Australian New Works Award

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Australian New Works Award

overview rules and regulations Applications Close: 31 January 2015 World Premiere: 18 July 2015




inspired by a rich history of great composers, created for a new age of chamber music

Chamber Music Australia is proud to present the inaugural Australian New Works Award to celebrate and promote Australian chamber music repertoire. Open to Australian citizens of any age, this composition award will feature two streams: the Australian New Work for Piano Trio and the Australian New Work for String Quartet. The winning work from each stream will receive its world premiere as part of the Final Round repertoire of the 7th Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition on Saturday 18 July 2015. The Australian New Works Award is an opportunity to highlight the current sounds of Australian writing and is a joint initiative of Monash University and Chamber Music Australia.

About the Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition (MICMC) The 7th Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition (11-19 July 2015) is open to the best young piano trios and string quartets from across the globe and is presented by Chamber Music Australia in collaboration with Melbourne Recital Centre in Melbourne, Australia. This prestigious competition is held every four years and is renowned for its integrity and high standard of performance. The Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition is a member of the World Federation of International Music Competitions.



Australian New Work for Piano Trio Australian New Work for String Quartet

AUD$10,000 AUD$15,000

application process All applications are to be submitted online by 31 January 2015 via Acceptd, Chamber Music Australia’s official application partner.

further information



MARCH 2015

Professor Paul Grabowsky AO Australian pianist, composer and Executive Director, Academy of Performing Arts, Monash University

JULY 2015

Professor Mary Finsterer Chamber Music Australia Chair of Composition, Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music, Monash University


Kim Williams AM Chair

31 JANUARY 2015 Close of Applications for the Australian New Works Award Selection Round

31 March 2015 Winner of each stream advised by phone and email

11-16 JULY 2015 Preliminary Rounds 7th Melbourne International Chamber Music Competiton

Benjamin Woodroffe | General Manager 18 JULY 2015 Chamber Music Australia PO Box 325 South Yarra Victoria 3141 Australia Telephone +61 3 9682 3411 Email: Website:

Final Round 7th Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition World premiere performances of the Australian New Works Award and presentation ceremony, Melbourne Recital Centre

official rules & regulations 1.


1.1 There are two composition streams that Applicants may enter: Australian New Work for Piano Trio and Australian New Work for String Quartet. Applicants may submit one (1) work to either or both streams. 1.2 The Australian New Works Award will have two (2) stages: a Selection Round and a World Premiere. 1.3 The Selection Round will select those works that comply with these Rules, that are of a sufficiently high standard to take part in the Award and where one work is selected as the winner from each stream. 1.4 The composer of the winning work from each stream will be informed by 31 March 2015. 1.5 The World Premiere performance and Award presentation ceremony of the winning work from each stream will be performed by finalist ensembles in the Final Round of the 7th Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition (MICMC) on Saturday 18 July 2015 at Melbourne Recital Centre. There will be three ensembles in each stream who will perform the winning work as part of their repertoire requirements.



3.1 The Application must be submitted by 11.59pm, Saturday 31 January 2015. 3.2 All applications are to be submitted online via Acceptd, Chamber Music Australia’s official application partner. An Application that is not correctly and fully submitted online through Acceptd will not be considered for the Award. 3.3 The Applicant must submit a score with complete instrumentation. If a work is chosen as the winner, each instrumental part must be supplied in digital format to Chamber Music Australia by Friday 24 April 2015. 3.4 All submitted scores, whether hand written or digital, must be of a legible and professional standard and be in pdf format. 3.5 A non-refundable administration charge of twenty-five US dollars (USD$25) is payable upon submission of the Application. The conversion fee is correct at the time of publication. 3.6 Applicants must submit the following supporting documents with their Application:

2.1 The Award is open to all persons with current Australian Citizenship and Applicants can be of any age.

a) A certified copy of passport, birth certificate or proof of Australian citizenship, confirming the date and place of birth of the Applicant.

2.2 The submitted work(s) must be original compositions that have not been previously published or performed.

b) One (1) curriculum vitae with the particulars of training, awards, diplomas and/or recordings of the Applicant.

c) One (1) recent colour, publication-quality photographic image of the composer in digital format and in high resolution (a minimum resolution of 300 DPI) for publication and publicity purposes.



