Spiritual Healing for Your Soul and Body The human body, which houses our spirit, is capable of healing itself and can also heals others through the spirit. Spiritual healing is possibly the oldest form for attainment of peace and also the simplest in its application. The healing energies are often channeled through a medium and are transferred to the patient. For instance, Chamunda Swami Ji provides healing by detecting the optimal energy alignment inside an individual’s auric fields.
The process of healing through magnetic waves The healing energies, which are non-physical, have a faster frequency and vibratory rates than the energies of the physical body. In effect, healing is an energy transfer from the healing guides through the spirit of the healer, directed to the spirit of the patient. At Chamunda Swami Ji’s healing center, various meditative and yogic techniques are put into use for healing, prior to when the disciples are given an opportunity to share their questions and concerns. When the magnetic healing process is successful and a link is made between the spirit healing energies, the healer often finds himself with a reduction in spirit energies and the patient, on the other hand, feels re-vitalized and charged up when the energies have been received.
Spiritual Healing with Chamunda Swami ji Chamunda Swami Ji has equipped himself with effective methods of spiritual healing after rigorous spiritual training for over three decades. His solutions, in the form of ancient healing remedies and mantras, are renowned for individualization, based on his enlightening guidance. Swami ji believes that every individual is unique and so are their problems, which is why disciples at the center are given unique solutions that are never replicated. Every individual is given a sadhna plan, along with a mantra, as their spiritual remedy varies according to their personal needs.
Address: Chamunda Swami Ji Healing Centre 47, W Nicholai Street Hicksville, NY-11801 info@ChamundaSwamiJi.com Phone: +1-516-933-7590