has always been home to some of the hottest beauty and wellness trends. Latest stats say that the beauty industry is set for an 8% growth this year and is expected to be worth over $570 billion globally in 2023.”
RockBox Fitness C APS
2022 SUCCESS with Entr E pr E n E ur FRANCHISE 500® R ANk IN g
RockBox Fitness, one of the nation’s fastest-growing boutique fitness franchises and a leader in the boxing and functional fitness space, begins 2023 with a major franchising recognition fresh off a year full of milestone expansion.
RockBox Fitness was listed in the highlycoveted Entrepreneur Franchise 500®, ranking No. 468 out of more than 1,300 brands who applied. Not only did RockBox crack the top 500, but it was also named the top brand in the Fitness: Boxing/ Kickboxing category.
“We have ambitious goals for the future of this brand, and it’s incredibly exciting to see that vision coming into focus with honors like the Franchise 500® ranking,” said RockBox Co-Founder and CEO Roger Martin. “As exciting as our workouts are for our members, the real strength in our model lies in the passion of our people. Our franchise owners, managers, trainers, and staff are all instrumental in this growth and will be key to building on this in 2023.”
Entrepreneur’s Franchise 500® rates brands on a variety of factors including
growth, financial strength and stability, and brand power—areas in which RockBox excelled during 2022.
The North Carolina-based fitness brand opened its 50th location as its studio in Livingston, New Jersey, capped a year full of growth. In addition to reaching the 50unit mark, RockBox Fitness also expanded into several new states, with the first studios in Colorado, Idaho, Washington, New York, Utah, and Florida either already open or currently in development.
42 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa Fr AN c HI sor IN D e P t H: RockBox Fitness
H e A lt H , FI t N ess & B e AU ty F e A t U re
Those system-wide accomplishments were celebrated at the 4th Annual RockBox Fitness Summit in October. The brand highlighted several franchisees and awarded two in particular for their impressive performance: Jennifer Halloran of Virginia Beach was named Franchisee of the Year while Yves Lamothe of the Rockledge, Florida location was named Rookie of the Year.
The annual Summit was also a chance to celebrate—and continue—the charitable work done by franchisees and members throughout the RockBox system. The brand’s national charity partner To Write Love on Her Arms (TWLOHA) was in attendance and RockBox raised $3,000 more to their cause.
This national effort by studios across the country was led by an impressive effort in Flower Mound, Texas. Franchisees John and Paul Rouse saw their studio staff and members raise more than $10,000 in 2022 for TWLOHA, the most of any studio in the nation.
“These franchisees are such great representations of what makes RockBox Fitness so great,” said Martin. “The Virginia Beach studio has been a case study
in driving continued success for several years now. The Rockledge location shows just how quickly a community can be built in a new market when our franchisees and staff show members the value of this experience. And the Flower Mound studio shows what can happen when a community is built with a common goal of fitness, wellness, and philanthropy.”
These achievements set the stage for an exciting 2023, during which RockBox Fitness aims to reach the 75-unit mark. Now that the brand has expanded nationally, there is an opportunity to add depth in existing RockBox markets with more multi-unit ownership. RockBox will also continue its partnership with TWLOHA in 2023, with a goal to reach $100,000 across its nationwide system.
aBout rockBox fitness
Founded in 2017 and franchising since 2018, RockBox Fitness is a state-of-the-art fitness studio that combines boxing, kickboxing, and functional weight training to help members get into shape.
With strategically designed studios, advanced audio system and psychological mood-altering lights RockBox’s workouts are an immersive experience for every member that walks through the door. Every workout from group fitness to personal training are designed to focus on an individual’s improvement and self-esteem while increasing their strength and agility. Today, there are roughly 50 studios open and successfully operating in the United States, with numerous others in various stages of development across the country. For more information, visit www.rockboxfitness.com/
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“ As exciting as our workouts are for our members, the real strength in our model lies in the passion of our people. Our franchise owners, managers, trainers, and staff are all instrumental in this growth and will be key to building on this in 2023.”
the LittLe Gym
The Little Gym International, the world’s premier enrichment and physical development center for children ages four months through 12 and part of the youth enrichment growthfocused platform Unleashed Brands, recently announced several multi-unit franchise agreements, which will bring new locations in Minnesota, Texas, and Florida. These agreements help extend the brand’s impressive growth trajectory well beyond 2023.
This jump start into the New Year comes hot on the heels of the brand’s significant growth in 2022, as the franchise commemorated one year as part of the youth enrichment, growth-focused platform Unleashed Brands. Showing no signs of slowing down, the company signed 31 new franchise agreements in 2022, topping the total number of agreements signed from 2019 to 2021.
The first deal The Little Gym announced in 2023 was a franchise agreement with longtime customers Jenny and Brandon Conard, who brought their daughters to The Little Gym across the world for years and are now set to open a gym in Maple Grove, Minnesota early next year.
After graduating college, Jenny received her degree in Adaptive Physical Education and went on to teach for over eight years. During this time, she and her husband Brandon had two daughters and juggled
numerous moves due to Brandon’s career. However, no matter where they moved, The Little Gym remained a consistent place to take their kids for activity, socialization, and physical development for six straight years, starting at age three. Even a move overseas to Kuwait couldn’t stop them from visiting The Little Gym, since there was an international location near their home there.
Along with the Minnesota deal, the brand announced an additional franchise
44 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa F oc Us: The Little Gym
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agreement in the Tampa area, which will bring three new locations over the next three years. Behind the deal are John and Dena Murphy, Tampa Bay locals who also own a successful Christian Brothers Automotive franchise in the area.
The Murphy’s currently run one of the topperforming Christian Brothers Automotive franchises in the United States. Since the Murphy’s acquisition and investment in the store’s employees and culture, annual revenue has increased by over 200% and ranks among the brand’s top 5 stores.
Prior to investing in that business, John spent 25 years working for his family’s manufacturing company, where he managed a 350-employee operation. After the sale of that business in 2019, he and
his wife turned to franchising, seeking a business opportunity that was a fit for their lifestyle.
The Murphys are targeting the Westchase area for their first The Little Gym location and have eyes on Odessa and Wesley Chapel for their second and third gyms.
To round out the already impressive growth in the New Year so far, The Little Gym inked a new franchise agreement with entrepreneurs Eric Alstrin and Nicole Stiles to bring two new gym locations to Katy West and Cedar Park, Texas within the next year. The entrepreneurial duo already owns and operates six locations throughout Houston and Austin, which will bring the pair to eight total gyms throughout Texas.
Based in Fort Worth, Alstrin initially met Unleashed Brands’ CEO and Founder Michael Browning Jr. in 2014 at a local church where both of their families attended. After learning more about Browning’s vision with Urban Air Adventure Park and franchising, Alstrin invested in the brand in 2016 and opened two Urban Air parks in Humble and Spring, Texas. Then he hired Nicole Stiles, who was 19 years-old at the time, as an assistant manager. Stiles was quickly promoted to general manager for both parks.
As Unleashed Brands began to further its portfolio with other innovative and profitable youth enrichment brands, Alstrin became interested in diversifying his franchise portfolio with The Little Gym, since he understood the value the brand brought to early child development, having seen the impact firsthand with his own daughters. He teamed up with Stiles to join him as part-owner and by February of 2022, the two opened The Little Gym of The Woodlands and acquired the Katy East gym two months later. Shortly after, they opened gyms in Copperfield, Fairland, and Round Rock.
Since becoming a part of the Unleashed Brands portfolio last year, The Little Gym is experiencing record-breaking systemwide revenue, average revenue per gym, and enrollment numbers across its U.S. locations.
With nearly 400 locations across 31 countries, The Little Gym teaches kids social and physical skills appropriate to each stage of childhood by creating opportunities to experience achievement and build self-confidence. At the core of the international franchise’s mission is becoming the foundation of a child’s development that will set them up for success. Through three-dimensional learning including physical activities, cognitive skills and social and emotional learning, the core teaching methods create opportunities for children to experience achievement and build self-confidence.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 45
Authenticit Y is the k e Y to r ecruiting the r ight owners For Your Fitness Fr A nchise
Are you a fitness franchise that is actively recruiting new owners?
If you are, you are not alone. Fitness and exercise franchises are expanding rapidly in all areas of North America. There are exercise gyms, yoga franchises, rock-climbing franchises, kickboxing franchises, and even franchises that send trainers to members’ homes.
If you are a franchise hoping to expand into this segment by selling to new owners, I would like to share just one word with you, which defines the most important trait you should be looking for in the new owners you bring on board . . .
Perhaps more than in any other kind of franchise, the owners of successful exercise and fitness franchises need to be authentic in a number of ways . . .
• They should share genuine enthusiasm, knowledge, and goals with their target customers. The owner of a yoga franchise, for example, should be a yoga
practitioner. The owner of a martial arts franchise should be a martial artist. The owner of a rock-climbing facility should know about that sport and should probably know the most popular rock climbing attractions in the area where the franchise is located. Why? Because people who are genuine enthusiasts in a given area will speak the same language of their target customers and will attract
more of them. If your owners are only in it for the money – if they have to “fake it,” their chances of success are reduced.
• They should dress like their target customers. When customers come into franchises, they want to be greeted by owners at the front desk who dress the way they do. Granted, your owners can compensate for this somewhat by hiring the right front-desk personnel and
46 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa e XPert ADvIce:
of Ingage
of Tortal Training
Evan Hackel
H e A lt H , FI t N ess & B e AU ty F e A t U re
trainers. But in my view, the people who own and represent exercise and fitness franchises should “fit” with the members of their target audiences.
how can you recruit the right authentic owners?
• Advertise in the places your target franchise owners go. Your outreach and advertising should be in publications
evan Hackel President of the New England Franchise Association, is a 35-year franchising veteran as both a franchisor and a franchisee. Evan is an Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, and Podcaster. Evan is the CEO of Ingage Consulting and an advisor to Tortal Training. Evan is also host of the highly successful Training Unleashed podcasts and author of the book Ingaging Leadership Meets the Younger Generation. For more information, visit https://www.evanspeaksfranchising.com and follow him on linkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/evanhackel/
even your franchise name. Getting bona fide enthusiasts take part in focus groups that shape your brand can save you time and result in a brand that “speaks” to both potential franchise owners and their future customers.
• Consider the financial profiles of your possible owners. Young skiers, martial artists, and rock climbers might not have the financial resources they need to purchase your franchise. So speak with your business-oriented executives in headquarters to devise ownership plans and financial options that will help them afford the cost of ownership.
• Offer great training to potential owners and let them take the training before they buy. Because they will want to feel confident that they will have the business knowledge to succeed, offering them excellent training on operating the business side of your franchise will go a long way toward bringing them on board.
they read, at the equipment and trade shows they attend, and in the other places they go. Having a booth in place at a body building competition, for example, can put your franchise right in front of your target owners if you have a franchise of gyms that cater to that group of enthusiasts.
• Have current enthusiasts and potential members help you define your brand and
• Hire the right salespeople. Here again the rule is to hire people who share the enthusiasms and energies of your target owners. When your salespeople are rock climbers, for example, they will be far better able to sell to rock climbers than will salespeople who know nothing about the sport.
Again, authenticity is the rule at every step as you bring in the right owners and watch your franchise expand and prosper. Fitness and exercise franchises are expanding quickly and with the right kind of knowledge and preparation, you can be part of the boom.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 47
Vo Lo Fit s ees o ppo R tunity in the Futu R e o F Fitness
While pandemic measures helped to keep people safe, it is clear now more than ever the importance of social interaction and community on overall health and wellness. Following the pandemic, the fitness and wellness space is booming again as people reestablish healthy fitness routines and relationships. With a foundation built on community and group fitness, Volofit is poised to capitalize on the industry’s growth.
“One advantage I think we have is that our brand was developed during the pandemic when we completed our rebrand in 2020,” said Volofit CEO Britt Canady. “We had a great foundation but wanted to truly meet the moment and anticipate the fitness trends we see in the coming years. Right now, that anticipation is paying off and our members feel like a family.”
The foundation Canady mentions comes from Volofit’s origins in nationwide fitness sensation Tough Mudder, a series of obstacle course events that eventually opened brick-and-mortar franchise locations as Tough Mudder Bootcamp. Canady, a franchisee of the former boutique concept, became CEO of the brand when it separated from its parent company. Together with his executive partners, Volofit was born through a rebrand and a new commitment to the future of boutique fitness.
Boutique studios have the capability to thrive for a long time as Gen Z and Millennials continue to drive the market.
