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Strategic Initiatives

Strategy Development

Business Line Director: Mike DeVoy

Below are updates on the progress we have made on our strategic initiatives since our last newsletter:

Market Goal

Expand aviation business into CHA expansion area(s):

• Met with Doral office to determine best opportunities in South FL

• Evaluating potential development at SFB

• Lost opportunity at PVD, but pursuing another

• Won TxDOT on-call; teamed with SAM Companies to win new work

Service Goal

Expand specialized aviation services:

• Hired new structural engineering lead, John Bumgardner

• Negotiating scope and fee for Sustainability Management Plan at ALB

Technology Goal

Increase productivity/quality using technology-based solutions:

• Finalizing contract for “Kitchen to Cabin” phone app for ROC

• Need to establish the Aviation Innovation Team to identify and implement technology-based solutions

• Plan Production Series is off the ground and scheduled through June 2023

Project Manager: Jamin Heldt, PE Columbus, OH

Project Name: SRE Storage & Maintenance Facility

Client Name: Evansville-Vanderburgh Airport Authority District

Location: Evansville, IN (EVV)

CHA Revenue: $60,000 Project Formulation (Programming)

$890,000 Design/Bid Phase

$630,000 Construction Phase

Construction: $13,500,000

Start Date: May 2021

Completion: February 2024 (estimated)

Key Staff: Todd Schultheis, Jamin Heldt, Andy Papalardo, Casey Jones, Kristin Dawe, Thomas Wang, Yi Shen, Chad Reed, Cristian Koenigs, Pam Anderson, Joe Delabruere, Keith Leung, Matthew Bleazard, Santiago Alvarez, Emily Handelman, Bruce Jensen

Brief Description of the work provided:

CHA has been serving as EVAAD’s airport civil engineering consultant since 2006. As part of our on-call agreement, CHA provided project formulation (programming), engineering design, bid phase assistance, federal grant administration, and is now in the construction phase providing construction administration and observation.

Project Background. The existing maintenance facility at EVV is less than 15,000 sft with miscellaneous outbuildings for equipment storage, all in service well beyond their intended useful life. The facility is located outside the Air Operations Area security fence and has no direct access to aircraft movement area pavements. While EVV knew they needed to replace the facility, the scale, scope, and location was unknown.

Project Formulation: CHA coordinated and attended site visits with the client of similar facilities in the region to gain insight on various project elements. CHA performed a programming exercise to select a site, identify the justifiable size of the building, evaluate various layouts, identify key components and requirements of the project, and establish a project budget. CHA utilized FAA Advisory Circular 150/5220-18A - Buildings for Storage and Maintenance of Airport Snow and Ice Control Equipment and Materials as the basis for programming along with input from EVV on anticipated staffing capacity, potential for external/public use of administrative spaces, and existing/future equipment demands. The preferred basis of design was a pre-engineered metal building (PEMB) between 40,000-45,000 sft located along the north edge of the commercial air service apron. The Project Formulation phase allowed the client to place critical definition on the project before committing to the financial obligations of final design and construction. The client was satisfied with the results of the Project Formulation phase and commissioned CHA to continue with final design and bidding the project off-airport obstructions mitigation.

Design/Bid Phase: The basis of design from the Project Formulation phase was progressed through final design. Final design tasks included:

• Site civil improvements for utility services, storm drainage and detention, landside parking lot and airside equipment pavements, AOA security fencing, landscaping, and equipment fueling station

• Building design across multiple CHA disciplines including architectural, electrical, mechanical, fire alarm and security, and fire suppression

• Cost estimating services

CHA engaged subconsultants to perform topographic survey, geotechnical investigation, and structural design. The final building design included the following:

• Administrative office space of 6,600 square feet

• Maintenance shop space of 7,600 square feet with three maintenance bays, overhead bridge crane, and 80,000 lb vehicle lift

• Equipment storage space of 29,000 square feet with monorail crane and enclosed equipment wash bay

• Exterior equipment canopies and fuel station canopy

CHA performed an eligibility analysis of the building and site improvements to justify the eligibility of federal funding for the project. The team prepared an eligibility submittal packet describing the justification methodology with summary tables and exhibits for review by the FAA and INDOT office of aviation. Both agencies concurred with CHA’s first assessment, resulting in a project with over 90% eligibility prorate.

CHA administered a public bidding process for the client, utilizing a web-based bid service.

Construction Phase: CHA continues to serve EVAAD by performing construction phases services. The initial administrative pre-construction phase for shop drawing review is coming to a close, with ground breaking expected for mid-late March 2023 will perform a combination of full-time and part-time construction observation through the construction schedule depending on the specific construction operations taking place. Substantial completion of the project and occupancy of the facility is expected in February 2024.

Project Challenges: The project formulation and design phases took place during the height of escalating construction costs and supply-chain uncertainty, creating a considerable risk of the project not advancing due to budget constraints. While the design team made a considerable effort to engage multiple contractors and PEMB manufacturers prior to bidding, the timing of bidding resulted in minimal interest from the local construction community due to a high backlog of existing construction in the market. Fortunately, the sole bid received for the project was below CHA’s estimate and EVAAD was comfortable proceeding with award; this also allowed for a considerable construction contingency for the client relative to what had been budgeted.

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