Changing Times Summer 2022 Issue

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Your Guide to Living a Victorious Life Your Guide to Living a Victorious Life



The Newspaper of the Christian Community

Volume 20, Number 3


For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

God Has a Plan For Me

© Kathy Fincher

Changing Lives . . . One Issue at a Time!

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Life’s Supreme Moment

And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And He said unto them, Follow Me, and I will make

you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed Him (Matt. 4: 18-20). "If you were walking down the street, and someone came up behind you and tapped you on the shoulder -- what would you do?" Naturally, you would turn around. Well, that is exactly what happens in the spiritual world. A man walks through life, with the eternal call ringing in his ears but with no response stirring in his heart; and then suddenly, without any warning, the Spirit taps him on the shoulder. What happens? He turns around. The word repentance means "turning around." "The tap on the shoulder is the call that allows no refusal, the call we cannot ignore, the call that brings us to fall adoringly and wonderingly at the feet of Christ." All of us hear many calls, calls of money, calls of position, calls of education, calls of service, fraternities, and sororities. Many voices hail us, bidding for our attention and selection. Some calls are loud and noisy, others soft and sweet. But the supreme call, the one that penetrates deepest, down beneath

From the Editor the physical, the material, the monetary, the mental, and the social to the very center of our innermost being, the quickening of our soul -is the spiritual call from the voice of Christ. It is life's supreme moment. When Jesus taps you on the shoulder in the midst of life's noise and rush and says, "The Master is here, and calls for thee," your great hour of decision has arrived. The tap on the shoulder stops you, His voice calls you, His love draws you, His kingdom challenges you. Now you must make a decision. You cannot be neutral. You must turn around and follow Him, or you deliberately walk on away from Him. Life is never the same after He taps you on the shoulder and speaks to your soul. Jesus frequently visited Mary, Martha, and Lazarus at Bethany. On the occasion of Lazarus' death, Martha went to meet Him and upon returning to the house called Mary and said, "The Master has come, and calls for thee."

The greatest moment in life is when Jesus sees something in you that He wants, taps you on the shoulder, and says, "Come, follow Me." Peter, a rough, uncouth, uneducated fisherman, had his great moment when Jesus said, "Come, follow Me, and I'll make you a fisher of men." He answered the call, and Jesus made him. If we heed this supreme call, we have peace here and heaven hereafter. But if we walk away, we head into unhappiness here and eternal remorse hereafter. One is never the same after the tap on the shoulder. The call comes to every one of us. It is coming to many today. Jesus tapped my shoulder when I was in first grade, and the voice said, "Son, you will be in ministry one day". “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you See SUPREME MOMENT on Page


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The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. – Exodus 14:14

Summer 2022 3


Changing Times

There Is One Religion That Can Measure Up!

Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:31). How would a non-church member proceed to find out what church he should attend? We must think and search because our spiritual nature must be provided for or life becomes empty and meaningless.

Let’s put religion to a test. 1. The Standard of Durability It must be a religion that has demonstrated its strength by having withstood the onslaughts of scientists, critics, skeptics, agnostics, and atheists. The fact that a religion has been tried and tested over centuries, gives some indication of its truth. 2. The Supernatural Standard It must be a religion that claims to be supernatural. If I am to transcend nature, if I am immortal, my religion must be more than natural. No man-made, humanistic religion can qualify as true religion. Such a religion is merely an ethics, not a religion. If I am not immortal, I do not need a religion, just a social philosophy of conduct. But if I am to live beyond the grave, my religion must also carry through and be supernatural.






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me power to meet the problems of life successfully. Steep hills are met frequently, jagged rocks protrude, thorns are numerous, scalding tears wrung from a broken heart flow, financial reverses come, and dark hours with death arrive when it seems that all the lights of life go out. I need a religion that can fill me with power, not to remove earth's ills, but to meet them victoriously. If a religion cannot help me in the hour of trouble, it is worthless. 6. The Standard of Justice It must be a religion that believes in ultimate rewards and punishments. There is something within all of us that demands justice. If a Hitler or Al Capone are to receive the same rewards as Paul or Abraham, the universe is a madhouse. There is an "eternal fitness of things" in the world that is reflected in every mind, namely, that in the end, the scales will balance and the righteous will be rewarded and the wicked punished. See ONE RELIGION on Page


Table of Contents


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3. The Ethical Standard It must be a religion that sponsors high, clean living. Any religion that does not lift me to a higher plane of ethical ideals is false. A religion that permits me to go to church an hour a week or a month and continue to live on a low, corrupt, immoral plane, is unworthy of serious consideration as a true religion. Something within me demands that religion shall be associated with the highest and best in life. 4. The Standard of Personal Transformation It must be a religion that can change me. I find myself bound by habits, within are uncontrollable passions, ungovernable tempers and unbridled instincts. I need a religion that can do something to change my nature and make me a new creature. If a religion can do nothing for me, I am as well off without it. I need a dynamic that can break bonds of habits, purify passions, and give me a new freedom of mind and soul. 5. The Standard of Victorious Living It must be a religion that can give

The Christian Journey Guiding Light The Cross Victorious Living Spiritual Awakening Christian Living Heroes Of Faith

3 6 10 15 18 21 26 28 31 35 43 45 46 47 48 51 52 54


ONE RELIGION Continued from Page 4 7. The Standard of Value It must be a religion that costs me something. The degree to which a person values anything is equal with the price he paid for it. The best things in life are the costliest. The sands of the seashore are numerous and cheap but the pearls of great price are rare and difficult to procure. Could it be otherwise with religion? Jesus told of the man who sold all that he possessed to buy the pearl of great price. Yes, true religion demands a high price, it demands you and when it has you, it has all you possess. 8. The Logical Standard The final standard and most important one demands that true religion shall satisfy my nature. It must bring peace, rest, poise of mind, contentment of spirit and satisfaction of heart. My physical hunger finds satisfaction when food is provided. My intellectual hunger finds satisfaction when facts are obtained. My spiritual nature must also find satisfaction. Any religion that fails here is false. We demand a sort of negative practicality. A religion is not true because it satisfies but it satisfies because it is true, therefore, our

final standard demands that true religion meet the needs of the heart. There is one religion that can measure up! There is the vital, vibrant, potent gospel of Jesus Christ that fulfills all the essential demands and requirements of the mind for the evaluation of true religion. In spite of critics, skeptics and atheists, the gospel of Christ has come down over the centuries victoriously. It has withstood the vicious attacks of all comers and today is more powerful and potent than ever before. It is a religion that can change man's nature so that one can exclaim with Paul, "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold, all “things are become new." It is a religion that provides power daily to make living successful. It is a religion that demands the highest ethical standards. It heralds the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, the Golden Rule and lifts a man to new plains of ethical living. It is a religion that believes in justice. It contends that in the long run the scales will balance and the Judge of the universe will ultimately say to the righteous, "Well done," and to the wicked, "Depart ye are cursed." It is a religion that demands a high cost. If you are to receive the pearl

of great price, you must give yourself completely and unreservedly. And finally, it is a religion that will satisfy your deepest cravings, bringing peace, rest and joy. ''Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Wherever you may be this very moment, pause for a moment, bow your head, or better still, kneel and yield your life to Christ by praying: Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Thou are the Potter, I am the clay, Mold me and make me after Thy will, while I am waiting yielded and still. Let this new day dawn in your life. Christ can turn darkness to light and sorrow to joy. He can break sinful habits. He can liberate your soul. You, too, can know the truth. He will set you free. Yield yourself to Him and your will, your heart and your intellect, your all. Let us pray: O God, meet hundreds of hearts just now. Let Thy truth flood their minds. Set them free from sin, superstition and fear. Speak the word of pardon. Break chains that bind. Mold yielded souls and fill opened hearts. Amen. Save The Nations Ministries >


As editor of Changing Times, there are often concerns that both On Eagles Wings and Save the Nations Ministries share. Sometimes, there are articles or advertisements that do not exactly line up with the views of Changing Times. Changing Times continues to be published by advertisement and offerings of the readers. While Changing Times advertises businesses, videos, books, and articles, we attempt to do so without contradiction to scripture. We pray that these are used to build the Church and not lead it astray with doctrines that were not given to the Disciples (Galatians 1:8). It is almost an impossibility to research each advertisement or article to reveal error in enough time before publication. As humans we all make mistakes, but as Christians we must remember that error will always ride in on the back of truth. This is what makes it seem so good. It is with these statements, that we ask the following of our readers. The Bereans were recognized for being good stewards over the word of God (Acts 17:10-11). They studied and checked the things, which were taught to be sure they were true and lined up with the scripture. As such, we are no different. Each of us has the responsibility to do the same. This paper attempts to be conservative in belief and bring the gospel to the readers in a balanced fashion, as scripture demands. The Cross of Christ should always be the center of each and every Christians understanding of the gospel to include salvation, sanctification and glorification. Jesus the Christ is the source and the Cross, is the means. Due to reason of deception, many have begun falling away from the purity of that message. There is little said about sin, repentance, the saving Blood, the completed work of the Cross and the necessity of placing our faith in Jesus, and that completed sacrifice. We not only ask, but also beg our reading audience to also be good Bereans. If we find something we understand to be against scripture, we will remove it as we find it, but there are some things that get by us. The Bible speaks of a last day deception that if it were possible, would deceive the very elect of God (Matthew 24). Help us help you. Please, in these last days — Be good Bereans. We pray that each article and advertisement will serve to bless, encourage and increase knowledge and understanding of a relationship with the King of Kings. These are most assuredly troubling times — hold fast to that which is true. In His Service, Save the Nations Ministries

SUPREME MOMENT Continued from Page 3 were born, I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5) Have you felt the tap on the shoulder? Have you heard His voice? Yes, He has called often. He will first forgive your sins and then He will cleanse your heart and finally empower your will to do His bidding. He needs you. He sees something in you that He can use. Are you willing to turn around, answer His call, and give yourself and your talents to Him? If you will, He'll make something worth-while out of your life. Jesus sees beneath our filthy, unrighteous rags. He sees our hearts, our aspirations, our desires, our talents, our abilities. His gaze penetrates beneath the surface. He sees us as ourselves. There is something in all of us He can use. So, He taps us on the shoulder. He speaks to our souls and says, "Come, follow Me and I'll make something worth-while in you." Save The Nations Ministries `>

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Changing Times

Men How Prayer Helps Us J R Miller

Prayer's best help is not in the earthly good things it gets for us from God. These are blessings indeed — but there are better things than these in prayer's storehouses for us. Often times there are greater benefit in God's denial — than there would have been in His granting what we sought. We have not begun to learn the meaning or to appreciate the privilege of prayer, if we ask

MATT 7:16

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only for things which our body needs, things for the comfort of our physical life — for health, for plenty, for friends and for success. This is only John Bunyan's story of the man with the muck-rake over again — with weary pain, gathering up the rubbish of the dust, not seeing the crown which hangs above our head. Jesus taught the great lesson in a single sentence when he said, "Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." With undivided heart and singleness of quest, we are to seek the things of God, and then the promise is that He will look after the supplying of our earthly need. The same lesson is taught in the Lord's Prayer, which, we should remember, Jesus gave the disciples in answer to their request that He would teach them how to pray. Instead of beginning with requests for earthly things, the first three petitions are for the hallowing of God's name, the coming of His kingdom, and the doing of His will. Not until we come to the latter half of this divine model of prayer, are we led to ask for anything for ourselves. Then we have the petitions for daily bread — only enough, however, for the one day; for the forgiveness of sins; and for deliverance in temptation.

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When we do come to pray for ourselves, it is not the mere earthly side of our life which should first concern us. The deepest yearning of our heart should be for spiritual growth, that our life may be conformed to the will of God. This should be our first object indeed in everything we do. We are not in this world simply to make a living — but to build a life. We are not here primarily to do good farming or carpentering or housekeeping, or to be a good business man or a successful physician, or to do any kind of work well. These things are all right and important in their place, and we are to put our life into our calling whatever it is, and do our very best in it. But our earthly vocation is only the scaffolding — the real life is that which rises within. We are here to grow into Christly manhood. So in prayer the first thing is not to have our physical needs supplied — a far more important matter is to grow in spiritual life. We go to God to get grace from Him, that we may be strong and that our life may be enriched. An old promise says: "Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." "Lord, what a change within us one short hour, spent in Your presence will avail to make, what heavy burdens from our bosom take, what parched grounds refresh, as with a shower! We kneel, and all around us seems to lower; we rise, and all the distant and the near, stands forth in sunny outline, brave and clear; we kneel how weak — we rise how full of power!" True prayer promotes holiness of heart and life. When we have looked into God's face, even for a brief season — we cannot be altogether as we were before. We cannot go back into the world — and be again like the world. We cannot return to

the follies and sins which we committed yesterday so easily. We have seen God, and this puts a new reverence into our soul, and sets our life apart to a new sacredness. Having looked into the face of Christ there are new visions in our soul. We have caught a glimpse of higher things, and there is instilled in us a new longing to reach them. Thus true prayer ever uplifts the heart and life. We should always be holier, even after a few moments with our Master. No day is well begun, which is not begun with Christ. Just so, as we go into any new day, we need the clasp of the Master's hand to inspire and nerve us for the tasks, the duties, the struggles and the dangers of the day. This is one of the ways prayer helps us. The morning devotions, if they are really talks with Jesus — make us braver, stronger and truer, for the whole day. For not only do we thus begin the day with Christ — but we then take Him with us from our closet of prayer, into all the day's paths and experiences. We need never to be a moment away from His side, unless we sinfully leave Him to go forth into some path of wandering of our own choosing. These are suggestions of the way true prayer helps us. It brings Christ into all our life. It holds us continually under the power of His grace. It inspires us ever to seek better things. It makes us strong for duty and struggle. It sweetens our spirit, it cheers us for the roughest way, and it helps us to be victorious over all that would hinder or hurt us. GRACE GEMS! A Treasury of Ageless Sovereign Grace Devotional Writings Our Purpose To humble the pride of man, to exalt the grace of God in salvation and to promote real holiness in heart and life. © 2022 >


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Characteristics of Maturity By J.I. Packer

1. The first mark of maturity is the ability to deal constructively with reality to face facts, to not cover up reality or call it something else, but to deal with it as it is.

Mature people do not kid themselves. 2. The second mark is, adapting quickly to change. We all experience change, whether it be physical, at work, in the family, or whatever. I am amazed at how much some of you have changed through the years while I remain exactly the same! Immature people resist change. It makes them nervous. But the mark of maturity is to adapt to change because change is inevitable. 3. The third mark is freedom from the symptoms of tension and anxiety. The worried look, the frown, the ulcers, the palpitations of the heart -- come because you are upset, anxious and worried. Maturing means you have begun to see that God is in control of this world. He is working out purposes


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that you do not always understand, but you accept it. He will take you through the deep water, not drown you in it. Maturity means you are learning to trust. 4. Fourth, it means to be satisfied more with giving than receiving. Some of you have recently learned that the joy of Christmas is not getting presents but giving them. To see the joy in someone else's face when they get something they either need or want. That is a sign you are growing up. You are discovering the true values of life. 5. The fifth mark is, to relate to others with consistency, helpful-

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Changing Times

is owned by Save The Nations Ministries, Inc. and is Published every other month by On Eagles Wings Unlimited, Inc.

For Advertising or Distribution call On Eagles Wings Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 3268, Covington, LA 70434 (504) 455-6900 • (985) 871-0238 • Fax: (985) 871-0241 For Editorial Department e-mail: • The appearance of advertising in Changing Times does not constitute an endorsement nor does it reflect the opinion of Changing Times or On Eagles Wings Unlimited, Inc. • Changing Times is not responsible for the content of advertising inserts. The publisher and the editor reserve the right to refuse any advertisement or article.

ness, and mutual satisfaction. Maturity is learning to get along with other people, to be a help, not a hindrance, to contribute to the solution and not to be always a part of the problem. 6. Finally, maturity is channeling and redirecting anger to constructive ends. Maturity is the ability to use the adrenaline that anger creates, not to lose your temper and add to the problem, but to correct a situation or to contribute to changing the nature of the difficulty. We can do this! © 2022 All Rights Reserved >


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Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him. – Psalm 62:5



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Changing Times

Overcoming Satan By Andrew Murray not.’(Luke 22:31,32) There is nothing that makes an enemy so dangerous as the fact that he remains hidden or forgotten. Of the three great enemies of the Christian, the world, the flesh, and the devil, the last is the most dangerous, not only because it is he that, strictly speaking, lends to the others what power they have, but also because he is not seen, and, therefore, little known or feared. The devil has the power of darkness: he darkens the eyes, so that men do not know him. He surrounds himself with darkness, so that he is not observed. Yea, he has even the ‘Simon, Simon, behold, Satan power to appear as an angel of light asked to have you, that he might sift (Matt. 4:6; 2 Cor. 4:4; 11:14). It is you as wheat: but I made supplica- by the faith that recognizes things tion for thee, that thy faith fail unseen that the Christian is to endeavor to know Satan, even as the Scripture has revealed him. When the Lord Jesus was living upon earth, His great work was to overcome Satan. When at His baptism He was filled with the Spirit, this fullness of the Spirit brought him into contact with Satan as head of the world of evil spirits, to combat him and to overcome him (Matt. 4:1,10). After that time the eyes of the Lord were always open to the power and working of Satan. In all sin and misery, He saw the revelation of the mighty kingdom of the very same superior, the evil one. Not only in the demoniacs, but also in the sick, He saw the enemy of God and man (Matt. 12:28; Mark 4:15; Luke 13:16; Acts

8 Summer 2022

10:38). In the advice of Peter to avoid the cross, and in his denial of his Lord, where we should think of the revelation of the natural character of Peter (Matt. 16:23; Luke 22:31,32), Jesus saw the work of Satan. In His own suffering, where we rather speak of the sin of man and the permission of God, Jesus perceives the power of darkness. His whole work in living and in dying was to destroy the works of Satan, as He shall also at His second coming utterly bruise Satan himself. (Luke 10:18; 22:3,53; John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; Rom. 16:20; Col. 2:15; 2 Thess. 2:8,9; 1 John 3:8) His word to Peter, compared with the personal experience of the Lord, gives us a fearful insight into the work of the enemy. ‘Satan hath eagerly desired you,’ says Jesus. ‘As a roaring lion, he walketh about, seeking whom he may devour,’ says Peter himself later (1 Cor. 7:5; 2 Cor. 2:10,11). He has no unlimited power, but he is always eager to make use of every weak or unguarded moment. ‘That he might sift you as wheat:’ what a picture!

This world, yea, even the Church of Christ, is the threshing-floor of Satan. The corn belongs to God; the chaff is his own. He sifts and sifts continually, and all that falls through with the chaff he endeavors to take for himself. And many a Christian is there who does fall through in a terrible fashion, and who, were it not for the intercession of his Lord, would perish forever (1 Cor. 5:5; 1 Tim. 1:20). Satan has more than one strainer. The first is generally worldlymindedness—the love of the world. Many a one is pious in his time of poverty, but when he becomes rich, he again eagerly strives to win the world. Or in the time of conversion and awakening he appears very zealous, but through the cares of the world he is led astray (Matt. 4:9; 13:22; 1 Tim. 6:9,10; 2 Tim. 4:10). A second strainer is self-love and self-seeking. Whenever anyone does not give himself undividSee OVERCOMING SATAN on Page



OVERCOMING SATAN Continued from Page 8 edly to serve his Lord and his neighbor, and to love his neighbor in the Lord, it soon appears that the principal token of a disciple is lacking in him. It will be manifest that many a one, with a fair profession of being devoted to the service of God, fails utterly on this point, and must be reckoned with the chaff. Lovelessness is the sure token of the power of Satan (John 8:44; 1 John 3:10,15; 4:20). Yet another strainer, a very dangerous one, is self-confidence. Under the name of following the Spirit, one may listen to the thoughts of his own heart. He is zealous for the Lord, but with a carnal zeal, in which the gentleness of the Lamb of God is not seen. Without being observed, the movements of the flesh mingle with the workings of the Spirit, and while he boasts that he is overcoming Satan, he is being secretly ensnared by him (Gal. 3:3; 5:13). O it is a serious life here upon the earth, where God gives permission for Satan to set his threshing floor even in the Church. Happy are they who with deep

humility, with fear and trembling, distrust themselves. Our only security is in the intercession and guidance of Him who overcame Satan (Eph. 6:10,12,16). Far be from us the idea that we know all the depths of Satan and are a match for all his cunning stratagems. It is in the region of the spirit, in the invisible, that he works and has power, as well as in the visible. Let us fear lest, while we have known and overcome him in the visible, he should prevail over us in the spiritual. May our only security be the conviction of our frailty and weakness, our confidence in Him who certainly keeps the lowly in heart. Lord Jesus, open our eyes to know our enemy and his wiles. Cause us to see him and his realm, that we may dread all that is of him. And open our eyes to see how Thou hast overcome him, and how in Thee we are invincible. O teach us what it is to be in Thee, to mortify all that is of the mere Ego and the will of the flesh, and to be strong in weakness and lowliness. And teach us to bring into prayer the conflict of faith against every stronghold of Satan, because we know that Thou wilt bruise him under our feet. Amen.

