por tfo lio Bachelor in Barcelona: 2004 Highlight ind urban and landscape projects
New Urban Plan for Barceloneta Urban Design, Prof. Marta Bayona
Public Building in Ciutat Vella Arch. Design, Prof. Humbert Costas
Intern Dept. of Urbanism and Regional Planning, ETSAB
Internship On.a Arquitectes Barcelona (ES)
165 dwellings in Colonia Sedó Arch. Design, Prof. Sanabria + Prats
2006 ETSABIntern
López Merino y Asociados Valladolid (ES)
Badia Trencadís Urban Design, Prof. J Bacardit
Badalona Tetris Urban Design, Prof. Bacardit + Bailo Camp Metropolità Regional Planning, Prof. Crosses + Perea Research Project: ¡Cooljas! Arch. Theory, Prof. J M Montaner. First class with distinction Pilot master program: Future cities: Urban Asymmetries
Architechtural competitions
“RDM/IST: Media Maps” Exhibition, Mentor: Marc Bouwmeester
Conference: “Urban Emergenc(i)es” Participation, NAi Rotterdam (NL)
Internship B+V Arquitectes Maó (Menorca, ES)
Exhibition: “Citámbulos” Participation, DAZ Berlin (DE)
Art-related projects
“Architecture and Simulacra” Master Thesis, Mentor: Deborah Hauptmann
Graduation Project: “Proposing alternative urbanities: Invasive densities” Mentor: Miguel Robles-Durán, Heidi Sohn 9.5/10 CUM LAUDE
Eva Grubinger Studio Berlin (DE)
Cohabitation Strategies (Evento 2011) Bordeaux (FR)
FLP Rolf Peitmeier Berlin (DE)
Architecture as a tool for social change Publication: “Bordeaux Report”
Otto Hüfftlein-Otto Architekten Stuttgart (DE)
Publication of the book: “Urban Asymmetries. Studies and Projects on Neoliberal Urbanization.” Ed. T. Kaminer, M. Robles-Durán, H. Sohn, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam, 2011.
Architect. Master of Science.
Member of the Architektenkammer BadenWürttemberg MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences. Master Program: “Urban Asymmetries.” Delft University of Technology, 2007-2009. Bachelor in Architecture. School of Architecture of Barcelona, ETSAB, 2003-2007. Fluent in English, German and French, with working experience as an architect/ researcher. Master studies developed entirely in English. Good command of Catalan. Spanish as mother tongue. Valladolid (SPAIN) , 16th Dec. 1985 +49 157 84553808 cgsancho@zoho.com skype: cgsancho
Building design
1st Prize: Volksbank Headquarters, Aalen
Graduation project in Mexico City
2nd Prize: Expansion Geschwister-Scholl-Schule, Konstanz 2nd Prize: Communal Center, Pfedelbach
who am I? MSc Architecture, Urbanism & Building Sciences Delft School of Technology, TU DELFT
Architecture (Arquitectura Superior) School of Architecture of Barcelona ETSAB
Univesity access test [ES] Selectividad First class with distinction
what drives me?
Guide to the neighbourhood of Grand Parc, Bordeaux, included in the “Bordeaux Report”. This publication aimed to guide and inform the artists invited to the Évento art biennale, come together under the motto ‘L’art pour une re-évolution urbaine’ (‘Art towards an urban revolution’). Some of the main topics addressed were the status and future of social housing in France, gentrification processes triggered by urban renewal projects and the climate of competition between cities in the logic of neoliberal urbanization.
understanding urban conflicts One of my main goals as a spatial thinker is to grasp the complexity of the built environment. During the last years I have researched and analyzed different urban contexts, trying to detach from a formal approach and regarding the city as a consequence of political, social, economical and environmental processes, which are often influencing and contradicting one another. This intertwining of urban and social systems is for me the Gordian knot of spatial practices. 2011 Bordeaux Report, publication produced together with Cohabitation Strategies (Rotterdam, NL) for the Évento Biennale in Bordeaux (FR), under the supervision of Michelangelo Pistoletto. 2009 Proposing alternative urbanities, communal research project on the conditions of neoliberal urbanization in the periphery of Mexico City, Delft University of Technology (NL). 2009 Urban Mythologies. The fantastic and the archaic in the genesis of the contemporary metropolis. Essay under supervision of Heidi Sohn, Delft University of Technology (NL).
Diagram included in the “Bordeaux Report”, which shows the different social structures of the East and West Bank of the Garonne River vis-à-vis the pockets of social housing and areas of major State investment.
