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目錄 常霖法師簡介

Changlin Fashi Biography







About The D. H. Chen Foundation

About The Mills


Content Page


Art and Zen Meditation


Zen of Flower Meditation


Zen of Tea Meditation


Zen of Photography

電影禪 Zen of Movie







常霖法師俗名葉青霖,出家前為香港 著名專業攝影師,香港理工學院


接觸攝影經驗超過 50 年,現為

「香港專業攝影師公會」創會及榮譽會員。 其作品常見於各類傳媒及展覽,

亦經常出版免費結緣的攝影及生活禪修 專集,分享他的攝影和修行心得。



剃度出家,現時經常以輕鬆易懂,融合生 活藝術的方式帶領禪修活動,

Facebook 常霖法師


Changlin Fashi Biography

Changlin Fashi, formerly known as Alain Yip, is a reputable professional photographer in Hong Kong who graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic (now Hong Kong Polytechnic University) studying Design. With over 50 years of experience in photography, he is a Founder and Honorary Member of the ‘Hong Kong Institute of Professional Photographers’. His works have been widely featured in various media and exhibitions. He has also compiled complementary publications on photography and Zen meditation in daily life to share his photography and practice experience.

In 2009, he decided to give up all his fame and fortune and went to Master Guo Ru’s temple in Taiwan to start his monastic life.

Changlin Fashi now leads meditation retreats in a simple and easy-to-follow way, helping others incorporate 4

Zen meditation into their daily lives.


陳廷驊基金會由南豐集團創辦人 陳廷驊博士於1970年成立,


多個慈善項目,致力回應不同社會需要。 陳博士為虔誠佛教徒,一生熱心公益。 基金會一直以其格言「想到自己,

想到對方」推動發展,並以推廣佛學價值 為依歸,一切由「慈悲」出發,


亦會主動開發新的服務模式,透過創新、 可持續及具意義的計劃達至協同效應, 建構一個更美好的社會,延續陳博士 的慈心悲願。

About The D. H. Chen Foundation 6

The D. H. Chen Foundation is a Hong Kong-based private philanthropic organization founded in 1970 by Dr. Din Hwa Chen, an ardent philanthropist and a devout Buddhist who also established Nan Fung Group. Over the past decades, the Foundation has been supporting numerous worthy community philanthropic initiatives in Hong Kong, Mainland China and other parts of the world to enrich lives. To this day, Dr. Chen’s philanthropic vision continues to drive the Foundation’s work efforts. Aspiring to build a compassionate society, the Foundation has been endeavoring to steer innovative, impactful and sustainable initiative to realize Dr. Chen’s philosophy “Care for others as well as you would care for yourself.”




六廠,由昔日的紡織廠房轉變為南豐紗廠 (The Mills),並呈現三大主軸架構包括

南豐作坊、南豐店堂以及 CHAT 六廠。 創於一九五四年的南豐集團見證香港

不同年代的變遷,亦在香港輝煌時裝紡織 歷史上擔當舉足輕重的角色。

南豐紗廠見證香港紡織工業由 60 年代

開始的黃金時代,承傳並帶領本地應用 創意及創新產業邁進新里程。

建基於集團的承傳與歷史,南豐紗廠 以紡織和工業為根基,交織出創新、 文化及學習體驗,讓訪客從中探索 不斷延續而真實的香港故事。

About The Mills

The Mills is a landmark revitalization project from Nan Fung Group. Once the vibrant heart of Nan Fung Textiles in its manufacturing heyday in the 1960s, the former textile Mills 4, 5 and 6 are now transformed into a single complex called The Mills, comprising of 3 pillars: The Mills Fabrica; The Mills Shopfloor; and the Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile (CHAT). The Mills witnessed the manufacturing heyday in the 1960s, and now carries on that legacy with a future of applied creativity and innovation. Visitors can explore the continuity of an authentic Hong Kong story, where themes of textile and industry are woven into experiences of innovation, culture, and learning.