Other Thoughts 1. What comfort does the knowledge of the existence of Satan glue us? We know then that sin is derived from a foreign power which has thrust itself into our nature and does not naturally belong to us. We know besides that he has been entirely vanquished by the Lord Jesus, and thus has no power over us so long as we abide trustfully in Christ. 2. The whole of this world, with all that is in it, is under the domination of Satan: therefore, there is nothing, even what appears good and fair, that may not be dangerous for us. in all things, even in what is lawful and right, we must be led and sanctified by the Spirit, if we would continue liberated from the power of Satan. 3. Satan is an evil spirit; only by the good Spirit, the Spirit of God, can we resist him. He works in the invisible; to combat him, we have,

by prayer, to enter the invisible. He is a mighty prince: only in the name of One who is mightier and in fellowship with Him can we overcome. 4. What a glorious work is labor for souls, for the lost, for drunkards, for heathen; a conflict to rescue them from the might of Satan (Acts 26:18). 5. in the Revelation the victory over Satan is ascribed to the blood of the Lamb. (Rev 12:11). Christians have also testified that there is no power in temptation, because Satan readily retreats when one appeals to the blood, by which one knows that sin has been entirely expiated, and we are thus also wholly freed from his power. > Andrew Murray © 2022 oChristian. com.All Rights Reserved >

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Changing Times

Speak The Word Over Your Baby! By Tonja Taylor

It's been proven that babies can hear while they are in the womb. At around four months (less than halfway through your pregnancy), your baby can hear--mainly your voice and the "whoosh" of blood traveling through your veins. So now, while you're pregnant, is the perfect time to speak the Word of God to and over your little one! (Even if you started speaking the Word over your baby from the moment of gestation--and life does begin from the moment of

conception!--your efforts would not be wasted. The Word of God never returns empty (void), but accomplishes that for which it is sent! For as the rain and snow come down from the heavens, and return not there again, but water the earth and make it bring forth and sprout, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, 11 So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:10-11) The Bible is full of Scriptures that you have apply to your baby, and to any other child(ren) and even your entire family. As you speak the Word of God out loud to your baby, and about your baby

(even if you are not talking to your baby directly), you will be affecting not only your baby's life, but yours as well! The Word of God is alive and powerful, as the Word states in (Hebrews 4:12): For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart. The Word of God, the Bible, is eternal, unchanging, and matchless. It is truly the way the true God, our Father (once we have believed in and received His Son, Jesus, as our Savior and LORD), thinks, feels about us, and wants us to enjoy abundant life, which Jesus died to give us (John 10:10, John 3:1517). Hallelujah! It's not hard to find the right Scriptures to speak over your baby. Just ask the LORD to guide you. You may not feel like He's guiding you, but He always will when you

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ask Him. Faith is not a feeling! It is simply believing that the LORD is good (He is ALL good and only good!). He is your loving Daddy who will show you the way. He loves you and your baby much more than you can fathom, but know that it is His love and faithfulness that has gotten you this far, and given your life and your sweet baby, and will see you through all the way! You could start with a Scripture that has brought you comfort. Scriptures on peace are very good, such as (Psalm 29:11), "The Lord will give [unyielding and impenetrable] strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace." Speaking the living Word of God over your baby will also be a blessing to you, for as you speak it, the Spirit of God Who infuses His Word will minister to you! Another excellent verse (and almost every verse in the Word can be personalized to speak over your baby and yourself!) is (Jeremiah 29:11): "For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, See SPEAK THE WORD 11 on Page

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10 Summer 2022


SPEAK THE WORD Continued from Page 10

us and around us and affects our ® lives and others; like a rock dropped Licensed REALTOR into water that makes ripples that can flow for miles--but to give Home-Grown, Locally Owned them the confidence that, especially & Internationally Known as a group, they could memorize this whole thing, and say it in front of the whole school! Cell: 504-339-5292 They did! So when they said Office: 504-362-1823 (Psalm 91) as a group, then the 3001 General DeGaulle Blvd., Suite B Word of God was injected into the New Orleans, LA 70114 whole student body, and into all of us teachers and parents who ed! Hallelujah! Children love the Word of God. I've heard that it is because they are so freshly come from Heaven. So your baby in your womb is even closer than my kindergarteners! Babies love the Word; they love music that truly worships the LORD. They love hearing the Word of God preached and taught--at church, in the background (on the radio, the internet, the phone)--beYour Life Matters! cause it reminds them of Home; HAVE OPIOIDS DESTROYED Heaven! Get started today speaking the YOUR FAMILY? Word of God over your baby, yourHelp Is Here • Call Today self, and others, and change these lives for good--for God! 985-231-3288 Tonja K. Taylor is a joyful, free worshiper, teacher, author, wife, 1770 Highway 59 • Mandeville and mother who adores helping others know the sweet faithfulness Rights Reserved > of God. Through her YouTube channel, "River Rain Creative" and other platforms, she tutors people around the world in faith, worship, writing, English, and more. ©2022 All

Anthony Grosch,

to give you hope in your final outcome. If you are feeling worried, you can speak Scriptures against fear (for fear is never from God. He may warn us of something, because He loves us and wants to protect us and give us a life of Heaven on earth, but He never speaks fear, doubt, or discouragement to us! HE LOVES US!), such as (Psalm 34:4): "I cried to the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." An excellent passage or chapter to speak over your baby and yourself is (Psalm 91)! It reminds us that God is our covering, and always protecting and fighting for us. Hallelujah! I once served as a kindergarten teacher in a small Christian school, and taught my sweet students to memorize (Psalm 91) (the Amplified Classic version--which has more words than many versions!). My kiddos loved learning it, and although I started out teaching them word by word, then phrase by phrase, they soon good excited and started working ahead--eager to prove to me that they were learning it even more quickly than I'd thought they could! I did this not only to inject the living Word of God into them--and into the atmosphere, because when we speak the Word, it flows through

Life Lessons Change

Change is a natural part of life. As we grow up, our parents see the changes that come with our maturing. Then, there comes a time when we see changes in ourselves, and we begin to want change—socially, emotionally, and intellectually. Change comes again when we seek a life partner, worthy enough to leave parents and home, and establish our own lives. Later are the changes we see in the mirror, or in our health, or in our memory, when we forget more and more where we put something that we never had to give thought to!


Time changes, seasons change, and the world, from one generation to the next, changes. We ourselves change our minds, our habits, our lifestyles, and even our looks. Everything changes—except God. He is the One unalterable fact of all life and is word will never pass away. He is “the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) Because of that fact, His eternal love for His creation is something we can count on, and His forgiveness is guaranteed through His Son Who was sent “to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10) His arms are always open to us, and in knowing Him personally, we are always changed for the better!




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Summer 2022 11


Changing Times

Going Through Hard Times? God Wants To Teach You How To Handle Adversity By Chip Ingram

The headlines point to it. Your heart feels it. Just about everyneighbors talk about it. Your one is going through hard times right now! But let’s face it: Life is hard, even in the easiest of Classy & Wigs times. Disappointments, illnesses, broken relationships, dashed Hundreds of Wigs in Stock dreams. What does the Bible say Human Hair & Synthetic about getting through adversity? Plenty, actually! God knows • Clothing His children live in a fallen world • Shoes and He has not left us to suffer • Accessories alone. • Hair Extensions First, when we’re during hard • Beauty Supplies times, it can be difficult to remember that nothing happens (985) 898-0250 without the knowledge of God, 1000 Business Hwy 190 Suite #35 who “works for the good of Covington those who love him, who have (Across from McDonald’s) been called according to his pur-


pose” (Romans 8:28). You are not a victim of random occurrences; you are a child of your Heavenly Father who wants to turn adversity into opportunity! We also need to keep uppermost in our minds that hardships don’t last forever—but the things we learn from them do. Paul calls writes in (2 Corinthians 4:16-18), “Therefore we do not lose heart. . .. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” Adversity in God’s hands can wean us of our self-dependency and pride. It can push us into deeper intimacy with Jesus. It can redirect our paths toward our greater good, and toward God’s greater glory. Tough times also can reshape us. Think about (Romans 5:1-5), in which Paul says that “suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope… Or (1 Peter 5:10), in which the apostle Peter teaches that “the God of all grace … after you have suffered a little, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast.” Who doesn’t want to be a person of character, full of hope, strong and steadfast? It’s all in how you react, isn’t it? A good place to start is to discern the source of the adversity. Is it just circumstances? Maybe you’ve lost your job due to the pandemic, or your chronic illness has flared up because of stress. You could be suffering from physical exhaustion after transitioning your children home, setting up a homeschool, and juggling your “regular” job (now based at home too).

There are other causes of difficulties, of course. Natural consequences of sin and disobedience, for one. Or perhaps God is disciplining you for your own good. Remember what the writer of the book of Hebrews teaches? “Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it” (Hebrews 5:7, 10-11). I think the overall message from God’s Word is to turn to Him and trust Him. Persevere! That’s what Hebrews says: “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised” (Hebrews 10:36). Don’t give up! Don’t give in! Don’t opt out! Remember, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13). > Copyright © Living on the Edge. All rights reserved. >

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12 Summer 2022


Beware Of These 7 Gospel-Distortions By Kristen Wetherell

A dear friend of mine worked in a bank overseas for about a year, handling large amounts of money. During training, she had to study various bills and learn their details so she could easily discern counterfeits if they came along. She studied the real thing so she could identify distortions. The same goes for the gospel of Jesus Christ. As leaders in the church, we want to be women equipping women to know the gospel so we can identify false “gospels” and grasp how the truth applies to our lives. But where do we start? Build the Foundation We begin with the gospel to build a firm foundation for all our events, gatherings, Bible studies, and small groups: Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand. . . . God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God (Rom. 5:1–2, 8–9). This passage answers three questions that we can use as a framework to help our women build a firm gospel-foundation: Saved from what? The wrath of God. There is no gospel apart from the existence of the wrath of God and His righteous judgment against sinners (v. 9). This is an uncomfortable reality, but it’s one we must teach our women, because ignoring or belittling sin does not mean sin goes away. God is the standard— and we have sinned against him. Saved by whom? Jesus Christ. Christians are saved from the wrath of God by the righteous blood of Jesus, the spotless, sacrificial Lamb who absorbed the wrath on our behalf (v. 8). Only Jesus has the power to save desperate, dead

sinners from God’s wrath by giving does not make it disappear. There is See DISTORTIONS them eternal life in His Name, Someone to whom we will be held 14 on Page accomplishing what we never accountable, and even though our could. pride doesn’t roll with that idea, sin Saved how? By grace through faith. True faith says, “I bring nothing to the table. I come empty-handHumana Gold Plus H1951‑047 & H1951-028 ed, but Christ gladly gives Himself to (HMO) earned 5 out of 5 stars for 2022—the me.” We teach our highest quality rating—from CMS* women that faith is trusting Jesus to rescue us from sin, because we know The CMS Five‑Star Quality Rating System is designed to make it easier for we can’t rescue consumers to choose a Medicare plan, by comparing plans side by side and ourselves. And faith giving them a quality rating from 1 to 5 stars. is trusting Jesus to 5‑star plans have demonstrated a high level of member satisfaction, do this apart from preventive care and chronic condition support, and outstanding customer anything we have service. You can expect: done. Beware the DisLow premiums Access to a network tortions of quality doctors Coverage for virtual visits and in‑home visits When the women Go365® rewards program Dental, vision and hearing benefits in our churches forAnd more SilverSneakers® fitness program get the gospel, they’re more likely If you are enrolled in a plan rated less than 5 stars, you may switch to a to be carried along Humana 5‑star plan even after the Annual Election Period ends. The 5‑Star and tossed about by Special Enrollment Period runs from Dec. 8, 2021 through Nov. 30, 2022. the world’s everYour local, licensed Humana sales agent is ready to talk with you about your changing ideas. So healthcare needs and goals, walk you through Humana 5‑star plans available just as it’s imporin your area, and help you understand what a 5‑star plan can do for you. tant for us as leaders to build a firm Call a licensed Humana sales agent foundation for the flock under our care, we must also beware the distortions at work in our world and churches. Mattie Craig Nidia Martinez Chris Harris Here are seven 504-544-0529 504-544-0320 504-544-0314 gospel-distortions we should be aware En español? Llame al A more human way of as we seek to 504-554-0320 to healthcare™ lead women well: *The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Humana is a Medicare Advantage 1. The “Good HMO, PPO and PFFS organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in any Person” Culture Humana plan depends on contract renewal. Applicable to Humana Gold Plus This one says, H1951‑047 & H1951-028 (HMO) At Humana, it is important you are treated "We’re all basically fairly. Humana Inc. and its subsidiaries comply with applicable Federal Civil Rights good people. We laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, make mistakes and disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ancestry, marital status mess up—nobody's or religion. English: ATTENTION: If you do not speak English, language assistance perfect—but we’re services, free of charge, are available to you. Call 1-877-320-1235 (TTY: 711). good people at Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios heart." gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-877-320-1235 (TTY: 711).繁體中文 This claim is (Chinese): 注意:如果您使用繁體中文 ,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務 。請致電1-877-320-1235 wrong, and it’s dan(TTY :711) 。 gerous. We need to remind our women Y0040_GHHLFLREN_22_Ad_M that ignoring sin

Big news, Louisiana!

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How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony! – Psalm 133:1

• • •

Summer 2022 13

WOMEN DISTORTIONS Continued from Page 13 is real, and it’s a power we need rescuing from. No one is good, not one (Ps. 14:3). 2. The “Self-Esteem” Culture This distortion claims, "You’re so awesome that you deserved a Savior and all He can give you to solve your problems." “Self-esteem” has infiltrated our churches, especially our women’s ministries. If we took inventory of all the women's studies on the market, we’d find plenty of self-help tactics that make us feel good but a stunning absence of the doctrine of sin, because sin doesn’t make us feel good—so it’s masked in words like “insecurity” and “negative selfimage.” But when we belittle the idea of sin, we lose the gospel. 3. The “Expressive Individualism” Culture This one claims that Christianity is all about “being true to yourself,” “following your heart,” and “living authentically.” But this idea runs counter to everything the gospel says. We’re sinners who can’t trust our hearts because they’re deceitful. This dis-

Changing Times

tortion will seem appealing to your women (even to you!) because it makes truth all about you! But it will only lead to confusion and, ultimately, spiritual death. 4. The “Optional Jesus” Culture This belief says, “Jesus is a way, not the way. A person can find their way to God through a number of different spiritual experiences.” To say that Jesus is optional not only goes against the Bible’s teaching about who Jesus is (John 14:6), but it thwarts the gospel. Ask your women to think about this: As C.S. Lewis said, if Jesus is only “a way” to God, He’s either a lunatic or a liar for the divine claims He made and His sacrifice on the cross was for nothing. It was a waste of a life. And if this is true, then “our faith is in vain” (1 Cor. 15:14). 5. The “Prosperity Jesus” Culture This distorted view of Jesus says that He guarantees His followers a happy, healthy life with no troubles. But Jesus suffered. And those who believe in Him will suffer too (Mark 8:34). We must help our women guard against the belief that

Jesus is here to cozy up our lives and make everything easy for us. If they’re deceived into believing this, they won’t follow Jesus for long, because they’ll be disappointed, bitter, or even hardened to God when things don’t go their way. 6. The “Faith-And” Culture This distortion claims that “faith and” something else is sufficient to save me: Faith and my good works; faith and enough self-loathing; faith and a right understanding of God. Many of our women struggle to believe that God would give such a free gift without requiring them to earn it. Because our sin-nature screams for independence and control, we want to have something to do with our salvation. But we cannot add one thing to the work and person of Jesus Christ. It is finished; death is defeated; evil is overcome. All because of Him. 7. The “Faith-So” Culture The opposite end of the spectrum says, “Jesus is my righteousness and perfection, so I can live however I want because in the end, I’m saved!” Theologians have called this “cheap grace.” Yes, it is for freedom that Christ has set us free, but

we are set free from sin’s power to live for Christ, not to remain in our sin and live any way we want. Faith does not give us the freedom to stay in sin; it frees us from sin so our lives increasingly point to Jesus. As a leader of women, what would it look like for you to build a firm gospel-foundation for them this ministry year? How will you equip your women to discern gospel-distortions? Praise God, this beautiful gospel applies even to these efforts, as you entrust your women to Him and walk by faith that He’ll equip you with everything good to do His will and point them to Jesus. Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen (Heb. 13:20–21). Kristen Wetherell © 2001–2022 Revive Our Hearts, an outreach of Life Action Ministries.>

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onsider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. — James 1:2-3

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14 Summer 2022

3/27/17 11:13 AM

Success and Failure: They May Not Be What You Think


By Greg Laurie

Have you ever failed miserably and wondered if there ever could be a second chance for you? If so, then you’re in good company. The apostle Peter felt that way after he denied knowing the Lord—not once but three times. Yet the Bible tells the story of God’s restoration in his life. Following Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples knew they were to go to Galilee and wait. But nothing had happened. While some people like to sit around and discuss things, Peter wasn’t one of them. He was a doer. And when he announced that he was going fishing, the other disciples wanted to go with him. So they got into a boat, went out, and caught

nothing. Then John’s Gospel tells us, “At dawn Jesus was standing on the beach, but the disciples couldn’t see who he was. He called out, ‘Fellows, have you caught any fish?'” (John 21:4 NLT). I think Jesus allowed this little failure to once again prove a point: It’s futile and useless to live our lives without His direction and blessing. How foolish we are when we try to keep God out of our lives while we blindly pursue our plans and passions. Many times God won’t allow us to get what we’re after. But sometimes He will, so we’ll see that it isn’t what we thought it was. The Old Testament gives us an example of this. God had supernaturally provided for the children of Israel on a daily basis as they walked through the wilderness to the Promised Land. Every morning, something called manna would be lying on the ground outside their tents. All they had to do was gather it,

eat it and enjoy it. But after a while, they got sick of this manna. So they complained about it. They said, “Who will give us meat to eat? We remember the fish which we ate freely in Egypt, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic; but now our whole being is dried up; there is nothing at all except this manna before our eyes!” (Numbers 11:4– 6 NKJV). When their leader, Moses, went to God with their grievance, God basically told him, “Stand back! I will give them meat!” And it rained quail. The children of Israel were about knee high in it. Then the Bible tells us, “But while the meat was still between their teeth, before it was chewed, the wrath of the Lord was aroused against the people, and the Lord struck the people with a very great plague” (Numbers 11:33 NKJV). Someone has said there are two sources of unhappiness in life: One is not getting what you want. The other is getting it.

King Solomon, who went on a sinful binge of sorts, made this statement: “Anything I wanted, I would take. I denied myself no pleasure. I even found great pleasure in hard work, a reward for all my labors. But as I looked at everything I had worked so hard to accomplish, it was all so meaningless—like chasing the wind” (Ecclesiastes 2:10–11 NLT). In other words, he saw it all and did it all. He’d been there, done that. And it didn’t satisfy him. Success actually can be a form of failure. We may think that success is the most important thing. But that depends on how we define success. Many people achieve their goals, but at what cost? Did they abandon their principles, sacrifice their integrity, and neglect their family and friends? Did they forget about and, in some cases, even abandon God outright? If so, then they have See SUCCESS 16 on Page

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It is foolish to belittle one’s neighbor; a sensible person keeps quiet. – Proverbs 11:12

Summer 2022 15

TEENS SUCCESS Continued from Page 15 ultimately failed. We can do worse than fail. We can succeed and be personally proud of our successes, worshiping our accomplishments rather than the One who helped us reach those goals. We can succeed and forget whose hand it is that gives and withholds. Therefore, failure sometimes can be a positive thing—that is, if we learn from our mistakes when we do something wrong. If we can taste the bitter results of our failures and say, “I really

Changing Times

don’t want to do that again,” if we can put safeguards around our lives and take precautionary steps to never fall into the same trap again, then we’ve learned something from our mistakes. But what, in our minds, are the earmarks of a successful person? Are they things like power, wealth, popularity and having the respect of other people? If these are our criteria for success, then I guess that Jesus was a horrible failure. Was He politically powerful? No. All levels of government first rejected Him and then conspired to kill Him.




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How about money and possessions? Jesus didn’t have those, either, because He said, “Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place even to lay his head” (Matthew 8:20 NLT). Was Jesus popular? He was for a while, but not for long. The fickle multitudes sang His praises for a time, but they turned on Him not long afterward. He had a lot of fairweather friends, but in the end, He had only a handful. Was He respected by his peers? If we were to classify the religious leaders as His peers, then the answer would be no. They rejected His work. Despite His failure by these standards, Jesus Christ was the greatest success that anyone has ever been, because He came with a purpose: to die for the sins of the world. And He accomplished that task. Sometimes we can think we’re failures because we don’t have the worldly earmarks of success. But it’s more important how faithful you are than how successful you are according to society’s standards.

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We may not know how successful we’ve been, especially in our spiritual endeavors, until we get to Heaven. And those whom we thought were great successes may not have been as successful as we thought. On the other hand, those whom we deemed failures may have been the greatest successes of all. It may seem like the end right now for you, but it just might be a new beginning instead. God might be doing something above and beyond what you’ve ever imagined. So be faithful. Learn from your mistakes. And keep moving forward. >

Greg Laurie All Rights Reserved Harvest Ministries 2022>

Changing Times Celebrates 20 Years of Helping Change Lives One Issue at at Time


Your Kids Carry Seeds Of Greatness; Do Not Give Up On Them By Daniel Dela Dunoo

In my relatively short life, I have observed a couple of young men and women who were once my school mates; many struggled through school. Some were downright academically poor where as others made consistently poor grades because they were simply not serious with their academics; they seemed a hopeless bunch. A couple of years down the line, I am more than impressed by what they have made of their lives. I look at their lives now but see no correlation between what they once were and what they are now. As a matter of fact, it will seem as though such individuals have always been smart, intelligent, serious minded and purpose driven. When the names of some of the world`s great achievers are mentioned, many assume these persons were geniuses from childhood.

