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Job Opportunities (cont.)

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Job Opportunities

Job Opportunities

If you or anyone you know is interested in these positions, please refer to our website listing to apply.

Southeast Aviation Team Leader| Job ID 5924

Location: Winter Springs, FL; Atlanta, GA; Doral, FL

The Southeast Aviation Team Leader, a key role at CHA, leads the technical execution of projects within his/her discipline and provides expert consultation in one or more areas of the respective field of engineering. At CHA, our Southeast Aviation Team Leader plans, schedules, conducts and coordinates detailed phases of a project independently with other engineering disciplines and project management staff. This key role provides guidance, mentorship, and technical review of work completed by junior level staff. The Southeast Aviation Team Leader provides technical development of proposals and external presentations (i.e., clients, public, regulatory agency, etc.)

CHA is continuously working hard to identify top talent, and we believe it takes one to know one. Our Network of CHAmpions program recognizes the critical role you play in our ability to add key talent to our team. Help us reach our goal of being the best in the industry by referring talented professionals to join our team!

Gross Bonus Amounts:

• $2,000 – For a referral that leads to a hire in a Full-Time role which requires 3 years or less of professional experience.

• $4,000 – For a referral that leads to a hire in a Full-Time role which requires 4 or more years of professional experience. For more information, please visit the CHA Network of CHAmpions page here.

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