Changing Times Back to School 2021

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Your Guide to Living a Victorious Life Your Guide to Living a Victorious Life



The Newspaper of the Christian Community

Volume 19, Number 4 Back to School 2021


For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

© Danny Hahlbohm

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From the Editor

We March to a Different Drum!

True Christians march to the beat of a different drum. We live in a world without becoming of the world. (Romans 12:2) Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing, you may discern the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. It is a mindset on daring to be different and by example, daring to make a difference. 20 years ago, God gave us the name and a vision of a Christian Newspaper that would foretell the times that we are living in right now. Of course the name of the Newspaper was “Changing Times”. I think we can all agree that we are smack daddy in them right now.

Next, The Lord gave us the name of the Publishing Company who would have to boldly step up to the task. He named it On Eagles Wings Unlimited. And last but certainly not least, He told us that a ministry would have to own Changing Times. The ministry would be called Save The Nations Ministries. The Ministry would overlook the articles in Changing Times. As we celebrate our 19th year in ministry, our articles, like our Christian maturity have grown, but one thing remained the same, God continues through this ministry to Change Lives One (Personal) Issue at a Time. Changing Times since its birth and onward will boldly publish His glorious acts throughout the earth and tell everyone (who reads it) about the amazing things He does. (Psalm 96:3) TLB Talk about somebody who marched to the beat of a different drummer, Noah was in a league of his own. While the world around him was coming apart at the seams, scripture says, “Noah walked with

God.” (Gen. 6:9) Think about David who took a sling shot to kill the tallest and strongest giant of his time named Goliath. What about Abraham who was tested to kill his long awaited son, Isaac and let’s not forget John the Baptist who ushered in Jesus Christ. I believe that the best way to know God is through personal intuition rather than religious doctrine. And these bold men heard the voice of God guiding them and were obedient to take on these hard fought missions. These Saints are just a few of the bold warriors who marched to a different drum. Jesus excelled at marching to the beat of a different drum. Our Savior wanted the same mind in us so we could listen to the same Spiritual Guidance that He was listening to. In God, we encounter the greatest love story the world has ever known. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. Greater love has no man than this that He laid down His life for His

friends. And Jesus did just that. He gave His life that we might live. He modeled for us the way of humility, self-denial, and sacrifice. It's a different beat, a different drum, a different drummer. “Let this same mind be in you as was in Christ Jesus”. Christians should be listening to a different drummer. So many things stand out when we’re obedient to our Savior’s teachings in the Bible. Our vocabulary and values will be different from the world. The way we spend our time and use our talent will be different. Our goals and definition of success will not be the same. We have all probably known someone who, though talented or even gifted, seemed a bit out of step with everyone else. They seem to be tuned in on a different channel. Their focus was different. Those who seem out of step are often ridiSee MARCH on Page 32

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Back to School 2021 3


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(1 Timothy 2:1-4) Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. God has called you to be a soldier. We’re in a war. “The Great Commission” defines it: Do it, we’re called to it! There are people who will do exactly what God calls them to do. As a Christian community, we must take a stand. God is looking for militant Christians. Not passive ones. We need militant preachers who will speak the Gospel truth, someone who is not afraid to make a stand instead of bending over for the crowd. We need preachers who won’t compromise. No one knows how bad they are until God reveals it to them. We live in a dying world. We need to reach them and guide them to deliverance. They are walking dead men.

You can’t keep playing with sin. Your time is short. Many are further gone than they think so. Paul preached and preached but hardly anyone responded. In the Old Testament, no one responded to Noah though he preached the truth as well. Lost people need a Holy Ghost transplanted heart. This world needs revival, an introduction and in some cases a renewal of God in our hearts. When God got through with Jonah, 600,000 people responded. If people don’t change their wicked ways, they are going to hell because of their rebellion. We must teach repentance. Satan is afraid of Soldiers of God who put on the Armor of God and fight. They tell the Devil, I’m your huckleberry. Your gates of hell can never prevail against God’s soldiers. But in order to win a war you must fight to win. We can’t make a treaty of compromise with the enemy. We must be willing to fight! We have the anointing, so let’s use it. But first we need to get into spiritual shape.

Table of Contents From the Editor Men Women Teens Children Seniors Marriage Education Health Financial Feature Article The Christian Journey Guiding Light The Cross Victorious Living From The Pulpit Prayer Christian Living Deliverance Business Ethics Recipes

4 Back to School 2021

1. You must be faithful. You can’t play with sin. Don’t call yourself a Christian unless you act as one. 2. A faithful soldier must be committed to fight the good fight until we win the war. 3. Courage is born out of faithfulness. I may be fearful but I won’t give in or quit. You keep coming Devil. I am going on as long as God lets me. 4. Discipline: you may not feel like doing it everyday, but this is your calling. Go for it. If it’s going on, you need to be a part of it. Paul knew discipline. I will become a good soldier. I must do things that are good for me and give up the things that are bad for me. I will do what the Lord asked me to do! There are 3 things that you can expect if you are a soldier. 1. You will endure hardships. 2. You will fight. 3. You will be part of a great victory and you will make God smile! Are you ready to sign up? Save the Nations Ministries >

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What is a Godly Man? Some Attributes


By Don Burrus

We talk a lot about it, but I’m sure many men have different ideas what it means. Dictionary defines Godly as: god·ly (gdl) 1. Having great reverence for God; pious. 2. Divine. Maybe an image some may have of a Godly Man is a dry, stiff & pious dude without fault, never loses his cool, is the perfect husband, father, and leader of men, can recite entire books of the Bible from memory – and does frequently, the one others naturally expect & look to in a group to pray, mild and meek, never farts, or laughs at themselves, never has to endures the loss of jobs, or the disappoint-

ment of betrayal by friends or family conflicts, never truly knows the struggles, pain, regrets, failures, and self-doubt of those less “godly” than himself. He is not the most interesting man in the world, but yes, the most “pious” and he and everyone else knows it. If you look closely you will notice the halo radiating around his head. No, this man does not exist! Instead, it is regular guys like you and I if we are willing to surrender our will to His. Reading the Word, it speaks of a godly man being highly imperfect, but willing to lose their life to save it. (Psalm 37) identifies many traits of a godly man. He grapples daily with temptation, pride, and just living in this fallen world, but not being of the world. He has learned the true meaning of self-control and humility. A godly man works hard at an honest living doing his best to provide for his family, but doesn’t love the pursuit of money, or having the most toys, wandering from true

faith and piercing themselves with many sorrows. True godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. (1 Timothy 6:6-10) Though it may be a daily struggle, he learns not to become angry and strives to avenge wrongs suffered by wicked people; he trusts that the Lord will settle all debts on their day of judgment. He learns to trust in the Lord and strives to act with integrity even when one’s looking, committing all he does to Him, while resting on the promise that He will richly bless the godly man that does this. The godly man learns to be still in the presence of the Lord and wait on His lead and answer to prayer. He loves his wife faithfully, above all else, is willing to die for her, but would rather live to be the man she needs him to be for her. The godly man prays diligently for, and teaches his children by word and example to follow God, and trust in Him. He trains and girds them up to withstand a world increasingly hostile to God’s law. The godly man continues to put his faith in the Lord, even though the path he travels maybe hard and world is mocking him. The godly man’s steps are directed by the Lord, He delights in us, and when he stumbles, he never falls completely because the Lord holds him by the hand. The godly man both encourages his brothers in faith, and stands beside them in tough times, ready to pick them up or allowing others to speak truth also into their lives. The godly man is honest in business and his endeavors, loves peace

& kindness, especially for those less fortunate and willingly gives of his time or even opens his wallet freely to help another or further the Good News. He rubs shoulders daily with his non-believers friends and co-workers, shows love for them, prays for them, and while they may never accept the Good News he shares with them, they know he lives an authentic life. He is willing to stand for his faith despite great risk or derision, as he knows his battle armor is a belt of truth, a bullet proof vest of righteousness, combat boots of peace, a shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and his sword, the Word of God. The godly man knows the Lord is his strength and shield. When he is weak, the Lord is strong. And unlike the non-believer, the day of his death is not draped with sorrow but great joy and celebration. When he is gone, a godly man leaves a legacy of a good life he can be proud of for his children and for everyone whose lives he touched. "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law, he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers." (Psalm 1:1-3 ) Let us endeavor to live as godly men! >


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Back to School 2021 5


Changing Times

God's Grace in the Workplace By Dr. Adrian Rogers

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. (Proverbs 14:23) So many people wake up in the morning, take a shower, scald their throat with a cup of coffee because they're running a little late, fight traffic, and get to work. Then, they come home, take a couple of aspirin, watch the evening news, perhaps discuss a few things with a roommate or spouse, maybe putter

around the house or yard a little bit, then go to bed. Now, I'm not saying people who have that lifestyle don't love and serve God, perhaps they do. But most of them probably think the only time they serve God is when they get off work! They end up giving their prime time to the employer and their leftovers to God! Jesus said, "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon" (Matthew 6:24). I call this split-level living. What I want you to take from this brief article today is this: You may think there's nothing exciting about you or your job, but God takes ordinary people and He gives

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

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them extraordinary power to do extraordinary things for His glory! Your job may be putting hub caps on tires. You may be keying data at a computer. You may be digging ditches or washing dishes. You may be doing one of a myriad of what you think are mundane things. But I want to tell you, if you are a Christian, your work is to be the temple of your devotion and the platform of your witness. Every Christian is a minister doing fulltime Christian service. The Sacredness of Everyday Work Your job does not become sacred when you become a minister, missionary, or a staff member of a Christian organization! Every job, if it is done in the power of the Holy Spirit, is a sacred job. Every one! Let's look at someone who lived this out from the Word of God – his name was Daniel. In the book of Daniel, we learn that he was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar and carried to Babylon from Israel. There, he found a secular job as a government bureaucrat (see Daniel 8:27). The government trained him, then pressed him into service. In this ordinary line of work, Daniel served the Lord Jesus. When Daniel was thrown into the lions' den because he refused to bow to another god, King Nebuchadnezzar and many others came to believe in our Almighty God. If you work in the name of Jesus, unto His glory, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, you will receive the same reward for doing that job that I receive for doing my job. God knows about you and is watching you. Every Christian, wherever he serves, is in full-time Christian work. The Service of Everyday Work

Does work have eternal significance? Daniel may have wondered the same thing, as he was handling taxation, public relations, law enforcement, building projects, meetings and diplomacy. But yet he served God continually (see Daniel 6:16 and 20). Even the home of Jesus was the cottage of a workingman. And whether He was mending plows or mending souls, Jesus was doing the work of God because people need houses to live in and furniture to sit on. If you know you're serving the Lord, that'll put dignity in whatever you are doing: running a machine, greasing automobiles, typing letters, carrying mail, painting houses, digging ditches, cutting yards. Tell the Lord, "I'm doing it for You! And I'll do it with all my might! As much as any missionary or preacher or evangelist!" That kind of attitude will put a spring in your step. Simply said, God wants His people to prosper wherever He plants them. You are a priest of God, a minister of God, and in full-time Christian service, and if that doesn't ring your bell, your bell is broken. Remember, God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. (Ephesians 3:20) promises that, "God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us." >

Dr. Adrian Rogers © 2021 Love Worth Finding Ministries, P.O. Box 38300, Memphis, TN 38183,

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On the Threshold of Opportunity The Principle of the Open Door By David Jeremiah

There are countless open doors— opportunities that God has provided—which you and I can walk through on a daily basis. God is constantly inviting us to trust Him and experience ever-expanding dimensions of His faithfulness and blessing. But far too often, we hang back hesitantly, not sure of what we should do. Often, Christians fail to walk through God's open doors because of a faulty view of God Himself. God is to be trusted, and the better we get to know Him the easier it will be to recognize those doors He is holding open for us. From years of watching Christians miss opportunities, God has set before them, I have made four observations about why we don't

walk through God's open doors: First, opportunities are often disguised as problems. Two decades ago, our church was holding services in three different locations. We knew we needed larger facilities at our main location but were stymied in our building program. Each time we began to discuss building plans, the three locations were at odds with one another. So, we continued with that "problem" for several years. Eventually, the problem became an opportunity. While we were stuck in our "no building" mode, the Lord showed us another way to reach more people—even more than if we had huge new facilities at all three locations. We began Turning Point Ministries which now sends the Gospel out over radio, television, and in print. I know now that the media ministry was an opportunity disguised as a building program problem. Don't miss an opportunity because it's dressed up in the mis-


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Changing Times

leading mask of a problem. Second, opportunities are often time-sensitive. When Walt Disney was planning Disneyland, he offered a friend the opportunity to buy up the scrub land surrounding the site which he knew would dramatically increase in value. The friend said he'd think about it. Because Disney needed an answer quickly, his friend lost the opportunity and tremendous wealth besides. If you fail to grasp an opportunity God puts before you, it doesn't necessarily mean God is finished with you. But it probably means He will turn to someone else who will grasp the opportunity. Don't let hesitation become procrastination and lead to devastation. Third, opportunities are often tested by opposition. Some people have gotten halfway through an open door and turned around because they faced opposition. They thought, "We must not have heard God correctly. This opposition can't be from God." If Paul anticipated opposition when going through God's open doors, we should, too (I Corinthians 16:8-9). Opposition can be a sign that you heard God correctly, since Satan will be doing all he can to discourage you and cause you to turn around. Don't miss a blessing-filled Christian life by trying to avoid a problem-free Christian life. Finally, opportunities are usually missed because of fear. I can't think of an opportunity from God that I ever grasped without trembling hands. But I have often reached out and taken God's steady hand and walked through His open door— and so can you. All opportunities and open doors

is owned by Save The Nations Ministries, Inc. and is Published every other month by On Eagles Wings Unlimited, Inc.

For Advertising or Distribution call On Eagles Wings Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 3268, Covington, LA 70434 (504) 455-6900 • (985) 871-0238 • Fax: (985) 871-0241 For Editorial Department e-mail: • The appearance of advertising in Changing Times does not constitute an endorsement nor does it reflect the opinion of Changing Times or On Eagles Wings Unlimited, Inc. • Changing Times is not responsible for the content of advertising inserts. The publisher and the editor reserve the right to refuse any advertisement or article. “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.” — Matthew 5:14

have one thing in common: They focus on the future. And when looking toward the future, we have two choices—to walk by faith or to walk in fear. God has not given us a spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7), but He has promised to go with us wherever we go in His will (Hebrews 13:5). God loves to get us to the place where our strength is little so we can see His might power. Is there an opportunity in front of you at this very moment which makes you nervous, scared, weak, and faithless? Wonderful! You are right where you need to be to see God hold the door open for you while you walk through. Wherever there is a fearful response on our part there is a faithful reassurance on God's. Friend, you don't have to worry about how or when or where the next door in your life will be opened. The doors God opens for you only have doorknobs on one side...His! So, you can be sure the true, holy, and powerful One will open the right door at the right time—the knob is in His hands.>

David Jeremiah This article was excerpted from Turning Points, Dr. David Jeremiah's Devotional Magazine. Call Turning Point at 1-800-9471993 for your complimentary copy of Turning Points.

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Changing Times

7 Qualities of Women Who Influence Nations By Earma Brown ence. The gift commonly taken for granted is the woman's ability to influence. Have you watched a little girl with her daddy? She is already getting to know her power to influence, batting those baby soft eyes or pouting those lips to close the request of what she wants. And don't leave Grand-mama out as she scours the stores one by one to find that trinket for her beloved granddaughter. To further confirm this fact, we may visit the fact that almost every ad has a woman present in it. Take the woman out of the ad and sales drop. Why? The truth is God has given woman the ability to influence and along with this privilege comes a responsibility to use it for God's glory. From our physical makeup to the sound of our voice are all

The Lord gives the word (of power); the women who bear and publish (the news) are a great host. (Psalm 68:11) In a study conducted with ten thousand people they were asked, "Who has had the most positive influence on your religious faith?" "My mother," was the most frequent answer from every age group. "My wife," was the second most frequent response from men. This poll confirms woman's gift of influ-



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empowered to influence others. Are you using your influence to encourage someone? We can choose to use this power in a godly manner influencing others for the good. We all have an area of influence to be accountable for. For example, are you influencing those around you with encouragement, respect, admiration and your faith in God? Or are you influencing them with negative words, gossip and disrespect? What about your children? Are they being influenced by your graciousness or your temper tantrums? Let your light of influence be a signal to the weary. Influence others to the good. Godly influencers empower, persuade, and convince others to the reality of Christ and to the common good. There are some qualities to nurture to become the powerful woman of influence God has created you to be: • Use the power of invitation. We as women have the power of invitation. We have the power to attract, draw in, entice, urge, persuade, captivate and so on. Determine to use your power to invite others to obey God. Spend your invitations wisely. Make sure your invitations include inviting others to Christ. • Give good counsel. Why is it that the woman is often the friend everyone brings his or her problems to? Is it because she listens better than her male comrades? I believe its because God has gifted His woman with the ability to give good counsel. Ask God for wisdom with any counsel you attempt to give. Sometimes, the best counsel is to listen and allow the Holy Spirit to whisper the answer to the person talking. • Be an encourager. Are you influencing your husband, your family, or those in your area of


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8 Back to School 2021

influence to God or away from God? Are the decisions in your life and family lining up with God's plans for your life? For example, God has called you and your family to a holy life. Are you suggesting you go watch the latest R rated movie? Or are you influencing your family to obey God and purify your lifestyle? • Empower others. Decide to use your power to influence to empower those around you. According to Webster to empower is to 'influence; to give power to or to enable.' Every now and then we all need a little appreciation. Our families, our co-workers, our associates need to know they are affirmed and appreciated. • Set a good example. Your life is often the only Bible some will read. Is anyone being influenced for Christ by the life you lead? Remember the wife of the unsaved husband. The Apostle Peter's advice to her was even if her husband did not obey the Word of God, that he could perhaps be won over by her godly life and observing her purity and reverence (1 Pet. 3:1,2). • Be gracious. Have you learned the power of a soft answer, well-chosen words or silence? The writer of Colossians puts it this way, "Let your speech at all tines be gracious (pleasant and winsome), seasoned (as it were) with salt, (so that you may never be at a loss) to know how you ought to answer any one (who puts a question to you)" (Col 4:6) AMP. • Stir to Action. Tap into your enthusiasm. Share your enthusiasm with others. It is contagious. According to the writer of Ephesians enthusiasm has the power to stir others to action. Rejoice in God's gifts to you and use them enthusiastically. Beware of the enemies to good influence. I've listed some examples of women in Scripture that failed to use their gifts of influence for good. Each example points to a wrong choice to guard against: Used her power of invitation to invite husband to sin. Eve, created to be a helper for Adam, invited him to join her in sin (Gen. 2:18 and 3:6). Drew others away from God. Solomon's wives drew his heart See QUALITIES on Page 10


