Mesalla profile 2015 version

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‫‪Al-Mesalla for Human Resources Development‬‬

‫منظمة المسلـــة لتنميـــــة الموارد البشريــــة‬ ‫ريَكخراوي مةسةللة ب َو ثةرةثيَداني توانا مر َوييةكان‬



"Al Mesalla is an Arabic word refer to the Code of Hammurabi (Codex Hammurabi) is a well-preserved ancient law code, created ca. 1790 BC (middle chronology) in ancient Babylon. It was enacted by the sixth Babylonian king, Hammurabi. One nearly complete example of the Code survives today, inscribed on a seven foot, four inch tall basalt stele in the Acadian language in the cuneiform script." (Wikipedia)

@ Al Mesalla for Human Resources Development, May 2015

Al-Mesalla for Human Resources Development Vision We are working towards developing a society which enjoy the principles of human rights, civil society, democracy, equality, good and inclusive governance, and embraces a non-violent culture.

Mission Al-Mesalla is a non-governmental, non-religious and non-profit Iraqi organization. Its headquartersare located in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan region. It aims to: disseminate and reinforce a culture of human rights; participate in strengthening principles of democracy, peace building, conflict resolution and non-violent culture; reinforce the spirit of voluntary work in the Iraqi community.

Strategies Al-Mesalla uses many strategies to achieve its objectives including: 

Raising awareness of the community by organizing workshops, seminars, training programs to empower and develop capacities of individuals and groups;

Conducting human rights awareness campaigns;

Conducting field studies and researches to better inform development policies;

Monitoring human rights issues and reporting on human rights violations.

Empowering and assistingdisplaced persons, refugees and other vulnerable persons to ensure better integration within and participation to the community;

Values Al-Mesalla works according to the following set of values: 

The International Legislation of Human Rights

The participation of community individuals and groups to trigger change using civic and peaceful means

The equality of people without any kind of discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, social level, etc.

The use of democratic means to take internal management decisions

Independency in administrative and financial affairs of the organization

General objectives 

Developing human resources and contributing to the consolidation of democratic development

Spreading a culture of peace-building, conflict resolution and ethics of nonviolence

Empowering women and assisting victims of violence, reintegrating themwithin the society

Raising awareness on Human Rights, Civic Rights and public freedoms

Promoting a spirit of volunteerism in the society

Assisting vulnerable persons from the community including poor and deprived people, displaced persons and refugees

A short history of Al-Mesalla The organization was founded in the aftermath of the fall of the Regime of Saddam Hussein in 2004. A group of human rights activists representing diverse communities living in Baghdad set up the organization on the following principles: the nongovernmental organization should be non-political and non-religious. Al-Mesalla for Human Resources Development was officially registered in Baghdad in 2005. Its mission was set to develop a culture of Human Rights in Iraq, spread principles of non-violence and promote peace-building. With the deteriorating security situation in Baghdad, the headquarters of the organization were moved to Erbil in 2006. It was then officially registered with the Kurdistan Regional Government and started developing its activities in the North of Iraq. Following to an influx of populations coming from the neighboring country of Syria in 2012, Al-Mesalla developed its humanitarian activities across the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in order to provide a swift response to the basic needs of the refugees. Along 2013 and 2014, the humanitarian program was scaled up in order to provide much needed services to the massive waves of displaced populations coming from the governorates of Anbar and Ninewa seeking safety in the Kurdish Region.

Programs of Al-Mesalla Al-Mesalla currently runs 4 distinct programs:  The Non-Violence and Peace-Building Program  The Women and Gender Program  The Human Rights Program  The Humanitarian Aid Program

Non-Violence and Peace Building Program Introduction of the program Following to 2003, violence spread across Iraq at the hand of diverse actors: armed groups and political parties fueled a cycle of conflict which impacted all communities and instigated tensions among the diverse components of the society. In 2015, violence in Iraq is present at diverse levels and has social, economic, cultural and political roots. The Iraqi Civil Society community has often played a negative role in taking part to conflict as it didn't understand its role in applying the concept of neutrality and mitigating tensions. Al-Mesalla is promoting an alternative to violence by promoting non-violence and peaceful co-existence. It looks at enhancing the protection of the diverse communities by calling against sectarianism, against war and building the capacity of diverse actors in conflict resolution, peace-building and non-violence.

