Publisher CHAMPS Trade Shows
Editorial Director
Kevin Dankman
Ad Sales: Kevin Dankman
Office 818-616-7424
Kevin Dankman
Bernie Boulders
The CHAMPS Magazine Staff
Illustrations: Dall-E Cover Art: Art E. Finchál
Design & Layout: Sixxx
MAY 2023
Here we go! The Northeast is one of my favorite regions in America. You have a wide array of people there, from nature-loving Rhode Islanders to the City Dwellers of NYC. They all come to CHAMPS Atlantic City.
One established Brick and Mortar Smoke Shop will win $5,000! On Wednesday @ 4:20.
You must pre-register to win! Don’t wait. Go online and register now! Online Registration ends Monday, May 8th at 2:00 pm!
More and more shops discover the convenience and importance of attending a regional tradeshow each year. These shows tend to bring some smaller, more localized distributors and vendors. These guys can be invaluable as they may offer lower pricing and reduced or no shipping costs.
The show floor map is already available at www.CHAMPSMap.com
This is one of the essential tools at your fingertips. This will allow you to find everyone you KNOW you want to see before you go, thereby being able to map your day out. This way, you can save time from wandering around lost.
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Things to know about the show floor.
1. When you walk in and look at the floor, 1000 Aisle is on the left, and 9000+ is on the right.
2. Signs hang in each aisle, telling you what aisle you are in.
3. Restrooms are located along the outer walls of the hall. Look for signs on the wall high in the air.
4. Food is also located on the walls of the convention center. Quick, easy things like Smoothies, Burgers, and Pizza will be available. (Outside food is not allowed in the Convention Center. This includes cases of water! You know who you are…)
Breakfast and lunch are crucial to everyone working the show floor. If you have enough staff to send people on breaks, DO IT! Send 'em to the best spot in the convention center. Esquires II is located in the train station — fantastic food at budget-friendly prices.
I suggest everything, but try the pork roll on Kaiser for breakfast for a regional flavor! Lunch is also off-the-chain good. I get the Meatball Parm and the Philly, better than anything back home in Florida!
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After the show is closed and everyone heads across the street to the Sheraton, you can expect the crew to head to dinner at one of our many available food options.
You will often catch the crew at local food establishments like the TUN, which is connected to the hotel, and Shoe Bar, which is a great spot to grab a drink between the show and dinner while still at the hotel on the second floor. You will find this is an exciting site for some lively networking after the show.
Some of our other favorite haunts are White House Subs, Angelo's, Angelino's, and of course, Kelsey's Soul Food! You can catch the entire CHAMPS crew at Kelsey's Wednesday night.
Always a good time with lots of good music and a lively atmosphere.
See you there at the Atlantic City Convention Center May 9-11th, 2023!
June is arguably some of the best weather the Chicago/ Rosemont area ever gets. You can expect mild days with highs in the high 70s and cool evenings in the mid-60s. I will definitely take the time to check out the City or take an evening boat ride on the river.
The Chicago/ Rosemont show is one of the most convenient locations possible — just a 25-minute ride from downtown Chicago and three minutes from O’hare International Airport. You did not read that wrong, THREE MINUTES from the airport to the hotel.
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This regional Show is best for the shops in the Midwest but can easily be afforded by shops all over with hundreds of direct flights into O’Hare.
CHAMPS Trade Show has arranged rooms at the Embassy Suites Hotel across from the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center (Formerly the Rosemont Convention Center).
The Embassy offers spacious rooms, complimentary breakfast, and a bunch of other amenities for your stay. It’s a sweet deal, for sure.
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With all these great things happening outside the show, wait till you see what's happening inside the show! The Glass Games team is bringing you another amazing exhibition, including some of the best Milli and Murrini makers in the business, Jerry Kelly, Dave Strobel, and Stephen Boehme. These artists will be doing a Milli Madness exhibition.
I would like to see some Dead Inspired work since The Dead and Co.’s final tour will be the weekend after CHAMPS at Wrigley Field. You can make your trip a business trip and write off a Dead show!
The Sponsors will be there to make sure everyone has a great time and gets plenty of deals to make more profits at home. Be sure to stop at their Booths!
Come join in on the fun and money-making opportunities this June 6th - 8th, 2023, at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois.
With new technologies opening avenues to explore, we at the magazine decided to start research into making these new steps entertain you. The following story and illustrations were entirely written and produced by CHATGPT and Dall-e. Of course, we led the questions that produced the story and edited phrases in the story to create the images. Each phrase is highlighted so you can see what we used.
