Ensemble defines real excellence

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Colbert fails to milk governor

Comedian didn't know South Carolina's state drink THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

South Carolina's governor appears to have closed the door on appointing Stephen Colbert to the U.S. Senate, all because the comedian didn't know the state drink was milk. During The Colbert Report on Thurs­ day, Colbert urged his fans to send Gov. Nikki Haley messages on Twit­ ter with the hashtag #SenatorColbert telling her why he would make a great senator from his home state. Haley is appointing a senator after Jim DeMint announced he is resigning at the end of the year. Colbert also gave Haley four reasons he was the perfect choice.

The Tallis Scholars give each work its own 'particular universe of sound,' writes David Gordon Duke.


Ensemble defines real excellence

Baroque-style Christmas songs put exclamation mark on concert The Tallis Scholars

Dec. 6 j Chon Centre for the Performing Arts


Vancouver possesses an enthusi­ astic and committed choral scene, something well understood at this festive time of the year. But the lat­ est Chan Centre performance of the Tallis Scholars for Early Music Van­ couver proved both a pleasure and something of a reality check: a demon­ stration of truly fine singing, a selec­ tion of wonderful repertoire, and that elusive extra quality that defines real' excellence.

The British ensembles's 2012 pro­ gram was bookended by two settings of the Magnificat by roughly contem­ porary figures: Sebastian de Vivanco (1551-1622), who worked in Spain, and Hieronymus Praetorius (15601629), who hailed from Hamburg. The motet Osculetur me and the extended Missa Osculetur me by Orlandus Las­ sus (1530-1594) formed the sophisti­ cated core of the program, rounded out by shorter works by Arvo Part and Thomas Tallis. Each time we hear director Peter Phillips's distinguished group of 10 singers, there are new things to dis­ cover and treasure. The sound despite inevitable personnel changes over almost four decades - is con­ sistent: very, very pure sopranos, a

certain emphasis placed on the some­ what reedy altos and tenors, and an incomparable overall blend of voices. Though the ensemble's sonorities are immediately recognizable, its subtle, responsive sense of style gave each work on this commendably intense program its own particular universe of sound. The musical raison d'etre of the pro­ gram was the infinitely nuanced con­ trapuntal mastery of Lassus, music of exquisite intricacy delivered with astonishing concentration. Yet it was the Praetorius work, with charming old Christmas tunes interpolated into a flashy proto-Baroque setting, that provided the evocative climax to a pro­ gram that ranks as one of the treats of this pre-holiday season.


"You want somebody young, SOI body conservative, somebody fr South Carolina, maybe somebody v had a super PAC," Colbert said, tick off the choices by putting down a 1 ger until the final one was left poi ing at himself. Thousands of messages pom into the governor's official Twit account. She responded on her Fa book page. "But you forget one thing, my frie You didn't know our state drink. I big mistake," Haley wrote, addin link to a video of her April appeara1 on Colbert's show where the host, not know milk was the official st beverage.

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