2.3 The duration of each submitted work is to be no less than seven (7) minutes and no more than ten (10) minutes. 2.4 The submitted work(s) must not have been entered in any other award or competition in Australia or abroad, be it composition or performance.

d) Two (2) typewritten biographies of the composer suitable for publicity as follows: (i) One (1) 100 word biography of the composer in English (ii) One (1) 250 word biography of the composer in English.

Both biographies must be submitted in Microsoft Word and PDF format. Applicants whose first language is not English must provide professional standard translations of biographic material in English.

4.6 The composer will hold all copyright to the submitted work(s) however it is the composer’s responsibility to ensure there are no copyright issues that could affect the submitted work(s).

e) One (1) 250-word typewritten summary by the composer on the submitted work(s).



3.7 Applicants may submit with the Application an audio recording (with high fidelity sound) of their work(s) as optional supporting material. The audio recording must not exceed the permitted time limit.

5.1 The winning composer of each stream shall not reveal his or her name or the work to any media or press (including social media) before an official announcement has been made by Chamber Music Australia.

3.8 In submitting an Application, each Applicant certifies that the information contained in the Application, the required documents and any audio recordings submitted are all true and correct and are not misleading or deceptive, and that no material information has been omitted or deleted. Chamber Music Australia will acknowledge receipt of each completed Application submitted online with the required documents and payment of the administration fee. Chamber Music Australia may use any information submitted, including names and photographs, for promotional and other purposes of the Award, without payment of any fee.

5.2 By participating in the Award, the winner of each stream allows Chamber Music Australia the full performance rights for the world premiere of the winning work at the Final Round of the 7th Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition without any financial remuneration.

4. COMPOSITION 4.1 Submitted works must be written for either piano trio (violin, cello, piano) or string quartet (violin 1, violin 2, viola, cello). 4.2 Applicants must ensure that the timings for each submitted work do not exceed the permitted time limit. The jury may, in its absolute discretion, disregard works that run overtime. 4.3 The work(s) submitted by an Applicant and listed in the Application are a final choice. 4.4 The Applicant must not permit any public performance of the submitted work(s) prior to the 7th Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition. 4.5 Repeats in a work are permitted, provided that the total length of the work does not exceed the permitted time limit.

5.3 Chamber Music Australia reserves the right to the first performance of the winning works following the conclusion of the 7th Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition. 5.4 Chamber Music Australia has the right, without payment of any fee, to televise, film, videotape, record, broadcast, photograph, web stream (live and on demand) or download (video and audio) any or all performances of the winning works during the Final Round of the 7th Melbourne International Chamber Music Competiton for any purpose. All rights for the above, including copyright, in such media shall vest in and be owned by Chamber Music Australia, worldwide and in perpetuity. 5.5 Chamber Music Australia has the right to produce and distribute, without limit or payment of any fee, recordings of the Final Round of the 7th Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition featuring the winning works, either in whole or in part (including any prize winner’s concerts.) 5.6 The winner of each stream is expected, where possible, to be available for media, sponsor and promotional appearances in the lead up to and during the 7th Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition. All approaches to and from the media, sponsors and others must be made through and with the approval of Chamber Music Australia.



6.1 The jury for the Award will consist of judges selected by Chamber Music Australia’s Board of Management.

7.1 The winner of the Australian New Work for Piano Trio will receive AUD$10,000. The winner of the Australian New Work for String Quartet will receive AUD$15,000. There will be no singular overall prize winner.

6.2 The jury will consist of a minimum of three (3) judges including a voting Chairman. 6.3 No member of the jury may submit an Application to the Award. 6.4 The scores will be submitted anonymously to the jury members. Applicants must therefore ensure that there are no words, marks or symbols anywhere on the submitted score(s) that could identify the Applicant. 6.5 If a member of the jury is aware that one of his or her pupils has submitted a work to the Award, he or she must notify the Jury Chairman and Chamber Music Australia immediately. 6.6 The jury will make its final decision based on a review of the submitted scores. 6.7 No communication, or attempt to communicate, shall be made by or on behalf of an Applicant with any member of a jury prior to the announcement of the winners of the Award. Any such communication or attempt to communicate may, in the absolute discretion of Chamber Music Australia’s Board of Management, cause that Applicant to be disqualified from participating in the Award. Chamber Music Australia shall have no liability whatsoever in respect of a composer’s disqualification. 6.8 Chamber Music Australia gives no guarantee as to the standing or appropriateness of a jury or any member thereof, or of Chamber Music Australia’s Artistic Committee or any member thereof. Decisions of a jury or Chamber Music Australia’s Artistic Committee are final and may not be challenged or appealed in any forum or on any ground whatsoever.

