Reflections ; a portfolio

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Selected W o rks


2019-2021 Ar . Chairu n n isa, S.Ars

pr e f a ce Reflectio n s 02

welcome. this album contains a work refflections in architectural field. some of them tell you a story of a city, and some of them are just a poem sung in architectural forms.

con t e n t s

selected works 01. Finding Pieces

02. Wonderland

04. Up-life Scenario

Reflectio n s

03. In Between

05. Dialog Budaya

06. Yello-U!


07. MW House

C ur r i cul um Vi t a e Reflectio n s

H e l l o !

The following is a collection of architectural designs, projects, and interiors with visualizations that reflect my passion, hard work, and ambition in the world of architectural design. These designs are translated into content with a meaningful plot and visuals that are full of stories.

A r. Chair unnisa, S.A rs | A rchitectu ra l De s ig n e r


based i n Y ogyaka rta & Mamu ju + 62 8134 0541 868

c h a iru n n is a b e ls 1 8 @g ma il. c o m

@c h a iru n n is ab e l s

Fi n d i n g Pi e ce s Reflectio n s

Finding Pieces In Collaboration with @melisaakma, @ihsanhernanta, @febrianwjy, @farizbayuu

# P ro j e c t Azure Award, Toronto

# L oc a t i o n World Wide

#C a t e g o r y Urban, Culture, Human Orientation, Community Hub, Society Center.


#Yea r 2021

These ideas present a land to remember, a place to find and play more. This hub is a dynamic museum to complete the missing pieces. Finding Pieces is a Community Hub that allows people to gather regardless their background. This facility allows people to connect each other directly or indirectly. Finding Pieces equipped with Big Data that connect to internet of all thing to respond industry 4.0. It make this facility can maintain infinite amount of data and make unlimited library. Unlike other Community Hub where you only gather and interact, this facility allows you to make something bigger, to discuss or interact with unlimited data. Divided into playful realms to explore. These realms consist of Art Realm, Business Realm, Social Realm, History Realm, Nature Realm, Personal Realm, Happiness Realm, Games Realm, Literature Realm, Virtual Realm, and Informatics Realm. These realms create a diverse experience for the citizen of the world where everyone could create their own community. Everyone can do a lot of activity in each realm. These realms provide facilities with unlimited exploration features where everyone could discuss, meditate and relax . Even if you are an introvert you can have your own way to relate with surroundings such as growing your plant, painting, and enjoy the solitude. Finding Pieces can be placed in any place of this world to connect people, even in different hemisphere. This facility develop into 2 alternate design to suit urban and rural context. In Finding Pieces you can find friends, passion, knowledge, even happiness.

R ur a l A l t e r n a t i v e Reflectio n s a lan d to reme mb e r a p lace to fin d to p lay mor e


a p lace


Reflectio n s


cod e +


Reflectio n s

a x on ome t r y


Reflectio n s

cod e +


Reflectio n s

r e a l ms


Reflectio n s

ur b a n a l t e r n a t i v e


Reflectio n s

v i sua l s

w on d e r l a n d Reflectio n s 14


in collaboration with: @melisaakma & @sellapuspi

#Pro ject & Statu s

#Categ o ry

Interior Competition, YB-Raumplus, shortlisted winner

Interior, Study Room.

#Lo catio n

#Y ear



st ud y r oom Reflectio n s Alice is a writer, she loves to wonder and she likes to explore. But after the epidemic started, only 1/3 of the time was spent in spaces other than the study. Wonderland is a study space where the user could do her creative wonder in different manner. This small study room designed to let the user see this fast world from a small space with different experience. When the user in this space, this space became bigger in a way.

It feels big to containn user’s creative process, emotion and imagination. This small space let the user feels different world from the inside and fulfill the user’s needs to explore. This small study room reflect the longing of going out to the outside by exploring this small space to fit the user needs in daily basis. This small study room also let the user to have a sustain experience by making the user taking part to build her own space.


# Spa c e t o E x p lor e & F e e l th e E motio n

con ce pt s

The study table can be rotated according to the mood of the author to write in his best position

The hidden movable drawer can be used to store pillows and a table for drinking tea.

#S en sitivity M o o d

“Writing feels like blank canvas to me. I need space where everything is clear. I need a space where I could start from emptiness. Emptiness is beautiful, it let me fill it with my own imagination.”

“As a person who work in creative industry “mood” really affect my work. I need mood to give emotion to the character i write. I have many character here and each character also have different soul.”

Reflectio n s

#Blank Canvas

Flexible modules that can be moved around so that room owners can increase creativity by laying out their own space.


The bed is hidden behind the blackboard. To rest, dream, and write down his dreams.

# Spa c e D i a l o q

#S tate o f T hin kin g

“I need dialog with my surrounding. The dialog help me to connect “the dot” and put all of my imagination in order. It often let me find a lot of clue for my story and it gives me so much excitement.”

“While exploring I need a lot of flexibility in a space. In normal day I could easily go out. But in pandemic I really need a flexible place for me to get through and explore.”

