INSIDE ROCHESTER Comedienne Sommore Headlines The Royal Comedy Tour Comedienne Sommore made Rochester, New York, a stop on her Royal Comedy Tour that also included fellow comedians D.L. Hugley, Bruce Bruce, and Tony Parks at the sold-out Auditorium Theatre Center this past weekend. These four fabulous entertainers didn’t disappoint. D.L. Hughley came out in a white tuxedo complete with a drink in hand and a cigar. He picked on the White fans sitting in the front row and then had the audience in stitches with discussions about his marriage, Kobe Bryant,the liberation of Egypt, Black-White relations, the stage of the auditorium, the winter weather in MARSHA Rochester, Black people at work and an array of other sujbects. Hughley did what he does best: he kept the show moving. Tony Parks was next and he had the crowd giggling about McDonald’s in a nice neighborhood versus the ghetto, male and female relationships, sex, the difference in men getting drunk versus women. He was surprisingly funny considering his comedic presence wasn’t as strong as his compadres. Now, Bruce Bruce came out clean in a blue suit with his new look. He lost 180 pounds and was sporting braids. He also made fun of our city. He couldn’t believe Main Street was closed on Sunday at 6 p.m.,the guy behind the counter of the gas station stuttered because he couldn’t believe the comedian was in the store. Other topics included all the BLack folks who lived up here, having sex, and the winter weather. My girl, Sommore came to the stage and showed not only why she is the first Black female to headline a comedy tour, but, put a whole new female-centered spin on funny. Her jokes were stupid funny. She talked about Tiger Woods’s baby if she had it, dating, buying a girdle, old school versus new school, men and young boys, her recent breakup, sexual relations and got raw with it, and some other stuff that I can’t print. The woman had the men in the audience rolling and the females speechless at times. She looked beautiful wearing her catsuit and long black boots with her diamond bling. This would have been a funnier show. I have one complaint: the sound system. If you sat past the middle section, you couldn’t hear the comedians. Sommore, you heard. I missed a big part of Bruce Bruce and DL. Hughley’s acts because the system was just dreadful. I wasn’t the only one complaining. I don’t know whose fault this was WDKX (the show’s sponsor) or the Auditorium Theatre. I looked at the stage set up and the speakers that were on stage looked like those found sat a club rather than those used for a tour or a concert. I feel bad because the audience didn’t get there money’s worth soundwise. When you shell out that kind of ticket money to bring in four professionals to town, the least you can do is have the right equipment to hear them.
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Kudos to...
*Sabrina Wilkerson who was featured in the Democrat & Chronicle’s Women To Watch profile. *Sarah Sarchet who will receive from Memorial AME Zion’s The International Ministers and Lay Association award.
Around Town:
*Saturday, February 24th: Fiim screening: WXXI Studios, 280 State Street at 6 p.m. Film to be announced. Free and open to the public. *Saturday, February 26th: Film screening: The Orangeburg Massacre at WXXI Studios, 280 State Street, 1 to 3 p.m. Free and open to the public. *Saturday, February 26th: Noon to 3 p.m. A Taste of Soul: Cooking Competition at Erie Community College, 121 Ellicott Street. The 4-1-1’s Marsha Jones will serve as a judge. *Black Heritage Story-Telling 1 to 2 p.m.,Thursday, Feb. 24 Ryan Community Center, 530 Webster Ave. Featuring local story-tellers and youth performers.
Happy Birthday to... Gloria Adams*Chris Brown*Tena Brown*Jeanine Burroughs*Theresa Carter*Charles Champion*Lorraine Clement*Edward Clemons*Leona Clemons*Charles Corley*Angela Craig*Bentrelle Davis*Judy Dunbar Cassandra Frierson*J.W. Gilmore IV*Lena Green*Laberta Greenlea Dorian Hall*Arneska Harvey Cassandra Jones*Betty Moss Elizabeth Payton*Ebonie Rivers Greg Scott*Zora Shaw*Brittany Snipe*William Stroud, II Ronald Thompson Got a story idea? E-mail me at
Around Town In Celebration of Black Heritage Month the City of Rochester’s Black Heritage Committee Presents: *Black Heritage Story-Telling 1 to 2 p.m.,Thursday, Feb. 24 Ryan Community Center, 530 Webster Ave. Featuring local story-tellers and youth performers. *Black Heritage Gala 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26 Hyatt Regency Hotel Ballroom, 125 E. Main St. Tickets: $40 per person, can be purchased from the City Bureau of Youth Services, 2nd floor of Sibley Bldg., 25 Franklin St., or City Hall Room 202A. For more information about the Heritage Gala, call 428-9857 or visit *Moving Forward, Making Music 3 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26 Public Safety Building, 185 Exchange Blvd. Musical performances by local choirs and youth bands. Free and open to the public. Seating is limited
*Sunday, February 27, Black History Month Family Day at the Memorial Art Gallery, 500 University Avenue, noon to 5 p.m.,Free and open to public
Students to Present Black HistoryDramatic Performance Students from Robert Brown High School of Construction and Design, Rochester STEM High School, and the School of Business, Finance, and Entrepreneurship at Edison will be performing in “On Air: A Lens on the African American Experience,” a dramatic performance in four “sitcomstyle” acts that depicts the African American experience from the postCivil War era to the present. There will be two shows at the Edison Technical and Occuptional Center’s Auditorium (655 Colfax Street): a school performance at 2 p.m. on Friday, February 18th and a free “Family and Friends” show at 7 p.m. on Monday, February 28th.Free Admission.
* “No Boundaries”: The exhibit, “No Boundaries: New Expressions in Black Art,” is running now thru March 19 at the The Baobab Cultural Center | 728 University Ave | Rochester, featuring artists Hiram Cray (painter/sculptor), and Edreys Wajed (graphic and hip-hop artist), and Michelle Harris (new media and digital art), and Shawn Dunwoody (mixed media).
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FEBRUARY 23, 2011
Beyond Black History Month
A rea Bri efs
The Jefferson Street Heritage Gallery
R UNCROWNED QUEENS: The Uncrowned Queens 10th Anniversary Celebration and 2011 Culture Keeper Awards will be held at the Buffalo Museum of Science, 1020 Humboldt Parkway, from 4-7 p.m., on Sunday, Feb. 27. The event is free and open to the public.
Bennett Wells Post Membership Drive The Bennett Wells Post 1780 American Legion will conduct a membership drive on Friday, February 25 from 2 to 4 p.m. the East Delavan Branch Library, 1187 E. Delavan Avenue. There will be light refreshments and health information will be made available. For more information call 892-2411.