Many think such individuals had very bright and promising beginnings. And yes, some obviously had great beginnings. However, there are also scores of famous and well accomplished personalities who were once considered unintelligent. For some, authority figures in their sphere of contact who should have known better actually thought they were hopeless to such an extent that it will be impossible for them to amount to anything in life. In this piece I have opted to briefly share the remarkable stories of six of such individuals. It is hoped that kids, parents, teachers and society at large will find these stories inspiring, thought-provoking and instructive. Albert Einstein: A worldrenowned scientist, theoretical physicist, and the 1921 Nobel Prize winner for Physics. Reliable records reveal that as a boy Einstein`s grades were so poor that a teacher asked him to quit, saying, "Einstein, you will never amount to anything." Ludwig Van Beethoven: He was one of the most celebrated classical music composers of all time. His

music teacher once said of him, "As a composer, he is hopeless." He lived to prove his teacher`s opinion of him wrong. Thomas Edison: He was a prolific inventor and an entrepreneur par excellence. He is especially world famous for his invention of light bulb. As a boy, his academic performance was so poor that he was told by his teacher that he was too stupid to learn anything. Stephen Spielberg: He is a multiple award-winning American film director. Dropped out of Junior High School and was subsequently placed in a learning-disabled class. He remained in the school for a month, dropping out of school forever. Isaac Newton: He is one of the most celebrated scientists and mathematics to have ever walked on this plane of life. While in grade school as a kid, he was so weak academically that his teachers gave up on improving his grades. Brian Tracy: A bestselling author, top sales speaker, trainer and consultant. He is also the founder and president of Brian Tracy International. He writes of


his days in high school: "I didn`t graduate from high school. In fact, I behaved so badly in high school that I was suspended and eventually expelled from three different schools." What is the lesson in all this? These notable achievers and several others like them refused to accept the humiliating labels that were placed on them and refused to settle for what seemed to have been their lot. They broke free from the stereotypical mold and charted noble courses for themselves. I wish to submit that a person’s current status or quality of life isn`t final; change is the only constant. Consequently, no parent should ever give up on his or her child. No teacher should ever give up on his or her pupils and students. Students and pupils should never give up on themselves and should never look down on their peers. Within every human being are seeds of greatness. With the right environment, these seeds will germinate, grow and blossom. ©2022 All Rights Reserved >



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He who has knowledge spares his words, And a man of understanding is of a calm spirit. – Proverbs 17:27

Summer 2022 17

Changing Times

Lucky's First Adventure

In a big red barn, one spring morning was heard the happy peeping of mother ducks babies. They were excited because Mrs. Duck had promised to take them on a walk outside the barn today. Mrs. Duck stood at the door and called to her ducklings to get in line. They all hurried to do as they were told, all but one. His name was Lucky. Lucky always seemed

18 Summer 2022

to be in a hurry. He always wanted to be the first one to do everything. As his brothers and sisters were getting in line, Lucky ran past his mother and into the farmyard. His mother quickly stopped Lucky and guided him to the end of the line. While standing there, all Lucky could think about were the new places he had just seen outside. Mrs. Duck was telling everyone about the wonderful things they would see and also the dangers they should avoid. Lucky was so lost in what he had already seen, that he wasn’t listening to his mother. Mrs. Duck said, “Now stay in line and follow me.” As they went into the farmyard, Lucky once again ran out of line and past his mother. Lucky saw the biggest puddle of water he had ever seen. He could almost feel the water on his feet, when suddenly his mother appeared before him, blocking his way with her out stretched wings. As Lucky stopped in front of

her, he looked up into her angry face, and said, “I only wanted to play in the puddle!” Mrs. Duck said, “I told you that playing in puddles was dangerous!” About that time a car went by with its tires going directly into the puddle and splashing the ducks with muddy water. As Lucky shook the water from his feathers, he said “Wow! I would have been squished!” “Yes” his mother, said, “I teach you things so you can be safe, now get back in line. As the family went on with their walk they met Mrs. Chicken and Her husband Rooster, and their children. As Mrs. Duck and Mrs. Chicken were talking the ducklings were allowed to play with the children in their yard. When they continued on the ducklings were introduced to the pig family, the sheep family, and had just met Mrs. cow and her new baby. While Mrs. Duck and Mrs. Cow were talking, Lucky look around him and saw a big black dog on a chain. Lucky left his place in line and went to talk to the big dog. The dog had been watching the family and as Lucky came nearer, he said in his nicest voice, “Hello little duck, would you like to swim in my water dish?”

Why thank you for inviting me, that sounds like fun!” said Lucky. As Lucky started across the dirt that marked where the big dogs chain made him stop, Lucky’s mother once again swooped in front of him with her wings spread out. As Mrs. Duck quickly pushed Lucky back into the grass, the big dog leaped to his feet and ran to the end of his chain, barking and growling angrily. As Lucky looked past his mother at the now scary dog, he asked “ What did I do that made him so mad?” As Mrs. Duck guided Lucky back into line, She said, “He is mad because he didn’t get to eat you.” Eat Me? He invited me to swim in his water bowl and he sounded nice. “Yes Lucky, He sounded nice and offered you what you might like, just to get you to come close enough to him so he could eat you. He is dangerous, that is why he is on the chain. That is also why I didn’t introduce you to him. You should not speak or go near anyone I have not introduced you to. They might be dangerous, and hurt you. See ADVENTURE 20 on Page

Lukie The Little Licking Lucky Lizard By Darlene Lopez

Lollypops, ladybugs, licorice, lice, are all so tasty and all very nice. Well, they are to a lizard. Lukie, however, was not your ordinary lizard. He was a little lizard with a long tongue. He loved to lick and laugh at everything he looked at - especially when he went to the Lagoon Store with his mommy. “I promise! I promise,” said Lukie, “I won’t lick.” “Okay,” said Mother, “You can come with me to the Lagoon Store, but I don’t want to see any licking. “ Mother and Lukie headed off to the store. When they arrived Lukie wanted to sit in his favorite basket, the one with the leaping lilies painted on it. The moment Lukie got into to the basket he could feel the

desire to lick begin. His tongue began to unravel in his mouth and started to come out. He immediately shoved it back into his mouth. He could still feel his little tongue wiggling around. It was causing his whole body to wiggle. “Lukie, what is wrong with you?” said his mother, “Sit still and quit your wiggling.” She didn’t realize that little Lukie was having such a hard time controlling his tongue and his desire to lick. Mother continued her shopping. Looking at her list she went down through the left-over aisle. She got lasagna (Lukie’s favorite) to make for lunch, and some lemon lime Jell-O for dessert. As they continued little Lukie was licking his lips. He saw the lollypops and he desperately wanted to lick them. He remembered his promise to his mommy, but he couldn’t stop thinking of how he used to lick the lollypops and laugh every time he came in to the store. This made the desire much more strong. At that moment Lukie knew he needed help controlling his desire. He

began to pray. He asked God for help and strength to keep the promise he made to his mommy. So he decided to lounge in the basket, in hopes that this would help him. His mind would wonder about the ladybugs, licorice and lice. Yum! They were all so tasty and oh so nice. He could find them all at the Lagoon Store. The desire kept getting stronger and little Lukie couldn’t stop licking his lips. He also couldn’t stop drooling! He began to reach for the Lice when his mother smacked his hand and said, “Don’t you dare!” Lukie’s mother knew little Lukie was having a hard time keeping his promise but she still had lots more shopping to do. Mother didn’t know what to do, so she got her lasso rope and decided to tie little Lukie’s lap to the basket in hopes he wouldn’t reach for anything else. “Ah-ha,“ she said as she thought this knot would do the trick. However, little Lukie still wanted to lick. His mouth was getting very watery and the desire grew stronger and stronger. “Oh, if only I could have one little lick then I would feel so much better, he thought to himself. He tried so very to keep his lips sealed and not allow his little long tongue to come out. Then all of a sudden something caught his eye. “Hum, what is this?” he though, “I’ve never seen these here before.” There in the aisle was a sign that read, “New lobsters for sale! Please don’t touch. Lobsters have been known to bite lizards.” Well little Lukie didn’t know how to read. “What does that big sign say?” he wondered, “What do all those letters spell?” All he knew was

those Lobsters looked lovely. He had never seen such creatures before. He was fascinated by them. “Oh, if only I could lick them. I bet they taste good. I bet they can make me laugh more than lollypops. They have to be able to make me laugh. Look at those weird fingers. They probably tickle.” He said to himself. He began to get a little closer to reach his head into the glass. “Hum! What is that?” he thought curiously. Meanwhile, Mother was purchasing some lavender for the other lizards in the family and she wasn’t paying much attention to Lukie. Lukie just couldn’t take it anymore. “I want to touch but my lap is tied with a lasso. I can’t move my legs. The only option left is for me to have a taste. So, I guess I must choose,” thought Lukie. He opened his mouth and his tongue rolled out over the glass and into the lobster tank. “Awe! Yes, this is it,” he thought, “I’m going to get a lick! YES! YES! YES!” Then all of a sudden, SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! Mother looked over and grabbed Lukie just in time before the lobster bit little Lukie’s long tongue. “You lucky little lizard,” she said. As you can guess the lobster was the one with the last laugh. From that day on little Lukie always asked before he licked anything again. At the Lagoon Store, little Luke learned a lesson. It is better to have self-control then to be bitten by a lobster. Sometimes it’s hard to have self-control, but with God all things are possible. So the next time you’re having a hard time ask God to help you and He will. ©2022 All Rights Reserved >

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Fools vent their anger, but the wise quietly hold it back. – Proverbs 29:11

Summer 2022 19


Changing Times

3 Tips To Help Kids Eat Healthier By Patricia Coldiron

“According to the American Heart Association, one in three kids and teens are overweight.” Carrying those extra pounds can contribute to diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and Type 2 Diabetes. Losing and maintaining a healthy weight is important, but asking your kids to try new healthier foods can be an uphill battle. (First Corinthians 6:19) makes it clear that we are to honor God by keeping our bodies healthy. “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” Teaching your kids to eat healthier will benefit the whole family.

store and make it a game to see how many different colors they can find. Get kids involved in cooking a meal. Look through cookbooks and let them choose recipes to try. Smaller kids can pull off lettuce Here are 3 tips to help your leaves and pour ingredients into the kids eat healthier without bowl. Older kids can measure out feeling deprived. ingredients (good way to teach Make Gradual Changes math skills), knead dough, or cut up Making a sudden announcement vegetables. that steak and French fries will be replaced by tuna casserole and vegetables may result in shrieks of protest and tears. You can make gradual changes that will hardly be noticeable. Sneak zucchini in bread, muffins, and waffles. Meatloaf can be more ADVENTURE nutritious by using turkey and grat- Continued from Page 18 ed carrots. Make homemade chocoAs lucky went on with his familate waffles with whole wheat flour, ly, he looked back at the big dog, pumpkin, and chocolate chips. who smiled and yelled you would Put fruit on skewers for a fun have tasted good!” after school snack. Mix up a quick Shortly they came to a big pond dip for fruit by mixing up instant of water. Lucky forgot all about the pudding with skim milk. Keep scary dog and ran past his mother healthy foods front and center in once again and headed toward the the refrigerator. water. As he was nearly there, once Get Kids Involved again his mother appeared in front Kids will be more likely to try of him, with her wings spread out. new dishes if they help select the As he stopped and once again ingredients. Help them pick out looked into his mother’s angry face, fresh fruit and vegetables at the he said “Ah mom I only wanted to be the first one in the water.” “Lucky,” His mother said,” there are always going to be dangers around that if you are in a hurry you might not see. As, though to prove her right, a long brown snake came out of the grass and silently slithered along the path toward the big pond. Lucky and his family stood where they were and watched as the snake went to the water’s edge. About that time a big bird swooped down and picked up the snake and flew away. Mrs. Duck turned to her duckling and said, “That is why we must stay together. There is safety in num-

Make It a Family Affair It is in everyone’s best interest to eat healthy, and kids won’t feel like they are on a special diet if the whole family is eating the same foods. To make it more fun, let each family member oversee dinner once a week. This is a good opportunity to cook together and try some new dishes that you can add in your own healthy ingredients. ©2022 All Rights Reserved >

bers. The hawk could have Chosen any one of you for his dinner, but together in a line we look to big for him. The snake also would have had one of you for his dinner if I hadn’t of stopped you Lucky! That is why we need to be very careful all the time and listen to what we are told. Now lets go swimming! With that said Mrs. Duck led them all into the water and they splashed and swam. Took rides on moms back and had a really fun time. When they got back to their nest in the barn and were snuggled around their mother safe and warm, Lucky began to drift off to sleep. He remembered all the new friends his mother introduced him to. He also remembered all the times he was almost killed, if it hadn’t been for his mother teaching him what he needed to know. Lucky realized how loved he was and how hard his mother was trying to keep him safe, he nestled closer to his mother and sleepily said “I love you mom” as he drifted off to sleep in his safe warm nest. ©2022 All Rights Reserved >

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20 Summer 2022

Words That Improve Friendship By Dr. Paul Tripp

When was the last time you talked with a friend? I’m not sure how serious the conversation was, but one thing I am sure of is this: your words were not insignificant. There’s an amazing proverb that Eugene Peterson translates: “Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit— you choose. “(Proverbs 18:21, The Message) How do you use words to “give life “to your friendship? Does it mean that you quote Scripture incessantly? Should you continuously point out the sin in others? Are you allowed to talk about sports or the weather? There’s probably no better guide about how to talk with friends than (Ephesians 4:29): “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” This verse, and all of Scripture, doesn’t give us a preapproved vocabulary list to use or avoid; instead, it teaches us how to speak with a biblical agenda. There are three aspects of that agenda: Consider the Person “…only such as is good for building up…” Gospel-centered communication is always other-centered communication. The Apostle Paul says I should never say anything to a friend that is not helpful for them. My words must not be spoken from a self-centered agenda where I am seeking to establish my will in the friendship, but spoken from an ambassadorial agenda, where I seek to be part of what the King is doing in the life of my friend.

Consider the Problem “…as fits the occasion…” Before I speak, I must think about what my friend is struggling with and what they most need now. Do they need encouragement, comfort, hope, direction, wisdom, courage, rebuke, warning, forgiveness, patience, teaching, correction, thanks, insight, a job description, or something else? My words must be shaped by an awareness of their need. Consider the Process …that it may give grace to those who hear.” Gospel-centered communication is not just about the content of my words, but how they are spoken. Often I choose to say the right thing, but in the wrong way or at the wrong time. Confronting a teenager five minutes before they leave for school is not helpful, even if the content is accurate. Rebuking a friend for an offense in front of others is not beneficial, even if they need to be confronted. Asking your spouse to consider how they hurt you as they are trying to get to sleep might not be the best time, even if you do need to reconcile. Here is what we all must remember: God has a bigger agenda for our friendships than we do. These relationships are designed to be workrooms for redemption, not shelters for human happiness. What do your words reveal? Are you settling for your own definition of personal happiness when God’s purpose is nothing short of conforming us to the image of Christ? If we are ever going to give grace when we talk, we need grace to free us from our bondage to ourselves so that our words may be liberated to be used by God. God bless. Reflection Questions 1. When was the last time someone spoke poisonous words to you? How did that kill your spirits? 2. What did someone say to you recently that was the result of the fruit of the Spirit? How did those words give life to your soul? Think of one of your relationships where the truth needs to be

spoken in love. Consider: 5. The Process. How can you 3. The Person. What self-cen- deliver these words in a time and tered motives do you need to put manner that is most helpful? Where aside before having this conversa- do you need to hold your tongue? tion? Dr. Paul Tripp 4. The Problem. What are the This content was needs of the other person, and how originally posted by Paul Tripp on www. can you select words that are most" > appropriate for their need?


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One of the secrets of happy and beautiful life" By J.R. Miller As your days — so shall your strength be!" (Deuteronomy 33:25) One of the secrets of a happy and beautiful life is to live one day at a time. Really, we never have anything to do any day but the bit of God's will for that day. If we do that well, we have absolutely nothing else to do. Time is given to us in days. It was so from the beginning. This breaking up of time into little daily portions means a great deal more than we are accustomed to think. For one thing, it illustrates the gentleness and goodness of God. It would have made life intolerably burdensome if a year, instead of a day had been the unit of division. It would have been hard to carry a heavy load, to endure a great sorrow, or to keep on at a hard duty for such a long stretch of time. How dreary our common taskwork would be if there were no breaks in it, if we had to keep our hand to the plough for a whole year! We never could go on with our struggles, our battles and our suffering, if night did not mercifully settle down with its darkness, and bid us rest and renew our strength. We do not understand how great a mercy there is for us in the briefness of our short days. If they were even twice as long as they are, life would be intolerable! Many a time when the sun goes down, we feel that we could scarcely have gone another step. We would have fainted in defeat, if the summons to rest had not come just when it did. We see the graciousness of the divine thoughtfulness in giving us time in periods of little days, which we can easily get through with and not in great years, in which we would faint and fall by the way. It makes it possible for us to go on through all the long years and not to be overwrought, for we never have given to us at any one time more than we can do between the morning and the evening. If we learn well the lesson of living just one day at a time, without anxiety for either yesterday or tomorrow, we shall have found one of the great secrets of Christian peace. That is the way God teaches us to live. That is the lesson both of the Bible and of nature. If we learn it, it will cure us of all anxiety; it will save us from all feverish haste; it will enable us to live sweetly in any experience. "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:34)

A time to tear and a time to mend; A time to be quiet and a time to speak. – Ecclesiastes 3:7

Summer 2022 21

Changing Times

8 Easy Lifestyle Habits For Healthy Immune Function

Today, tomorrow, and forever, it’s imperative that you take care of your immune system. Believe it or not, you can use lifestyle habits for healthy immune function right where you are. There’s never been a better time to build these healthy habits into your daily life. These healthy habits are sciencebacked methods to support immune function. Here’s how you can use each one to lift your mood, your faith, and your immune system today. 8 EASY LIFESTYLE HABITS FOR YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM’S HEALTH 1. LAUGH AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE Let’s start with a joyful habit. Laughter. Have you ever wondered why we laugh? Why did God give us this

gift? It is an amazing health-promoting habit. The more you can build laughter into your daily life, the more you’ll reduce cortisol, improve your mood, and decrease depression. These, in turn, will encourage healthy immune function. Interestingly, multiple studies show that the benefits of smiling and laughter are experienced whether its real or fake. So, fake it if you need to, and get in a good belly laugh each day. 2. SLEEP AT LEAST 7 HOURS PER NIGHT Sleep is one of the strongest immune-boosters available to you. It can support your immune function through your lymph system and help your body restore itself each day. How is sleep one of the strongest lifestyle habits for healthy immune function? It allows your body and brain to recoup, restore, and fight disease. During sleep, your immune system releases cytokines which both promote sleep and fight disease. When you are awake, your body must do

the work of being awake, moving, and maintaining an active brain. This takes most of its resources. When you are asleep, it can do maintenance on your body. What’s more, sleep deprivation is well-documented as a factor in decreased immunity and increased illness, decreasing immune cells in number and strength. One study of 1,654 participants aged 20-74 years looked at sleep and its effects on those with various illnesses. It followed these participants for 20 years. The results indicated that participants with existing high blood pressure or impaired blood sugars, who slept less than 6 hours per night, were 1.8 times likely to die of heart disease or stroke. 3. MAINTAIN HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS God has created us for relationships, and they are important for overall health and healthy immune function. Positive relationships can improve your mood and decrease stress. This, in turn, can promote a strong immune system (see more below).