I Don't Want to Raise a Good Child By Lysa Terkeurst

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." (Proverbs 22:6) My daughter, Hope, is a senior this year. And she decided her senior year should be adventurous and a little out of the "normal" box. A lot out of the box actually. She withdrew from traditional school. Applied with the state to homeschool. Enrolled in online college courses that would allow her to get both high school and college credit simultaneously. And planned to spend the month of January serving in Nicaragua doing missions. This didn't surprise me really. Hope has always liked charting her own course. This thrills me now. But it didn't thrill me so much in the early years of raising this strongspirited child. When she was really little, I was scared to death I was the world's worst mom, because Hope was never one to be contained. And I honestly thought all her extra tenacity was a sign of my poor mothering. One day I took her to the mall to meet several of my friends with toddlers to grab lunch. All of their kids sat quietly eating cheerios in their strollers. They shined their halos and quoted Bible verses and used tissues to wipe their noses. Not Hope. She was infuriated by my insistence she stay in her stroller. So, when I turned away for a split second to place our lunch order, she wiggled free. She stripped off all her clothes. She ran across the food court. And jumped in the fountain in the center of the mall. Really, nothing makes the mother of a toddler feel more incapable than seeing her naked child splashing in the mall fountain. Except maybe that toddler refusing to get out and said mother having to also get into the fountain. I cried all the way home. Not because of what she'd done that day. But rather because of how

she was every day. So, determined. So independent. So insistent. I would beg God to show me how to raise a good child. One that stayed in her stroller. One that other people would comment about how wonderfully behaved she was. One that made me look good. But God seemed so slow to answer those prayers. So, over the years, I changed my prayer. "God help me to raise Hope to be who You want her to be." Emphasis on, "God HELP ME!" I think I changed my prayers for her because God started to change my heart. I sensed He had a different plan in mind for my mothering of Hope. Maybe God's goal wasn't for me to raise a good rule-following child. God's goal was for me to raise a God-following adult. An adult just determined and independent and insistent enough to fulfill a purpose He had in mind all along. Today's key verse reminds us we are training children so that when they are old, they will not turn away from Biblical principles, but rather implement them in their life-long pursuit of God. Remember, the things that might aggravate you about your child today, might be the very things when matured that make them great for God's kingdom tomorrow. I've certainly seen this in raising Hope. I don't know what mama needs to hear this today. But let me encourage you from the bottom of my heart with three simple mothering perspectives you must hang on to: 1. Don't take too much credit for their good. 2. Don't take too much credit for their bad. 3. Don't try to raise a good child. Raise a God-following adult. And all the mamas of fountaindancing children said, "Amen!" Dear Lord, I know You desire for me to raise a God-following adult. Please give me Your wisdom as I seek to become the parent You called to this high honor. Redirect my perspectives and equip me for this task today. In Jesus' Name. Amen. Reflect and Respond: The things that might aggravate you about your child today, might be the very things when matured that make them great for God's

kingdom tomorrow. Power Verse: (Deuteronomy 4:9), "Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them." © 2021 by Lysa TerKeurst. All rights reserved. Proverbs 31 Ministries >

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“Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord.” — Colossians 3:20 Back to School 2021 9


Changing Times

Seven Ways for Busy Moms to Get in the Word By Courtney Joseph

Fall is almost here, and for most moms this is the beginning of the busiest season of the year. Back-toschool to-do lists lead right into Thanksgiving and Christmas to-do lists, and we will not find rest again until January 2nd. And while God’s word sits on our shelves waiting for us to get a slow moment, the world bids us to keep busy. Get those kids signed up for soccer, piano, gymnastics, basketball, football, and the list keeps going. You just name it, everybody else is doing it. The world tells us to get our calendars full and stay on the move. If you don’t, your kids might miss out, or they won’t be cool, or they won’t learn important life lessons, or they won’t be socialized, or they won’t, won’t, won’t. “Get busy and keep busy” is how the unspoken

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mantra goes. The world says this chaotic running around is what the good moms do. But the truth is that we need slow moments. It’s in the slow moments that God speaks to us through his word and we speak to him in prayer. This is when we step away from all the busyness in order to fellowship with our heavenly Father. This is when we come to his word for the precious purpose of drinking from the living well — Jesus Christ. Here is a simple guide for busy moms who want to build more of these slow moments into their everyday — moments to stop and drink deeply from the living well. 1. Choose one passage of Scripture for the week. My favorite passages for meditating on come from Psalms, Proverbs, the Gospels, and the Epistles. 2. Write the passage on a note card, and slip it in your pocket or beside your computer. Pull it out periodically, and read over it. Keep it in your purse all week long, and pull it out at convenient times and

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read through it. 3. Read the passage first thing in the morning. Read the passage as soon as you get out of bed, so it’s the first thing on your mind that morning. 4. Open your Bible to that passage, and place it on the kitchen counter. All day long, when you walk through the kitchen, pause, read the passage, and then move on. 5. Read the passage out loud. Read it to yourself, and read it to your children during mealtime and at bedtime. 6. Reread the passage before you go to bed at night. Bookend your days with the reading of this passage of Scripture. 7. Write the passage at the top of your to-do list. This way, every time you look over your to-do list, you can review the Scripture passage. Courtney Joseph has been married for 16 years and classically educates her son and daughter at home. She writes daily at and co-founded an online Bible study community at>

QUALITIES Continued from Page 8 away from God (1 Kings 11:4). Stirred to evil action. Jezebel stirred up her husband Ahab to commit acts of abominable wickedness (1 Kings 21:25). Gave evil counsel. Job's wife counseled him to "curse God and die" (Job 2:9). Convinced or persuaded her husband of an evil plan. Rebekah willfully deceived her husband Isaac (Genesis 27). Despised her husband. Michal despised her husband David (2 Samuel 6:16). We as women in Christ are equipped with qualities for good influence. I exhort you to use your gifts to become influencers for Christ through the good you do. Let it be said that by the power of your influence you invited others to Christ, drew some toward God, stirred others to action, gave godly counsel and persuaded many to God's perfect plan. ©2021 All Rights Reserved >

Good Things Come To Those Who Wait


By Ken Coleman

My first experience in organized sports was playing soccer as a 7-year-old boy. I loved it, but I was small for my age. I was easily the smallest kid on the field, and I didn’t get a lot of playing time. The coach wasn’t mean or unfair about things. I think he was just afraid I’d get hurt if the ball ever hit me. But it ripped my heart out to sit on the bench every game. I knew I could play if given the chance, and I truly believed in my heart I should be playing more. I’ll never forget riding home after one game, and sitting dejectedly in the back seat of the car. When my dad asked me what was wrong, I burst into tears and sobbed,

“I just want to play!” I don’t remember what dad said next, or much of anything else about the ride home. But I do recall at one point he looked at me in the rearview mirror and said, “You know what? You’re going to get bigger; you’re going to get faster and you’re going to get better. Stay with it, son. Your time will come.” He was right. I got more playing time during the next season. Two years later, I led the league in scoring and was selected for the AllStar team Those encouraging words from my dad stayed with me, and they helped me stay with it. They sustained me. When it comes to your job, some of you may feel just like a little kid who only wants to get in the game. Instead of playing, you feel like you’re sitting on the sidelines, even though you know you could do it if you just had the chance. But there’s often purpose in waiting. It might not be fun—and it definitely humbles you—but waiting often grows and refines you in ways nothing

else can. It also allows you the opportunity to mature and learn more. You may have heard me talk about the seven stages of finding your dream job: 1. Get Clear, 2. Get Qualified, 3. Get Connected, 4. Get Started, 5. Get Promoted, 6. Get Your Dream Job and 7. Give Yourself Away. Each one takes patience, perseverance and plenty of time watching other people become (what seems like) overnight successes, while you continue to slowly inch forward. Other people will get opportunities you feel should’ve gone to you. They’ll get noticed for their hard work, when you feel you’ve worked twice as hard. You might have to accept or stay in jobs for a while that don’t take full advantage of your skills. Do them anyway. When I was stuck in my job and started over by working toward my

dream of being a broadcaster, there was no way for it to happen quickly or easily. I went to broadcast school with 20-year-olds while I was in my mid-30s. I recorded my first podcast in a 5-foot-by-5-foot sound booth with no air conditioning. I spent years finding the right people and the right places, and I built relationships from the ground up. And you know what? Everything I endured was worth it to get where I am today. Be patient. My guess is it’ll be worth it for you, too!

* Ken Coleman has been featured in Forbes, appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, and the Rachel Ray Show. Since 2014, he has served at Ramsey Solutions, where he offers expert advice to help thousands of people every day discover what they were meant to do and how to land their dream job.

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Back to School 2021 11


Changing Times

11 Ways to Build Better Relationships Connecting with Our God-Given Friends By Charles F. Stanley

Friendships come in a variety of forms ranging from casual to intimate. Casual friendships are plentiful and arise quickly, but intimate friends are few in number, and the relationship takes longer to develop. A great relationship like Jonathan and David’s (as described in 1 Samuel 18:1-7) doesn’t usually happen automatically but demands something from us. Strong, healthy relationships require: * Time. No relationship—whether it’s with a friend, spouse, or child—will flourish without the investment of our time in their lives. * Talking. Every friendship is founded upon two-way communiANA cation.


* Tears and laughter. A genuinely open relationship requires sharing of both our joys and sorrows. We’d prefer that it all be laughter, but true friendships include hurt, pain, and tears. * Triumphs. We should be as excited about our friends’ accomplishments and victories as we are about our own. These are times to commend them for a job well done and rejoice with them. * Trials. Every relationship goes through trials and disappointments. However, troubles can be diminished when we learn to relate to others in a selfless, caring manner. * Thankfulness. We should always thank the Lord for blessing us with good friendships; however, we also need to express gratitude to our friends. Saying “thank you” should come readily and sincerely to our lips for anything they do for us. And when they need our help, we should be grateful for the privilege of meeting their need. * Thoughtfulness. Being thoughtful requires that we think

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COVID19 PARTNERS Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, the Louisiana Department of Health’s Office for Behavioral Health and the Local Governing Entities have partnered to provide coping resources and connections to help all citizens with their emotional well-being.

(866) 310-7977 24-HOUR HOTLINE 12 Back to School 2021


about the other person, not just about ourselves. It flows from our love and concern and can be manifested in a variety of ways—a note, a call, a gift, or a visit—depending on our friend’s need or circumstance. * Tolerance. Being a genuine friend requires tolerance. We need patience when we’d prefer, they change, forgiveness when we’re wronged, and willingness to help in whatever way we can. * Touching. A warm, godly hug is a wonderful way to convey our love and assure a friend of our prayers on their behalf. And when someone is hurting, a touch delivers comfort and encouragement. This is a way we can follow Jesus’ example because He continually touched people as He ministered to them—even lepers. We should never underestimate the power of a touch. * Transparency. To build an intimate friendship, we must be willing to be honest and open. Instead of trying to hide our weaknesses and hurts,

we should freely share our struggles with our friend. This doesn’t mean we have to reveal everything about ourselves, but we must be authentic and demonstrate that we really are who we appear to be. * Truthfulness. Without a foundation of truth, we cannot build a relationship. We must be confident that the other person is speaking truthfully, and he or she should be able to trust that we will do whatever we have said. Do you have healthy friendships? If you long for a close friend but have been unable to find one, ask the Lord to provide someone with whom you can share. Then ask Him to make you into the friend He wants you to be for that person.>

Charles F. Stanley © 2021 All Rights Reserved


Preparing for Adolescence By Focus On The Family

When your child was a newborn, coping with short nights of sleep, dirty diapers and crying spells may have hampered your ability to marvel at the incredible little person before you. When she was a turbocharged and at times defiant toddler, the nonstop effort required to keep her (and your home) safe and sound may not have given you much time to appreciate her rapidly developing abilities. Similarly, when your adolescent experiences normal growing pains and emotional turbulence (and possibly a crisis or two) during the coming years, it may be all too easy to lose sight of a number of very encouraging and gratifying developments. Yes, there will be a lot of problems to solve, arriving in all shapes

and sizes (often when you least expect them). You will need to guide, monitor and sometimes intervene to keep the cultural wolves a respectable distance from your teenager's door. You may have to put out some fires or even an occasional four-alarm blaze. Hopefully, through it all you will be able to recognize and appreciate in your adolescent many of the positive attributes that are common in this age-group. How and when these qualities will be expressed will vary with each individual, but be on the lookout for them — and be sure to express your appreciation when they show up: • Energy and enthusiasm • Idealism • for the needs of others — often coupled with a willingness to offer help in ways that adults might find risky or "unrealistic" • A desire for meaningful relationships • A sense of humor that can be witty and insightful • A concern for fairness and justice

• An interest in other cultures and countries • Development of new skills in athletics, the arts, crafts, the use of tools, writing and speaking — often with extraordinary achievements • Curiosity — not only about the way things work in the world but why • Willingness to commit to worthwhile causes and to back up that commitment with specific actions • Ability (and attention span) to appreciate sophisticated music, drama, films and artwork • A deep desire for a relationship with God and a willingness to make a lifelong commitment to serve Him Despite the relatively few years separating one generation from the next, most adults seem to have amnesia about their own adolescence. Parents who have already "been there, done that" may have difficulty recalling how they felt and thought between the ages of twelve and twenty-one.

As you read through the stages of adolescent development in this article, try to recall what you were experiencing during those years. Whether your effort brings fond memories, a lot of pain or merely a sigh of relief that you don't have to go through that again, you will connect more smoothly with your teenager(s) if you can remember what it's like to walk a mile in their sneakers. © 1997–2021 Focus on the Family >

Do you march to a different drum? We need your help in making a stand with us for Christianity. Christians matter! Can we count on your support? Together, we can do this! ❏ Yes, I will pledge my support for Changing Times by donating $ ________________. Make check payable to Save the Nations Ministries, Inc. [A 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization]. ❏ I prefer to pay by credit card. ❏ Visa ❏ MasterCard ❏ American Express Number __________________________ Exp. Date ___________ Name ______________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City _________________________ State _______ Zip _______ Phone (

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“This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” — Psalm 118:24

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Back to School 2021 13

Changing Times

Parental Empathy

Let Your Kids Know You Care—About Them By Tom Neven

23 Great Questions to Ask Your Children By Sharon Jaynes

• What do you think heaven looks • • • •

• • • •

like? What does Dad do at work? Who is a person you know that seems the most Christ-like? What do you think your wife (husband) will be like? If you were going to spend one year on a desert island and could only take three things with you, what would they be? Who is your favorite aunt or uncle and why do you like him or her so much? What sounds and smells do you think Joseph and Mary experienced in the stable on Christmas night? What is the nicest thing I ever did for you? When is a time that I hurt your feelings? When is a time that you were really mad at me? If people followed the Golden Rule, think of all the things we wouldn’t need. Can you make

a list? • If you could be in a movie that you’ve already seen, which one would it be? Would you be a character that is already in the movie, or would you be one that you would add? • How is love different for a Christian couple than it is in the movies? • What is the difference between being smart and being wise? • What is your favorite outfit? • What is the hardest part about being (fill in your child’s age)? • What has been your favorite childhood memory? • When you pray, how do you picture God? • What is your favorite Bible verse? Why do you like it? • If you could be an animal for a day, which one would you be? • If you could go in a time machine, what era in history would you like to visit? • What person in history would you like to visit? • What is the most important decision you will ever make? © Revive Our Hearts. Sharon Jaynes. Used with permission by Moody Publishers. >


Safety Precautions New Protocols to Protect YOU! (985) 809-1889 (985) 809-1889 14 Back to School 2021

Dimetry B. Cossich, DDS Dimetry B. Cossich, Jr., DDS

Tiger moms, sports dads, and helicopter parents—these stereotypes describe people involved in their kids’ lives to the point of obsession and destruction. While they may truly love their kids, they also judge themselves by their children’s successes and failures. They don’t listen when their kids try to explain they have other interests and desires. And unfortunately, many of these people don’t realize that the pressure they put on their kids to achieve their parent-imposed goals drive them away—and teach them a very incorrect view of God. Instead, we need to let our kids know from the beginning that we are on their side—that we care about what they care about and will listen to their concerns. While their issues may seem silly or minor to us, they aren’t to them. Consider how our heavenly Father

treats us. He cares deeply about our concerns. Nothing is too small. The Psalms are full of images of God bending down to listen to our prayers: “I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer” (Ps. 17:6). “Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue” (Ps. 31:2). Even when we don’t know what to pray, God is already there, attending to us: “In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words” (Rom. 8:26). So, turn your ear, literally and figuratively, to your kids. Try learning something about what interests them. Take time to understand when something worries them—even if they don’t tell you it does. Consider their fears from their perspective, and help them understand and overcome those worries. It’s the surest way to keep them on your side through good times and bad—and help them see the same qualities in their heavenly Father. © 2021 All Rights Reserved >

