portfolio ARCHITECTURE: Carlos Garcia-Sancho

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2009 Graduated as a Master of Science with Distinction (2nd July) with the project “Alternative Urbanities: Invasive Densities,” as a part of the Urban Asymmetries: Mexico collective project (a team of seven architects and three urbanists), with a degree of 9.50/10.00 cum laude. 2008/2009 Graduation project in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences (track: Architecture) at the TU DELFT after joining as a regular student. The graduation project belongs to the DSD Future cities: Urban Asymmetries master program and is located in Ecatepec, Mexico City (Mexico). One month research trip to Mexico in December 2008. On-site collaboration with the UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), under the supervision of Ricardo Eibenschutz, and the Municipality of Ecatepec (Municipio de Ecatepec de Morelos). 2007/2008 One year stay at the TU DELFT (Delft’s Technical University, The Netherlands) as an exchange student part of the ERASMUS programme. Enrolled for the DSD (Delft School of Design) Future cities: Urban Asymmetries pilot program. Research trip to Istanbul (Turkey) as part of the FILM/VIDEO/ CITY Design Workshop in April 2008. 2003/ 2007 Superior Architecture First Cycle at the ETSAB (School of Architecture of Barcelona) during four years. Graduations of 7.00/ 10.00 in Design Project (3rd year), 8.00/ 10.00 in Urbanism Design Project (2nd year), First Class with Distinction (9.50/10.00, MH) in History and Theory of Art and Architecture (Composició III, 4th year). Great interest on Urbanism and Landscape planning. 2001/ 2003 High school on Science and Technology in Valladolid, Núñez de Arce High School. First Class with Distinction (9.00/ 10.00).


2011 “Urban Asymmetries. Studies and Projects on Neoliberal Urbanization.” by 010 Publishers, Rotterdam (The Netherlands). 2009 Special number of ATLANTIS MAGAZINE, TU Delft.



2011 Collaboration with Cohabitation Strategies at the ‘Evento 2011’ Art Biennale in Bordeaux, France (Art director: Michelangelo Pistoletto). Elaboration of the “Bordeaux Report”, a publication about the socio-spatial dynamics of the city of Bordeaux aimed at informing the artists involved in the Biennale. 2010 Collaboration with artist Eva Grubinger at her studio in Berlin. 2010 Collaboration at graphic design projects at media62 (Berlin). 2010 Freelance at Büro Rolf Peitzmeier (Berlin). Development of executive and detail planning in house renovation projects. 2007 One month stay at Architecture Office Alberto Merinos y asociados (Valladolid), collaborating in the design process for a new school facility. 2007 Six month experience at Architecture Atelier ON-A Arquitectura (Barcelona), hired through the ETSAB Area of educative cooperation. Working as a collaborator in the design process for architectural competitions, buildings, and ephemeral architecture. Drawings published in DETAIL magazine. 2005 Experience as a collaborator with teachers Marta Bayona and Josep Parcerisa (ETSAB) at the Urbanism and Regional Planning Department, helping in the production of a new General Urban Planning for Maó (Menorca). One week stay in Maó doing field research and one month collaboration at B+V Arquitectes Associats (Marta Bayona and Albert Valero, Barcelona), member of the architect and designers partnership Espai Carolines.

English / Advanced Certificate in English (University of Cambridge). Grade B. Fluent speaking, excellent writing and comprehension, several stays in the US and UK. Used at workplace. French/ Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française/ A2. Fluent speaking, very good writing and comprehension, several stays in France. Used at workplace. German/ Zertifikat Deutsch, GUT (grade B). Volkschochschule Berlin courses, grade C1. Very good communication skills and comprehension. One two week stay in Berlin. Used at workplace. Catalan/ Certificat A/ Elemental , 9.00 Excel·lent. Fluent speaking, very good writing and comprehension. Spanish as mother tongue.


Several cinema and drama courses. Broad experience in digital video editing for the final exhibition for Marc Bouwmeester’s course: “RDM-IST: Media Mapping”, as well as the Urban Asymmetries presentations, with documentary clips form Ecatepec, Mexico City. From summer 2006, working on small scale fashion design, with the brand for Tshirts&more *ménage à moi*. Catwalk at B_side bar (Barcelona). More info and updated information on: dedesign.tumblr.com


AutoCAD: Proficient in 2D and 3D, intensive use over the last 7 years. Photoshop, Premiere PRO, Illustrator, InDesign: Proficient, intensive use over the last 7 years. Vectorworks: Very good, used at workplace. Rhino, 3D Studio MAX: Good, used at workplace. Microsoft Office: Proficient. Maya: Basic knowledge.


