Wynton brings Lincoln Center jazz orchestra to Vancouver

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'Jazz at Lincoln Cel'!ter Orchestra and artistic director/trumpeter Wynton Marsa_lis will play at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts.

Wynton brings Lincoln Center jazz orchestra to Vancouver STUART DERDEYN



Founded in 1988 by artistic direc­ tor, trwnpeter/composer Wynton Marsalis, the Jazz at Lincoln Cen­ ter Orchestra is one of the finesf jazz big bands in the world today. The 15-piece ensemble is respected for its exceptional per­ formances oftheworks of such jazz orchestra greats as Duke Ellington, Count Basie, and Fletcher Hender­ son as well as being a vehicle for adaptations·of other classics and new commissions. Based out ofNewYork City's Jazz at Lincoln Center (JALC) arts com­ plex, the group runs many educa­ tional initiatives. Tenor saxophonist Victor Goines plays in both the orchestra and the Wynton Marsalis Septet, and asswnes the spokesman roll when the boss can't make the call. "Having a place like Jazz at Lin-

In concert

Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis Where: Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, 6265 Crescent Rd. When: Saturday, 8 p.m. Tickets: Ticketmaster.ca

coin Center for this music is something so special it's hard to describe;' Goines says. "The members come from all across the country to the Mecca for the music that is New York City, and this becomes a focal point for them because it is such a renowned and well-run organization. I'm at a loss for words to describe how

well things are set up for us well in advance of tours:' Featuring three different venues, the JALC arts complex often hosts orchestra members in different configurations. Goines has per­ formed his small group commis­ sions there and sat in with com­ bos drawn from New York City's vibrant community of players. The orchestra is a different animal. "Anytime we come back togeth­ er after a break, we're back on u;• Goines explains. "Somewhere in the tour, we might get ti.red. Usu­ l!IIY key members or Wynton won't hesitate to tell us to get back to work. It's always so high quality:' The upcoming Vancouver show is the Music of Blue Note, which Goines says that the jazz orchestra has done a few times covering art­ ists as varied as vibraphonist Bob­ by Hutcherson to pianist Horace Silver. Drawing from jazz's rich legacy

is part of the orchestra's mandate. It regularly features new com­ missions from Marsalis and oth­ er composers. Key to it all is that the music be true to the freewheel­ ing marvel of musical democracy that is jazz. "They've been trying to kill jazz off for years," he says. "But the music seems as alive and vigor­ ous as ever. There are certainly a wealth of talented players and places all over the world to sh.ow­ case at:' Key to the continued health is the reversal of what Goines calls the "tragic" decline in music pro­ grams. As a former mathematics teach­ er, he says you should never take for granted thejmportance of how music makes your mind and your relationships work: "It makes bet­ ter people and better lives:' sderdeyn@theprovince.com Twitter.com/StuartDerdeyn

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