經線代表生命的長度, 緯線則是生命的寬度,

如何取捨可以是個人的選擇。 Life is like weaving. The warp represents life’s length; the weft, its breadth. To accept or reject the resulting fabric is a choice each of us can make.


常霖法師把紡織的原素放進這次展覽中, 他以一條由不同物料組成的編織品 為主軸,連綿不斷地在展架上 用不規則的方式貫穿多幅

充滿禪意的攝影及大字作品, 藉著展品所呈現的豐富視覺

及空間體驗,引領觀眾感受宇宙萬物 無常變化的佛法和禪藝訊息。


Echoing the historical features of The Mills, Changlin Fashi’s exhibition of Zen photography and calligraphy incorporates a single length of fabric, woven from a variety of materials. This woven element forms a continuous axis linking the irregularly spaced art works in the exhibition. Through the rich visual and spatial experience thus created, viewers are guided toward awareness of a central tenet of Dharma and Zen art – the impermanence and changeability of everything in the universe.


不完美之美 The beauty of imperfection.


都會經歷成住壞空,明白一切事物 會不斷改變,無常才是正常, 而到最後所謂的正常, 其實也是無常的。

Dharma teaches us to observe the nature of things. Through observation, we experience formation, existence, destruction and emptiness. We understand that everything undergoes constant change, and that impermanence is the norm. In the end, this so-called norm also proves to be impermanent.


To practice Buddhism, we have to let go. To let go, we have to practice.


The middle way beyond extremes.

這不僅只是藝術創作的展覽, 而是一次修行經驗的分享,

我嘗試透過拍攝和畫大字時 頓斷一切思維的經驗, 以簡拙的攝影和大字,

讓大家感受用心創作的成果。 More than just a display of artwork, the exhibition allows Zen practice to become a shared experience. While taking the photographs and creating the calligraphy, Changlin Fashi cleared his mind of all thoughts. In his simple, unrefined works, 16

we see the results of this mindful creativity.

一切有為法,如夢幻泡影 All conditioned dharmas are likes dreams, illusions, bubbles an


法尚應捨,何況非法 Even Dharmas should be abandoned. Let alone non-dharmia.

青山本不老,為雪白頭 The green mountain doesn’t get old. It’s the snow that turns its hair white.


綠水原無憂,因風皺面 The blue water is free of worries. It’s the wind that makes it frown.


藝術不只是展現藝術家眼中所見, 還要透過一些表現形式,


禪的美學是簡單、直接、生動、自然的, 傾向表現出事物原來的本質和樣貌, 讓人比較容易看清事物的真相。 Art is more than what an artist sees. Through some forms of artistic expression the viewer is able to perceive the artist’s inner experience. Simple, direct, vivid and natural, the Zen aesthetic portrays the original nature and appearance of things. In this way, we may see things as they truly are.


Ignorance is not a problem as long as we are aware of it.

Art and Zen Meditation


藝 術 與 禪 修

My grandmaster Venerable Sheng Yen once said, ‘Each of our lives is surrounded by art. Whether we are aware of it or not, our surroundings are themselves art.’ He also said a Zen state of mind can be applied to painting. For example, when painting the moon, don’t paint the moon; paint only the clouds. When painting water, don’t paint the water; paint only the boat. Paint the boat, not the water. Paint the clouds, not the moon. Yet one glance tells us there is water, there is a moon. They have been expressed as Zen imagery. In other words, there is absence in truth and truth in absence. Absence and truth are the same thing.


生活、藝術與禪修,本來就沒有分別, 一直以來我舉辦的「攝影禪」、「茶禪」、 「花禪」、「書法禪」、「剪紙禪」、「陶禪」等工作坊, 就是希望透過不同的藝術,把禪修融合在生活裡面, 讓參加者透過親身體驗,加深對自己的了解。 Life, art and the practice of Zen meditation are inherently indistinguishable from one another. I have conducted various workshops on Zen of photography, tea, flower, calligraphy, paper-cutting and pottery meditation, hoping to incorporate Zen meditation practice into daily lives with different types of art, so as to deepen participants’ own understanding through first-hand experience.

