Malian songstress puts Africa centre-stage at Chan

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Thursday, November 14, 2013


Malian songstress puts Africa centre-stage, at Chan N,§ldiiiiiri·I

l«al entertainment. Rokia Traore finally brings her music back to our local stage for the first time in over a decade ,·

."Seeing her live is a truly unforgettable experience:' Chan Centre c1H11anaging director Joyce Hinton Speaking about Rokia Traore

Graeme McRanor

She's the daughter of a dip­ lomat from the Bambara eth­ nic group, travelled widely as a young woman, and has continued the adventure as a singer-songwriter who gives voice to the ups, downs and beauty of Africa. Malian songstress and multi-instrumentalist Rokia Traore - whose music fuses blues, rock and pop with traditional African instru­ ments - brings that power­ ful voice to the Chan Centre this weekend. "It's been nearly a dec­ ade since we last hosted the breathtaking Rokia Traore on our stage - far too long for our liking," says Chan Centre co-managing direc­ tor Joyce Hinton. "Seeing her live is a truly unforget­ table experience. Her beauti­ ful music seems crafted out of pure spirit and her stage

Try a satirical piece of Pie

presence borders on in­ describable; both intimate and energized, she leaves every audience member feeling as though they have

made a personal. soulful connection." Connect with her in the Chan Shun Concert Hall at the Chan Centre on Sunday

at 7 p.m.. Tickets range from $36 to $72 through Ticket­ master. For more informa­ tion on the show surf on over to

Pi Theatre and Horseshoes & Hand Grenades Theatre present the world premiere of Except in the Unlikely Event of War, a bold political satire that runs from tomor­ row to Nov. 30 at the Round­ house Performance Centre in Yaletown. It's a darkly comic, dis­ tinctly Canuck piece that probes art, politics and war, but, according to Pi The­ atre artistic director Richard Wolfe, does it in the most en­ tertaining way. "(The play) explores some of our most dire issues gqvernment transparency, politicization of media, war as a means of societal con­ trol ... (But) what stands out for me in Sean's writing is a remarkable ability to ad­ dress weighty, complex ideas through engaging stories and humour." Tickets are $16. More in­ formation at


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