HEAP: Help Available The office of Betty Jean Grant,7th District Erie County Legislator, is sponsoring the H.E.A.P. Outreach Program, on Friday, February 25 from 8:30 a.m – 4 p.m. at the Kensington Bailey Neighborhood Housing Service, 995 Kensington Avenue. General HEAP and emergency HEAP will be available. Emergency HEAP applicants must have final disconnection notice. For more information, contact Legislator Betty Jean Grant @ (716) 894-0914 or (716) 536-7323
Green Code - Neighborhood The Challenges of Reentry are Workshops Everybody’s Business The City of Buffalo is soon hosting a series of nine neighborhood workshops to help assemble the first detailed, citywide land use plan since 1977, the year of the infamous “Blizzard of 77.” The workshops will convene residents, employers, and employees from the respective neighborhoods across the city to chart a course for future development. This land use plan will be the guide for the public and private investment in the city over the next couple decades and will form the basis for a new, “green” zoning code. These are very important meetings to attend, because the process to overhaul a city’s land use policies and zoning codes occurs once every generation. . Mon. Feb. 28, Central, Hutch-Tech HS, 6:30-9 p.m. *Tues. March 1, Northwest, Riverside HS, 6:30-9 p.m. *Also Tues. March 1, Northeast, Bennett HS, 6:30-9 p.m. *Wed. March 2, Ellicott, Montessori School, 342 Clinton St., 6:30-9 p.m. *Also March 2, North, North Park Academy, 780 Parkside, 6:30-9 pm. *Thurs. March 3, West, Lafayette H.S. 6:30-9 p.m. *Also Thurs. March 3, South, South Park H.S. 6-9:30 p.m. *Sat. March 5, East, Col. Matt Urban Ctr., 1081 Broadway, 1-3 p.m. *Also Sat. March 5, Masten-E. Delavan, East HS, 9-11am FEBRUARY 23, 2011
From time to time, Prisoners Are People Too has focused on some topics more than once, and maybe more than twice. These issues need our attention and require our understanding of how they impact the entire community. If you do not have an incarcerated loved one or if you are not a formerly incarcerated person, you may assume that the challenges of reentry have nothing to do with you. What you fail to consider is that a formerly incarcerated person may not be getting the kind of assistance that he or she needs to make a successful transiKARIMA tion on the outside. AMIN When this happens, everybody is at risk. Reentry affects everybody. It is a topic that we have examined several times, through the stories of formerly incarcerated people and through the information provided by organizations in this community that help parolees and people on probation to navigate “this new world.” While some in community may have little sympathy for a person who has been convicted of a crime, if the sentence has been served and this individual is remorseful, then further punishment is not in order and a second chance should be in order. While there are large, well-known
ichard E. Daniels’ vision for preserving and celebrating the history of Buffalo’s African American community goes beyond a four-week celebration during Black History Month. Daniels, who launched the opening of the Jefferson Street Heritage Gallery last summer to coincide with the Juneteenth Festival, has been busy developing his dream ever since. Located at 607 Jefferson Avenue, the two-and-a-half story Queen Anne style building itself is an historic landmark which dates back to 1860. Daniels, a retired Buffalo Fire Fighter, purchased it in 1991 when it was on the city’s demolition list. He also owns the house next door, which he hopes to eventually make an extension of the Gallery. His father, who lived to be 107, once RICHARD E. DANIELS JR. owned a barber shop across from the 107 Jefferson Gallery. A 1930’s Pepsi vending machine, which used to be in his dads barber shop, now stands in the Gallery – and it still works! The majority of the items currently on display belong to Daniels. Several of the old photos that grace the walls are actually of his family. There is also a collection of artifacts and research papers that chronicle the early development of the African American community. Included is information on Buffalo’s “notorious” Tenderloin district” and the Canal District, once referred to as Buffalo’s Black Hole. There is a Black Inventors and Inventions exhibit on display now. Daniels said that he plans change the themes monthly and eventually make the gallery a place for gatherings like family reunions. Daniels makes a great guide because he’s enthusiastic and extremely knowledgeable about the growth and development of the Black community in Buffalo. In addition to providing a place to house this community’s rich historical legacy, he’s in hopes that the gallery’s location in the heart of the community will help with the area’s revitalization. He’s connected with many of the other cultural organizations and landmarks in the vicinity such as the Michigan Street Baptist Church, the J. Edward Nash House and the Colored Musicians Club. He’s also developed a relationship with the Buffalo Niagara Convention & Visitors Bureau. Daniels just wants to share the knowledge and information. His vision for the Gallery is endless. And the best part of all this? A visit to the Jefferson Street Heritage Gallery is free! It’s open from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays or by appointment. Call 854-8392. organizations that provide invaluable assistance to ex-offenders, I believe that there are others, not as well known, which may be just as effective. At the next meeting of Prisoners Are People Too, we will be introduced to two such organizations here in Buffalo. Our guest speakers will be Pastor Cecil Clay, Director of the Stepping Stones Outreach Facility and Mr. Leroy Jones, a Manager for Oxford House Supportive Living. Both men have a heart for the ex-offender. Both believe in second chances. And both operate exemplary facilities that provide the kind of support, direction and nurturing that is needed when an individual is trying to rebuild a life. Both men understand the stigma, fear, and isolation that often accompany release from prison. The documentary film being screened is “Omar and Pete.” This film was featured at a meeting five years ago but it is certainly worth viewing again in our effort to understand the kind of focus,
work, and diligence that is required upon release from incarceration. This film explores the challenges faced by offenders and communities as they struggle to curb recidivism. At the next meeting of Prisoners Are People Too, on Monday, February 28 at the Pratt-Willert Community Center, 422 Pratt Street, from 6:30 – 8:30pm, we will revisit the challenges of reentry. The Circle of Supporters for Reformed Offenders and Friends of BaBa Eng are the sponsors of PRP2 programs. For further information, contact Karima Amin: 716-834-8438 or karima@prisonersarepeopletoo. org.
Celebrate “Our Story” 365 Days a Year.
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Local Theatre, Film Company Plan Fundraising Production for Dominique Maye Foundation After hearing the news that the family of Dominique Maye is in debt behind her unexpected funeral expenses, ALEMAEDAE T H E AT E R & XAVIER FILMS decided to assist them by using the proceeds fromDominique Maye their preview night of 'Zooman' to help out. The date is Thurs March 3 at 8 p.m. at Ujima TheaterLoft 545 Elmwood Ave. All proceeds will be donated to the Dominique Maye Foundation. Zooman and the Sign, written by Charles Fuller will be directed by Willie Judson and runs. March 5th thru Sun. March 27 at TheatreLoft. In the wake of the daily news stories of neighborhood violence and gang related deaths, and the more recent community tragedies such as the City Grille incident (August 2010) and drive-by shooting death of the 15 year old Dominique Maye on in her Hewitt Avenue home while doing her homework, the Obie award-winning play, which deals with gang violence in the community, he staging of this drama burns with relevant urgency. “Zooman and the Sign” tells the story of a tragic death of an innocent child transforming a neighborhood. The story centers on the Tate family’s struggle to find the killer of their little girl, who is shot unintentionally by a gang leader in attempt to kill someone else. What used to be a sympathetic black community has been rendered helpless by persistent gang violence and the authorities’ lack of concern. Rueben Tate’s pleas to his neighbors to come forward with information about the killer of his child are met with icy refusals and simple indifference. Filled with a sense of helplessness, he posts a plea for humanity that stirs up an emotionally devastated neighborhood to its feet.
Doyle Receives “Thursday Morning Mom!” Honor Columnist, educator and Black History scholar Eva M. Doyle was honored nationally recently when she was named the Tom Joyner “Thursday Morning Mom” of the Week.” Mrs. Doyle, who received a $1,000 prize, was nominated by her son, Jesse Doyle, for the coveted title. Tom Joyner read her bio on the air and highlighted the scholarship fund that Mrs. Doyle established in her husband’s name - the Romeo Doyle Muhammad Scholalrship. Congratulations to Mrs. Doyle! Page 3
Malcolm X Daughter Accused Seven prison guards arrested of Theft on charges of beating
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One of Malcolm X’s daughters is being held in North Carolina on an arrest warrant from Queens, stemming from an accusation that she stole from the widow of one of her father’s bodyguards, the authorities said Monday. The daughter, Malikah Shabazz, was arrested Friday night in Mars Hill, N.C., and faces an extradition hearing. Sheriff’s deputies in North Carolina were investigating a call that a child at her home was not attending school. Ms. Shabazz’s daughter was being home-schooled, but when deputies discovered Ms. Shabazz’s warrant, which was from 2009, they arrested her. The warrant included charges of grand larceny and identity theft. A law enforcement official said Ms. Shabazz was accused of stealing the identity of a family friend, the widow of one of Malcolm X’s bodyguards, and taking about $30,000 to pay bills and other personal expenses. Ms. Shabazz, 45, was born a few months after her father was assassinated in Harlem on Feb. 21, 1965. She is involved in a dispute with her sisters over the estate left by their mother, Betty Shabazz, who died in 1997 in a fire set by one of her grandsons.
Seven Georgia prison guards were arrested Monday on charges of beating an inmate, inflicting injuries so severe that the prisoner was in the hospital for “an extended period of time,” according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI). GBI spokesman John Bankhead said the seven -- Christopher Hall, Ronald Lach, Derrick, Wimbush, Willie Redden, Darren Douglass Griffin, Kerry Bolden and Delton Rushin -- were arrested Monday morning when they reported to work at Macon State Prison. The facility is located in Oglethorpe, about 50 miles southwest of Macon. All are charged with aggravated battery and violating their oaths of office. At the request of Corrections Commissioner Brian Owens, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation was asked to investigate allegations of incidents at Macon State Prison and Smith State Prisons on January 5, 2011. “I appreciate the GBI’s swift response in investigating these allegations and assisting with the Department’s nonnegotiable mission of protecting the public,” Owens said.
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FEBRUARY 23, 2011
HEALTH MATTERS Caring for Your Feet Now May Prevent a Lot of Pain Later!
on’t take your feet for granted. They contain a quarter of the body’s bones, and each foot also has 33 joints; 100 tendons, muscles, and ligaments; and countless nerves and blood vessels that link all the way to the heart, spine, and brain. Yo u r f e e t DR. WILLIAM take the weight HOLLEY of your whole body, so foot problems can quickly lead to discomfort and affect the way you walk. This can in turn cause knee, hip and back pain. Indeed, unresolved foot problems can have unexpected consequences. Caring for your feet now may prevent a lot of pain later.
