Insomnia and Its Types Insomnia is a sleeping disorder where a person has difficulty in falling asleep and/or staying asleep. People suffering from insomnia usually exhibit symptoms like difficulty in falling asleep, waking up too early in the morning, waking up in the night and having trouble going back to sleep, and feeling tired upon waking up.
Types of Insomnia Primary Insomnia – In primary insomnia, there are no other underlying medical conditions that are causing or are directly associated with insomnia. Secondary Insomnia – Secondary insomnia means that the person is having sleeping problems because of something else. This can be a health condition (asthma, arthritis or cancer) or due to medications that they are taking or even due to substance abuse, like alcohol or drugs. Acute & Chronic Insomnia Insomnia can vary in how often and long it lasts. Acute insomnia is the short-term form of the condition, while the long-term form is called chronic insomnia. Insomnia can also come and go, interrupted by periods when a person has no symptoms or problems associated with the condition. Acute insomnia is known to last from one night to a few weeks. Insomnia is called chronic when a person has trouble sleeping for at least 3 nights a week, for a period of a month of longer. Treatment
Acute insomnia usually doesn’t require treatment and can be cured by practicing good sleep habits. Chronic insomnia treatments include treating any underlying condition that is causing the problem. Behavioral therapy can also help in insomnia. Chamunda Swami Ji, a leading practitioner of spiritual healing, provides cures for conditions like insomnia through a combination of mantra, tantra, and yantra powers. Under Chamunda Swami Ji’s guidance, individuals heal, so that they can pursue their best life. He provides concrete guidance and solutions to those seeking health and spiritual enlightenment.
To know more visit us Chamunda Swami Ji Healing Centre 47, W Nicholai Street Hicksville, NY-11801