Dinner Journal
Chabad at the Beaches
Aaron and Blanche Scharf Center for Jewish Life
Aaron and Blanche Scharf O.B.M.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe
Gala Dinner & Celebration Schedule Cocktails – Silent & Chinese Auction Memorial tribute to Mr. Aaron Scharf O.B.M. Welcome – Jeff Meyers Opening Remarks – Rabbi Nochum Kurinsky
Tribute to Honorees Presentation of the Community Service Award Presentation of the Chesed Award Presentation of the Woman of Valor Award
Grace After Meals Entertainment Dessert
MARK STONE At Chabad @ the Beaches, we are taking our annual dinner to another level with Mentalist Mark Stone. Mark Stone is one of the most sought after entertainers in the country, and his jaw-dropping ESP and mindreading show has amazed audiences on land and sea and left them begging to know just how he does it. Mark has appeared on TV on many occasions. He amazed Johnny Carson, Oprah, Regis Philbin, Chevy Chase, and Maury Povich, among many others.
2013 Dinner Committee Dinner Chairperson
Silent Auction
Jeff Meyers
Stella Kaminsky
Dinner Coordinator
Rabbi Nochum Kurinsky Jeff Meyers
Leah Kurinsky
Eli Wilansky
Executive Committee
Silent Auction Setup
Karlie Brinkoff Stella Kaminsky Leah Kurinsky Peter Holt
Karlie Brinkhoff Chana Kurinsky Trish Sall Volunteers
Brittany Larusso
Joan Czillag
Daniel Levy
Dulcy Freeman
Jeff Meyers
Sarah Gonzalez
Trish Sall
Lani Heilig
Rabbi Eli Wilansky
Elena Motorca
Décor Rebbeca Fixel Carolin Hirsch Journal Nechama Dina Hecht Daniel Levy
Hermilo Valdovinos Grace Weiss
• 10 year anniversary dinner
Dr. Howard Landy
Adult Education
Our Honorees
Chesed (Kindness) Award Dr. David Weiss It is with great pride that we will present Dr. David Weiss with the Chesed Award. Dr. Weiss, a very gifted pediatrician, has quietly made his impact on numerous people’s lives. Along with his lovely wife, Grace, he uplifts those around him with his generosity of spirit, contagious optimism and dignified persona. Chesed is one of the most cherished Jewish values. Its English translation, “kindness,� does not do it justice. Chesed is kindness done truly from the heart and in a manner that the recipient, too, feels dignified. David exemplifies this attribute.
Aishes Chayil (Woman of Valor) Award Rivkah BenSimon Rivkah BenSimon will receive the Aishet Chayil (Woman of Valor) Award for her outstanding dedication to her family and community. Rivkah is a devoted mother and wife and a valuable asset to the community with an outstanding dedication to Jewish values. With her legendary volunteerism, warmth and friendship Rivkah is a true Aishet Chayil.
Community Service Award Mr. Yaakov Starr Mr. Yaakov Starr will receive the Community Service Award. Mr. Starr was born in Hungary in 1927 and is a Holocaust survivor who was imprisoned in the Auschwitz concentration camp. After the war, Mr. Starr made his way to Israel. There he fought in its War of Independence to found the state of Israel. Mr. Starr immigrated to the United States in the 1950s and settled in Miami Beach where he worked as a baker. His gentle demeanor, his kindness and joy in life are the most incredible inspiration to all those who know him.
Letter f rom the Rabbi Dear Friends and Extended Chabad Family, Two weeks ago we celebrated the holiday of Shavuot. It is worthy of note that the Festival of Shavuot has no independent date of its own as with all the other festivals. No month or day is specified in the Torah as the time of its celebration, but only that it is the “Fiftieth Day” of the counting of the Omer - the counting which we begin on the second day of Pesach, on the day after the liberation from Egyptian bondage. By not allocating a specific date the Torah emphasizes that the Festival of Shavuot is the goal of the Festival of Pesach and that the Season of the Giving of Our Torah is the culmination of the Season of Our Freedom. Furthermore, true and complete freedom, both for the individual as well as for the community, and both materially and spiritually, can be attained only through the acceptance of the Torah. Acceptance and love are at the core of Torah and Chabad’s values. When individuals can feel accepted and welcomed regardless of financial, religious or cultural status, who benefits? When children are educated with love and concern, who benefits? When Jewish people go to prison where are they to turn? When people can turn to friends for help in times of physical or emotional distress, who benefits? When vibrant Jewish communities are established and flourish in our midst, who benefits? … Dear Friend, we all benefit. The above ideals comprise the very essence of Chabad and its annual dinner. Over the last ten years, Chabad has grown in leaps and bounds because people increasingly recognize and appreciate its warmth and non-judgmental philosophy. Children are being educated in a lively Jewish environment. Adults are attending Chabad’s classes, lectures and personalized study sessions. Families are discovering a new Jewish dimension to their lives through our synagogue and outreach programs. This year’s dinner is especially meaningful as we honor our longtime friend and supporter Dr. David Weiss. At this dinner we will also be honoring our very dear Mr. Yaakov Starr. For our annual Aishet Chayil award, we will be honoring Mrs. Ricki BenSimon for her incredible involvement, selflessness and most importantly the time she has devoted to our community. We live in a time where, notwithstanding external “freedom”, the society in general, people are still largely “enslaved,” and at a loss how to free themselves from the shackles of spiritual and mental confusion. The only hope that Jewish people should not be swept with this stream lies in Torah education, where the golden chain of the Torah from Sinai is maintained; the Torah in all its sanctity, the Torah of Truth which must always remain intact, and cannot be subject to compromise or concession. It is with your help that we at Chabad are able to bring the light of Torah to the Beaches community. May we merit the redemption of Moshiach speedily in our days. Leah, Avi, Dovi, Etta, Rivka’le and Baby Mottel join me in wishing everyone a wonderful summer. B’shalom, Rabbi Nochum Kurinsky