Objectives of the program 

Raising awareness of Iraqi citizens on Non-Violence principles

Addressing the causes of violence within the Iraqi Community

Encouraging networking among national Non-Violence activists

Supporting the individuals and groups affected by violence and conflict and facilitating their reintegration within the society

Program Activities In 2005, Al-Mesalla launched a series of training workshops of non-governmental organizations from diverse parts of Iraq on peace-building and non-violence. In 2007, the program led to the creation of the "La Onf" Network (Iraqi Non-Violence Network) gathering NGOs, trade unions and other Iraqi figures and activists. The "La Onf" network has been dedicated to raising awareness and conducting advocacy on preventing violence and studying alternatives to violence in order to put an end to conflicts in Iraq. From 2007 to 2013, the network, headed by Al-Mesalla, organized on a yearly basis the week of non-violence starting on September 21st with the celebration of the International Day of Peace and ending on October 2nd with the Non-Violence Day. Across Iraq, diverse events were held to promote non-violence and peace-building. Three years in a row, from 2011 to 2013, Al-Mesalla organized in this period of time the Marathon of Erbil promoting peace values. In parallel to the non-violence network, 8 Peace Libraries were set up with partners in the governorates of Erbil, Sulaymania, Ninewa, Salahedin, Baghdad, Wassit, Basra, Babil and Kerbala. Monthly meetings were organized locally to engage dialogue on diverse issues among the community and develop skills of community members in conflict resolution and peace-building. Diverse resources on peace and conflict were made available to the community including a series of material including books and films that were translated to Arabic to raise understanding on international experiences. A cartoon on the life of Ghandi was developed while Ashti ("Peace") magazine sharing news and thoughts related to the promotion of peace was distributed through the channel of the peace libraries. Since 2012, Al-Mesalla raised concerns about the growing number of killings on the basis of identity, with violence targeting members of minority groups in particular. It launched a study and published a report on issues faced by minority groups in Northern Iraq. It furthered engaged in enhancing protection of minority groups in Northern Iraq by launching initiatives looking at enhancing the legal framework providing protection to minority groups in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq as well as raising awareness and promoting dialogue among young people from diverse ethnicand religious groups. Al-Mesalla is currently engaged in lobbying the Kurdish Parliament to ensure that the Draft Constitution and the Law "Protecting Diversity in the Kurdistan Region" matches with international standards and provides adequate provisions and mechanisms to safeguard the rights of minority groups.

Since 2013, following an acute political crisis that emerged due to an increased marginalization of the Sunni community, violence and conflict resurfaced in the governorates of Anbar and Ninewa that led to massive waves of displacement of populations and impacted minority groups in particular. Al-Mesalla is currently providing legal support to displaced minorities which have sought refuge in Kurdistan and works at rehabilitating the damaged social fabric by engaging young people from diverse communities in promoting dialogue and reconciliation.

Projects Name of project


Supporting the Disseminating culture of non-violence role of Laonf among activists and organizations Group throughout all Iraqi provinces by education, raising awareness, and training Capacity building Capacity-building training for the NGOs for Laonf and individuals of Laonf Group Non-Violence Publications and training on nonEducation violence means and experiences of nonviolence - Training of youth groups in Baghdad Consolidation of -Study on dialogue and needs Nonviolent Actors assessment through Multi-Stakeholder in Iraq Strategic Planning Sessions with key actors - Coordination of actors with conference in Basra - Advocacy campaigns Organizing the Peace Marathon in Erbil Sport for peace Publish 5 issues of the magazine Ashti magazine – spreading the culture of peace in Mosul Al Salam and Erbil



2 years 2009 - 2011


1 year 2010 - 2011 2 years 2009 - 2011

Toscana Region, Italy CCFD

2 years 2011-2012




6 months 2012

We are all citizens (Kulluna Muwatunun)

Youth across ethnicities: a new social alliance to empower youth of minorities in North Iraq and KRG Path to Justice

Preserving the Future: Strengthening Iraqi Religious and Ethnic Minority Communities in Iraq

- Training of young change agents on dialogue and advocacy – Ambassadors and citizen platforms - Awareness and advocacy campaigns to promote minority rights, tolerance and freedom of belief - Conducting advocacy to watch over and improve the legal framework providing protection to minorities in KRG Enabling cooperation among civil society, local authorities and institutions in areas of North Iraq and KRG to offer social and educational services to children and youth of minorities

4 years 2012 – 2016


3 years 2014 – 2016


Providing legal services for IDPs and enhance the protection of IDPs through law and legal issues Legal defense for ethnic/religious minorities charged with crimes such as forced prostitution or other forms of trafficking for which coercion is a defense Legal assistance (mediation, court representation, legal counseling) for gender-based violence victims

1 year 2014 - 2015

Heartland Alliance

1 year and a Heartland half Alliance 2015 - 2016

Women & Gender Program

Introduction of the program In recent years, reports from NGOs and the Government highlighted an increase of cases of violence against women in Iraq, especially in the Kurdistan Region. Violations against women are committed by the family as well as the society and the authorities. Cultural understanding of women's rights is lacking and has led to violence, harassment and murder of women.