To maintain relationships even when you can’t always be with each other in-person: Invest in the relationships within your household and neighborhoods. Find new games to play, movies to watch, routes to walk, and other ways to make great memories together. Stay in touch with loved ones however you can. Use technology to video-call, send videos to friends, and keep in touch. Social media can be a negative addiction if left unchecked, but it can also be a great way to feel a sense of community if you’re away from loved ones. Maintain the relationships that are important to you. It’s good for your health and immune function! 4. LET GRATITUDE AND OPTIMISM PREVAIL It’s always the perfect time to allow gratitude and optimism to prevail. You can get your gratitude journal going again. You may have started one during the Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season last year. Or, this idea may be new to you. See LIFESTYLE 23 on Page

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LIFESTYLE Continued from Page 22 Gratitude journals, focusing on small daily blessings, are powerful. Being grateful is associated with better mental, emotional, and physical health and immunity. To start a gratitude journal, first simply get a pen and a paper, or a journal. Next, write 5-10 “gratitudes” per day. They can be big or small things. You can write them throughout the day, or at the beginning or end. Just choose to focus on simple gratitudes each day as one of your lifestyle habits to support healthy immune function and more. 5. EXERCISE EVERY DAY Right now, you might feel like you don’t have many options for exercise. But actually, you have 2 great options: exercise in your home OR outside. In fact, if you look online for free yoga, aerobic, or other classes, you’ll likely find some great ones. Some gyms and studios are offering online class streams. Or, get outside! Whether it’s just a short walk or a ride on a bike, God has given us a huge gift in the mood-elevating outdoors. Not only is any activity good for our muscles, hearts, and brains, outdoor-

activity specifically has been shown to improve mood and depression. What’s more, if the sun is shining, your body will make Vitamin D, an immune-stimulated vitamin. And there’s even more good news: When you exercise, a group of immune cells called myokines are produced and released by the skeletal muscles. These promote immune function and whole-body health benefits. 6. PRAY CONTINUALLY Prayer is not a last-ditch effort for health and immune function, but a foundation for your relationship with God, your mental health, phys-

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ical health, and entire well-being. In fact, prayer releases control from you and gives it to God. It helps change your heart towards any stressful situation, even if the situation itself doesn’t change. And lastly, it allows you to focus on truth. God’s truth is that He is with you in any circumstance. That nothing is too big. And, that He will walk with you through it. The act of prayer has shown to increase certain helpful neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, which help promote a state of relaxation, focus, motivation, and well-being. God has given us prayer as an amazing cortisol-releasing activity that brings us closer to Him while improving our health. As stress goes down, the efficacy of the immune system increases. 7. ENGAGE IN STRESSRELEASE ACTIVITIES DAILY All of the above activities, from exercise to laughing to sleep, are stress-releasing activities. They all reduce cortisol, and this has a direct impact on your immune system. They are all stress-reducing, lifestyle habits for a strong immune system. But, you may know of some others to work great to reduce your own stress. What are they? Reading? Talking on the phone to a loved one? If needed, think of 1-3 more activities you can do each day to decrease stress and cortisol. As you do, you’ll promote immune health. High blood cortisol levels are correlated with increased blood pressure, poor immunity,


negative moods, reduced sleep and energy, memory issues, and an increased incidence of diabetes and heart disease. Stress-reducing activities can help! 8. DETOX FROM UNHEALTHY EATING AND FLOOD YOUR BODY WITH NUTRIENTS SEVERAL TIMES PER YEAR Your body is constantly bombarded with unhealthy compounds, toxins, and chemicals. Every day. Every hour. Some of these are ingested, some are inhaled, and others are byproducts of your body’s processes. What can you do? You can detox, fast, and cleanse your body from foods that harm it, and flood your body with nutrients that promote healthy immune, liver, digestive, lymph, and kidney function. BOTTOM LINE You can use easy strategies to support your immune function and whole-body health. Get started now: laugh, sleep, maintain relationships, pray, reduce stress, exercise, and detox. © All rights reserved 2022 - Dr. Don Colbert>

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Summer 2022 23

Changing Times

10 New Healthy Habits In 10 Days 10 DAY PLAN TO IMPROVE HEALTH

Do you believe you can transform your habits, and your health, in just 10 days? While a full transformation may take longer, and results certainly do, you can set 10 new healthy habits in motion in 10 days. And these can significantly improve health. How, they can help you set up daily habit-based goals, one small step at a time. If 10 habits in 10 days feel like too much, consider just per week, such as 10 new healthy habits in 10 Mondays. Or, choose just 3-5 of the following list to tackle this month. No matter how you want to do it, you can set the wheels in motion to change your health with 10 new healthy habits in 10 days. Here are 10 to get you started.

Day 1. Start Each Day With Prayer And Faith: From The Rising Of The Sun Prayer is a wonderful gift for spiritual health. Believe it or not, it can also affect us physically. It has been found to reduce cortisol and support mental and physical health! On day one, figure out the best time to spend in prayer each day. Make it a daily priority and habit. Prayer has been shown to increase the secretion of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine. These compounds decrease cortisol while promoting relaxation, focus, and motivation. Day 2. Get Into The Keto Zone If you haven’t already, take day 2 to learn about the Keto Zone and how it can affect your health. If you are looking for an effective, healthy way to lose weight, improve overall health, support healthy blood sugars, and more, it’s a great option for you. When you get into the Keto Zone, you’ll cut out most of your carbohydrates. You’ll rely on healthy fats, moderate protein, ketones, and only small amounts of carbs for nourishment and energy.

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How? The best way to get started is to get the book: Dr. Colbert’s Keto Zone Diet Book You will find how to cut carbs and get into ketosis. Then, continue to follow our posts, recipes, Facebook groups, and more to keep going. You can also join our FREE 21-Day Keto Zone Challenge! Day 3. Drink Up: Aim For 80 Ounces Per Day This is a simple habit, but not necessarily easy. Throughout your day, drink 80 ounces of more water per day. How? Often, it’s easier if you set up a schedule. Try to drink 32 ounces by noon, 32 ounces by 4 pm, and 16 additional ounces in the evening. Amazing, adequate hydration supports great energy, health, and the condition and appearance of your skin. In fact, one study found that increasing water consumption by 2 liters per day improved skin condition and physiology, even in those who already consumed high amounts of water. The researchers concluded that this increase and improvement in skin health would likely have the most positive effect on those with lower daily water consumption. Water, green tea, and black tea are all great choices for overall health, skin health, and anti-aging habits. Day 4. Stretch For A Youthful Body One day 4, brainstorm to decide when you should add a bit of stretching each day. Just 3-5 minutes is enough. Stretch in the morning or before bed. Believe it or not, as you gain flexibility in your spinal cord, you’ll improve your posture, range of motion of your limbs, and support cardiovascular health. Amazingly, trunk flexibility directly represents the flexibility of your arteries? As crazy as it sounds, researchers have found that poor trunk flexibility is associated with stiff arteries. This means that keeping your body flexible enough to touch your toes means better artery health and blood pressure. Day 5. Activate The Cells With A Cold Shower This habit is simple and doesn’t add time to your schedule. Choose to swap a hot shower for a cold one.

Cold showers may be slightly uncomfortable, but there is strong evidence that they are great for health. Cold showers are known to activate skin cells, shrinks pores, and promotes a better complexion. Next, cold showers can actually increase brain activity and even reduce stress and depression according to studies . Cold showers may reduce chronic fatigue. Lastly, cold showers likely support immune function. In fact, a recent study from the Netherlands found that cold showers significantly reduce sick days. Just 30 seconds or more of cold showering per day reduced sick days by 29% in the studies. Day 6. Keep A Gratitude Journal And Write 5 Meaningful Gratitudes Per Day On day 6, find an old notebook or journal and begin a gratitude journal. Gratitude is a healthy habit that can absolutely improve health and wellness. How? First, gratitude can directly influence the quality of your sleep. A study of 400 participants found that writing gratitudes during the day and before sleep improves both the quality and duration of sleep. And, this study even included participants with sleep disorders. In another study, gratitude was linked to a 10 percent improvement in sleep and a 19 percent decrease in depression levels in patients with chronic disease and insomnia. When you improve sleep, you improve whole-body health. Gratitude can also support: • Immune System Health • More Motivation for Healthy Habits • Mental Health • Heart Health Want to know more? Read here to find out the ways gratitude affects health and aging. Day 7. Proactively Learn To Make Laughter An Everyday Event On day 7, think about laughter, and prioritize it in each day. This may mean reading your favorite funny author, spending time with a great friend, or even listening to a favorite comedian. See HEALTHY HABITS 25 on Page

HEALTHY HABITS Continued from Page 24 Why would you prioritize laughter? Amazingly, laughter is considered an effective, non-invasive therapy for improved mental health and mood. In fact, it’s been found that laughter alters dopamine and serotonin activity, and causing an increase in endorphins. These chemicals decrease discomfort, cortisol, and depressed moods. Day 8. Get Moving, Outside If Possible Aside from changing your diet, adding exercise may be the most time-intensive habit on this list. But, it can absolutely improve your health. There’s little doubt that being physically active, every day, is beneficial for your health. It works your heart, keeps blood vessels more elastic, supports a healthy weight and healthy blood sugars, and even supports brain health. In fact, you don’t need to train for a marathon for these benefits – even walking every day can get the job done. Starting day #8, can you start the habit of a daily walk? Do you have 30 minutes, or even 3 separate 10-minute time slots for walking or another physical activity? Can you do it outside? Here are 10 Amazing Benefits of Walking! Day 9. Intermittent Fasting: Evening Through Mid-Morning If you decided to enter the Keto Zone on Day #2, you can take it one step further and add intermittent fasting starting Day #9. In fact, even if you’re not in the Keto Zone, you can enjoy the benefits of intermittent fasting. How? Around 7 pm in the evening, consider starting a daily intermittent fast to slow aging. Why? There are many documented benefits to intermittent fasting. These include: • Improve cholesterol markers • Reduced triglycerides • Improved aging • Weight loss without negative cellular adaptations • Reduced risk of Diabetes • Reduced risk of cancer and improved treatment What’s more? Study after study has shown that intermittent fasting benefits body systems often affected by aging, including brain health, heart health, and blood sugars.

To fast 15-16 out of the 24 hours per day, finish eating at 7 pm each day, and fast with only non-carbohydrate liquids (like coffee) until 10 am or so. Then, utilize Keto Zone eating for 8 hours per day. Day 10. Sleep Must Be A Priority – 7 Or More Hours Per Night We could all use more sleep. If you’re not getting enough, you are short-changing your health. On day 10, think about sleep and how you can consistently get at least 7 hours per night. Good quality sleep has many health and aging benefits. These include: • Reduced Daily Cortisol • Better Melatonin Levels • Less Depressed Moods • Less Inflammation • Healthy Body Weight • Better Heart Health • And More In fact, good sleep begets good sleep, and lack of sleep increases cortisol for up to 24 hours, which then negatively affects sleep again. Lack of sleep has also been shown to reduce mental performance and alertness while increasing inflammation and cortisol. BOTTOM LINE In just 10 days, you can improve your health. You can set new habits and prioritize activities that support brain health, healthy weight, heart health, and more. If you’re ready to start, just take the first step with day one. Don’t let the list become overwhelming, take it at your own pace. Each day, make your own health your priority, and proactively and systematically start 10 new healthy habits in 10 days © All rights reserved 2022 - Dr. Don Colbert.>

Better to hear the quiet words of a wise person than the shouts of a foolish king. – Ecclesiastes 9:17

Summer 2022 25

Changing Times

Marriage How Not To Change Your Spouse By Angie Lewis

Loving our spouse is giving them the freedom to be who it is they are. When we love without WANTING anything in return, that is when we have accepted our spouse for being who they are, faults and all. This of course, doesn’t include iniquitous behavior because if anyone is carrying on and regularly doing things in err against spouse or God, they certainly are not being the person they were meant to be. Therefore, this article does not apply to them.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change! Love is an option; we select the degree of love and what kind of love we will give to our spouse through our actions. Love can sometimes be confusing and misleading, especially if couples are going through trials and tribulations in their marriage and are demanding of one another. We think that if we could change our spouse, we’ll suddenly be happy and contented with our self. We try and change our spouse because we have stopped accepting them for who they are. Therefore, we cannot seem to love them either. Pretty soon, we begin to place nasty conditions on the love we give to our spouse. If their faults irritate us bad enough, we might not

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. --John 3:16


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give ANY love at all. Sound familiar? With no love left to give to our spouse, we might think we have nothing in common anymore. Who knows, maybe we begin to think we married the wrong person? Suppose the person we met last week at work is better than our spouse? Pretty soon we have brainwashed our self into believing our feelings. No wonder more than half of all marriages ends in divorce! How about, God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change! Couples waste so much of their time and energy trying to change each other. But is that really what needs to be done? Marriage gurus think they have all the answers, and self-help books goat and challenge couples to try and change for each other. But most of these people are divorced too! So, what gives? How about a little bit of acceptance! It works wonders. Really, we just need to try and not let those little things bother us. Even some of the bigger things we can detach from. Forgive. Turn the other cheek. Do these things even when you don’t want to! Communicate the issue. Let your spouse know what bothers you, but don’t make it into a tirade. Don’t scream and yell at them about how bad they are, instead find something positive to say about them. Make them feel good about them self. That’s what works!! What about, “I’ll scratch your back, if you scratch mine”. This is good in marriage. There is nothing wrong with the “give and take” type rapport with each other. In fact, this is essentially how couples love each other. No one can ever love completely unconditionally, without demands, bargains or expectations, never. You know why? Because we’re just human, we err, and we have faults. We need to accept that and move on with our life; hopefully that moving on includes our spouse. But we can continue to always do the best we can by being the best we can in the Lord, for our spouses. If we err, let’s admit it and learn from it! The "give and take" process is a natural occurrence; it is instinctive to do something nice for our spouse because they have done something nice for us. We give and take all day long with most of our interaction in our daily lives; it’s part of life. Most marriages work in this

I Do.

fashion; it is a good way for marriage to flourish and grow. It keeps couples on their toes as far as remembering to “give” of themselves periodically to their spouse EVEN when they don’t want to. That is love. Now, there is a big difference when we put ultimatums on the table. Dishing out ultimatums is more of a “nasty conditional love” and is based on selfish thinking and usually stems from one or both spouses harboring resentment. "I'll love you, only if you will stop going out with your friends, etc." This is not love, but a selfish person trying to get their way through manipulation and ultimatums! Most marriages can be salvaged. We must stop THINKING we can change our spouse. We just need to try a little bit harder. Trying to let those things go that we can’t do anything about and stop feeling resentful can make a big impact on the marriage. Allow your spouse the freedom to just BE. Accept your spouse! Love! Love is created by a person and not just is. Love takes action to accomplish. The value of the love we give to our spouse is based on how we are feeling at any given moment and time. Perhaps we are listening to our feelings to much rather than just loving our spouse! If we feel resentment or bitterness towards those we love, we'll inevitably love with resentment and bitterness, which is one way we place nasty conditions on our love. "What is generated from our heart comes out in our actions". Loving someone in the real sense of the word is allowing him or her to be who it is they are. When we learn to play the “give and take” game fairly is when can accept the person we are married to. Bottom line, accept your spouse for who they are, give to your spouse without wanting anything in return, and it will eventually be given back to you. This is how to not change your spouse. Acceptance Is LOVE. Copyright © 2002-2022 Heaven Ministries. All Rights Reserved. ~Angie Lewis >

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God Designed Marriage To Be Permanent By Angie Lewis

God designed marriage to be permanent. He did not change His own law and allow for divorce! That is ridiculous. Moses changed the law because of people’s hardened hearts! Back in Moses days, husbands were throwing their wives out into the streets where they were being raped, brutally beaten, and sometimes killed. To help women not be thrown out in the street like animals, Moses felt compelled to enact a new law. The new law was that a man had to write a formal letter of dismissal and go to court to be able to divorce his wife—they could no longer throw their wives out in the street where they were often taken advantage of. (Deuteronomy 24: 1-4) This new law deterred husbands from divorcing their wives.

Now, let’s go back to the beginning for a moment. God joined two people (male and female) together intimately into one flesh, which creates the union of marriage between a man and a wife. No one and nothing can separate what God joined together. God states, “let man not separate”. “…So, they are no longer two, but one. Therefore, what God has joined together, let man NOT separate.” (Matthew 19:6) But the Pharisees were trying to trick Jesus. The Pharisees were always trying to trick Jesus throughout the scriptures (New Testament). They were puzzled because God said that a man could not separate what He joined together, and yet here was a man called Moses permitting men to divorce their wives. He was separating them. “Why then,” they asked, “did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away? (Matthew 19:7) He saith unto them, “Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives, but from the beginning

it was not so. And I say unto you, whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, commits adultery, and whoso marries her, which is put away does commit adultery. (Matthew 19:8-9) The exception clause is not talking about two married people but two betrothed people. Jesus was talking to the Jews who believed in being betrothed before getting married, which was done for various reasons but usually so the "soon to be husband" could provide for his wife and family. The above scripture is referring to unmarried people that were only betrothed and not actually married. "Fornication" is having sex between two unmarried people. If they were really married rather than betrothed, it would read, "except it be for adultery". But if the unbelieving departs, let him depart. A brother or sister in not under bondage in such cases: But God has called us to peace. (1 Corinthians 7:15) Do not misread the above scripture. It does not say you can remarry. It only says, “not under bondage”. What can you do if the unbeliever wants to leave the marriage? All you can do is let them leave to "keep the peace" as scripture says. It merely says it is ok to let the unbeliever leave the marriage if that is what they want to do. It does not say to get a divorce or to remarry anyone else ever! There is no remarriage in scripture. To the married I give this command (not I but the Lord): A wife must NOT separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must NOT divorce his wife. (1 Corinthians 7:10-11)

Marriage Is Permanent! God wants married couples to stop looking for reasons to leave marriage. He wants us to concentrate on how to stay together. Marriage is until death parts you from one another. But if your spouse is so spiritually sick with a hardened heart, you certainly can’t stop them from divorcing you. Although divorce seems legal in the eyes of man, because Moses permitted it, in God’s eyes couples are still married until death of either spouse. Therefore, God says remarriage, if one spouse is still alive, is committing adultery. For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband if he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law of marriage. So then, if she married another man while her husband is alive, she is called an adulteress. But if her husband dies, she is released from that law and is not an adulteress, even though she married another man. (Romans 7:2-3) Copyright 2022 Heaven Ministries ~ Angie Lewis >

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Summer 2022 27

Changing Times

Education How To Make Lifelong Friends In College By Jane Story

Many of us know someone who has maintained friendships over time and distance. Perhaps you have an uncle who still talks to his Army buddies 10 years out, or your parents still keep in touch with college friends from 20 years ago. As a young adult, I often looked on those friendships with envy. We all want to be known and loved. I grew up as a military kid, which meant I was great at meeting new people, but I had no experience maintaining relationships over

28 Summer 2022

time. Much of my young adult life, including college, has been dedicated to learning how to cultivate enduring relationships. I’m not an expert yet, but I’ve learned a few things about how to pursue longterm friendships. It’s true that we can’t control how long relationships last, but we can certainly practice being a good friend. And as we do these things, God may bless us with friends for a lifetime. Initiate and Respond This is going to sound like the most obvious tip in the world, but if you meet someone you want to be friends with, initiate contact. Ask about having lunch, or shoot a friendly text. Don’t be a stalker, and don’t pursue people who won’t pursue you back. But in my experience, most

people need to do more initiating, not less. Most people need to do more initiating, not less. And if someone initiates with you, respond. If you struggle to respond to texts, try not opening a text or DM until you’re ready to reply. Or set a reminder in your phone for a time when you know you’re free to respond. Even if it’s a person you weren’t trying to become friends with, respond. Some of my closest friends are people I never would have expected. In retrospect, I’m so glad I gave them a chance. Listen and Ask Questions You’ve probably heard the saying, “You have two ears and one mouth, so you should listen twice as much as you talk.” It may be a cliché, but the principle is good. Make it your goal to be a listener in conversations. You’ll learn about your friend, and you’ll make them feel valued. Is your new friend a little quiet? Prompt conversation with some questions. You can start with basic things like “Where are you from?” and “What do you study?” But then ask something interesting but not too invasive: “May I ask, what’s your religious background, and does that affect you

today?” or “What kind of kid were you in elementary school/middle school/high school?” or “When you imagine your life five years from now, what do you see?” Finally, ask follow-up questions. If she tells you she’s the only girl with three brothers as siblings, ask, “Wow, what was that like growing up?” If she mentions she might join the fencing club, ask, “Cool! Have you fenced before? What do you like about it?” Demonstrating your interest in someone else will help the person trust you and will help her feel valued. This is a worthy goal even if you never become her friend, but, often, she’ll return the favor and express interest in you too. Move toward Difficult Things While these skills are most useful in the beginning stages of friendship (although you should practice them throughout), the real secret sauce of the deepest relationships is their endurance through tough things. As a college student, you may not have experienced the worst of life yet. So, when your peer tells you See LIFELONG FRIENDS 30 on Page