Letter f rom the P rog ram Director Dear Friends, This week’s Torah reading relates how Korach came to Moses with a protest: “The entire nation is holy and G-d is among them. Why do you exalt yourselves over the congregation of G-d?” Who was Korach to speak to Moses in this way? Korach was a cousin to Moses and came from the tribe of Levi. He was a very smart and rich man and people respected him. Back In Egypt he had been a treasurer to King Pharaoh. You can imagine that Korach thought of himself as important. He was a Levi and one of the men appointed to carry the Holy Ark in the desert. He was also head of the choir of the Leviyim who sang in the tabernacle. But these duties were not enough for him. He wanted more honor. He was jealous of some of the people that lived at the time that had higher positions than he had, including Moses and his brother Aaron who was the High Priest at the time. By and large the people supported Korach. And so Moses set up a challenge: Korach and 250 of his followers would bring an incense offering, as would Aaron the High Priest. G-d would accept one offering and the others would die. When the offerings were brought, G-d accepted Aaron’s, and the earth opened up and swallowed up Korach and his whole household. What was so terrible about Korach’s complaint? Seemingly, his complaint was legitimate. Since the people are all holy, each one of them possesses a spark of G-dliness. Why should one person be “exalted”? Why then did G-d support Moses and Aaron? The resolution to these questions depends on an understanding of the dynamic of leadership. Certainly, the entire nation was holy; but to express that holiness the people had to be motivated and inspired. That requires a leader, a Moses. Moses was not given his position to relish his accomplishments and receive honor for them. Instead, his position was a trust. He was charged with a mission and he followed it faithfully. Rather than think of himself, he thought about his people and what he could do for them. This was not a one-day or one-year responsibility. Instead, throughout the entire time he was leading the people, Moses was thinking of them. This is not merely a story of the past. In every generation, we must seek leaders, people who will spark us to utilize the positive qualities which we possess. Rather than fear submission to their authority, we should welcome it, understanding that it will enhance our position and not detract from it. Simply put, following the guidance of a true leader enables a person to accomplish more than he could on his own. By the same token, leadership is not restricted to a select few. In our homes, at our workplaces, and in the social environments we choose, we all serve as leaders from time to time. When we are given such a position, we must emulate the selfless dedication shown by Moses and nurture our charges, rather than seek personal advancement. Mazel Tov to Dr. David Weiss, Mrs. Rickie Ben Simon and Mr. Yaakov Starr on the occasion of being honored. Each of you as individuals has a spark of leadership within you and so much for us to look up to and learn from. We thank you for that. May Hashem bless each of you that you should not only continue to inspire us as you have always done until now, but you should have the strength to do so ten times more. May we merit to be in Jerusalem with our third Temple speedily in our days. Amen! My wife Esther and my son Shmulik join with me in wishing a heartfelt mazel tov to Chabad @ The Beaches! We have come so far in ten years. Wishing you all much success and health! B’Shalom, Rabbi Eli Wilansky
Letter f rom the Dinner Chair Dear Friends, As chairman of the Chabad Fund Raising Committee it’s important for me to reflect on the importance of Chabad at the Beaches and the great work they do for the Ponte Vedra community. My responsibility in this role is to inspire my fellow Jew to help our Chabad house continue to provide a beacon of light for all those who are searching for Hashem. The importance of Chabad at the Beaches transcends beyond a beacon of light for the individual. Since the beginning of time the world has been trying erase our people. We’ve seen it throughout history and there isn’t a day that goes by that our destruction isn’t being maniacally calculated by an individual, group, or nation. In every generation the world has discovered that it’s impossible to destroy our people. We are bound by a covenant with G-d and it’s our beautiful heritage that keeps us strong throughout every generation. Our heritage is the one thing that we as a people can control and protect. There is no better protector of our heritage than Chabad at the Beaches. Chabad at the Beaches provides a warm welcoming environment where one can come and nourish their soul by truly experiencing our beautiful heritage. It’s a place where anyone can come and get a taste of pure Judaism whether it’s learning Torah, partaking in a beautiful service, or just being a part of a Shabbat dinner. The end result is an ignited passion to live the Torah of Life and fulfill the wonderful destiny that G-d has for our life! Ensuring that our beautiful heritage is preserved is our responsibility. Chabad at the Beaches relies on us. This wonderful beacon of Jewish light continues to shine when fueled by the generosity of the community. Respectfully, Jeff Meyers
In Memory of our Beloved
• Chabad @ the Beaches
Parents and Grandparents
— Gil & Ben Scharf
Mazel Tov, Ricki! You are truly an Aishet Chayel!