Objectives of the program  Educating women and the society about women'srights  Empowering women and providing social, economic and legal services for women especially those who have faced violence  Facilitating the re-integration of victims of violence in the society  Encouraging networking and coordination among organizations working for women

Program Activities The infamous murder of Duaa Khalil, an Iraqi Kurd young woman who was stoned to death in an honor killing in 2007, marked the launch of the Women and Gender Program of Al-Mesalla. Al-Mesalla launched vocational trainings to empower women victims of violence in diverse villages of Erbil in 2007 and developed legal and social services in 2008 for women living in shelters and prisons.

Two women spaces were opened in Shaqlawa and Khabat in 2010 where psychosocial support, health and legal advice was provided, vocational trainings and other awareness opportunities were organized for vulnerable women. Al-Mesalla focused on building the capacity of local authorities in charge of women issues including the Directorate of violence against women, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the governmental shelters and other NGOs addressing women issues through trainings programs organized in 2010 and 2013. Following to the influx of Syrian refugees in 2012 and displaced communities in 2013 and 2014, Al-Mesalla opened 12 additional women spaces in diverse locations, within camps and outside camps. Social, awareness and recreational activities along vocational trainings are offered to women in the following locations: Baserma, Darashakran, Kawergosk, Baharka, Kuchtapa, Shaqlawa, Khabat, Kasnazan, Ozan, Zeitoun, Ashti and Bahraman. Al-Mesalla has also been addressing the trafficking that women are subjected to by offering legal services in the governorates of Dohuk and Erbil Projects Name of project Enhancing local protection of women and girls at-risk of gender based violence in KRG Gender-based violence prevention, mediation and legal services in Iraq Literacy and Life Skills Program

Description Ensuring enhanced local mechanisms for prevention and response to gender-based violence

Duration 2 years 2010 - 2012

Funder IRC

Provision of direct legal, medical and social services to qualifying female detainees and women seeking assistance in family law matters Community center for 200 women in Sofaya village, Khabat district, Erbil

1 year 2009 - 2010

Heartland Alliance

8 months 2011– 2012


Quick Impact Program Targeting IDPs and Refugee Communities in KRG Awareness raising campaign on combatting violence against women Training for service providers and directorates related to violence against women in KRG Capacity-building for service providers in shelter and women reformatories and improve the referral system in Erbil GBV protection of Syrian refugees and IDPs women in camps and non-camp

Legal support for IDPs women and girls on GBV cases.

Women health center for refugees and IDPs women

Literacy courses for 150 women from Mosul living in Khabat and Kalak districts

3 months 2012


Campaign of 16 days of media and cultural activities about the law of domestic violence

2 months 2012


Training 40 of representatives of NGOs that provide service to the survivors from violence and 40 of service providers in the directorate of violence against women in Erbil and Sulaymaniya Capacity-building for service providers in the Shelters and women reformatories and to improve the system of referral in Erbil

3 months 2012


Managing 6 women spaces in camps and non-camp for Syrian refugees and 2 women spaces for IDPs, refugees and host community outside camps, providing psychosocial support, case management, referral and recreational activities, awareness raising about GBV and health. Providing legal support and legal counseling for women and girls in Baharka camp for Iraqi IDPs, concerning GBV cases.

Since 2013 UNFPA until now

Providing health services for IDPs and refugees women in Erbil city, Shaqlawa and Kasnazan

1 year 2015 - 2016

1 year and 3 IRC months 2012-2013

Since 2014 UNDP until now


Human Rights Program

Introduction of the program As dialogue on Human Rights was forbidden for a very long period of time under the Rule of the Former Regime, the culture of Human Rights remain new in Iraq. Serious violations against Human Rights continue to occur every day in Iraq at the hand of communities and authorities likewise. Legislations in Iraq remain poorly compliant with international Human Rights frameworks while the ignorance of Human Rights principles prevent the development of a healthy democracy. Al-Mesalla is dedicated to building the capacity of diverse actors in understanding and promoting Human Rights and is closely monitoring issues ranging from social, political, economic and environmental rights.