The Lost Children By Timothy Shay Arthur

"Tell us the story about the lost children, dear mother," said George, laying down his playthings and coming to his mother's side. "Oh, yes, mother, please do," added the little boy's sister; a bright-eyed, rosycheeked girl, just ten years old. "I told you the story yesterday," replied the mother. "I know you did," answered George. "But we want to hear it again. Tell it to us, dear mother, and we will be such good children!" "There was once a little boy and girl," began the mother; "no older than you are, my children, who got lost in a thick, dark forest, in which were fierce wild beasts. They were brother and sister, and their names were Edward and Ellen. They were playing near their father's house one day, when Edward said, 'Come, sister, let us go across the field into

the woods yonder, and gather some pretty flowers for mamma.' "Ellen was pleased at the thought of getting for her dear mamma a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and so she said, 'Oh, yes, brother, let us go.' "So this little boy and girl went across the field and into the woods, where they wandered about, gathering a great many bright wild flowers when their hands were full, Ellen said, 'Now, brother, let us go home.' "They took hold of each other's hands and started, as they thought, toward their home — but I am sorry to say they went away from, instead of toward their home — and soon found that they were lost in a thick, dark forest! Poor Ellen began to cry. Edward put his arm around her, and said — "‘don’t cry, sister, we will find our way home.' "'Oh, no, Edward," she said, 'we are lost in the woods, and it will soon be dark. Oh! We shall be eaten up by the wolves!' "'The wolves will not eat us up,' replied the brave-hearted little boy, confidently. ‘So don't cry, sister.' "'Oh, yes, I am sure they will.' "'Don't be afraid. I know they

won't hurt us. Wolves are fierce animals, but if we pray to God to take care of us, He will not let the wolves hurt us.' "'Oh, let us pray then,' said Ellen. And all alone in the gloomy forest, this dear little boy and his sister knelt down and prayed that God would keep the fierce wolves from hurting them.' "After they had prayed, Ellen's tears dried up, and she took hold of Edward's arm, and clung close to his side. Just then a deep growl sounded through the forest, and presently they saw a long gray wolf coming fiercely toward them. "The children dropped upon their knees, and Edward said aloud — "'Our Father in Heaven, keep the wolves from hurting us!' "They had no sooner prayed that prayer, than the wolf stopped still for a minute or two, and then ran off another way. "They were very much frightened and trembled all over. Ellen said — "'God has made the fierce wolf go away — He will not let him hurt us. Oh, I wish He would show us the way home. It is getting so dark!' "'Let us ask Him to show us the way home,' said Edward. "Again the lost children knelt down and prayed. They were still on their knees when they heard afar off, the sound of their father's voice calling them. Oh how their little hearts jumped for joy! They sprang up, and ran as fast as they could in the direction from which the sound came. In a little while they were in their father's arms, crying for joy. And that is the end of my story!" "I am so glad!" exclaimed George and his sister at once. "God wouldn't let the wicked wolf eat those two children up!" "No, my children, He kept them from all harm. And if you will be good, and pray to him — He

will protect you in every danger." "Don't you know any more stories about lost people, dear mother?" asked George. "Shall I tell you about the men who were once lost in the Wilderness of Sin?" "Oh, yes, please do mother!" "All mankind was once lost and about to be destroyed by hungry wolves— but the Lord saved them, and brought them out of the wilderSee LOST CHILDREN on Page 22


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Back to School 2021 15

Changing Times

Christ And I Are Friends By J. R. Miller

Christ and John were friends. It was a great, all-absorbing, overmastering friendship, which transformed John. This friendship began that day when the John the Baptist said to two young men, as Jesus passed near: "Behold the Lamb of God!" The two young men followed Jesus and were invited to his lodgings, spending the afternoon with Him. What took place during those hours we do not know— but we do know that a friendship began between John—then scarcely more than a boy—and Jesus, whose bonds have never slackened since. For three years this friendship grew

16 Back to School 2021

in sweetness and tenderness, and during those years it was a wonderful transformation that took place in the disciple. God has saved many a life by sending to it a sweet human friendship. Christ comes to sinners and saves them with love. That is the way he saved the prodigals of his time. He came to them and became their friend. It is to a personal friendship with him, that Christ is always inviting men. Christ saves men by becoming their friend. John surrendered his heart and life, to this friendship with Jesus. He opened every window and door to his new Master. The basis of John's friendship with Christ was his trust. He never doubted. Thomas doubted and was slow to believe. This hindered the growth of his friendship with Jesus. We cannot enter into the joy and gladness of friendship, unless we believe heartily. Peter was one of Christ's closest

friends—but he was always saying rash words and doing rash things which interrupted his fellowship with Christ. Such a spirit as Peter's, however loyal and courageous, cannot realize the sweet and gentle things of the holiest friendship. But John loved on in silence and trusted—his friendship was deep and strong. At the Last Supper he leaned on the Master's bosom. That is the place of confidence—the bosom is only for those who have a right to the closest intimacy. It is the place of love, near the heart. It is the place of safety—in the secret place of the Most-High. The bosom is the place of comfort too. It was the darkest night the world ever saw, that John lay on the bosom of Jesus. But he found comfort there. The bosom is the place of trust also. That is what leaning on Christ's breast means. Do not think that that place of innermost love was for John only and has never been filled since that night. It is like heaven's gate—it is never closed, and whoever will may come and lie down there. The bosom is also a place for those who sorrow—oh, that all who have known grief, knew that they may creep in where John lay and nestle there! John's transformation is the

model for all of us. No matter how many imperfections mar the beauty of our lives, we should not be discouraged. But we should never consent to let the faults remain. That is the way too many of us do. We condone our weakness and imperfections; we pity them and keep them. We should give ourselves no rest until they are all cured. But how can we get these evil things out of our lives? How did John get rid of his faults? By letting the love of Christ possess him! Lying upon Christ's bosom, Christ's sweet, pure, wholesome life infused John's life and made it sweet, pure and wholesome. It is the friendship of Christ— which alone can transform us. You are a Christian, not because you belong to a church, not because you have a good creed, not merely because you are living a fair moral life, you are a Christian because you and Christ are friends. What can a friend be to a friend? Let us think of the best that earth's richest-hearted friend can be to us and do for us. Then lift up this conception, multiplying it a thousand times. If it were possible to gather out of all history and from all the See FRIENDS on Page 23

Where Have All the Grandmas Gone? By Amy Walker

One day, I was driving while listening to the radio. I tuned into the last part of a Truth for Life broadcast. Alistair Begg was teaching. I’m particularly fond of Alistair, mostly because he has a Scottish accent that I find entertaining all by itself. Secondly, he is an excellent teacher and I had to privilege of seeing him speak in person a few years back. Though I missed the beginning of the show and was wrestling with the context, I focused in on his story of a church in India. It was run by missionaries who were once interviewed. They were asked, “What is the greatest need for your church?” The answer was grandmothers. It was an odd reply at the very least and not one that would make even the top 50 answers if you asked that of any American pastor. Why grandmothers? Simply put, there was a great need for the older generation to teach the younger. They needed women of faith that had been through the battles of life and come out on the other side. They had wisdom through years of experience and costly scars. The younger women needed them to come alongside them and teach them about marriage and children— how to be godly women. A dramatic shortage seemed to be evident and it was taking its toll on their people. What about in America? In the

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live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach others what is good. These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God. In the same way, encourage the young men to live wisely. And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching.” What makes this such a difficult task for the church these days? Is it because we’ve all become so selfreliant and independent? We’d rather struggle alone then swallow our pride and ask for help. Perhaps it’s tied in with the breakdown of traditional family roles. Kids are rebellious as ever; parents are distracted and overwhelmed. Grandparents often feel disconnected from their own children, let alone their grandchildren. Where are the grandmas in the church? For that matter where are the grandpas, the uncles and aunts? I know that in reality there are some but are there enough? Is it being taught in the church today? Is it being ingrained into our culture like it once was? There seems to be reluctance on the part of the more mature believer to get involved. I know because I’m now one of them. We worry about offending people or invading people’s privacy. We don’t want to “interfere” with the young mother struggling to discipline her kids. We don’t want to come off wrong when we offer advice to a young bride who disrespects her husband

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in public. Or is it a deeper issue? The author of Hebrews makes this point: “You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God’s word. You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food. For someone who lives on milk is still an infant and doesn’t know how to See GRANDMAS on Page 24

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past, I have had the good fortune of having several ladies more mature in years and in their walk with Christ speak encouragement and wisdom into my life. At present I find there are very few. Perhaps it’s just a season in my life. I still have relationships with those from the past but they are long distance relationships. I don’t consider myself as having an active mentor at the moment. I’ve got to admit, it’s a sad feeling. Before we moved to this area, I always considered myself the pup in my circle of influence. I was usually the youngest and was still learning from everyone else. Someday my time would come to pass it on but that was a LONG ways down the road. After we moved and found a church family I began looking around for those mentor-types. Then one day, God showed me that I had crossed that invisible line. I was no longer the grasshopper but now I was to fill the role of Master Po. This came as quite a shock. No one told me, no one even asked if I was ready. I was pretty happy being the grasshopper. It was less responsibility and someone was always there when I made mistakes. I took it up with God. He promptly informed me that I would always have someone to look out for me and teach me—Him. He was now requiring me to go straight to the source instead of relying on human strength and wisdom. It was now my turn to teach someone else how to know Him. (Titus 2:2-7) states, “Teach the older men to exercise self-control, to be worthy of respect, and to live wisely. They must have sound faith and be filled with love and patience. Similarly, teach the older women to

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Back to School 2021 17

Changing Times

You Almost Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks By John Piper Bob Provo doctrinal view and has totally compelling bibli- Most will simply dodge the issue. Third, if I am wrong on this point, then I have suggested after cal support. Can the “old dog” learn the “new our evening ser- trick”? It is not very likely. The hindrances in been misleading people all these years. I have vice on July 26 this case are a good deal harder to overcome taught my children wrong and my Sunday School classes. The psychological disposition to that when Jesus than the associations of reflexes in the brain. First, in order to change my conviction at 65 I reject such an indictment is so strong that our said, “No one who drinks old must admit that I have thought and believed subconsciousness engages in an all-out smear wine desires the wrongly for decades. This is devastating to my campaign to discredit the “new wine.” Is it any wonder, then, that “you can’t teach an new, because he pride. How could I have overlooked the true says the old is good” (Luke 5:39) what he meant evidence so long? How could I have been illogi- old dog new tricks”? But I believe in spiritual was, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” I cal all this time? Or have I just willfully shut my miracles. I believe in the power of Holy Spirit think he is probably right. The point was: Jesus eyes, indifferent to truth? Our human nature humility. Therefore, I only say, “You almost and his teaching were the new wine coming into rebels against making these admissions that we can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Much love from Easley, South Carolina, the world, but the scribes and Pharisees could can almost always find excuses not to accept the Pastor John not bring themselves to even try the new, let “new trick” no matter how compelling the biblical support. alone enjoy it. Second, all these years I have channeled my There are some very natural reasons why you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I think if we relation to God through a misconception. I have ©2021 Desiring God understand some of these reasons we can change delighted in a view that is not true. I have seen Foundation. Website: www. “can’t” to “almost can’t.” My car has a clutch, God through this lens and now I find it is Email: but the Stellers’ car is automatic. Whenever I torted. This is not only offensive to my pride, but Toll borrow their car, I still push the clutch even threatens to make my relation to God look artiFree: 888-346-4700 > though it’s not there. I’m already an “old dog” at ficial and unreal. It takes some mighty deep 35. The explanation is simple: repeated combi- spiritual foundations to sustain such a blow. nations of activity establish associaTURNING 65 OR NEW TO MEDICARE? tions in our brain which then tend to occur together. So, there is nothGet more from your Medicare plan. Let’s talk about how we can help. ing very odd about being an There’s more to the story than just the coverage. Humana is here to help you get the most from your plan. “old dog” no matCall a licensed Humana sales agent ter how old you are. But there is more to it when Eve Lion Scott Rauch Ken Cooley our religious con504-495-8170 504-338-8985 504-487-6654 victions are involved. Suppose you have held a doctrinal conviction for 50 years and have taught it in many Chris Harris Mattie Craig Nidia Martinez Sunday School 504-756-2587 985-210-6924 504-913-7153 classes and have rejoiced in it in En español? Llame al your private med504-913-7153 itations. And suppose you are wrong. (This has to be possible because there are many 65-year-old people who hold Applicable to H1951-047-001 & H1951-028 Humana Gold Plus HMO. At Humana, it is important you are treated fairly. Humana Inc. and contradictory docits subsidiaries comply with applicable Federal Civil Rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, trinal convictions. disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ancestry, marital status or religion. English: ATTENTION: If you do not speak Somebody is English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call 1-877-320-1235 (TTY: 711). Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: Si wrong.) Now suphabla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-877-320-1235 (TTY: 711). 繁體中文 (Chinese): pose somebody 注意:如果您使 用繁體中文 ,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務 。請致電 1-877-320-1235 (TTY:711) 。 comes along and Y0040_GHHHXDEEN21_MULTI_C offers the new wine of a contrary

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Growing Old Gracefully With God By Charles (Chuck) Robey Please Read (Ecclesiastes 12:1-7)

Growing up as a "PK", short for preachers’ kid, Mom had many famous clichés. All of which were rated "G", for good of course. One of her favorite saying, expressing a rather common thought or idea of hers, was "growing old gracefully". I never actually knew what Mom meant, until I found myself in that same boat of "growing old gracefully. So, you are blessed to have lived beyond your allocated 70 years. You see, "Aging gracefully" is often used as a euphemism. Often times, people tend to use the phrase to mean, "Looking old, but embracing it" or "Showing signs of aging, but still powering forward with life." In this way, the term feels almost negative or backhanded - it's the phrase we use to describe someone who isn't looking as good as they once did. But is that the only interpretation we can affix to this term? Perhaps aging gracefully doesn't necessarily have to refer to age or appearance, but rather the attitude people have as they go through the various stages of life. The following excerpts, taken in part from an unknown internet source, explains "growing old gracefully" rather nicely. And I quote! "You know .... time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing years. It seems just yesterday that I was young, just married and embarking on my new life with my mate. Yet in a way, it seems like eons ago, and I wonder where all the years went. I know that I lived them all. I have glimpses of how it was back then and of all my hopes and dreams. Where did the years go and where did my youth go"? I remember well seeing older people through the years and thinking that those older people were years away from me. However, aging was so far off that I could not fathom it or imagine fully what it would be like.

But here it is... my friends are retired and getting gray... they move slower and I see an older person now. Some are in better and some worse shape than me... but, I see the great change... Not like the ones that I remember who were young and vibrant... but, like me, their age is beginning to show and we are now those older folks that we used to see and never thought we'd become. Each day now, I find that just getting a shower is a real target for the day! And taking a nap is not a treat anymore... it's mandatory! Cause if I don't on my own free will... I just fall asleep where I sit! And so... now I enter into this new season of my life unprepared for all the aches and pains and the loss of strength and ability to go and do things that I wish I had done but never did!! But, this I know, that when it's over on this earth... it's over. A new adventure will begin! Yes, I have regrets. There are things I wish I hadn't done... things I should have done, but indeed, there are many things I'm happy to have done. It's all in a lifetime. So, whatever you would like to accomplish in your life please do it quickly! Don't put things off too long!! Life goes by quickly. So, do what you can today. You have no promise that you will see all the seasons of your life... so, live for today and say all the things that you want your loved ones to remember... and hope that they appreciate and love you for all the things that you have done for them in all the years past!! "Life" is a gift to you. The way you live your life is your gift to those who come after. Make it a fantastic one. LIVE IT WELL! ENJOY TODAY! DO SOMETHING FUN! BE HAPPY! HAVE A GREAT DAY! Remember it is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. LASTLY, CONSIDER THIS: ----- Your kids are becoming you...... but your grandchildren are perfect! ----- Going out is good. Coming home is better! ----- You forget names.... but it's OK because other people forgot they even knew you!!!

“I and My Father are one.” — John 10:30

----- The things you used to care to do, you no longer care to do, but you really do care that you don't care to do them anymore. ----- You sleep better on a lounge chair with the TV blaring than in bed. It's called "pre-sleep." ----- You miss the days when everything worked with just an "ON" and "OFF" switch. ----- You tend to use more 4 letter words ... "what?"..."when?"... ??? ----- Now that you can afford expensive jewelry, it's not safe to wear it anywhere. ----- You notice everything they sell in stores is "sleeveless"?!!! ----- What used to be freckles are now liver spots. ----- Everybody now whispers. ----- You have 3 sizes of clothes

in your closet.... 2 of which you will never wear. (Author Unknown) But Old is good in some things: Old Songs, Old movies, and best of all, OLD FRIENDS!! So, stay well, "OLD FRIEND!" It's not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived. TODAY IS THE OLDEST YOU'VE EVER BEEN, YET THE YOUNGEST YOU'LL EVER BE, SO ENJOY THIS DAY WHILE IT LASTS. (Author Unknown) The aforementioned scenario of " growing old gracefully" seems to See GROWING OLD on Page 23


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Back to School 2021 19

Changing Times

Marriage Moving Beyond The Stalemate In Marriage By Trillia Newbell

Let me be honest from the start. At the beginning of my marriage, I was a harsh jerk. My self-righteous impatience made it almost impossible for my husband to plan even a Saturday out for the two of us because I questioned every decision he made. But God... He is in the business of graciously convicting and sanctifying his saints, and over time God did a work in my life to show me the beauty of God’s design for headship and submission — a beautiful design highlighted by C.S. Lewis in what has been voted the most important Christian book of the twentieth century: Mere Christianity. Unpopular Complementarity Lewis recognized the topics of headship and submission were already unpopular in his day, and they needed to be addressed, and needed to be addressed in a book on the essentials of the faith. And he knew they would be hard to address. After addressing the permanency of marriage, he writes, “Something else, even more unpopular, remains

I Do.

to be dealt with. Christian wives promise to obey their husbands. In Christian marriage the man is said to be the ‘head’”. Here’s why it mattered to Lewis: The need for some head follows from the idea that marriage is permanent. Of course, as long as the husband and wife are agreed, no question of a head need arise; and we may hope that this will be the normal state of affairs in a Christian marriage. But when there is a real disagreement, what is to happen? Talk it over, of course; but I am assuming they have done that and still failed to reach agreement. What do they do next? They cannot decide by a majority vote, for in a council of two there can be no majority. Surely, only one or other of two things can happen: either they must separate and go their own ways or else one or other of them must have a casting vote. If marriage is permanent, one or other party must, in the last resort, have the power of deciding the family policy. You cannot have a permanent association without a constitution. And such a constitution will subtly flavor everything for the better. Lewis not only believes that the husband is the head of the wife, but that this must shape practices in the home. It is a functional complementarity, or what I would call a common-sense complementarity. Functional Complementarity Whenever two people need to make a decision, and a disagreement

arises, one must lead. One must make the final decision. Important decisions in marriage require moving beyond a stalemate. And if the man doesn’t lead, the woman will. For Lewis, the implications of (Ephesians 5:22–23) determined that the man was the head of the woman, and therefore the man would make the final decision. But notice what Lewis is not saying. He is not saying a wife is a voiceless doormat. If that were the case, there would be no discussion, no possibility of stalemate, and the man would merely decide. Lewis doesn’t say that a woman cannot, and should not, have an opinion. Quite the contrary. His point is that the power of final decision in the case of disagreement falls to the husband and his role as the leader. Sacrificial Complementarity But decision-making is only the beginning of complementarity. Lewis was not married when he wrote this, and admits that he could speak only second hand. He was a bachelor until his sixties, when he married his American friend, writer Joy Davidman Gresham. They were married after she received alarming and heartbreaking news that she had bone cancer and was given

only a few days to live. Those days turned into four years, and during those long and painful years, Lewis overcame his own physical limitations to serve his wife unselfishly and tirelessly until she died. Over the course of these four years, Lewis modeled the full scope of complementarity in his sacrifice for his wife. He lived out (Ephesians 5:25): “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her.” The Courage of Lewis I imagine the great comfort Joy felt in having her husband sacrificially love and serve her. I’ve never faced a debilitating disease or chronic illness, but I have experienced suffering, and in that suffering, I have experienced the same type of self-sacrifice in my husband. He is not perfect, nor am I. We both sin against each other, and we return to the grace of God in the gospel. But I have learned to submit to him gladly, and I no longer desire to usurp his authority — not because my husband is infallible, and not really on the testimony of Lewis, but See STALEMATE on Page 23

I Do.