What The Book Of John Says About Eternal Life By Jim Elliff

If you would have eternal life, something must change. The man, woman or child who remains as he is will die forever. The Gospel of John, from which all the following verses come, as given to present Christ and this eternal state. “Many other signs therefore Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book,” John wrote. “But these have been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.” (20:3031) Will you die? Yes. Then what will happen eternally? The Problem Man is rebellious by nature, breaks God’s laws and rejects God’s offer of salvation through Christ. • “And this is the judgment, that the light is come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. (John 3:19-20) • He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. (John 1: 10–11) • “The world . . . hates Me because I testify’ of it, that its deeds are evil.” (John 7:7) • “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature; for he is a liar, and the father of lies. But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me.” (John 8:44-45) Man’s sin results in eternal condemnation in hell. • Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless

one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3) • “He who rejects Me, and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day.” (John 12:48) • “If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch, and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.” (John 15:6) • …he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3:18) • “He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” (John 3:36) The Solution Jesus Christ, God in human flesh, came to Earth as the only solution to man’s problem. • “I have come as light into the world, that everyone who believes in Me may not remain in darkness.” (John 12:46) • Again therefore Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life.” (John 8:12) • “I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) • “…and I give eternal life to them, and they shall never perish; and no one shall snatch them out of My hand.” (John 10:28) • “. . . but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” (John 4:14) • “. . . even so the Son also gives life to whom He wishes.” (John 5:21) Christ died on the cross taking on Himself the full penalty for the sins of all who come to Him. He was raised from the dead as proof that He is God and has conquered the power of sin and death. • “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29) • “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep…No man has taken

it away from Me, but I lay it dition down on My own initiative. I • You are a sinful person with no have authority to lay it down, and hope for eternal life except I have authority to take it up through Jesus Christ. again.” (John 10:11, 18a) • You deserve judgment for your • Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrebellion — eternal separation rection and the life; he who from God’s love in hell. believes in Me shall live even if Accept Christ’s Full Provision for he dies, and everyone who lives Your Sin and believes in Me shall never • Christ died as the sinless substidie.” (John 11:25-26) tute for sinners like you, incur• [After His resurrection] And ring God’s infinite wrath. when He had said this, He • He arose as victor over sin and showed them both His hands and death for all who come to Him. His side. The disciples therefore Rely Completely on Christ as rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Your Salvation (John 20:20) • You must repent of your life of Your Response sin and turn to Christ as the Lord Rejecting your life of sin, you of your life. must believe in the Lord Jesus • You must give your allegiance to Christ alone to be delivered from Christ, believing in His words death and to receive eternal life. To and His plan, trusting in Him believe means more than to intelalone as the only solution for lectually assent; it means that you your sin, your emptiness and must trust him alone as your only your eternal future. basis of assurance. “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who • “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes believes has eternal life.” John 6:47 Him who sent Me, has eternal See BOOK OF JOHN 30 life, and does not come into judgon Page ment, but has passed out of death into life.” (John 5:24) • And Jesus cried out and said, “He who believes in Me does not believe in Me, but in Him who sent me. And he who beholds Me beholds the One who sent Me. I have come as light into the world that everyone who believes in Me may not remain in darkness.” (John 12:44-46) • “For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) Acknowledge Your Present Con-


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Dimetry B. Cossich, DDS Dimetry B. Cossich, Jr., DDS Summer 2022 29


Changing Times

LIFELONG FRIENDS Continued from Page 28

BOOK OF JOHN Continued from Page 29

she’s just lost a parent, or been diagnosed with a debilitating disease, it makes you uncomfortable. You may fear you’re going to say or do the wrong thing. Or you wonder if you can really support this person when she’s facing something so huge. These feelings are not uncommon, but the result is that we pull away from hard things and, without intending to, pull away from the relationship. This is a double whammy, It’s more important to show up because at the moment when peoand feel uncertain than it is to be ple need friends the most, they find it hardest to ask for help. Your perfect. Often, you can ask someone friend’s trial becomes the ultimate how to offer support. If she doesn’t know, turn to a pastor or campus test of your friendship. It’s more important to show up staff or a parent who might have and feel uncertain than it is to be ideas. But the point here is to love your friend at her lowest. That will perfect. If you want to make lifelong bond you in ways nothing else can. Christ, the Perfect Friend friends, you’ve got to lean in. Think about this. God did not Google the terrible diagnosis and wait for us to initiate with him. He educate yourself, then go ask quessent Jesus while we were still his tions and listen. Send flowers when something bad happens. Make her a enemies (Rom. 5:8). God is always meal or, if you can’t cook, ask if listening to us, and often asks us you can bring takeout. Sit with your questions he knows the answer to, depressed friend, even if you have in order to help us grow and to open a relationship with him (see Jonah no words to say. UVA22-ChangingTimes-4.9x6.4.pdf 1 3/9/22 3:31 PM 4; 1 Pet. 3:12).

What Will You Do? Jesus said, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. But there are some of you who do not believe… And He was saying, “For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to me, unless it has been granted him from the Father.” As a result of this many of His disciples [here a crowd of curious followers] withdrew, and were not walking with Him anymore. Jesus said therefore to the twelve, “You do not want to go away also, do you?” Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. And we have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.” (John 6:63-71) >

God has moved toward us in every difficult thing. And God has moved toward us in every difficult thing. He came as a human and experienced every level of pain the human life can produce, even death. Then, Jesus came back to life and left earth but sent his Holy Spirit. This means that, if you are a Christian, God is with you through everything you will experience. It is because we are already loved and secure that we can offer friendship to others. Extend the love of Christ to those around you. Lifelong friends will appear. Copyright © 2022 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved >

Jim Elliff

Copyright Jim Elliff 2022 © 2022 CCW – Christian Communicators Worldwide.

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30 Summer 2022

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15 Simple Super Foods That Support Your Immune System By Dr Don Colbert

If you’re looking to support your immune system and stick to a lowcarb diet, you’re in luck. There are many low-carb Keto Zone® foods that support your immune system. In fact, while refined starches and sugar inhibit immune function, many healthy low-carbohydrate fats, proteins, and vegetables support it. Here is our Top 15 List! 1. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY SPICES I.E. GINGER AND TURMERIC Looking for a strong anti-inflammatory, immune-supporting punch? Ginger and Turmeric are potent spices with anti-inflammatory components. In fact, the main compound in turmeric, curcumin, can normalize inflammation, joint pain, and provide a plethora of health benefits. What’s more, ginger does many of the same things. It promotes whole-body health, supports the immune system, reducing inflammatory and pain responses with its strong antioxidants. Why is reducing inflammatory responses important in supporting your immune system? Inflammation directly affects the immune system by changing the course of hormones and impacting the

immune response. 2. FISH OILS AND OMEGA-3 SOURCES Like anti-inflammatory spices, omega-3 fats from fish and seafood are foods that support your immune system. In fact, they are some of the most potent compounds to reduce inflammatory hormone production. It’s vital to have a good ratio of dietary omega-3 fats compared to omega-6 fats. Both are needed for human health, but modern diets are far too high in omega-6 foods (mostly due to processed foods), and too low in omega-3s from fish and seafood, seeds, nuts, and more. Great choices for omega3 fats are salmon, halibut, and tuna. 3. MCT OIL POWDER While it works differently than omega3 fats, the medium-chain triglycerides in MCT Oil Powder also reduce inflammatory reactions. In fact, studies have shown that MCT oil directly reduces the response of C-reactive protein (a marker for inflammation). 4. HIGH ANTIOXIDANTS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Antioxidants are also vital compounds in foods that support your immune system. Antioxidants fight free radicals that damage all cells and systems, including the immune system, reduce inflammation, and support cellular detoxification. For example, two high-antioxidant superfoods found in Divine Health Fermented Green Supremefood® and Organic Red Supremefood® that support the immune system in this way are beets, spiru-

Health lina, and wheatgrass. Great choices include berries, asparagus, greens, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, and more. 5. OLEOCANTHAL Oleocanthal is a special compound isolated from high-quality Greek olive oils. While it’s not easy to find it in most commercial olive oils, it can be consumed in Dr. Colbert’s Oleocanthal (Powerful Antioxidant Concentrated from HighPhenolic Extra Virgin Olive Oil). In fact, it contains disease-fighting antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and compounds that support heart health. Oleocanthal is so strong it reduces inflammation in similar strength to some medications, like ibuprofen. Additionally, it provides both antibacterial and antiviral action.


Oleocanthal is a compound that absolutely supports your immune system. 6. AVOCADOS Avocados are another antiinflammatory food. It has fats called phytosterols. They are known to combat the inflammation associated with arthritis. Avocados also contain polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols (PFAs), which are also potent anti-inflammatories. Lastly, avocado’s oleic acid supports digestive tract health to directly boost the immune system. 7. PROTEINS FROM EGGS, MEATS, AND MORE While many people consume more protein than they need, it is See SUPER FOODS 32 on Page

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Summer 2022 31


Changing Times

SUPER FOODS Continued from Page 31 still a vital macronutrient for the immune system. In fact, when people suffer from protein malnutrition, they are typically unable to fight diseases from bacteria or viruses. The immune system, hormones, cellular growth and repair, and other systems all rely on adequate protein. 8. COLLAGEN AND BONE BROTH If you’ve been told to eat chicken noodle soup when you’re sick, it’s mostly for the bone broth. The collagen in bone broth and Keto Zone

Collagen Powder supports the immune system by: Providing amino acids and proteins Fortifying the cells in the digestive tract Reducing inflammation 9. NATURAL AND SUPPLEMENTAL PROBIOTICS One very important step to support your immune system is to support your gut. The cells in the digestive tract and the healthy bacteria that live there are vital to the immune system and nourishment of the whole body. There are many ways to get probiotics, or healthy

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bacteria, in low-carbs foods. These include probiotics found in Keto Zone Collagen Powder, Organic Green and Red Supremefood®, Keto Zone Living Milled Chia with Probiotics, plain yogurt, kimchi, kombucha and more. By adding healthy bacteria to your diet, you can support your immune system. 10. GARLIC AND ONIONS Garlic is a wonderful food to support your immune system. Garlic’s compounds fight viruses and bacteria’s while supporting cellular detox. Studies show that garlic may be effective in supporting natural immune functions against antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria and strong viruses. Additionally, onions support your immune system with antioxidants, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer compounds. 11. LEMONS AND LEMON JUICE Vitamin C is one of our most studied and well-known antioxidants. Lemons contain vitamin C plus antibacterial components effective throughout the mouth and intestines. 12. BLACK PEPPER, CINNAMON, AND CLOVES Setting in your spice cupboard are incredibly strong foods that support your immune system (in addition to turmeric and ginger). These include: Black peppercorns support your immune system with potent antioxidants like piperine and antiinflammatory compounds. Cinnamon is not only known for

being anti-inflammatory, but it’s cinnamaldehyde can also fight infections directly. It inhibits Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, and Helicobacter pylori. What’s more, it can fight tooth decay and supports the immune response to infection. Cloves, like cinnamon, are a spice that supports immune health, fights bacteria, and fights free radicals. 13. CAULIFLOWER AND BROCCOLI Cauliflower and broccoli are amazing vegetables. In addition to antioxidants that fight oxidative stress, their nutrients specifically support cellular detoxification to keep cells healthy and thriving. This includes both Phase 1 and Phase 2 of cellular detoxification. 14. APPLE CIDER VINEGAR Organic apple cider vinegar is an ingredient in many folk medicine cures. It is known to fight both bacterial and viral infections, yeasts, and more. Importantly, you should never drink it straight. Always dilute to just 1-2 tablespoons per 8 ounces liquid to protect your esophagus. 15. WATER, GREEN TEA, AND BLACK TEA Green and black tea are packed full of antioxidants that fight free radicals, fight bacteria, and support your immune system. In fact, their specific nutrients fight microbes in the mouth. And water? Not only is it necessary for life, but it’s also necessary for the immune system. Especially during times of viral outbreak, it’s important to stay hydrated and keep your mouths and airways moist. BONUS: INTRODUCING DR. COLBERT’S IMMUNE SUPPORT! In addition to consuming immunesupporting foods, now you can also support your immune system with Dr. Colbert’s Immune Support supplement. Dr. Colbert has designed this product specifically to promote healthy skin, gut health, connective tissue, and immune function. Get yours today! BOTTOM LINE You don’t have to go shopping for extravagant foods to eat super foods that support your immune system. In fact, many on our list are likely already in your home. Support your immune system this year with healthy Keto Zone foods and supplements! © All rights reserved 2022 - Dr. Don Colbert.>


Cholesterol Savvy? Take Our Cholesterol Quiz: Facts And Myths By Dr Don Colbert

Are you cholesterol savvy? For decades, cholesterol risks, numbers, and information have been confusing, misguided, or even downright wrong. We all have cholesterol. A cholesterol measurement is one of the most common laboratory tests ordered, but does it give you the real picture of your heart health and risk? Take our cholesterol quiz to separate facts and myths and find out if you are cholesterol savvy. CHOLESTEROL QUIZ QUESTIONS Want to test your knowledge before reading the answers? Jot down your thoughts and decide which statements are facts and which are myths. Most of the cholesterol in the

blood stream originates from the diet. Cholesterol is required for the body to synthesize Vitamin D. Cholesterol dissolves into the blood making it thick. Cholesterol numbers are primarily altered by diet and exercise. Heart attack sufferers almost always have high cholesterol. High triglycerides are more concerning than high cholesterol. Avocado oil is higher in cholesterol than olive oil. Inflammation is a primary factor in heart condition risk. All LDL cholesterol is harmful. Statins are completely safe and effective. CHOLESTEROL QUIZ: FACTS AND MYTHS Cholesterol Statement #1: The Majority Of Cholesterol In The Blood Stream Originates From The Diet. Myth. Only about 20% of the cholesterol in your body comes from your diet. The rest is synthesized your


liver and intestines. Cholesterol Statement #2: Cholesterol Is Required For The Body To Synthesize Vitamin D. Fact. Cholesterol is a waxy, whitishyellow fat. Cholesterol is needed to make vitamin D, hormones (including testosterone and estrogen), and fat-dissolving bile acids. It is a vital building block in cell membranes. Cholesterol can be found in every cell in the body. Cholesterol Statement #3: Cholesterol Dissolves Into The Blood Making It Thick. Myth. Cholesterol doesn’t dissolve in the blood, kind of like how fat won’t dissolve in water. Instead, cholesterol bonds to carriers called lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are made up of cholesterol on the inside with a layer of protein on the outside. These carriers transport cholesterol between cells to be used for various biological functions. When cholesterol is oxidized, it can embed into the artery wall



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which can lead to plaques and blockages. Cholesterol Statement #4: Cholesterol Numbers Are Primarily Altered By Weight Loss, Diet And Exercise. Fact. While your absolute cholesterol number is highly influenced by your familial history, age, sex, and ethnicity, changes in total cholesterol are primarily achieved by weight loss (if overweight), diet, and exercise. Statement #5: All Ldl Cholesterol Creates Plaques In Arteries. Myth. As most people know, there are two primary types of cholesterol, Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and High-density lipoproteins (HDL) cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is taught as “bad,” and HDL as “good.” But there’s more to it than that. See CHOLESTEROL 34 on Page

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HEALTH CHOLESTEROL Continued from Page 33 There are two sub-groups of LDL particles. LDL subtype A is a large fluffy cholesterol particle that is less prone to oxidation and less likely to stick to arterial walls. LDL subtype B is a smaller and denser particle that is easily oxidized and more likely to build up in the arteries. Subtype A LDL cholesterol is not necessarily a threat, and only oxidized LDL cholesterol forms plaques. Cholesterol Statement #6: Heart Attack Sufferers Almost Always Have High Cholesterol. Myth. While high LDL cholesterol (specifically, high LDL subset B) is one of many risk factors of heart conditions and heart attacks, many people who have heart attacks have “normal” cholesterol levels. When assessing risk, we should look at our heart illness risk overall, including weight, blood glucose, lifestyle, inflammation markers, blood pressure, triglycerides, and

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34 Summer 2022

Changing Times

specifically LDL Subst B cholesterol numbers. It is not the primary risk factor. Cholesterol Statement #7: High Triglycerides Levels Are Completely Independent Of Cholesterol Levels. Myth. Interestingly, more and more practitioners are looking at the ratio of triglycerides (TG) to HDL. In fact, when you calculate this ratio, you can infer your health risk of cardiovascular issues, blood sugar issues, inflammation and more. Divide your triglycerides by your HDL cholesterol levels. Studies have found that several 1.0 or less is likely indicative of lower risk, and a number of 3.0 or more of highest risk. Interestingly, a lower ratio is also linked to healthier LDL subset particle size (less subset B). STATEMENT #8: AVOCADO OIL IS HIGHER IN CHOLESTEROL THAN OLIVE OIL. Myth. Both avocado oil and olive oil have zero milligrams of cholesterol. Foods derived from plants do not contain cholesterol. Statement #9: Inflammation Is A Primary Factor In Heart Condition Risk. Fact. Cholesterol is an active compound in the body. It reacts to oxidative stress and inflammation. Here’s how: As free radicals move throughout the body and damage cells, cumulative oxidative stress rises. Next, the body mounts an inflammatory response and cholesterol comes into patch things up. When cholesterol can also become damaged and oxidized by

free radicals. Oxidized cholesterol immune and nervous system health, is sticky. It can embed into artery and bolsters heart health, proper walls and potentially form plaques muscle function, and healthy blood pressure, among much else. If you are on statins, it is very important to supplement with CoQ10. HOW’D YOU SCORE? Are you savvy about cholesterol? Well, if you weren’t before, you are now. And there’s great news! Most heart condition risk can be strongly influenced by lifestyle. Weight changes, anti-inflammatory foods, diets high in antioxidants, exercise, cessations from smoking, and more can help you reduce triglycerides, LDL subset B cholesterol, blood and blockages. pressure, and more. What’s more, Cholesterol Statement #10: these can all improve your HDL Statins Are Completely Safe And cholesterol, too! Effective. Get Cholesterol Savvy: Where Myth. To Start? While statins may be right for Unsure where to start? After taksome patients, no medication is ing our cholesterol quiz, do you completely safe, and no medication want to improve your knowledge is completely effective. and health? The Keto Zone® can While it is true that statins typi- help you achieve your weight and cally lower overall cholesterol, health goals! there are some harmful side effects Get started today with our comof which you should be aware. plete Keto Zone Starter Kit. You’ll First, statins may lower total get everything you need to get in cholesterol too much. This can lead the Keto Zone! to inadequate cholesterol levels for BOTTOM LINE proper brain function (25% of choCholesterol can be confusing. lesterol is in the brain). It can also However, the more you know, the interfere with and inhibit the bene- more you can make needed changes fits of omega-3 fats. Statins metab- for heart health. Thanks for taking olize omega-6 fatty acids which our cholesterol quiz. From here, work against omega-3s and can focus on whole body health, spepromote resistance to insulin, and cific LDL cholesterol, blood preselevated blood glucose levels. sure, triglycerides, and HDL levels. Like most medications, statins Eat healthy in the Keto Zone, exerinclude a risk of damage to organs cise, and protect your heart! > and systems in the body. Lastly, chronic use of statins has also been shown to interfere with the body’s production of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). CoQ10 is critical for


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Summer 2022 35


Changing Times

15 Best Work From Home Jobs By Ken Coleman from-home jobs, and Americans’ enthusiasm for remote work is still going strong—even now, after many companies have returned to the office. It’s easy to see why: More flexible hours, freedom to travel, nonexI’ll always be a big believer in istent commutes, and a shorter trip the extra level of communication to the refrigerator make this an Call to Advertise 504-439-5821 • 985-869-2712 • and relationship-building that appealing option for many. And comes from having an in-person believe it orPRESORT not,STDpeople are still getU.S. Postage PAID job, but it’s not for everyone. The ting workPermit done! In fact, a recent No. 1404 Dallas, TX pandemic opened up a whole new survey found that 39% of people world of possibilities for work- say they’re just as productive working at home as they are in the office, while 29% say they’ve a c t u a l l y been more productive while working from home. If that sounds like you, maybe it’s time to make this whole working-from-home gig a permanent thing. Are you ready? Here are 15 work-fromhome jobs to look at. (Keep in mind, the pay for each of these jobs will vary based on your All copy, layout and design in this magazine are the property of Keep It Local and may not be reproduced without permission

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level of experience.) 1. Transcriptionist This remote job involves transcribing things like medical notes from doctors, court sessions, professors’ lectures and even closed captioning for television. Job description: A transcriptionist will listen to or watch audio or video files and type up what they hear. Sometimes, they even do it in real time for broadcasts like sporting events or award shows! Average pay: $15 hourly Who it’s perfect for: People with accurate and quick typing skills and the ability to listen closely are a great fit. A background in English or secretarial work are a definite plus. 2. Meeting Planner Any guesses at what a meeting planner does? That’s right—plans meetings (and conferences). These meetings or conferences could be either in-person or virtual. Job description: Like event planning, this job is about making sure everything from the timeline, budget, materials, travel arrangements, location and speaking schedule of a meeting is taken care of and running smoothly. Even if the planner is offsite, they often need to be in close communication with on-site staff and personnel so they can help solve any problems that might come up. Average pay: $55,994 annually Who it’s perfect for: Someone with event management and planning experience—plus organizing, logistics and customer service skills—would thrive in this work-from-home job. 3. Virtual Assistant People with high-powered jobs can be busy, so they often need someone to help them take care of the tasks they don’t have time for. That’s where a virtual assistant can step in. Job description: From the comfort of your own home, you’d handle the usual office duties, including things like replying to emails, data entry, scheduling meetings and organizing calendars. Average pay: $16 hourly Who it’s perfect for: Those who are highly organized and thrive on multitasking and helping someone else stay on schedule will dig this role. 4. Tech Support Specialist

If you’re super tech savvy and able to explain techy things to all of us common folk out there, then a job in tech support might be the right fit for you. Job description: A tech support specialist deals with things like virus removal and computer crashes. Depending on the company, the things needing to be fixed can be anything under the sun (technology related). Average pay: $53,161 annually Who it’s perfect for: The tech geek—and I mean that in the most endearing way—who seems to be able to fix anything will love this job. 5. Tutor When you hear the word tutor, you might think of the class valedictorian who stays after school to tutor other kids in the library. But these days, anyone can work from home as an online tutor and make decent money doing it. Job description: A tutor teaches students a certain skill or subject using online video conferencing. Average pay: $20 hourly Who it’s perfect for: A former teacher or educator, anyone with specialized knowledge of a specific subject, or someone who finds joy in helping others learn will enjoy working as a tutor? 6. Customer Service Representative When you call up your favorite store’s customer service department, you probably picture the person you’re talking to working at a cubical in a big call center. But these days, that isn’t always the case. Plenty of big-name companies are using remote employees for customer service, making it one of the best work-from-home jobs. Job description: A remote job in customer service might mean you’re helping someone place an order or walking a customer through the return process. Average pay: $15 hourly Who it’s perfect for: People with a whole lot of patience—and, of course, those with a knack for talking to others and problem solving—will enjoy this work-fromhome job. 7. Nurse If you have a nursing degree and See WORK FROM HOME on Page