Love, Brittany & Daniel
• 10 year anniversary dinner
Congratulations Chabad at the Beaches on your 10th Anniversary!
Congratulating the Chabad for our continued pursuit of the knowledge of Moshiach through our DAILY study of TORAH. May we bring Moshiach's light to His people! The[1] belief in the coming of Mashiach is a fundamental element of the Jewish faith. Thus, the Rambam writes:[2] Whoever does not believe in him, or does not await his coming, denies not only the other prophets, but also the Torah and of Moshe, our teacher, for the Torah attests to his coming, stating,[3] "And the L-rd your G-d will bring back your captivity." [1]. [In the present text, the Rebbe examines the Rambam's choice of prooftexts for the belief in the coming of Mashiach, in the meantime clarifying concepts such as the following: what is meant by the everlasting nature of the mitzvos; how the coming of Mashiach is a prerequisite for the practical fulfillment of one of the commandments of the Torah; whether all prophecies are necessarily fulfilled; and how a prophetic command can at the same time be formally less authoritative yet actually more weighty than a verse drawn from the Five Books of the Chumash. This discussion is adapted from talks which the Rebbe Shlita delivered on Shabbos Parshas Devarim and Rosh Chodesh Elul, 5746, and on Motzaei Shabbos Parshas Pinchas, 5738. The original fully-documented and annotated Hebrew version appeared in Likkutei Sichos for Shabbos Parshas Shoftim, 5749.] [2]. Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Melachim 11:1. Reprinted from "I Await His Coming Every Day" (Kehot Publication Society, 1991) Adapted & Translated by Rabbi Eliyahu Touger Edited by Uri Kaploun."
• Chabad @ the Beaches
(Genesis 3 & 49)
(Jeremiah 3)
(Psalms 34)
(Exodus 12)
(Jeremiah 23)
(Psalms 35)
(Deuteronomy 18)
(Micah 5)
(Psalms 69)
(Isaiah 7)
(Zechariah 9)
(Psalms 78)
(Isaiah 40)
(Zechariah 11)
(Psalms 89)
(Isaiah 50)
(Zechariah 13)
(Psalms 102)
(Isaiah 53)
(Psalms 22)
(Malachi 3)
• 10 year anniversary dinner
In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Kurinsky and the wonderful work they do
• Chabad @ the Beaches
for Chabad at the Beaches
Mr. & Mrs. Lenny Spodek
Thank you to all of the volunteers who made tonight’s event possible, the contributors who provide the ability for us to succeed, and honorees for their enormous contributions. May the A-mighty continue to bless you
Rabbi Nochum and Leah Kurinsky
• 10 year anniversary dinner
in all of your endeavors.
Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Kurinsky Thank you for your dedication to torah, the community, and those individuals whose lives you impact on a daily basis. With much appreciation,
• Chabad @ the Beaches
Darren Landy
Congratulations and best wishes to the Kurinsky Family Love, Chaya Musia Shurpin
All our best wishes for continued success and growth — Friends of Chabad
IN MEMORY OF MAYER BARACH BEN LEIB ROTHMAN WHOSE 20TH YAHRZEIT IS ON 24 SIVAN Leib and Nacha Rothman Jim (Yaakov) Rothman Kalman and Chanie Rothman and Family
• 10 year anniversary dinner
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• Chabad @ the Beaches
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Thank you for all the great work that you do — we’re proud to be part of the Chabad Beaches family. Avron & Sandra Satill
In Honor of My Brother Rabbi Mendy Lieberman — Rabbi Lipa Lieberman
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Kurinsky for their many years of tireless devotion to the Beaches community. Yecheskel & Nechamie Raeburn
• 10 year anniversary dinner
In honor of
To my dear friend Rabbi Kurinsky, Mazal Tov for the 10th anniversary of your Chabad House! May you continue to lead and serve as a beacon of Torah light to your community and to the world for many more successful years. We wish much health and happiness to you, your family and your community, and may you go from strength to strength!
• Chabad @ the Beaches
Aharon Chayim Aronow and Familly
Congratulations and best wishes to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Kurinsky for your tireless efforts and boundless Chessed on behalf of klal Yisroel. We will never forget how you took us in that Shabbat on such short noticedefinitely the highlight of our trip to Florida. With much admiration, The Lib family from Brooklyn
Dear Rabbi Nochum and Leah, On behalf of the entire Forrest family we thank you and appreciate all of your warmth, guidance, and kindness this past year. You both are an example of the type of parents we hope to be. With Love, Andrew, Paulina, and Jordan Forrest Let’s go Heat!
In honor of Chabad at the Beaches Kenny & Joan Czillag and Family
Photolux Studios Congratulation to Chabad @ the Beaches for celebrating their 10th year anniversary. From your local Ponte Vedra Winn Dixie store. Stop by on aisle 12 where Rabbi Eli shops, for Kosher Meat.