The writer can climb the bookshelf and has the best position reading and fantasizing high.

ma t e r i a l i d e a s

“I want to move the white boxes to create different space for this week”

“I’m so tired, I want to take a nap”

the light could chage based on the mood that user want

“I need to move so the oxygen could flows throughout my body

Reflectio n s

Axono metry


E l v- C

E lv - B

E lv - A

Floor Plan

I n Be t w e e n

In-Between # O ld Me morial M u seu m #M au so leu m #Pr oje c t

#Categ o ry

Academic Project for Architecture Professional Education

Mausoleum, Culture, Memory

#Loc a tion

#Y ear

Potrobayan, Yogyakarta



Reflectio n s

old memorial (terror of darkness). the museum is a representation of the time when nature gave a terror of darkness in the form of an earthquake. presented with a serialized space, visitors will get several experiences of spaces in darkness, semi-darkness, and other spaces that represent the meaning of “in-between”.


Reflectio n s

si t e pl a n

se r i a l Reflectio n s



Having a sequence of spaces that are darker and more intimidating, the museum area is present as a memorial stage for the darkness of the earthquake so that the scale of the space presented is smaller and far from monumental

Lost Tragedy Exhibition. In addition, the museum area also consists of a combination of mass compositions, each of which tells of a process of destruction, including a space series with a short maze containing the names of the deceased.

Ring of Fire Representation. The last series of the museum is presented as an open landscape with soil/concrete fracture accents as a reminder that this museum is located in a ring of fire area (earthquake-prone). It’s the stairs of learning.


Reflectio n s

st r uct ur e

ma usol e um

Interior Mausoleum


Reflectio n s

# O l d M e m o r i al Mus e um # Moodboard #P ro j e c t

#Ca te gory

Academic Project for Architecture Professional Education

Mausoleum, Culture, Memory

#L o c a t i o n

#Ye a r

Potrobayan, Yogyakarta



Reflectio n s

i n t e r i or


Reflectio n s

mood b oa r d

up- l i f e Reflectio n s

Up-Life Scenario #Muara Angke #Pollution # Sl u m V i l l a g e #P ro j e c t 3rd Winner in ACA’s Interational Competition. in collaboration with @melisaakma @ihsanhernanta

#L o c a t i o n

#C a t e g o r y Sub-Urban, Pollution

#Yea r 2021

Muara Angke is a slum village located in North Jakarta. The majority of men in Muara Angke mostly work as fishermen while the women act as shell peelers. The shells that are peeled are left on the ground so they rot and pollute the soil, water and air. The Uplife Scenario Project aims to save Muara Angke residence by improving the quality of life of the community. If the people of Muara Angke can improve the quality of life, so the reclamation can be prevented. Improving the quality of life of the poor in coastal areas start from economic improvements because people need to fulfill their most basic needs. Many poor people, even they cannot afford to eat, let alone care for the environment around them.


Potrobayan, Yogyakarta

oma h k e r a n g

Up-l i fe S c e n a r io

Omah Kerang

Reflectio n s

P ro d u c t i o n Ph a s e


01. Peeling Station. Upstairs is a place to peel shells. The shells are then immediately thrown down and taken to the crushing station.

02. Crushing Station. Upstairs is a place to crush shells and plastic into powder. The powder then collected and bring to oven to make building material.

03. Oven There are 4 mix bowl on the oven. The shellfish powder and plastic flakes mixed with plastic to make batter then the batter will be taken to the drying spot.

04. Dryer The dryer use natural sunlight to dry the batter. There are bricks and roaster & roof cast. The butter will poured inside the molding and then dry naturally under the sun.

house s In reviving the village that was “dead” drowned by the rubbish of its own community. This typology responds to a way of life that requires them to start small businesses to support their economy. These small businesses are usually referred to as “warung” as known as stall.

Reflectio n s

V ertic a l Ho u s e s


The typological patterns of the houses offered are quite diverse and are distinguished by three main basic functions, namely ordinary houses, houses and stalls, and houses for handicraft activities (craftmanship).


Reflectio n s

d i a l og b ud a ya

r e con n e ct i on


#Pro ject

#Categ o ry

Academic Project for Architecture Design Studio

Urban, Culture, Pattern Basic Design

#L o catio n

#Y ear

Mamuju, West Sulawesi


Reflectio n s

#M en cerita Ko n eksi / Reco n n n ect Bu mi Man akarra to its cu ltu re b y p atter b ased desig n as the creative ap p ro ach


Mamuju is one of the coastal cities with a distinctive culture that stretches widely in terms of the narrative of the elders. The identity of the city is drowned out by city administrators with the skins of modernity and metropolitan. This plan retells the connection efforts of Mamuju and its culture in a pattern based design approach. This approach offers a structured language-like method, such as sequences, through patterns that move from large patterns to small patterns. The patterns presented are patterns resulting from selective studies based on the results of contemplation of cultural issues of a city.

ideas # W ha t i s c i t y but t he p e o p l e ?