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Stop Divorce And Recommit Yourselves By Angie Lewis

Recommitting yourselves to one another in marriage is for couples that are choosing to work on their marriage, resolve issues, and recommit their lives to each other. It is for couples that have grown apart spiritually and or emotionally and intend on encouraging each other through their devotion to one another. And finally, it is for couples who just want to remind their spouse of how much they mean to them, and to keep the bond going strong. Recommitting your lives to each other can be an elaborate affair involving all of your friends and family, or it can be a simple and

private ceremony between just you and your spouse. Of course, in both instances, God is a special witness overseeing your re-promise to each other. Let your spouse know that marriage is for life and your commitment to the marriage will be life long concern of yours through the good times as well as the not so good. For believers, recommitment involves asking Jesus Christ into your marriage and basing your thoughts and actions upon the Word of God. Recommitment is knowing what your responsibilities in the marriage are according to God and His standards. Recommitting is NOT lip reading some words to your spouse that you really don't mean but to speak from your heart knowing full good and well that God is listening to your every word. Come together in prayer and recite whatever vows you have prepared ahead of time. You might be wondering why would it be necessary to recommit yourself to the person you married? Recommitment shows your love on a regular basis and brings couples

closer together, reminding them of how important the marriage really is. The other reason is if couples married too young and they did not hold the same value toward the marriage, as they should have, they now have the chance to make up for that by recommitment to each other. By choosing to work on marital issues and recommitting to each other the second time around, the marriage will most likely become more valuable in your conviction bank. The most important aspects to remember about recommitment are it first involves having a committed heart to Jesus Christ, so we can fully understand what commitment means. The second most important aspect is realizing that marriage is not about you. It is about both of you, and that means considering the feelings of another in all situations that would involve the person you married. I have listed four important aspects below that would help to bring commitment back into the marriage with your willingness. 1. God 2. Selflessness 3. Choosing to love 4. Marriage is for life This does not mean your marriage will not run into problems, but it means that now you have the proper resources to apply into the marriage when confronted with certain issues that upset the apple cart from time to time. No marriage is perfect; marriage is only what we make it to be. The main reason, I believe, people get divorced is because they don't have the foggiest idea how to manage issues that arise in the marriage. But if we choose to accept and follow the four steps above it

will bring a dead marriage on the brink of divorce back to life! So stop divorce and recommit yourselves to each other. Take responsibility for your marriage! God is the greatest source for our marriage and He provides us with what we need on a continual basis, therefore we should strive to make God a priority in our marriage. His loving guidance is what helps us to feel content so we won't feel the need to be selfish. The minute we take our eyes off of Him we trod the path that leads to relying on our own understanding and we become selfish. We should choose to love our spouse even when we don't feel like being very loving because that is how we are to love our spouse. Jesus Christ has taught us how to love through His actions of love for us. Recommitting your life to your spouse means your marriage is important to you and that you want to remain married for life through the good times as well as the bad. Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any; even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. (Colossians 3:12-13 KJV) © 2002-2021 Heaven Ministries. All Rights Reserved. >

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Back to School 2021 21

Changing Times

Education "The Old Testament Law" Ceremonial, Civil, Moral By Samuel Mills

The Old Testament Law was to point out the people's sins and to show them it is impossible to please God by trying to obey all His laws. The beginning of the New Testament, (New Covenant) brought over six hundred Old Testament Ceremonial Laws to an end; Leaving the civil to guide man’s conduct, and moral laws (including the Ten Commandments) to identify what God considers to be a sin. There has been much debate over these laws, and how they apply. For the Christian, the civil and moral laws reveal the nature and will of God, and how people are to live. “For if the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it to Abra-

ham by a promise, why then the law? It was added because of transgressions until the offspring should come to whom the promise had been made, and it was put in place through angels by an intermediary,” (The Apostle Paul, Gal 3:18-19, ESV). The Covenant with Abraham shows that faith is the only way to enter into Heaven. God's promise to Abraham was through faith, while the Old Law focuses on actions. Faith does not do away with the law; but the more we know God, the more obvious our sins become. Christians are to depend on their faith in Christ alone for salvation. In fact, Christ is the only way given for mankind to enter into Heaven. (1 Tim 2:5) "The Old Testament Law" The Old Testament Law, identifies sin and teaches the need for salvation; God's grace gives us that salvation through Jesus Christ. There are over 600 Jewish Ceremonial Laws and Rituals listed in the Old Testament. These are the

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laws that Paul said no longer apply. Ceremonial Law: This type of law related to Israel's worship. (Lev 1:1-13) The laws pointed forward to Jesus Christ and were no longer necessary after Jesus' death and resurrection. Though we are no longer bound to them, the principles behind the ceremonial laws, to worship and love God, still apply. Civil Law: This law dictated Israel's daily living (Deut 24:1011); but modern society and culture are so radically different that some of these guidelines cannot be followed specifically. The principles behind the commands are to guide our conduct. Moral Law: The moral laws are

direct commands of God. A good example is the Ten Commandments (Ex 20:1-17). The moral laws reveal the nature and will of God, and still apply to us today. We do not obey this moral law as a way to obtain salvation, but to live in ways pleasing to God. (segments from, "Life Application Study Bible") The Old Testament Law is where God reveals His nature, His will/ lifestyle for humanity, His moral laws, and guidelines for living. But we cannot go to Heaven by keeping that Law; we must be born again and trust in Jesus. Samuel Mills © Copyright 2006-2021>

LOST CHILDREN Continued from Page 15 ness." "Please tell us all about it, mother?" "Yes, if you will listen very attentively. I do not mean that all men were lost in just such a forest as Edward and Ellen were lost in; nor, that they were in danger of being eaten up by such wolves as threatened to eat up this dear little boy and girl." "What kind of wolves were they?" asked the children. "They were just such things in their hearts, which corresponded to wolves and every evil and hurtful beast — wicked thoughts and acts. But let me tell you all about it." "The Lord made men innocent and good. All things around them were as beautiful as the loveliest garden you have ever seen. In their hearts dwelt only those good feelings, to which the lambs and doves and all good animals correspond. They were very happy, and God was their companions. "But, after a while, they began to forget the good Lord who made them, and gave them every blessing they enjoyed. At the same time that they forgot God, they forgot to love one another. The innocent lambs

began to die in their hearts — and evil beasts of prey to take their place. They hated, instead of loving one another. Then war, dreadful war, first appeared on the earth. Men not only hated, but sought to kill each other. Wicked spirits possessed them, soul and body. They were as if lost in a great wilderness, and about to be destroyed by the wild beasts which were in their hearts! "It was then that the Lord came and saved them. He drove out the evil spirits and cruel beasts, and led the lost men out of this dark and fearful wilderness. It was Jesus Christ, of whom you read in the New Testament, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, who did this. When you are older, and can understand better, I will tell you more about the lost men, and the good Lord who saved them." GRACE GEMS! A Treasury of Ageless Sovereign Grace Devotional Writings Our Purpose To humble the pride of man, to exalt the grace of God in salvation and to promote real holiness in heart and life. © 2021 >


FRIENDS Continued from Page 16 world—the best and holiest things of pure, true friendship, and combine them all in one great friendship, Christ's friendship would surpass the sum of them all. Even our human friendships, we prize as the dearest things on earth. They are more precious than rarest gems. We would lose everything else we have, rather than give them up. Life without friendships would be empty and lonely. Yet the best earthly friendships are but little fragments of the friendship of Christ. It is perfect. Its touch is always gentle and full of healing. Its help is always wise. Its tenderness is like the warmth of a heavenly summer. If we have the friendship of Christ, we cannot be utterly GROWING OLD Continued from Page 19 sum it all up rather nicely, would you not say? You see, "growing old gracefully" doesn't necessarily mean wearing your wrinkles with pride. Instead, just do whatever is necessary to stride into your older years with confidence. For some, this could be simply taking aging in stride by embracing the natural signs of aging without having to visiting that world famous plastic surgeon along the way. For others, it may mean the mind-set of taking certain steps to make your outside appearance match the way you feel on the inside. There was a time in my life, in which I felt rather "down and out". So, I decided to seek the help of the wises man God placed on this earth, King Solomon. I resolved to meditate on one chapter from the book of Proverbs ( it has 31 chapters) each day for an entire month. This God directed path of living did wonders for my attitude of life. Try it, you're sure to like it. In conclusion ! Always obey God, Fear God and

bereft, though all human friends be taken away. To be Christ's friend— is to be God's child, with all a child's privileges. This is one essential in being a Christian. We could not say that Paul is our friend, or John—but Jesus is living, and is with us evermore. He is our Friend as really as he was John's. Christ is our Friend. That means everything we need, will be supplied. No sorrow can be uncomforted. No evil can overmaster us. For time and eternity—we are safe. It will not be the streets of gold, and the gates of pearl, and the river and the trees which will make heaven for us, it will be the companionship, the friendship of Christ!

But we must not forget the other part of this friendship. We are to be Christ's friends too. It is not much we can give to Him, or do for Him. But he would have us loyal and true. Surely the consciousness that Christ is our friend and we are his—should check every evil thought, quell every bitter feeling, sweeten every emotion and make all our life holy, true and heavenly! GRACE GEMS! A Treasury of Ageless Sovereign Grace Devotional Writings Our Purpose To humble the pride of man, to exalt the grace of God in salvation and to promote real holiness in heart and life. © 2021 >

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keeps His commandments, by excepting the Bible writings as being upright and true (2 Timothy 3:16). God has not told man how to comprehend all the frustrating futilities of life, but He has instructed man to enjoy life as His gift (Ecc 2:24), to make the most of every opportunity (Ecc 9:10), and to live life with reverence toward God (Ecc 12:13), accompanied by an awareness of future judgment (Ecc 12:14), We must learn to live with life's paradoxes by maintaining a proper attitude toward life and God. (Ecc 12:9-14). Authors Post Script: I recently watched an infomercial in which a man and lady ( apparently a husband and wife) were emphasizing the remedy for "growing old gracefully" was a certain highly advertised "wonder pill" "supplement. However, I fail to see how swallowing these pills will make one graceful, which is defined as lithe, agile, dainty, pretty, delicate, handsome and trim. 'Wisdom,

according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary is knowledge, insight and judgment. I just don't believe that swallowing supplements would ever provide any of us with Solomon's qualities of caring and wisdom. Your thoughts! ©2021 All Rights Reserved >

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STALEMATE Continued from Page 23 ultimately on the foundation of God’s eternal wisdom (Ephesians 5:22–24; Colossians 3:18; 1 Peter 3:1–6). It seems to me that Lewis was seeking to do the same. He was a brilliant man with the courage to stand for truth even when it meant countering the trajectory of society. Which is why Lewis’s legacy endures on, and why he is worth listening to. Trillia Newbell is a freelance journalist and writer. She writes on

faith and family for The Knoxville News-Sentinel, and serves as the managing editor for Women of God Magazine. Her love and primary role is that of a wife and mother. She lives in Tennessee with her husband Thern and their two children. ©2021 Desiring God Foundation. Website: www.desiringGod. org. Email: mail@desiringGod. org. Toll Free: 888-346-4700 >

“Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.” — Psalm 56:3

Back to School 2021 23


Changing Times

Do Hurricanes Just Happen?

GRANDMAS Continued from Page 17

By Jim Elliff

do what is right. Solid food is for those who are mature, who through training have the skill to recognize the difference between right and wrong.” (Hebrews 5:12-14) I know all too well the daily battle to find strength, time and motivation to reach out to others. Most days we’ve got nothing left. It’s hard to find balance. But as a society, we cannot afford to put it off any longer. Every generation born that does not receive Godly counsel and discipleship from the ones that preceded them suffers the consequences. As do their children and their children’s children. If that last scripture from Hebrews bums you out a little then take heart. The author of Hebrews also makes this point in the very next chapter: “Dear friends, even though we are talking this way, we really don’t believe it applies to you. We are confident that you are meant for better things, things that come with salvation. For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do. Our great desire is that you will keep on loving others as long as life lasts, in order to make certain that what you hope for will come true. Then you will not become spiritually dull and indifferent. Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God’s promises because of their faith and endurance.” (Hebrews 6:9-12) So come back Grandma. Step up Grandpa. Your children and grandchildren need you. We may not always act like it but we do. We will be grandparents one day too and we need you to show us how it’s done. ©2021 All Rights Reserved >

Though some claim that hurricanes are spawned merely by natural causes, this answer is one "cause" too short. The Bible teaches they are first decreed by God. The Psalmist wrote: "Whatever the Lord pleases He does, in heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deep places. He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth. He makes lightening for the rain; He brings the wind out of His treasuries" (Psalm 135:6-7). "Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that woe and well-being proceed?" asked Jeremiah in (Lamentations 3:38). A hurricane is definitely in the "woe" category. Such physical catastrophes are often called "natural evils," and they come by that misnomer honestly. What devastation! We are moved by the plight of those who have endured this kind of trouble. But can we really say God did it? Most do not want to. Yet, occasionally, even among those who assume God exercises no true sovereignty over the wills of men, there is the admission that God does control the weather. He does, that is, as long as nobody is seriously hurt. God might comfort during the

storm and help pick up the emotional pieces after the storm, but He would never create such ruination. However, God’s own Word speaks otherwise: God is at work doing His perfect will, even during hurricane season. These spinning engines of destruction originate from Him as Ruler (first cause), through nature (second cause), all for His purposes. Though God owes us no explanation, one or all of the following possible objectives may help us understand "why" God decrees such fear-producing events: 1. God is recognized as powerful and not to be trifled with. God often asserted that cataclysmic events were done to display His power to men. (Exodus 9:14-16; 14:31) 2. Society is warned of the greatest calamity, eternal judgment. A physical disaster is nothing compared with eternal damnation. A hurricane is an announcement: "If you don’t repent, worse than this is coming." (Luke 13:1-5) 3. Some people are deservedly punished for their rebellion. The Bible states that "the wrath of God is revealed [lit. is being revealed] from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men . . ." (Romans 1:18). That means now. Hurricanes are just one of the ways that might happen. (Psalm 7:11-13) 4. Some true believers are tested or disciplined and made stronger in their faith. The same storm that judges a non-believing man may be the crucible of testing and/or chastisement for a true Christian, and will toughen and purify him for the future. (James 1:2-3; Hebrews 12:5-11) 5. Believers may be taken to

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heaven; and some enemies of God may be removed from the earth. This is a reality that is hard to accept, but nonetheless true. The Bible says that our days are ordained by God even before one of them is lived (Psalm 139:16). He also promises that many rebellious people will face a calamitous end. (Psalm 73:18-19) 6. The godly are given an opportunity to love sacrificially. Because of the nature of the true believer, you will always find Christians among those on the scene helping to relieve the distress. (1 John 3:17; Galatians 6:10) Their love may point many to Christ. There could be more, but this will suffice to highlight the purposefulness of God in such massive displays of his power. If it is not true that God has ordained the powerful forces of nature for His own ends, then the alternative answer is that this event was only an irregularity in the interplay of warm water and thermals. And that is no comfort when you stand in the wet rubble that was once your home. I would much rather know that God has a purpose in mind when it costs me so dearly. I can learn from that, and even thank Him for His perfect, though sometimes shocking, will. God knows what He’s about. "He does according to His will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. No one can restrain His hand or say to Him, ‘What have You done?’" (Daniel 4:35). Copyright © 2021 Jim Elliff Christian Communicators Worldwide, Inc. >

