Zhyan – strenghting the humanitarian response for Syrian refugees, Iraqi IDPs and hosting communities in KRG with a special focus on Women and Childres” AID 10272/IRAQ/04
The Italian NGO, Un Ponte Per…(UPP) and the National NGO, AL_ Mesalla intend to contribute, each for the specific sector of competence, to the implementation of the project – supported by the Italian Cooperation Emergency Program(Aid 10272). The action aims to improve life conditions of Syrians refugees, IDP’s and hosting communities, with specific focus on women and children, through the strengthening of the Reproductive Health services.
3 Reproductive Health Counseling centers activated in:
1. Shaqlawa: Location: inside AL_Mesalla women space near to Shaqlawa Park Phone number: 07512490198 Working days: Monday and Tuesday from 09:00 am _ 02:00pm
2. Erbil Location: Erbil, 40M Street, Zira3a traffic light. Phone number: 07512256590 Working days: Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday from 09:00 am _ 02:00pm
3. Kasnazan Location: Kasnazan, Tarin health center near to Kasnazan Park