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Chabad &
The Honorees Mrs. Rickie Bensimon Mr. Yaakov Starr Dr. David Weiss Congratulations & Best Wishes Dr. David and Trish Sall
May HaShem bless all of you of the Chabad At The Beaches with continuous good health to enable you to go from success to success in bringing the light of Torah to others and in doing your chesed with your loving and caring. Harriet Cortell Goldye Kopmar Sisters of Judy Nevel
• 10 year anniversary dinner
In honor of
My life has been greatly enriched because of Chabad
Mazel tov to our dear children, our wonderful Chabad @ the Beaches community, and worthy honorees, on this significant milestone event!
Much Love, Helen Adamec
May you grow from strength to greater strength! Love, Zeidie and Bubby Kurinsky
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Nochum and Leah and the whole Chabad family at the Beaches wishing your communiity lots of brachas and success in everything.
• Chabad @ the Beaches
Mr. & Mrs. Chaim Dovid Jenkelowitz & Family
To my fiancée Jeff, Thank you for your constant love and support. It’s such a blessing to share my life with you. I love you! Karlie
“No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted” To be spiritual be kind. Judy Geller
To our dear friend
Mr. Starr Congratulations on being chosen as this year’s honoree! We Salute You! May Hashem continue to grant you the strength to persevere, the ability to achieve and the will to share your success with the community! Mazal Tov! Kenny & Joan Czillag
Rabbi Nochum, Your dedication and passion is an inspiration to both of us. We sincerely thank you for taking us on the journey through the Tanya. May Hashem continue to bless Chabad at the Beaches! Jeff & Karlie
Mazel Tov Kurinskys on all of your acheivements and your newest family member Motti! May you all grow and experience true joy in your shlichus together as a family. Rivkie and Eli Gremont
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Our very best wishes to our dear friends
Mazel Tov for Chabad’s 10th Anniversary From Ajax Union & Yossi Apfelbaum
Mrs. Ricki Bensimon, Mr. Yaakov Starr, & Dr. David Weiss on this most deserving honor May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire community
The Moyer Family
• 10 year anniversary dinner
Matis H. Abravanel, Esquire
Greetings Rabbi & Mrs. Kurinsky, wishing you tremendous success in all of the beautiful work you do. Binyamin & Laiky Simpson
In Memory of Zisa Ben Zion ben Leah
Mazel Tov upon Chabad’s 10th Anniversary. Larry and Nora Rothman — Mr. James Rothman
Greetings from the Far North Dallas Eruv, The Higginbotham Family
Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin! From the Snipelisky family.
• Chabad @ the Beaches
In loving memory of my dear father Jimmy Norris.
You were the best dad ever. Carol Norris Lynch
Congratulations! Nancy Squier
Mazel Tov! Lana Grumberg
Greetings In honor of Jeff and Karlie’s engagement — Bert & Patti Meyers
We are delighted To honor our dear friends at Chabad at the Beaches May you continue to be a source of strength to the Jewish community We missed you and hope to see you soon! Love, Sara Sandhaus and Zalmen and Ruchie Kurinsky
Mazel Tov to the Chabad family & community on your 10th anniversary. A million thanks to the Kurinsky and Wilansky Families for your love, time and dedication to Teaching Torah. Hermilo Valdovinos Cabanos
In honor of Chabad at the BeachesSanjay & Karen Bagaria
Ricki Ben Simon— you are a true Aishes Chayal. Your beauty and valor is reflected in everything you do, and is especially reflected in your children. You are an inspiration to the community! Mr. Starr, thank you for sharing your wisdom and experiences with the community. May Hashem reward you for your courage and for all your mitzvahs. And to the Kurinskys and the Wilanskys, the very existence of this community is due to your tireless efforts and your misiras nefesh. May you only know success, good health and simcha! Thank you for 10 wonderful years! Dr. Michael Mendel and Eliana Batya Galer
• 10 year anniversary dinner
Mazal Tov to Chabad @ The Beaches and to All the Honorees!
Grace After Meals A Song of Ascents. When G-d will return the exiles of Zion, we will have been like
dreamers. Then our mouth will be filled with laughter, and our tongue with songs of joy; then will say among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for these.” The Lord has done great things for us; we were joyful. Lord, return our exiles as streams to arid soil. Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He goes along weeping, carrying the bag of seed; he will surely return with songs of joy, carrying his sheaves.
By the sons of Korach, a Psalm, a Song whose basic theme is the holy mountains [of Zion and Jerusalem]. The Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwelling places of Jacob. Glorious things are spoken of you, eternal city of God. I will remind Rahav and Babylon concerning My beloved; Philistia and Tyre as well as Ethiopia. “This one was born there.” And to Zion will be said, “This person and that was born there;” and He, the Most High, will establish it. The Lord will count in the register of people, “This one was born there.” Selah. Singers as well as dancers [will sing your praise and say], “all my inner thoughts are of you.”
