Recital Society and Chan Centre joill¡fbrces The joint venture will result The joint venture in the in a mini-series called Great 200012001 season will result Performers at the Chan, and in a mini-series called Great greatness certainly describes all six artists involved: sopraPerformers at the Chan. no Renee Fleming, who is one LLOYDDYKK of the greatest singers perVANCOUVER SUN forming today, in concert with The Vancouver Recital Soci- pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet; ety and Chan Centre for the soprano Dawn Upshaw in Performing Arts are combin- concert with pianist Richard ing their resources in the Goode; violinist Kyung-Wha 2000/2001 season, which Chung; and Vancouver pianist promises to be one of the Jon Kimura Parker. "By pooling our resources, most impressive series in the we're able to present two of 20-year history of the VRS.
_FEBRUARY 28, 2000
the world's greatest sopranos, Hough; British countertenor concerts at Vancouver Playa phenomenal violinist and David Daniels; and a trio house feature violinists Julia Vancouver's beloved Jackie made up of pianist Anton Nel, Fischer and Ilya Gringolts, piParker,'' VRS artistic director violinist Nicholas Kitchen anist Franc;ois-Frederic Guy Leila Getz says. "Neither one and cellist Yeesun Kim. and the Jerusalem String of our organizations could in- Evening events include pi- Quartet (all of whom are dependently present a series anists Emanuel Ax and An- young, up-and-coming musilike this in such an intimate dras Schiff. cians) as well as British piand acoustically perfect hall The majority of VRS con- anist Stephen Kovacevich. as the Chan Shun Concert certs - nine of the 14 - are Another innovation in the now taking place at the Chan, new season is an expanded Hall." In addition to this series, and the others at Vancouver program called What to Listen the VRS will continue to pro- Playhouse (there are none at For, consisting of pre-concert duce its own concerts at the the Orpheum, whose 2,800 chats, program notes, Web site Chan. The afternoon concerts seats have been deemed too events, and comments written feature pianist Stephen risky for a recital series). The by the musicians themselves.