Ensemble effort near perfection

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!Ensemble effort near perfection An evening of Tudor music without compromise or pandering

·sTILE ANTICO When: Monday night Where: Chan Centre BY DAVID GORDON DUKE

The British vocal ensemble Stile Antico made an extraor­ dinary Canadian debut Mon­ day with a program of music from Tudor England. At first glance the offering, under the auspices of Early Music Van­ couver, seemed uncompromisingly narrow: Latin sacred music for Advent and Christ­ mas from a quintet of 16th-cen­ tury composers. But, in this instance, focus twas anything but limiting. The singers, who work as a co­ operative without a conductor or leader, anchored their pro­ gram with music by two com­ posers: movements of Thomas Tallis's Missa Puer natus est were interspersed with shorter works by William Byrd. The ensemble's 13 young members share an intense enthusiasm for their artistic mission; though intrinsically steeped in specifically British traditions of vocal music mak­ ing; they create a new and iden­ tifiable sound. Their Latin dic­ tion is precise and consistent; sopranos sing with the utmost purity but embrace the sound of female singers, not boys; lower voices add richness and warmth. There is a passion­ ate frankness to the singing



Stile Antico is focused on music from Tudor England, not the pop-derived sounds that are so popular nowadays. but little fuss or faddishness. Line is everything. Small-scale dynamic contrast is created through the constant ebb and flow of changing textures. Pia­ nissimos are focused, entirely lacking the pop-derived croon that is increasingly the norm with North American ensem­ bles; fortissimos are glorious but never raw. Stile Antico's repertoire included a modicum of plainchant, a snippet of John Taverner for treble voices

(memorably sung from the Chan's choir loft), as well as a work by John Sheppard and Robert White's eccentric Magnificat. It was the music of Byrd and Tallis that made the evening so remarkable. Tallis's highly indi­ vidual work proved the more florid and showy, Byrd's the more economical and refined. The addition of just a very few, very well chosen words from the platform provided witty insight into the music and the

social and political environ­ ment of the composers' times. Following a concert so entirely without compromise or pandering, the volcanic reaction from the Chan Cen­ tre audience was jarring but well deserved. A single encore, Tomas Luis de Victoria's 0 magnum mysterium, the sole example of non-English reper­ toire offered, ended an evening of near perfection. Special ta The Sun

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