Talent is timeless

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age. It's thoughtful and entertaining documentary which gives a modern face 1n the current struggles of the Afghan people.

-Gavin Fisher AN11CHRIST (109 min, Denmark/Sweden/France/

Italy, dir. Lars von Trier) Lars von Trier's controversfal film

Antichrist is about a couple trying 1n cope with the death of their child. The husband, a therapist, believes that-his wife needs more than mere hospit.alization, and puts her through exposure therapy at a secluded cabin in a forest, which she is terrified of. In the woods, the couple experience a series of bizarre events that put their sanizy to the test. Antichrist has generated a lot of hype, which it definitely lives up tn-at least in terms of graphic sexualizy and violence. Charlotte

you watch this tilm.


-Christina Kwon AT lHE END OF DAYBREAK {94 min, Malasia/Hong Kong/South Korea, dir. Ho Yuhang)

At the End of Daybreak by Malaysian writer/director Ho Yuhang delivers a fresh, modern stroll over well-trodden territn:ry. It follows the relationship of a directionless 23-year--old and his underage girlfriend, which begins 1n spiral intn lies, deceit and crime after her parents find out about their illicit affair. A striking sense of realism pulls you intn ,Ho's complex and dark world, and the strong set of performances keep you there until the final chilling reveal. The ride through Daybreak is a slow one, though; no shortcuts are taken on the way to the climax. The road can also feel a little uneven

BEEn.E QUEEN CONQUERS TOKYO (91 min,Japan/USA. dir.Jessica-Oreck)

First-time directnr Jessica Oreck has done what sounds impossible on paper: make an engrossing film about the Japanese beetle market. Although the surreal shuffle Beetle Queen can sometimes feel tiresome and repetitious; Oreck proves she is as adept at filmmaking as she is at her entomology day job. The way Oreck weaves music, imagery, lore and documentary footage creates a hypnotic experience that is as bizarre as it is concise. Beetle Queen is also a gorgeous film: cinematographer Sean Williams (Frpwnland), crafts a unique visual szyle which calls to mind everything from Planet Earth to Blade

Runner. When asked what her next project was at a Q & A after the film's


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Excited follows a 38-year--old golf coach Kevin, as he overcomes problems with his family and a new girlfriend who might just be *the one: It deals with some fairly wellworn topics: failed attempts at love, a dysfunctional family and-most importantly-premature ejaculation. Yet directnr Bruce Sweeney's take on these is so delectably crisp that it makes one forget its dull first impression. Though the film mainly deals with subjects that could be overly sentiment.alized, Excited is ·an emotional film that manages 1n avoid carrying extra baggage. Those who usually hate drippy romantic films will enjoy Excited's fresh stnrytelling for similar subjects. Shot in Vancouver, it features everyday moments with sweet simplicizy.

-Christina Kwon

ho~-m~ician Ngawang

Choephel as he returns to his homeland in search oflocal folk music. Tibet in Song has an intimate tnne, focusing on rural Tibetan communities and their musical way of life. The plight of the Tibetans quickly becomes real. Choephel's point is made loud and clear without ever feeling forced, mostly due to the riveting interviews he conducts with a variezy of subjects, which take the viewer on an emotional roller coaster. Tibet in Song may be the finest documentaries VIFF offers this year, and should be sought out by anyone with even a remote interest in Tibet, human rights or the spirit of music. Spontaneous applause erupted from the audience when the credits rolled, · for good reason-this is a film that shows what ~d of power the medium holds. U

- Carson Pfahl

Talent is· timeless · ~ Ali


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Miln.er's Live Sessions act

Walking into the Telus Studio Theatre in the Chan Centre can be a magical thing. The lights are dimmed and the setting is intimate-a perfect place for the jazz-pop artist Ali Milner to show us what she's made of. As the spotlight goes on, she sits alone at the piano and immediately begins serfnading the audience with her soulful voice and impressive piano . work. The crowd seems to be put in a trance. Taking advantage of the effect, the rest of her band creeps on stage and begins to power into the groove-heavy reggae inspired song, "I Wanna Be Loved By You," and keeps the momentum going for the rest of the.show.

Milner takes the audience on an impressive journey through boogiewoogie, soulful ballads with orchestral arrangements, rock 'n' roll, R&B, show tunes, old school--5he does it all. Fans of Ray Charles, San:, Cooke, Liza Minelli and other classic artists would be pleased to hear her as she integra!es many elements of these artists into her own sound. Much of. the audience was drawn from a 30plus crowd, but those of you who want to take a break from your.iPod indie rock playlists will be well rewarded, because talent is timeless.


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