The American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) offers the following tips to help keep feet healthy. 1. Don’t ignore foot pain—it’s not normal. If the pain persists, see a podiatric physician. 2. Inspect your feet regularly. Pay attention to changes in color and temperature of your feet. Look for thick or discolored nails (a sign of developing fungus), and check for cracks or cuts in the skin. Peeling or scaling on the soles of feet could indicate athlete’s foot. Any growth on the foot is not considered normal. 3. Wash your feet regularly, especially between the toes, and be sure to dry them completely. 4. Trim toenails straight across, but not too short. Be careful not to cut nails in corners or on the sides; it can lead to ingrown toenails. Persons with diabetes, poor circulation or heart problems should not treat their own feet because they are more prone to infection. 5. Make sure that your shoes fit properly. Purchase new shoes later in the day when feet tend to be at their largest and replace worn out shoes as soon as possible. 6. Select and wear the right shoe for the activity that you are engaged in (i.e. running shoes for running). 7. Alternate shoes—don’t wear the same pair of shoes every day. 8. Avoid walking barefooted—your feet will be more prone to injury and infection. At the beach or when wearing sandals always use sunblock lotion on your feet as the rest of your body. 9. Be cautious when using home remedies for foot ailments; self-treatment can often turn a minor problem into a major one. 10. If you are a person with diabetes it is vital that you see a podiatric physician at least once a year for a check-up.
Aretha Franklin giving up ‘pigs’ feet’ to lose weight, get healthy NEW YORK - Aretha Franklin, who says she’s back at “150 percent,” is planning to return to the stage in May for her first post-surgery performance. The Grammy Award-winning singer will also release an album that month with Wal-Mart Stores Inc. More personally, she’s working on losing more weight from her frame, which is noticeably slimmer since her December surgery. The 68-year-old Franklin underwent surgery for an undisclosed ailment in December. She calls it “more than minor surgery.”At the time, word spread that her situation was dire, and she received a multitude of prayers and well wishes from fans. She dismissed reports that had her on her death bed Since her surgery, Franklin has been working out and walking on a track three times a week for at least a mile. But she said her biggest health change has been in her diet: She’s given up her beloved chitterlings, pigs’ feet and ham hocks in favor of a Whole Foods-type diet, and she hopes to get down to a size 16.
Dr. William Holley is a board-certified podiatrist of 20 years . He is currently is accepting new patients in his primary office at 2162 Main St., located in the Main Wellness Center.
GOLDEN SEAL ROOT A superior herb for all infections. Helps to regulate blood sugar, acts like natural insulin by providing the body with nutrients to produce its own insulin. Aids elimination of toxins throughout the body, helps stop external and internal bleeding and is very healing to mucous membranes. Provides superb results when combined with other herbs such as white oak bark for hemorrhoids, cascara sagrada as a bowel tonic and gotu kola for brain food. Excellent for stomach disorders and acute inflammation. FEBRUARY 23, 2011 Continued Page 13
When reading is a struggle, so is life. How does low-literacy feel? Often, it’s disorienting, especially when even simple road signs are a mystery. But the Buffalo Public Schools Adult Education Division is doing something about this. We’ve been helping Western New York residents improve their levels of literacy for years, and we can help you or your loved one, too. With the ability to succeed on a daily basis comes the ability to succeed for a lifetime.
Read. Learn. Succeed.
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Dr. James A. Williams, Ed. D., Superintendent of Buffalo Public Schools
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The Story of Ruth
Soup Kitchen
Memorial Baptist church, 770 Humboldt Parkway, will present “The Story of Ruth” on Feb. 26 at the church. Dr. John W. Williams is pastor.
Cold Spring COGICJ is sponsoring a Soup Kitchen every Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and a Bread Giveaway from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Joseph Wallace is pastor. Call (716) 882-2052 for more information.
Var-Sons to Present “Back Home Musical”
On Sunday, March 6 at 5 p.m. the Var-Son Community Choir Inc., presents a “Back Home Gospel Musical” at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, 402 Clinton St. in Buffalo. Various local guest artists will participate.For more information contact John Flakes, president, Var-Son Community Choir, Inc. at 832-7709 or 914-3229.
United Coalition of Churches Announces Consecration of Bishop Elect Larry A. Boyd
“Enough is Enough” City-Wide Prayer “Enough is Enough” City-wide prayer continues this week Feb. 21 – 25 at Prince of Peace Temple COGIC, 699 Kensington St., Pastor Elder Vernal Harris 6-7 p.m nightly .
Worshhip This Week!
The United Coalition of Churches, Inc. wishes to announce that on Friday, April 1 Bishop Elect Larry A. Boyd, Pastor of Open Praise Full Gospel Baptist Church, will be consecrated to the sacred office of Bishop Primate of the United Coalition of Churches, Inc. of Buffalo, New York. The Consecration Service will be at Open Praise FGBC, 761 Fillmore Avenue at 6:30 p.m.
Pilgrim to Host Black History Program
An Annual Black History Program will be held at Pilgrim Baptist Church, 665 Michigan Avenue on February, 26, 2011 at 4 p.m. Admission is free.
Applied Urban Ministry at Niagara U. Announces Classes Reverend Jimmy Rowe, the Academic/Community Liaison and co-founder of the Applied Urban Ministry Program announces the start of the third cohort of classes of the successful Applied Urban Ministry Professional Development Certificate Program. A mandatory Student Orientation will be held at 5 p.m. on March 1. The first class will start immediately after the student orientation. All classes, along with student orientation will be held in Bisgrove Hall, Room 350-351. The Professional Development Certificate Applied Urban Ministry Program at Niagara University was designed by faith communities of Niagara Falls and Buffalo and is designed and conceptualized as a “mini-seminary.” Students must complete 11 courses in order to complete the final requirements to graduate. The program consists of four core courses, three courses from either clergy or lay tract and four elective courses. The glory of God’s blessing to the participants of this faith journey is that the Applied Urban Ministry Program is “tuition free.” There is a non-refundable application processing fee of $25. To get further information regarding how to enroll into the Applied Urban Ministry Certificate Program, please contact Niagara University’s Office of Continuing and Community Education at 716-286-8181.
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CHALLENGERCN.COM • (P) 716 881-1051 (F) 716 881-1053
FEBRUARY 23, 2011
Special Black History Salute to EVA M. DOYLE She’s Kept Her “Eye on History” for Over 30 Years! For over 30 years, educator and columnist Eva M. Doyle has kept her “Eye on History” and the City of Buffalo mindful of the rich and fascinating legacy and history of Africans and Africans in America. Indeed, her name is synonymous with knowledge of self. Mrs. Doyle, a retired elementary school teacher for the Buffalo Board of Education who taught for almost 30 years, is observing the 32nd anniversary of the "Eye On History" column. The column began in the Challenger newspaper in February, 1979 and it continues today in the Criterion newspaper. Mrs. Doyle would like to thank Sister Al Nisa Banks for publishing the first series of articles in the Eye On History column in the Challenger. She would also like to thank Frank Merriweather 111 and Mrs. Evelyn Merriweather for the opportunity to continue writing the column in the Criterion, and the community for its support. Writing the column has resulted in the publication of 11 books, a newsletter, a series of lectures, as well as a radio and television show. Mrs. Doyle is presently working on a few projects that include the publication of her 12th book, a second DVD and the creation of an "Eye On History" game for our youth. Mrs. Doyle points out that her late husband Brother Romeo Muhammad always supported the column and encouraged her to continue her work of teaching and writing about the contributions of African Americans. The purpose of the column was stated in the introduction to the book "Eye On History" in the following words: As a newspaper columnist and educator, it has been my ultimate goal to provide African Americans with constant information about their history. This book is an extension of that effort and it represents just one more resource in a list of hundreds that will serve to enlighten, inform and motivate not only African Americans, but others to look beyond the stereotypes and seek the truth. “All of the great scholars and historians before me have said a great many of the things you will read here,” states Eva. “ I have simply put it together in a different form and presented it to my readers in a series of newspaper articles under the heading of ‘Eye On History.’ "
FEBRUARY 23, 2011
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entertaiment African American artists from Buffalo and Rochester come together to present The Hit Broadway Musical
frican American artists from Buffalo and Rochester will present the hit Broadway musical “Dreamgirls” on February 24, 25, 26 and March 4 and 5 at 7:30 p.m.; and February 27 and March 6 at 3 p.m. at the East End Theatre, 727 Main Street in Rochester. Audiences will be astounded with talented performances by Lakesia Muhammad in the role of Deena ; Tina Bailey, as Lorrell; Shamilia Rodgers and Rhasida Washington in the role of Effie ; Quinnae Thompson (Peaches) in the role of Michelle; Rueban Tapp in the role of James Thunder Early; James Kates, as Curtis Peaches (as Taylor; and Trenton Weaver in the role Left to right EAMGIRLS: Rodgers ( as Effie), and R D of “C.C.” (Claridge Conrad White). ilia ichelle) Sham na). mad ( as Dea The show is directed by internation- M am uh M a si ke La ally renowned director and choreographer Matthew Clark and musically directed by Robert Meadow. Clark, recently named International Dance Organization’s “Choreographer of the Year” is founder and director of Matthew Clark Academy of Performing Arts in Buffalo, and RAPA School of Performing Arts in Rochester. He provides area students an opportunity to benefit from his highly acclaimed, innovative style of instruction. As coach and choreographer for the Canadian National Tap Team, the US National Tap Team and the US Jazz Team, Clark has repeatedly led the groups to championship titles including North American National Tap Dance Champions, Canadian National Dance Champions, World Jazz Congress, 15 World Tap Dance Championship titles and International Dance Organization’s World Jazz Champions. His teaching, competing and judging have earned him recognition as a viable member of the dance world in the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. Also, featured in the show is Rochester’s group Compromise Sound (Rochester’s well know quartet doing their rendition of The Five Tuxedos and the Tru tones). DREAMGIRLS is a show about a time in American musical history when rhythm and blues blended with other styles of popular music creating a new American sound. Tickets are $20 for adults and $12 for children and seniors. Tickets are available at RAPA ( 585-325-3366) or Wegmans or online at www.
