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Upskilling You
Commit to your own long-term success and to the ongoing success of your business!
Lifelong learning reaps tremendous bene ts, both personally and professionally. The willingness to engage with learning allows individuals to future proof their skills in the new era of technology and automation; allowing individuals to prolong and further their career and improve their prospects.
For companies, encouraging lifelong learning amongst employees will promote engagement, motivation and will contribute to the overall productivity and competitiveness of the enterprise as well as talent retention.
Cork Chamber Skillnet’s subsidised training courses/programmes are designed to exceed the needs of our member companies in the Cork region. Allow us to support you and stay on top of your game!
Management Development:
• Supervisory Management (QQI L6) • Training Delivery & Evaluation (QQI L6)
• Leading with Emotional Intelligence • Team Leader Programmes
Professional Skills:
• Dale Carnegie High Impact Presentations • Project Management Essentials
• MS Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook) • Google Analytics
For more information
W: www.corkchamber.ie/training E: training@corkchamber.ie P : 021 4530141