Reflectio n s

Understanding of Pattern Based Design

The pattern-based design approach in urban planning captures the networks of the pattern of the city’s needs, the starting point of a city, and the true meaning of the city. These pattern networks are collected, translated and then linked to other groups of patterns in the form of design rules as a “base map” or even the language itself of a new urban design solution. Understanding of Human Behavioural Change Concept


This behavioral change concept has a work system that has a certain sequence and certain stages where one can learn the sequence - related to the environment - which supports and leads to a much better sequence pattern. This sequence pattern is considered capable of being active on certain problems. The sequence pattern is then technically rewarded for the changes in the pattern (awards in the form of environmental and life satisfaction in a healthier and better city). With the reward, new thinking begins to emerge, then leads to behavior change (reward choice), in a well-validated dynamic model.

#S ta ge 2


# St a g e 1

#Stag e 3 Reflectio n s

sta ge of cha n ge

cor r i d or # Re c o n n e c t i ng Cor r idor

Observe space. A sitting area that provides information about the city and its culture.

Reflectio n s

P at t e r n o f t he Ma in Cor r idor

Kiosk. The road becomes varied with the existence of an activity pocket as an element of the road itself.

Creative spots. In the form of a flexible sitting area as a very room, wifi spot, waiting spot, and so on.

Vertical garden, this hallway is also depicted with small fences from parked houses.

Local art. Plain walls that are stuck on the street can be used as canvases for local arts.

P at t e r n o t t he Alle y / Gang


Mini gallery. Present as a gallery of information about history and info on local cultural activities.

r e - con n e ct i n g

# Des i g n o f Cor r idor & C o n n e c t e d Pa r t Connected Corridor

the corridor design patterns that have been illustrated previously, can be applied in the corridors that are connected. Connected Part


Reflectio n s

The connected part consists of a cultural park design, re-development of the waterfront, a culinary tourism area, a cultural center, and a mix-culture area.

r e con n e ct i on Reflectio n s 34

# St a g e 0 1 Ass e s s & L ea r n i n g Creating a public Cultural space to connect people & their Culture by cultural eductional park.

st a ge 01 Reflectio n s 35

To clarify the impression as the first round, 2 nodes are placed on the left and right sides with a harmonious shape, this is to give the impression of a “gate” or gate that this area is the first cultural area of the designed area. Not only that, visualization of the image of the coastal city is also presented by providing coconut tree vegetation around the cultural park and Maradika monument.


Reflectio n s

st a ge 02

r e con n e ct i on Reflectio n s

C : Redeveloping waterfront & put some lively gather area to connect the land and the sea. D : Creation sequence stage of culture by creating a creative mini public space with some street furnitures that represent the culture.


#Stage 02 B u i l d & C r ea te


# St a g e 0 2 B ui l d & C r e a t e


Reflectio n s

E : Creating an integration space activity between culture, social life, nature and history. > Culinary Shops area > Fisherman village and Developing shops > Multicultural showing up by building facade.


Reflectio n s

r e con n e ct i on

Reflectio n s

Ye l l o U H ot e l

con ce pt s

U !

Orientation extending from east to west.

The site has an area of 1,836 sqm

Building orientation is very important to create energy conservation.

north and south facing openings provide the advantage of reducing heat insulation

creating integration between room modules of different sizes and attractive facade visualization.

the final finishing of the hotel facade is a strong characteristic vertical line elements.

# Pr oje c t

#Categ o ry

#Statu s

Academic Project for Proffesional Studio 1

Commercial, Hotel

Re-design Project

# Loc a tion

#Y ear

#Su p erviso r



Ahmad Saifudin Mutaqi IAI AA

Reflectio n s

Y el l o


The design of Yello-U Hotel comes with a Creative-Socio Culture concept that is able to bring new ambience as a comfortable stopover area filled with a creative and modern cultural atmosphere. The public spaces presented give the impression of kinship so that guests not only stay in the room, but are also able to do fun activities in public areas.


Reflectio n s


d e si gn l a yout

f a ci l i t i e s

hotel facilities.


Reflectio n s

Building services from the operator provide public spaces, including wok n ‘tok, netzone, meeting rooms, chill spots, and gaming stations.


Reflectio n s

r ooms


Reflectio n s

i n t e r i or


Reflectio n s

st r uct ur e



Reflectio n s

v i sua l s


Reflectio n s

M W H ouse

v i sua l s

MW-House House, living space

#Lo catio n

# Ye a r

Imaginary Location



Academic Project for BIMx Visualization

Reflectio n s

#ho u se d esig n #co lleg e #in di v i d ua l pr oje ct #Pro ject #Cat e gor y


# S i t e p la n

Reflectio n s


Reflectio n s

House Terrace Guest spot Toilet Family Lounge Kitchen’s Area Rooms


01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06.

a x on ome t r y pl a n s

#Plan s


# S e ction

Reflectio n s

se ct i on n


Reflectio n s

i n t e r i or v i sua l s

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