Architect. Master of Science.

(Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences, TU DELFT, 2009)

Valladolid (SPAIN) , 16Dec1985 0157 84553808 cgsancho@hotmail.com

GRADUATION PROJECT: “URBAN UNITIES: ECATEPEC” COLLECTIVE PROJECT: URBAN ASYMMETRIES STUDIO, TU DELFT, 2008-2009 The URBAN ASYMMETRIES studio is an intensive theoretically and empirically driven research and design studio that aims at the understanding of the processes and conditions that produce uneven (or asymmetrical)development in contemporary urban environments. For our collective graduation project we have analyzed the social and material consequences of the advancement of neoliberal policies and practices in Mexico City. As a group of master students from extremely diverse international backgrounds, it is important for us to stress the fact that we see this research as a case study, a first step to enable ourselves to approach similar or related conditions in our own countries and realities in the future.

+ Project Site

+ Municipality of Ecatepec (Mexico City): 3 million inh

+ Mexico City: 28 million inh

PROJECT AND RESEARCH TEAM: Levan Asabashvili [GE] Bai Yan [CN] Silvia Bizzarri [IT] Carlos García-Sancho [ES] Tania Guerrero [MX] Tomi Jaskari [FI] Tom Kolnaar [NL] Phillip Lühl [NA] Willem van de Ven [NL] Siebe M Voogt [NL] Taufan ter Weel [NL] Idan Zveibil [IS] URBANASYMMETRIES: MEXICO DSD Future Cities Master Program, TU Delft

ABOVE: Condition of Urban Asymmetry in a municipality of Mexico (courtesy of José Castillo).

PROJECT LED BY: Miguel Robles-Durán I Heidi Sohn Project location: Ecatepec, Ciudad de México, MÉXICO citizens@urbanasymmetries.org www.urbanasymmetries.org

ECATEPEC DE MORELOS, POP. 3 MILLION Ecatepec is one of the largest peripheral municipality of Mexico City’s metropolitan area, located within the Estado de Mexico. During the last decade several private developments + Power lines has appeared in Ecatepec as new way of urbanization. A handful of large-scale private development companies in Mexico have the de-facto monopoly on planning and construction of the formal city, geared solely towards short-term profit maximization, while leaving the public (Municipality) with the long-term consequences of their socially and materially unsustainable developments.

+ Jardines de Morelos neighbourhood.

+ Separation wall.

+ Las Americas housing development (14 000 swellings)

+ Gran Canal (Open sewage) + Highway

+ Mall

+ Industrial Strio

+ Toll road

+ El Caracol (Old evaporation plant) Initial collective strategy. Current situation (LEFT) and final phase (RIGHT) panels from the NAI Urban Emergenc(i)es exhibition, June 2008, Rotterdam.


+ Project: Making wastelands productive by Taufan ter Weel [NL] and Tania Guerrero [MX]

+ Project: Reconnecting the social

Existing LAS AMERICAS fabric



by Levan Asabashvili [GE] and Tom Kolnaar [NL]

+ Project: Proposing Alternative urbanities by Carlos García-Sancho [ESP], Phillip Lühl [NA] and Siebe M. Voogt [NL]

(THIS PAGE) The three architectural graduation projects’ location, by teams. “Making wastelands productive’ explored the possibility of giving a new use to the federal land under the power lines. “Reconnecting the social” tried to react to the wall that segregated the two conditions through densification processes. “Proposing alternative urbanities” seeked the creation of a new framework which could enable a different way of urbanization for Mexico City. (NEXT PAGE) Proposal for a “alternative urbanity” (model, bottom) with the different proposals (housing, market, agricultural facilities). These are not only architectural design, but try to challenge the existing financing models (top).

+ El Caracol (Old evaporation plant)

PERSONAL PROJECT: INVASIVE DENSITIES The production of ‘social interest housing’ (vivienda de interés social) in large parts of the peripheral municipalities of the Metropolitan Zone of the City of Mexico (ZMCM) creates extensive patches of low rise fabric. Through a new funding structure, VISOMEX, the Municipality re-gains the agency to plan their social housing developments. The Invasive Densities program tries to infiltrate in the existingLas Americas fabric, providing housing and neighbourhood facilities and ensuring a minimum density on one squate meter built per square meter of land, proposing a different model of urbanity.

Diagram trying to explain the process of the project. The strategies and different phases of the project are inserted in one drawing. An attempt to represent what the Urban Asymmetries group defended: the generation of a ‘process-based architecture’. This drawings were presented in pannels for the ARCHIPRIX prize 2009, appointed by the TU Delft.

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