The International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association found that Gen Z and Millennials make up 60% to 70% of boutique studio membership. The Gen Z generation is just now beginning to graduate college, entering the professional world, and many already have disposable income with a commitment to wellness.
48 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa F oc Us: Volofit
Few industries in franchising have been affected by the pandemic as much as the fitness and wellness space. Decades of growth came to a halt, as fitness businesses were forced to temporarily restrict operations or move to a virtual format.
H e A lt H , FI t N ess & B e AU ty F e A t U re
Gen Z and Millennials also prefer the community and atmosphere these gyms provide, which researchers attribute to their increasing popularity.
Now, consumers look for the community to go beyond the workout, including on social media. Private Facebook groups and Instagram posts can help create a sense of belonging and support for members, a trend feeding into the boutique fitness model based on group classes and community support.
One thing social media also has affected is the need for variety.
“Fitness trends are changing more rapidly than in the past. Gyms that are able to adapt quickly and on a cost-effective basis are more likely to be successful over the long-term,” said Jeff Kulik, Volofit’s Chief Strategy Officer. “Volofit was designed with this goal in mind. Our gym is an open concept fitness floor with no expensive fixed equipment, allowing our fitness team to program an unlimited variety of workouts. No day is the same in our studios, and members love it.”
Volofit invested heavily in technology to ensure those workouts are multidimensional. They can vary on time, reps, gamification, and more. Another key is that the workouts are based on High Intensity Interval Training.
HIIT first took the top spot in the American College of Sports Medicine’s annual Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends back in 2014, and ever since then, it has remained one of the most popular segments in the industry. Volofit’s open floor concept, flexible equipment layout, and dynamic technology platform allows us to adapt and consistently remain at the forefront of what fitness consumers demand.
“Boutique fitness memberships often come at a higher cost than your average big box gym, so members want to see results,” said Canady. “Our HIIT programming is designed for full-body wellness. These functional workouts can increase your metabolic rate, reduce insulin resistance, burn calories, lose fat, and build muscle. At Volofit we take it another step by utilizing the technology needed to track that progress and keep members motivated.”
Integrating technology is essential in today’s boutique fitness environment. People rely on tech for progress tracking and accountability so much that they’ve incorporated it into their daily lives. Every Volofit studio is built with this commitment to technology in mind.
Volofit studios incorporate state-of-the-art wearables and smartphone technology to provide members with robust data to set goals and track health and fitness results during classes. The daily programming is shown on monitors on the fitness floor, while wearables show workout stats to members in real time. Members can see
their progress both in the moment and over time, scratching the itch to get a little better every day.
“Above all, the community aspect of boutique gyms provides accountability to the consumer,” said Canady. “First, signing up for a class is already setting a standard or a commitment to honor. You also have a coach and other members right beside you to push your further, along with the technology as an added motivator. We always say fitness isn’t a solo journey. You need help along the way, and your community is there to help you get there.”
Two full years after the rebrand, Volofit is already making major splashes throughout the nation. Its flagship studio in Charlotte, N.C. has built a strong community with members both inside the studio and around town. Two major multi-unit development deals—15 units in South Florida and 20 in North Texas—are the result of the confidence franchisees have that Volofit and the boutique fitness industry as a whole are both set for growth.
Volofit specifically provides the opportunity to be a part of an alreadystrong HIIT fitness sector with a chance to get in early with brand that is rapidly expanding.
With increased urbanization, fitnessfocused generations now driving demand, and a wide range of prime markets available for a franchise that fits current and long-term trends, Volofit is ready for the future of fitness.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 49
From a very young age, I worked in Venezuela, my country of origin, in the world of sports camps for children. Due to the critical situation of the country, I decided to emigrate to the United States to pursue a safer and a better quality of life.
With my degree in Psychology, I came to the US where I obtained my Masters Degree in Family Therapy as well as different certifications in the field of human’s behavior. Upon graduation, I began my private practice as a psychologist, life coach, and clinical hypnotherapist, and it was at that moment when I realized the growing need to create extensive programs that equip children and their families with effective tools that will help them cope with all the challenges
u n BE ata B lE
that modern life imposes. Then, I decided to leave my practice to dedicate myself to creating programs for children that combine the physical and sports aspects of camps with a professional and unique system of social and emotional learning, also known as life skills. So, what better way to broadcast these programs than to offer them during the more than 600 free hours that children have during the year in their school breaks?
I spent a full year researching how kids learn these life skills faster and more effectively and how to apply them to camp programs, and it was then when the concept of Camp Unbeatables emerged.
I started by doing a pilot test in a camp with 25 children in the condominium where I used to live, basically with the kids of my friends. And, without having to say much more, 15 years later, we have worked with more than 10,000 children in South Florida.
Through a unique blend of the virtual and real worlds, a powerful reinforcement and motivation system, and a robust program of physical activities and sports, the children who attend Camp Unbeatables learn how to be happier and more successful in life, in a fun and entertaining way.
As a main part of our virtual-real program, we have created a group of animated superheroes (The Unbeatables), whose “super powers” lie in the fact that they have “the formula” to be successful and happy in life. This formula is passed on to the children who attend our programs through virtual presentations on a comprehensive array of topics such as: fitness, nutrition, wellness, social skills, family improvement, school success, basics in finances, earth conservation, career exploration, inner emotional balance, among others.
Those who facilitate these presentations are our camp counselors, who are young student-athletes, who serve as “reallife”role models for the children. With our program, we strive to move kids away from the exaggerated technological trend, which is one of the main causes of so much
50 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa Fr AN c HI sor IN D e P t H: Camp Unbeatables
H e A lt H , FI t N ess & B e AU ty F e A t U re
kids, famili
s and futur E s”
g aby casanas | ceo and Founder
psycho-emotional imbalance in our youth, as well as in many adults.
Speaking of adults, as a complementary part of our program, we have created “The Unbeatables Academy”. It consists of an online platform of courses, articles and blogs for parents; understanding that in the world we live in, being a parent requires constant help, training and being up to date with the techniques and rules that effectively work to raise well rounded individuals.
So, after all this vast and successful trajectory, we are proud to announce that we have launched our franchise!
We are ready to replicate and expand our program by adding more contributors to our mission of creating spaces where children can: feel comfortable while having certain structure; be accepted while respecting others, are reinforced but not spoiled; make real friends for life, learn to love sports but without insane competition and, acquired effective tools to deal with life challenges while keeping their joy.
Camp Unbeatables franchise is perfect for those who are looking for: 1) a more meaningful life since they will be empowering the new generations with the skills that are necessary and truly matter 2) own a business in a recession-proof area, such as child care and education; 3) be their own boss while having the backup and support of a proven successful business model 3) run a profitable business that allows time flexibility since it is carried out only seasonally throughout the year. What more can be asked for? It’s Unbeatable!
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 51
“ The children who attend Camp Unbeatables learn how to be happier and more successful in life, in a fun and entertaining way.”
g Ymgu YZ. changing lives every day.
GYMGUYZ is the largest in-home and on-site personal training company in the world, and is changing lives every day through convenient, customized and creative workouts.
Headquartered in Melville, New York, and founded in 2008 by fitness specialist Josh York, the brand utilizes a fleet of branded vehicles to bring expert personal trainers and stateof-the-art fitness equipment to their customers’ doors to provide fantastic and efficient workouts.
GYMGUYZ has a diverse client base that ranges from seasoned fitness fanatics, to high school athletes, to people living with and working through disabilities and medical conditions. The brand’s workout plans, customized for each individual, include strength training, cardio fitness, sports conditioning, weight loss and toning, youth training, senior fitness programs, and more.
GYMGUYZ comes from humble beginnings. Upon college graduation in 2007, Founder and CEO Josh York worked at a marketing firm during the day, and
as a personal trainer in the evenings. He eventually decided the 9-5 office life was not for him, and instead, wanted to follow his passion for fitness. York wanted to develop a solution for people who were struggling to become consistent gymgoers. Tapping into his creativity, his professional background in marketing, and his solid knowledge of health and fitness, Josh launched GYMGUYZ with nothing but a laptop and one van. He conducted business in his parents’ dining room with a cordless phone and one folder with a few client names.
GYMGUYZ has grown exponentially since then, and now services nearly 1,000 cities internationally, including in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada. In November of 2022, GYMGUYZ celebrated the purchase of its brand new, 18,000 square-foot state-of-the-art headquarters in Melville, New York.
Due to its growing success and diverse client base, GYMGUYZ has launched new fitness programs outside of in-home workouts, now offering programs at major corporations, schools, hospitals, and senior living centers. GYMGUYZ will continue to remain innovative and expand based on the needs corporations, remote workforces and the ever-growing consumer demand for convenience.
GYMGUYZ is an exciting franchise opportunity that allows entrepreneurs to be a part of redefining the in-home and on-site personal training and fitness industry. Entrepreneurs will also be a part of a company that puts culture first, and focuses on providing an energetic, fun and engaging environment for all. York believes positive energy is contagious, and in order for a team to be successful, everyone needs to feel that energy on a daily basis. GYMGUYZ is always coming
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up with ways to keep team members happy and energized.
GYMGUYZ doesn’t require a brick-andmortar office space, so new franchise partners can be up and running in as little as eight weeks. The brand provides unmatched training and support to set each franchise owner up for success.
GYMGUYZ franchise partners can expect extensive initial training at GYMGUYZ Headquarters, ongoing corporate support, and assistance with setup activities like launching marketing campaigns and planning a grand opening event meant to raise funds for meaningful charitable organizations. Franchise partners do not need to have a background in fitness. Each franchisee comes from a variety of backgrounds and careers. Franchise partners will work with a highly trained personal training team that will break down the traditional barriers to getting fit and implement healthy lifestyles with the
clients they work with. GYMGUYZ has an unprecedented opportunity to grow rapidly, as in-home personal training has never been more popular and more needed in the community.
GYMGUYZ territories are available across the globe, and the company is currently targeting the Dallas-Fort Worth
Metropolitan area, Miami, and Boston for expansion.
For more information about GYMGUYZ franchise opportunities and available territories, visit https://www.gymguyz.com/franchiseopportunities/
www.franchisingmagazineusa.com Franchising in CoverStory:StaceyHowell WoodhouseSpas When did you buy your franchise? My husband Hollis and opened our Woodhouse Spa location in May 2022 in Buckhead, GA. How did you find about the franchise and why did you choose that franchise? was first introduced the brand through visiting as a customer in New Jersey and was impressed with the look and feel the spa as soon walked through the door. Because believe self-care was inspired to recreate experience felt the first time walked into Woodhouse Spa. Woodhouse, we offer guests variety luxury treatments that are fully customized to meet their unique needs in calming environment. We offer variety of luxury treatments such massage therapies, facials and other exquisite services, such Has your work/life balance improved since buying the franchise? Starting business in the first few years can chaotic. However, often pause and look for ways to take care of myself. The beauty of franchise industry that I’ve chosen to be part of is that can take break and get massage from one of our therapists to provide myself with the self- care that need. Being in this industry also allows me to be intentional about my own self-care. If someone was interested in joining your franchise system, what would you say to them? as waxing and nails. Our Woodhouse Spa location was carefully crafted to provide each guest with a tranquil, transformational with Stacey Howell of woodHouSe Spa Q&a health, fitne SS beauty feature • The reported sales year year and is currently experiencing highest growth since inception. • With Additional Woodhouse Spas Information: tapping into the global billion dollar beauty & skincare market february 2023 latest news in health, fitness & beauty q&a withstacey howell of woodhouse spas cover story Our purpose@OurFranchise an industry-wide campaign created to spread word about value of franchising and share the stories of men women just you, who are leading way as franchisors, franchisees, and franchise employees. The franchise business model has been proven time and again to work, but it’s threatened when the public and politicians don’t understand how it operates to benefit local, independent franchise establishment owners and their communities. Putting spotlight on real leaders succeeding with the franchise model how we’ll ensure franchising is stronger ever before. Help us keep the momentum going Since our launch in June 2016, we’ve reached million people through outreach efforts, including events in cities and states, where spoke directly with business owners, employees, policymakers, the media. Additionally, we’ve reached people across America through website and social media channels, digital advertisements, and the promotion of We the Franchisees on but there more do. As franchisor, franchisee, or franchise vendor, you are leader in your community – and we need your support, now more than ever. Follow us tools resources offeredAtOurFranchise.org/resources Our Franchise @OurFranchise @OurFranchise You benefit by joining By joining @OurFranchise, you’ll get access to exclusive stories and resources that can help grow your franchise business, educate employees at all levels about the franchise business model, and share the economic importance of franchising with consumers. You will also have the opportunity to share your franchise success story with your peers. This is just the beginning Make you stay up date with the campaign’s latest efforts through email updates and social media. Visit our read the of franchisors and franchisees making an impact in their communities. Become franchise advocate to help ensure Americans, now and in the future, have the opportunity to start franchise businesses. Take the lead today! Visit AtOurFranchise.orgContact Erica Farage, Senior Director Political Affairs and Grassroots Advocacy and Multi-Unit Franchisee Engagement International Franchise efarage@franchise.org (202) 662-0760 The public and policymakers need to understand franchising. b a x Don’t miss an
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Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 53
H e A lt H , FI t N ess & B e AU ty F e A t U re e XPert ADvIce: Lauren Wanamaker |
President of Franchise Development | WellBiz Brands
n ew Ye A r, n ew b usiness owner
You are knocking on the door of a new year, and that means resolutions, diets and major life changes can’t be far behind. For some people, the new year seems like a natural time to commit to doing something they’ve been dreaming of, like opening their own business.