I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise is always in my mouth. Ultimately, all is known; fear G-d, and observe His commandments; for this is the whole purpose of man. My mouth will utter the praise of the Lord; let all flesh bless His holy Name forever. And we will bless the Lord from now to eternity. Praise the Lord! This is the portion of the evil man from G-d and the inheritance of his words from G-d. And he said to me, "this is the table which is before G-d." When blessing with a quorum of three or more, the Leader begins:
Gentlemen, let us say the Blessings.
The others respond: May the Name of the Lord be blessed from now and forever! The leader repeats the preceding response and continues:
With your permission, esteemed gentlemen, let us bless Him (if the quorum of ten is present, add: our God) of whose bounty we have eaten. The others respond: Blessed be He (if the quorum of ten is present, add: our God)
of whose bounty we have eaten and by whose goodness we live.
ברכת המזון שִׁיר הַמַּעֲלוֹת בְּשׁוּב יְיָ אֶת שִׁיבַת צִיּוֹן הָיִינוּ כְּחֹלְמִים :אָז יִמָּלֵא שְׂחוֹק פִּינוּ וּלְשׁוֹנֵנוּ נָּה אָז יֹאמְרוּ בַגּוֹיִם הִגְדִּיל יְיָ לַעֲשׂוֹת עִם אֵלֶּה :הִגְדִּיל יְיָ לַעֲשׂוֹת עִמָּנוּ הָיִינוּ שְׂמֵחִים: שׁוּבָה יְיָ אֶת שְׁבִיתֵנוּ כַּאֲפִי ים בַּנֶּגֶב :הַזוֹ עִים בְּדִמְעָה בְּ נָּה יִקְצוֹרוּ :הָלוֹ יֵלֵ וּבָכֹה נֹשֵׂא מֶשֶׁ הַזָ ע בֹּא יָבוֹא בְ נָּה נֹשֵׂא אֲלֻמֹּתָיו: לִבְנֵי קֹ ח מִזְמוֹר שִׁיר יְסוּ תוֹ בְּהַ י קֹדֶשׁ :אֹהֵב יְיָ שַׁעֲ י צִיוֹן מִכֹּל מִשְׁכְּנוֹת יַעֲקֹב: נִכְבָּדוֹת מְדֻבָּר בָּ עִיר הָאֱ הִים סֶלָה :אַזְכִּיר הַב וּבָבֶל לְיֹדְעָי הִנֵה פְלֶשֶׁת וְצוֹר עִם כּוּשׁ זֶה יֻלַּד שָׁם :וּלְצִיּוֹן יֵאָמַר אִישׁ וְאִישׁ יֻלַּד בָּהּ וְהוּא יְכוֹנְנֶהָ עֶלְיוֹן :יְיָ יִסְפֹּר בִּכְתוֹב עַמִּים זֶה יֻלַּד שָׁם סֶלָה :וְשָׁ ים כְּחֹלְלִים כֹּל מַעְיָנַי בָּ : אֲבָ כָה אֶת יְיָ בְּכָל עֵת תָּמִיד תְּהִילָּתוֹ בְּפִי :סוֹף דָּבָר הַכֹּל נִשְׁמָע אֶת הָאֱ הִים יְ א וְאֶת מִצְוֹתָיו שְׁמוֹר כִּי זֶה כָּל הָאָ ם :תְּהִילַּת יְיָ יְדַבֵּר פִּי וִיבָ כָּל בָּשָׂר שֵׁם דְשׁוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד :וַאֲנַחְנוּ נְבָ יָהּ מֵעֲתָּה וְעַד עוֹלָם הַלְלוּיָהּ: זֶה חֵלֶק אָ ם שָׁע מֵאֱ הִים וְנַחֲלַת אִמְרוֹ מֵאֵל: וַיְדַבֵּר אֵלַי זֶה הַשֻּׁלְחָן אֲשֶׁר לִפְנֵי יְיָ:
בּוֹתַי מיר וועלין בענטשין )ועונין המסובין( יְהִי שֵׁם יְיָ מְבֹ מֵעַתָּה וְעַד עוֹלָם: בִּ שׁוּת מָ נָן וְ בָּנָן וְ בּוֹתַי .נְבָ )אֱ הֵינוּ( שֶׁאָכַלְנוּ מִשֶּׁלּוֹ: )ועונין המסובין( בָּרוּ )אֱ הֵינוּ( שֶאָכַלְנוּ מִשֶּׁלּו וּבְטוּבוֹ חָיִינוּ:
Blessed are you, Lord Our God, King of the universe, who in His goodness pro-
vides sustenance for the entire world with grace, with kindness, and with mercy. He gives food to all flesh, for His kindness is everlasting. Through His great goodness to us continuously we do not lack [food], and may we never lack food, for the sake of His great Name. For He, benevolent God, provides nourishment and sustenance for all, does good to all, and prepares food for all His creatures whom He has created, as it is said: You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. Blessed are You Lord, who provides food for all.
We offer thanks to You, Lord our God, for having given as a heritage
to our ancestors a precious, good and spacious land; for having brought us out, Lord our God, from the land of Egypt and redeemed us from the house of bondage; for Your covenant which You sealed in our flesh; for Your Torah which You taught us; for Your statutes which You have made known to us; for the life, favor, and kindness which You have graciously bestowed on us; and for the food we eat with which You constantly nourish and sustain us every day, at all times, and at every hour.