We hope this brings you some fun light reading and a chance to explore these technologies for yourself.
Once upon a time, there was a man known only as the Dankman. He roamed the wasteland of a post-apocalyptic world, scavenging for survival and avoiding the dangers that lurked around every corner with his team of five amazing survivors.
The Dankman's hair is long and unkempt, and his beard is thick and scraggly. His piercing blue eyes are sharp and alert, scanning the environment for any signs of danger. He is tall and lean, with powerful muscles honed by years of surviving in a world where physical strength and endurance are critical to survival.
On his back, the Dankman carries a large backpack filled with survival gear, including ammunition, food, water, and medical supplies. He also carries a shotgun, his weapon of choice, and a machete strapped to his belt for close combat.
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Overall, Dankman and his team are a force to be reckoned with in the post-apocalyptic world. He is a survivor, a fighter, and a hero to those who have been lucky enough to cross his path. His team consisted of amazing people chosen to travel the world with him
Jackson "Jack" Steele: A former military officer with extensive combat training and leadership skills. Jack is an expert in tactics and strategy, making him an invaluable asset to the team in dangerous situations.
Amira Patel: A skilled medic with experience treating a wide range of injuries and illnesses. Amira is quick on her feet and can easily handle highpressure situations, making her a crucial team member when it comes to health and well-being.
Marcus "Gunner" Thompson: A former gang member with a talent for firearms and explosives. Gunner is a sharpshooter who can handle any weapon thrown his way, and he knows how to make a bang when it counts.
Maya Rodriguez: A survivalist with extensive knowledge of the land and the creatures that inhabit it. Maya is a master of the wilderness, and her tracking and hunting skills make her the go-to member of the team when it comes to finding food and resources.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Rachel Liu: A mechanical genius with a passion for tinkering and building. Rachel can fix just about anything, from cars and weapons to communication devices and even small robots. Her ingenuity and creativity are invaluable to the team's overall survival.
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One day, as the Dankman’s team was wandering through the ruins of an old city, They came across a group of survivors. The survivors were huddled together, trying to fend off a gang of raiders who were attacking them.
Without hesitation, the Dankman’s team leapt into action. He fought off the raiders with his trusty shotgun, and the survivors were amazed at their bravery and skill. They thanked them profusely and asked them to stay with them.
The Team agreed, and soon they became valued members of the survivor group. They helped them build a fortified base, taught them how to grow crops and hunt for food, and trained them in self-defense.
Despite the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world, the Dankman’s team and the survivors managed to thrive. They formed a tight-knit community, and over time they began to rebuild the world that had been destroyed.
As the years passed, the Dankman’s team became a legend among the survivors. Their bravery, resourcefulness, and leadership had helped them survive in a world that seemed hopeless. And though they knew that the world would never be the same as it had been before the apocalypse, they were grateful for the chance to build a new future with the Dankman’s team by their side.
The Dankman had heard rumors that the LA Coliseum was being used as a stronghold by a group of raiders who had allied themselves with a pack of mutated creatures. He knew that if they didn't take action, the raiders and their monsters would soon pose a serious threat to the remaining survivors in the area.
So, they packed their backpacks with ammunition, water, and supplies, and set out on the long journey from the ruins of San Diego to the LA Coliseum. The journey was treacherous, with dangerous mutants and raiders lurking around every turn, but the Dankman was determined to reach his destination.
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When he finally arrived at the Coliseum, he saw that the rumors were true. The raiders had fortified the Coliseum and were using it as a base of operations to launch attacks on nearby settlements. The mutants they had allied themselves with were unlike any creatures the Dankman had ever seen before - some were covered in spines, while others had tentacles instead of arms.
The Dankman knew that his team had to act fast if they were going to put a stop to the raiders and their monstrous allies. They approached the Coliseum under the cover of darkness and took out the guards. Then, they entered the Coliseum and began fighting their way through the raiders and mutants.
It was a grueling battle, with the Dankman facing off against hordes of enemies armed with everything from guns to claws. But he was relentless, and he fought with his team, taking down raiders and mutants left and right.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of fighting, the Dankman’s team emerged victorious. The raiders had been defeated, and the mutants had fled back into the wilderness. The LA Coliseum was once again safe, and the remaining survivors in the area could breathe a sigh of relief.
The Dankman’s team was hailed as heroes, and their legend grew even stronger. They had traveled from San Diego to the LA Coliseum, fighting raiders, mutants, and monsters along the way. They knew that there would always be dangers in the post-apocalyptic world. They were determined to keep fighting for the survival of humanity.