師公聖嚴法師說過:「我們每一個人 都是生活在藝術的環境裡,不論是否已體會到環境本身就是藝術。」 他還說禪修精神可以運用在繪畫的作品中, 譬如:畫月亮時不畫月只畫雲,畫水時不畫水只畫船。 畫船不畫水,畫雲不畫月,但是一看就知道那兒有水、有月亮, 這些都是受到禪的意象所表達出來的。 也就是說,虛在實中,實在虛中,虛實本是同樣東西。



實際上這也就是無常的變化,從空看有,從有看空。 因此藝術裡處處都能有禪意, 無常豐富了藝術層面的展現, 不完美也能是藝術的畫龍點睛, 正因它有著變化萬千的本質,以及無盡歲月的刻蝕, 藝術創作者能從其中擷取的靈感便也無窮無盡。 The presence visible in emptiness and the emptiness visible in presence are in fact also the constant change of impermanence. As a result, Zen thought can be found everywhere in art, with impermanence enriching artistic expression. Even imperfection can give art a vital finishing touch. Precisely because of its changing nature as well as the weathering of time, imperfection can provide artists with infinite inspiration.


Actually, the goal of Zen meditation is not simply to improve artistic expression, but to enhance our self-awareness, so that we can break free of conventional rigid thinking and think innovatively. Zen meditation can also help us solve life’s perplexities and relieve our physical and mental distress. If we learn Zen meditation for the sake of art, even the goal is achieved, we are simply putting the cart before the horse.


其實禪修的目的不只在加強藝術的表現, 而在提升自我的覺察能力,以突破傳統僵化的思維模式, 用創新的方法來思考,同時還幫助我們 解決生命中的困擾及身心上的苦惱。 如果是為了藝術而來學禪,雖也能達成目的,不過就本末倒置了。



36 Learn from a mirror that everything is reflected as it is.



38 Wisdom comes from understanding. Blessings come from appreciation.




39 Everything can be accomplished with a balanced body and mind.


Don’t just listen and acknowledge. The key is to take action.


Zen of Flower Meditation


花 禪

When organising Zen of flower meditation workshops, I have invited teachers who don’t belong to any specific school of thought to avoid the traditional constraints of ikebana, hence getting rid of the general conventional thinking.

With unrestricted freedom of expression, participants can reflect their personalities in their floral arrangements. Some gather a pile of materials before deciding what to use. Some create complicated arrangements; others make simple ones. Some plan for a long time before beginning an arrangement; others take up whatever materials come to hand. These different styles are not categorised as good or bad. Rather, from such details we can better observe and understand our individual subtleties.


在舉辦「花禪」的時候, 為了破除一般人的傳統想法, 我特別避免「花道」的傳統束縛, 而找來沒有流派的老師,


讓每個人可以自由自在的發揮自己而不受限制, 讓插花反映出創作者自己的性格。 有些人會先取一堆素材,然後才決定取捨; 有些人插得很複雜;有些人插得很簡單; 有些人插之前計劃很久;有些人則順手拈來 這些都沒有優劣之分, 卻可從這些細節更觀察與瞭解自己的細微處。



藝術創作源於生活,首要的便是要細心觀察, 花禪的創作素材可以是任何東西。 插花時水果、蔬菜、落葉、枯枝都可以利用, 禪意存於心,呈現借於形, 僅是擷取素材當下的真實片刻, 就已訴說出另一種美。

插上一支乾枯的樹枝、一塊粗糙斑駁的樹皮, 打破了鮮意盎然帶來的完美之感, 這些殘敗的花材,卻正是震撼整個作品的力道。 明朝袁宏道撰寫的「瓶史」有云: 「夫花之所謂整齊者,正以參差不倫, 意態天然,如子瞻之文隨意斷續, 青蓮之詩不拘對偶,此真整齊也。」

就像禪宗常常要破大家的執著, 在不整齊之中,才往往顯出真的整齊。


Using a dry branch or a piece of rough, mottled bark in an arrangement shatters our sense of fresh and vibrant perfection. It is such decaying floral materials that give the entire work the power to shock. In A History of the Vase, the Ming dynasty writer Yuan Hongdao wrote, “What is called orderliness in respect to flowers is in fact irregularity and asymmetry, a naturalness of manner similar to Su Shi’s haphazard and disjointed prose or the irregular prosody of Li Bai’s poems. This is true orderliness.” Just as Zen often seeks to break our attachment, true order often emerges from disorder.


