Report of international women day final

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AL-Mesalla Org. for human resource development Report of International women’s day March 8th AL-Mesalla organization for human resource development/ women and gender program, with support of UNFPA, held many activities in camps and non-camps area for celebrating international women’s day. 4 women spaces are established inside the camps, Syrian refugees’ camps (Kawargosik, Darashakran, Basirma and Qushtapa), and 1 women space in Bahrica camp for IDPS, and 5 women spaces for IDPs in community. Activities conducted were: 1. Lectures: On the international women’s day, in all camps and non-camps women spaces awareness lecture were submitted on women’s day, women rights, domestic violence and other topics related to GBV and RH health, there was interaction from the site of participants many question were asked and issues were discusses. 2. Kurdish clothes fashion: 20 women who were participated in sewing training they produce transition Kurdish clothes, and they did a show wearing those clothes, showing there products and introducing the Kurdish dress to participants. 3. poetry reading: 5 women participated in writing poetry on subjects related to women issues, threw the poems they express their feelings and delivered message to the participants on women needs and suffers.

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Report of international women day final by chalak hazhar - Issuu