In franchising, we often hear franchise candidates talk about wanting a fresh start or a new beginning, especially after a big life event or milestone birthday.
At WellBiz Brands, some of the catalysts for change that we most commonly hear about are:
• People who were recently divorced and seeking a clean slate as they start over.
• Stay-at-home moms who are looking for something else to do as their kids get older.
• Dual-income couples who are starting a family and looking for more flexibility and ways to create generational wealth for their families.
• Corporate employees who have been overlooked for a promotion and are looking to become their own boss.
what’s your passion?
Many of the franchise candidates we talk with say they are at a point in their lives when they want to pursue their passions. That may be the result of having devoted much of their life to a spouse or children and being ready to do something for themselves – something they might find personally rewarding. Others say they are burned out in their old job and are looking for a “refresh” with a new challenge.
The desire to feed your passion may stem from the industry the WellBiz Brands portfolio is in. As part of the self-care industry, the brands are the kind that attract franchisees who make up the brands’ customer base. Drybar® franchisees, for instance, often come to the brand as “Barflies” – the brand’s term of affection for members and most valued customers. These women have likely treated themselves to regular blowouts for years, so when they think about a business that they love, that they enjoy visiting and that they would be happy to own, the Drybar brand is at the top of the list.
what’s your goal?
One of the most important questions we ask prospective franchisees is, “What’s your goal?” Are they trying to build a portfolio to leave to their families? Are they hoping to work for 10-15 years and then take an early retirement?
All franchise brands – even those within the WellBiz Brands portfolio – work a little differently. We try to educate prospective franchisees on those differences so they can best choose the brands that may help them meet their goals. That’s especially important if the goal is to get a fresh start. If you’re leaving a job that doesn’t make you happy, the last thing you need is to transition into owning a business that also leaves you dissatisfied.
If a friend were to ask me about franchising at a New Year’s Eve party, I would tell him it’s all about “finding your why,” as author Simon Sinek would say.
If you’re ready for a change, ask yourself, “Why would I make this leap?” Consider what you feel passionately about and what you find fulfilling. What are your financial and personal goals, and could this opportunity help you reach them? If franchising checks those boxes for you, go for it!
Happy new year, friends!
Let’s raise a toast to new beginnings.
lauren Wanamaker is the Vice President of Franchise Development for WellBiz Brands, the pre-eminent beauty and wellness franchise portfolio. The WellBiz Brands portfolio includes Drybar®, Amazing Lash Studio®, Radiant Waxing™, Elements Massage® and Fitness Together®.
“ If you’re leaving a job that doesn’t make you happy, the last thing you need is to transition into owning a business that also leaves you dissatisfied.
ninjA nAtion: Le AD in G Wo RLD - cLA ss oBstAc Le cou R se pR o V i D e R Announces n e W An D i nno VAti V e FRAnchise o ppo R tunity
As the sport and entertainment industries continue to explode, so does the demand for new and exciting experiences for children and families.
To meet this demand, Ninja Nation, the Colorado-based leading provider of world-class obstacle course arenas and experiences, has unveiled a new mobile franchise opportunity. This will allow the brand to further expand its “sporttainment” model, melding youth sport and fitness with family fun.
about ninja nation
Popularized by TV show American Ninja Warrior, the sport of Ninja has boomed in recent years. Founded in 2017, Ninja Nation’s family and kid focused stateof-the-art facilities provide adults and
children the opportunity to play, train, and compete while developing skills, strength, and confidence, encouraging them to explore their passion for moving their bodies, staying active and overcoming obstacles. The brand has five Arenas and 7 mobile courses open and operating in Colorado, Texas, North Carolina and California and 15 more Arenas in development.
The youth sports entertainment concept’s goal is to create over 1 million heroes with their on-going mission to provide a fun, safe, and engaging space where everyone can find that “hero” within themselves. To accomplish this, Ninja Nation focuses on their core values of engagement, encouragement, and energy. They help kids improve their physical health and learn to focus on the importance of staying active while having a good time. The brand prides
F oc Us: Ninja Nation
H e A lt H , FI t N ess & B e AU ty F e A t U re
itself on building a community within their facility by fostering a culture of positivity, encouragement, goal setting, and building confidence.
“Our mission has always focused on creating a fun, engaging experience for children that will push them to become the best versions of themselves,” said Wayne Cavanaugh, Founder of Ninja Nation. “We believe in ‘failing up,’ and creating a positive impact in the life of every child that steps through our doors or tries a Ninja Nation course.”
Each Ninja Nation facility is kept safe, clean, and up-to-date. Obstacles in the arena are designed by Ninja legend Geoff Britten, the first person to ever complete the entire American Ninja Warrior course in season 7. An expert on the sport, he designs and builds the obstacles while ensuring they remain updated and refreshed so that Ninja Nation clientele never get bored.
ninja nation’s services
Ninja Nation offers a wide variety of services to appeal to any obstacleenthusiast or family fun lovers’ needs. For those who just want to play and have fun or are new to the world of Ninja, the brand has an assortment of exciting events and options, including open gym, birthday parties, day camp, field trips, summer camps, and team building events.
Some of Ninja Nation’s clientele are more familiar with the sport of Ninja or Obstacle Course Racing (OCR), and are interested in training and developing skills within their Arenas. The brand’s Ninja Development Program is designed to help bring out your full potential as a ninja athlete, ranging from beginners to seasoned veterans of the sport. The program features a series of classes designed to learn the skills needed to advance in the sport while getting a great workout and having fun at the same time.
Finally, there are those who want to experience what it’s like to compete and feel like a true American Ninja Warrior. Weekly Ninja Nights are mini competitions, great for practicing a competition type course designed to challenge athletes in a variety of skillsets.
They also set up competitions so athletes can test out their abilities against the clock. For those who develop a passion for the sport, the Ninja Nation Team competes at local and national level competitions, encouraging kids to bond, support one another, and grow together with a shared passion.
ninja nation mobile
In the past, franchisees who were interested in becoming a part of the Ninja Nation brand only had one option, The Complete Package, containing a brickand-mortar Ninja Nation Arena and mobile course. In January of 2023, the brand announced that interested parties would now be able to purchase a Ninja Nation Mobile on its own, allowing for a whole new wave of Ninja Nations to new communities.
Ninja Nation Mobile is the ultimate mobile Ninja obstacle course. It is quick to set up and take down and is an incredible addition to any event, fair, festival, or public gathering. Fun for all ages with tons of adaptability and customization for indoor or outdoor events, the mobile unit offers franchisees an exciting, different way to own a business while maintaining a high level of revenue opportunities.
The brand prides itself on providing an amazing experience for the client, and they make sure to set their franchise owners up for success. Mobile-only franchisees will still have access to the library of amazing
Ninja obstacles, high-quality & durable equipment, and strong corporate support that comes with being a part of the Ninja Nation brand.
“The launch of Ninja Nation Mobile as its own franchise opportunity is a great way for our brand to expand,” continued Cavanaugh. “Without the requirements of a traditional storefront, as well as a lower investment cost, more people interested in owning their own fun, communitycentered businesses will be able to become franchisees and bring Ninja Nation to new communities across the United States, allowing a higher number of kids to experience the benefits we provide.”
own a ninja nation franchise
With a dedicated, knowledgeable, and supportive leadership team, Ninja Nation is searching for franchise partners who possess a passion for youth sports, are looking to make a positive impact in their community, and own a business that changes lives while having fun. To own a Ninja Nation Mobile, the brand is looking for future franchisees with a strong business background, with experience or knowledge in sales preferred. Including a franchise fee of $39,500, the overall investment cost to open a Ninja Nation Mobile is $237,500 - $245,500, while the overall investment cost to open a full package is $824,000 - $1.58M.
For more information, visit www.ninjanationfranchise.com.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 57
the s cientiFic AppR oAch to youth Ath Lete sAFety
Playing sports often exposes athletes to the unfortunate circumstance of performance injuries. Athletic Republic helps youth athletes to better prepare themselves and often prevent these injuries by providing them the tools to get stronger and train smarter. The brand’s “secret sauce” is its state-of-theart sports-training facilities backed by evidence-based protocols and perfected with specialized equipment, that unlocks the potential of any athlete, helping them perform at their best.
Dale Huff, an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist turned Athletic Republic franchisee, shares his thoughts on the ever-relevant topic of youth athlete safety and how Athletic Republic has designed its programs around these concerns for the betterment of its athletes.
Before becoming an Athletic Republic franchisee, Huff completed his undergraduate training at Missouri State University, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics & Exercise Science. During that time, Huff interned at Hammonds’ Heart Institute where he worked with a traveling wellness team and gained knowledge of exercise testing. He earned the title of Registered Dietitian by completing a comprehensive internship at St. Louis University and passing the registration exam in October 1994. While working at St. Louis University Health Sciences Center as a Registered Dietitian, he learned further refinement of nutritional counseling skills and dietetics.
Huff opened his Athletic Republic of St. Louis location in 2005 and has loved every minute since. “Being able to work with all athletes to help perfect their
58 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa Fr AN c HI see IN Act I o N: Dale Huff | Athletic Republic
H e A lt H , FI t N ess & B e AU ty F e A t U re
craft while encouraging their desire for success is what brings me joy in life,” said Huff. Unfortunately, with success comes setbacks, and he has seen firsthand the importance of athlete safety in youth sports and is outspoken that it’s an issue that deserves more attention than it currently receives.
The reality is that youth sports are becoming more and more competitive, and athletes are specializing younger and younger, and with that comes an increased risk of injury. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, approximately 30 million children and adolescents participate in organized sports in the United States, and about 3.5 million injuries occur each year. It is a staggering number, and it is one that needs to be addressed.
One of the biggest challenges in youth sports is that many young athletes are not properly prepared for the physical demands of their sport. They may have the
desire and drive to succeed, but they lack the proper training and conditioning to do so safely. This is where Dale Huff and Athletic Republic come in. The franchise’s training programs are specifically designed to improve the physical preparedness of youth athletes, teaching the correct form, reducing the risk of injury, and helping them to recover more quickly if an injury does occur.
Athletic Republic’s training focuses on five key areas: speed, power, agility, strength, and stability. By improving these areas, the brand can help young athletes become more explosive, more agile, and more resilient. This not only helps them perform better on the field but also makes them less susceptible to injury.
One of the key components of Athletic Republic’s training is its use of sportspecific exercises and drills. The brand understands that different sports place unique demands on the body, and its
training reflects that. For example, a baseball player needs to be able to generate power from their lower body to hit a home run, while a soccer player needs to be able to change direction quickly to avoid defenders. By focusing on the specific movements and skills required for each sport, Athletic Republic is able to provide athletes with a more tailored and effective training experience and return them to their coaches as better well-rounded athletes. Another important aspect is Athletic Republic’s use of technology. The franchise uses a variety of tools and devices, such as high-speed running treadmill cameras (ARVision) and force plates (3PQ), to help them better understand exactly how an athlete’s body is moving and how much force they are generating. This allows them to identify any areas of weakness or imbalances that may be contributing to an increased risk of injury. Once they have identified these areas, they can formulate an individualized training protocol-plan, and can work with the athlete to correct them and improve their overall performance.
In addition to its training programs, Athletic Republic offers injury prevention and recovery services. These services include things like injury assessments, rehabilitation exercises, and massages. By providing these services, they are able to help athletes recover quicker from injuries and get back to their sport as soon as possible.
