HOW CHAMPAGNE SABER IS MADE? When making champagne saber or sword, it all comes back to forging. It is kind of old school when it comes to the process but this produces a fine blade after all. Bars of metals combined with stainless steel or a type of metal will be combined in forging. Until the blade comes into shape. This process will be repeated and soon will be cooled down. This process is required to make the metal in shape with desired properties, strength, and flexibility. Forging comes with hammering the metal heating the metal and hammers the metal again.
Annealing and Grinding When it comes to champagne saber, it will take 24 hours in order to make the sword soft for grinding. As soon as the metal is soft for grinding, the blacksmith will use the grinder to make the pointy edge. This time, since it is not for trusting, the blacksmith will carefully adjust the edge to make it a bit blunt. Having a sharp edge blade is unnecessary when sabering a champagne, The real trick is not the force either but rather what is happening inside the bottle.
Hardening The blacksmith will be heated again to a very high temperature. Some use a quenching tank while others are using technology to reach the temperature for hardening the blade. The machine or the quenching tank allows the metal to cool down quickly which will harden the metal. The process will continue but at much lower temperature. This is called tempering. This can be done repeatedly until the metal reaches its final stage to become a blade.
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