Resonant and reflective

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So4fld ·~g.:- ¢f~ctive it's like being inside a cello .



· ~esein~u4eJ!~~~l!S~. Singer. . Th~ewereusuallyrectaiighlarboxphonyHaD;·~e·¥~ye~c>p..5Ynii>~~ny "It's like being inside a cello," ~oon es encrusted with cherubim and; gilt. Ceri~ in Qallas ana theJack Singer · says as we step over power leads into Acoustical miracles;like Vienna's muConcert H3ll ill calgary. ·, . . the aroutectural curves of the main sic hall, these spaces, such as survive, Foronce friti t:niSted:i:iCiye~ing, facility, the Chan Shun Concert Hall. remain perfect to thiS 'day. reading the' massive p~i.·bOOk tll,'a,t The room with its 1,400 seats is ar~ But eager to cram in as many people came in the·mantroni~ EVeri · ranged_in a reverse-fan cOnfigUration as possible, architects ofthe post-war Harold Schonberg: mUslc'cni:ic enieri- so that'sound can't accumulate at the boom created all:·purpose civic crates tus of.71ttN~ Y:ork Tirit~/med ' · _ back. To go by the stainless stecl.St:ruts like the Qu~ EHzabeth Theatre, ab.O.utthe ~ooUsti~ ~f~a,iy'sJ~~-, at ceUing level, it seems more like a ~ch were. ~much tQ6large, -: guitar. · ·' ~e:.~.erybodypassably and noEvery light-white-maple, plumuuu,. wcu_ : velour-seat is close to the stage (none VciStsp;lces like the QET and the Orfarther away than 95 feet), suggesting phe~ - ·.. _. eatre_are, as well, often fiBesides the concert hall,' the Chan :tttat ~ere's not a bad one in.the nan · ,:disastrous to presenters, c;entJ:e includes: 'hopse.. . . who. te.tlyopthatyoucanlose :;.All surlaces are reflective, With con- ~ur-sbin o* even Stich magnificent -A ~dlo th88tre: studio . · -crete. flooring instead ofcaq>et w_hich. aitiSts as th~Sipger:Arnie Sofie Von . ~atfe: a. flexibt~ space.. ·. :WOUld tQ ~tOO sound-absOib,en~;lhe~:, ~ort}le~Aiidras SChiff. _:-~ng betw~en 100.and ~:aepumc eqntrol ist~entJte\star.~ ::~fJ'Ii¥.'venu~Bie.~ffe'n·.lD<> big to sell 250. 'ranging from erid-set..Up .' W~ ~imd-refleci:ing canopYthat::.:.f }o_~t.-=.- : .'· " '5.. · · · . ·· - to_ to .in-the-round :hoVel'S over the stage: a 37-tonn_e diSC· ,,· ·.·,,'-Therefore; it's not SUrprising that , and cabaret format. It will s6 dt$catelyeounterbalanCedby37: !. • many local co~es sho¢d have complement the 416-seat · tonne8 of concrete that' only a~ : ' .'thcit:eyes ori the mediUin-sized Chan Frederick Wood proscenium motor is needed to raiSe or loW& it, in'- centre, includingVanco\.wer Early theatre and .replace the accordance with the numberofmusiMusic, New MusicVancouver, the · SOmers~t Studio for many clans ben~th it. For a full orchestra it\. V~ootwerCham~ and Bach Choirs student works. · zooms up; developi.Qg the sonority: theY~couverRecital Society and ·..for,theU;ttimate acoustic needed by a iha!lY.tither organizations.-· ._ · . Afllm scr~nl.,g·r~om with solo gui~. for~ample, it will -~;)~t evel'_yone who plays here.Will ' '' . -a~ut::l.QO seats for .film. lowered.-·. . · · ·_,,, -- -Jr."r· toplaywell. -· . ct~s. lectures and 'For everything else, from string> . / .~ - · ~oi:mpgioAitec, the Chan Ceo,- . · ·entertalnrrie'nt screenings. quartet to I?rass quintet to spoken ~~~ ·cotist,ics are not inclined to forword,itcanWcah'brated tozooniin- · · . give~ Qppytei:hpique;Amongthe ~ ThoUgh these venues are contiguous, between. It is illuminated by more priine prQmises tif the Chan's canopy none of them·is struct~ral/y linked to .~an 400 lightbulbs. · -• is that mtis.icians will at leastbe able the other..There are no beams to relay ·to hear one a,nothe~ play. Similarly adjustable is the soundthe ruinous bass boom that you may absorbing drapeiy that will line the · In a three-week spring festival from have heard from a rock band at the walls. . . Queen Elizabeth Theatre while you _. The canopy and the drapery are were tr'r;rig to make out a play or a sonic co~stars in replicating the per~ string quartet at Vancouver Playhouse. fection of the great 19th-century Eu-.' .fopean concert halls.

...:Areii8t to hear· ._·. .




re. . . ·.

IN THE ROUND: BC Tel Studio'ttMiatre at the Chan centre

May 11 to 25, the acoustics will be departments; the idea is that the~ tested to the maximum in a pro~ Centre sustain itself through box-of~ . that ranges from solo guitar (Clujsto- ' and ~ven p~t its events,- pherParkening)tofullorchestra(th,e sayslf~- .;"~ -·, .· ~·, r. VSO performing one of the biggest ~e idei( bring in as many . ,.._ noise-makers in the classical rep: . · things as,poSs~le.". .'.- -. . · :.., Rimsky-Korsakov's Pictures From an. . And inteieStin the Chan Centre is·.... Exhibition) to the premiere of the not restricted to the loCal and riatio..h · British composer Peter Maxwell al, Noon adds: "New York agents are:~ Davies' oratorio Job with the Vancousalivatipg." . .-·. _· . . •. ver Bach Choir (the latter event on There maybe a feW problems~ it9o May 11 will be first public concert in out, hoWever. Leila Getz, wbo'r uns .;. the Chan Centre). Vancouver ReCital SOcie~. is for ··. Far from restricting itself to the clas- .. the Chan Centre, butwonjes !!bou(_., sical, the festival includes Quartetto : ·UBC's relative remotenesS and ' . ~r.; Gelato, Spirit of the West; Marion Me- evening bus service. ., . Partland, Inti-Illimani, Joe Sealy, Noon is looking into not_only that ~: Sylvia '!Yson, soprano.NancyHermisbut into restaurants. Voicing a ques-,:-, ton's Naughty Ladies ofthe Night and tion you may have long-asked your:; ; other jazz, pop, rock and world-music self, he says, "Why should UBC be so. : events. different from the down-town experiWhile deferring to the UBC's arts ence?" · ·




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