The future of athlete safety in youth sports is one that Huff and Athletic Republic are optimistic about. As more and more people become aware of the importance of proper training and conditioning, the brand believes they will see a reduction in the number of injuries that occur. Athletic Republic is dedicated to providing ALL athletes with the training and support they need to perform at their best and stay safe on the field of play. Huff is proud to be a part of this organization, and he looks forward to continuing to serve the youth sports community in St. Louis and beyond.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 59
“ One of the key components of Athletic Republic’s training is its use of sport-specific exercises and drills.
cle A n juice A nnounces new F r A nchise pA rtner
Existing Guest and Health Coach Takes the Reigns of Clean Juice Levis Commons Store in Perrysburg
issues, she decided to change how she thinks about how food fuels the body. Years later, on Christmas Eve, while last-minute gift shopping with her boyfriend, Jennifer walked into the Clean Juice Levis Commons store at 3155 Levis Commons Boulevard for the first time.
“I was so thrilled to learn about Clean Juice and what it represents,” said Sigmon. “My boyfriend and I are very healthconscious individuals. We only eat organic, gluten-free, and dairyfree, so when we found Clean Juice in our town, where nothing like this exists, we were elated. We have a great passion for this lifestyle and became instant fans of the brand.”
After multiple visits, Jennifer ultimately befriended the Franchise Partner. She leaped at the opportunity when she learned he was selling the business to move closer to home. For Jennifer, Clean Juice represents a personal and professional investment where she can materialize her passion for health and wellness for others while gaining an incredible amount of support from the Clean Juice Home Office as a first-time small business owner.
“My biggest motivation is to be part of the solution to my health problems and experiences,” added Sigmon. “I want the passion of healthy living and clean eating to resonate with others who may be experiencing what I did years ago. Through their research and education, they too may find the power to transform how they think about food as fuel and the types of foods available to people while on the go with very busy, hectic schedules. Clean Juice represents that opportunity for me as an owner and to this community as our guests.”
Clean Juice®, the nation’s first and only USDAcertified organic juice and food bar franchise, announced its newest Franchise Partner, Jennifer Sigmon recently took ownership of the Perrysburg, OH store after years of being a loyal guest.
As a registered health coach, yogi, and holistic nutrition and wellness practitioner, Jennifer joins a growing list of Franchise Partners from within the health and wellness industry. From physicians to nutritionists, healthy lifestyle advocates are inspired by the brand’s rising popularity by offering an all-organic, nutrientrich, fast-casual food bar experience. The Levis Commons Clean Juice will celebrate its grand re-opening on Saturday, January 14th. Like many others, Jennifer set out to ensure that people had greater access to healthy food options in a fast-casual setting. After battling a metal poisoning earlier in life that created chronic health
Clean Juice was recently named to Newsweek and Statista Inc.’s elite list of America’s Favorite Restaurant Chains for 2023. This prestigious award was based on nearly 40,000 evaluations collected across nine different evaluating criteria, including taste, cleanliness, hygiene, transparency, location, environment, accessibility, service quality, and treatment of employees. This is one of many awards given to Clean Juice in 2022, including Entrepreneur’s Top 500, Inc. 5000 fastest-growing private companies for the 3rd consecutive year, and Fast Casual’s Top 100 Movers & Shakers, among several others.
clean Juice nation continues to inspire into the new year
heading into 2023, clean Juice continues to receive a steady flow of development leads and discovery calls from existing Franchise Partners and new prospects like sigmon who want to bring healthy, organic fast casual food options to their communities. clean Juice has 203 store units in its system, with 127 open and operating and another 70+ in development since it began franchising in 2016.
60 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
s NAP s H ot: Clean Juice®
H e A lt H , FI t N ess & B e AU ty F e A t U re
S UBSCRIBE TO Franchising USA’s newsletter and receive all the latest franchising news delivered straight to your inbox, every week! WA nt to S tAY on to P o F the l Ate S t ne WS A nd W h At S h APP ening At the F ore F ront o F F r A nchi S ing? To subscribe visit: www.franchisingmagazineusa.com
t urn Your pA ssion i nto A pro F itA ble A nd r ewA rding cA reer
Automobiles are my passion. I love everything about them — driving them, customizing them, taking care of them. I love auto accessories, automotive audio, window tinting, protection, anything related to owning and driving vehicles.
When I was a young man, I moved to Florida with the goal of opening an aftermarket automotive accessory shop. I was 21 and bought a one-way ticket from Brooklyn, where I’d lived all my life, to Fort Lauderdale.
Opening the store of my dreams was a lot harder than I expected. Because I didn’t have a track record of success in the industry, banks and property owners were reluctant to take a chance on me and my dreams. Even though I remained confident of my ability, I grew increasingly frustrated
with the lack of opportunity for someone in my situation.
I knew a family member who owned a franchise for a well-known national automotive repair company. His location was a big success. Even though it wasn’t exactly my dream, I was intrigued and soon became a franchise owner for the same company.
Franchising unlocked opportunity and achievement that I hadn’t imagined before. With the support of a credible franchise behind me, banks and landlords were suddenly responsive. The franchise system provided a brand they could recognize, and it gave them the assurance they needed to invest in me.
I opened a second franchise store, and then another, and then another. Eventually,
I owned nine franchise locations and experienced the kind of success I’d left New York to find. I was the first owner in that franchise system to earn $1 million in sales in the first year, and I did it with every single store I opened. Then I was the first to earn $2 million in a year, and I did that 12 years in a row. After that much success within the franchise, I knew it was time to take the next step.
In 2007, I took everything I knew about automobiles, the aftermarket accessory and service industry, and the franchise industry and committed to that dream that had never gone away. I discovered a chain of independent shops that resembled
62 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa e XPert ADvIce:
| Tint World
Charles Bonfiglio
what I’d wanted to open back when I first came to Florida, and I acquired and converted those six auto accessory and window tinting centers in Florida into an international franchise. Now Tint World® is the largest and fastestgrowing automotive accessories and window tinting franchise in the U.S., and we have locations in four different countries.
Here are the factors that have driven Tint World®’s success and that have allowed me to transform my passion into a profitable career in the automotive aftermarket industry:
• Do what you love: I love automobiles. I still love them now as much as I did when I had the dream of opening my own automotive accessories shop. I also have a passion for franchising. The franchise industry opened the door to the success I’ve achieved. Combing the two has allowed me to pursue a rewarding career and share my success with other people.
• Develop a strategy and execute it: From the very beginning of my career, I’ve been dedicated to giving customers what they’re looking for. That means quality products and service. It also means a broad selection of the leading brands, so you become the place to go for all their automotive needs. When it comes down to it, that’s Tint World®’s value proposition. We’ve created a brand that works for everyone. We attract customers who love their vehicles, which includes men and women of all ages, not a niche group or a particular lifestyle. At Tint World®, we love vehicles, and we
love the people who love them. It’s so exciting to see customers who are able to personalize their automobile so it’s a reflection of their personality and style.
• Keep improving: It takes a great idea to succeed, but it takes hard work to turn a great idea into a business. It also takes evolution and flexibility. Don’t be afraid to learn, either from your mistakes or from new ideas outside your business. Try new things and see if they work. If they do, update your business model. It’s all about growth.
Because I’ve been able to transform my passion into my career, I want the same thing for the people around me. I support the team at Tint World® headquarters so they can each find their special purpose and see a path to reaching their own goals within our company culture. That also helps them support the growth I envision for each Tint World® franchisee around the country and all over the world so they can fulfill the dreams that inspired them to join us.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 63
charles Bonfiglio is president and CEO of Tint World, a provider of automotive, residential, commercial, and marine window tinting and security film services. With Automotive Styling Centers in the U.S. and abroad, each franchise location houses approximately 20 profit centers, ranging from in-store accessory installations to offsite sales and installation.
h ome i mprovement: A s m A ll b usiness sA n Antonio
omeowners cA n t rust
decrease the number of women shying away from tackling home improvement responsibilities. As a single mother, Eylar is all too familiar with stereotypes regarding the likelihood of unfair customer treatment in many male-dominated industries. The home improvement industry is no exception. Eylar soon discovered that owning a home improvement franchise like Handyman Connection allowed her to ensure that each one of her customers is treated ethically and fairly.
“Women tend to shy away from tasks within many of the male-dominated industries,” said Eylar. “Whether automotive care or home improvements, at the back of their minds, some women fear they are at risk of being taken advantage of by certain industry professionals.”
It’s no secret that the home improvement and renovations industry is a field that has largely been dominated by men. But today, Jamie Eylar, the female franchise owner behind Handyman Connection of NW San Antonio, is making the home improvement industry more accessible and approachable to homeowners in her local community.
Handyman Connection is America’s premier home improvement franchise for professional and reliable handyman services. Each Handyman Connection franchise is locally owned, operated and services a variety of home improvement and repair needs, from carpentry, flooring and electrical work to painting, plumbing and remodeling.
Since Handyman Connection of NW San Antonio first opened in July 2021, Eylar has used her position as a female small business owner to instill trust in her customers, encourage transparency and
Now, under Eylar’s supervision, Handyman Connection of NW San Antonio is becoming increasingly popular as a role model community business. So, how did it all get started?
Before making the decision to pursue the Handyman Connection franchising opportunity, Eylar previously spearheaded the operation of a San Antonio-based photography business that specialized in school and group photoshoots. It was in this role where she first developed a familiarity with the franchising business model and a strong understanding of the work ethic required for successful
64 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
Wo M e N IN Fr AN c HI s ING: Jamie Eylar | Handyman Connection
entrepreneurship. Eylar learned the importance of building a solid team, while reaping the benefits of investing time in proper customer service. Under Eylar’s oversight, the photography business prospered, until an unexpected global event disrupted its opportunities for revenue, the Covid-19 pandemic.
“During the pandemic, schools and community events were put on hold, which completely prevented working on the typical projects we had coming in,” explained Eylar. Eylar instantly set out in search of recession-proof, and pandemic-proof business model, where she soon discovered the franchising opportunities offered by Handyman Connection.
“My father was a general contractor, so I grew up around tradesmen and felt comfortable overseeing hands-on home improvement projects,” said Eylar. “I thought that the wide variety of services that Handyman Connection offers would allow me the chance to do meaningful work in my community, while being economically resilient in the long run.”
After making the decision to invest, Eylar knew that if her new Handyman
Connection business was to be successful, she would not only have to rely on a quality team of experienced craftsmen, but teach those craftsmen proper customer service tactics to establish a positive community reputation. By hiring trustworthy employees with similar mindsets and taking the time to invest in their training, Eylar ensured her new business was a safe service for those going through the home improvement and renovation process.
Eylar also backs up her superior customer service by working to establish in-person connections with the community members she services. Her business regularly receives calls from single women, widows and other clients, who don’t hesitate to ask the Handyman Connection team plenty of project questions. Eylar has learned that when a female face, like herself, accompanies her team to project sites and helps answer in-person client questions, it helps her clients feel a genuine sense of comfort with the services being performed.
“I’m so proud of the level of service that our Handyman Connection franchise provides our customers,” said Eylar. “Our clients will even ask for specific contractors by name,
simply because of the level of care that they put into each and every project. We truly empathize with our clients here at Handyman Connection, and our passion for our work continuously brings us great joy in what we do.”
Ranked as the #1 Handyman Company by Qualified Remodeler for the past 11 years, Handyman Connection operates in more than 59 locations throughout 25 states and Canada. Since 1991, the brand has offered homeowners across North America a complete resource for professional craftsmanship and exemplary customer service. Handyman Connection provides over 430+ different services ranging from traditional home repairs and painting to remodeling, plumbing, electrical work, and more. Each local office is supported by a team of qualified craftspeople and is always seeking talented professionals to join them in helping customers improve their homes. For more information, please go to https://handymanconnection.com.
To learn more about Handyman Connection of NW San Antonio, please visit https://handymanconnection.com/ nw-san-antonio/.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 65
with loren Zo bAtes of 360cle A n Fr A nchise
Share a little about yourself and what led you to pursue your path to entrepreneurship. When did you start, and what were your action steps?
My name is Lorenzo Bates, and I am a native of Simpsonville, SC. I have been married to my best friend for 14 years. We have 2 daughters, Loren (12) and Zoe (7). After spending over 30 years in the corporate workforce and working in the pharmaceutical field I decided to leave
my JOB (just over broke) to become an entrepreneur.