Artistic creativity originates from life, which makes careful observation essential. The materials for flower meditation can be anything: flowers, fruits, vegetables, leaves, dry branches — all are possibilities. Zen exists within us and emerges as borrowed form. The simple capture of floral materials as they are in that moment is indeed a testament to another kind of beauty.


在花藝的展現中,最能看見不完美之美, 然而,如何禪意的插枝花葉,也僅能在幾日內作優雅, Flawed beauty is the most obvious in floral art displays. Yet, whatever Zen ideas we have in floral arrangement, the branches, flowers and leaves used can only retain their elegance for a few days.

最終,無常之美仍了結於無常。 Ultimately, the beauty of impermanence also ends in impermanence.





Dividing everything into right and wrong invites troubles.




55 Interdependence of all living beings is a natural law of the universe.



Live naturally and at ease like flowers and grass.



60 Work on the cause to address everything. Start from the heart to resolve interpersonal issues.

Zen of Tea Meditation


茶 禪

品味茶禪之美, 在於唇舌之間的每一泡茶都不一樣, 即使同樣溫度、同樣沖泡時間,同一罐茶葉, 都能泡出各種茶香的變化。 品茶時的心境,更是沒有一次相同。

An appreciation of tea meditation’s beauty rests on the fact that each time tea is brewed, a person’s lips and tongue experience it differently. Even with the same temperature, steeping time and tea leaves, the brewing process can draw out all sorts of constantly changing aromas. A person’s frame of mind while sipping the tea is never the same twice too.


若是在繁忙的都市生活中, 能夠靜下來輕鬆地品一壺茶, 便可以感受和體驗生活中無處不是禪修的樂趣。 If you can relax and enjoy a leisurely pot of tea in the midst of busy urban life, you can feel and experience the pleasure of Zen meditation anywhere.


由此知道世間無常,包括自己的身體,都不由得我們去執著, 因為所有的事情都是緣起緣滅,就像要再去追尋前一泡 好喝的茶香和相同的六根感受,卻已逝不可追, 無常的轉換,早已在茶席之中千百起伏。

From this, we know that the world, including our own body, is impermanent. We cannot help becoming attached because everything comes and goes. We might wish to seek out the previously experienced aroma of a delicious cup of tea, hoping to obtain an identical experience of the six senses, but we cannot. The transformations of impermanence have long since taken place as countless fluctuations in the tea ceremony.


在泡茶的過程裡, 可以覺察我們「眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意」六根的感受, 同時也要體悟現時能夠享用這一杯茶,是多麼大的幸福與感恩, 再用心來覺察周圍各種因緣的變化。 我們常常用「一期一會」來形容一場茶會, 因為每次茶會過後,大家各散東西, 同一群人還能再次坐在一起喝茶的機會,是很不容易的。

While brewing tea, we can be aware of our six senses — eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. At the same time, we can experience immense joy and gratitude in our ability to savour this cup of tea in this moment. We can also be mindful of the various changes in our surroundings arising from causes and conditions. We often use the expression ‘a once-in-a-lifetime encounter’ to describe a tea gathering because after going separate ways at the end of the gathering, the same group of people can hardly find another opportunity to enjoy tea together.