For all this, Lord our God, we give thanks to You and bless You. May Your Name
be blessed by the mouth of every living being, constantly and forever. As it is written: When you have eaten and are satiated, you shall bless the Lord your God for the good land which He has given you. Blessed are You Lord, for the land and for the sustenance.
Have mercy, Lord our God, upon Israel Your people, upon Jerusalem Your
city, upon Zion the abode of Your glory, upon the kingship of the house of David Your anointed, and upon the great and holy House over which Your Name was proclaimed. Our God, our Father, tend us, nourish us, sustain us, feed us and provide us with plenty, and speedily, Lord our God, grant us relief from all afflictions. Lord our God, please don’t make us dependent on the gifts of mortal men nor on their loans, but only on Your full, open, holy and generous hand, that we may never be shamed or disgraced. On Shabbos add: May it please You, Lord our God, to strengthen us through
Your mitzvos, and through the mitzvah of the Seventh Day, this great and holy Shabbos. For this day is great and holy before You, to refrain from work and to rest on it with love, in accordance with the commandment of Your will. In Your good will, Lord our God, bestow upon us tranquility, that there shall be no distress, sadness, or sorrow on the day of our rest. Lord our God, let us see the consolation of Zion Your city, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem Your holy city, for You are the Master of deliverance and the Master of consolation.
And rebuild Jerusalem the holy city speedily in our days. Blessed are You
Lord, who in His mercy rebuilds Jerusalem. Amen.
Blessed are you, Lord Our God, King of the universe, God, our Father, our King,
our Strength, our Creator, our Redeemer, our Maker, our Holy One, the Holy One of Jacob, our Shepherd, the Shepherd of Israel, the King who is good and does good to all,
בָּרוּ אַתָּה יְיָ אֱ הֵינוּ מֶלֶ הָעוֹלָם .הַזָּן אֶת הָעוֹלָם כֻּלוֹ בְּטוּבוֹ בְּחֵן בְּחֶסֶד וּבְ חֲמִים. הוּא נוֹתֵן לֶחֶם לְכָל בָּשָׂר כִּי לְעוֹלָם חַסְדוֹ :וּבְטוּבוֹ הַגָּדוֹל עִמָּנוּ תָּמִיד א חָסֵר לָנוּ וְאַל יֶחְסַר לָנוּ מָזוֹן לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד .בַּעֲבוּר שְׁמוֹ הַגָּדוֹל .כִּי הוּא אֵל זָן וּמְפַ נֵס לַכֹּל וּמֵטִיב לַכֹּל וּמֵכִין מָזוֹן לְכָל בְּ יּוֹתָיו אֲשֶׁר בָּ א :כָּאָמוּר .פּוֹתֵחַ אֶת יָדֶ וּמַשְׂבִּיע לְכָל חַי צוֹן :בָּרוּ אַתָּה יְיָ .הַזָן אֶת הַכֹּל: נוֹדֶה לְּ יְיָ אֱ הֵינוּ .עַל שֶׁהִנְחַלְת לַאֲבוֹתֵינוּ אֶ ץ חֶמְדָּה טוֹבָה וּ חָבָה .וְעַל שֶׁהוֹצֵאתָנוּ יְיָ אֱ הֵינוּ מֵאֶ ץ מִצְ יִם .וּפְדִיתָנוּ מִבֵּית עֲבָדִים .וְעַל בְּ יתְ שֶׁחָתַמְתָּ בִּבְשָׂ נוּ וְעַל תּוֹ תְ שֶׁלִּמַּדְתָּנוּ .וְעַל חוּקֶּ שֶׁהוֹדַעְתָּנוּ .וְעַל חַיִּים חֵן וַחֶסֶד שֶׁחוֹנַנְתָּנוּ .וְעַל אֲכִילַת מָזוֹן שָׁאַתָּה זָן וּמְפַ נֵס אוֹתָנוּ תָּמִיד בְּכָל יוֹם וּבְכָל עֵת וּבְכָל שָׁעָה: וְעַל הַכֹּל יְיָ אֱ הֵינוּ אֲנַחְנוּ מוֹדִים לָ וּמְבָ כִים אוֹתָ ,יִתְבָּ שִׁמְ בְּפִי כָּל חַי תָּמִיד לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד .כַּכָּתוּב וְאָכַלְתָּ וְשָׂבָעתָּ וּבֵ כְתָּ אֶת יְיָ אֱ הֶי עַל הָאָ ץ הַטּוֹבָה אֲשֶׁר נָתַן לָ :בָּרוּ אַתָּה יְיָ עַל הָאָ ץ וְעַל הַמָזוֹן: חֵם יְיָ אֱ הֵינוּ עַל יִשְׂ אֵל עַמֶּ וְעַל יְרוּשָׁלַיִם עִי .וְעַל צִיוֹן מִשְׁכַּן כְּבוֹדֶ .וְעַל מַלְכוּת בֵּית וִד מְשִׁיחֶ .וְעַל הַבַּיִת הַגָדוֹל וְהַ דוֹשׁ שֶׁנִקְ א שִׁמְ עָלָיו :אֱ הֵינוּ אָבִינוּ עֵנוּ )בשבת ויום טוב רוֹעֵנוּ( זוֹנֵנוּ פַּ נְסֵנוּ וְכַלְכְּלֵנוּ וְהַ וִיחֵנוּ .וְהַ וַח לָנוּ יְיָ אֱ הֵינוּ מְהֵ ה מִכָּל צָרוֹתֵינוּ .וְנָא אַל תַּצְ יכֵנוּ יְיָ אֱ הֵינוּ א לִידֵי מַתְּנַת בָּשָׂר וָ ם וְ א כִּי לִידֵי הַלְוָאָתָם .