Extract of the panel developed for the ARCHIPRIX prize 2009 for the Urban Asymmetries: Mexico City project, appointed by the Delft University of technology for an exhibition of selected graduation projects. Collective work of the Urban Asymmetries group. The projects were deliberately not represented as finished buildings, but rather as a possible outcome of a set of strategical phases, an example of ‘processbased architecture’.
redefining decision-making The difficult transition of planning practices from a top-down to a bottom-up approach is one of my main interests. Much thought was given during our final project in Mexico City to how to enable responsible participative practices that bring the citizen closer to the production of their space. I would be thrilled to further explore methods of community planning and public consultation. 2009 Invasive densities, architectural final project, Delft University of Technology (NL). Grade: 9,50/10 cum laude. 2009 Participative cartographies. Towards a one to one mapping. Essay under supervision of Tahl Kamier for “The Agency of Mapping” course, Delft University of Technology (NL). 2008 Urban Emergenc(i)es, presentation of a research project on Mexico City in the NAi (Netherlands Architecture Institute). 2008 Attendance to the conference Henri Lefevre: Re-thinking theory and space, Delft School of Design, Delft University of Technology (NL).
Phasing and economical framework developed for the Urban Asymmetries: Mexico City graduation project. Collective work of the Urban Asymmetries group. As far as we could go in an academical architectural project, we tried to envision a system of financing and decision-making for the projects, which would rely in the creation of local economies through agricultural and housing cooperatives to regenerate wastelands and serve as a new model for social housing planning in the periphery of Mexico City.
Visualization of the project for the new central library in Rottenburg (DE). Competition carried out together with the office Otto-Hüftlein-Otto.
designing the public I have developed multiple projects that explore the concept of ‘public’ architecture, first dealing with public space and territorial planning in Barcelona, and later graduating in Delft with a Master thesis on social housing. As a practicing architect I have had the chance to take part in the planning of public buildings, participating in multiple architectural competitions and engaging in the design process of public facilities in Southern Germany. 2012-2014 Otto-Hüfftlein-Otto Architekten, Stuttgart (DE) 2nd Prize Communal building in Pfedelbach. 2nd Prize Firefighter Station in Wannweil 1st Prize Volksbank in Aalen. 2007 On.a Arquitectes, Barcelona (DE) Student housing in Zaragoza. (Competition) Football Stadium in Guadaira, Sevilla. (Competition) 2005 Actualization of the Urban Plan of Mao, Menorca (ES) as an intern for the Department of Urbanism and Regional Planning of the School of Architecture of Barcelona, ETSAB (ES).
“Badia Trencadis”, general plan (top) and parcellation plan (bottom). Urbanism project developed in the Barcelona School of Architecture together with Adrià Escolano, under the supervision of Joan Bacardit. The project tried to redefine the public space of Badia del Vallès, a Francoist “planned city” built from scratch near Barcelona. The vast open spaces where parcelized and given specific functions, regulating parking and diverting heavy traffic. New land uses were introduced to create a sense of community, such as communal urban gardens.
“Fabrication de la ville vs. Image de la Ville”, diagram included in the “Bordeaux Report”. The ‘fabrication of the city’ was considered here as a complex, somewhat shady, compendium of processes which include many different policies, public organisms and private enterprises. Opposed to that, in order to attract capital inversion and to be competitive at a global level, the city is being communicated, mediated, as a simple image, necessarily partial and flattened. This mediatization of the city was represented as a screen, in which the future city is projected, but which hides or obscures the processes that build it.
mapping complex realities The representation of the built environment, and more importantly the processes that shape it, has been for me always a challenge, but also something I genuinely enjoy doing. I put a lot of effort in achieving expressive and detailed drawings with a vast array of techniques. I am keen on finding ways of visualizing complex processes through bold, straight-forward diagrams.During my Master Studies in Delft I had the opportunity to further experiment with the use of video to map complex urban situations. Proficient with AutoCAD, Vectorworks, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Photoshop and Premiere Pro. 2009 Media maps: Ecatepec, series of interviews and video shots of the site conditions as part of the research carried by the Urban Asymmetries group in Ecatepec, Mexico City, Delft University of Technology (NL). 2008 RDM/IST. Media mapping, exhibition showing the final results of Marc Bouwmeester’s video course, Delft University of Technology (NL).
Economical models developed for the Urban Asymmetries: Mexico City project, Delft University of Technology. Through this diagrams we tried to defend two new models of financing (center and right column) for the construction of social housing in Mexico City, comparing it to the current model (left column). In every column, the top diagram shows the financing of the buildings, while the bottom diagram represents the longterm strategies (or lack thereof) to maintain those buildings. We defended a shift for a model which empowers private constructors to build social housing through State credits to one in which the planning agency is shared with the public administration, to push for higher built densities and more sustainable urban environments.
Carlos GARCĂ?A-SANCHO Architect. Master of Science.
Valladolid (SPAIN) , 16th Dec. 1985 +49 157 84553808 cgsancho@zoho.com skype: cgsancho dedesign.tumblr.com