透過喝一杯茶, 我們就可以體驗到「諸法因緣生、諸法因緣滅」的道理。 生活中「行、住、坐、臥」都是禪修, 利用喝茶時來體會「色、聲、香、味、觸、法」, 體會無常的轉變,學習時時刻刻照顧好自己的身心, 我們本自具足的智慧就不難顯現了。

By drinking a cup of tea, we can experience the principle that everything arises and passes away according to causes and conditions. Walking, standing, sitting and lying down are all ways of practicing Zen meditation. By drinking tea, we experience shape, sound, smell, taste, feeling and thought. We experience the constant change of impermanence. As we learn to look after our physical and mental wellbeing, our consummate wisdom of self becomes readily apparent.




70 Freedom originates from the heart. Joy comes from within.




71 Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try.


Take feelings of satisfaction lightly, but feelings of frustration easily.


76 Make a vow to work on the cause. Fulfill the vow rather than letting fate take its course.


Zen of Photography Meditation


攝 影 禪

攝影是很容易捕捉禪意的其中一種藝術創作, 只要有心,人人都可拍出禪意的作品, 因為「襌」一點都不複雜,只要不多想,不去分別計較, 我們本來的自性就會浮現,讓我們找到能適當傳達的畫面。 不論是生動華麗或是衰敗破落,禪就是一種自然的呈現, 不分完美或不完美,卻能顯示萬物多姿多彩的循環與變化。

As art, photography lends itself to the application of ‘Zen’, which is not at all complicated. Anyone who is mindful can take a Zen photo. As long as we don’t overthink, make distinctions or bother too much, our essential nature will emerge, and we can find the right image. In Zen, natural appearance is what matters, be it vivid and showy or decayed and broken. Zen doesn’t distinguish between perfection and imperfection. It reveals the diversity of form inherent in the constant change and cyclical nature of all things.


現代的攝影器材都已經很進步, 拍攝時可以無須太顧慮攝影技巧, 只要隨心所欲投入自己的感覺便好, 這樣攝影的重心就可以放在傳達心境與觀察體會之上。 Photography equipment has advanced to the point that taking a photograph doesn’t require much skill. As long as a person is guided by personal inclination and imbues a photo with feeling, the end result will be fine. Here, the focus is on conveying the photographer’s state of mind, observation and experience.



當我開始襌修後,發覺自己的攝影理念與禪修是異曲同工的。 出家前我教學生「最高的攝影技術,就是忘記技術」時, 他們都一臉茫然,因為攝影和禪修很像,都是要減去來自大腦的思想、 減少揣度、減少干預,留下最純淨的當下。

Since practicing Zen meditation, I have found that my ideas about photography and my Zen meditation practice are two paths with the same end. Before I became a monk, my students were puzzled when I taught them the ultimate photographic technique: to forget about technique. In fact, photography and meditation are very similar. Both require a quiet mind, a decrease of conjecture and a lessening of intervention. They are simply about staying in the moment.


出家時我把自己以往的相機器材都作了慈善拍賣, 只留著一部簡便的數碼照相機,之後拍下來的都是隨心所致, 不預設、不操控,就僅是呈現畫面的本來面目。

When I became a monk, my photography equipment went into a charity auction, and the only camera I kept was a compact digital model. Since then, all photos have been taken following my heart. I have simply presented an image of something as it was without using any preset mode nor manipulating the camera.


在按下快門的一瞬間, 流動的無常在攝影機內被凍結成一個假的永恆, 很多時候這樣的作品可以蘊含千言萬語、意境遼闊, 即使畫面十分純樸簡單,卻能令觀者接受到一種震撼的力量, 這種力量絕對不是攝影技巧。 Upon pressing the shutter button, the flux of impermanence is frozen by the camera into a sham eternity in a split second. A work like this often speaks volumes and has a vast artistic conception. It can shake a viewer even with a very simple image. Its power to do so has definitely nothing to do with technique.



86 Immerse yourself in the process. There’s no need to worry about the outcome.




87 Today will always end, but tomorrow may not always come.



Enlightenment requires personal experience, not thoughts or ideas.


