5 Reasons Why Pranayama is Healthy for You? Pranayama, or control of breathing, is an exercise that includes various breathing exercises. Pranayama helps build equilibrium between the mind and body, leading to a healthy and relaxed state. The best time to do pranayama is early in the morning, when you get fresh air and your stomach is empty. If you’re looking for a pranayama expert, you can consult Chamunda Swami Ji, to understand how to practice Pranayama for your well-being.
Here are 5 reasons why pranayama is healthy for you1. Relieves stress Stress and anxiety have become a common part of our lives. Pranayama can help you get over these mental issues and achieve peace. Simple breathing exercises can help you destress and unwind. 2. Improves concentration Pranayama yogic techniques can help you achieve a calmer mind and improve your concentration. Breathing techniques, together with meditation, can help you restrict unnecessary thoughts that plague your mind. 3. Aids in digestion If you suffer from digestive problems, like stomach ache, gas, acidity, constipation, etc., then pranayama can offer you great relief. However, there are specific pranayama exercises for the digestive system. These exercises help eliminate toxins and cleanse your system.
4. Lowers blood pressure If there is an abnormal increase in your blood pressure, it can lead to problems with time, such as cardiovascular diseases. Pranayama can help cure conditions that lead to high blood pressure, thus improving blood circulation and lowering the risk of heart attack or stroke. 5. Boosts energy levels Just as your physical state can affect your breathing, in a similar way your breathing can affect your physical state. You must have experienced that if your breathing is slow and shallow, you’ll feel low mind-body energy, whereas deep and fast breathing can take your energy to higher levels. Research shows that pranayama breathing can positively impact the brain, and detoxify the nervous system. If you’re looking to achieve a steady mind and a healthy body, try practicing pranayama every day, but under proper guidance of a spiritual healer, like Chamunda Swami Ji. You can go throgh the Chamunda Swami Ji reviews online to know how Swami Ji helps positively. Address Chamunda Swami Ji Healing Centre 47, W Nicholai Street Hicksville, NY-11801 info@ChamundaSwamiJi.com Phone: +1-516-933-7590