7.2 All prize money will be paid in Australian dollars. Prize money may be subject to deduction of tax under Australian law, and accordingly each winner should obtain his or her own tax advice. All fees and/or prize monies are payable to prize winners without deduction for artist management. 7.3 The jury may in its absolute discretion, and only in exceptional circumstances, withhold making any award in any category. 8.


8.1 The winner of each stream will be provided with one (1) round trip excursion or economy class air ticket to attend the Final Round of the 7th Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition on Saturday 18 July 2015, departing from one of the selected Australian airports nominated by Chamber Music Australia. Winners must comply with Chamber Music Australia’s instructions regarding ticket issue and are responsible for all travel, accommodation and other expenses incurred by them to reach the nominated airport in time for their departure. 8.2 If a winner is based internationally and wishes to attend the world premiere and presentation ceremony at the Final Round of the 7th Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition on Saturday 18 July 2015, they will be required to cover all costs associated with travel to Melbourne, Australia. 8.3 Chamber Music Australia will provide the winner of each stream with one (1) standard room accommodation for two (2) nights. The winner is responsible for all other accommodation expenses incurred by them. Should the winner wish to arrive earlier, or extend their stay, they must advise Chamber Music Australia in advance. Such extended stays are subject to availability of accommodation, and the winner is responsible for all additional accommodation and breakfast charges.

8.4 Obtaining appropriate and adequate travel insurance is the responsibility of the winner of each stream, and Chamber Music Australia accepts no liability of any kind whatsoever for any personal injury or loss or damage sustained by the winner, including without limitation loss or damage to any belongings in transit or during the winner’s stay in Melbourne. 9.

“Applicant” means a person who has submitted an Application to Chamber Music Australia in compliance with these Rules and Regulations. “Application” means the submission of an Application to enter the Award attached to and forming part of these Rules and Regulations and one that is completed online via the Acceptd website.

“Australian Citizenship” means, for the purpose of these Rules, a person who holds proof of Australian citizenship as per the Australian Citizenship Act 2007.

“Award” means the Australian New Works Award, comprising of the Australian New Work for Piano Trio and the Australian New Work for String Quartet, conducted by Chamber Music Australia as the contracting party with each Applicant.

“Composer” means the author of a piece of music that has been submitted to the Australian New Works Award.

“Fee” includes any fee, payment, commission, royalty, charge, tax or levy of any kind whatsoever, as the context allows.

“Winner” means an Applicant who has won either the Australian New Work for Piano Trio or Australian New Work for String Quartet stream of the Australian New Works Award.

“Work” means an original composition for piano trio or string quartet that has been submitted to the Award.


9.1 In these Rules the following terms have the following meanings:

“Chamber Music Australia” means Chamber Music Australia Inc. - an association incorporated in the State of Victoria under Victoria’s Associations Incorporations Act 1981 registered number AOO18965C and a registered Australian body under the Commonwealth’s Corporations Act 2001 with Australian Registered Body Number ARBN 110 933 303 and Australian Business Number ABN 55 179 308 627.

9.2 From time to time Chamber Music Australia may, in its absolute discretion, make by laws to clarify any of these Rules, and such by laws shall be interpreted, and have the same force and effect, as these Rules. 9.3 Chamber Music Australia reserves the right to alter such details of the Award as may become necessary. 9.4 In these Rules headings are for convenience only, and do not affect interpretation; and unless a contrary intention appears words importing the singular number include the plural number and vice versa. 9.5 By submitting an Application to Chamber Music Australia online via Acceptd every Applicant agrees to be bound by these Rules printed in English. The law of the State of Victoria, Australia, governs these Rules and any contract or other agreement made pursuant to these Rules.















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