Objectives of the program  Spreading a Human Rights Culture among the Civil Society and Local Authorities  Contribute to the promotion of Human Rights through engaging in monitoring and reporting on violations, with a special focus on economic and social rights  Conducting advocacy campaigns to advance Human Rights in Iraq

Program Activities In 2006, severe violations of rights of prisoners were committed in Iraq as numerous persons were imprisoned without fair reasons and trials at the time of the civil sectarian war. Al-Mesalla led the creation of the Justice Network for Prisoners (JNP) which was the outcome of a series of trainings provided to NGOs working with prisoners. Al-Mesalla supervised the work of 3 legal defense units operating in Bashiqa, Hawija and Khaniqin in 2009.

Al-Mesalla conducted general Human Rights training for NGOs and activists in several governorates of Iraq during the period of 2006 to 2008 and looked at developing political rights and participation of young people in elections in 2008 in Kurdistan. Al-Mesalla focused on monitoring diverse kinds of rights through issuing series of reports looking at workers' rights, consumers' rights, women's' rights, disabled persons' rights, minorities' rights. It concentrated efforts on economic rights linked to the activity of the extractive industry (oil and gas). As a member of the transparency coalition, Al-Mesalla issued researches on matters of transparency, environmental impact of companies, law of oil and gas in Iraq and built the capacity of journalists to better report on economic rights. Advocacy was conducted to approve the project law linked to the generation fund. Since 2012, Al-Mesalla has organized a conference on natural resources on a yearly basis bringing together NGOs, Government, companies and citizens to discuss better management of natural resources. Al-Mesalla worked extensively on the Law of NGOs in KRG as it led capacity building of local NGOs and enabled the project Law to be approved by the Parliament in 2003. It participated in forming a compact between local authorities and NGOs which has been officially recognized by the Parliament in 2014. In 2013 and 2014, Al-Mesalla conducted capacity building of NGOs on the topic of freedom of expression and is currently advocating for a law to protect freedom of expression in Iraq. Recently, Al-Mesalla has engaged in the protection of children's' rights through setting up a child friendly space in Baserma Camp providing education and awareness to Syrian children.

Projects Name of project Legal Advocacy Center in Haweeja, Bashiqa and Khanaqin Empowering Iraqi Civil Society organizations

National Reconciliation through constitutional review and National Dialogue Monitoring minority and labor rights Monitoring of disability and consumer rights Advocacy campaign to apply the law of retirement and social insurance in Kurdistan region

Campaign in order to pass the law of oil and gas in Iraq Capacity-building for journalists in the field of natural resources Civil society consultations compact between authorities and Civil society in KRG

Description Providing free legal consultancy for the detainees in Haweeja, Bashiqa and Khanaqin Build the capacity of Human Rights NGOs and activists to better protect, promote, and advocate for human rights and rule of law in Iraq to make oil and gas a tool for gathering Iraqis together, to make peace and live in coexistence Monitoring minorities and labor rights in 6 Iraqi provinces Monitoring disability rights in 6 Iraqi provinces in cooperation with DCO Campaign to apply amend the law of retirement and social insurance in 3 province in Kurdistan region in cooperation with DCO



1 year and a UPP half 2009 – 2010 1 year and a UNOPS half 2009 – 2010

6 months 2010


1 year and a NPA half 2011 - 2012 1 year and a NPA half 2012 – 2013 6 months NPA 2012

6 months 2012 3 months 2012 8 months 2012 - 2013


HumanitarianAid Program Introduction of the program Following to 2006 and the burst of sectarian tensions, waves of displacement occurred across Iraq and many families sought safety in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. In 2012, the Kurdistan Region witnessed a large influx of Syrian Refugees seeking refuge and economic opportunities and several camps were opened across the governorates of Dohuk, Erbil and Sulaymania. In the course of 2013 and 2014, additional movements of population were witnessed as displacement from Iraq occurred following to revolts in Anbar, attacks of extremist groups and military operations across Ninewa, Salahedin and Diyala. It is estimated that KRG currently hosts more than 1.2 million displaced persons. Al-Mesalla looks at providing basic needs and health services to both refugee and displaced communities to enhance their living conditions and facilitate their access to work.