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By Dr. Don Colbert you into that “good sleep equals more energy” routine, work your ing messages in your head.) way up to 150 minutes per week of (3) Weakened Immune System moderate activity. (Because exerAerobic exercises coax immune cise is stimulating, be sure to finish cells out of body tissues and into your workout at least three hours your bloodstream, where they before bedtime.) For a moderate attack invading viruses and bacteactivity, yoga is hard to beat. Plus, a ria, explains David Nieman, a pro2012 study has proven that yoga, fessor at Appalachian State UniverDr. Don Colbert "When it comes to preventing along with deep-breathing tech- sity. His research has shown This entry was posted in Health health problems,” says Dr. David niques, relieved insomnia within conclusively that five days of aeroTips by Dr. Don Colbert Katz, founding director of the Yale four months. And, a 2011 study bic exercise a week reduces sick © All rights reserved 2021 - Dr. University Prevention Research found that when you exercise 150 days by 43 percent. Don Colbert.> Center, “exercise is one of the best minutes a week, you are 65 percent Some of the best aerobic exermedicines we have." And, as it less likely to run out of energy dur- cises are jogging, cycling and dancturns out, certain exercises target ing the day. ing. Simply do something aerobic certain health problems — regard(2) Food Cravings/Weight Gain for 30 minutes almost every day, less of your age or physical ability. If you constantly give into food and you will be boosting your So, if you want to feel better, while cravings, or always snack, then you immune system naturally.>` potentially adding years to your life, will likely experience weight gain. SHOP AT YOUR LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED PROOF SHEET be sure to include these exercises in Trying to curb these habits with sheer GNC STORES FOR HEALTH & WELLNESS your “personal toolkit” of ways to willpower is tough because: "In the achieve better health and living. throes of a craving, your brain is sayVitamins • Supplements • Sports Nutrition (1) Insomnia/Low Energy ing, 'feed me dopamine!' — that neuAttached is a proof ofthat yourtaps ad that runreward in the October/November issue of EDGE of the Lake magazine. This ad will as is unless we Weight Management • run Immunity Products "We aren't sure why activity rotransmitter intowillthe receive changes by Wednesday (09.14.2018) at 5:00 PM. Please make any changes or approve via email. primes your body for sleep so well, center of your brain. You can satisfy but it's likely a combination of fac- the call with carbs — or with exerGNC Juban Crossing GNC Hammond Square Mall GNC Mandeville tors, including lowering your core cise," says Dr. John Ratey, the author 225-380-1888 985-543-3581 985-674-2535 body temperature, increasing the of "Spark: The Revolutionary New 27306 Crossing Circle, Ste. 260 514 Palace Drive #2 St. Ann Drive #2 sleep-promoting hormone melato- Science of Exercise and the Brain." Denham Springs, LA 70726 Hammond, LA 70403 Mandeville, LA 70471 nin and supporting a biological The best exercise for crushing those need to restore energy levels and cravings? Whenever you find yourself GNC Hardy Street (USM) GNC Picayune 601-336-8103 601-779-3775 repair cells and tissues when you reaching for a snack, reach instead for 3317 Hardy Street 231 Frontage Road sleep," says Brad Cardinal, co- your sneakers and take a brisk 15-minHattiesburg, MS Picayune, MS director of the sport and exercise ute walk. (Recent research has proven psychology program at Oregon this will short-circuit those food cravState University. Although the reasons are hard to understand, the results are well docuEAST ST. TAMMANY’S ZERO COPAY FLU mented and easy to define. Cardinal FAVORITE FAMILY SHOTS ON INSURANCE sums it up best by saying, "Exercisers PHARMACY AS VOTED Immunizations / Vaccinations fall asleep faster, suffer fewer middleON BY EDGE MAGAZINE walk-ins welcome of-the-night wake-ups and have a READERS. THANK YOU! reduced risk of sleep disorders." As for the best exercise to get


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“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.” — Acts 16:31

Back to School 2021 25


Changing Times

10 Signs Your Body Needs A Detox By Dr. Don Colbert

Have you not been feeling well lately? Do you have symptoms which don’t seem to go away no matter what you try to do? How do you truly know your body needs to detoxify? Our bodies are faced with numerous toxins (internal & external) every day and routine cleansing through detox provides a method to “give the body a break” and allows it to recover naturally. Often times, the body will begin to display symptoms a change is needed. It will naturally speak through various conditions or ailments. Listening to the body is very important, and when symptoms are occurring more frequently, it is probably time to detoxify to live a healthier life! Let us explore the signs and symptoms involved in this natural process: 1. Lower Energy Levels – When you wake in the morning with lower energy levels after sleeping through the night, this can be a sign you need to detoxify especially if you stay “drained” through the day.

Drinking caffeine-loaded energy drinks will only exacerbate the problem you are facing. Many of these drinks are loaded with stimulants which in the end will only make you more tired, let alone they are hard on the liver. If you suffer from lower energy levels, consider doing a colon cleanse which will help the body to get rid of toxins and body waste. The end result will be the feeling of lightness and better health. 2. Bouts of Constipation – Individuals who suffer from bouts of constipation could be showing signs of toxic overload in the body. This symptom is more than likely a “sign” things are not right in the gut. This can happen even if you have increased intake of fiber, followed by plenty of water. Waste can accumulate in the bowels over time. This can include impacted fecal materials which are not healthy for the body. Constipation can be a sign of a greater issue. Colon cleanses followed by the intake of healthy fruits and veggies (both raw) can give the body what it truly needs. Give the body a break from “unhealthy” foods, such as fried items and processed foods. 3. Inability to Focus – Americans are faced with different toxins day in and day out. As the pollutants “build up” in the body, the inability to focus can begin to appear. The body will naturally cry out for help. Toxins, including

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heavy metals and candida, are removed during a proper colon cleanse. 4. Increased Depression – Depression in the body can result from eating the improper foods as well as when the body becomes full of toxins. These bad chemicals will also block the body from receiving the nutrients it so desperately needs. If you feel you are suffering from clinical depression, be sure to consult your primary physician. 5. Weight Gain – Weight gain, or the inability to lose needed weight, can also be a sign of the body needing a natural detoxification. Even with adding healthy foods, toxins in the body can keep it from functioning properly. The body must hold the ability to absorb healthy nutrients and minerals. Detoxification may be the key to your success. 6. Inability to Sleep – If the body holds an excessive amount of toxins, it may not fully gain the sleep it needs. The “natural sleep cycle” of the body can be affected by the imbalance present within. Melatonin naturally signals the

body to sleep peacefully. If toxins are present, the proper amount of “melatonin release” can be hindered by toxic substances. Therefore, the body does not get the sleep it needs to renew, heal naturally, and rest peacefully on a regular basis. 7. Increased Headaches – Sometimes, headaches come from stress, noise, or even allergies. Toxin build-up within the body can also produce symptoms of head pain. For individuals who suffer from daily headaches which have no apparent cause, their bodies may be exhibiting signs of the need to detoxify. 8. Stiff & Sore Muscles – After a good night’s sleep, each person should wake up to feeling great and ready to start the day. Many wake up after sleeping through the night, only to find they are stiff and sore for no apparent reason. This is a sure sign the body needs to release toxins which become “stored up” within; toxins can also increase the

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A Recipe For Life Balance By Christy Wright

I love making chicken salad, and I have about 27 different ways I do it. Some with pecans and some with almonds, some with green onions and some with red. But regardless of which combination I choose, there are a few staple ingredients that I add to every batch. After all, if you don’t have chicken, nuts, sauce, fruit and onion, it’s not going to be chicken salad! Life balance works the same way. As a business coach, speaker and author, I’ve been studying and writing about life balance for over a decade. And I’ve found that these five things are nonnegotiable if you want to feel balanced. 1. Rest Feeling balanced starts with getting enough sleep. The average American gets far less than the necessary seven to nine hours every night, and the consequences of “being tired all the time” are devastating to our mental and physical health. Being rested, on the other hand, allows you to be present, energetic and alert. You’ll be able to get more done, have space for relationships, and enjoy your life. Do whatever it takes to make sleep a priority— starting tonight. 2. Relationships We were created to be in deep, life-giving relationships. Social connections improve the quality of your life, and they also have a direct correlation with reduced health issues, less depression and a Proudly Providing Expert Maintenance, Service, Repairs, and Replacement of HVAC Systems for Businesses and Churches across Southeast Louisiana

DETOX Continued from Page 26 likelihood of developing inflammaall health and well-being. If you’re tion. 9. Unclear Skin & Allergies – around people all day every day, The skin which contains blemishes whether at work or home or both, and rashes can be an outward sympyou need to create time to be alone. Maybe that means waking up before tom of poisonous build up in the everyone in the house to have 15 body. Allergies can also be another minutes to yourself. Maybe it means indication the body displays when going for a short walk by yourself it cannot handle more toxins entereach day. If you want to maintain ing. Individuals who try topical your balance—and your sanity— solutions with no success probably you’ve got to have some time alone. need to flush the body by detox. 10. Sexual Dysfunction – SexuFriend, you don’t have to feel busy and burned out all the time. al challenges can also be a sign When you’re intentional about cre- detox is needed. The body desires ating life balance, you’ll start to to be free of pollutants to function enjoy your life. I hope you take the properly, even sexually. Instead of time to try this recipe for balance turning to prescriptions, consider a natural solution to improve sexual this week. You’re worth it! > accomplishments. Detoxification can be the answer to the daily Lose 2” insymptoms 25 Minutes occurringor physically and mentally. Now is the time for a your moneychange! back guaranteed. >

longer life-span. But you don’t need research to tell you something you already know: People matter! If you want to have balance, you have to be intentional about connecting with others. 3. Help Whether it’s family helping with childcare or team members helping with work projects, we all need help if we want to feel balanced. No one can do it all on their own. If you don’t have family nearby or room in the budget for childcare, there are still creative ways to get help. For example, two of my friends swap babysitting nights so the other couple can have a date night. Look to your community for resources, and don’t be too proud to ask for help. 4. Work you enjoy According to a poll done by Gal($125 Value) lup, 85% of employees worldwide Dr. Colbert Christy Wright is a #1 national aren’t engaged in their jobs. That’s recommends his 21 best-selling author, personal crazy! If you dread your job, I want Day Detox to expert, andthose host of areas that are resistantflush Light willfeelhelpdevelopment you slim down you toContour hear me: You will never out toxins and The Christy Wright Show. Since balanced if you’re spending 2009, waist, Christy hips, has served at arms and chin. to diet andyour exercise; thighs, replenish it with vital one life doing something you hate. Ramsey Solutions, where she nutrients © All rights What is one step you can take teaches on personal development, reserved 2021 business, and faith. today to get closer to doing work - Dr. Don Colbert. you love? Take it today. If you’re wondering where to start, I recomPrescription, mend listening to The Ken ColeOTC Medications, man Show on podcast or YouTube. Immunizations It’s hosted by my good friend and career coach Ken Coleman. and Compounded 5. Time alone Medications Alone time is critical to our over-

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Back to School 2021 27

Changing Times


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Buying And Selling In A Hot Housing Market By Dave Ramsey sure you’re financially and emotionally ready. If you are, the next step is to find a reputable agent and talk over your situation: • Are you selling and buying? Sell your home before you buy. You’ll likely be able to sell your home before you find a new one, but you never want risk being stuck paying two mortgages. • Use your advantage in your favor. In a hot housing market, buyers will be more likely to accept your terms. Take advantage of it! • A multiple-offer game plan is a must. Get on the same page with your agent on price, types of financing, and contingencies you’ll accept so it’s easy to pick the best offer. • Higher price point homes aren’t moving quite as fast. Houses valued at $500,000 and up may take a little longer to sell, so don’t get discouraged if it takes a few more showings to get offers. What Does a Hot Housing Market Mean for Buyers? It may be a seller’s market right now. But buyers aren’t completely out of luck. One thing’s for sure: Buyers need a seasoned real estate pro on their side. Between crazy offers and fewer homes to choose from, this is no time for amateur hour. Here’s some advice for winning in a seller’s market: • Stick to your budget. Don’t let emotion or a time crunch cause you to make bad money decisions. House fever causes 20% of firsttime home buyers to go over budget. This is a bad idea. • Know what it takes to have a competitive offer. If you’re buying with a mortgage, get preapproved— not just prequalified—for a conventional loan. I always recommend a 15-year, fixed-rate loan, where the monthly payments are no more than 25% of your take-home pay.

• Make a cash offer if you can. Cash is king, and it’ll set you apart from other buyers in a good way! • Know when to walk away Before you blow your budget or settle for a home you don’t really want, stop and let things cool off a bit. Waiting a few months may feel like an eternity, but it can be just enough time to let a hot housing market settle down. • Be prepared for a longer search. This is especially true if you’re a first-time home buyer. Most real estate pros agree this seller’s market is here to stay for a while. While home prices have exploded nationwide, every market is different, so be prepared for just

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Appointment line Appointment line The housing market is white hot 985-707-6315 985-707-6315 right now! Home prices are way up over last year, and 50% of homes 3031 N. Causeway Blvd. 3031 N. Causeway Blvd. are selling for more than the asking Metairie, LA 70002 Metairie, LA 70002 price—$20,000, $50,000, even $100,000 more in some cases. about anything. Regardless, play it That’s causing buyers everysmart. A new home should be a where to do some insane things to blessing, not a burden—both emoget the houses they want. More than tionally and financially! > half made an offer last year without seeing the house in person. Many are even willing to skip a Dave Ramsey is a seven-time #1 national home inspection if it will get their bestselling author, personal finance expert, and offer accepted. In case you’re wonhost of The Ramsey Show, heard by more than dering, both are really bad ideas. 18 million listeners each week. He has appeared There’s nothing mysterious about on Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, a hot housing market. It’s what hapToday Show, Fox News, CNN, Fox Business pens when you have more buyers and many more. Since 1992, Dave has helped than homes to buy Demand is high, people regain control of their money, build but the supply is low, and that wealth, and enhance their lives. He also serves drives up prices. I’ve heard a lot of as CEO for Ramsey Solutions.> people say we’re actually in a housing bubble. That’s when demand causes home prices to jump so high, so fast, that buyers can’t keep up. Homes stop selling, flooding the Anthony Grosch, Licensed REALTOR Cell: 504-339-5292 market and causing prices to drop Office: 504-362-1823 like a rock. But I don’t think that’s 3001 General DeGaulle Blvd., Suite B what’s going on. New Orleans, LA 70114 We have a housing shortage, fueled by a shortage in building supplies—another thing to thank Home-Grown, Locally Owned & Internationally Known COVID-19 for. With fewer new homes to choose from, buyers are looking at used homes, but not Bourgeois Bennett many people are selling right now. Certified Public Accounts | Consultants Plus, a lot of the buyers are moving A Limited Liability Company to areas with a much lower cost of Laurence Holmes, Director living, so they have the cash to Phone (504) 83I-4949 Heritage Plaza, I7th Floor make these wild offers on the homes I I I Veterans Boulevard • Metairie, LA 70005 Fax (504) 833-9093 that are available. That’s the perfect combination for the feeding frenzy we’re seeing now. And even though I think the frenzy will slow and prices will stabilize, I don’t think Serving Miss-Lou STATEWIDE Since 1992 home prices will drop significantly any time soon. What Does A Hot Housing Market Mean for Sellers? FIXED INDEXED ANNUITIES This is great news for sellers! MORE GAINS • NO LOSSES • SAFETY With more motivated buyers than Up to 10% IMMEDIATE INTEREST BONUS on Deposits sellers, competition is fierce, and ROLLOVER CD OR 401K TODAY! sellers have the advantage. You can sit back, let the offers roll in, and pick the best one. But you shouldn’t Richie Culotta • Cameron Culotta • Zach Dustin SAFE RETIREMENT STRATEGIES, MEDICARE SUPPS, LONG-TERM CARE, MEDICAL & LIFE make the leap to sell until you’re “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The Back to School 2021 29 righteous run to it and are safe. — Proverbs 18:10 ®


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Changing Times


3 Questions To Help Create A Business Strategy That Works an easy way to get started down this path is by asking three questions. These questions are simple, basic, and to the point. Plus, they help lay a successful foundation for your strategy. They are: Where are you? Before making any decision on where you want to take your business, you need to assess where you are today. Write down which goals you’ve hit and which ones you haven’t, what’s working and what’s not, and areas where you overly optimistic and those where you

were realistic. Once you complete your list, the next step is to ask yourself why you progressed in some areas and bombed in others. Begin by taking an honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. Also, consider what opportunities you see for your company as well as any I love talking about business stratpotential threats. egy with my team. It’s so cool to be Finally, think about the environin a room with smart, super-motivatment in which your business opered people discussing ideas for taking ates. What external trends, like a project to the next level. competition, customers, regulatory In the process, we’ve discovered and even political issues, might affect your business? Find out what’s going on in your business that’s driving its performance. Will Redondo Where do you want to go? 985-264-1824 This may be the single most 1703 N Causeway Blvd, Ste F Mandeville, LA 70471 important question you’ll ask your985-674-6398Blvd, Ste F 1703 N Causeway Licensed in Louisiana self all year. Simply put, without a Mandeville, LA Independently Owned and70471 Operated vision your organization will per985-674-6398 ish. You can’t make payroll, your Licensed in Louisiana team becomes just a bunch of Independently Owned and Operated morale goes down, THE FUTURE OF REAL ESTATE IS HERE. employees, WWW.NEXTHOMENORTHSHORE.COM Will Redondo turnover goes up, and sales go NextHome Northshore offers our Agents985-264-1824 & Clients down. WILL@NEXTHOMENORTHSHORE.COM the latest and most advanced tools in Real Estate. Once your vision is clear, make a THE FUTURE OF REAL ESTATE IS HERE. list of mid- and long-term objecBroker/owner Will Redondo first opened the agency in 1992 as an independent tives for the next three to five years. NextHome our Agents & Clients the brokerage, whichNorthshore has evolvedoffers and thrived by maintaining a high level of For example, you want $4 million latest and most advanced tools in Real Estate. professionalism, and by always putting our client’s interest and needs first. in revenue in year three. The key is In December 2017 we proudly became a NextHome franchise so that we can improve our to be clear about what you’re aimservice to all of our clients. NextHome gives us the tools and technology we need to ing at. These targets for tomorrow, stay ahead of all Real Estate trends and compete in an ever changing market. along with the perspective of where I Have Some Good News For You! you are today, provide you the JOIN THE NEXTHOME TEAM! CONTACT WILL REDONDO AT 985-264-1824 proper context for the next step. · Want Your Money To Be Safe? GU Firs How do we get there? AR t Ye · Want Your Money To Grow? AN ar You know where you need to be TE ED · Want To Have A 6% Guaranteed Growth? going; now how do you get there? Donie Holmes, V.P. Create a game plan that is specifically geared to get you from where you are today to where you want to Call For My FREE 115 Page Growth Without Risk Safe Money Book



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be in the future. List what you need to start doing, what you should continue to do, and what you need to stop doing, as well as any obstacles you may face. Once you figure these out, start setting your goals. Remember, for goals to work, they must be specific, measurable, time-sensitive, written down—and above all—yours. Once your goals are set, make an action plan that aligns with your goals. What’s an action plan? It’s simply a written list of who does what by when. Follow that by repeatedly communicating your vision and plans to your team to keep them onboard. Creating a strategy for your company isn’t a quick or easy thing. It takes a lot of thought, a lot of time, and tons of patience. But once it’s complete, it will become a compass that points straight toward success!



