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Excellence Awards (cont.)
CALVIN KUANG nominated by Rob LaFayette
“Calvin is quickly becoming the most sought after mid-level planner that we have on staff. I’m extremely proud of his growth over the past 2 years. As evidence most recently by a client sending Calvin kudos “Thank you again for the excellent and professional presentation last night. CHA always represents VTrans well at our public meetings.” This is high praise from a key client for a contentious public meeting presentation where members of the community kept the CHA Master Plan team over 2 hours past the presentation’s conclusion, grilling them with questions about the Airport. In addition to his high level of performance on VTrans, Calvin has been taking on new opportunities, taking on the leadership of staff on projects, and actively and purposely developing new skills to take his next step as a PM for our team.”
RILEY RICHTER nominated by Rob LaFayette
“Riley has really gone outside his day to day responsibilities in assisting the AVNPLP team. Riley has no previous ALP experience, and in the last month has been absolutely killing it on the OWB ALP. In addition to essentially meeting our deadlines for us with no prior experience, Riley has noticed efficiencies and quality standards that were not being met with existing deliverables. He took it upon himself to help mentor new Planning staff on how to integrate these efficiencies, proper/standard layer and exhibit standards, network file structure, and CAD management. Riley is taking the quality of our deliverables to a new level. Riley is very deserving of an excellence award!”