My action steps included keeping my current job while I was researching business opportunities. While researching businesses, I became interested in franchising because of the support and resources that are typically offered to franchisees. I signed up as a franchisee with 360Clean (www.360clean.com) because I was impressed with their affordable startup costs, their commitment to “Cleaning for Health” that focuses on disinfecting instead of merely cleaning surfaces, and their Pre-Set Sales Appointment Program.
I started my 360clean franchise on a parttime basis in 2017 in the Greenville, SC area. By 2020 I was ready to finally quit my corporate job and go “all in,” and since then I have seen my business skyrocket and I have won awards as the top performer with 360Clean. I took baby steps and eventually got where I needed to be with a patient, strategic approach.
What does a day in your life look like? How do you juggle work/life balance, family, exercise, and mental health?
I meet with my supervisors and team leads on Mondays and discuss the week ahead. I enjoy establishing two-way relationships with my current clients, employees, and creating a positive impact in my
66 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa Q&A: Lorenzo Bates | 360clean Franchise
community. As far as work-life balance, there are boundaries that work for us regarding what is “work time” and what is “family time.” I like to be totally present for my wife and my kids. I haven’t had to change my health plan at all, as I had to follow a healthy diet and exercise routine when I was working in the corporate world.
How do you feel when you reflect on when you started as an entrepreneur and how it compares to now?
I realize when I first started my business part-time, it was more of a “side hustle” to determine if it had potential to be more lucrative than my corporate job. Compared to now, I am fully committed full-time and have put in the work, blood, sweat, and tears to be one of the top performers and often #1 in overall sales. The support team at 360clean is committed to helping franchisees with running a successful business. I used some of my knowledge from the corporate world and added what was learned from the 360clean team to create one of the top franchises in the organization.
What are your strengths and weaknesses? Share a bit of your personal growth process.
I excel at customer relations, both internal and external. As a former sales rep, I learned how to relate to all types of people
and personalities. My personal growth occurred as I matured and grew more patient with “difficult” individuals. I have learned to take a breath, not be defensive, and be a better listener when there are problems. Today, I struggle with dealing with employees or contractors who have a lack of ambition or do not care about the quality of their work.
How do you go about planning and executing your business goals?
At the beginning of every year, I develop an SGAP (Strategic Growth Action Plan) for the year and set goals to help me attain the objectives in the plan. I review these plans and goals periodically to make sure I am staying on track.
What goals do you have for this year?
Client Retention is very important to my business and our brand. I also have a goal of increasing my MCV (monthly current volume) by 60% in sales.
What clients, brands, partnerships or collaborations have you enjoyed the most?
In 2020, we were able to win a contract with all non-acute facilities with Bon Secours in the Greenville upstate area. This was a big “win” for the business and
helped boost morale with all of our team members.
What is your biggest accomplishment thus far?
Growing my business to the level where I could leave my corporate job and spend more time with my family. To me, this is far more valuable than any sales accomplishments.
Was there a time you considered giving up or lost motivation? If so, how did you overcome that?
NEVER! Becoming an entrepreneur was always top of mind for me. I knew that I would do it one day, it was just a matter of when! Being an entrepreneur and having work-life balance is very rewarding to me. For these reasons, giving up has never entered my mind!
What advice would you give to entrepreneurs who are afraid to start a business or who have considered giving up?
Don’t give up and remember your “Why?” Always remember what drives you and why you want to be an entrepreneur. Your “Why” doesn’t always mean making a profit or gaining exposure. It could be your purpose or cause that is the driving force of your business.
What are your future goals and how can our readers support your business and/or cause?
My future goal is to continue helping people. Since the pandemic I have been able to hire more employees and help them and their families. I have also done some pro-bono work at nursing homes, churches, and other organizations with cleaning and disinfecting to help them resume operations and get back to what they do for our community. Another goal is to grow my business to other territories and surrounding areas.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 67
ZIPS didn’t invent the consumer garment care business; we perfected it. Garment care is a $10.5 billion a year business in a highly fragmented market where 98% of the competitors are mom-and-pop shops. The industry is primed for a national brand offering comprehensive services and a solid value proposition to consumers.
ZIPS is here to deliver.
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• 5 Businesses in One! Pressed Laundry, Wash N Fold, Dry Cleaning, Alterations, Household Item Care
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• 3-Store Minimum; markets available nationwide
• 2:1 sales-to-capital ratio for drop/fullservice store
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68 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
care business is a big 10.5
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GARMENT CARE. To inquire about opportunities contact: Abhi Parikh, Director of Business Development aparikh@321zips.com • 717.495.7995 www.321ZIPS.com/franchise
did not invent the consumer garment care business; we perfected it. The garment
billion dollar a year business in a highly fragmented market. 98% of the competitors are mom-nd-pop type small businesses. The industry is ripe for the emergence of a nationally branded chain offering a consistent suite
services and
proposition to consumers. If you are looking for
opportunity to create a successful business and become part of America’s first national garment care brand, new territory is open for development!
* This advertisement is not an offering. An offering can only be made by a Franchise Disclosure Document filed with the referenced state, which filing does not constitute approval. ZIPS franchises will not be sold to any resident of any such jurisdiction until the offering has been exempted from the requirements of, or duly registered in and approved by, such jurisdiction and the required Franchise Disclosure Document has been delivered to the prospective franchisee before the sale in compliance with applicable law. The following states regulate the offer and sale of franchises: CA, HI, IN, IL, MD, MI, MN, NY, ND, RI, SD, VA, WA and WI. If you reside in one of these states, you may have certain rights under applicable franchise laws.
pl AYA bowls demonstrates strong development growth in 2022
laTEST n EWS in veter A n
F r A nchising
jdog br A nds
B reaks growth records, continues to push forward
n-h A nce
F r A nchise owner
was part of history on 9/11
fEbrUary 2023
MY SALON Suite, a salon suite franchise that focuses on providing stylists and beauticians a personal space to build their business and the beauty industry’s future, announced today it has been recognized as one of the top 500 franchises in Entrepreneur’s Franchise 500®, the world’s first, best and most comprehensive franchise ranking.
r ecognized as an invaluable resource for potential franchisees, the 2023 Franchise 500® ranks MY salO n suite as #66 overall for its outstanding performance in areas including unit growth, financial strength and stability, and brand power.
“MY salO n suite’s tremendous growth and recent successes are a testament
c lean e at Z Names Gary Sachs as Brand’s First Chief Financial Officer
Clean Eatz, the award-winning wellness restaurant concept heralded as one of the fastest-growing concepts in its industry, is pleased to announce the appointment of franchising veteran Gary Sachs as the brand’s first Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
s achs joins the clean Eatz team after having spent over 30 years operating within the restaurant industry. Beginning his career as a financial analyst with the multinational hospitality company Brinker international, s achs worked his way to becoming cFO for a franchisee-owned chain of 103 chili’s locations and v ice President of Finance for Fuddruckers, prior
to assuming his most recent position as cFO for l M r estaurants, a family-owned restaurant group based out of r aleigh, n orth c arolina.
a s chief Financial Officer, s achs will play a leading role in helping provide for the growth and system-wide development of the clean Eatz franchise namesake throughout the country.
“clean Eatz has a unique attraction to a growing demographic of people, robust unit-level economics, and a diverse array of income-generating opportunities available to all of their franchisees,” s achs said. “all factors that speak heavily to the
to the strength of the brand,” said Mark Jameson, chief development officer. “ t he concept utilizes a semi-absentee model that is ideal for multi-unit and multi-brand franchise partners looking to diversify their portfolio. i look forward to seeing what other milestones the brand will reach in the year ahead.”
t he recognition follows a record-breaking year for MY salO n suite, building on a growing sales track record. t he brand opened 42 franchise locations and one corporate location in 2022 to reach a milestone of over 250 locations, expanding nationwide with plans to grow the brand internationally in 2023. in addition, suite r elief Fund™, MY salO n suite’s annual fundraiser for st. Jude children’s r esearch h ospital®, raised over $123,000 in one month and set a new record for the brand.
MY salO n suite offers a special incentive for veterans and first responders, including paramedics, emergency medical technicians, police officers, sheriffs, and firefighters, which includes a 50% reduction on the franchise fee – a savings of $25,000.
For more information about the MY SALON Suite franchise, visit https:// www.mysalonsuite.com/franchise
distinctive, thoughtful, mission-driven nature of the company.”
“Bringing g ary into the fold couldn’t have come at a more pivotal moment for us.
t he franchise is undergoing a record rate of expansion, and having an experienced finance professional, well-versed in the franchising model has become an absolute necessity,” said Evonne varady, co-Founder of clean Eatz.
Visit https://cleaneatz.com/
70 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa veter AN s s UPP le M e N t
Wellne SS-Foc US ed r e S tAU r A nt B U ild S oU t e xec U tive r o S ter in Pre PA r Ation F or h e Av Y e x PA n S ion in 2023
my salon suite Ranked Among Top Franchises in Entrepreneur’s Highly Competitive Franchise 500®
p ost n et named a top franchise for veterans by Entrepreneur
PostNet, a global leader in high-quality printing and shipping solutions, has been named one of the top franchises for veterans by Entrepreneur after ranking 50th on the publication’s Top 150 Franchises for Veterans.
t he top Franchises for veterans list recognizes franchises dedicated to providing the best incentives and opportunities to veterans. t he selected companies support and assist veteran franchisees in their new business venture.
“at Postn et, culture remains a big part of who we are as a franchise,” said Bill McPherson, vice president of franchise development. “We seek franchisees who are going to put in the time and effort to be successful owners. veterans are the perfect example of the type of individuals we seek. t hey have strong discipline, a desire to succeed, and are great at following a process. We provide them with all the necessary tools and a proven operating system. t hey tend to be great Postn et franchise owners.”
When developing the top Franchises for veterans list, Entrepreneur invites companies to participate in a survey designed to help the publication learn more about the companies’ veterans programs. From there, the rankings are developed, taking into account each company’s veteran incentive, how veteran franchisees are attracted to and supported by the company and how each company scored in the 2022 Franchise 500.
For Postn et, the company ranked 374 on the Franchise 500 list. t hey also placed 92nd on the top g lobal Franchises list.
“Being named to numerous lists by Entrepreneur is a testament to the success of our franchisees and services,” McPherson said.
Kolache Factory, a unique and fast-growing national pastry franchise chain based in Katy, Texas, opened it’s newest storefront in Hedwig Village at 9079-C Katy Freeway at Campbell Road on Wednesday, January 18, marking its much awaited return to the Memorial area.
Kolache Factory’s popular Memorial city location closed last april due to new development plans in the shopping center across the street from Memorial h erman Memorial city Medical center, and the Kolache Factory team has been diligently looking for the perfect place to re-open in the area to serve its many loyal fans!
“We have generations of families in the Memorial area that have grown up coming to Kolache Factory and we want that to continue,” says dawn nielsen, chief Operating Officer. “We are so excited to have found a wonderful new home in h edwig v illage – just a few miles from our former store – which will be the perfect spot to serve up our fresh made kolaches to the entire Memorial area every day.”
t he newest store will feature some design changes for the bakery franchise, including testing a smaller footprint, approx.1,400 square feet, in response to a post-pandemic world.
t he bakery-café chain is a texas favorite and specializes in the savory and sweet c zech-inspired kolache pastry filled with fruits, meats, and cheeses. t hey also offer coffee from h ouston coffee roaster, Katz coffee, as well as hot chocolate, croissants, and muffins.
t his is the 61st Kolache Factory store for the Katy-based national franchise.
To learn more about Kolache Factory franchising, please visit https://kolachefactory.com/franchise
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 71
loc A l B A kerY- cAFé oP en S n e W Store in h ed W ig v ill Age
Red Rover® Moving and Storage, the innovative company developed by PODS® Founder, Pete Warhurst, announces the launch of its much anticipated franchising program. After experiencing rapid growth over the last two years, the company is looking to add approximately 20 franchise locations in 2023.
t he company’s executive management team brings over 100 years of moving and storage experience and will provide franchisees with detailed training and the use of the brand’s trademark, technologies and processes. i deal franchisee candidates must be qualified investors with operational and business experience.
“a s we expand the r ed r over brand across the U. s ., we want to partner with savvy and experienced individuals who want to be a part of an exciting, new concept that is creating a new category in the moving and storage industries – Fetchable Moving and storage®,” said Peter Warhurst, cEO and founder of r ed r over. “Expanding via franchising will enable us to grow our footprint more quickly. While our current model already services almost two thirds of long-distance movers in the country, it is important to offer our concept to more local movers and storers. We believe that together with our franchisees we can create an innovative company that fills a huge need in the industry.”
