Algarve Médico, 2021; 17 (5): 24 – 29
Leiomyoma of the round ligament of the uterus presenting as an inguinal hernia Joana Cristina Domingues1, Pedro Miguel Gaspar Alves2, Mariana Santos3, Ricardo Ribeiro1, Sandra Sousa1 . Serviço Cirurgia, Unidade Faro – Centro Hospitalar Universitário Algarve . Serviço de Radiologia, Unidade Faro – Centro Hospitalar Universitário Algarve 3 . Serviço de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, Unidade Faro – Centro Hospitalar Universitário Algarve 1 2
Abstract Leiomyoma of the round ligament of the uterus is a rare location for this entity. They can present as inguinal masses and mimic an inguinal hernia. Therefore, it is a differential diagnosis that should be considered in the case of an inguinal mass in women. Symptoms can vary depending on the location. Imaging techniques are important for diagnosis. However, for a definitive diagnosis, surgical excision and histological analysis is required. The authors report a case of a 49-year-old, female with an inguinal mass and corresponding iconography, from objective evaluation to imaging, as well as the intraoperative description and the surgical specimen. This diagnosis, in women, should be entertained as a possible etiology of an inguinal mass.
Keywords: Round ligament, Leiomyoma, Inguinal hernia