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The Return of the Latimer Experience and “Kinfolk” World renowned percussionist “Papa” Emile Latimer, is bringing to the stage, in collaboration with his family band “The Latimer Experience” featuring Shenole Latimer, his latest creation properly entitled “KINFOLK” this Thursday night, February 24, 8 p.m. at Nietzsche’s, 248 Allen St. Award winning saxophonist Shenole has gained recognition for his playing style and engaging stage presence. His passionate approach to playing the saxophone shows influences drawn from the likes of Michael Brecker, Branford Marsalis, and Dexter Gordon. All of this, while still exhibiting the gift of being able to effectively communicate with and affect his audiences through a voice and style that is uniquely his own’ Buffalo’s own Papa Emile Latimer, born and raised in Long Island, has performed all over the world with a host of famous artists and musicians including Richie Havens and Nina Simone and doesn’t plan on stopping any time soon. Performing each summer, with cousins Shenole Latimer, Isham Latimer and his son Andre Latimer, “The Latimer Experience” has become a force to be reckoned with. Witness the incredible sounds that the band has prepared along with Papa’s newest band “KINFOLK.” “Kinfolk” is comprised of brilliant artists such as master drummer Emile, bassist Jose Arroyo, pianist Gaga, vocalist Kunjané Lyons-Latimer (Emile’s youngest daughter) and a few surprise guests. KINFOLK is bringing to the table fresh sounds of Jazz, original compositions blended with Latin & African styles and a touch of old school flavor. Tickets are $10 and available at Terrapin Station, Flight 104 and at the door. This will be an evening you will not want to miss!
“The Latimer Experience”: Emile, Isham, and Shenole Latimer.
CHALLENGERCN.COM • (P) 716 881-1051 (F) 716 881-1053
FEBRUARY 23, 2011
ON STAGE *AVERY SUNSHINE, Saturday, Feb. 26 @ 8 p.m. at the Tralf; Tickets $25 presale, $27 day of show; 2010 Soul Tracks Reader’s Choice Awards; Tickets at the Tralf Box Office, All Ticketmaster locations, charge by phone #1-800-745-3000.
*The Return of the Latimer Experience and “Kinfolk” World renowned percussionist “Papa” Emile Latimer, is bringing to the stage, in collaboration with his family band “The Latimer Experience” featuring Shenole Latimer, his latest creation properly entitled “KINFOLK” this Thursday night, February 24, 8 p.m. at Nietzsche’s, 248 Allen St. *AT THE TRALF: Shemekia Copeland, March 3.
On Stage Listings are Free.
*On Stage @The Paul Robeson Theatre “ Crumbs from the Table of Joy” by Lynn Nottage, now thru Feb. 27 Tickets on sale at the PRT Box Office 350 Masten Avenue.
PAPPY MARTIN LOVE SUPREME JAZZ BLUES: Wegman’s, 601 Amherst St, Feb. 25, 6-8 p.m., “Jazz, soul & Food”; 326-9613 SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS!
*Live Piano Jazz: Free every Friday from 6-9 p.m. Diana M. Reeves on vocals Mr. Larry Henderson on drums. Hot Stuff Southern Cafe’, 829 Main St., NF,282.7883.
*9th Annual WNY Black Film Festival, hosted by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Buffalo Alumnae Chapter and Masten District Councilmember Demone Smith at the Market Arcade Film and Arts Centre, concludes on Sunday, February 27 at 3 pm showcasing four short films. Tickets $5. For more info. on the film festival call 851-5145 or email * “Zooman and the Sign,” Ujima Company, Inc. presents an Alemaedae Theater & Xavier Films Production written by Charles Fuller, and directed by Willie Judson running from Sat. March 5th thru Sun. March 27. Special Preview Night, March 3 @ 8 p.m. to benefit Dominique Maye Foundation. call 716-602-6253 or 716-883-0380. See pg. 3. *Jazz Jam Sunday 6:30 to 10pm, Cafe @ Masten & Eaton 230 Masten Ave., Buffalo, NY 14209, 716-8832311. Karaoke Tuesdays 8pm with Gordy.
Control! New Dance Studio Opens
Control Dance Studio located at 2312 Main St., offers classes for all age groups, specializing in Hip Hop, line dancing, aerobics and choreography. Energetic dancers ages 4 and up are welcome. Classes are provided by Bianca Ross. Call 716 -830-3656 for immediate membership.
Diana Ross on Oprah Feb. 25
Wash & Cut Offer expires 2/28/11
Diana Ross is set to make her first television performance in four years as a guest on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” later this month, Access Hollywood reports. Not only will she sit down with the talk-show host, but all five of her children and her grandson will join her for the interview, which is set to air on Feb. 25.
All services performed by senior students under the supervision of a licensed instructor.
Call 833-5016
Hurry for Early Spring Classes!
FEBRUARY 23, 2011
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Page 9
Speak Out!
Too many of our Black political leaders are failing us!
know what some are you are going to say before you read this article, “Who in the hell does she think she is?” or “What gives her the right to criticize us? She needs to mind her own business!” Well, for your information, if you feel that I need to be included in the mix, then by all means, put me in with the rest of the folks. Anything to grab your attention and maybe start some serious dialogue among ourselves. If I am not living up to your expectation as a political elected representative, then please let me know. And by that same token, I am going to let my political representatives know when they are not living up to my expectations. Before I get started, I want to send some heartfelt words of congratulations to Councilmember Darius G. Pridgen. Councilmember Pridgen did not come into office seeking a paycheck, public adulation or fame and glory; he already had all of the above. Councilmember Pridgen ran for office because he saw how the people in his community and in his district were suffering and he felt that he would be a strong and positive voice for change. In less than two BETTY JEAN months on the job, he has become the chief sponsor for GRANT bold and innovative changes both inside City Hall and out in the Ellicott District and the City of Buffalo. So, please remember Councilmember Pridgen, I have excluded you from the following observations and critique. How can there be multiple shootings and/or homicides within the city and not one of our many elected officials hold a press conference or protest rally to condemn the killings or to appeal to the murderers to turn themselves in? Why are so few elected officials attending peace vigils, victims’ funerals or Stop the Violence meetings? Why have Buffalo’s African American elected officials not yet met as a group, to work together on community issues in the past ten years? Why are some elected officials letting partial, political sub groups ( i.e. Unity, Grassroots, Len Lenihan’s Democrats, Mayor Brown’s Democrats) keep them from working together collectively for the betterment of the whole community? Why do some elected officials think they should be supported and re-elected by the African American community only because they sport a Black face, but at the same time, has delivered nothing of substance in their many years of being in their respective offices? Why do certain politicians believe they have an inherent right to the political office that they currently holding and that no one should challenge them or run for the same seat? This year is an election year for the Buffalo Common Council, Erie County Legislature and the County Clerk and county executive offices. I suggest that if anyone feels that they can do a better job than the person holding any respective seat, then all means, run for it! No one should get a free ride and that includes me and the seat I am currently holding! There are too many ills in our community for us to let the people that we elect sell us down the river or fail to adequately advocate for the best interests of our community. With the downsizing of the Erie County Legislature by four seats in 2012, and the 2011 redrawing of legislative and common council lines, this community can not afford to have people holding office simply because they need a job or they have grown fond of the ‘perks of the position.’ We need bold and courageous leaders who are not afraid to say loud and clear, by their actions, that they love being a public servant and they will not let any segment of the City of Buffalo be under-represented or left out. I sincerely hope that I have stepped on the toes of some of our elected officials. I pray that I have offended a few of them, as well. It seems that some of them will only act or react when they have been ‘taken to task.’ I love each and every one of them, but I love my people more and when they are hurting, I hurt too. They may be unwilling or unable to put pen to paper and tell us of their suffering. I am able to do that for them and I will continue to do so until relief is delivered or we elected officials are held accountable for our inaction. In the words of our immortal ancestor, Frederick Douglass: “If you can’t do nothing else, then agitate, agitate, agitate!” My people, this is one promise from me that you can take to the bank!