Founded in 2020, r ed r over has quickly expanded to 15 markets across the United states. in 2022, the company opened locations in chicago, d enver, Ft Myers Fl , l as vegas, los angeles, Phoenix, s acramento, s an d iego and Washington d c Visit RedRovers.com/franchising.
fastsigns® Ranked #1 in Category on Entrepreneur’s Highly Competitive Franchise 500® List for the Seventh Consecutive Year
FASTSIGNS®, the leading sign, graphics and visual communications franchise in the nation, announced today it has been ranked the #1 franchise opportunity in its category in Entrepreneur’s Franchise 500® for the seventh consecutive year. Recognized as an invaluable resource for potential franchisees, the Franchise 500® ranks FASTSIGNS as #62 overall for its outstanding performance in areas including unit growth, financial strength, stability, and brand power.
“after a year of record-breaking success for Fastsigns, receiving recognition as the #1 franchise opportunity for signage, graphics, and visual communication once again is a testament to the strength of our brand and the hard work of our franchisees,” said Mark Jameson, chief development officer at Propelled Brands. “ d emand for our services remains high and Fastsigns franchisees continue to be the go-to resource for visual communications in their communities. i look forward to seeing our momentum of growth continue this year by offering a variety of franchising options, from owning a franchise to adapting an existing sign business through a conversion or co-branding with a complementary business as we expand into new markets.”
t he total investment for a Fastsigns franchise is approximately $233,555 - $307,308 including a $49,750 franchise fee. i deal candidates have a net worth of $300,000 of which $80K is liquid. additionally, Fastsigns offers a special incentive for veterans and first responders, including paramedics, emergency medical technicians, police officers, sheriffs and firefighters, which includes a 50% reduction on the franchise fee -- a savings of $24,875.
to date, Fastsigns operates more than 760 locations in 46 states and eight countries. Of these Fastsigns franchisees, around 14% are veterans.
72 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
AN s s UPP le M e N t
fetch! pet c are Seeks National Expansion Through Franchising
Fetch! Pet Care® - America’s largest and most trusted professional dog walking and pet sitting franchise - is happy to announce the brand is now looking to expand nationwide through the offering of new franchising opportunities. With nearly 130 locations currently operating throughout the U.S., Fetch! Pet Care has established itself as a leader in the pet services industry through its emphasis on safety and reliability.
Fetch! Pet c are provides its clients with a variety of various pet care services including: puppy sitting, dog walking, overnight care, pet taxiing and pet medical administration. Each member of the Fetch Family is insured, background checked, and a highly-experienced animal lover with a passion for proper caretaking.
“With this year being our brand’s 20th anniversary, we now view national expansion through franchising as the next step in our efforts to bring consistent, safe and reliable pet care to new markets throughout the country,” said cEO of Fetch! Pet c are, g reg longe. “any pet parent can
relate to the struggle of finding the perfect pet sitter and there’s no other concept out there that guarantees the same level of trust between its pet caretakers and clients Fetch! Pet c are is now actively seeking potential franchisees with a strong desire to operate a fulfilling local business and play an engaging role in their home
community. t he investment required to open a Fetch! Pet c are franchise location typically ranges from $74,967 – $80,667.
To learn more about Fetch! Pet Care, or if interested in a franchise opportunity, please visit https:// www.fetchpetcare.com/
woody’s Bar-B-Q® Names Steve Gardner Director of Franchise Development
With an impressive 43-year history of success in Florida, classic Southern BBQ chain – Woody’s Bar-B-Q – is making moves to expand its footprint within and beyond the Sunshine State’s borders. to lead that charge, Woody’s has hired seasoned franchise developer and founder of Qsr Franchise d evelopment g roup, steve g ardner, as its director of Franchise d evelopment. t he recipient of a 2022 Franchise Broker award from 1851 Franchise, g ardner has represented everything from an up-and-coming nutritional supplement brand to a century-old clam bar. in his new role with Woody’s Bar-B-Q, g ardner is planning steady, strategic growth of the brand to ensure a win-win for the franchise and its incoming franchisees. states included in
the initial push are Florida, g eorgia, texas, n orth c arolina, s outh c arolina, tennessee, alabama, and Mississippi.
“ t here’s a real niche for the Woody’s BarB-Q product,” said g ardner. “ slow-smoked barbecue is a segment that is underserved in certain parts of the country. But before we make those introductions, we’re looking to solidify and expand brand recognition in the s outh in markets where barbecue is considered popular fare.
What really sets Woody’s apart is its immersive training program and closeknit family culture. When you become a Woody’s Bar-B-Q franchisee, you become a part of the family. t hat’s evident in the number of people who have worked or franchised with them forever. t hat family feel extends to Woody’s fanbase, further
securing its place as a go-to destination for locals in the communities where its franchises are based.”
Visit www.woodys.com.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 73
c l ASS ic So U thern BBQ c h A in eY e S Str Ategic g ro W th W ith Aid o F Se AS oned i nd US trY v eter A n
pl AYA bowls demonstr Ates strong development growth in 2022
Nation’s Leading Superfruit Bowl Shop Expands with the Opening of 36 Locations and 77 New Agreements
Playa Bowls, the nation’s leading superfruit bowl shop specializing in acai bowls, green bowls, pitaya bowls, coconut bowls, oatmeal bowls, juices, smoothies, coffee and more, announced today a successful 2022 through its expansion of 36 new store openings and 77 signings.
As part of this, the brand entered nine new markets this past year including Nashua, New Hampshire; Louisville, Kentucky; Phoenix, Arizona; Denver, Colorado; Baltimore, Maryland; Columbus, Ohio; Detroit and Traverse City, Michigan. Continuing its trajectory to make a mark in new territories, the brand signed agreements in seven new markets including Huntsville, Alabama; Washington D.C.; Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina; Hartford, Connecticut; and New Orleans, Louisiana. In addition to impressive development growth, Playa Bowls is reporting a 40 percent increase in AUV, 1.2 million loyalty members and over 160,000 of new app downloads.
“We are proud to see the tremendous success Playa Bowls has achieved this year,” said Rob Giuliani, Co-Founder and CEO of Playa Bowls. “We’ve had the privilege of opening numerous new stores across the U.S., as well as welcoming an amazing group of new franchisees. We are thankful to our customers and team
members for their support and helping the brand rapidly expand. Building off this year’s success, we are expecting to see an even bigger 2023.”
Going into the first quarter of 2023, the brand plans to continue its momentum with plans to open four traditional locations and one non-traditional location in the Newark Liberty International Airport. More exciting initiatives for the brand in the first quarter include the release of its organic proprietary Playa Pitaya base that
74 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
Fr AN c HI sor IN D e P t H: Playa Bowls
veter AN s s UPP le M e N t
is made free of pineapple, bananas, and coconut milk for allergy friendliness.
Founded by surfers Abby Taylor & Rob Giuliani, Playa Bowls was born out of the desire to recreate the delicious, refreshing, healthy versions of acai and pitaya bowls the pair encountered on various surf trips to Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, California, and Hawaii. At each beach, the duo discovered new and unique twists on this popular post-surf treat and came home wanting more. The pair set up a blender and a folding table on the boardwalk in their hometown of Belmar, and Playa Bowls was born. Eight years, thousands of employees, and hundreds of thousands of bowls later, Playa Bowls continues to offer superfruit bowls with a mission to lead communities in healthy, sustainable living.
Since its inception in 2014, Playa Bowls has emerged as a leader in the national superfruit bowl shop segment and specializes in acai bowls, green bowls, pitaya bowls, coconut bowls, oatmeal bowls, juices, smoothies, coffee and more. Today, the brand has 170+ locations systemwide, operating in 22 states, with plans to continue to expand its domestic footprint across the U.S. and globally.
For individuals who were honorably discharged from any branch of the United States Military, the Initial Franchise Fee for your first Playa Bowls Restaurant is discounted by 15%. The initial franchise fee is $35,000.
To learn more about Playa Bowls, visit PlayaBowls.com and follow the superfruit bowl shop on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or TikTok. For more information on franchising, please visit playabowls.com/franchise.
aBout playa Bowls
Known as New Jersey’s original acai bowl shop, Playa Bowls is the nation’s leading superfruit bowl shop serving up an extensive and unique menu of over 40 items including the bright flavors of acai, pitaya, green and coconut bowls alongside oatmeal bowls, juices, smoothies, and coffee made with the freshest, high-quality ingredients.
What began as a pair of blenders, a patio table, and a fridge in 2014 has flourished into more than 170 stores nationwide that operate in 22 states, thousands of employees, and a mission to lead communities in healthy, sustainable living. The rapidly growing franchise has received numerous accolades including Forbes 30 Under 30 and finalist for Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award.
Visit playabowls.com for additional information and stay connected on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 75
n - hA nce Fr A nchise owner wA s pA rt o F h istorY on 9/11
Former Navy Sailor Attributes His Success in Franchising to His Military Training
Jesse Klein has had an illustrious career in both his civilian and military life. As a young man, after thoroughly researching all branches of the military with recruiters, Jesse felt like the U.S. Navy was the best fit for him.
Right after high school, he enlisted and started training. He excelled in electronics and nuclear capability and became an Electronic Tech Second Class in the Nuclear specialty classification. Training took him to New York and South Carolina. But it was the next stop that would make Jesse part of one of the most significant events in American history. Jesse was stationed on the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier the USS Enterprise out of Norfolk, Virginia.
the uss enterprise was in the closest position
On Sept. 10, 2001, Jesse and his 5,000 shipmates were near the Horn of Africa off the coast of Somalia. They were on month five of a six-month deployment. They were anticipating the trek home.
The next day came news of the September 11 terrorist attacks on American soil. The USS Enterprise was strategically positioned in just the right spot. The Big E, as it was dubbed, made its way to the North Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf and launched the first strikes in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. The USS Enterprise became the first U.S. aircraft carrier involved in a combat mission against Afghanistan. The sailors on board would not be heading home as scheduled, but instead, became part of history.
A few years later, Jesse was discharged, went to college and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Nuclear Engineering and created a remarkable career in the corporate world, working in tech, electronics and the energy sector, including wind-power generation. Successful as he was, he was searching for something more.
Jesse’s dad, a U.S. Army veteran and civil servant, had a fulfilling hobby as a carpenter — a skill he passed along to his son.
76 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
Fr AN c HI see IN Act I o N: N-Hance
veter AN s s UPP le M e N t
“ I made up my mind that I was not gonna wait around and let life happen. I was gonna go for it.
“ The military is detailand process-oriented, as is franchising. We are given the map to navigate the ship. Hard work, discipline and following the guidance can bring about great success.”
“My dad was talented working with his hands. It was a creative outlet for him,” Jesse recalls, “I knew that was something I was missing. I loved refurbishing things, making old, worn things look new again. I love preservation. I just had to figure out how to monetize the idea.”
The timing of starting a new business in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic might have discouraged some entrepreneurs, but not Jesse.
“I made up my mind that I was not gonna wait around and let life happen. I was gonna go for it.”
He discovered N-Hance, the No. 1 wood refinishing company in the U.S. –a franchise that supports veterans. He is now a franchise owner in Ames, Iowa, with two territories there. Jesse says franchising is a perfect fit for a military veteran.
“The military is detail- and processoriented, as is franchising. We are given the map to navigate the ship. Hard work, discipline and following the guidance can bring about great success. “
Jesse is enjoying that success. He received Rookie of the Year accolades from N-Hance and wants to see the business grow.
“I have four boys, and I want to teach by example. I want them to see that they can build a company and provide a great service in their community. Hopefully one or all of my sons will take over this business or be inspired to create lives where they work hard and enjoy their families. After all, that’s what it’s all about.”
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 77
jd og b r A nds b re A ks g rowth r ecords, continues to push ForwA rd
JDog Brands, the parent franchisor to JDog Junk Removal & Hauling and JDog Carpet Cleaning & Floor Care, has had a monumental year.
Both system-level growth and missionfocused work have seen incredible changes, and the JDog Brands network is only getting stronger. As the franchise continues to grow, we are on track to exceed 300 open units in 2023.
As the largest Veteran franchise system in the world, JDog Brands is working diligently to lower the Veteran unemployment rate below 1%. In
November 2022, Veteran unemployment was at 2.7%, a notable decrease from the 3.8% reported in late 2021.
