Thursday, November 14, 2013
Malian songstress puts Africa centre-stage, at Chan N,§ldiiiiiri·I
l«al entertainment. Rokia Traore finally brings her music back to our local stage for the first time in over a decade ,·
."Seeing her live is a truly unforgettable experience:' Chan Centre c1H11anaging director Joyce Hinton Speaking about Rokia Traore
Graeme McRanor
She's the daughter of a dip lomat from the Bambara eth nic group, travelled widely as a young woman, and has continued the adventure as a singer-songwriter who gives voice to the ups, downs and beauty of Africa. Malian songstress and multi-instrumentalist Rokia Traore - whose music fuses blues, rock and pop with traditional African instru ments - brings that power ful voice to the Chan Centre this weekend. "It's been nearly a dec ade since we last hosted the breathtaking Rokia Traore on our stage - far too long for our liking," says Chan Centre co-managing direc tor Joyce Hinton. "Seeing her live is a truly unforget table experience. Her beauti ful music seems crafted out of pure spirit and her stage
Try a satirical piece of Pie
presence borders on in describable; both intimate and energized, she leaves every audience member feeling as though they have
made a personal. soulful connection." Connect with her in the Chan Shun Concert Hall at the Chan Centre on Sunday
at 7 p.m.. Tickets range from $36 to $72 through Ticket master. For more informa tion on the show surf on over to
Pi Theatre and Horseshoes & Hand Grenades Theatre present the world premiere of Except in the Unlikely Event of War, a bold political satire that runs from tomor row to Nov. 30 at the Round house Performance Centre in Yaletown. It's a darkly comic, dis tinctly Canuck piece that probes art, politics and war, but, according to Pi The atre artistic director Richard Wolfe, does it in the most en tertaining way. "(The play) explores some of our most dire issues gqvernment transparency, politicization of media, war as a means of societal con trol ... (But) what stands out for me in Sean's writing is a remarkable ability to ad dress weighty, complex ideas through engaging stories and humour." Tickets are $16. More in formation at
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