Quote of the Week “May God write us down as asses if ever again we are found putting our trust in either the Republican or the Democratic Parties." -- W.E.B. DuBois (1922 (If Dubois was able to see through the b.s.89 years ago,why can't we?) Page 10
Muslims’ Saviours’ Day 2011 Analyzes Elijah Muhammad’s Teachings School 61 is More Than Your Average School
“You Should See Their Faces!”
he Nation of Islam celebrates its 81st year of existence in North America with its annual convention in Chicago February 24-27, involving plenary sessions and workshops that explore the “prophetic elements” in the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s teachings and concluding with a major address by his representative Minister Louis Farrakhan. Only a fraction of the general public has first-hand knowledge of M r. M u h a m mad’s teachings contained in his books, “Message To The BlackMan in America” (1965), “Fall of America” (1973) and “How To Eat LEROY Live” (1967). BAYLOR To Scholarly panels are assembled to analyze the contents of these books and their relationship to current events. Before the Honorable Elijah Muhammad left in 1975 it was common to see cartoon illustrations in the organization’s paper (‘Muhammad Speaks’) depicting Black men standing before the locked gates of an American factory with a sign stating, “Factory Closed. No Jobs”. In his columns Mr. Muhammad would refer to the Bible’s Book of Revelations mentioning a ‘beast with eyes before and behind’ and the eventual massive surveillance on the American public. In addition, Mr. Muhammad taught about a huge circular space craft, strange weather, the necessity of Black people doing for self and owning farmland because, he warned, “… soon you will not be able to eat their food, drink their water or breathe their air”. Experts will examine these subjects during the convention. The convention’s four plenary sessions are scheduled to be shown live via internet webcast at Minister Farrakhan speaks Sunday afternoon, February 27. His presentation will include the value he’s seen in the ‘Dianetics’ program of the Church of Scientology and why several hundred of the Nation of Islam members are now certified through that program. Minister Farrakhan is also expected to speak on why he has designated 2011 as “The Year of The Farm”; and, the Nation of Islam utilization of technology gained from Growing Power, Inc. headed by urban farming specialist William Allen of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Minister Farrakhan’s speech will be shown live via webcast at Harlem’s Muhammad Mosque No. 7, 127th Street near Malcolm X Blvd. Admission is free to the community. Members of Muhammad Mosque (Continued next column)
By Bishop T. Anthony Bronner
n the corner of Leroy and Grider sits School 61. Reverend Vernal Harris, Prince of Peace Church, often sees the faces of beautiful, bright, mostly Black children getting off the bus and parents, including the Father’s organization, walking their children to school. If those in authority have their way the faces of these exceptional children will no longer be seen entering and exiting that building. The school is in jeopardy of closing as result of the district’s budget plan. According to Buffalo Public School Administration the building is old, landlocked and offers no room for expansion; and basically isn’t worth it. It is easy for people outside of the Central Park community to make decisions to get rid of this school because they don’t see the faces of the children. They don’t see their excitement when they learn new concepts, or the dedicated instructors who teach and nurture their impressionable minds, or the faithfulness and commitment of the principal and administration as they direct and protect these developing children. School 61 is more than your average school. It’s a place Bishhop T. Anthony where people are family. It has an active parents group and BRONNER a strong male presence. And, the children produce! They’re not experiencing academic challenges or encountering behavioral problems. The Central Park community sees hope on their faces and expectation in the eyes of their educators. School 61 is indispensable! We will not allow this school to close. We refuse to be on the end of another budget cut. The school district would like for our kids to go to schools outside of their community. No thank you! We prefer to see the faces of our children going into and out of school in the community they live: School 61. God’s Peace and Good Journey!
No. 7 offered advice to the public for Saviours’ Day 2011. Sister Fajar Muhammad, who joined the Muslims in the early 60’s said, “Minister Farrakhan’s direction has set the Nation on a dynamic course that will mean more Black people surviving these harsh economic times. As a student of urban gardening and farming, I can personally assure you that his year of the farm declaration will refocus families to save inherited land in the South”. Salaam Muhammad of the Nation’s prison ministries stated, “You don’t have to be a Muslim to enjoy a speech by Minister Farrakhan. You just have to be for the upliftment of Black people
and you’ll feel more than comfortable in an audience of people with like mind.” Another Fruit of Islam, Brother Fred Muhammad, said that the teachings saved him from the streets in 1966. And, Brother Robert Muhammad, a paralegal after spending years in New York State prisons, said, “Saviours’ Day is showing appreciation for Master Fard Muhammad coming for us in 1930 and leaving the Honorable Elijah Muhammad with these profound teachings that change the worst of lives. Whether in Chicago or in the Harlem Mosque, you will enjoy being among progressive minded people who love Black people when you hear Minister Farrakhan speak.”
The Meaning of The above image/logo, part of the Challenger flag, corresponds to one of the 81 chapters in Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching. This particular tetragram corresponds to number 27, defined as “The Skillful Exchange of Information.” (From R.L Wing’s book, The Tao of Power.) “The truth, always the truth--at all costs”
“What is planted cannot be uprooted.What is well embraced cannot slip away.” I CHING
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Published Every Wednesday
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“We wish to plead our own cause. too long have others spoken for us.” -John Russwurm, Freedom’s Journal, 1827 America’s First Black Newspaper
We respectfully submit that the opinions expressed on the editorial pages of this newspaper are not necessairly those of Challenger Community News Corporation or its advertisers.
CHALLENGERCN.COM • (P) 716 881-1051 (F) 716 881-1053
FEBRUARY 23, 2011
BlackAgenda Report
Celebrating Our Story: 2011 Black History Month Events
George Washington: Slaveholder
Free Tours of Nash House Museum
In Celebration of Black History Month, the Nash House Museum, 36 Nash Street will offer FREE TOURS of the Museum on Thursday, February 10 and Thursday, February 24 at 12 noon and 2:00 p.m For group tours, call 716-8564490 to reserve a date and time.
PAPPY MARTIN LOVE SUPREME JAZZ BLUES: Wegman’s, 601 Amherst St, Feb. 25, 6-8 p.m., “Jazz, soul & Food”; 326-9613
Black Tie for Black History
On Friday, February 2 from 7 to 10 p.m. AM1400 will host “A Black Tie for Black History Extravaganza” at Blush Nightclub, 1389 Delaware Ave. (
Black Hisory Event at Family Resource Center
Third Annual African-American History event at the Family resource center, 347 E. Ferry St., February 24, noon to 4pm. Live music w. Ssabu Adeyola & OASIS, Art exhibit, Poetry, Drum Circle and delicious food.
WNY BLACK FILM FESTIVAL, hosted by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Buf-
falo Alumnae Chapter and Masten District Councilmember Demone Smith, Sunday February 27 @ 3 p.m. , Market Arcade Film and Arts Centre, 639 Main Street; 851-5145.
Black History Month Youth Contest
Columnist Eva Doyle would like to invite students in grades 4 - 12 to enter the latest contest in the Eye On History series. It is called “Dressing Up For Black History.” Students must select someone from Black History, dress up as that person and do a 3 minute presentation highlighting the achievements of the individual. Judging will take place on Saturday, February 26, at the Frank E. Merriweather library located at 1324 Jefferson Avenue from 3 to 5 p.m. The prizes are $50 first place, $25 second place and $20 for third place. Each student will also receive a certificate. For more information call (716) 847-6010 or send an email to
Daemen to Present Black History Program Daemen College Campus Ministry Department presents a Black History Program on Howard Thurman’s book, “Deep River-Reflections on the Religious Insight of Certain of the Negro Spirituals.” The program will be held on Monday, February 28 at 7 p.m. in the Alumni Lounge at Daemen College, 4380 Main Street, Amherst. The Voices of Zion (Daemen’s Gospel Choir) and a guest soloist, Bro. William Salter, will sing selected Negro spirituals. The event is free and open to the public.