Objectives of the program 

Ensuring that basic needs of refugee and displaced communities are met


Facilitating access of refugee and displaced communities to sustainable livelihoods


Ensuring peaceful integration of refugee and displaced communities within the host community

Program Activities In 2012, Al-Mesalla opened 12 women spaces where social, awareness and recreational activities are organized benefiting Syrian Refugees and Iraqi displaced communities. (See the Women and Gender Program). A legal center was opened in Baharka camp to provide services to women, in particular to those victims of violence. In Erbil and Shaqlawa, women from the displaced communities have access to vocational trainings including hairdressing and sewing where besides learning skills, they produce dresses which are further distributed within the camps run by the United Nations. These women spaces continue to run as of today. Al-Mesalla engaged in distribution of basic needs including clothes, food, winterization items, kitchen sets, hygienic and school kits to displaced families in Dohuk and Erbil districts in 2014 It was able to provide income generation opportunities to young displaced persons through offering small grants to open micro-projects. Finally, Al-Mesalla launched 3 health centers focusing on reproductive health in Shaqlawa, Rojan and Kasnazan benefiting the displaced population.

Projects Name of project Income generation for IDP youth in Erbil

Emergency distribution in Dohuk district Emergency distribution in Dohuk and Erbil districts Emergency distribution in Sulaymania district Economic empowerment of IDP women in Erbil Distribution of women clothes to camps

Strengthening humanitarian response for Syrian refugees and Iraqi IDPs

Description Providing 120 young persons with small grants to generate sustainable livelihoods in Shaqlawa and Khabat Clothes, food, winterization items, stoves distribution to 500 families in 6 remote areas in Battel District Food, kitchen, sleeping, hygienic and school kits distribution to 370 families Distribution of 22000 solar lamps to IDPs in Sulaymania and Garmian Providing vocational trainings (hairdressinf and sezing) to 400 women in Erbil and Shaqlawa Distribution of 5000 dishdashas produced as part of vocational trainings funded by UN Women in IDP and Syrian Refugee camps Running 3 health centers with a focus on reproductive health



2014 - 2015


2014 - 2015






2014 - 2015

UN Women

2014 - 2015


2014 - 2015


Donors and Memberships Donors Al-Mesalla has collaborated with the following organizations and agencies:       

International Rescue Committee (IRC) UNAMI UNESCO UN-Women UNFPA UNDP UNOPS

       

Un Ponte Per (UPP) Nova Archi CCFD PAX Norwegian People's Aid (NPA) People in Need (PIN) International Relief for Development (IRD)

Memberships 12345-

World Social Forum Non-Violence Network of Arab countries (Regional Network) Iraqi Non-Violence Group (National network) Non-Government organization Council in Kurdistan Region (local network) NCCI

Prizes -

Peace Prize, Memorial of Joseph Vidal Liecha, 2007, Spain, was given to Al Mesalla for its efforts to disseminate the culture of Non-Violence in Iraq. Urbanization prize, Kurdistan Region Government, 2008. The award of Sergio Vieira de Mello in Switzerland in 2011

Capacity and Structure of the Organization Registration Al-Mesalla was founded in 2004, registered in the Federal Government of Iraq, in the Non-Governmental Organizations Office, according to the certificate number: IZ45035. It is also registered in the Kurdistan Region in the Non-Governmental Organization's Office, according to the certificate number of 13‫ع‬.

Employees Al-Mesalla currently employs 137 persons in order to implement its programs. 80% of employees are women.


Constituent Body

Board of Directors

Advisors Committee

Board of Auditors Supporting Management Group

As per the bylaws, Al-Mesalla is made of the following bodies:     

The Constituent body The Board of directors The Advisors committee The Supporting management group The Board of auditors

The Constituent body has the decision making authority for all issues concerning the organization including promoting programs and plans for the organization, modifying the statutes, deciding and discussing the organization’s financial/final reports, appointing the general director and the board of directors, delegating legal representatives of the organization, convening meetings with the executive body. The Constituent body meet every year or any time there is an emergency. The Board of directors is appointed by the Constituent body and the number of its members can change according to the needs. The Board of directors has the executive authority of the organization and includes: the General Manager of the Board, the Responsible for finance, the Responsible for administration, the Project team (one or more people). The Board of directors meet every 3 months. Decisions are taken by vote of the absolute majority (half +1) of the members. The Board implements programs and activities of the organization and is responsible for the activities within the meetings of the general assembly. It submits monthly reports to the Constituent body and participates in the meetings it convenes. The Advisors committee is a group of people qualified in the fields which concern the organization’s activities. The advisors must have faith in the organization aims and be ready to cooperate with it on a voluntary basis. The Supporting Management Group is a group of volunteers who believe in the aims of the organization and are ready to help in the implementation of the activities according to their capabilities and the need. In return, the organization will help in developing and improving their skills and competencies.

Contact the Organization Website


Address St 100 meter, Zanko district, opposite to 92 Soccer field, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Contact Person PeshkawtAdham Mobile: 00964 (0) 750 575 4512, 00964 (0) 7701320772 Email:

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