WORK FROM HOME Continued from Page 36 are looking for jobs you can do from home, listen up! Did you know you can work as a nurse over the phone to help your patients? Job description: A telephone triage nurse speaks with patients and tends to their needs via the phone or online chat. A lot of times, they help the patient decide whether they need to see a doctor, head to the emergency room, or just pop an aspirin. Average pay: $77,704 annually Who it’s perfect for: A nurse who’s patient and compassionate— and who would rather work from home than in a hospital or general practice environment—is a great fit here. 8. Social Media Manager People will pay you to spend time on social media all day. Oh yes, it’s true. But they’re paying you to manage their social media, not scroll your Instagram mindlessly. Big difference. Job description: A social media manager helps clients keep up with and grow their social media accounts. This could range from replying to comments and direct messages to preparing content and scheduling posts that drive engagement. Average pay: $52,724 annually Who it’s perfect for: Someone who knows multiple social media platforms like the back of their hand, can generate and increase user interaction, and is skilled in growing platforms will thrive doing this! 9. Writer The pen is mightier than the

FINANCIAL sword, so put that pen (or keyboard) to work slicing and dicing up some content! Many writers work from home full time, but it’s also a great side gig to pick up in your spare time too. Job description: Freelance writers get to write on a variety of topics for their clients. Their work can range from writing content and editing to researching and fact checking. The writer has a lot of flexibility to get the work finished during whatever time is best for them—if they meet the deadline. Average pay: $24 hourly Who it’s perfect for: Someone with a love and talent for writing and past experience in the field will love a work-from-home job as a writer. 10. Graphic Designer You’re a creative who craves designing different types of work for a broad range of clients. Working for the same company year after year might not offer you that but calling your own shots as a freelance graphic designer sure can. Job description: Design anything from brand logos to ads for clients through print or digital media. Average pay: $30 hourly Who it’s perfect for: The creative designer who doesn’t want to be tied down by a nine-to-five office gig should give this option a try. 11. Accountant/Bookkeeper Are you a numbers person? Then you’re in luck! Most people just don’t want to deal with the hassle of crunching the digits and balancing the books. Plenty of businesses will gladly pay you to take care of all of that for them. And sometimes it’s worth their while to hire someone to take care of these things

remotely instead of in the office. you provide. Job description: The ways that Average pay: $49,866 annually accountants and bookkeepers spend Who it’s perfect for: Anyone their days can vary—but usually with a background and certification these folks handle anything from in teaching would have a lot to offer managing the budget and paying bills to filing taxes and doing inter- See WORK FROM HOME 38 on Page nal audits for the company. Average pay: $52,277 annually Who it’s perfect for: Someone Causeway Coin with a passion for math and a strong attention to detail would crush this Company work-from-home job. 12. Teacher Buying & Selling If there’s one thing that became Coins • Rolexes clear during the pandemic, it’s that Buying Selling Gold ••&Rolexes Silver anyone who teaches others for a Coins living is a saint. Many colleges, Gold • Silver 504-832-8050 high schools and even elementary 504-832-8050 schools are shifting to online teachAppointment line Appointment line ing, and that’s great news if you’d 985-707-6315 985-707-6315 like to work from home while still educating. 3031 N. Causeway Blvd. 3031 N. Causeway Blvd. Job description: Teach, guide, Metairie, LA 70002 Metairie, LA 70002 and interact with others as they learn new skills and information

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Summer 2022 37



Changing Times

WORK FROM HOME Continued from Page 37 in this work-from-home job. 13. Video Editor If you’ve got video footage, you can edit it together while working from home. Working as a video editor, you can set your own schedule and take on multiple projects (depending on your deadlines). Job description: Splice together video footage to make one professional, streamlined piece of video content. Average pay: $49,437 annually Who it’s perfect for: Creative types—people with film, production or an audio background can learn these skills. 14. Fitness Instructor We all know how important staying active is, but going to a gym to pump iron, run on a treadmill, and sweat in a crowded group setting just doesn’t work for some people (can you blame them?). And that’s why those people want virtual fitness instructors. You can lead a class and help a client with their form on the bench press without ever setting foot in a gym! Job description: Instruct others in


virtual fitness classes and meetings right from your home. Average pay: $20 hourly Who it’s perfect for: Fitness junkies with a heart for teaching others will knock this one out of the park. 15. Financial Coach If you’ve been around here for more than five minutes, then you know Ramsey is really serious about helping people take control of their money. That’s because we know that getting a solid plan for your money impacts every single aspect of your life. If you get fired up about that too, then maybe you have a future as a financial coach. Based on data reported by our Ramsey Perferred Coaches, you could make $100–200 per coaching session! Job description: Meet with clients to advise and educate them about money habits and choices they can make to reach their future financial goals. Average pay: $44,219 annually Who it’s perfect for: Someone with the heart of a teacher who wants to help guide and empower people to win with money would be great at this.

of some kind. That’s not what we’re talking about here. When a company wants you to pay them $49.95 a month to “work” for them, that should raise a red flag. Work From Home and Start Reaching Your Goals! Still not sure what kind of workfrom-home job you want to aim for? Check out my free resource, the Career Clarity Guide—a simple worksheet that will help you get specific about your top talents, passions and mission so you can find the work that’s the best fit for you >. Ken Coleman is America's Career Coach, the nationally syndicated radio host of The Ken Coleman Show and #1 national bestselling author. He has been featured in Forbes and appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, and the Rachael Ray Show. Since 2014, he has served at Ramsey Solutions, where he offers expert advice every day to help thousands of people discover what they were meant to do and how to land their dream job. >

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How to Spot a Work-FromHome Job Scam Of course, for every legitimate work-from-home job, there are a ton of scams lurking out there— especially right now. Here are three things to look out for: 1. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Is the job you’re looking at claiming you’ll make $400,000 right away? Uh, that should give you a major head tilt. If something sounds out-of-this-world awesome and you can’t believe it’s true—it probably isn’t. 2. If there are complaints about the company, look out. We live in the age of Google, so be sure to do your research about the company you’re interested in. See what pops up about them on Glassdoor and the Better Business Bureau. You’ll have to take some reviews with a grain of salt (disgruntled employees and all) but be on the lookout for people calling them out as scam artists. 3. If they make you pay money to “work for them,” run. Look, some of the best workfrom-home jobs will require you to have a degree or pass a certification




How To Save Money: 22 Simple Tips By Ramsey Solutions

Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you try it’s still impossible to find ways to save money? You mean well and try to spend less, but something always comes up. Life gets in the way—the car needs new tires, the teenager needs braces, the house needs a new roof—and just like that, saving money takes a back seat. Sound familiar? The truth is, you don’t need everything to magically line up perfectly before you start saving money. Spoiler alert: If you wait for the “right time” to roll around, it’s never going to show up. The best time to start saving is right now. The good news is there are plenty of straightforward ways to save money and breathe some fresh air (and fresh cash) into your budget. Here are 22 money-saving tips to help you tweak your spending and

get on the fast track to saving money in no time. 22 Practical Ways to Save Money 1. Say goodbye to debt. Monthly debt payments are the biggest money suck when it comes to saving. Debt robs you of your income! So, it’s about time you get rid of that debt. The fastest way to pay off debt is with the debt snowball method. This is where you pay off your debts in order from smallest to largest. Sounds kind of intense, right? Don’t worry, it’s more about behavior change than numbers. Once your income is freed up, you can finally use it to make progress toward your savings goals. 2. Cut down on your grocery budget. Most people—after they do a budget—are shocked to find out how much they’re spending at the grocery store each month. And if you’re the average American family of four (with two kids 5 and under), you’re probably spending around $928. Yikes! It’s so easy to walk through those aisles, grabbing

a bag of Oreos here and a few bags of chips there, and then top it off with the fun goodies at the register. But those little purchases (aka budget busters) add up quite a bit and end up blowing the budget every single month. Save money on groceries by planning out your meals each week and taking a good look at what you already have in your pantry before you head to the store. Because why would you want to buy more of what you already have? And if you really want to stick to your list—leave the kids at home. Want to save money and time? Try online grocery pickup or delivery. Most major grocery stores offer it these days (sometimes even for free), and it can save a ton of money. Picking up your groceries gets rid of the temptation you would’ve had when you caught a whiff of those freshly baked chocolate chip cookies floating through the aisles. In other words, you’re forced to stick to your list and avoid those impulse splurges. 3. Cancel automatic subscriptions and memberships.

Chances are, you’re paying for multiple subscriptions like Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, gym memberships, trendy subscription boxes and Amazon Prime. It’s time to cancel any subscriptions you don’t use on the regular. And make sure that you turn off auto-renew when you make a purchase. If you cancel it and decide you can’t go without it, subscribe again—but only if it fits into your new and improved budget. And for those subscriptions you do want to keep around, think about sharing memberships with some family or friends. A lot of streaming services, like Netflix and Hulu, let you watch your favorite shows from two or more screens (with an upgraded account). That way, everyone wins—and saves! 4. Buy generic. Hands down, one of the easiest ways to save money is to give name brands the boot. In most cases, the only thing that’s better about brandname products is the marketing. I mean, look at that box! The logo is See SAVE MONEY 40 on Page

THIS TIME OF YEAR, THE ACTION IS OFF-ROAD! Hunting, Fishing, trail-riding, sport, utility, etc. If you need to hit the ground running, we’ll take you there.

Pioneer is only for drivers 16 years and older. Multi-purpose utility vehicles can be hazardous to operate. For your safety, be responsible. Always wear a helmet, eye protection and appropriate clothing. Always wear your seat belt, and keep the side nets and doors closed. Avoid excessive speeds and be careful on difficult terrain. All muv drivers should watch the safety video “multipurpose utility vehicles: a guide to safe operation” and read the owner’s manual before operating the vehicle. Never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol, on public roads or with more than one passenger. Driver and passenger must be tall enough for seat belt to fit properly and to brace themselves with both feet firmly on the floor. Passenger must be able to grasp the hand hold with the seat belt on and both feet on the floor. Respect the environment when driving.

WE put the POWER in POWERSPORTS… 985.892.9730 For kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. – 1 Timothy 2:2

Summer 2022 39


Changing Times

SAVE MONEY Continued from Page 39 so fancy! And that’s about where it ends. Generic brands of medicine, staple food items (like rice and beans), cleaning supplies and paper products cost far less than their marked-up brand-name friends— and they work just as well too. 5. Cut ties with cable. It’s no secret that cable prices are rising like crazy. The average monthly price for cable TV is about $217 a month including all the fees—which adds up to over $2,600 a year! Here’s the good news: Cable isn’t the only way to watch your favorite shows these days. Cut the cord and find out how to save big with alternatives to cable like network apps and streaming services. But remember—don’t go subscription service happy here. Only sign up for the streaming services you’ll use. If you sign up for everything out there, you could end up spending more than cable! 6. Save money automatically. Did you know that you can save money without thinking about it? Yup—you can set up your bank account to automatically transfer funds from your checking account into a savings account every month.

If that sounds scary to you, you can also set up your direct deposit to automatically transfer 10% of each paycheck into your savings account. Boom! 7. Spend extra or unexpected income wisely. When you get a nice work bonus (way to go!), inheritance or tax refund (or random stimulus!), put it to good use. And when we say, “good use,” we aren’t talking about adding that fancy new stamp to your stamp collection or even just putting it in the bank to camp out. If you’ve still got debt in your life, you’ll be better off using those funds to pay off your student loans or the balance on your credit card instead of stashing that money away. If you’re debt-free, use those extra dollars to build up your emergency fund—you know, for emergencies. Bonus tip: If you get large tax refunds every year, it’s time to adjust the withholding on your paycheck so you can bring home even more money each month. Plus, you don’t want to give the government any more of your money than you must, right? 8. Reduce energy costs. Did you know that you can save money on your electric bill just by

making a few tweaks to your home? Start with some simple things like taking shorter showers (nope, we didn’t say fewer), fixing leaky pipes, washing your clothes in cold tap water, and installing dimmer switches and LED lightbulbs. While new, energy-efficient appliances are a great way to save money on your electric bill, they’re expensive! But if you work it into your monthly budget, you can save up and pay cash for those improvements over time. 9. Unsubscribe from emails. Email marketers are good at what they do. They know the irresistible temptation of a 24-hour sale or exclusive coupon. And talk about those flashy GIFs! If you just can’t resist shopping when you see a special offer, click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. Do it! You’ll be less tempted to spend, and your inbox will be a lot less cluttered. It’s a win-win! 10. Check your insurance rates. No, really. Did you know people save an average of $700 when they have an Endorsed Local Provider (ELP) check their insurance rates for them? $700! You owe it to yourself to at least have them look things over for you and see what

savings they can dig up. 11. Pack lunch (and eat at home). Get this—the average household spends about $3,526 on food outside of the home each year. That’s $294 per month! Buying lunch a few times a week may seem harmless in the moment (especially when your favorite restaurant is walking distance from your office), but you can save quite a bit of money just by packing a lunch. Not only that but a lot of times you can buy a solid week’s worth of groceries for the same price as two dinner meals out. Instead, prepare your food at home and watch your savings pile up month after month. 12. Ask about discounts (and pay in cash). You never know until you ask— and you should always ask. Next time you’re getting tickets at a movie theater, museum, or sporting event, check to see if they have any special discounts for seniors, students, teachers, military or AAA members. If not, never underestimate the negotiating power of cash! 13. Take advantage of your See SAVE MONEY 41 on Page

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W O N G N I HIR 40 Summer 2022

SAVE MONEY Continued from Page 40 retirement savings plan. If your employer offers a 401(k) match and you aren’t taking full advantage of it, you’re missing out big time! Talk to your HR department to set up an account. But remember, you should wait until you’re completely debt-free (except your mortgage) and have a fully funded emergency fund of three to six months before you start saving and investing for retirement. 14. Lower your cell phone bill. If your monthly cell phone bill competes with your monthly grocery budget, it’s time to find ways to cut back. Save money on your cell service by getting rid of extras like costly data plans, phone insurance and useless warranties. And don’t be afraid to haggle with or completely switch your provider! It might require a little persistence and research, but the savings are worth it. 15. Try a spending freeze. Don’t buy any nonessential items for a week—or even a month! Think about it as a contentment challenge. While you’re at it, take inventory of what you’re grateful for each day. This should help

FINANCIAL kick your “want-itis” in the pants! Make your spending freeze work by prepping meals with the food you already have, avoiding stores where you tend to impulse buy (did someone say Target dollar spot?), and saying no to anything that isn’t a necessity. 16. DIY . . everything! Before you shell out the cash to pay for a new backsplash, fancy light fixture or bench, think about doing it yourself! Usually, the cost of materials and a simple Google or YouTube search will save you a ton of money on your latest home project. Plus, you won’t have to pay someone to do something you can most likely do yourself. But if you’re the type that can’t seem to hit the nail on the head, you might want to ask a friend or neighbor for help, so you don’t have to spend money on new drywall. Oh, and when you need to do some DIY work (or any kind of work), borrow what you need from a friend or neighbor instead of going out and buying it. 17. Skip the coffee shop. Ouch. This one is painful—we get it! But instead of spending $5 on that daily latte, you can save money by just making your coffee at home. Listen, we’re not saying

you should only drink instant coffee (unless you’re into that sort of thing). But even purchasing a bag of local beans from your neighborhood coffee shop and brewing it at home will save you a lot of money in the long run. 18. The library is your friend. Before you click “add to cart” on that brand-new book, check your local library to see if you can borrow it! Most libraries also have audiobooks and digital copies of your favorite books for rent. It’s an easy way to get your reading in without breaking the bank. We get it, though—because we love reading too! In our National Study of Millionaires, 81% of millionaires surveyed read 11 or more books per year. Like Dave Ramsey always says, “Readers are leaders.” Bonus tip: Check sites like Alibris and Thriftbooks for major deals on like-new or even well-loved books . . . for next to nothing! 19. Try a staycation. When your goal is to save money now, a vacation is the worst thing you could spend your money on. Instead of whisking your family off to the Greek Isles, try being a tourist in your own city. Not only will this save you hundreds (or potentially thousands) of dollars, but you

Rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. – 1 Peter 3:4

can also explore your neighborhood with fresh eyes and have some fun while doing it. 20. Use cash back apps and coupons. Nothing beats a good, old-fashioned 20% off coupon when you’re buying something. But did you know there are plenty of cash back apps out there to help your savings go even further? Check out Ibotta, Rakuten and Honey (a browser extension). 21. Refinance your mortgage. With rates so low these days, run the numbers to see if refinancing could help save you money and cut years of interest off your mortgage. Reach out to one of our trusted Endorsed Local Providers (ELPs) to see if a refinance is worth it for you. 22. Sell everything (that doesn’t bring you joy). Marie Kondo has the right idea. Declutter the things in your home that you don’t need and are willing to let go of for the sake of your financial future. That vintage chair your aunt gave you? Sell it. That crystal vase you found at an antique See SAVE MONEY 42 on Page

Summer 2022 41


Changing Times

SAVE MONEY Continued from Page 41

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He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” Surely, He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night Nor of the arrow that flies by day, Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, And see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place, No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; (Psalm 91:1-10, NKJV) 42 Summer 2022

shop. Sell it. You’d be surprised at how much clutter you have in your home (that you don’t even use or think about). And the cash you can make on those things can be the difference between living paycheck to paycheck or not. How to Start Saving Money You’ll only start saving money when you learn healthy money habits and let your future needs be more important than your current wants—aka when you make saving money a priority. So do it! You can stop the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck with a simple secret: Make a zero-based budget before the month begins. A budget is all about being intentional. It helps you create a plan so you can see where your money is going and find out how much you can save each month. When you make a zero-based budget, you’re giving every single dollar a name— or assigning it a job to do—before you save or spend it. Remember: It really doesn’t matter how much money you make—what matters is how you spend and save the money

you make. Ready to start saving and reaching your money goals? Get our free budgeting app, EveryDollar, so you can keep track of all your budgeting and saving in one place. And if you really want to take a deeper dive into your budget, get a free trial membership to Ramsey+. The membership gives you access to all kinds of things, including a premium version of EveryDollar that links to your bank account and offers detailed spending reports. It’s every budgeter’s dream!> ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ramsey Solutions Ramsey Solutions Ramsey Solutions has been committed to helping people regain control of their money, build wealth, grow their leadership skills, and enhance their lives through personal development since 1992. Millions of people have used our financial advice through 22 books (including 12 national bestsellers) published by Ramsey Press, as well as two syndicated radio shows and 10 podcasts, which have over 17 million weekly listeners.