Taste of Soul Family Festival Celebrating Black History Month The Buffalo Urban League and Tops Friendly Markets proudly present the seventh annual “Taste of Soul” Family Festival Saturday, February 26, noon to 3 P.M. Erie Community College City Campus Atrium,121 Ellicott St. This event brings the community together to share and celebrate our cultural heritage through food, learn about healthy eating and enjoy fun activities for children. Local amateur cooks and culinary program student chefs’ are given an opportunity to compete and win prizes. Local Culinary Schools led by Erie Community College and the Baker Victory SNo registration is required to enjoy the event but individuals interested in more information about the event may contact Lewanda Alston at 250-2446 or or check
The Greater Refuge Temple, 943 Jefferson Avenue presents a Black History Presentation entitled: "BLACK GIRLS ROCK". This is 2011 Talent Show and Worship Experience sponsored by the Rite of Passage Spiritual Enrichment Program for girls ages 5 to 25.Come and see praise dancers, singers, art work, instrumentals and much more. The presentation begins at 12 noon. Bishop Robert L. Sanders, Senior Pastor.
Tuesdays 12 NOON FEBRUARY 23, 2011
Children of Malcolm X Release Statement onthe Anniversary of His Death
oday, we reflect and pay respect to the passing of our father, ElHajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X). Today, we once again honor his legacy. It was on this day, February 21st, in the year of 1965 that he was martyred in New York at the place then known as The Audubon Ballroom, and now known as the “Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center. “Malcolm X was a man of vision, integrity and courage. He was born Malcolm Little on May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska to Reverend Earl and Louise Norton-Little who instilled the compassion for injustice and leadership ideals the world came to know of our father. In the late 1940′s he studied, later joined the Nation of Islam and took the name Malcolm X. In March 1964, he left the Nation of Islam to form the Muslim Mosque, Inc. as well as the Organization of African-American Unity. That same year, Malcolm X went on a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia where he expanded his message of justice and responsibility for all races.” “Our family remains united and spirited in our loving support and efforts to join forces with those who love Malcolm X from around the world. Despite false reports and misdeeds of those in and out of the media seeking to divide and conquer, the bond and spirit of this family and community will not be broken. Tonight, there will be a public memorial at the Center commencing at 6pm, located at 3940 Broadway in Harlem, New York. Later this week on Thursday, February 24th, 2011, we the daughters of Malcolm X will convene and participate in a press conference and later participate in a private “Call To Action” ceremony, organized on behalf of the Shabazz family, and the newly formed protection entity X Legacy, LLC.” Indeed, “Malcolm X was our Black shining Prince! — who didn’t hesitate to die. Because he loved us so.” He loved us all and we are so grateful for the continued support and love from all people worldwide supporting Malcolm X and the X Legacy.” The Daughters of Malcolm X and
By Margaret Kimberley
t is ironic that February, the month designated to celebrate black history, is also the birth month of George Washington. Washington remains among the most respected presidents, still known as “the father of our country.” But black people must always be wary of joining in the lionization of white figures in American history. There are far more lies told about this nation than there are truths, and black Americans are always at the epicenter of the lies. If white Americans are to be held up as paragons of nobility, then black Americans must by necessity be excluded from those narratives. The truth of our history in this country is too awful to be told if white supremacy is to be accepted without question. As revealed in the recently published book, The Black History of the White House, Washington was among the quarter of American presidents who were slave holders. Those who were not did nothing to end this horror, and in fact were subservient to the slave holders’ political power. The decision to create a capital city in the midst of slave holding states is evidence of that fact. While the president’s official residence and city that would bear his name were under construction, Philadelphia was the temporary site of the nation’s capital. President Washington resided there along with some of the men and women he held in bondage. In order to legally keep slaves in the state of Pennsylvania, Washington could not hold them there for more than six months. In order to evade the spirit and letter of this law, he deliberately rotated his slaves, allowing none of them to stay in Philadelphia for more than the six months which would have given them their freedom. A 1788 law was meant to close this loophole and prevent slaveholders from doing as Washington did, but it was not enforced and the president deliberately engaged in law breaking. He wrote to an aide, “In case it shall be found that any of my slaves may, or any of them shall attempt their freedom at the expiration of six months, it is my wish and desire that you should send the whole, or such part of them as Mrs. Washington may not chuse [sic] to keep, home - for although I do not think they would be benefited by the change, yet the idea of freedom might be too great a temptation for them to resist. … If upon taking good advice, it is found expedient to send them back to Virginia, I wish to have it accomplished under the pretext that may deceive both them and the public.” Washington and his wife Martha were intent on keeping their human property and allowed none to flee without giving chase. A young woman named Oney fled from the Washingtons and successfully arrived in the state of New Hampshire. The Washingtons did not permit even one young woman to escape them without cost, attempting many ruses to get her back. Oney remained free, but in spite of the Washington’s efforts to recapture and re-enslave her. When Washington died, he and his wife Martha owned nearly 300 human beings, over 100 of whom were “dower” slaves, owned by the estate of Martha’s first husband. Martha freed her slaves before her death, but these dower slaves were not included amongst them and were willed to her heirs. Washington was indeed the father of the country, completely enmeshed in one of the evils upon which it was founded. Some of the founding fathers were less interested in freeing themselves from British rule than they were in freeing themselves from the prospect of Britain abolishing slavery. The story of American independence is itself the story of an effort to maintain the “peculiar” institution. George Washington is just one of the presidents who profited from trafficking in and ownership of human beings. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Martin van Buren, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James Polk, Zachary Taylor, James Buchanan, Andrew Jackson, and Ulysses S. Grant all owned slaves at some point in their lives. When we are told to venerate and respect these men, we must not succumb to the temptation to join in the celebration. The celebration is not for anyone who is committed to truth telling. If we are to commemorate and remember the nation’s past, we must remember Oney, who took the opportunity to free herself. For anyone interested in honesty, joy must come from venerating the true heroes of that era, not the people who subjugated them, even when presidents are among them. Margaret Kimberley's Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR, and is widely reprinted elsewhere. She maintains a frequently updated blog as well as at Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City.
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Page 11
PROJECT: BUFFALO PUBLIC SCHOOLS: BPS #64 Frederick Law Olmsted School Bids: Sealed bids will be received at the office of LPCiminelli, Inc., 2421 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14214 at 2:00 PM, on March 22, 2011 for the contracts listed below. FOR RENT 1 & 2 BEDROOMS
Pre-Bid Meeting: A pre-bid meeting will be held at BPS #64, Frederick Law Olmsted School on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 4:00 PM, located at 874 Amherst Street, Buffalo, NY 14216. All bidders are urged to attend.
FILLMORE: Beautiful 1 & 2 BDRM w/appl. $350 & $425 + ref. & Sec. dep. 892-4098.
Site Tours & Information Sessions: Site Tours of BPS #64 will be available immediately following the Pre Bid Meeting.
EAST SIDE APARTMENTS AVAILABLE *Two and Three Bedroom Apartments starting at $395 plus security. Apartments Section 8 Ready. Call 836-8686.
Contracts: The Project will be constructed using a multiple subcontract format. The following subcontracts will be bid at this time: ** ** **
Contract 100 – Asbestos Abatement / Demolition Contract 101 – General Construction Contract 205 – Structural Steel Contract 103 – Roofing Contract 104 – Windows Contract 105 – Drywall/Acoustical Contract 106 – Painting Contract 107 – Plumbing Contract 108 – HVAC Contract 109 – Electrical
A.C. Ware Manor Apartments A Great Place to Call Home 134 Spring Street Buffalo, NY 14204 (716) 854-0636 Fax 854-0631
** “Bidders on Contract 101 General Construction, Contract 105 Drywall/Acoustical and Contract 106 Painting MUST BE a Certified Woman Owned Business Enterprise or a Certified Minority Owned Business Enterprise as defined in Specification Section 00900 Development and Diversification Plan for Workforce and Business, Section II Business Development and Diversification Rules”.
IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY For Seniors 62 Yrs. And Older One Bedroom Apartments Include Appliances Wall-to-Wall Carpet Off Street Parking Laundry Facilities Community Room Electronic Door Entry System 24-Hour Surveillance Cameras Located on Major Bus Lines
The following Contracts will be bid at a later date: Contract 901 – Building Systems Contract 906 – Flooring Contract 920 – Security (DWT) Coordination between Contracts 100, 101, 205, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, and 109 and Contracts 901, 906 and 920 will be required. Workforce and Business Diversification: It is the policy of the Program Provider to provide equal opportunity for all qualified individuals and businesses, to prohibit discrimination, and to promote full realization of equal opportunity through positive continuing programs. Refer to Section 00900 of the Project Manual, “Development and Diversification Plan for Workforce and Business”. Definitions: The Owner shall be defined as the City of Buffalo City School District as Agent for the Erie County Industrial Development Agency (ECIDA), Buffalo N.Y. and the Joint School Construction Board. The Owner has retained the services of LPCiminelli, Inc. as Program Packaging and Development Services Provider herein after referred to as the Program Provider. The Architect for BPS #64 shall be defined as Hamilton Houston Lownie Architects, LLC. Opening of Bids: The proposals will be privately opened. Consideration of Bids: The Program Provider reserves the right to waive any informality in the bid proposals, to reject any or all bids, or to issue any contract which it deems to be in the best interest of the Project. Bidding Documents: The Bidding Documents may be obtained starting on February 23, 2011, through Reprocraft located at 282 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14202, upon the deposit of $100 per set, by check made payable to LPCiminelli, Inc. Bid deposit will be refunded to bidders returning the Bidding Documents in good condition within 30 days of the Bid Date. To obtain Bidding Documents, contact Reprocraft at (716) 847-6262. Bidding Documents may be examined at the following locations: LPCiminelli, Inc. – 2421 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14214 Buffalo Board of Education Plant Services Department – Room 406 City Hall, Buffalo, NY 14202 Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, 2660 William Street, Cheektowaga, NY 14227 Reed Construction Data, On-Line Viewing Site Only: Builders Exchange, Inc., 180 Linden Oaks, Suite 100, Rochester, NY 14625-2837 Southern Tier Builders Association, 65 East Main St, Falconer, NY 14733 The Outsource Center, 1649 Fillmore Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14211 McGraw Hill Construction: Other locations where contractors and subcontractors normally view plans. Plan Holders List: An updated Plan Holders List may be obtained by accessing LPCiminelli’s website at www. The list is updated on a daily basis and can be found under “Bidding” and the school name. Requests for Information: Requests for Information regarding BPS #64 Bid Documents shall be submitted in writing to the attention of Wally Wright at LPCiminelli, Inc., fax: (716) 854-6655 or email: . END OF SECTION 00100 Page 12
discover allenhurst bidS
Affordable monthly rent based On 30%of your gross annual Wages and utility allowance Deduction. Updated 2 bedroom Townhomes. Attached garages. Private entrances. Appliances Included. Laundry hookups. Amherst School District. Metro & Bus lines. Convenient location.Sec. 8 affordable housing. 42A Oxford Avenue Amherst, NY 14226 838-5850 or 853-1548
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Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
1710 Calumet, Niagara Falls, NY 14305 716-278-9678 | Comfort and Convenience At Rents You Can Live With Financials: • Rental Assistance Available (Resident Pays 30% of Income) • Utility Allowance: $119 to $197 Monthly, Depending on Unit Size • What’s Included in Rent = Public Lighting, Apartment Maintenance, Landscaping, Snow Removal Eligibility: • Maximum Annual Income: 1 person = $26,760, 2 persons = $30,600, 3 persons = $34,440, 4 persons = $38,220, 5 persons = $41,280, 6 persons = $44,340, 7 persons = $47,400, 8 persons = $50,460 • Applications Available Now • Additional Information: Norstar Property Management (716) 278-9678
CHALLENGERCN.COM • (P) 716 881-1051 (F) 716 881-1053
FEBRUARY 23, 2011
bidS Invitation to Bid - NFTA Procurement
Hydraulic Hose & Fittings See to download bid documents.
INVITATION TO BID The NFTA is soliciting construction bids for Project No. 12NA0502, NFIA – Runway 6-24 Safety Area Improvement, Bid No. E-447 on March 22, 2011.
Dear Birthday Girl: Congratulations! It seems you were wise enough to discuss the matter with Richard in private. You probably already knew that “Discretion Is the Better of Valor. Dear Eve: How should I have confronted a rather rude guest?
THE BANK OF NEW YORK, SUCCESSOR TO JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.,AS TRUSTEE, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE OF THE POOLING AND SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS OF APRIL 1, 2005 FIRST FRANKLIN MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2005-FF5 ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-FF5; Plaintiff(s) vs. GARY W. COLEMAN, JR.; et al; Defendant(s) Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s): ROSICKI, ROSICKI & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 2 Summit Court, Suite 301, Fishkill New York 12524 (845) 897-1600 Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale granted herein on or about March 6, 2009, I will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder at the foreclosure alcove, Erie County Hall, 92 Franklin Street, Buffalo, NY 14202. On March 14, 2011 at 9:30 AM Premises known as 395 DEARBORN AVE., BUFFALO, NY 14207 Section: 88.25 Block: 7 Lot: 34 ALL THAT TRACT, OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, being part of Lot Number 155 of the Parish Tract. As more particularly described in the judgment of foreclosure and sale. Sold subject to all of the terms and conditions contained in said judgment and terms of sale. Approximate amount of judgment $47,916.23 plus interest and costs. INDEX NO. 08-7845 TIFFANY M. KOPACZ, Esq., REFEREE
It was my birthday. I was entertaining at my house. One of the guests was quite rude. He even went so far as to refer to a person as a “pain in the butt.” This was a person he had just met that night. I noticed that the rude guest laughed, but the insulted person was offended by it. I took my rude guest (I’ll call him Richard) to another room, and suggested that he refrain from doing this. He said that was his way of being and there was no way for him to change now. I politely asked Richard to leave and gave him a plate of food for him to take with him. Reluctantly he left. I like Richard. I didn’t want any trouble; will he ever come back again? What more could I have done? -The Birthday Girl
How long have you known Richard? Do you really want him to come back? I believe that you handled the situation quite well – or at least with satisfaction enough for you to enjoy the balance of the evening in peace. As a result, why not consider yourself a “Peace Maker?”
All it takes is about an hour to gain peace of mind by preplanning your cemetery property needs.
Call the Forest Lawn office today at
885-1600 and ask for Family Service Representative Karen Davis. FEBRUARY 23, 2011
1411 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, New York 14209
Tuesdays 12 NOON - 1
INTERNAL AUDITOR Job Number 031-10-N
The Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority is recruiting for an Internal Auditor. This position will be responsible for conducting and coordinating operational, internal, contract and compliance audits of operating activities throughout our organization. Qualified candidates will possess a Bachelor’s degree with a major in accounting, three years of relevant experience in public accounting or internal auditing. Strong verbal and written communication skills are required. The position offers a competitive salary and benefits package. Please submit an employment application, resume and salary requirement to: NFTA Human Resources 181 Ellicott Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Application Deadline: March 4, 2011 The Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer.
The Year to Remember! You know you should do it, and this is the time. Prices will never be more affordable than right now to make burial arrangements for you and your family at Forest Lawn. Select from many burial options: • Estate • Mausoleum • Feature • Traditional • Cremation
The Bible reads in Matthew 5:9: Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called the Children of God.
Legal Services for the Elderly seeks a full-time paralegal, 2-7 years experience. The ideal candidate will have a strong work ethic, a demonstrated commitment to public service, the ability to work well with others and a willingness to “go the extra mile”. Spanish speaking preferred. Send resume and cover letter to No phone calls please. EOE Van Driver Needed for Sundays Only. For further information please contact Eliza Jones, 832-6920 or Mildred Richards, 688-7177. ADVERTISING PAYS
bidS Scrufari Construction Co.