אִם לְיָדְ הַמְלֵאָה הַפְּתוּחָה הַקְדוֹשָׁה וְהָ חָבָה שֶׁ א נֵבוֹשׁ וְ א נִכָּלֵם לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד: בשבת :צֵה וְהַחֲלִיצֵנוּ יְיָ אֱ הֵינוּ בְּמִצְוֹתֶ וּבְמִצְוַת יוֹם הַשְׁבִיעִי הַשַׁבָּת הַגָדוֹל וְהַ דוֹשׁ הַזֶה .כִּי יוֹם זֶה גָדוֹל וְ דוֹשׁ הוּא לְפָנֶי לִשְׁבָּת בּוֹ וְלָנוּחַ בּוֹ בְּאַהֲבָה כְּמִצְוַת צוֹנֶ .וּבִ צוֹנְ הָנִיחַ לָנוּ יְיָ אֱ הֵינוּ שֶׁ א תְהֵא צָ ה וְיָגוֹן וַאֲנָחָה בְּיוֹם מְנוּחָתֵנוּ .וְהַ אֵנוּ יְיָ אֱ הֵנוּ בְּנֶחָמַת צִיוֹן עִי .וּבְבִנְיַן יְרוּשָׁלַיִם עִיר דְשֶׁ כִּי אַתָּה הוּא בַּעַל הַיְשׁוּעוֹת וּבַעַל הַנֶחָמוֹת: וּבְנֵה יְרוּשָׁלַיִם עִיר הַקֹדֶשׁ בִּמְהֵ ה בְיָמֵינוּ .בָּרוּ אַתָּה יְיָ בּוֹנֵה בְ חֲמָיו יְרוּשָׁלָיִם. אָמֵן: בָּרוּ אַתָּה יְיָ אֱ הֵינוּ מֶלֶ הָעוֹלָם הָאֵל אָבִינוּ מַלְכֵּנוּ אַדִי נוּ .בּוֹ אֵנוּ .גוֹאֲלֵנוּ. יוֹצְ נוּ .קְדוֹשֵׁנוּ קְדוֹשׁ יַעֲקֹב .רוֹעֵנוּ רוֹעֵה יִשְׂ אֵל .הַמֶלֶ הַטוֹב וְהַמֵטִיב לַכֹּל בְּכָל
each and every day. He has done good for us, He does good for us, and He will do good for us; He has bestowed, He bestows, and He will forever bestow upon us grace, kindness and mercy, relief, salvation and success, blessing and deliverance, consolation, livelihood and sustenance, compassion, life, peace and all goodness; and may He never cause us to lack any good. May the Merciful One reign over us forever and ever. May the Merciful One be blessed in heaven and on earth. May the Merciful One be praised for all generations, and pride Himself in us forever and all eternity, and glorify Himself in us forever and ever. May the Merciful One provide our livelihood with honor. May the Merciful One break the yoke of exile from our neck and may He lead us upright to our land. May the Merciful One send abundant blessing into this house and upon this table at which we have eaten. May the Merciful One send us Elijah the prophet – may he be remembered for good – and let him bring us good tidings, deliverance and consolation. May the Merciful One bless my father, my teacher, the master of this house and my mother, my teacher, the mistress of this house; them, their household, their children, and all that is theirs; us and all that is ours. Just as He blessed our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, “in all things,” “by all things,” with “all things,” so may He bless all of us together (the children of the Covenant) with a perfect blessing, and let us say Amen.
From heaven, may there be invoked upon him and upon us such merit which
will bring enduring peace. May we receive blessing from the Lord and kindness from God our deliverer, and may we find grace and good understanding in the eyes of God and man. Shabbos: May the Merciful One let us inherit that day which will be all Shabbos and rest for life everlasting.
May the Merciful One grant us the privilege of reaching the days of
the Moshiach and the life of the World to Come. He gives great deliverance (On Shabbos, Festivals, Rosh Chodesh, and Chol HaMoed substitute: He is a tower of deliverance) to His king,
and bestows kindness upon His anointed, to David and his descendants forever. He who makes peace in His heavens, may He make peace for us and for all Israel; and say Amen.
Fear the Lord, you His holy ones, for those who fear Him lack nothing. Young lions are in need and go hungry, but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good. Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His kindness is everlasting. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living being. Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and the Lord will be his security.