92 Life’s value lies in living it. Afflictions mainly result from attachment.


Zen of Movie Meditation


電 影 禪

如果你去看電影,一套是拍得不知所謂而又沉悶的長片, 另一套是劇情豐富的短片,你會看哪一套? 估計很多人都不會因為價錢一樣, 而選擇時間較長卻毫無意義的電影來看; 就好像我們的生命,並不在乎長短, 而在乎是否活得精彩和有意義。 If you go to see a movie and have two choices — a pointless, boring feature-length one and a short one with a rich, vivid plot — which will you choose? I’d say few would choose to watch the longer one that is devoid of meaning just because both are at the same price. This situation is much like our lives. We don’t care much about their length, but whether they are interesting and meaningful.



Having seen the leading character in a movie encountered misfortune, do you find it difficult to forget about after you leave the cinema? Or do you put it behind you and get on with life as usual? We all know that the show is now over, and that it was just a movie. The end of the movie is the time to wake up. How is it that our real lives are not like this, with endless changes arising from stories beyond our expectations? As with a movie we have finished watching, we must learn to leave our seats feeling self-assured and composed, to not carry with us all our emotional attachments of the previous moment. It is precisely because the world is imperfect that movies are able to tell stories that seep into people’s hearts and minds, so that we can see various life experiences/ people’s ups and downs from happiness and anger to sorrow and joy in a brief period.


在電影中見到主角遭逢不幸, 完場後你會難以釋懷,還是收拾心情如常生活? 我們都知道這又是一個曲終人散, 也知道這終究只是一場戲, 戲終了,就是清醒的時候。 我們真實的人生何其不是如此, 不盡如人意的故事帶來生命的變化, 最終也要學著如看完一場電影, 瀟灑的離開座位,不帶走方才的一切情緒執著。 正因為世間沒有完美,電影才能拍出沁入人心的故事, 喜怒哀樂,短短時間看盡人生百態。


雖然不能改變事情的發生,但可以改變我們看事情的態度。 一切事物不論好與壞,都在不斷變化,就如同電影故事中的無常, 為它舉一把同情淚,抑或是拍手大笑, 我們都有以客觀的身份品味人生而不沉溺在執著裡的能力。 Although we can’t change the things that have already happened, we can change our point of view. As everything, whether good or bad, is constantly changing, we can just treat them as impermanence in a movie’s story, and shed a sympathetic tear or clap and laugh in response. We all have the ability to enjoy life objectively, without indulging in attachment.


我們的人生也是一部自導自演的戲。 如果你在拍電影,已經拍了一半,發覺劇情鬆散, 跟著下來你會覺得既然已經拍了這麼多就算了, 還是要盡量想辦法補救呢? Our lives are also self-directed, self-performed dramas. Say you are making a movie and have completed half of it, then realise the plot is weak. Will you forget it for having filmed this much, or will you do your utmost to think of some solution to fix it?


處世切忌多言,言多必有所失 102

Speech is silver, silence is golden. Too much talk leads to errors.




Indulgence in the past or future costs us the precious moment of the present.



105 Before changing the world, change yourself.



107 It’s better to seek common ground than to engage in endless dispute.

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The D. H. Chen Foundation


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1708-11, 17/F, Nan Fung Tower, 88 Connaught Road Central, HK


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Elegance Printing & Book Binding Co Ltd

月 6

June 2021

年 2021

Kowloon, HK

Blk A, 4/F, Hoi Bun Rd., 6 Wing Yip St., Kwun Tong,


1st Edition in Hong Kong

陳廷驊基金會呈獻 「紡」如人生 —— 常霖法師禪藝展



Branding Consultant


English Translation


English Editor


Executive Editor


Editor & Photographer


Ho Shan

CoDesign / CoLAB

Mary King Bradley

Ophelia Chong


Suyu Wang


Changlin Fashi


The D. H. Chen Foundation presents: Weaving Lives — Zen Art Exhibition by Changlin Fashi 2021



版權所有,翻印必究 非賣品 All rights reserved. Not for sale. © The D. H. Chen Foundation 2021 © Changlin Fashi 2021 Published & printed in Hong Kong

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