For many Veterans, military separation can be a challenging time. The camaraderie and connection that many service members experience during their time in the military can be difficult to find in the civilian world, and many Veterans find it challenging to secure civilian employment that leverages the skills they learned and used in the military.
JDog Brands, however, is working to change that. With 66 franchise agreements signed in 2022, we have forged partnerships with qualified
Veterans and military families who are interested in serving their local communities, staying connected with other Veterans and working toward a shared goal. In addition to the three to five Veterans each JDog franchise employs, the network has created hundreds of jobs for military families this year alone.
Jdog Brands owners differentiate themselves within the Booming home services industry
In a $500 billion and growing home services industry, differentiation is key. While home services are presented as an ongoing need, and there is, generally, an ever-growing demand, the concentration of service providers is just as rich. For many homeowners, the house is one of their largest investments, and the people who work in the space are carefully selected.
As such, JDog Brands has built a model
78 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
HAve yo U r s Ay: JDog Brands
veter AN s s UPP le M e N t
JDog Brands is by Veterans for Veterans. Its two concepts, JDog Junk Removal & Hauling and JDog Carpet Cleaning & Floor Care, have seen incredible growth in 2022 and are on track to exceed 300 units in 2023.
homeowners to be confident in the services they are receiving.
that stands out in communities and allows homeowners to be confident in the services they are receiving.
The concentration of Veterans within the system creates both a comfortable, familiar environment for retired military personnel and a unique customer experience. Three pillars of military service, respect, integrity and trust shine through to the customers as owners and their employees handle each and every project with care.
Further local involvement by our owners in local Veteran groups, fundraisers and other community-focused efforts bring the JDog image beyond the business. Within the JDog Brands network, we have seen
a pet adoption event as an opening day celebration, involvement in a local Veterans of Foreign Wars department and a diaper drive to support local single mothers.
the larger Jdog network works to embrace philanthropic and community-Building efforts
While local owners are encouraged and empowered to pursue charity in a way that is meaningful to them, the JDog corporate team is consistently working to develop philanthropic and community-building programs to benefit Veterans both within its system and beyond.
Late last year, we launched the Tactical Treasures podcast, offering a new voice to the military community. The podcast is hosted by JDog Brands co-founder and Senior Vice President Tracy Flanagan and welcomes a range of voices in the military space to discuss their personal “tactical treasures.”
Through the JDog Foundation, we develop relationships with government and civilian organizations to ensure there is proper funding and guidance available to Veterans who need it, including support for suicide prevention and PTSD management programs. The foundation is funded in part by the profits of Operation Hidden Treasures auctions in which JDog Junk Removal & Hauling owners look to salvage and repurpose unused items found at jobs.
We have also partnered with RED (Remember Everyone Deployed) to raise funds for Soldiers’ Angels and Irreverent Warriors, a nonprofit organization committed to improving Veterans’ mental health through connection and neverdying camaraderie. Last summer, over a dozen JDog franchisees participated in and sponsored their local Silkies Hike, a gathering where Veterans walk in boots and “silkies,” a retired military tradition, as a reminder that we are all here for each other, all of the time.
Each day, at least 22 Veterans and military service members die by suicide. All of our philanthropic efforts, in some way, return to an effort to decrease this statistic. Whether
we are donating directly to mental health care or promoting connection and conversation, our work in this arena is incredibly important to our core values as an organization.
Jdog Brands continues to push forward, working to established veteran- centric Businesses across the nation
In 2023, we are working to surpass the 300-unit mark by developing businesses in Baltimore, Charleston, Fort Lauderdale, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and more. However, the higher-level vision for the brand is to reach the 600-unit mark and continue to embrace Veterans, military families and the needs of the community along the way.
There is an incredible demand for the JDog experience from both prospective business owners and customers in need of junk removal and floor care services. The drive is different for everyone; some customers are drawn to the branded vehicles and military-adjacent attire JDog employees show up in, and others are interested in supporting their neighbors who are Veterans. For prospective business owners, the JDog Brands support network, continued involvement with the military community and ongoing opportunities to connect with the local community can be incredibly appealing.
From all sides, however, the focus and impact on the health and wellness of Veterans and military families continue to permeate the business, representing an incredible success for the JDog Brands business model and core values.
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 79
“ As such, JDog Brands has built a model that stands out in communities and allows
“ There is an incredible demand for the JDog experience from both prospective business owners and customers in need of junk removal and floor care services.”
“ The concentration of Veterans within the system creates both a comfortable, familiar environment for retired military personnel and a unique customer experience.”
rnr t ire e xpress Announces 3- u nit Fr A nchise s igning For c hic Ago
Local Entrepreneur Bringing Leading Auto Retailer to Windy City for the First Time
RNR Tire Express (RNR), the country’s fastest-growing tire and custom wheel franchise brand, announced finalization of a new multi-unit deal for 3 units in Chicago. A longawaited development that will bring the brand to one of the largest markets in the United States for the very first time.
John Abraham, the franchisee responsible for this latest deal, has called Chicago home for over 40 years. During which time, he’s built a successful career within the healthcare industry.
Abraham credits a lifelong entrepreneurial passion and enthusiasm for the automotive sector as the driving forces behind his decision to invest in this next stage of his professional career. An investment he trusts will do a great deal of good for his fellow Chicagoans, giving them access to safe, quality tires and wheels from top manufacturers, with payment flexibility
suited to fit any lifestyle or budget.
Founded in 2000 by rent-to-own veteran Larry Sutton, RNR has carved out a unique niche in the tire and wheel industry with its convenient, flexible payment options that fit each customer’s budget. RNR offers and professionally installs high-quality tires and custom wheels to a growing market of underserved consumers and has established a business model that allows customers to choose the payment option that best suits their needs, whether that’s weekly, biweekly, or monthly payments.
“You might think car manufacturers would have the safest, most performanceready tires on any new vehicle coming out of the warehouse, but for a variety of reasons, that’s rarely the case,” said Abraham. “That’s what makes RNR Tire Express stand out so much as a concept. It affords anyone the opportunity to equip their vehicle with the latest and greatest in tire capabilities. Helping families and individuals to prioritize their own safety and style.”
“ The first location is anticipated to arrive in Melrose Park this fall, with the second and third expected in Waukegan and Aurora, respectively.
The first location is anticipated to arrive in Melrose Park this fall, with the second and third expected in Waukegan and Aurora, respectively. Site selection is still underway for the remaining three franchise locations. “Our brands’ entrance into Chicago has been a long time coming,” said Sutton, founder and CEO of RNR Tire Express. “The agreement is a perfect representation of the commitment our team has to serving as many communities and families across the country as possible. Something you can expect to see a lot more of from the RNR brand in the year ahead.”
For more information regarding RNR Tire Express and its franchise opportunities, please visit www.RNRfranchise.com.
80 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa s NAP s H ot: RNR T IRE Ex PRESS veter AN s s UPP le M e N t
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 81 Leadership. Teamwork. Executing SOPs. Connecting veterans with education, resources and opportunities at vetfran.org
Beans & Brews coffeehouse
Beans & Brews coffeehouse has been around since 1993, when the l aramie family opened shop next to s alt l ake city’s beloved hangout, liberty Park.
t he family refined the process of high-altitude roasting™, which required special tweaks just like high-altitude baking. t hey soon got the process just right, and they built a reputation for uniquely smooth coffee in a friendly neighborhood setting. Beans & Brews—or “Beans,” as friends call us for short—is now a staple around Utah and its friends, idaho and nevada.
t he l aramie family still owns and operates our headquarters, and many baristas from our earlier days have grown into senior roles as managers, directors, and v Ps. t hey carry on our best
Business f inance d epot
Business Finance depot specializes in packaging equipment leases and sBa Express Working capital loans for start-up and existing businesses.
Our main clients are franchisors seeking financing for their new franchisees and manufacturers seeking financing for their equipment purchases.
traditions and work to create new ones too. Meanwhile, around the region, locally owned franchises brew up our beloved recipes for their own neighbors. Our guests are our reason for getting up in the morning. We love greeting regulars with their favorite drinks, made just the way they like ‘em. and we dig getting to know newcomers and welcoming them to the Beans community.
come in for a cup, alone or with a friend, and make yourself at home. and let us know how we can make your day a little brighter—whether it’s adding extra whipped cream or it’s donating a gift basket to your little-league fundraiser. cheers, and stop by soon.
contact: Kim Falk
Email: kfalk@beansandbrews.com
Our company also works with sBa 7(a) lenders, alternate financing sources, crowd funding financing sources and companies that specialize in using retirement funds to capitalize a new business. Please visit our website for more information.
Website: www.businessfinancedepot.com
Email: paul@businessfinancedepot.com
Phone: (800) 788-3884
contact: Paul Bosley
c layton k endall
clayton Kendall provides a simple, easy to use e-store platform that connects your franchisees to our integrated front-to-back inventory management system.
Our system controls the creation, production, fulfillment, distribution and shipping of all your marketing and sales
eX ecutive h ome c are
in-home care is, simply put, everyday assistance for your loved one provided by a kind, compassionate, and well-trained person.
t his assistance can come in the form of help getting dressed, preparing meals, doing some light housework, or just relaxing and enjoying a friendly conversation.
materials including uniforms, signage, branded merchandise and print collateral. clayton Kendal is the single source marketing solution for dozens of national franchises.
contact: dan Broudy, cEO
Email: dan@claytonkendall.com
Phone: 412-798-7120 (1-888-799-4757)
Website: claytonkendall.com
Executive home care places screened, qualified caregivers with people who need a helping hand with common tasks that many of us take for granted.
t he goal is to maintain a comfortable, safe, and happy living environment while providing for as much independence as possible.
Email: jason@executivehomecare.com
fR an C hi S ing uSa
a-Z listings are a great way to promote your business, giving you a presence within our publication and also the Franchising Usa website.
Each detailed, full colour a-Z listing comes with a 150 word write up and your logo.
Excellent for branding and recognition. choose a 12 or 6 month package or simply add the a-Z directory onto your Focus, Profile or ad! to learn about the a-Z directory or any other products please contact v ikki Bradbury: advertising@cgbpublishing.com or 778-426-2446
82 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
F r AN c HI se & serv I ces DI rectory
now more than ever, businesses look to Fastsigns® for innovative ways to connect with customers in a highly competitive marketplace.
Our high standards for quality and customer service have made Fastsigns the most recognized brand in the industry, driving significantly more traffic to the web than any other sign company.
We also lead in these important areas:
• #1 Ranked Sign Franchise in Entrepreneur Magazine
Franchise 500 three years in a row
• Franchise Business Review FBR50 Franchisee Satisfaction award 2006-2015
fa Zoli’s
Founded in 1988 in lexington, Ky., Fazoli’s owns and operates nearly 220 restaurants in 28 states, making it the largest premium Qsr italian chain in america. Fazoli’s prides itself on serving premium quality italian food, fast, fresh and friendly. Menu offerings include freshly prepared pasta entrees, subs, salads, pizza and desserts – along with its unlimited signature breadsticks. Fazoli’s offers dynamic build outs, digital-forward infrastructure and multiple revenue streams that provide a strong hedge against inflation. named a recession-Proof Franchise by Franchise Business review, Fazoli’s is a stable opportunity that’s stood the test of time and is backed by multi-
grease monkey
Founded in 1978 and part of the Fullspeed automotive® family of brands, grease Monkey® has grown to more than 500 centers internationally with operations in the United states, china, colombia, Mexico, and saudi arabia. t he brand has flourished, thanks to a commitment to customer service, innovation, and driving strong rOi for franchisees.