יוֹם וָיוֹם .הוּא הֵיטִיב לָנוּ .הוּא מֵטִיב לָנוּ .הוּא יֵיטִיב לָנוּ .הוּא גְמָלָנוּ ,הוּא גוֹמְלֵנוּ, הוּא יִגְמְלֵנוּ לָעַד .לְחֵן וּלְחֶסֶד וּלְ חֲמִים וּלְ וַח הַצָלָה וְהַצְלָחָה בְּ כָה וִישׁוּעָה נְחָמָה פַּ נָסָה וְכַלְכָּלָה .וְ חֲמִים וְחַיִים וְשָׁלוֹם וְכָל טוֹב וּמִכָּל טוּב לְעוֹלָם אַל יְחַסְּ נוּ: הָ חֲמָן הוּא יִמְלוֹ עָלֵינוּ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד :הָ חֲמָן הוּא יִתְבָּ בַּשָׁמַיִם וּבָאָ ץ :הָ חֲמָן הוּא יִשְׁתַּבַּח לְדוֹר דוֹ ים וְיִתְפָּאֵר בָּנוּ לָעַד וּלְנֵצַח נְצָחִים וְיִתְהַדַּר לָנוּ לָעַד וּלְעוֹלָמֵי עוֹלָמִים :הָ חֲמָן הוּא יְפַ נְסֵנוּ בְּכָבוֹד :הָ חֲמָן הוּא יִשְׁבּוֹר עוֹל גָּלוּת מֵעַל צַוָא נוּ וְהוּא יוֹלִיכֵנוּ קוֹמְמִיוּת לְאַ צֵנוּ :הָ חֲמָן הוּא יִשְׁלַח בְּ כָה מְרוּבָּה בְּבַיִת זֶה וְעַל שֻׁלְחָן זֶה שֶׁאָכַלְנוּ עָלָיו :הָ חֲמָן הוּא יִשְׁלַח לָנוּ אֶת אֵלִיָהוּ הַנָבִיא זָכוּר לַטּוֹב וִיבַשֶׂר לָנוּ בְּשׂוֹרוֹת טוֹבוֹת יְשׁוּעוֹת וְנֶחָמוֹת :הָ חֲמָן הוּא יְבָ אֶת אָבִי מוֹ י בַּעֲל הַבַּיִת הַזֶה וְאֶת אִמִי מוֹ תִי בַּעֲלַת הַבַּיִת הַזֶה .אוֹתָם וְאֶת בֵּיתָם וְאֶת זַ עָם וְאֶת כָל אֲשֶׁר לָהֶם .אוֹתָנוּ וְאֶת כָּל אֲשֶׁר לָנוּ .כְּמוֹ שֶׁבֵּ אֶת אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְ הָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב בַּכֹּל מִכֹּל כֹּל .כֵּן יְבָ אוֹתָנוּ )בני ברית( כֻּלָנוּ יַחַד בִּבְ כָה שְׁלֵמָה וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן: מִמָּרוֹם יְלַמְּדוּ עָלָיו וְעָלֵינוּ זְכוּת שֶׁתְּהֵא לְמִשְׁמֶ ת שָׁלוֹם וְנִשָׂא בְ כָה מֵאֵת יְיָ וּצְ ה מֵאֱ הֵי יִשְׁעֵנוּ וְנִמְצָא חֵן וְשֵׂכֶל טוֹב בְּעֵינֵי אֱ הִים וְאָ ם: בשבת הָ חֲמָן הוּא יַנְחִילֵנוּ לְיוֹם שֶׁכֻּלוֹ שַׁבָּת וּמְנוּחָה לְחַיֵי הָעוֹלָמִים: חמָן הוּא ְי ַז ּכֵנוּ לִימוֹת ַה ָמּשִׁי ַח וּ ְל ַחיֵי הָעוֹלָם ַהבָּאַ .מ ְגדִּיל )בשבת ויו"ט ור"ח וחוה"מ ִמגְדוֹל( הָ ֲ יְשׁוּעוֹת מַלְכּוֹ וְעוֹשֶׂה חֶסֶד לִמְשִׁיחוֹ לְ וִד וּלְזַ עוֹ עַד עוֹלָם :עֹשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם בִּמְרוֹמָיו הוּא יַעֲשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם עָלֵינוּ וְעַל כָּל יִשְׂ אֵל וְאִמְרוּ אָמֵן: י אוּ אֶת יְיָ קְדֹשָׁיו כִּי אֵין מַחְסוֹר לִי אָיו :כְּפִי ים שׁוּ וְ עֵבוּ וְדֹ שֵׁי יְיָ א יַחְסְרוּ כָל טוֹב :הוֹדוּ לַיְיָ כִּי טוֹב כִּי לְעוֹלָם חַסְדוֹ :פּוֹתֵחַ אֶת יָדֶ וּמַשְׂבִּיע לְכָל חַי צוֹן :בָּרוּ הַגֶבֶר אֲשֶׁר יִבְטַח בַּיְיָ וְהָיָה יְיָ מִבְטַחוֹ:
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• 10 year anniversary dinner
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