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This temporary program is funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and This temporary program is funded by the Federal Emergency Manag administered by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) administered by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services A with oversight by the Louisiana Department of Health Office of Behavioral Health. (LDH/OBH)

with oversight by the Louisiana Department of Health Office of Beha

The goal of the program is to  Individual crisis counseling assist individuals and communities  Group crisis counseling in recovering from the effects of Louisiana Spirit Crisis Counseling Program  Psychoeducational presentations

12 Powerful Scriptures For Spiritual Warfare Resistance By Chip Ingram Thankfully, we don’t have to play. opposition to one another, so that the angels who served at the side of God has given us everything we you may not do the things that you God. He was the most beautiful need to overcome the Enemy’s schemes please. (Galatians 5:17) and most knowledgeable angel; the and become conquerors. He’s provided Don’t be mistaken — the picture chief of the cherubs. But when he The Scriptures reveal the spiri- examples of spiritual warfare within the we have of Satan isn’t how he See SCRIPTURES tual warfare that’s occurring under Scriptures as a reference for us, and began. 44 on Page our noses, both in obvious and He’s given us His wisdom and armor to Satan used to be the chief of all subtle ways. In this article, we’ll combat temptation. CAR CARE CENTER spotlight 12 Bible verses you can God has given us everything we Serving the Northshore Since 1983 hold on to for recognizing and need to overcome the Enemy’s Visit Tire World today for a wide selection of Michelin® Tires resisting the Enemy’s plans. schemes and become conquerors. Because for every person on the Learn how to recognize and resist his planet — and for this planet itself — subtle agenda with these 12 Scrip“Everyday Low Prices - All Brand Names Available” there are two competing agendas. tures. 1806 N. Causeway Blvd. • Mandeville, LA 70471 • 985-626-8538 DEATH vs. LIFE Here are 12 powerful First, God has a plan for every tures from the Bible to equip you nation on this earth. In addition, He for spiritual warfare recognition has a plan for every man, woman and and resistance. Dedicated to making child on this planet, too. His plan can Scriptures for Recognizing be contained in one word: LIFE. Spiritual Warfare a difficult time easier By comparison, Satan has an 1. Satan’s strategy is to destroy agenda as well. His agenda can be through intimidation and isolasummed up in an opposing word: tion. On the contrary, God’s purPROOF SHEET DEATH. He has an intricate plan pose is to deploy through suffering for every nation and every person, and proclamation. and it’s to steal, kill and destroy. Be alert and of sober mind. Your It is incredibly easy to thinkAttached the enemy the devil prowls around like is a proof of your ad that will run in the October/November issue of EDGE of the Lake magazine. This ad will run as is unless we world consists of what we see inreceive our changes a roaring lion looking for someone by Wednesday (09.14.2018) at 5:00 PM. Please make any changes or approve via email. worlds every day, and completely to devour. (1 Peter 5:8) miss the larger picture. There’s an 2. God is the source of all good; invisible battle happening all around Satan, the author of evil. us: life and death are fiercely comWhen tempted, no one should say, peting for our devotion. “God is tempting me.” For, God RECOGNIZING COMPETING cannot be tempted by evil, nor does AGENDAS he tempt anyone. (James 1:13) The challenge is to recognize the 3. The battle is real. subtle ways the Enemy achieves his For, the flesh sets its desire 21400 SOUTH I-12 SERVICE ROAD • PONCHATOULA, LA 70454 agenda in our lives: He deceives, he against the Spirit, and the Spirit (985) 277-1003 • LNHUGHES.COM lies, he corrupts, he brings shame, against the flesh; for these are in and then he dangles temptations to you and me to do things that will kill relationships, break up business, and EAST ST. TAMMANY’S ZERO COPAY FLU destroy and families and churches FAVORITE FAMILY SHOTS ON INSURANCE and small groups. PHARMACY AS VOTED The Devil’s work is diabolical. Immunizations / Vaccinations ON BY EDGE MAGAZINE And in his creativity, he’s diswalk-ins welcome tracted us with the obvious evils in READERS. THANK YOU! the world. These heinous acts like Dedicated to making a difficult time easier. sex trafficking and the Holocaust are indisputably the work of Satan. But what about our chronic struggle with deceit and greed and gluttony? HOW THE ENEMY’S AGENDA HAS SHOWN UP IN MY LIFE When I think about the sneaky 21400 S I - 12 Service Rd, Ponchatoula ways the Devil has squirmed his 3044 Gause Blvd.277-1003 E. way into my life, it’s through sub(985) • NOW SERVING ALL OF Slidell, LA 70461 tle factors like — ST TAMMANY PARISH. Introducing our medication Arrogance and prejudice, my dose cards for healthier Call Us To Switch! stubborn, know-it-all attitude He patient outcomes. We Do All the Work! uses these small lapses to plant (No additional charge) Mon. - Fri. 9am-7pm seeds of doubt and anger, which Sat. 9am-2pm / Sun. closed are his favorite playgrounds.



A little that a righteous man has is better than the riches of many wicked. – Psalm 37:16

Summer 2022 43

FEATURE ARTICLE SCRIPTURES Continued from Page 43 got caught up in his own beauty and decided he wanted God’s job, he led one third of the angels in rebellion against the Creator. Those angels are now called demons. This is the Tempter against which you are fighting every single day,

LAW_full Size_2019_print.pdf



who is bombarding you with opportunities to hurt and condemn yourself and others. But do not be discouraged! As you’ll read in the verses below, the Devil was defeated. But our identity is in Christ and He has given us the tools we need to battle spiritual warfare. Below are the truths to claim as you fight the spiritual battle being waged against you. 4. We face a formidable but defeated foe. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. (Colossians 2:15) 5. God will always give us the power to resist the schemes of the enemy — if we choose. No temptation has overtaken you 11:38 AM









Changing Times

except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13) 6. Good and evil are realities, not merely concepts or metaphors. This wasn’t some ethereal entity confronting Jesus in this passage of Scripture: its Jesus and Satan face-to-face. Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil … (Matthew 4:1) Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only. Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him. (Matthew 4:10-11) 7. Ignorance of his tactics is lethal. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:4) 8. We fight from victory, not for victory. You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. (1 John 4:4) 9. We are in an “invisible war” with temporal and eternal consequences. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. (Ephesians 6:11) 10. There are two competing agendas for every person on the planet: God’s plan is for life, and Satan’s plan is for death. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10) 11. Pray intensely and strategically. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for the entire Lord’s people. (Ephesians 6:18) Finally, let me share a verse that I recommend you put to memory

and say to yourself every time you discern the Enemy has you in his sights. 12. Our identity is in the One who loves us and has sacrificed for us. No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. (Romans 8:37) We are more than conquerors! Don’t fall into the error that author C.S. Lewis identified: “There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight.” Not everything is demonic, but live soberly in awareness. CONSIDER THE ENEMY’S SUBTLE WORK IN YOUR LIFE Why do you think you experience a wave of depression every time you decide you want to get back into studying the Bible and communing with God? Or you’re working hard on your relationships, but suddenly there’s more strife than ever before? Do you see what’s happening behind the scenes when you choose to join a small group and then, the first night; someone says something insensitive that hurts your feelings, causing you to want to stay away? There is undoubtedly an enemy of your soul, and you will set yourself up for personal defeat if you aren’t equipped for the battle. There is undoubtedly an Enemy of your soul, and you will avoid defeat if you're equipped for the battle. Prepare yourself to recognize the subtle work of the Devil and to resist his creative agenda.> Chip Ingram Copyright © Living on the Edge. All rights reserved.>

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What If We Have Been Wrong? By Pastor Doug Gilford

Mental illness is high in America. The National Institute of Mental Health says that “in 2020, there were an estimated 52.9 million adults aged 18 or older in the United States. This number represented 21.0% of all U.S. adults that suffered from AMI (Any Mental Illness). Added to that number, another estimated 14.2 million adults aged 18 or older in the United States with SMI (Serious Mental Illness). This number represented 5.6% of all U.S. adults.” See nimh. These two statistics are a combined 67 million people that have acknowledged mental illness and are seeking treatment. This statistic is heartbreaking. Nearly one-third of our fellow citizens feel they cannot fully function because of anxiety, depression, or other serious mental illness. These are only the people we know about while there remain countless people who have not yet sought out treatment. Whether because of genes, disability or environmental issues at play, we should all be concerned about this. Since the start of 2018, crime everywhere has been up; murder and rape are common, and violence is used to make political points. Over the last few months of 2022, we have been shocked to find out that some eighteen-year-olds were at home designing and then carrying out their hate-filled plans to murder innocent people. First, at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York, followed by an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, these murderers were effortlessly able to destroy lives. What is going on? Are we shocked yet? When I was eighteen, the only thing I was thinking about was my new adult life. I am sure

that you can agree. What can we do? And what if we have been wrong…about the need for God, specifically Christ, in our lives? What if we have been wrong about how to treat the social and mental ills of our children and those around us? What if we have been wrong about Freud’s method or even Oprah’s worldview on life? Maybe it is time for us to say, “I am bringing Christ back to my worldview.” As a pastor who loves people and loves life, it is tough to stand by and not say something to the vast audience that may read this. Let us all wake up to what is before us and do our part to calm the tide that we are in. This tide of godlessness, humanism, and self-focus has led us to the very edge of social eruption. One may ask, are we not a religious nation…why worry? God is going to handle it. I dare say that God has a part, and we have a part. Sometimes, God says to stop praying and start doing something. In Exodus, we are told, “As Pharaoh drew near, the sons of Israel looked, and behold, the Egyptians were marching after them, and they became very frightened; so, the sons of Israel cried out to the Lord” (Ex. 14:12). Next, we read, “Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward” (Ex. 14:15). In other words, “Get up and do something.” Why has our culture become increasingly religious yet more godless at the same time? Because we have not done our part. We have not lived our faith in Christ out in the public square. We have been relegated to living out our faith inside a building or home study and not at the office, the plant, or school. They told us in the nineties that we should stop praying in schools. So, we have virtually taught our children that our faith is a private matter, not one to be displayed for others to read, learn and grow. I still remember hearing people talk about how they saw folks praying while growing up and how it helped them. Today, who do they see outside of church? Why have we become less able to cope with life mentally? Because religion, on the surface, is not what is needed, a change in the depth of

The Christian Journey our heart towards the Living Jesus to what ails the human soul. Let us is what can change our way of life get back to the old song by Andre Crouch, “Jesus is the answer for the today. The Apostle Paul tells Timothy world today.” > about a time like this over two milDoug Gilford, Senior lenniums ago: “But mark this, there Pastor, Cornerstone will be terrible times in the last Church -23051 Hwy days. People will be lovers of them1088, Mandeville, La selves lovers of money, boastful, 70448. 985-624-8652, proud, abusive, disobedient to their www.cornerstonenola. com > parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conFor God so loved the ceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. having a form world that He gave of godliness but denying its power.” His one and only (2 Timothy 3:2-5a) Paul goes one step further to say, Son, that whoever “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become believes in Him shall convinced of…and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scripnot perish but have tures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in eternal life. Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:14-16). Paul says Timothy, although things John 3:16 are wrong and look like they are getting worse, continue in the Bible and what you have learned from it. W h a t conclusion Peace of mind At Dignity Memorial we should we offer pre-planning services Wishes are known make about for funeral and cemetery Discounts available property and host Free this? What Protects your family Pre-Planning seminars at action is emotionally & financially local restaurants. needed? Maybe we have been 504-729-1972 wrong in our past and present approaches

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The words of the godly encourage many, but fools are destroyed by their lack of common sense. – Proverbs 10:21

Summer 2022 45

Changing Times

Guiding Light When The World Gives You Changing Times, Step Up And Make Some Changes!

Things are changing more rapidly than most people are aware, and unfortunately, the changes are in areas not given much consideration. But have you ever stopped to think, why are things changing so fast, and what effect will Covid-19 have upon our future?

The prevailing view among the majority is to accept the inevitable. These changes will happen regardless of what we may think or do. Since the world has changed, if one is to be socially and politically correct, it is necessary to adapt to these changes. These shifting winds of popular opinion have sentenced many to a confining prison of hopelessness and despair. The suicide rate has increased over the years, along with robberies, murders, and various acts that express the devaluing of human life. Why respect the sanctity of life when life has no meaning? Those who engage in efforts of resistance have awareness to a certain degree that all change is not positive and some standards must be maintained, but what standards?

The fear of losing freedoms may startle a person that is imprisoned by his own lusts, but he has neglected to realize that his most confining prison dwells within himself. Pogo, a character from the comics once stated, “We have found the enemy and the enemy is us!” Unfortunately, no one possesses the power to completely resist the downward pull within himself even when he is aware of his contribution to the shifts taking place within culture. That is why so many have adapted the mindset to just learn to live with the inevitable. They believe that the only thing left for them to do is to get with the program and to learn how to live within the system. If you could just step away for a moment and ask the question, “whose system is this anyway, and was there ever a choice?” Then new questions would come to mind. Questioning a thing indicates the possibility of alternate interests. If you look in the same direction, you will see the same thing, but if you turn your eyes in a different direction, you are positioned to see hope on the horizon. What exists now is a departure from the original. It is hard to imagine that since the only environment

you have ever known is this one. Contained within the system is its own demise. The seed of corruption is implanted in every system initiated by humanity. It is corruptible because humanity is corrupted, and time limits are set on every one of his endeavors. The incorruptible seed of the Word of God is the antidote to the decay and ruin in our world. When received, it reverses the order leading to ultimate death and produces life in its place. Something as simple as a Word from the Lord, the very thing that you are currently reading has more potential than the strength of viruses and armies and weapons of war. It immediately produces life within those that receive and gives the promise of eternal life to those who continue in it. If ever there was a time when the world must recognize its deepest need, the time is now! In the midst of a changing world an unchangeable God offers His Word and message. Yes, times have changed and will continue to do so. But God is the same, yesterday, today and forevermore. Let Him produce within you the change that will last! Save the Nations Ministries >

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What Does 1 Corinthians 1:23,24 Mean?

but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. There is no more sublime truth than the message of the cross, and yet we see a complete misunderstanding of the simple gospel of Christ - both during His own earthly ministry and throughout the apostolic letters that were written to the Church. The message of the cross was a stumbling block to Israel - then as now, and the gospel of God remains foolishness to the unbelieving Gentile - now as then. There is a fundamental misunderstanding of the message of the cross, which remains today. Though Israel believed in a coming Messiah they found; 'Christ crucified' to be stumbling block to faith and a rock of offence. They were anticipating a conquering hero who would

deliver God's chosen nation from Roman oppression. They had allowed a misunderstanding of Scripture and life's difficult circumstances to influence their rejection of God's long-promised Messiah and King. They expected a military leader, who would save His people from slavery and Rome's cruel subjugation, without understanding that their Messiah must save His people from their sins before His prophesied kingdom rule. A crucified Messiah was a scandal to the Jew and an offensive stumbling block - but Paul preached Christ crucified, for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes, to God's chosen people first but also to the gentiles - for the message of the cross alone is able save His people from slavery to sin and release them from the curse of the Law. Christ crucified is salvation for the Gentiles as well, but unsaved Gentiles also had a false perception of the cross. To the unregenerate mind, death on a cross and all its accompanying humiliation spoke of weakness and failure rather than victory and strength. Christ's resurrection from the dead did not fit in with human wisdom, intellectual reasoning, or philosophical thinking. The message of the cross was indeed a stumbling block to prideful Israel who expected their Messiah to be a conquering hero who would save them from their earthly foes - but it was also foolishness to the academically brilliant - yet arro-

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In this day when every aspect of the glorious gospel of Christ is a stumbling block to many and foolishness to those that are perishing, let us remember that the message of the cross is the power of God and the wisdom of God to all who believe - for the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger. >

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gant Gentiles, whose flawed human wisdom exposed their gross foolishness. But the message of the cross was also misunderstood by the Corinthian Christians of Paul's time just as it is by many believers today who are trying to live their lives based on their own human merit and un-sanctified reasoning. The message of the cross continues to cut to the quick of the self-righteous, self-centered, self-confident, self-seeking believer. in their impossible attempts at self-sanctification - rather than being Christcentered. trusting in Christ's-righteousness and maintaining a confidence in Christ's finished work alone. The message of the cross to sinner and saint alike is that it is all of Christ and none of me. His death paid the price for our sins and the gift of His resurrected life is the power of God for our justification as well as the ongoing process of life-long sanctification, for all who trust in His name.

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A righteous man regards the life of his animal, but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. – Proverbs 12:10


Summer 2022 47

Changing Times

Victorious Living Evangelism Lifts Ships (Psalms 16: 11; Ephesians 1: 23; 3: 19; 4: 13; Colossians 1:19; 2:9) Why? Because evangelism is the tide of God's Spirit coming in and into the hearts of people. Evangelism lifts the ship of WORSHIP. When the tide comes in, more people want to worship and the form is filled with spirit. Evangelism lifts the ship of FEL-

LOWSHIP. As the tide comes in, there is a growing feeling of comradeship and brotherhood. We are really fellows in the same ship going to the same place. Evangelism lifts the ship of STEWARDSHIP. When the tide comes in and all hearts are filled with the Holy Spirit, it is not hard to the cause of Christ. When the floodempty our pocketbooks to support gates of God's love are opened on our souls, sacrifice seems sweet and giving seems very easy. StewOpen 24/7 ardship is lifted when the tide of love comes in. Evangelism lifts the ship of DISCIPLESHIP. When the tide comes Making Every Moment Meaningful in, unconverted husbands and wives, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends are touched and lifted out of sin to become disciples of our Lord and christian bookstore Savior, Jesus Christ. Open Mon.-Sat. 10am-5pm Most certainly and unfailingly 985-641-7776 evangelism lifts the ships of Wor1337 Gause Blvd., Slidell, LA ship, Fellowship, Stewardship, and Ed & Linda Paul, Owners Discipleship. When the Church is not filled with the spirit of evangelism, fellowship turns into cliques and clubs. Communion with Christ is broken and fel“For All Your Traveling Needs” lowship with other church members is marred by jealous, suspicious, and 465 Morris Road, Hammond, LA miserable irritations. Evangelism oils 985-345-7629 the machinery and unites the army of God around a common objective -the salvation of men. When the Church is not evangeSales and Service listic, stewardship suffers. Tithes are withheld and offerings are Bryan McGehee small. When our love for God decreases, our love for things increases and thus our money is 1430 Collins Blvd. diverted from the channels of the Covington LA 70433 Kingdom to the marts of the world.

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When the Church is not evangelistic, discipleship is smothered by selfishness. When the tide goes out, disciples break vows and no new disciples are made. The Church to be successful and triumphant must keep the tide coming in and running high. Evangelism lifts all the ships. How may we lift ships? Two spiritual actions are needed: one of PRAYER, the other of FAITH. These are strong and reliable. Then fasten the strong cables of LOVE around the ship or difficulty you want lifted or changed, tie them firmly to the actions of PRAYER and FAITH, and then wait confidently for the tide of God's Holy Spirit to come in. Any ship can be lifted. Jesus said: "If ye abide in Me and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you" (John 15: 8). And again He said, "All things are possible to him that believes" (Mark 9: 23). Yes, prayer and faith will bring God's tide in. Tie them by bonds of love to any problem and it will be solved. No trouble is so deep, no difficulty so great, but what God's tide will lift it. Pray and believe and let the tide come in. Save The Nations Ministries >

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The Fruit Of The Spirit:

Peace in a World of Conflict (Part 4 of 9) By Alistair Begg

Our world lacks peace. Just consider: historians estimate that since the sixteenth century, over eight thousand peace treaties have been signed, presumably with the intent that the resulting peace would last forever—yet most of them endured little more than two years. Instead, conflict and chaos are everywhere, and wherever calamity doesn’t reign, it remains nearby, lurking around every corner. The story of conflict goes back to the Garden of Eden and reaches forward to today. As it was in mankind’s earliest days, so it is now: brothers and sisters, parents and children, husbands and wives, and nations and people groups all remain at war. Peace may be in high demand, but it’s clearly in much too

short a supply. Thankfully, the Bible not only identifies the source of this conflict for us but also proclaims the news of the Prince of Peace who can rescue us from endless tumult. “He himself is our peace,” (Ephesians 2:14) tells us. To getter a better view of the peace the Bible envisions and calls us to in Christ; let’s consider: (1) What this peace is, (2) Why we need it, (3) Where we can find it, and (4) How we can have it. What Is Peace? From a biblical perspective, peace is not simply the absence of turmoil or conflict. As nice as an end to calamity or quarrel might be, the peace of God is actually about fullness and wholeness. The peace of God is knowing that our debts to Him have been canceled, that our accounts, as it were, are in a favorable balance on the basis of Christ’s finished work on the cross. The power of such peace is that it actually enables an individual, her com-

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munity, and ultimately the world to flourish as God ordains. The oft-recited Aaronic blessing from (Numbers 6:24–26) gives us a glimpse into the source of such peace: · The LORD bless you and keep you; · The LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; · The LORD lifts up his countenance upon you and gives you peace. The peace of God, these verses suggest, comes with the light of God’s grace and the blessing of His goodness. And where might we look to find such light? Second Corinthians tells us that God “has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ”. Though we do not see Christ with our physical eyes (1 Peter 1:8), we still find in Him the grace that brings us into God’s endless favor. At Jesus’ birth, the angels announced, “Glory to God in the

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The truthful lip shall be established forever, But a lying tongue is but for a moment. – Proverbs 12:19

highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased” (Luke 2:14). What else might we expect the promised Prince of Peace to bring? He offers peace with God, peace with others, and peace within—a threefold peace that can endure through life’s most unwelcome circumstances. Why Do We Need Peace? Christ offers us bountiful peace. But what good is such peace to us if we remain uncertain as to why we need it? Search the Scriptures, and you’ll soon find three main reasons for our lack of peace: A — We are by nature alienated from God. B — We are in bondage to our own sinful desires. C — We are in conflict not only with God and with others but also with ourselves. This alienation, bondage, and See FRUIT 50 on Page

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Summer 2022 49

VICTORIOUS LIVING FRUIT Continued from Page 49 conflict is exactly why we need peace that only God can provide. We need to be reconciled to our Lord; we need to be set free from the shackles of sin; and we need to find victory in the relational and personal battles we so often fight. If we reject God’s terms of peace, then we remain forever unsettled, “like the tossing sea” (Isa. 57:20). As (Isaiah 48:22) informs us, “‘there is no peace,’ says the LORD, ‘for the wicked.’” Most of us have tasted such tumult at one point or another. Consider just five common reasons we may experience a lack of peace: 1. Unwelcome circumstances. Have you ever experienced something that caused you to ask, “Why this? Why me? Why now?” You’re certainly not alone! Unless we have identified the fact that God is sovereign over all our circumstances and desirous to bring ultimate good through them (Rom. 8:28), when life takes a sudden and unexpected downward turn, we will inevitably be robbed of peace. 2. Unconfessed sin If we find that we don’t have a sense of genuine peace and content-


