Downs rekindles ranchera

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Downs rekindles rancher, > BY TONY MONTAGUE




e x i c a n -A m e r i c a n chanteuse Lila Downs draws deep from the well of tradition. And no artist has inspired her music more than ranchera legend Cha­ vela Vargas. The nonagenarian is best known to Canadians as the elderly woman with the hauntingly strong face performing the old bal­ lad "La Llorona" in the 2002 biopic Frida, about Mexican artist Frida Kahlo-with whom Vargas allegedly had an affair. Over the past decade Downs has become a good friend of the notoriously cranky Vargas, even performing with her at a festival in Madrid a few years ago. She's also re­ corded a string of songs made famous by Vargas. They include La Cantina's "Paloma Negra", one of the most emotion-drenched songs of the macho romantic style, which dates from the Mexican Revolution of 1910-20. Vargas, who came outas a lesbian at the age of 82, is a master of ranchera's subtleties and adds an element of sex­ ual ambiguity. She's an iconic figure for Downs, who performed as a tango singer in Frida's gay-couple dance scene, and for bisexual Spanish diva Concha Buika. Last year, Majorca­ born Buika-whose strong and agile voice blends blues, soul, jazz, ranch­ era, and above all flamenco-paired up with Cuban piano giant Chucho Valdes to record a starkly beautiful homage to Vargas, El Ultimo Trago. Now Downs and Buika have got­ ten together to present three con-

certs-in Chicago, Los Angeles, and person to get close to," says Do\\ Vancouver-as a live tribute to ranch- whose mother comes from the 1\, era's increasingly frail queen. tee tribe, and who wears traditio1 At the Chan Centre for the Per- embroidered huipils (blouses), forming Arts this Sunday (Nov- toons of necklaces, and braided h ember 7), Downs and Buika-each "She said, 'You know, Lila, when Iv performing a solo set-will sing lost in drink I went to Tepoztlan songs from their own repertoire and town in the Mexican state of M several Vargas classics. "Her voice elos]. I lost myself. And there v has been an essential part of my life," this Indian family that picked 1 says Downs, calling from New York up, didn't ask me any questions, a City, where she lives. "My mother clothed and fed me, and I've alwi says I was singing songs by Chavela been grateful for that.' So I thi from the time I was seven. Ranchera there's a deep sense of Chavela id was my first influence musically. It's tifying with the Indian heritage such an important and honest man- have in Mexico. That's how I in preted it-that she respects this si ner of delivering Mexican songs. "And as a woman, Chavela repre- of who I am as well." sents someone who fought to stay Ranchera used to be regarded a true to her sexuality and her unusual man's genre of music, with roots in 1 personality," Downs continues. "She heroic era ofEmiliano Zapata and P lived at a time when she was able to cho Villa. But Downs argues that 1 share her thoughts and her life with machismo doesn't make it a uniqu people like Jose Alfredo Jimenez, one male preserve. "There are just as ma of the greatest poets of ranchera. It's a female singers who embody this ki wonder she's been as great as she has, of song, I think, in the sense that C considering the crazy life and experi- vela would represent both male a ence she had with alcohol." female energies. That's what's dif Vargas's commanding voice and ent about her and someone like Luc charismatic presence made her a star Reyes, who also embodied that in·, of Mexican music from the late '40s pretation of the songs in a woman's to the late '70s, when her drinking carnation. The beauty of this music problem ended her career. Or so it that a woman becomes kind of a m seemed. Vargas bounced back from as she sings-so it's a play with t her addiction, and in the past 20 years sexuality and the power that it gh she's enjoyed a new, if fragile, lease on you to sing these songs."� life. Though she's got few other close friends, Vargas has taken a shine to STRAIGHT.COM both Downs and Buika. "At one point � Make the Straight your source 1 I asked her why she liked me-some­ 'f1 Vancouver arts. Visit us at thing that surprised me, because she's famous for being a difficult

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