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*Leadership and small business expert Dave Ramsey is CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored numerous best-selling books, including EntreLeadership. The Ramsey Show is heard by 18 million listeners each week on more than 600 radio stations and multiple digital platforms. >

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One Way Out By James Robison

You're on the top floor and the building is burning. You don't know which way to go: the stairs, the elevator, the roof, a window? Which door do you take to get to a hallway that's not on fire? With the smoke, the confusion and the sense of urgency, it is hard to know what to do. You don't know how much time you have and the wrong turn could be disastrous. Suddenly, a man shouts, "I know which way to go. Follow me!" What do you do? If the person is a complete stranger, you won't know whether or not to believe him. If he is ignorant, it would be foolish to follow him. If the man set the fire himself, then it would dangerous to listen to anything he said. But if the man is the architect of the building and an expert on fire safety, not only would you believe him,

but you would do exactly what he said because you'd know that your life depended on it. "Go down this narrow hallway. Don't turn right or left. Go directly through the blue door that says 'Emergency Exit,'" he says with urgency. Again, how do you respond? Would you argue with him? Ask him why he knows so much about exiting the building? Tell him that you know a dozen other ways to get out? Again, if you knew his impeccable reputation, you would know that he was attempting to save your life. You wouldn't think him arrogant, rude or cruel for telling you exactly what to do. You would probably thank him and rush to comply with his instructions. And if someone else refused to listen and died in the fire, you wouldn't blame the architect. This is exactly how I view Jesus Christ. He is the Architect and Designer of this world, yet it's in danger. Sin is burning it to the ground. We are all trapped and there is only one way out. "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father

except through me," Jesus said in (John 14:6). Not only does He know the way, He is the way. Do you want to live? Get with Jesus Christ! A lot of people want to stop and argue. They want to convince you that any exit will do, as if they can see through the smoke. Some will tell you that it doesn't matter what you do because nobody gets out alive -- the building will burn and we will all die anyway! A few will tell you that the building is not even on fire, despite the fact that they're sweating and people are dying all around. If you don't think that this world is on fire, just look around. Death and destruction are at your door. Evil abounds. Nobody is immune from pain. The real question is this: Who is Jesus Christ? Is He really the architect or is He a fraud? Perhaps He was just a nice guy who didn't really know what he was talking about. C.S. Lewis addressed this when he pointed out that Jesus was either "lord, liar or lunatic." If he was a delusional cult leader who really believed he was God, then he was crazy and we need not bother with him. If he was a crafty, egocentric deceiver, then he was more akin to the devil than God and must be exposed. But if he was neither of these, then He can only be what He claimed to be: The Son of God sent to make a way for us to live eternally with our Heavenly Father. He lived a perfect life, setting the

matchless example while conquering sin and the grave. In this burning building called Earth, we must all decide: Who is Jesus? Obviously, the best way to answer that question is to get to know Him. We do that by reading His words, attempting to dialogue with Him and talking to others who know Him (although this can provide mixed results, since people are fallible.) We don't know how much time we have, so it's urgent that we decide whether to follow Him or plunge into the confusion on our own. If He really is the architect, then we must believe Him when He claims that there is only one way to life. Otherwise, we discard Him as crazy or deceitful. If we choose to not follow Him, we can't blame Him when we find ourselves at a dead end or surrounded by flames. And we can't call Him unkind or unmerciful when other people don't listen to Him. His instructions are clear, but it's our choice to heed His words. I believe that Jesus Christ is the real deal. He knows the building (our lives), knows the nature of fire (sin) and the only way out (Himself). I'm following Him down that narrow pathway and I know I'm safe. I hope you'll follow, too.> Author: James Robison © 2021 Life Outreach International. All rights reserved.


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“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” — Philippians 4:4

Back to School 2021 31

The Christian Journey Discerning These Times By Pastor Doug Gilford

Changing Times

dethrone God and destroy capitalism.” Marx together with his friend Friedrich Engals are responsible for the Communist Manifesto which theorizes that Socialism and ultimately Communism is far better than a Capitalist system. In this book they project that Christianity must end so that religion will disappear. Marx is quoted, “Communism begins where atheism begins.” This Marxist theory of government is what motivated Stalin and Hitler to murder millions of people to lead their respective countries into the Socialist systems. Obviously, I am leaving out a lot of detail so I can get to my ultimate point quickly. Marx and Engels touted the destruction of all things must take place before their change to socialism can happen. This destruction of things is happening today in our present time. Consider the destruction of traditional families. The destruction of biological genders. The defunding of, and the disrespect for law enforcement. The destruction and confusion of sexual orientation. The destruction of parental rights over their children. The destruction of historical figures and statues. The rewriting and destruction of American history. The destruction of our financial systems. The destruction of and faith in the integrity of voting systems. The dividing of humans today by class, race, political leanings, vaccinated, non-vaccinated, pro masks and anti-maskers is

today it is more important to recognize who the antichrist spirits are that are already working. First, what is an antichrist spirit? Well…anti Jesus. Anti-Christianity. Anti-Salvation by mercy and grace from the cross. Anti-church. Antireligious institutions altogether. My belief it is the goal of the antichrist If I were to author this essay in spirits is to coerce the human to 1991, people would have scoffed. deny and denounce Jesus as Lord. But, today in 2021, I am confident These spirits are in action today. to find those who would agree with Universalism, Relativism, Mateme. The Christian church is experi- rialism and Religionism have all encing a large-scale attack from worked together to coerce and condiabolic, societal, and political vince humans that Jesus is not Lord. sources. The ultimate attack is from That absolute truth does not exist, the enemy of our soul that Christ and salvation of works is all one talks about and described through- needs for entrance into eternal life. out the scripture. The devil. These have pulled at the minds and John, in his first epistle addresses hearts of countless people and have him this way: “Little children, it is successfully waged a campaign to the last hour; and as you have heard take our eyes of simple faith off the that the Antichrist is coming, even Christ of the Bible and onto human now many antichrists have come.” opinions derived from out of the (1 John 2:18) rebellious author’s life. John calls the last day enemy to There is one antichrist spirit that the Church, the Antichrist, yet then has permeated the landscape of declares “even now many anti- America almost unnoticed. The christs have come.” He continues in antichrist spirit of Marxism. Karl chapter four to say, “the spirit of the Marx who lived from 1818 to 1883 Antichrist, which you have heard was a philosopher, historian, sociwas coming, and is now already in ologist and political theorist from MARCH the world.” (1 John 4:3) Trier, Germany. Continued from Page 3 Many have labored for hours, Marx hated two things, capitaland calculated and opined who the ism, and Christianity. He is quoted culed and excluded because they Antichrist is, or will be to come. Yet as saying, “My object in life is to are different. But some are out of step because they are marching to the beat of a different drummer. Fellow Christians, we believe that there is a trumpet call going on right now to Christians who want to make a more unified stand for Jesus ers t s y O Christ in these End Times. As you m on Ja c a B n read this article, are you feeling the o Bourb Holy Spirit stirring in you? If so, I suggest you do not delay in seeking His will for your life now. You may have been called for a time such as r e g n i this. G Citrus almon I think it comes down to a quesS Glazed tion of focus. We are called to be single-minded, set apart for one Please present this to your server to redeem for one complimentary purpose, God’s purpose for our Cinnamon Roll Bread Pudding. lives. It rules us and is on-call 24 hours a day, even as we sleep. 70367 HWY 21 Suite 100 @halfshelloysterhouse It is the Christian's duty to follow Covington, LA 70433 @halfshelloysterhousecovington Christ, to listen for the beat of the (985) 276-4500 different drum, to follow God wherever you are. And for those who 32 Back to School 2021

destroying us from within. With Covid there has been a destruction in the trust and integrity of our national doctors, science, and the like. My point, as rudimentary as it seems is Karl Marx is succeeding in 2021. His antichrist, anti-capitalism – “destroy everything” philosophy is happening right before our eyes. When one tears at the fabric of God’s Word and causes a young man to doubt God or His Word, it is antichrist. Adam and Eve listened to the serpent of Genesis ask, “Did God really say you must not eat…?” (Genesis 3:1) Adam and Eve fell for the trap, doubted God, and believed the serpent. We must realize the systems that are working against us so that we can know how to stop them from affecting us. Knowledge is the key to anything. Never let go of the simple foundation of God’s Word. Do not be a loaner during these times, find a good church family to be a part of. Most of all reestablish and make strong your relationship with Christ.>

Doug Gilford, Senior Pastor, Cornerstone Church -23051 Hwy 1088, Mandeville, La 70448. 985-624-8652,>

have waited for the Lord, they shall have their strength renewed, they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. (Isa 40:31) What we seek determines the direction we will look and ultimately the direction we will go. Those who desire to be rich fall into harmful snares and are lead astray. Do you seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them. There are those who seek His hands and His blessing, and there are those who seek His face. What we seek, will determine what drummer we listen to, and set the course of our eternal destiny. "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit." (John 15:16) Save The Nations Ministries >

How To Gain Ground With The Gospel By Greg Laurie

Guiding Light

feeling achy and I suspected the This is how we gain ground for problem was my shoes. I went to a the kingdom of God: by sharing our store that sells athletic shoes and faith. When is the last time you they got me on a treadmill. After looked for an opportunity to comwatching me walk for a bit, the municate the gospel? When is the shoe guy said, “I know what your last time you prayed for an unsaved problem is. You’re pronating.” I person by name to come to Christ? was offended! When is the last time you personActually, I had no idea what that ally brought a nonbeliever to church In this world where the culture meant. with you? seems to be dictating what is right Then he explained that pronating Remember, the primary way that and wrong, and we are often taking basically means my foot sort of God reaches people is through peoour cues from Hollywood or Wash- rolls. He said to me, “You need ple—people like you and me. ington DC, it often feels like the more support. You need a firmer Paul writes in (Romans 10:13– church is losing ground. Instead of sole.” So, I got shoes with firmer 15): “‘Everyone who calls on the influencing society, society is influ- soles for when I run (which is name of the Lord will be saved.’ encing us. pretty much never). How, then, can they call on the one Some people think that the ultiBut here’s the point: I needed the they have not believed in? And how mate solution is to vote the right right footwear for the activity. can they believe in the one of whom candidates into office, or to create Keeping Your Shoes On they have not heard? And how can social reform, or to think more Hands down, my favorite shoe is they hear without someone preachpositively, or to boycott this and the Converse Chuck Taylor. I pretty ing to them? And how can they that. much live in them, despite the fact preach unless they are sent? As it is In our personal lives, we may that they have little to no arch sup- written, ‘How beautiful are the feet find ourselves losing ground as port. But the shoes of the Roman of those who bring good news!’” well, and we wonder what it is soldier had to be functional. They (NIV) we’re doing wrong. How do we would have three qualities: Look at your feet for a moment. stop regressing and instead move * They had to have good grip, Go on, look at them! Those feet can forward? It is essential in the Chris- giving traction and solid footing. In be beautiful feet if you let them tian life that we not only hold our hand-to-hand combat, losing your ground, but actually gain ground footing can be deadly. for God’s kingdom. How do we do * The shoes also had to be tough that? to protect the foot from spikes or The answer might surprise you sharp rocks. Otherwise, one faulty because it has to do with footwear! step could puncture a soldier’s foot The Right Shoes and he’d be out of commission. In the Book of Ephesians, the * Finally, the shoes needed to be apostle Paul describes the spiritual light, giving the soldier the mobiliarmor that we must put on if we are ty to cross 100 yards of open field to be victorious in the Christian life. in a minute. He mentions the belt of truth, the But what exactly is this referring breastplate of righteousness, the to, in the spiritual battle? shield of faith, the helmet of salvaIn the original Greek, the word tion, and the sword of the spirit, preparation used in (Ephesians which is the Word of God. All of 6:15) can be defined as “firm-footthese things were represented in the ing; a strong foundation.” We need various pieces of a Roman soldier’s to have a firm foundation in God’s armor, which Paul would have had Word. ample occasion to study since he This word preparation could also was under guard for so long. be translated as “readiness.” The But one other thing that Paul idea is to be ready at to share the lists—which is every bit as impor- gospel at any hour. Scripture tells tant to a Roman soldier’s armor as us that we as believers “should be a shield or breastplate—was the on duty at all times.” You never soldier’s shoes. Paul says that you know when an opportunity will should have “your feet shod with arise for you to share the gospel the preparation of the gospel of with someone. peace” (Ephesians 6:15 KJV). Again, it’s the idea of being ready When you or I go to look at and willing to move at a moment’s shoes, we might put style at the top notice. Those opportunities to share of the list. But many of the shoes the gospel often come when we we think look great simply aren’t least expect them. practical. Delivering the Gospel . . . On Recently, my shins had been Foot “Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord.” — Colossians 3:20

carry you forward with the message of the gospel. The word beautiful can actually be translated “lively.” So, let’s restate that: “How lively are the feet of those that preach the gospel of peace!” If you want lively feet, if you want a spring in your step, then share the gospel. Let me say something that maybe you haven’t heard. I honestly believe that a key to personal revival is to share your faith. The gospel by design is not to be hoarded. It’s to be shared, and as you share this life-giving message with others it’s also a life-giving message to you. Ask the Lord for an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with someone today!>

Greg Laurie All Rights Reserved Harvest Ministries 2021 >

Back to School 2021 33

Changing Times

Religion Or Salvation Which Have You? By The Gospel Tract Society

Jesus said: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father but by Me. (John 14:6). Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12). How clear and concise: there should be neither confusion nor contradiction. There are many names under heaven in which we can find religion; but salvation can

be found in one only. All have sinned (Rom. 3:23), so all need a Savior: For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. (Rom. 6:23) At Calvary He paid sin's awful penalty for all who will accept Him; but His death there was not to give men a religion; it was to provide Salvation. There is no salvation in priests; penance or prayers; but only in Christ. Service and sacraments, churches and charities, tears and treasure, ritual and reformation ALL are alike helpless to save. Men are willing to give assent in their heads to the claims of Christianity; while refusing to accept in their hearts the Christ of Christianity. Men are willing to take the high place in the work and ritual of the

church; while refusing to take the low place of guilty sinners needing a sinner's Savior. Men are willing to believe in the moral precepts of God's Word, as based on the Commandments; while refusing to believe in, rest on, and receive God's Son as Savior of their souls, because of His finished work in their behalf at Calvary. Religion is the improvement of the old nature through respect for lofty principles. Salvation is the imparting of a new nature through receiving a Lowly Person. As many as received HIM to them gave HE power to become the sons of God. (John 1:12). Religion clothes us with the robes of our own righteousness, which God says are as filthy rags. (Isa. 64:6). Salvation clothes us in the perfect righteousness of Christ, which alone can make us acceptable in the sight of God. Not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His Mercy He saved us. (Titus 3:5) Religion is what man does for God. Salvation is what God does for man. (Isa. 53:6) Religion says, something in my hand I bring. Salvation says, noth-

ing in my hand I bring. (Eph. 2:8, 9) Religion is trusting in a work we do. Salvation is trusting in a work that has been done. (Matt. 26:28) Religion depends on our behaving. Salvation depends on our believing. (Acts. 16:31) Religion says we must act our best. Salvation says we must accept God's best. (John 3:16 and 36) Religion depends on the sufficiency of character. Salvation depends on the Sacrifice of the Cross. (I Cor. 1:18) Religion tries to furnish a sacrifice. Salvation trusts in a finished sacrifice. (John 19:30) Religion is striving for a better attainment. Salvation is secured through a perfect atonement. (I Pet. 1:18, 19). Religion tries to bring us from darkness to light. Salvation DOES bring us from Death unto Life. (John 5:24). Religion says we must be found in God's house. Salvation says we must be found in HIM, not having our own righteousness which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ. (Phil. 3:9) Copyright © 2021, Gospel Tract Society. All Rights Reserved. >

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W O N G N I HIR 34 Back to School 2021

12 Places To Be Tested

(Philippians 3:13-14) - Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Hebrews 12:1-2) - Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. 8. How effectively we control the old nature (1 Corinthians 9:25-27) - And every man that strives for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beats the air: But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. 9. How many souls we witness to and win to Christ (Proverbs 11:30) - The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that wins souls is wise. 10. How we react to temptation (James 1:2-4) - My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diver’s temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. 11. How much the doctrine of the Rapture means to us (2 Timothy 4:8) - Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing. 12. How faithful we are to the Word of God and the flock of God (Acts 20:26-28) - Wherefore I take you to record this day that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over that which the Holy Ghost has made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which He

Victorious Living has purchased with his own blood. (1 Pet 5:2-4) - Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither

as being lords over God's heritage, but being an example to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fades not away. Save the Nations Ministries >

1. How we treat other believers (Matthew 10:41-42) - He that Your One-Call For Foundation Repair receives a prophet in the name of a Lauricella & Sons prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receives a righ(504) 737-1114 | (985) 429-1430 teous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's Insured & Bonded reward. And whosoever shall give to Call for a FREE Estimate drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward. 2. How we exercise our author“For All Your Traveling Needs” ity over others (Hebrews 13:17) - Obey them 465 Morris Road, Hammond, LA that have the rule over you, and 985-345-7629 submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. 3. How we employ our Godgiven abilities (1 Peter 4:10) - As every man has Renovations – Additions • Gas Lines & Service received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewResidential & Commercial ards of the manifold grace of God. 4. How we use our money Family Owned & Operated Since 1990 (Corinthians 9:6-7) - But this I say, He whom sows sparingly shall vazquez Seafood & Po-Boy ReStauRant reap also sparingly; and he which Open Monday-Friday • 10am-8pm — Sat. 10am-2pm sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as 985-893-9336 he purposes in his heart, so let him 515 E. Boston St., Covington, LA 70433 give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver. 5. How we spend our time (Colossians 4:5) - Walk in wisClimate Controlled Storage dom toward them that are without, Non-Climate Controlled Storage redeeming the time. 6. How much we suffer for 6 Northshore Locations Jesus to Serve You Better (Matthew 5:11-12) - Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all man3704 Forest Dr. 1008 Hwy 59 1824 Orleans St. ner of evil against you falsely, for 985-626-9555 985-626-9555 985-626-1923 my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding Mandeville Mandeville Mandeville glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the 101 Ridgewood Dr. 809 Florida St. 74282 Hwy 25 prophets which were before you. 985-845-7867 985-626-1923 985-871-0117 (1 Peter 4:12-13) - Beloved, think East Mandeville Covington West Mandeville it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, in as much as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye Visit our website for more information may be glad also with exceeding joy. 7. How we run that particular race which God has chosen for us “Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall Back to School 2021 35 give you the desires of your heart.” — Psalm 37:4

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Changing Times


The End Times Have Arrived, So It Seems

A strange and sinister plot is going on within our world. It affects our whole Society, not for Good but Evil. What is happening? A struggle is going on between God and Satan, Between the Holy Spirit and evil spirits, between Christ and antichrist. The battle is for the total man -- Spirit, Soul and Body. The conflict revolves around two sets of opposites set out in the Bible, the Truth and the lie. We know that Jesus Christ is the truth personified. He said "I am... the truth"(John 14:6). We know further that Satan is the lie personified. Jesus said "When he speaks the lie, he speaks of his own [self]"(John 8:44). Stated in simple terms, the lie is the denial of God the Creator and the self-elevation of the creature.