One reason grease Monkey is a great business opportunity is because nearly everyone in america drives, and more than 99% of the vehicles on U. s roads need regular oil changes. americans cumulatively drive about 3.2 trillion miles per year, and americans are keeping their
i mage o ne usa
image One Usa is a commercial cleaning services business. t he image One franchising model was formed on the principles of transparency, training, and top-notch financial and customer service support. it is regularly recognized as a top franchise by third-party franchise and business publications, including cnBc.com, Entrepreneur. com and Franchise Business review.
image One franchisees work for themselves in a unique relationship with the franchise company. image One provides them with customer support for their business, ongoing training, along with assistance with billing, equipment and sales training. image One
• Franchise Research Institute World Class Franchise 20112015
• Franchise Research Institute #1 Rated Sign & Graphics
Franchise 2014-2015
• CFA Franchisees’ Choice Designation 2004-2015
• FASTSIGNS is one of only a handful of franchises approved for $21 million in sBa financing for approved franchise candidates Fastsigns has over 400 markets approved for development in the Us and canada and is also seeking Master or area developer expansion in markets worldwide. For more information: Phone: 1-214-346-5679
Email: mark.jameson@fastsigns.com
Or visit our Website: www.fastsigns.com
generation owners. With less operational complexity than typical Qsr franchises, strong drive-thru sales and a defensible and differentiated concept, Fazoli’s provides a great development alternative to other quick serve restaurant options. Fazoli’s is a winner of Fast casual and steritech’s 2020 Excellence in Food safety award and ranked number seven on Fast casual’s “ top 100 Movers and shakers” list in 2022. additionally, it was named to technomic’s “ top 500 chain restaurant report” in 2022, selected as one of the “ top 50 g lobal Fast casual innovators in 2021” by Foodable, a “ top 200 Franchises in 2021” by Franchise Business review, and an Entrepreneur 2018 “Franchise 500.”
vehicles longer than ever before. according to research conducted by s &P global Mobility, the average age of light vehicles in the U. s. rose to an all-time high of 12.2 years in 2022. t his is the fifth straight year the average vehicle age in the U. s. has risen. drivers understand that to extend the life of their vehicles, routine maintenance is a must.
Even if you don’t have automotive repair experience and are simply exploring the industry because of its stability and strong margins, you can be assured that you will be backed by a large franchise support team dedicated to your success. We provide training, marketing support, and a wide range of tools to help you find customers and serve them well!
provides necessary training, tools and support to help franchise affiliates build their business, including teaching franchisees the latest cleaning techniques and empowering them with insights on best-in-class equipment and technology. Ongoing training is delivered both at image One’s corporate headquarters and onsite at existing client locations to ensure that franchisees continue to grow their own businesses.
image One has commercial cleaning franchise locations covering chicago, cincinnati, dallas, d enver, d etroit, Fort Myers, nashville and Orlando. Franchise territories are available nationwide.
For information on the franchise, visit http://imageOneUsa .com
k umon n orth a merica i nc.
high school math teacher toru Kumon developed the Kumon Method of learning more than 60 years ago in Japan, when his son was struggling with second-grade arithmetic.
realizing that a strong foundation in the basics-addition, subtraction, multiplication and division-was essential for higher-level math, Kumon created a series of math worksheets for his son to work on after school.
With daily practice, Kumon’s son gradually expanded his mastery of mathematical skills and by sixth grade was able to solve differential equations and integral calculus problems. today, at locations throughout north america, Kumon franchisees apply this method of daily practice and self-paced advancement to children’s math and reading skills.
Phone: 201-928-0444
Website: Kumonfranchise.com
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rP illusions corp. is a U. s.-based corporation that develops and franchises Museums of illusions across the world. t he company’s primary goal is to provide memorable and exciting educational opportunities while evolving its approach to creativity, art, and entertainment. Founded in 2015. in Zagreb, croatia, the Museum of illusions quickly became a global leader in the “edutainment” sector and the largest chain of private museums worldwide.
t he original concept offers an interactive, immersive, and fun experience for all age groups while teaching about science, vision, and perception through mind-bending illusions and tricks. t he Museum of illusions is thus globally recognized for its inventive way of combining entertaining and educational activities, as well as countless amazing photo opportunities for visitors to create unforgettable memories.
fR an C hi S ing uSa a-Z listings are a great way to promote your business, giving you a presence within our publication and also the Franchising Usa website.
Each detailed, full colour a-Z listing comes with a 150 word write up and your logo.
Each state-of-the-art museum is designed to create a mentally stimulating journey through the human mind for all generations with fascinating exhibits including 3d holograms, astonishing art pieces, and brain-puzzling optical illusions.
at this time the Museum of illusions has locations in 37 cities, 25 countries, and 4 continents, including franchises in tourist capitals such as new York, Paris, Madrid, shanghai, and dubai, where they are continually ranked among the top city attractions.
t he Museum of illusions team plans to continue expanding globally by providing unique educational, visual, and entertaining experiences for visitors, as well as ongoing support and guidance to franchising partners at every step of the way.
For more information about the Museum of illusions or franchising opportunities please visit www.museumofillusions.com or email at info@museumofillusions.com.
Excellent for branding and recognition. choose a 12 or 6 month package or simply add the a-Z directory onto your Focus, Profile or ad! to learn about the a-Z directory or any other products please contact v ikki Bradbury: advertising@cgbpublishing.com or 778-426-2446
n erds to g o
Build a future with the computer service industry pioneers and accomplish your business dreams with NerdsToGo!
computers, handheld devices, tablets, and mobile phones are all things that only continue to grow and change the landscape of the technology industry in the 21st century. t hat is why nerdsto g o is such a lucrative concept. With businesses, homeowners, and individuals continuing to rely
on technology, handling the repairs, computer service and support, and other computer services that can accompany a technologically based society seems like second nature. t his means franchise owners can tend to the high demands of a reliable customer base and reap the financial benefits by taking advantage of a constantly innovative, inventive, and lucrative industry. contact us today to learn why nerdsto g o is one of the fastest growing computer service and technology franchises in the United states!
r emedy s pa & salon s uites
remedy spa & s alon suites first opened its doors in atlanta, g eorgia in 2018. a s an attempt to enter the highly profitable health and beauty industries, remedy spa & s alon suites came equipped with 22 fully leased salon suites. to date, they have opened three locations through Metro-atlanta. amenities and perks to leasing include: 24/7 access, private upscale studios, spacious single/double suites, private parking, valet parking and premium fixtures, finishes and appliances. Franchisees will obtain access to the brand, tested and proven processes and support, purchasing power and distribution
t he red c hick Z
We’ve d one the heavy lifting for You
We know the restaurant business and have done our homework. From the homestyle kitchens of nashville to t he red chickz restaurants that will be popping up everywhere, we’ve created something really special in an untapped, sizzling market.
We make it simple. Our team has worked our tails off to create a superior business model that is streamlined and simple to operate. We designed
chains, cooperative marketing, new product research, development and roll-out, experienced training staff, and continuing training and education.
Franchising opportunities are available to entrepreneurs and investors in all industries but will be particularly appealing to health and beauty enthusiasts.
remedy spa & s alon suites already has an established market presence and substantial market penetration in atlanta. From this successful platform, the company is looking to expand the brand in select key areas domestically.
www.remedysalonsuites.com/franchise remedysalonsuites@gmail.com
this with systems and growth in mind, so you can become the next proud owner of a t he red chickz restaurant franchise with ease.
an investment in a restaurant franchise like t he red chickz is an excellent way to break into the foodservice business or expand your already existing restaurant portfolio. We seek qualified business owners who understand or appreciate the restaurant industry and are fired up about our brand.
m uSE um O f i lluS i O n S
84 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
F r AN c HI se & serv I ces DI rectory
sscp m anagement, i nc.
sscP Management, inc. is an award-winning, familyowned and operated management company with a portfolio of high-profile restaurant brands and real estate holdings.
t he dallas-based company is a leader in the restaurant industry with established, high-profile brands such as the 300-unit cici’s Pizza brand, 44 sonic drive- in locations, 80 applebee’s locations, the roy’s hawaiian fusion chain, and JMc distribution. t he management company also owns a diverse real estate portfolio with more than 100 assets that includes shopping centers, medical office buildings, industrial, and multi-family properties across the United states. sscP Management’s real estate practice focuses
s heenco t ravel
sheenco travel began trading in 2012 under the name shamrock vacations. nowadays sheenco is the leading name in luxury travel to ireland and the UK and has just launched a brand new travel Franchise in the Usa . Our focus on luxury helps us to stand out as we only use 4* and 5* properties and have a special focus on the wonderful castle accommodations available throughout ireland and the UK.
But more than anything it’s the level of service we offer, from the first point of contact until after your reluctant arrival home. Our friendly and close knit team go beyond your expectations with ease. d espite the difficulties of
s lim c hickens
slim chickens, a leading fast casual franchise which features dine-in and drive-through in the better-chicken segment, opened in 2003 in Fayetteville, arkansas.
Offering high-quality food with a focus on fresh, delicious ingredients, the brand prides itself on its southern flair and commitment to hospitality, all in a fast-casual setting.
Food is cooked to order, and the differentiated menu features chicken tenders, fresh salads, sandwiches, chicken and waffles, chicken wings and unique side items, alongside 17 house-made dipping sauces.
today, there are more than 145 slim chickens locations open and 700 restaurants in development. t he brand, which recently launched a strategic multi-unit franchise growth initiative to reach 700 units in
V ETER an S ERV i CE bR and S
veteran service Brands ( vsB) is the umbrella organization for four distinct, but affiliated service brands - all of which are exclusive to military veterans.
capitalizing on our success with g -FOrcE (the first franchise brand exclusive to veterans), we are adding Mach OnE Epoxy Floors, FiEld OPs athletic Field Markings, and Paint cOrPs (like Marine “corps”) franchise systems to the vsB family of veteran-only franchises.
initial investment starts as low as $20,000 for FiEld OPs (assuming possession of a suitable pickup truck) and runs as high as $150,000 depending upon which brand, size of territory, truck choice, and equipment package.
Franchise Fees are deeply discounted for the first five franchise partners of our new brands (some are already spoken for).
on portfolio purchases, individual purchases, multi-family investments and retail properties. led by President chris dharod, the company’s primary objective is to strengthen the communities it invests in and provide second-to-none service through all its business ventures.
sscP is looking to significantly increase their holdings as they build a larger presence in the commercial real estate world, focusing on acquiring retail and additional multifamily properties nationwide contact: Kerry a ssa, director of real Estate: 214-926-4873 (Kerry’s cell) or 972-644-9494 x 128 (real Estate general box)
Email: kassa@sscpmanagement.com
Website: www.sscpmanagement.com
the g lobal Pandemic, g enevieve continued with the companies plans (albeit on a delayed timescale) to expand their operation in the Us and the sheenco travel Franchise was launched in June 2021. When asked about the timing of the expansion g enevieve laughingly asks “having started a business in a recession when else would you expand but in a Pandemic?!”
t hanks to a solid team and great communication with guests and team members alike, sheenco travel have come out the other side of the Pandemic relatively unscathed and the future looks bright for this progressive and innovative company.
Opportunities@sheencotravel.com www.sheencotravelfranchise.com
10 years, is targeting qualified and experienced multi-unit groups to develop in dynamic markets across the country.
t he brand prides itself on its cooked-to-order fresh food and strong devoted fanbase, also known as “ slimthusiasts.” Fans also resonate with the southern contemporary look and feel and open and inviting layout of slim chickens restaurants, which speak to the hospitality mindset that anchors the brand.
t he slim chickens franchise opportunity differentiates itself with prime markets available for multi-unit development, a passionate leadership team and world-class franchisee support system. a s slim chickens expands, it is awarding franchise opportunities to qualified, experienced and passionate multi-unit groups looking to add a dynamic segment to their portfolio.
For more information on the slim chickens franchise opportunity, visit slimchickensfranchise.com
Mach OnE and Paint cOrPs normally have a $25,000 Franchise Fee (some of the lowest in their industries), but offer the first five a steep $15,000 discount.
FiEld OPs, already a low $10,000 Fee, offers a 50% discount for the first five takers.
veterans joining the veteran service Brands family enjoy instant camaraderie, proven systems in high demand businesses, group discounts, and more.
vsB is actively recruiting qualified veterans across the country to join our team.
vsB is already the largest veteran-only franchise system and expects to triple its size in the next 12-18 months.
For more information, visit www.veteranserviceBrands.com
fR an C hi S ing uSa
a-Z listings are a great way to promote your business, giving you a presence within our publication and also the Franchising Usa website.
Each detailed, full colour a-Z listing comes with a 150 word write up and your logo.
Excellent for branding and recognition. choose a 12 or 6 month package or simply add the a-Z directory onto your Focus, Profile or ad! to learn about the a-Z directory or any other products please contact v ikki Bradbury: advertising@cgbpublishing.com or 778-426-2446
Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 85
F r AN c HI se & serv I ces DI rectory
A-Z ListinGs ARe A GReAt WAy to pRomote youR Business www.franchisingmagazineusa.com Making an appearance every month in Franchising USA magazine. Each detailed, 4 color A-Z listing comes with a 150 word write up and your logo. Excellent for branding and recognition. Choose a 12 or 6 month package or simply add the a-z directory onto your fOCuS, pROfilE or ad! To learn about the a-z directory or any other products, please contact Vikki bradbury: vikki@cgbpublishing.com