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ment in God, then we may need to consider whether there are any sins we have begun to tolerate—“secret” iniquities that we have tried to tuck away. Disobedience to God and genuine, heartfelt peace do not and cannot go hand in hand. Disobedience to God and genuine, heartfelt peace do not and cannot go hand in hand. 3. Uncertainty. It’s rare that we can predict precisely how our next hours, let alone days or weeks, will unfold. Sure, we can guess—and sometimes we make pretty accurate conjectures. But unless we have a confidence in the God who cares for every sparrow (Matt. 10:29), peace will remain elusive as long as we fixate on life’s uncertainties. 4. Pain from our past. Not only can the future make us uncertain, but the past can haunt us—especially our guilt over past sins and failures. But if that guilt has been lain on Jesus Christ, then God says to us, “I, I am he who blots out your transgression for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins” (Isa. 43:25). God’s redeeming action won’t necessarily erase the past from your memory, but it will liberate you to walk forward in freedom. 5. Uncontrolled desires. Illicit yearnings also rob us of peace. We’ll never know peace while we’re wracked with feelings of envy, greed, anger, jealousy, and lust—and especially if we decide to act upon them. Where Can We Find Peace? Our need for peace is apparent. So where can we uncover the peace our hearts long for? Galatians reminds us that true peace grows only in followers of Jesus Christ as a facet of the fruit of the Spirit. Peace, in other words, is found not in a program nor in a philosophy but in a person: Jesus

Changing Times

Christ. Peace is found not in a program nor in a philosophy but in a person: Jesus Christ. As Jesus was getting ready to take leave of His disciples, He bookended His discourse before His High Priestly Prayer with terms of peace. “Let not your hearts be troubled,” He said at the start. How? “Believe in God; believe also in me” (John 14:1). He then closed by saying, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world”. Notice that Jesus did not say that it would be in His ideas or in obedience to His commands that we would find peace; He said that it would be “in me.” As (Ephesians 2:14) reminds us, “He himself is our peace.” For pervasive peace, we must look no further than the Son of God. How Can We Have Peace? Still, knowing where to find peace doesn’t necessarily mean we have it, nor does it mean that we understand how to get it. If God is the only one who can give peace, then what does He require? It can be tempting to think that God grants peace to us for “getting our affairs in order”—tidying up, waking up earlier, working harder, killing some bad habits, starting some better ones, etc. But we all know that some of the most puttogether people still don’t know peace. No, God doesn’t ask for some work or deed of ours. What He requires is that we cry out to Him. When Jesus passed in front of him, the blind beggar Bartimaeus could not, of course, see Him. Nevertheless, this blind man knew full well that he was in the presence of greatness—and so he cried out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy

on me!” (Mark 10:47), and then a second time implored, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” In a sense, Bartimaeus was casting all his anxieties upon Jesus, as (1 Peter 5:7) instructs us to do. He placed all his hopes for wellness and peace in Christ—and because Christ cared for this poor beggar, He responded, “Your faith has made you well” (Mark 10:52), and the blind man was at last healed and whole. Such healing is possible for all who believe. Because our Lord Jesus Christ bore the penalty that our sins deserve, we can enjoy the peace that He provides. As the prophet proclaimed, He was pierced for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; Upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, And with Hs wounds we are healed. (Isa. 53:5) The Christian life is neither a plastic veneer of superficial brightness nor a stolid march of cynicism and stoicism in the face of life’s troubles. Instead, the fruit of the Spirit is to be genuine peace—and it can be so because Christ endured chastisement on our behalf. He withstood all the world’s dispeace—its distress, its turmoil, its hostility, its unrest, its torment— all so that when we, like Bartimaeus, cry out to Him for mercy, we can know an everlasting peace that will guard us for a lifetime and more (Phil. 4:7). © 1994 - 2022 Truth For Life. All Rights Reserved. >

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Spiritual Awakening

The Mystery Of Sanctification By William S. Plumer

"And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Spirit of the Lord." (2 Corinthians 3:18) There is a great mystery in sanctification. It is a mystery for the love it displays, for the power it manifests, for the method it employs, and for the work it accomplishes. When Moses looked upon that bright radiance in the mount, he gradually caught some of the same glory, so that his face shone. When we behold the image of the invisible God, as it is presented in the person and character of Christ, we too are made like it, not indeed

by a mere natural effect, but "by the Spirit of the Lord." Likeness to God alone is holiness. Growth in this likeness is growth in grace. It is all by Jesus Christ. It is true that "the best of men are men at best," and so are far from being as perfect as their Father in heaven is perfect. There is no man that sins not. "Yes, there is not a just man upon earth, that does good, and sins not." But the godly man is not a willing captive of sin, whereas the unrenewed man rejoices in iniquity. The child of God is becoming more and more like God. The wicked wax worse and worse. The saint longs for God's salvation. The sinner cannot sleep--unless he has done some mischief. The heart of a believer is the best part about him. If he could have things as he would, he never would sin anymore. The life of an unconverted man is commonly not nearly so bad as his heart. He is restrained in many ways from acting out the worst that is in him. The holy man blushes at a sinful thought. The

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wicked man loves to have vain thoughts lodge within him. It is the business of a godly man's life to please God and perfect holiness. It is the business of a sinner's life to please himself and commit sin. The work of purifying the heart shall be finished in due time, and all the godly shall be satisfied, when they awake, with the likeness of God, fully drawn upon their souls. If we are called to be saints, we are not called to serve any but the Lord Christ. Holiness may be out of fashion here on earth, but not in heaven. It is infinitely better to be "a peculiar people, zealous of good works," than "a people, laden with iniquity." When a prince was about to travel, he asked his tutor for some maxims, by which to govern his behavior, and received this: "Remember that you are the son of a king." Let all Christians remember that they are the sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty," and "if sons, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Jesus Christ." With what force and point the exhortation comes to such gospel. Truth never generates licentiousness. Actual participation in Christ's righteousness is always manifested by the possession of his image and temper. It is sad proof of a wicked heart when a professor of Christ's gospel attempts to live as near as possible to the line separating sin from holiness. Let him eschew and abhor evil. Excess in many things is easy,

but no man fears or hates sin too much. So far as we know, sin is the only thing which God hates. There are many filthy reptiles, unclean beasts, and venomous serpents from which we instinctively turn away; yet God's tender mercies are over all of these. He opens his hand and supplies the needs of every living thing. To the end which he proposed in their creation, they are well adapted. But sin is in its own nature and tendency, only evil. God abhors it. It dishonors him, it grieves him, it vexes him. It is the only thing which dishonors or offends him. He is angry with the wicked every day. When one of Christ's people sins, it is wounding our Savior "in the house of his friends." An alleged work of grace on the heart, which gives no outward signs and leaves the life wicked, is good for nothing. True holiness is not dormant but active, not merely a negation of evil, but the positiveness of good. For a while, Joseph and Nicodemus may be timid, but when the great question is raised by the crucifixion, we find them open and bold disciples. The fruit of a holy nature--is a holy life. GRACE GEMS! A Treasury of Ageless Sovereign Grace Devotional Writings Our Purpose To humble the pride of man, to exalt the grace of God in salvation and to promote real holiness in heart and life. © 2022 >

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Westbank Born • Westbank Raised • Westbank Proud A righteous man hates lying, but a wicked man is loathsome and comes to shame. – Proverbs 13:5

Summer 2022 51

Changing Times

Preserved For A Purpose By David Wilkerson

Joseph had a vision that his life would be used mightily by God, but that vision seemed like a pipe dream after his jealous brothers sold him into slavery. The following years of Joseph’s life were filled with hardship and injustice. Just when Joseph seemed to get back on his feet, he was falsely accused of attempted rape and sent to prison. Finally,

after years of turmoil, Joseph ended up serving in Pharaoh’s house. Pharaoh eventually appointed Joseph ruler over all of Egypt. Beloved, that’s how God works; he was preparing a man to save a remnant. Indeed, in every generation, the Lord raises up a ‘Joseph Company.’ He takes these devoted servants through years of trouble and trials to prove and strengthen their faith. What does this mean? Scripture says, “He sent a man before them— Joseph—who was sold as a slave. They hurt his feet with fetters, he was laid in irons. Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him” (Psalm 105:17–19, NKJV).

Joseph told his brothers, “God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it was not you who sent me here, but God; and he has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt” (Genesis 45:7–8). What an incredible revelation for Joseph, yet what is the lesson here for God’s people today? It is this: Our Lord has preserved us in the past, and he will preserve us in the days ahead. Most importantly of all, he preserved you because he has a purpose for you. He has laid out a divine work ahead of you, and only a tested and proven believer can accomplish it. The Joseph Company are godly men and women whom God has touched and called. They don’t seek fame or fortune. All they want is to live and die fulfilling the calling God has placed on them, and the Lord promised their lives would

count for his kingdom. This is not a time for timid faith. It’s a time when every Christian who has endured great testing must step forward. Our captain is calling us to stand up amidst a fearful society and engage in “power faith.” 2022 World Challenge, Inc | All Rights Reserved >

Your Role – In The World But Not Of It By Dr. David Jeremiah

The state of the world today has lines drawn between opposing thoughts regarding freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and much more. Where do followers of Christ belong? In (John 17), Jesus said that His followers had been called “out of the world” yet were still “in the world” (verses 6, 11). And He warned them, “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you” (John 15:18-19). Our response to the animosity we experience in here must be driven by the example God has given to us. When we understand what Jesus has done for us, we can say, “By my actions and attitude, I want to show the love of God.” We are clearly “in the world” 52 Summer 2022

with all of its distractions and challenges, but when we demonstrate God’s love, we show we are not “of the world.” Our Activities When we come to Christ, our former life is put behind us—we are told to “seek those things which are above” (Colossians 3:1). It’s interesting to watch new Christians who suddenly realize they’re under new management. This is true for every Christian living today—we put aside the old life and pursue a new life in Christ. This was a constant refrain of the New Testament authors. Peter, for example, told his readers: “You have had enough in the past of the evil things that godless people enjoy—their immorality and lust, their feasting and drunkenness and wild parties, and their terrible worship of idols.” “Of course,” he added, “your former friends are surprised when you no longer plunge into the flood of wild and destructive things they do. So they slander you. But remember that they will have to face God, who stands ready to judge everyone, both the living and the dead” (1 Peter 4:3-5, NLT). This is why Christians must

understand the secret of the graceful exit. We have to exit our former life gracefully, but firmly say, “No” when our friends encourage us to go places, think thoughts, say words, plan deeds, or engage in activities that would damage our testimony and displease our Lord. It takes a lot of courage to resist the temptations of this world and of the flesh, but Christ died on the cross to empower us to live no longer for ourselves but for Him. And that testimony is needed in our world today more than ever before. Our Attitude and Actions When someone comes to Christ, a transformation takes place. Their attitude will reflect gratitude to God and their actions will show love to others. Jesus said, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). Before knowing Christ, we were hateful, prideful, selfish, unloving, and alienated in our mind from God. Now we are developing love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. “As the elect of God, holy and beloved, put-on tender mercies… bearing with one another and for-

giving one another…even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these put on love, which is the bond of perfection” (Colossians 3:12-14). When grace makes its entrance into our life, it becomes our teacher on how to make a graceful exit—to leave our former way of life—and to show Christ to those around us. We are to be known by our love, demonstrating God’s love and mercy to those around us. We are pilgrims and strangers in this world, but while we are here, we are to be salt and light to those who do not know God. Even when our beliefs are challenged and our faith is mocked, the testimony of Christ can shine through us and light the darkness around us. That is our role— “in the world,” but “not of it.” Turning Point For more information on Turning Point, go to > Dr. David Jeremiah Dr. Jeremiah is the founder and host of Turning Point for God and senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California.


"Grant Me Salvation". I Want To Be Born Again.

"Grant Me Salvation" This article is in response to a recent visitor's request for prayer and information on how to be born again. His request was: "Please pray that God would draw me to Himself and grant me salvation in His Son, Jesus Christ." Reply: "What a unique request! I most definitely will pray for you. This is a prayer that Jesus loves to answer. In fact, I believe He is already drawing you to Himself by placing this desire in your heart. (John 12:32) Becoming "Born Again" is what Nicodemus the ruler of the Jews

could not understand. Jesus had said, "ye must be born again," and Nicodemus asked if a person could enter his mother's womb for the second time. He did not understand that the instant he accepted Christ as his Savior, that the Spirit of Jesus would enter his body. Shortly before He gave His life on the cross, Jesus prayed what is known as, "The Great Intercessory Prayer," or "High Priestly Prayer." He prayed first for Himself, then the disciples. Lastly He prayed for us, the ones who would learn of Jesus through the teaching of the disciples. He asked the Father, “that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me...," (John 17: 20-23). Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in..." (Rev 3:20). The Spirit of Jesus, literally abiding within each Born Again Believer, is what separates Christianity from every other religion. It is a

The True Vine: 2. The Husbandman By Andrew Murray

And My Father is the Husbandman--(John 15.1) A vine must have a husbandman to plant and watch over it, to receive and rejoice in its fruit. Jesus says: "My Father is the husbandman." He was "the vine of God's planting." All He was and did, He owed to the Father; in all He only sought the Father's will and glory. He had become man to show us what a creature ought to be to its Creator. He took our place, and the spirit of His life before the Father was ever what He seeks to make ours: "Of him, and through him, and to him are all

things." He became the true Vine, that we might be true branches. Both regarding Christ and ourselves the words teach us the two lessons of absolute dependence and perfect confidence. My Father is the Husbandman. --Christ ever lived in the spirit of what He once said: "The Son can do nothing of himself." As dependent as a vine is on a husbandman for the place where it is to grow, for its fencing in and watering and pruning. Christ felt Himself entirely dependent on the Father every day for the wisdom and the strength to do the Father's will. As He said in the previous chapter (14:10): "The words that I say unto you, I speak not from Myself; but the Father abiding in Me doeth his works." This absolute dependence had as its blessed counterpart the most blessed confidence that He had nothing to fear: the Father could not disappoint Him. With such a Husbandman as His Father, He could enter death and the grave. He could trust God to raise Him up. All that Christ is and has, He has, not in Himself,

beautiful miracle of God, wrought by the interaction between Jesus and the one who invites Him in. You said to God, "Grant me salvation," and you can be certain that He will. Jesus stands ready every minute of every day to enter into your heart. He wants to be the very center of your life. The Apostle Paul says, "That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" (Rom 10:9-10) NKJV. When you study the above Scripture, you will find that there are things you must do to be born again. • You must believe in God, and that God has raised Jesus from the dead. • You must ask Him to come in. (Jesus is a gentleman, and will only come in when invited.) • You must tell someone that you

believe in Jesus, and that you have been born again; thereby signifying your salvation an act of faith. (Rom 10:9-10) This is between you and Jesus, and though it is often the case, you do not have to be in a church house to be born again. But afterward, you will want to join a church where you will find other Christians, and learn more about living the Christian life. You will also want to be baptized as a sign to all that you are at one with Christ. Baptism, (the act of being placed under the water, and being raised up), represents being put to death and resurrected with Christ). This is something commanded by Christ that you will want to do as a new Please stay in touch, and know that God loves you, and we love you." Samuel Mills © Copyright 2006-2022 All Rights Reserved. >

The True Vine but from the Father. My Father is the Husbandman. --That is as blessedly true for us as for Christ. Christ is about to teach His disciples about their being branches. Before He ever uses the word or speaks at all of abiding in Him or bearing fruit, He turns their eyes heavenward to the Father watching over them and working all in them. At the very root of all Christian life lies the thought that God is to do all, that our work is to give and leave ourselves in His hands, in the confession of utter helplessness and dependence, in the assured confidence that He gives all we need. The great lack of the Christian life is that, even where we trust Christ, we leave God out of the count. Christ came to bring us to God. Christ lived the life of a man exactly as we must live it. Christ the Vine points to God the Husbandman. As He trusted God, let us trust God, that everything we ought to be and have, as those who belong to the Vine, will be given us from above. Isaiah said: "A vineyard of red wine; I the Lord do keep it, I will

A truthful witness saves lives, but a false witness is a traitor. – Proverbs 14:25

water it every moment; lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day." Ere we begin to think of fruit or branches, let us have our heart filled with the faith: as glorious as the Vine, is the Husbandman. As high and holy as is our calling, so mighty and loving is the God who will work it all. As surely as the Husbandman made the Vine what it was to be, will He make each branch what it is to be. Our Father is our Husbandman, the Surety for our growth and fruit. Blessed Father, we are Thy husbandry. Oh, that Thou mayest have honor of the work of Thy hands! O my Father, I desire to open my heart to the joy of this wondrous truth: My Father is the Husbandman. Teach me to know and trust Thee, and to see that the same deep interest with which Thou cares for and delights in the Vine, extends to every branch, to me too. > Andrew Murray © 2022 oChristian. com.All Rights Reserved > Summer 2022 53

Changing Times


‘A Local Unsung Hero’ By Peter Basirico apparent hopelessness.’ This is portrayed in much of great literature, a great movie, and in real life, as in history or current events. At this point, hope emerged. Tim moved his hand and opened his eyes! The attending nurse started to cry and to call out to other medical staff. Seemingly destined for hospice. Tim was moved to the Wound Center to receive further medical care. Long periods of rehabilitation followed. During this time of regaining consciousness, Tim remembers a dream or vision involving ‘shadowy people’ and he telling them he was not ready to die; he had a desire to live! There is a true ‘unsung hero’ liv- In answer to prayer, Tim was home ing in Covington, Louisiana. Tim for Christmas! He declared it ‘the Lantrip and his gracious wife Jan own The English Turn Room eatery in downtown Covington. They have been married for over forty years. The couple met in South Louisiana, where Jan is from. Tim is from Texas, a long-time businessman. A recent tragedy (altered their world) dramatically. An ‘unsung hero’ is defined as ‘one who does great deeds but receives little or no recognition for them.’ If we think on this definition, we should conclude there might be many who fit this description. We can recall moms and dads who daily sacrifice to make better lives for their children. We might envision the teacher who daily best Christmas’ ever! attempts to mold a classroom of So, who is our ‘unsung hero’? unruly children or teens into future Tim Lantrip, upon being granted good citizens. Of course, first life after being at death’s door, has responders and military personnel publicly said he wants to serve God would be included, these who daily with his new lease on life. Simply might risk their lives to prevent waking to a new morning has great loss to the lives of others and become a precious gift, the gift of even push back great evil. We life. Tim has been reminded that hopefully must still include those just being alive makes his precious public officials of rare integrity wife Jan beam just having him still who take unpopular stands simply sharing life together as her husbecause they would do what is band. Tim’s aged mom still has a right, not what’s expedient. This in son to support her in her twilight hope of avoiding future catastrophe years. but not bowing to the loudest voicTim surely stands out as a hero es. for battling back for life. Every life Tim Lantrip was involved in a is worth struggling for. Army Masterrible pedestrian auto accident in ter Sgt. Roddie Edmons surfaced as downtown Covington in October of an ‘unsung hero’ recently in an 2021. He was in a coma for approx- article in a Christian publication. imately 23 days and a team of eight When he and 1200 fellow Amerior so doctors and specialists cans were taken prisoners in Gerdeclared him beyond hope. Miss many late in WWII, he was ordered Jan was poised to sign her husband by the Nazi commander to identify over to hospice for end-of-life care. his Jewish soldiers. Sargeant ‘Every good story has a point of Edmons replied “we are all Jews 54 Summer 2022

here’. By risking his own life, within months all 1200 Americans were liberated. Those old enough will remember ‘Baby Jessica’ who fell down a narrow well in Texas. Rescuers moved heaven and earth, with equipment brought in form all over the country to save the baby girl. Americans followed the progress until baby Jessica was lifted from the well. That one baby girls’ life was precious. In an event only days old, two men who had never flown an airplane landed a small Cessna aircraft after the pilot lost consciousness. The two men regained communication with an air-traffic controller who talked them into safely landing the plane. Three lives saved! Returning to the unsung hero, who shines out? Tim Lantrip, battling to be fully restored to life and

health with the purpose of serving his God, his family, and his community. His dear wife Jan Lantrip, renewing her relationship with her God and wrestling with him in prayer for her husband, doing everything possible to see her husband restored. But the ultimate ‘unsung hero’ today remains our creator God, the giver of all life. As the scripture says, ‘Our times are in His hand’. In a troubled age, beset with fears and uncertainty, life itself wins the medal for heroism. ‘The true believer will have endless ages to sing praises to this ultimate hero.’ > Peter Basirico

A Person After God's Own Heart By John Wesley Search me, O God, and know my heart. test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:23,24) If you have the time, try, and read the whole of (Psalm139). The Interpreter’s Bible calls it one of the glories of the Psalter and as you read it you will find many verses that sound familiar. It is a Psalm of David and it speaks of the God who knows all things, the God who is in all places, and the God who creates. It speaks of the God who sees all creation (and today we understand more than ever just how huge creation is) and at the same time sees into the womb and watches over the formation of a little person. Theologians might use words like Omniscience and Omnipresence to describe these mysteries but the Psalmist just uses words of praise and joy and wonder. The intriguing part of the Psalm is that it begins with the words, Oh Lord, you have searched me and you know me

and ends with the words, Search me, oh God and know my heart. He is asking the God who knows him, to get to know him. Why is this so? Here we see David at his best, spiritually poverty stricken and crying out for a pure heart. David is fully aware that it is possible to not know your own heart, so he asks God to show him what He sees in his heart. He invites God to test him knowing full well that God tests by fire and by water but he is prepared to risk it because he wants a pure heart. No wonder David is called a man after God's own heart. The good news is that because of what God has done for you in Christ and because of the power of the Holy Spirit at work within you, you can be a person after God's own heart as well. Do you want to be? Show me, as my soul can bear, The depth of inbred sin, All the unbelief declare, The pride that lurks within; Take me, whom thyself hast bought, Bring into captivity Every high aspiring thought That would not stoop to thee. ©2002-2022 >

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