Whenever a created being abandons his Creator, he is controlled by the Lie. At no time in man's earliest history was he without a witness of God (Acts 14:17). The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. (Ps. 19:1-3). But man denied his Creator and deified the created being; he dared to believe he didn't need God (Rom 1:21-23). The true and biblical concept of God as the eternal, selfexistent, omnipotent Creator was exchanged for the false concept that man could become his own god. This is the BIG LIE. But where did it come from? The lie was conceived in the mind of Lucifer, an angel in the spirit world. He was not the devil when the thought first came to him. He was an unfallen angel, one of God's created beings. Lucifer was a creature of rare beauty (Eze. 28:17). He became self-occupied and proud. "I will be like the most High," he said (Isa.

14:14). As far as we know, he was the first created being to reject God and deify himself. In his imagination he did not need God. Satan advanced his new religion by enlisting other angels (Jude 6:2, Peter 2:4). The lie began to spread. But Satan was not content with conquests in the spirit world, so he invaded the world of man. The Genesis account of Satan’s assault on earth with the lie is amazing. He began by asking a question which made Eve doubt God's goodness. "Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?" he probed (Gen 3:1). In substance he was asking, "Has God really put restrictions on you? Won't He allow you to have what you want?" He was making God appear severe, unfair. This was his softening-up process in preparation for the lie. And then it came. " For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil " (Gen 3:5). This is the lie ... "You don't need God. He'll only tell you what you can and cannot do. Deny Him. Eat the fruit and you will become like

God yourself." Satan’s lie led Eve to believe that partaking of what God had forbidden would be rewarding. But was it? Liberty is freedom to do right, not wrong. Our society is under satanic delusion. The person who rejects God's truth and accepts Satan's lie becomes the slave of Sin (John 8:34). The final form of Satan’s lie will appear in a man called "that man of sin ... the son of perdition" (I Thess. 2:3). That devil-man is described as one "who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God". If my understanding is correct, the lie will not reach its peak on earth until after the church has been caught up in heaven. Before Satan's man can dominate, the One restraining him will be removed from earth. This is the Holy Spirit, who presently indwells the Christian individually and the church as a whole. Once the Holy Spirit is removed, See END TIMES on Page 41

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Beacon of Holiness By Alistair Begg

“If the Word does not dwell with power in us,” wrote Puritan John Owen, “it will not pass with power from us”. This godly minister personified this truth in his personal life and public ministry more than three centuries ago. For years he carried the message of Jesus Christ into the trenches of a culture as chaotic as our own while simultaneously dealing with the death of his wife and all eleven of his children. John Owen was no ivory tower theologian, but rather a zealous pastor who worked to the brink of exhaustion to further the work of the Reformers. He is remembered for shining gospel light into the spiritually dark arenas of politics and academia. And his love of

Scripture was clearly and forcefully articulated from the variety of pulpits into which God called him. Yet what gave John Owen success in ministry was not so much his oratory skill, nor his evangelistic zeal, nor even his love for the people he shepherded. John Owen was used mightily by God in all these ways because he was a man characterized by personal holiness. And in an age when the church is emulating the world, where it is no longer distinguishable from our pleasure-oriented culture, the example of John Owen shines like a beacon on a stormy night. Let’s consider whether we have allowed contemporary culture to infiltrate our minds and hearts. Have we inverted Christ’s desire that the church be in the world by bringing the world into the church instead? If we take an honest look, perhaps we’ll discover that we are contributing to this trend. Rather than relying solely on the sufficiency of God’s Word, are we employing counselors in our churches who apply worldly methods of psychological analysis to address felt needs? Have we adopted worldly means to reach the seekers who sit skeptically in the

back pews rather than offering them the truths of the Gospel and the Christian life? Faithful teaching of God’s Word is vanishing. Are we among the number that have replaced preaching with elaborate drama productions aimed at entertaining? In terms of covenantal relationships, the rate of divorce and remarriage reflects societal statistics. Where do we stand on this issue? The church has become tolerant of all kinds of biblical compromise, casting aside principles that Owen and his contemporaries would have given their lives to protect and defend. Unlike Owen, we are in danger of falling prey to the belief that without entertainment and otherworldly concessions, no one will want what Jesus offers. Let’s not forget the exchange, in the nineteenth chapter of Matthew’s gospel, between Jesus and the rich young ruler when Jesus told the man the realities of true discipleship. As the rich man realized that personal sacrifice is required to live in God’s kingdom, he walked away. What did Jesus do? He did not do what many churches do today: run

after the man in an effort to make the Gospel more appealing. No, Jesus let him go, because the only terms on which anyone can truly follow Christ are God’s terms. Owen engaged the culture without capitulating to it because his chief desire was to reflect God’s purity in his life and ministry. He remained faithful in his preaching to the truths of Scripture — even in the face of life-threatening persecution — because of his commitment to holiness. People flocked to hear Owen preach because he reflected God’s character. Owen wrote, as noted in Peter Toon’s book God’s Statesman: The Life and Work of John Owen: “I hope I may own in sincerity that my heart’s desire unto God, and the chief design of my life … are, that mortification and universal holiness may be promoted in my own life and in the hearts and ways of others, to the glory of God, so that the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ may be adorned in all things”. I fear that personal holiness is not a priority within the church — even See BEACON on Page 41

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“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” — Psalm 119:11

Back to School 2021 37

Changing Times

Prayer How To Bravely Pray For Peace When Fear And Anxiety Are Creeping In By Chip Ingram

Every time anxiety knocks on the door of your heart, it’s an invitation for you to pray for peace. In this article, I’ll show you 4 steps from the Scriptures that will help you to bravely pray for peace when fear and worry are creeping in. At one time or another, we have all experienced fear, anxiety and worry. For some, it’s a condition that’s serious and requires professional help. But for many of us, it’s a condition of the heart and one that

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

God talks about frequently in the Scriptures. We are gifted worriers, and we’ve been groomed to be adept at this kind of behavior. In fact, it’s been modeled for us. Sometimes, we’re celebrated for the achievements that are born out of our attempt to quiet fear and anxiety in our lives, like workaholism and perfectionism. Can you relate? Others of us have found ourselves in a difficult life circumstance because our attempts at quieting worry have led us down a dark hole and we can’t seem to find our way out. Fear and anxiety can take on many different forms, but God wants to provide His unchanging peace to every one of us who struggles. Keep reading and you’ll learn the 4 kinds of prayer that will usher in His peace in your life. Lesson from Philippians Here’s what it says in (Philippians 4:6-7): Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. First, the writer commands us to “worry not.” Easier said than done, right? We are so gifted at this; it takes a conscious effort to not

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38 Back to School 2021

worry. Second, we’re instructed to thankfully and consistently present our requests to God. Basically, pray about everything. We’ll do anything to give us pseudo peace during a moment of anxiety, but not usually the act of prayer. And finally, the verse assures us that when you pray like this, God will guard your heart and your thinking. Who doesn’t want that? I want you to experience God’s presence in your life, and here are the 4 prayers that will take you on a journey straight to His peace. 1. Turn your thoughts and feelings upward in PRAYER. Before you even get out of bed in the morning, resist the urge to check email or the Dow Jones, and instead recite a passage of Scripture that will remind you who you are and Whose you are. Here’s a section from the Bible that will turn your thoughts upward. Speak these words as a prayer as you start your day: (Psalm 23) The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.

He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. When you pause to put your focus on Him and utter this kind of prayer, it becomes a moment of worship and adoration. TRY THIS Wake up and whisper the Lord’s Prayer or (Psalm 23) as your personal moment of worship. As you begin your day, take a step out onto your patio and observe God’s creation: the birds and vegetation, the sky, and the rising sun. Consider the all-powerful Creator and how capable He is to give you His Peace and contentment. 2. Focus on your need for God See BRAVELY PRAY on Page 40

I Have Labored In Vain By David Wilkerson

Would it shock you to know that Jesus experienced the feeling of having accomplished little? In (Isaiah 49:4) we read these words: "Then I said, I have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for nought, and in vain". Note that these are not the words of Isaiah, who was called by God at a mature age. No, they are Christ's own words, spoken by One "called from the womb; from the body of my mother. The Lord formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob again to him, (and to gather Israel)". When I came upon this passage, one that I'd read many times before, my heart was in wonder. I could hardly believe what I was reading. Jesus' words here about "laboring in vain" were a response to the Father who had just declared, "Thou art my servant in whom I will be glorified" (49:3). We read Jesus' surprising response in the next verse: "I have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for nought”. After reading this, I stood to my feet in my study and said, "How wonderful. I can hardly believe that

Christ was this vulnerable, confessing to the Father that he was experiencing what we humans face. In his humanity, he tasted the same discouragement, the same despondency, the same woundedness. He was having the same thoughts I've had about my own life: "This isn't what I perceived was promised. I wasted my strength. It has all been in vain." Reading those words made me love Jesus all the more. I realized (Hebrews 4:15) is not just a cliche - our Savior truly is touched with the feelings of our infirmities, and was tempted in all ways as we are, yet without sin. He'd known this very same temptation from Satan, hearing the same accusing voice: "Your mission is not accomplished. Your life has been a failure. You've got nothing to show for all your labors." Christ came into the world to fulfill the will of God by reviving Israel. And he did just as he was commanded. But Israel rejected him: "He came unto his own, and his own received him not" (John 1:11). Why would Jesus, or any man or woman of God, speak such despairing words as these: "I have labored in vain"? How could the Son of God make such a statement? And why have generations of faithful believers been reduced to such despondent words? It is all the result of measuring little results against high expectations. You may think, "This message sounds like it applies just to minis-

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ters, or to those called to do some great work for God. I can see it being meant for missionaries or the Bible prophets. But what does it have to do with me?" The truth is, we're all called to one grand, common purpose, and to one ministry: that is, to be like Jesus. We are called to grow in his likeness, to be changed into his express image.


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“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight”. — Psalm 19:14

Back to School 2021 39


Changing Times

Experiencing Jesus In A Storm

BRAVELY PRAY Continued from Page 38

By Dr. Tony Evans

with PETITION. A prayer of petition is the kind of prayer that recognizes our desperate need for God. If you’re honest, have you ever said to God: “I can’t handle this. I don’t see any possible way this will work out well and I can’t stop worrying. I can’t do it. I need you.” That’s a prayer of petition. It’s our way of acknowledging that we can’t provide for ourselves and that He’s the One who’s in control. In our humanness, we believe the lie that it’s our tight grip on life that will make things work out nicely and will cause our worries to subside, but it’s the opposite. Here’s what happens when we petition God: • We openly confess that we need Him and we cannot live life without His intercession and wisdom • Humility grows within our souls • We humbly seek forgiveness and acknowledge our shortcomings • God’s peace can take over in our lives You can’t cast your cares on Jesus and, at the same time, believe that your creativity, your brains, your hard work and your charm will solve the problem at hand. Focus on your desperate need for God through prayers of petition. TRY THIS Consider the area of anxiety that’s knocking at your door. Can you be completely honest with God, expressing how incapable you feel to solve it on your own? Or do you need to be honest with yourself and admit that you’re still believing that you can handle it? Go back to the bullet points above, openly confessing your need, and then recognize the humility that you’ll experience, which will point you to God’s available forgiveness and subse-

In the book of Mark, chapter six, we read that the disciples got into a boat, at night, and took out across the sea. In their obedience to Jesus, the disciples ran directly into a storm. Their obedience literally took them into the nucleus of a disaster. I wish I could tell you that following Jesus means you will never have to face any storms. I wish I could tell you that following Jesus means that the waters of life will always be calm. I wish I could tell you that following Jesus means life will be rosy and all of your days sweet. But I can’t. These disciples were following Jesus, and they ran right into rough seas. The disciples discovered, as many of us have also discovered, that you can be both in the center of God’s will, and still in a storm.

There is a lot of preaching today as well as many Christian books that tell you that if you follow Jesus, then you will never have to face any challenges in life. That wasn’t true for Jesus or for anyone else I know who has followed Him. Following Jesus doesn’t offer immunity from troubles. What it does give is the opportunity to experience Him in the midst of the trouble. Life comes with troubles, regardless of whether or not you follow Jesus. You get to choose if you want Him to join you in your troubles, or if you’d rather go through them alone. Experiencing Jesus in the storm allows you the chance to see His power over whatever it is you are facing in your life. Keep your eyes focused on Him, and experience the calm that focus brings your way.>

Copyright © 2021 Tony Evans. All Rights Reserved. > Licensed


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quent peace. 3. Pray yourself into God’s presence through THANKSGIVING. When I’m struggling, I make sure to take that struggle to God with an attitude of thanksgiving. Focusing on gratitude, He reveals things for which to be grateful, bringing to mind forgotten memories and details of life when He faithfully intervened. For example, there have been times when I come to my daily time with God and all I can think about are the concerns of the day. In my state of anxiety and worry, I pray for peace, asking God to show me His perspective and what I can be grateful for in the circumstances. He never ceases to amaze me, showing me every small and big way, He’s already shown up, assuring me that He’ll continue to provide for me in the future. The outcome of this kind of prayer? Peace. Because the truth is, you can thank your way right into the presence of a holy God. TRY THIS Make efforts to be mindful of gratitude. Consider keeping a record of ways God has given you mercy and grace. Instead of a list of blessings, turn every single issue in your life into a prayer of thanksgiving. Is your marriage in a dark season? Spend time telling God all the ways you’re grateful for your spouse, asking Him to remind you of special memories and moments of grace. When you’re done with that exercise, I suspect God’s peace will be palpable in your soul. 4. Ask for specific REQUESTS. Do you know why many followers of Jesus never experience God fully? Their prayers sound like this: Lord, bless my family. Help me See BRAVELY PRAY on Page 46

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His thousand years of incarceration will not have changed him, nor will the thousand years of Christ's reign the Lie will do its worst. That have changed the heart of man. period is in the future when the lie Thus, Satan will "go out to deceive dominates the earth, when Satan’s the nations which are in the man occupies the rebuilt temple in earth"(Rev 20:8), and many will Jerusalem, claiming to be God, is follow him. called in the scripture the TribulaHere is the final rebellion of Satan tion (Matt. 24:21,29; Rev. 7:14). and man against God. It will demToday it appears that the stage is onstrate that, even under the most being set for the coming of Satan's favorable of conditions, some men man. Millions are professed worwill follow the lie and not the truth if shippers of the Devil. The apostle left to their own choice. But Satan’s John writes that in that day of Satan's domination "all that dwell freedom will be short-lived. John on the earth shall worship him." writes "And the devil that deceived (Rev 13:8) Refusal to worship him them was cast into the lake of fire will bring the penalty of death. and brimstone, where the beast and Satan will have reached the zenith the false prophet are, and they shall be tormented day and night for ever of his earthly power. We have a foretaste in America and ever" (Rev 20:10). The lake of fire has been preand elsewhere of these things to pared for the devil and His angels come. Many have accepted Satan's lie. They defend indecent and (Matt 25:41). He will not be annihiimmoral behavior as an acceptable lated, but will remain alive and way of Life. And conditions will conscious for all eternity. What a become increasingly worse. Before tragic end for the one who was once the climax the world will see a time "the anointed cherub!" Hell is both a place and a state of fire and brimwhen the lie will be suppressed. Speaking through the apostle stone, of Conscious torment. It is John, the Holy Spirit reveals that the place where all must go who Satan will one day be imprisoned reject the truth. "and whosoever for a thousand years. This is the was not found written in the book period referred to as the Millenni- of Life was cast into the lake of um. During this wonderful era fire" (Rev 20:15) Christ, the truth, is also the life. Christ will reign in person from Satan, the lie, is the destroyer of life, Jerusalem. The moral and social ills which now plague society will be a murderer. God's desire for man is unknown because, for the time, the that he possess eternal life; Satan’s lie will be held in check and the design for man is that he suffers truth will reign. All men will know eternal death. It is a life and death beyond a shadow of a doubt that the struggle - the truth verses the lie. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, lie has been responsible for all social and moral evil. and thou shalt be saved. (Acts At the close of the Millennium, 16:31) JJ_NOLA_ChngTimes-hlfpg,hor_BTS_8-20-21_JJ-NOLA-ChgTimes_SEPT.BTS_8-20-21 8/20/2021 Satan will be loosed (Rev. 12:7). Save the Nations Ministries > END TIMES Continued from Page 36

BEACON Continued from Page 37 among its leaders — as it was in the days of the Puritans. Many ministers are often nowadays more concerned with visual growth and success than with cultivating personal purity. That was certainly not the case with John Owen. Rather than devoting much time to developing innovative amusements for the worship hour, Owen made private communion with God a top priority. He understood why the apostle Paul wrote: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — His good, pleasing and perfect will” (Rom. 12:2). The Word of God is the means employed by the Holy Spirit to transform us into the image of Christ, so if preaching and evangelism are to be effective, private communion with God in His Word must be more important than discovering the latest ministry technique. Owen wrote that “whatever else be done in churches, if the pas-

tors of them, or those who are so esteemed, are not exemplary in gospel obedience and holiness, religion will not be carried on and improved among the people”. Yet holiness isn’t just a necessity for ministers. If the church is to recover its distinctiveness, holiness is a requirement for each individual member. (Hebrews 12:14) says, “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” Unless we recover this emphasis on holiness, how will the world look in and be able to see the Jesus we profess? Evangelistic efforts will ring hollow if such efforts are not accompanied by personal purity.>

Alistair Begg © 1994 - 2021 Truth For Life. All Rights Reserved.