Seeking M/WBE subcontractors to quote New Technology Building at Buffalo State, Bid Date: March 15, 2011 EEO Employer 282-1225
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) ENVIRONMENTAL, HEALTH & SAFETY CONSULTING SERVICES The Erie County Department of Public Works is seeking Qualification Statements for comprehensive, professional, environmental, health & safety consulting services at various Erie County facilities. Consultants will assist in compliance with Federal Agencies including, but not limited to the requirements of OSHA, DOT, SARA, EPCRA, RCRA, CBS, CWA, CAA, and TSCA. Submit (1) original and (3) copies of your Qualification Statements to Erie County Dept of Public Works, attn: Gary M. Zawodzinski, Deputy Commissioner, 95 Franklin Street, Room 1400, Buffalo, NY 14202 on or before 10 a.m. on Thursday, March 10, 2011. The following is a general framework of services that could be provided, but not be limited to, by the Engineering firm(s) selected: multi-media environmental audit; EPA Self-Audit Program; Stormwater Discharge; used oil management; petroleum storage tanks; hazardous and universal waste management; air emissions sources; safety compliance; safety program review and consideration; and safety training, review, and considerations. Services will not be limited by this framework. Instead, the scope of services will be tailored to the project, its budget, schedule and extent of work. Erie County DPW reserves the right to reject any or all Statement of Qualifications. This invitation does not commit the DPW to accept any Statement of Qualifications and does not obligate the DPW for any cost associated with the preparation of the same. Detailed RFQ instructions are available at
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619-650-759-918-956-709-301-965-605-700941-359-615-036-770-983-490-118-109-147685-958-936-407-714-127-799-038-759-159 On-Going Events
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Dance Lessons with Smooth Steppers: Urban Line Dance, smooth style Ballroom, Steppin’ and Swing; CRUCIAL Center, 230 Moselle St., Saturdays at noon; Tuesdays at 6 p.m. $3; 633-7813. *Line Dancing With Pearl Harris: 6-7 p.m. Pratt Willert Community Center, 422 Pratt St. donation $2. Wednesdays *Community Dance and African Drumming Classes: African American Cultural Center, 350 Masten Avenue, 3 p.m. Saturdays and 5 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays; $15 monthly; visit more information *Line Dancing Lessons, First Shiloh Baptist Church, 15 Pine St., 6:30 p.m. Fridays. 847-6555. Free. *Line Dance Lessons: 10 a.m.-Noon; Martha Mitchell Center, 175 Oakmont St.; 444-2046 or 833-1038, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday 6-7:30 pm; $2 *Line Dance by George Patterson: 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.; Delavan Grider Center, 896-7021, Mondays & Thursdays. *June-Teenth Afrikan Family Time Drum Dance and Song: 6-8:30 p.m.; GatewayLongview Family Resource Center, 347 Ferry Street. Fridays * Argentine Tango Every Monday with Travis Widrick 7 - 10 p.m. 1st hour beginners lesson,The Gallery @ Chow Chocolat, 731 Main St. *Salsa Night Every Wednesday with Calvin and Fanny 7 - 10 p.m .1st hour beginners lesson The Gallery @ Chow Chocolat 731 Main St. *Latin Night 1st/3rd Friday with Chun Poh, Salsa, Merengue, ChaCha, Bachata 8 p.m.- midnight, Chow Chocolat 731 Main St. *Urban Ballroom Stepping, Swing, Beginners Salsa (all classes $3, 633-7813); Tuesdays 6-7 p.m. Urban Line Dancing; 7-8 p.m. Ballroom Stepping; Saturdays 1-3 p.m. Ballroom Stepping, West Coast Swing, Beginners Salsa. *Urban Line Dance: Learn some of the latest hot line dances,Mondays Old 600 Club, Mondays 7-9 p.m.; Wednesdays 6:15-8 p.m., ,St. Philips 15 Fernhill.
*Open Mic Poetry: 6:30-9 p.m.; EM Tea Coffee Cup Café, 80 Oakgrove St.
*Senior Fitness Class: 9:45-10:45 a.m.; Delavan Grider Center, 877 E. Delavan; 896-7021; Wednesdays *Exercise for Health: 9:30-10:30; Edward A. Saunders Center, 2777 Bailey Avenue; 332-4381 Thursdays *Open Gym: 5-8 p.m.; Delavan Grider Center, 877 E. Delavan; 896-7021. Fridays *Tae-Kwan-do: 6-8 p.m.; Delavan Grider Center, 877 E. Delavan; 896-7021. Mondays & Fridays Page 14
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CHALLENGERCN.COM • (P) 716 881-1051 (F) 716 881-1053
FEBRUARY 23, 2011
Celebrating Black History Thru Dance Miss Barbara’s School of Dance, the oldest African American owned and operated dance school in the History of the City of Buffalo, is wrapping up its special schedule of classes for Black History Month. *Adult African Dance: Wednesday Feb. 23 from 7-8:30 p.m. with Robin Hibbert *Hearty Cardio Exercise: Saturday 9-10 a.m. *Children’s Jazz: Saturday, Feb. 26, 2-3 p.m. (ages 6 to 12) and 3-4 (ages 13 and older) *Zumba: Saturday 3-4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26 -Special One Day WorkshopMegan Evans, daughter of Curtis and Carmen Evans, is currently a dancer with Garth Fagan Dance Company and former dancer with Ballet Creole, Toronto. She will return to Buffalo to teach a one day workshop on Saturday, February 26 in the Dunham Technique, Fagan Technique, Afro Caribbean and Ballet. Megan, who studied dance at Miss
Sunday February 27
Wednesday February 23
Saturday February 26
Erie County Prisoners Rights Coalition Holding Center Demonstration: 5-6 p.m.; Delaware at Church, Strategy Meeting, 14 Allen Street 6-7.
“Taste of Soul” Cooking Competition & Family Festival Celebrating Black History Month: Noon-3 p.m.; ECC City College Atrium, 121 Ellicott St. Sponsored by Buffalo Urban League and tops Friendly Markets. (716) 250-2446.
Uncrowned Queens 10th Anniversary Celebration 2011 Culture Keeper Awards: Buffalo Museum of Science, 1020 Humboldt Parkway, 4-7 p.m., free and open to the public.
Sunday February 27
Prisoners Are People Too, on Monday, February 28 at the Pratt-Willert Community Center, 422 Pratt Street, from 6:30 – 8:30pm, we will revisit the challenges of reentry Tuesday March 1
Judge Robert Russell Fundraiser: 5:307:30 p.m., Buffalo Choop House, 282 Franklin St.; $150 per person; $225 coupl Board of Education Meeting: 5:30 p.m.; Room 801 City Hall. Thursday February 24
9th Annual WNY Black Film Festival: 6 p.m.; Market Arcade Film and Arts Centre, 639 Main St.; tickets $5; call 851-5145.
Monday February 28
Community Discussion “Past Forward Discussion Series”: 6-9 p.m.; Downtown Central Library; 1 Lafayette Sq.; topic “Our Daily Bread: Organized Labor Then and Now”; free; open to public. Pictured (adults l-r) Janine Glover, instructor, Miss Barbara and Megan. The students are Shiyla Mitchell, Sanaa Jones and Nya Garcia.
Barbara’s studio for 12 years, went on to dance professionally with Ballet Creole in Toronto and is now a dancer with Garth Fagan's Bucket Dance Company in Rochester. She recently conducted classes at the studio for several classes. Megan is truly a success story. “Her parents were tremendous supporters of the school all the years Megan was a student at the studio,” said Miss Barbara. “It was her mom who headed all the fundraisers for our two Disney performances and our New York City Competition in which the students took class with Savion Glover and Frank Hatchett.”
Soup Kitchen Cold Spring COGICJ is sponsoring a Soup Kitchen every Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and a Bread Giveaway from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Joseph Wallace is pastor. Call (716) 882-2052 for more information.
Friday February 25 A Back Tie For Back History Extravaganza: 7-11 p.m.; Blush, 1389 Delaware Ave.; donation $20; tickets available at Doris Records; call 883-2410. Black Social Workers Inc: monthly meeting Friday, Feb. 24 @ 6 p.m., CAO, 70 6 p.m. Bennett Wells Post 1780 American Legion: Membership Drive, 2-4 p.m., East Delavan Ave. 892-2411. Saturday February 26 Omega Psi Phi Memorial Talent Hunt Competition For High School Students: Buffalo State College, Student Union, 1300 Elmwood Ave; 6-8 P.M., Free; 228-2911 or 465-5343 for info. B.O.S.S. (Buffalo’s Own Smooth Steppers) Ballroom, Chicago Steppin & Swing Classes: 10 a.m.-12Noon, 313 Fougeron St.; rubber sole shoes please.
FEBRUARY 23, 2011
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Pictured above, scenes from community activist and columnist Darnell Jackson’s combination birthday and wedding anniversary bald inside the old wonder Bread Building. A good time was had by all! Happy birthday Darnell! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Jackson! CHALLENGER PHOTOS
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CHALLENGERCN.COM • (P) 716 881-1051 (F) 716 881-1053
FEBRUARY 23, 2011