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Back to School 2021 41

Changing Times


Deliverance To The Captives By Smith Wigglesworth

After I had received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost (and I know that I received; for the Lord gave me the Spirit in just the same way as He gave Him to the disciples at Jerusalem), I sought the mind of the Lord as to why I was baptized. One day I came home from work and went into the house and my wife asked me, 'Which way did you come in?" I told her that I had come in at the back door. She said, "There is a woman upstairs and she has brought an old man of eighty to be prayed for. He is raving up there and a great crowd is outside the front door, ringing the door-bell and wanting to know what is going on in the house." The Lord quietly whispered, "This is what I baptized you for." I carefully opened the door of the

room where the man was, desiring to be obedient to what my Lord would say to me. The man was crying and shouting in distress, "I am lost! I am lost! I have committed the unpardonable sin. I am lost! I am lost!" My wife said, "Dad, what shall we do?" The Spirit of the Lord moved me to cry out, "Come out, thou lying spirit." In a moment the evil spirit went, and the Lord said to me, "This is what I baptized you for." There is a place where God, through the power of the Holy Ghost, reigns supreme in our lives. The Spirit reveals, unfolds, takes the things of Christ and shows them to us, and prepares us to be more than a match for satanic forces. When a man is born of God, is brought from darkness to light, a mighty miracle is wrought. Jesus saw every touch by God as a miracle, and so we may expect to see miracles wrought today. It is wonderful to have the Spirit of the Lord upon us. I would rather have the Spirit of God on me for five minutes than to receive a million dollars. The devil knows that if he can capture your thought life, he has won a mighty victory over you. His great business is injecting thoughts, but if you are pure and holy you will instantly shrink from them.

God wants us to let the mind that was in Christ Jesus, that pure, holy, humble mind of Christ, be in us. I come across people everywhere I go who are held bound by deceptive conditions, and these conditions have come about simply because they have allowed the devil to make their minds the place of his stronghold. How are we to guard against this? The Lord has provided us with weapons that are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds of the enemy, and by means of which every thought shall be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. The blood of Jesus Christ and His mighty name are an antidote to all the subtle seeds of unbelief that Satan would sow in your minds. Our blessed Lord Jesus is still alive, and continues His ministry through those who are filled with His Spirit. He is still healing the broken-hearted and delivering the captives through those on whom He places His Spirit. At one time I was so bound that no human power could help me. My wife was looking for me to pass away. There was no help. At that time, I had just had a faint glimpse of Jesus as the Healer. For six months I had been suffering from appendicitis, occasionally getting temporary relief. I went to the mission of which I was

pastor, but I was brought to the floor in awful agony, and they brought me home to my bed. All night I was praying, pleading for deliverance, but none came. My wife was sure it was my home call and sent for a physician. He said that there was no possible chance for me -- my body was too weak. Having had the appendicitis for six months, my whole system was drained, and, because of that, he thought that it was too late for an operation. He left my wife in a state of broken-heartedness. After he left, there came to our door a young man and an old lady. I knew that she was a woman of real prayer. They came upstairs to my room. This young man jumped on the bed and commanded the evil spirit to come out of me. He shouted, "Come out, you devil; I command you to come out in the name of Jesus!" There was no chance for an argument, or for me to tell him that I would never believe that there was a devil inside of me. The thing had to go in the name of Jesus, and it went, and I was instantly healed. I arose and dressed and went downstairs. I was still in the plumbing business, and I asked my wife, See DELIVERANCE on Page 46

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42 Back to School 2021


Should I Remain In A Job That Crushes My Spirit? By Russ Gehrlein

I have been an RN in the medical department of a 400-person prison for eight years. In the last year, things have become more difficult—inmates on a new drug program are increasingly hostile, staffing has decreased, and mandatory overtime has spiked while vacation time is often denied. I used to know God had me here for His purpose, but now I’m not sure. I care deeply for this underserved population and have seen the Lord do wonderful things, but I’m struggling with a crushed spirit. At my age jobs don’t come easily, though, and the thought of finding another tires me just thinking about it. What should I do? Seeking God’s will in specific situations can be tough, especially when it involves personal decisions like relationships and jobs. These decisions have long-lasting consequences; we don’t want to make them hastily. Thankfully, God hasn’t left us without counsel. Before I lay out a biblical perspective that may provide some practical wisdom, let me commend you on a number of things you have done to integrate your Christian faith into your career journey. The Lord Has Done Wonderful

Things You’re on a tough road right now. Your concerns—the potential for violence and increasing amounts of overtime—are legitimate. These are real challenges, with no easy answers. On the other hand, years ago you chose to pursue a degree in nursing. That wasn’t an easy road, either. Your faith in God must have played a big part in that decision, and you, no doubt, had to depend on Him to get through it. Your profession is marked by the same humility that Jesus displayed as He washed His disciples’ feet. You have a servant’s heart. You said you “used to know God had me here for His purpose.” That’s an important foundation in a theology of work—knowing that God is going to work in and through you to love your neighbor. There’s purpose in your situation, even now. You shared that you “care deeply for this underserved population.” This indicates a heart of compassion that has developed as you came to understand how God has had compassion on you. You’ve also “seen the Lord do wonderful things” on the job, which tells me you have been walking in your career by faith, seeing evidence of His presence in your work. What Does the Bible Say? Paul’s advice to the church in Corinth—about whether or not people had to change careers when they got saved—may be applicable to your situation. In (1 Corinthians 7:21), Paul instructs: “If you can gain your freedom, do so.”

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We aren’t stuck in a job for life. Some jobs or careers are only meant for a season. Even if your job is one God called you to, He may now be calling you in a different direction, for your good and for His glory. We are free in Christ to seek employment and to make wise, Spirit-led decisions when a job is offered. This corresponds with Paul’s decision-making in (Acts 13–20), as he considered his options in pursuit of his mission to preach the gospel to the Gentiles in Asia Minor. There were rare times when the Holy Spirit spoke to him directly or he received marching orders in a dream. But most of the time he merely decided to go to a certain town, and then to another, and then to another. We are free in Christ to seek employment and to make wise, Spirit-led decisions when a job is offered. The idea of contentment, highlighted in (Philippians 4:11), also applies here. We, like Paul, can learn to be content in any circumstances. However, this doesn’t mean we can’t take actions to improve our situation if we’re able. It certainly doesn’t mean that we don’t seek treatment when we’re sick, that we don’t put ourselves out there when we’re looking for a mate, or that we shouldn’t look for God to provide alternate means of employment when our job becomes unbearable. What Can You Do? Look at all of your options. Is there a chance to move into a supervisory role with less direct contact with these patients? Is there a similar facility close by that may have things a bit more under control? Are there other areas of nursing that you’ve considered moving into? Would you be interested in pursu-

ing a graduate degree that might open doors to other work environments where you can still make a difference (perhaps teaching)? God may change your circumstances, or he may change you. No matter what, He is working on your behalf because He is always faithful to His children. Pay attention to the holy dissatisfaction you feel—God may be preparing you to begin another chapter in your life. And remember: if you decide to go, God will be with you. If you stay, He will be with you. He may change your circumstances, or He may change you. No matter what, He is working on your behalf because He is always faithful to His children. It’s important to spend time reflecting on God’s attributes, particularly His power to give you strength to endure and His ability to rescue you from bondage. Praise Him in the midst of this trial and ask for wisdom and grace as you navigate it. Surrender completely to the lordship of Christ. Trust Him and let Him lead. Copyright © 2021 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved >


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Changing Times

• 1/4 cup organic heavy whipping •

Scrumptious Low-Carb Pecan Pie Cheesecake (Only 4 Grams Net Carbs!)

you, it’s well worth the effort! Here’s how and why to make our healthy, low-carb Pecan Pie Cheesecake for the Holidays. MOST SCRUMPTIOUS, LOWCARB PECAN PIE CHEESECAKE There is something magical about Pecan Pie Cheesecake. It “screams” Holiday deliciousness. But, did you know that the typical pecan pie cheesecake contains about 1/4 cup sugar? Per serving! That’s right, with every slice you’re consuming over 50 grams of sugar and almost 60 grams of carbohydrates. As you know, overconsumption of sugar is deadly. But, there’s good news for this Holiday Season! You can make this delicious Pecan Pie Cheesecake with only 4 grams of net carbs. You’ll still get all the wonderful health benefits of pecans, and none of the sugar. Similar to our Keto Zone Cinnamon Rolls, this recipe takes some work, specialized ingredients, and finesse. But, don’t let that deter

INGREDIENTS Crust: • 1 cup pecans, ground • 1 cup almond flour • 1/4 cup coconut flour • 1/4 cup granulated Erythritol (ie. Swerve) or Allulose • 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (preferably sugar-free) • 1/4 cup melted unsalted butter Cheesecake filling:

• 2 1/2 cups cream cheese, soft-

ened • 1/3 cup granulated Erythritol or Swerve or Allulose • 10-15 drops liquid stevia for extra sweetness (optional) • 1/2 cup organic sour cream, at room temperature

• • • •

cream 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, preferably sugar-free 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 3 large grass-fed/organic eggs, at room temperature, lightly beaten

Pecan pie topping:

• 1/3 cup low-carb brown sugar • • • • • • •

substitute such as Swerve, Sukrin Gold, or Allulose 4 tablespoon sugar-free mapleflavored syrup 1 teaspoon xanthan gum 1/2 cup unsalted butter 2 large grass-fed/organic eggs 1/2 cup organic heavy whipping cream 1/4 teaspoon sea salt 2 cups coarsely chopped pecan

INSTRUCTIONS Adjust your oven rack to the middle of your oven. Preheat the oven to 320 °F (convection) or 355 °F (conventional). Prepare a 9-inch springform pan by lining with parchment paper or applying butter to the bottom and sides. To make the crust, combine the

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crust dry ingredients in a food processor and pulse until mixed. Add in butter and vanilla extract. Pour the crust mixture into the prepared pan. Press the crust 3/4 of the way up the sides using your fingers. Press crust onto the bottom using a flat-bottomed cup or utensil. Refrigerate the crust for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, begin making the filling. Beat the cream cheese and sweetener in a large mixing bowl with an electric mixer on medium-high speed. Beat until smooth and creamy. Next, add in the heavy cream, sour cream, vanilla, baking powder, cinnamon powder, and salt. Continue to beat until well combined. Lastly, beat in the eggs just until combined. Pour the filling through a finemesh sieve if available, or otherwise work to remove any clumps. Remove pan from refrigerator. Spread filling evenly into the bottom of the pan. Wrap a large baking sheet in foil completely, from underneath to the top-side and up all sides. Fill the baking sheet with water. Place the cheesecake pan in the center of the baking sheet filled with water. Put in the oven and bake for 40 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the topping. In a medium saucepan, combine the brown sweetener, maple syrup, xanthan gum, and butter. Stirring constantly, cook over medium heat until it reaches a boil. Then, continue to boil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool while the cheesecake is baking. On the side, whisk the “pie-topping” eggs, salt, and cream together. Then, set aside. Once the cheesecake has baked for 40 minutes, remove it from the oven. Reduce oven temperature to 300 °F (convection) or 340 °F (conventional). Slowly whisk the egg mixture with the cooled syrup until well combined. Add chopped pecans and stir to combine. Gently spoon the topping over the cheesecake. Return cheesecake to the oven and bake for another 40-50 minutes, until the top is golden brown and crisp. If the edges begin to over-brown during baking, remove, cover with foil, and then continue baking. Transfer to a wire rack and cool completely. Cover the cheesecake and refrigerate for at least 4 hours before serving. To serve, run a sharp knife under hot water and carefully dry the blade. Make the first cut. Repeat by See CHEESECAKE on Page 45


CHEESECAKE Continued from Page 44 rinsing the blade under hot water, carefully dry it, and make the next cut. Enjoy! Nutrition info (per 1/16 of pie): 436 calories, 44 grams fat, 4 grams net carbs (9 grams carbs, 5 grams fiber), 9 grams protein ANOTHER LOW-CARB SWEETENER OPTION FOR CHILLED DESSERTS If you’re able to get your hands on some for this dessert, try using allulose low-carb sweetener instead of erythritol in this dessert. When using erythritol in chilled desserts, they may become a bit crystallized, giving it an uneven texture. This isn’t a huge problem, but it can be avoided with allulose. It can be used directly in place of erythritol, in the same amounts. It has the same carb count. However, it is slightly pricier. WHY EAT PECANS NOW AND THROUGHOUT THE YEAR? This dessert doesn’t just omit the sugar. It also brings all the nourishment of pecans! What do they do in the body? Pecans: Support bone health, especially in women. They are a good source of manganese, copper, and zinc,

minerals known to promote bone density and health. Improve brain health, especially in those who are seeking treatment after alcohol abuse. Pecan’s thiamine helps the brain recover and repair. Reduce free radical damage and brain degradation by neutralizing free radicals. Pecans’ nutrients also help improve brain dopamine and galactose pathways. Support heart health by promoting healthy blood pressure levels and improved cholesterol. Pecans provide plant sterols, antioxidants that can reduce oxidation of LDL cholesterol, and healthy fats to support heart health. To read all about the health benefits of pecans, check out this post and Pecan Tartlet Recipe. BOTTOM LINE Just because you’re healthy and eating low-carb doesn’t mean you have to skip scrumptious desserts. Indeed, we’ve saved the most scrumptious one just for you? Enjoy our healthy Low-Carb Pecan Pie Cheesecake this Holiday Season! © All rights reserved 2021 - Dr. Don Colbert. >

Are You Making The Right Choice With The Type of Liquids You’re Consuming?

Keto Zone Avocado Blueberry Breakfast Smoothie INSTRUCTIONS Slice avocado in half. Remove avocado pit. Use a spoon to scoop out the avocado flesh. Add avocado to the blender. Add frozen blueberries, collagen, and MCT. Keep your morning keto breakPour in water and add in lemon fast routine simple! juice. This delicious and nutritious Blend until ingredients are well avocado blueberry smoothie recipe combined. is a quick and easy way to start Serve and enjoy! your Keto Zone day. NUTRITION FACTS Loaded with healthy fats from Servings: 2 avocado and MCT, this recipe will Per Serving: give you enough low-carb energy Calories: 250 kcal to keep you going until lunch. Fat: 25 g The avocado and blueberries also Total Carbohydrates: 13 g include a healthy dose of fiber Fiber: 9 g which keeps blood sugar balanced Net Carbs: 4 g and digestion regular. Protein: 21 g A splash of lemon juice is added to keep the ingredients from oxidizing in the blender. The final product is the perfect Keto Zone breakfast smoothie recipe. Try it out today! INGREDIENTS

• 1 organic avocado • 1 1/2 cups filtered water • 3 tablespoons organic lemon

juice • 1 scoop MCT Oil Powder • 1 scoop Hydrolyzed Collagen protein • 1/2 cup frozen organic blueberries

Dr. Don Colbert is a graduate of Oral Roberts School of Medicine and shares his years of experience and research in nutritional medicine in all of his work. He is a national speaker, bestselling author and host of a national talk show titled Your Health Matters. © 2021 Dr. Don Colbert, MD PA >

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“Do not quench the Spirit.” — 1 Thessalonians 5:19

Back to School 2021 45

Changing Times

BRAVELY PRAY Continued from Page 40 have a good day. Help my children. Lord, cause me to grow spiritually, somehow, someway. Instead, give your specific requests to the God who is all-wise, all-knowing. You’re his child and He will help you. • Is your family in a health crisis? Ask God specifically for a doctor in your area that will help cure the concern. • Do you need favor at work? Ask Him to move in the heart of your supervisor. • Are you in a financial crisis? Pray for the specific amount of money needed to be supplied. In fact, every worry can (and should!) be turned into a prayer. When you look back at the concerns that He’s covered with His peace, you’ll know that He is alive and He’s showing up. The problem is, when we don’t pray specifically, we can’t say for certain if God answered this prayer or that one. He wants to reveal Himself and He wants to show up in your life. Pray for peace, pray specifically and wait expectantly. TRY THIS In a journal, put a box next to

every worry that’s listed. Pray in detail, and when God answers that request, put an X in that box. Like me, I suspect you’ll be pleasantly shocked to see that, over some time, all of those areas that were once a source of anxiety and fear are now overcome. To put it simply, there is a way to pray for peace when worry and fear come knocking. Again, here are those stops on the journey of praying for peace: • This is who God is • I have great need • Thank You, thank You, thank You, thank You, God. • He will provide That’s it! Those 4 prayers will give you God’s confidence and peace. When fear and anxiety knock at the door of your heart, let these kinds of powerful prayers answer the door, and then run into your Father’s arms.>

Chip Ingram Copyright © Living on the Edge. All rights reserved.

6636 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Metairie, LA 70003


46 Back to School 2021

DELIVERANCE Continued from Page 42 "Is there any work in? I am all right now, and I am going to work." I found there was a certain job to be done and I picked up my tools and went off to do it. Just after I left, the doctor came in, put his plug hat down in the hall, and walked up to the bedroom. But the invalid was not there. "Where is Mr. Wigglesworth?" he asked. "O, doctor, he's gone out to work," said my wife. "You'll never see him alive again," said the doctor; "they'll bring him back a corpse." Well, I'm the corpse. Since that time, in many parts of the world, the Lord has given me the privilege of praying for people with appendicitis; and I have seen a great many people up and dressed within a quarter of an hour from the time I prayed for them. We have a living Christ who is willing to meet people on every line. Oh, if you would only believe God! What would happen? The greatest things. Some have never tasted the grace of God, have never had the peace of God. Unbelief robs them of these blessings. It is possible to hear and yet not conceive the

2712 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Kenner, LA 70062


truth. It is possible to read the Word and not share in the life it brings. It is necessary for us to have the Holy Ghost to unfold the Word and bring to us the life that is Christ. We can never fully understand the wonders of this redemption until we are full of the Holy Ghost. Are you oppressed? Cry out to God. It is always good for people to cry out. You may have to cry out. The Holy Ghost and the Word of God will bring to light every hidden, unclean thing that must be revealed. There is always a place of deliverance when you let God search out that which is spoiling and marring your life. That evil spirit that was in the man in the synagogue cried out, "Let us alone!" It was a singular thing that the evil spirit had never cried out like that until Jesus walked into the place where he was. Jesus rebuked the thing, saying, "Hold thy peace and come out of him," and the man was delivered. He is just the same Jesus, exposing the powers of evil, delivering the captives and letting the oppressed go free, purifying them and cleansing their hearts. >

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